Comelec Res 9648

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Intramuros, Mani la

TAGLE, l ucenito N.
YUSOPH, Elias R.
Li tvl , ChK i stian Robert S.
PADACA, Maria Gracia Cielo M.
Promulgated : ______ _

.. . :-
The Commission on Elections, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, by the
powers vest ed in it by the Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code, Republic Act 1\Jo.
9369, and other election laws, RESOLVES to promulgate the following General
Inst ructions Governing the Consolidation/Canvassing and Transmission of Votes in
connection with the fVIay 13, 2013 National and Local Elections.
Section 1. Board of Canvassers. - There shall be a Board of Canvassers in
each muni cipality, city, province, , in the legislative distri ct comprising the municipality
of Pateros and the Ci t y of Taguig, both in fVIetro Manila, and in the Autonomous Region
in Muslim 1\/l inclanao.
Sec. 1. Supervision and Control, -The Cornrnission shall have direct control
and supervisi on over the Boards of Canvassers and may motu proprio relieve, for cause,
at any time
any rnernber thereof and designate the substitute.
Sec, 3. fi'tunicipal Board of Canvassers. - The fvluni cipal Boa rei of Canvassers
(MBOC) shall be composed of the Election Officer or a representative of the
Commission, as Chairman; the tVJunicipal Treasurer, as Vice-Chairman; and the Distri ct
School Supervisor, or in his absence, the rnost senior Principal of the school district, as
Sec. 4. City Board ol Canvassers. -- The City Board of Canvassers (CBOC)
shall be composed of the City Election Officer or a lawyer of the Commission, as
Chairman; the City Prosecutor, as Vice-Chairman; and the Division Superintendent of
Schools, as Member.
In cit ies with more than one Election Officer, the Regional Election Director, in
the case of the 1\Jational Capital Region (f\JCR), or the Provincial Election Supervisor, in
the case of areas outside the 1\JCR, shall designate the Election Officer who shall act as
Sec. 5. Provincial Baartl of Canvassers, - The Provincial Board of
Canvassers (PBOC) shall be composed of the Provincial Election Supervisor or a lawyer
of the Commission, as Chairman; the Provincial Prosecutor, as Vice- Chairman; and the
District School Superintendent, as fVIernber-Secretary.
Sec. 6. District Board of Canva!P--sers for the legislative district in Metro
J'Vianila. - The District Board of Canvassers (DBOC) for the legislative district of Metro
Manila comprising of one (1) councilor district of a city and one (1) municipality shall be
composed of the City Election Officer. or a lawyer of the Commission, as Chairman, the
City Prosecutor, as Vice-Chairman, and the City Superintendent of Schools, as Member-
Sec. 1. Regional Boartl of for the ARMM. - The Regional
Board of Canvasses (RBOC) in the ARI\1M shall be composed of the Regional Election
Director of the ARMIVl or a lawyer of the Cornrnission, as Chairman; a representative of
equivalent rank from the Department of Justice, as Vice-Chairman; and a
representative, likewise, of equivalent rank frorn the Depa1trnent of Education, as
Sec. 8, Consolidation and Canvassing Systern (CCS) Operators. - Each
board of canvassers shall be assisted by an information technology-capable person
authorized to operate the CCS, to be known as CCS operator. The CCS operator shall be
deputized by the Commission from among the agencies and instrumentalities of the
government/ including government-owned and controlled corporations.
;/ .

The CCS operators shall be designated by the Provincial Election Supervisor
concerned, in the case of the city/municipal board of canvassers outside the National
Capital Region (1\JCR) , and by the NCR Regional Election Director in the case of the city,
municipal and district board of canvassers in the NCR. The Regional Election Director
concerned shall designate the CCS operator in the case of the provincial boards of
canvassers in regions outside the NCR and in the case of the regional board of
canvassers in the ARMM.
rhe per diem of the CCS operator shall be the same as that of the members of
the board of canvassers.
The CCS operator must neither be related within the fourth civil degree of
consanguinity or affinity to any member of the BOC which he will assist or to any of the
candidate whose votes shall be canvassed by the BOC which he will assist.
