Forms2Net Datasheet

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The safest way to migrate Oracle Forms
and Reports to .NET Technology
Forms2Net is the only worldwide migration tool for the automated conversion of Oracle Forms
applications to Microsoft .NET technology:
Minimizing time, cost and risk of the migration process;
Reducing software maintenance costs;
Preserving the functionality of the original system;
Increasing development potential and business value of the system.
Why Migrate?
Many companies are looking for strategies and
tools to migrate from Oracle development
environments (traditionally called Oracle Forms)
to more modern environments, such as
The reasons for this interest vary, but include:
Cost savings;
Increased development productivity;
Platform standardization;
Customer/partner alignment;
Administrative or political decisions.
At What Cost?
The cost of a migration process depends on several characteristics of the original system: size of
the application, complexity of its components and behaviour patterns to migrate, inter alia.
Forms2Net Analyzer is an auxiliary tool that is provided for free to potential customers. It allows
users to gather statistical information from their current source code in order to estimate the
time and effort required for the migration process.
This tool is available freely from
Brian Goldfarb, technical product
manager of the .NET Developer Product
Marketing Group at Microsoft
Corporation, said:
"Microsoft is pleased that ATX
Technologies has created the Forms2Net
add-in that will help our mutual
customers in the migration process. Its
solution will help alleviate a pain point
for customers who are working with
different database providers"
Forms2Net Features
Forms2Net converts Oracle Forms modules (fmb, mmb, pll and rdf files) into 100% pure .NET code in a Visual Studio
solution. Forms2Net offers the following features:
Supports Oracle Forms versions 4.5 to 10g;
Generates up to 100% of the final applications code, saving 70-90% effort;
Generates either C# or VB.NET code;
Generates a choice of target platform;
Generates database-independent code;
Generates good quality code based on Microsoft recommended .NET best practices.

The Scope of Forms2Net
Forms2Net is targeted at the application layer only, i.e. users can choose to keep their Oracle database or migrate
to another platform (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server with the SSMA tool).
Forms2Net is a family of tools consisting of Forms2Net Analyzer, Forms2Net Converter and Reports2Net Converter.
Forms2Net Analyzer generates statistics on Oracle Forms and Reports source components. These statistics are
used by ATX to generate an Effort Estimation Report useful in project assessment.
Forms2Net Converter transforms Oracle forms (fmb), menus (mmb) and library (pll) files to a target platform:
Windows Forms (includes the WPF Forms) or Web Forms, in either C# or VB.NET.
Reports2Net Converter transforms Oracle Reports (rdf) files to Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