Sec, 9, Substitution of chairrnan and rnernbers of the Board,- In case of
non-availability, absence, disqualification due to relationship, or incapacity for any
cause, of a Chairman, a ranking lawyer of the Commission shall be appointed as
With respect to the other members of the Board, the Commission shall appoint
as substitute the following in the order named: the Provincial Auditor, the Register of
Deeds, the Clerk of Court nominated by the Executive Judge of the Regional Trial Court,
and any other available appointive provincial official, in the case of PBOC; the officials in
the city corresponding to those enumerated, in the case of the city board of canvassers;
and the IVJunicipal Administrator, the IVIunicipal Assessor, the Clerk of Court of the
Municipal Trial Court nominated by the Executive Judge of the IVJunicipal Trial Court, or
any other available appointive municipal officials, in the case of the municipal board of
As substitute of the two (2) members of the D O ~ of the legislative distri ct in
Metro IVIanila, the Comrnission shall appoint the next ranking prosecutor or district
supervisor, as the case may be, in the district.
In case of the RBOC in the ARMM, the Commission shall appoint a ranking lawyer
of the Commission and other representatives from the corresponding government
agencies, as substitute chairman and members, respectively.
The authority to appoint substitute members of the Boards shall be vested in the
a) Chairman of the Commission, for the RBOC;
b) Regional Election Director, for the PBOC in his region;
c) Provincial Election Supervisor, for the CBOC and MBOC in his province; and
d) Regional Election Director of the National Capital Region, for the DBOC/
C/fVlBOC in his region.
The Regional Election Director or the Provincial Election Supervisor, as the case
may be, shall , within twenty-four (24) hours from issuance of the appointment of a
substi t ute, inforrn in writing the Office of the Executive Director of the Commission of
such appointment and the reason for such substitution. In the case of the RBOC, the
Chainnan of the Commission shall , within twenty-four (24) hours from issuance of the
appoint ment of a substitute inform the Commission of the substitution, and the reason
for such substitution.
Sec. 10. Secret ary ol t he Board. - The district school supervisor, or the
principal, the city or provincial superintendent of schools, as the case may be or any
representative of the Department of Education shall act as Secretary of the Board,
unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. He shall prepare the minutes of the Board
by recording therein the proceedings and sud1 other incidents or tTlatters relevant to
t he canvass.
AR"fl Cl E II
Sec. 1 L JVotice of' ft'leetings of the Boards. Not later than IVIay 8, 2013, the
Chairman of the Board of Canvassers shall give written notice to its members and to
each candidate, political party or coalition of politi cal parties fielding candidates
(hereinafter referred to as political party), and party, organization/coalition parti cipating
under the party-list system (hereinafter referred to as party-list groups) of the date,
tirne and place of the canvassing, which shall be held, unless otherwise ordered by the
Commission, in the session hall of the Sangguniang Bayan/Panlungsod/
Panlalawigan/ARJVIM Regional Legislative Assembly, as the case may be.
f\Joti ces of the canvassing shall be posted in the offices of the Election
Offi cer/Provincial Election Supervisor/Regional Election Director, ARMI\11 as the case may
be, and in t hree (3) conspi cuous places in the building where the canvass will be held.
Similar notices shall also be given for subsequent meetings unless notice has
been given in open session of the Board. Proof of service of the written notice to each
i . - ~
- .
member, candidate, political party and party-list groups shall be attached to and form
part of the records of the proceedings. If notice is given in open session, such fact shall
be recorded in the rninutes of the proceedings.
Failure to give notice of the date, time and place of the meeting of the Board is
an election offense under Sec. 261 (aa) (1) of the Omnibus Election Code.
Sec. 11. Convening of the Boards. The Boards shall convene at 6:00 o'clock
in the evening of May 13, 2013 at the designated place to initialize the CCS and to
receive and canvass the electronically-transmitted Election Returns (ERs) or the
Certificates of Canvass (COCs), as the case maybe. It shall meet continuously from day
to day until the canvass is cornpleted, and rnay adjourn but only for the purpose of
awaiting the other ERs/COCs.
Sec. 13. Absence of a Regular folen1ber of a Board In case a regular
merr,ber of the Board is absent, the members present shall first verify whether notice
has been served on the absent member. In case no such notice was sent, one shall be
immediately served on the absent member. If the latter cannot be located or his
whereabouts are unknown, he shall be substituted. These facts shall be recorded in the
rninutes of the Board. As soon as the absent rnember appears, the substitute member
shall relinquish his seat in favor of the regular rnember.
Sec., 14, Prohibited Degree of" Relationship, The Chairman and Members of
the Board of Canvassers shall not be related within the fourth civil degree of
consanguinity or affinity to each other or to any of the candidates whose votes will be
canvassed by said Board.
Sec. 15, Prohibition Against Leaving Official Station During the period
beginning 1\'lay 13, 2013 until the proclamation of the winning candidates, no member
or substitute member of the Board shall be transferred, assig11ed or detailed outside of
his official station nor shall he leave said station without prior authority of the
Commission. Such authority may be granted by the Provincial Election Supervisor in the
case of IVlBOC or CBOC; and by the Regional Election Director in the case of PBOC
DBOC or RBOC. In either case, a written report shall be submitted to the Law
Sec. 16. Feigned 1/lne:3'S. Any member of the Board feigning illness in order to
be substituted on election clay until the proclamation of the winning candidates shall be
guilty of an election offense .
~ \ i
Sec, 17. Incapacity of a Regular fllernber of tile Board In case of
sickness or serious injury of a regular member of the Board, a medical certificate shall
be required attesting to the incapacity of said member. Upon submission of the medical
certificate, a substitute shall be appointed. Said medical certificate shall be recorded in
and form part of the minutes of the Board.
Sec. 18. Quonm1; Vote Requiretl A n1ajority of the members of the Board
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of its official business, and a majority vote
of all members thereof shall be necessary to render a decision.
Sec. :19" Powers anti Functions of the Board The Board shall have full
authority to keep order within the canvassing room or hall including its premises and
enforce obedience to its lawful orders. If any person shall refuse to obey any lawful
order of the Board or shall so conduct himself in such disorderly manner as to disturb or
interrupt its proceedings, the Board may order in writing any peace officer/soldier to
take such person into custody until the adjournment of the meeting. In the absence of
any peace officer, any other competent and able person deputized by the Board in
writing, may execute such order.
Further, the Boards shall:
a) Canvass/consolidate the electronically transmitted results;
b) Generate and print the COC, COCP and SOV;
c) Electronically transmit the result;
d) Proclaim the winning candidates; and
e) Perform such other functions as rnay be directed by the Commission.
Sec. 20. Right to be present and ta counsel during the canvass. Each
registered political party, or coalition of political parties fielding candidates, accredited
political parties, sectoral party/organization or coalition thereof participating under the
patty-iist: system and every candidate has the right to be present and to counsel during
the consolidation/canvass of the ERs or COCs, as the case may be: Provided, that only
one ( 1) counsel may argue for each party or candidate. They shall have the right to
observe the consolidation/canvass and transmission, of the ERs or COCs without
touching the CCS, make observations thereon, and file their challenge in accordance
wi t h the rules and regulations of the Commission. The Board shall not allow any dilatory
,, 11)
Sec, 1L Wat chers. Each registered politi cal party, or coalition of political
parties fielding candidates, accredited political parties; sectoral party/organization or
coalition thereof parti cipating under the party-list system and every candidate, shall be
entitled to one watcher in every canvassing center. Provided, that, the candidates for
t he Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang Panlungsod, or Sangguniang Panlalawigan,
ARI\111\11 Regi onal Legislative Assembly, belonging to the sarne slate or ticket shall
collectively be entitled t o only one watcher.
The dominant majority party and dominant minority party, which the
Commission shall determine in accordance with law, shall each be entitled to one official
There shall also be recognized si x principal watchers, representing the si )(
accredi ted major political parties e)(cluding the dominant majority and minority parties,
who shall be designated by the Commission upon nomination of the said parties.
The cit izens/ arm accredited by the Commission, and civic, religious, professional,
business, service, youth and other similar organizations shall collectively, with prior
authority of t he Commission, be entitled to two (2) watchers to serve alternately. A
person convicted by final judgment of any election offense or of any other crime or
related to any member of a Board within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or
affinity shall not be appointed as watcher.
A watcher must know how to read ancl write Filipino, English or any of the
prevailing local dialects.
Under no circumstance shall barangay officials including barangay tanods be
appointed as watchers. The watchers shall have the right to:
a) Be present at, and take note of, all the proceedings of the Board;
b) Stay behind the Chairman of the Board near enough to be able to observe
the consolidati on/canvass of the ERs/COCs without touching the CCS; and
c) Fil e a protest against any irregularity noted in consolidation/canvass of the
ERs/COCs ancl obtain from the Board a resolution thereon in writing.
Watchers shall not be allowed to participate in the deliberation of the Board.