Architectural Optimization
The applications design is organized according to the industry-accepted Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural
pattern, in order to minimize interdependencies amongst different parts.
Maintains and manages the information manipulated by the form.
Manages the communication with the database, using Datasets to store the data.
Visualization of the model state;
Responsible for the user interaction.
Responsible for the relation and coordination between the Model and View
components, in addition to the forms functional interface;
Manages user interactions, mapping user actions and events into application
Translates the actions within the View to actions performed on the Model.
Mind the Gap!
All migration techniques have to address the semantic gap that separates the original from the target environment.
Forms2Net incorporates a sophisticated reengineering approach whereby code structures are identified and trans-
formed into the desired target using the MVC architectural pattern. This powerful feature provides at least three
significant advantages over a 1-1 syntactic mapping:
A greater percentage of the source code is automatically converted;
The resulting architecture enables easier maintenance and evolution;
The resulting code complies with Microsoft .NET recommended best practices.
Forms2Net can generate up to 100% of the converted applications final code, offering a significant reduction of ef-
fort and costs over a manual migration process, expected to be in the region of 70-90%.
The output of Forms2Net is a full Microsoft Visual Studio solution. Development teams can fine tune or evolve the
migrated application using all the functionality of this environment.
Available Services
Forms2Net is designed to be a tool that enables its users to move to .NET development quickly, safely and at low
cost. It is licensed on a per-project basis, with the results of the Forms2Net Analyzer required to determine migration
effort and cost estimations.
Clients of Forms2Net benefit from comprehensive training and support packages supplied by ATX. At the start of the
project, the clients migration team should participate in taught classes and practical exercises to familiarise
themselves with Forms2Net and the generated code. All of this is under the guidance of an experienced ATX
consultant. Afterwards, the migration project can begin, with the initial participation of the ATX consultant on site,
and afterwards through the remote support service designed to meet the needs of each individual client.
Application Migration Service
ATX Technologies have the capability to perform the entire migration of the clients application on their behalf.
An ATX team would perform thorough analysis of the original system during a pre-project Technical Analysis time
period. This is followed by automatic conversion of the Oracle Forms components using Forms2Net. Following this,
code completion is performed by the ATX team.
Delivery of code is generally in stages, depending on the size and complexity of the original system.
Forms2Net Customization Service
The use of Forms2Net not only enables clients to get their systems onto the .NET platform, but it also opens up rich
potential for future development. Some of this development may be possible through customizing the code
generators used by the Forms2Net and Reports2Net Converters.
Examples of customizations include:
Generation of user interface controls from a 3
party library;
Modifying the output forms structure;
Enforce globalization at the user interface layer;
Move business logic to the database;
Change coding conventions / naming policies in use.
Should Forms2Net clients wish to pursue this service, ATX will always guide them through the following:
1. Identifying the clients potential for customization;
2. Detailed customization analysis;
3. Customization implementation.
Client Description:
A national telecoms company migrated their account
handling system for large accounts to .NET
Application Details: 64 Forms, 3 menus, 11 libraries and 18 reports
Migration Target: C# ASP.NET and Microsoft SSRS
Code Completion: ATX
Migration Effort: 3 weeks
Client Description:
A prominent non-profit organisation migrated their
social assistance application to .NET
Application Details: 179 Forms, 5 Menus, 33 Libraries and 78 Reports
Migration Target: C# ASP.NET and Microsoft SSRS
Code Completion: ATX
Migration Effort: 2 weeks customization + 26 weeks code completion
Database Migration:
4 weeks migration to SQL Server 2005, using Microsoft
SQL Server Migration Assistant, performed by ATX.
Forms2Net Case Studies
Client A
Client B
ATX Technologies Ltd 2009, all rights reserved
Company Profile
ATX Technologies Ltd provides innovative and powerful solutions as well as a comprehensive
set of services for companies and organizations that wish to modernize their software
applications or improve their development process and software infrastructure. Our mission is
to help our clients survive and grow in the turbulent markets of today by relying on IT systems
that are agile in responding to business and technological changes, and can maximise
efficiency across organisational structures.
Our mother company - ATX Software SA - has been in operation since 1996, when a team of
young graduates decided to channel their creativity to the development of cutting-edge
software engineering tools. During this period, we have built a wide portfolio of clients in the
public and private sectors, both nationally and internationally, who have been using our
services and solutions (often in more than one occasion) with improved results in cost
effectiveness, productivity, quality and performance.
One of the main keys to our success is the degree of technological innovation and
specialization that we have achieved. Our investment in R&D has been paramount for
developing technology that is both cost effective and highly innovative. The fact that we have
been full partners of several European research projects and networks has allowed us to
remain at the cutting edge end of IT and be competitive in what is a very fierce market.
Our partnership with the University of Leicester (initially sponsored by the European
Commission) has given us the opportunity to engage with - and recruit from - a highly qualified
pool of people. We take pride in having put together a flexible, multinational team of top
professionals, which has allowed us to adjust to - and cope with - different project scales and
market needs.
These factors are key to our ability to deliver the highest possible return to our customers and
we are committed to developing and expanding them further.
For more information, please go to


ATX Technologies Ltd
Dept Computer Science
University of Leicester
University Road
Leicester LE1 7RH
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 116 223 1368
F: +44 (0) 116 252 3915

ATX Software SA
Rua Saraiva de Carvalho 207C
1350-300 Lisboa
T: +351 210 120 500
F: +351 210 120 555

ATX Software
Calle Belfast 13 4 5C
28022 Madrid
T: (+34) 622 721 964

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