Sec. 11. Persons not al lowed i nsi de the canvassi ng roon1. During the
canvass, it shall be unlawful for the following to enter the room where t he
consolidation/canvass and transmission are being held or to stay within a radius of fifty
(50) meters f rom such r o o ~
.ll \
a) Any officer or member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines;
b) Any officer or member of the Philippine 1'\Jational Police;
c) Any peace officer or any armed or unarmed persons belonging to an extra-
legal police agency, special forces, reaction forces, strike forces, or civilian
armed forces geographical units;
d) Any barangay tanod or any member of barangay self-defense units;
e) Any member of the security or police organizations of government agencies,
cornmissions, councils, bureaus, offices, instrumentalities, or government-
owned or controlled corporations or their subsidiaries; or
f) Any member of a privately owned or operated security, investigative,
protective or intelligence agency perforrning identical or similar functions.
However, the Board by a majority vote, whenever it deems necessary, may
direct in writing for the detail of policemen or peace officers for their protection or for
the protection of the machines, election documents and paraphernalia in the possession
of the Board, or for the maintenance of peace and order, in which case said policemen
or peace officers, who shall be in proper uniform, shall stay outside the room but near
enough to be easily called by the Board at anv time.
Sec, 13, Reception and Custody Group. The Boa1d mav constitute a
Reception and Custody Group (RCG) for the reception and safekeeping of the main
1nemorv card ancl of the hardcopies of ERs, at the rate of one ( 1) RCG for every five
hundred (500) clustered precincts in the city/municipality/district or one (1) RCG for
each province/region for the reception and safekeeping of the hardcopies of COCs and
For this purpose, the Election Officer or the Provincial Election Supervisor or the
Regional Election Director in the case of ARI\JliVi, shall provide the RCG with the Project
of Precincts of the city/municipality/district or the list of rnunicipalitiesjcities in the
province, or the list of provinces in the ARMM, as the case may be.
The RC:Ci shall be composed of not rnore than two (2) members who are
government appointive officials. They shall be designated by the concerned chairman of
the Board and shall receive honoraria computed as that of the members of the Board.
In no case shall casual employees or ernployees of t11e Offices of the Regional/
Provincial Governor, or City/Municipal i\llayor, or Punong Barangay, or the corresponding
Sanggunians/ Regional Assemblymen be appointed/designated as a member of the RCG.
The members of the RCG shall not be related to each other or to any rnember of
the Board or to any candidate whose votes will be canvassed by the Board, within the
fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinily.
Sec. 14. Duties and Responsibilities of the Reception and Custotly
Group. The RCG shall:
a) Receive from:
1) The BEI, the envelope containing the main memory card of PCOS labeled
TRANSIVHrrED or NOT TRANSJVIHTED, and the envelopes containing the
printed copies of the ERs intended for city/municipal Board of Canvassers
2) The C/JVIBOC, the envelope containing the CD of the municipal/city CCS
labeled TRANSIVIITTED or NOT TRANSMITTED, and the envelope
containing the printed copy of the COC intended for the Provincial Board
of Canvassers;
3) The PBOC, the envelope containing the CD of the provincial CCS labeled
TRANSfVIITfED or NOT TRANSMITrED, and the envelope containing the
printed copy of the COC intended for the ARIVIIVI Regional Board of
b) Log the following :
1) Date and tirne of receipt;
2) Condition and the serial number of' corresponding paper seal of the
3) The precinct number of the envelope containing the memory card or the
city/municipality/province of the envelope containing the CD;
c) Marie
1.) In the project of precincts the corresponding precincts which envelope
containing the main memory card labeled NOT TRANSIVnrrED
2) In the list of citiesjrnuni cipalitiesjprovince the corresponding city 1
municipality/province which envelope containing the CD of the CCS
d) Group together t he main memory card/CD labeled NOT TRANSIVIIn-ED and
TRANSIVJITfED after recording the necessary data of the envelope and
imrnediately submit the same to the Board;
e) Place the envelopes containing the ERs/COCs inside the ballot: box, close the
same with security seal ; and
f) Forward to the Board, the ballot boxes containing the ERs/ COCs and one
copy of t he list of precincts/ list of cities/muni cipalities/province as marked. \
Sec, 15. t liat rnay be raised during t he consolidatkm/ canvass.
Issues affecting the composition or proceedings of the Boards may be initiated by filing
a verified petiti on before the Board or directly with the Commission.
If t he petition is filed directly with the Board, its decision may be appealed to the
Commission within three (3) days from issuance thereof. However, if commenced
directl y with the Commission, the verified pet ition shall be filed immediately when the
board begins to act illegally, or at the time of the appointment of the member of the
board vvrt ose capacity t o sit as such is objected to.
There shall be no pre-proclamation cases on issues/controversies relating to the
generation/printing, t ransmission, receipt and custody ancl appreciation of ERs or the
Sec, 26, Subn'iission of the frli nute:s of Canvass of the Boar d Within five
(5) days from termination of canvass, the member-secretaries of the Board shall, by
registered mail , submit to the Law Department of the Commission in Manila a certified
copy of t he IVIinutes of Canvass of the proceedings and shall notify, by telegram or any
fastest 111eans of communication, said department of the elate and the manner of
transmittal of the Minutes of Canvass.
Sec '11. Preliminaries to Before the canvassing begins, the BOC
shall observe the following procedures:
C ll)
a) Show to the public and the watchers present that the CCS box is sealed;
b) Remove the plastic seal of the CCS box;
c) Open the CCS box;
d) Check whether the following are inside the CCS box:
1) CCS Laptop box which contains:
i. Lapt op;
ii. Secure Digital (SD) card (installed);
iii. Power cable of the laptop;
iv. Electrical adaptor of the laptop;
v. SHVI cards (number of SIM card will depend on the location);
vi. Three( 3) Universal Serial Bus (USB) Security Tokens with label;
vii. USB and
viii. USB Extension cabl e.
2) Four (4) envelopes with label each containing:
i. One (1) system's username and password; and
ii. Three (3) USB Tokens for each BOC ITternber containing the
username and the password.
3) Sealing ki t to be used for pullout;
4) Extension Cord;
5) BOC Protocol ;
6) Printer box:
a) Printer (HP Laserjet P1006)
b) Toner (installed)
c) Power cable of the printer

d) USB cable to connect the laptop and printer
7) BGAI\J Box (if applicable):
a) BGAf\J Antenna;
b) Battery;
c) SIIVI Carel (installed);
d) RJ 45 LAN cable;
e) Electrical Extension;
f) Power adapter; and
g) Power Cable.
8) Memory Card Reacler (if applicable); and
9) Yellow tie wraps;
e) Retrieve the envelopes containing the system's username and password and
the USB tokens for each member of the Board and distribute the same
among themselves. The system's usernarne and password shall be in the
custody of the Chairman of the Board; and
f) Retrieve the CCS laptop from its box and place the CCS laptop properly on
top of the table.
Sec, 28. Procedures for 'Lamla:ssing. - Immediately after convening, the
Board shall receive from the RCG the envelope containing rnernory card for PCOS or CD
from lower canvassing Board, as the case may be, and undertake the following
canvassing procedures:
1. The CCS Operator shall :
i. Plug the power cord of the laptop to the extension code;
ii. Plug the extension cord to the electrical outlet or generator, when
iii. Turn on the laptop by pressing the power button. The screen will
display the WELCOME page of the CCS;
iv. Click on "ENTER" button;
v. Connect the USB modern extension cable to the USB port of the
vi. Instali the available SIM card provided in the USB modern;
vii. Connect the transmission medium (e.g. USB modern, DSL, Satellite
or BGAN) to the USB modem extension cable. Wait for one (1)
vii i. Click on the network icon located at the lower right corner of the
screen. Click the appropriate wireless provider. Wait until a rnessage
"COI\JNECTIOI\J ESTABLISHED" is displayed at the top of the screen;
ix. If the USB modem cannot be established, and the BGAN kit is
1) Install the BGAN Sif\/1 card in the BGAN SIM card slot;
2) Install BGAN battery;
3) Connect the power adaptor to the 2-pin cord then to the
electrical outlet. If needed, use the electrical extension cord;
4) Connect the power adaptor to the BGAN;
5) Connect the BGAN to the laptop using the network cable;
6) Place the BGAN to an outdoor location with a clear sight facing
the sky;
7) Align the BGAN accordingly;
8) Turn on the BGAI\J by pressing the power ON bulton;
9) Ensure that the BGAN is connected to the satellite provider;
(Follow installation procedure) and
10) The connection icon on the lower right should indicate a
successful network connection. "EthO Connected".
x" If the connection cannot be established using USB modem or BGAN
and VSAT or DSL. is available:
1) Locate the RJ-45 cable with the provided service;
2) Plug RJ-45 cable at the Ethernet port at the back of the CCS
3) For VSAT ensure that the VSAT is connected to the satellite
provider. (Follow installation procedure); ancl
4) The connection icon on the lower right should indicate a
successful network connection. "EthO Connected".
xL Connect the printer cable to the USB port of the laptop and the
power cable of the printer to the extension cord;
xiL Turn on the printer by pressing the power button;
><iii. Insert sufficient paper in the printer feeder;
xiv. Cli ck on "ENTER" button in the WELCOIVJE page of the CCS. The LOG
INTO THE SYSTEIVJ screen will be displayed on the right top portion
of the screen;
xv. The CCS will require for the system's username and password.
Request Chairman to enter the system's username and password in
the space provided;
xvL Cli ck "ACCEPT" button. The screen will display the "IVIASTER
SWITCH" located on the right top portion of the screen;
xvii . Request the Chairman to again enter the system's username ancl
password in the space provided
xviii. Cli ck "ACCEPT" button. The screen will display the dialogue box;
xix. Request all the rnembers of the Board
to insert their USB tokens in
the USB slot of the laptop, one at a time, enter their usernames and
security key passwords in the space provided. Thereafter, click "OK"
xx. Wait until the "INITIAUZATIOf\J REPORT" is displayed.
><xi. Print the "INITIALIZATION REPORT" by clicking the printer icon on
the upper left corner of the PRINT PREVIEW page. Wait for the
printer dialogue bo)( to be displayed. Then click the "OK" button
located at the lower right comer of the screen;
xxii. After printing the "INITIALIZATION REPORT"
click on the
"CONTINUE" button in the lower portion of the screen ancl wait for
the WELCOIVIE page to appear.
2. The mernbers of the Board shall sign and affix their thurnbmarks on the
certification portion of the "Initialization Report";
3. After signing and affi)(ing their thumbrnarks on the certification portion of the
"INITIALIZATION REPORT'', the Chairman shall show to the public the
4. The IVIember-Secretary shall place the "INITIALIZATION REPORT" in the
envelope intended for the purpose.
After initializing the CCS, in the "WELCOIVIE" page, the CCS operator shall:
L Check and make sure that the CCS is still online;
2. Cli ck on "ENTER" button; and
3. Request the Chairman to enter the system's username and password in the
space provided and click on "ACCEPT' button. The screen will display the
c) MONITORING Of RESUlTS" The Board shall rnonitor which results have
already been received by the system via electronic transmission or manually uploaded.
L Click on the "1\1101\JITORII\JG" option in the "HOME PAGE", then click on
A list of barangays for the city/municipality shall be displayed with colored
button beside the name of the barangay. The color of the button will
determine the status of transrnissio11 of the specific barangay or polling
center or clustered precinct/precinct. Red means that transmission has not
yet started; Yellow means t hat transmission is on-going; Gray rneans that
t ransrnission is idle; and Green means that the transmission has been
2. To monitor the transmission from a particular voting center uncler a
barangay, click on the "BARANGAY 1\JAIV]E'', and a list of voting centers
will appear;
'. ' !!
3. To monitor the transmission from a particular precinct/ clustered precincts
under a voting center, click on the VOTING CENTER where the
precinct/clustered precincts concerned belong; and
4. To update the status of transmission from the PCOS or from a clustered
precinct from time to time, click on the "UPDATE TRANSMISSION
REPORT" button located at the bottom of the screen.
1. Click on the "IVJONITORING" option in the "1-IOME PAGE", and then click on
A list of cities and municipalities in the province/district shall be displayed
with colored button beside the name of the city/municipality. The color of
the button will deterrnine the status of transmission of the specific
city/municipality. Red ITieans that transmission has not yet started;
Yellow means that transmission is on-going; .Gray rneans that transmission
is idle; and Green means that the transmission has been completed.
2. To monitor the transmission frorn a particular city/municipality, click on
the city/municipality name ancl click canvassing station's name. The status
of the results will be displayed; and
3. Update the transmission status from a city/n-lunicipal CCS from time to
time, by clicking on the "UPDATE TRANSMISSION REPORT" button.
1. Click on the "IVIONITORING" option in the H 0 ~ 1 E PAGE", and then click on
A list of provinces in the region shall be displayed with colored button
beside the name of the city/municipality. The color of the button will
determine the status of transmission of t he specific city/municipality. Red
means that transmission has not yet started; Yellow means that
t ransmission is on-going; Gray means that transmission is idle; and Green
means that the transmission has been completed.
2. To monitor the transrnission from a particular province, click on the
province and click the canvassing stationfs name. The status of the results
will be displayed; and
3. Update the transmission status from time to titr1e, by clicking on the
RESUlTS. This module allows the Board to generate and display a repott
result by contest. This can be executed only if requested by the
candidates/politi cal parties/citizens[ arrn.
1. Cli ck on the "MONITORII\JGf/ option in the "HOfVIE PAGE", and then click on
2. The CCS shall display the " REPORT RESULT" located at the right top
porti on of the screen;
3. Select the position to be viewed, then press "COI\JTINUF';
4. The screen will displ ay the names of the candidates of the position
selected and the vot es obtained by each candidate per barangay/
rnunicipal/city /province;
5. Cli ck " BACK" and repeat numbers 3 to 4 for the other contests; and
6. Cli ck "BACK" to return to the "HOfVlE PAGE".
C/MBOC/ PBOC/ DBOC/ RBOC - In case the Board receives from the RCG
an envelope labeled with " NOT TRANSIVIIlTED", the Board shall open the said
envelope, retrieve the memory card and give the same to the CCS Operator.
The CCS Operator shall :
l. At tach memory card reader to the laptop;
2. Insert the main memory card in the main memory card reader;
3. Click on "ADMII\JISTRATION" in the "HOME PAGE" screen. Administration
options will be displayed;
4. Cli ck on "IMPORT RESULTS";
5. Cli ck on "BROWSE" button. The CCS will display the "FILE UPLOAD"
dialogue box;
6. Click "CF CARD" at the left pane of the dialogue box;
7. Cl ick " RESTRANS" file from t he list of files at the right pane of the
dialogue box and click on "OPEI\J" button;
8. Cli ck "ACCEPT" button;
9. Wait until the processing is finished. HOfVlEPAGE will be displayed with a
the left top portion of the PAGE screen;
10. Remove the rna in memory card from the memory card reader and return
it to its original envelope and change its label to "TRAI\JSIVIITTED";
All memory cards that have already been processed shall be submitted to
t he Election Officer for safekeeping.
11. Repeat steps 2 to 10 until all main memory cards contained in envelopes
labeled " NOT TRANSfVIITrED" are processed; and
12. Rernove the rna in memory card reader from the laptop.
The Operator shali :
1. Insert the CD of a C/IVIBOC/PBOC as the case maybe, in the CD-ROf\11
2. Cli ck on "ADMINISTRATION" in the "HOME PAGE" screen. The CCS will
display at the right top portion of the screen, "ADMINISTRATION";
3. Click on '' LOAD CCS The CCS will display dialogue box;
4. Request any member of the Board to insert his USB token in the USB slot
of the laptop, enter his username and security key password in the space
provided. Thereafter, click "OK" button;
5. The CCS will display input box for "EML FILE";
6. Click on "BROWSE" button. The CCS will display the "FILE UPLOAD"
dialogue box;
7. Cli ck "CDROfVl" on the left pane of the window;
8. Double click the narne of the folder at the right pane of the window;
9. Double click on "EML" folder;
10. Cl ick on the file named "" and click
on the "OPEN" button;
11. Cli ck on "ACCEPT" button;
12. Wait until the processing is finished;
13. Rernove the CD; and
14. Repeat steps 2 to 13 until all the CO's labeled "NOT TRANSMITIED" are
The CCS operator shall generate Canvass Report before generating and
printing COC. For this purpose, the CCS operator shall:
1. Generation and Printing of Grouped Canvass Report
Before a Certificate of Canvass can be generated and printed, the CCS
operator must first generate and print a Grouped Canvass Report For
this purpose, the CCS operator shall:
a. Click the "CANVASSING" option in the HO!VIE PAGE;
at the right top portion of the screen;
d. Click the checkbox beside the title "CONTEST/QUESTION/
i. "CONTEST PROCLAifvlED" portion; ancl
e. Cli ck on "CONTINUE" button located at the bottom of the screen;
f. The screen shall display "CITY /MUNICIPAL/DISTRICT/
the votes obtained by each candidate; ancl
g. Cli ck on " CONTINUE" button located at the bottom portion of the
screen and the screen will return to "HOIVIEPAGE".
This Grouped Canvass Report can be generated from time to time.
2. Generation and printing of Certificate of Canvass (COC),
L If all expected clustered precincts (for C/MBOC) or city/municipal results
(for PBOC/DBOC) or provincial results (for RBOC) have been received, the
Board shall generate the COC. For this purpose, the CCS operator shall:
a. Click the "CANVASSING" option in the HOfVIE PAGE;
box will be displayed;
c Request all members of the Board, to insert their USB tokens, one at
a tirne, enter their usernarne and security key password in the space
provided, and thereafter, click "OK" button;
(COC)" located at the right top portion of t he screen.
d. Click the checkbox beside the title ''CONTEST/QUESTION/
e. Click on "CONTINUE" button located at the bottom of the screen;
f. The CCS shall generate the COC and then display
the COC;
g. Print the COC by clicking on the printer icon, then type "30" in space
provided for the number of copies to be printed. Then click "01<";
h. Click on "CONTII\JUE" button located at the bottom portion of the
screen; and the screen will return to the "HOIVJEPAGE".
If the CCS remains idle for 60 seconds/ a dialogue box will be displayed
requiring the insertion of the three (3) security tokens in the USB slot.
The Board sha/0 insert their US/3 tokens/ one at a time/ enter their
usemame and security key password in the space provided and
thereafter/ click "OK// button
3. lowering of Threshold
L If not all of the expected results are received, the MBOC/CBOC shall verify
from the BEl concerned the reason for the non-transmittal of the results.
Likewise, the PBOC shall verify from the IVIBOC/CBOC concerned the
reason for the incomplete or non-transmittal of the municipal/city results.
If, based on the verification, it becomes clear that there is no way that the
lacking results can be transmitted to the IVIBOC/CBOC/DBOC/PBOC, as the
case may be, and said results will no longer affect the result of the
election in a particular position, the Board shall, generate and print the
certificate of canvass by position. For this purpose, the Chairman of the
Board, through the CCS operator shall :
a) Call the National Support Center (NSC);
b) Ask authority to lower the threshold ancl the reason thereof. If
approved, the NSC shall issue the "ADMIN USERNAME AND
PASSWORD", for lowering the threshold.
The IVIember-Secret:ary shall enter such fact in the Minutes.
The CCS operator shall :
c) Go to the WELCOME PAGE of the CCS then click "ENTER"; The LOG
INTO THE SYSTEM screen will be displayed on the right top portion
of the screen ,
d) Request the Chairman of the Board to enter the aclmin username and
password in the space provided;
g) Enter the "CONTEST" whose threshold will be lowered. The CCS will
require for the password(s) of the position(s) whose threshold will be
h) Enter in the column for GENERATED PASSWORD and opposite the
CONTEST(s) whose threshold will be lowered, the PASSWORD, and
then click "VALIDATE PASS". The field for the "remaining number of
registered voters will be activated";
i) Enter the remaining number of registered voters to be canvassed in
j) Enter "SAVE CHANGES". The screen at the upper left portion will
k) Press "EXIT", and the screen will return to the WELCOIVIE PAGE;
I) Cli ck on "ENTER" button in the WELCOIVIE PAGE of the CCS. The LOG
INTO THE SYSTEIVI screen will be displayed on the right top portion
of the screen;
m) Click the" CANVASSING" option in the HOME PAGE;
box will be displayed;
o) Request all members of the Board, one at a time, to insert their USB
token, type their usernan1e and security key password in the space
provided. Thereafter, click "OK" button;
(COC)" located at the right top portion of the screen;
p) Click the checkbox of the contest(s) whose threshold(s) was/were
lowered beside the:
q) Click on "CONTINUE" button located at the bottom of the screen;
The CCS shall generate the COC and then display
the COC;
r) Print the COC by clicking on the printer icon, then type "30" in space
provided for the number of copies to be printed. Then elide "01<";
s) Click on "CONTINUE" button located at the bottom portion of the
screen; and the screen will return to the " HOMEPAGE".
1/ the CCS remains idle for 60 seconds/ a dialogue box will be displayed
requiring the insertion of the three (3) security tokens in the USB slot.
The Board shal/
insert their U.':Y/3 tokens/ one at a time/ enter their
username and security key password in the space provided and
thereafter; click "OK'' button.
IL If, based on the verification, it becomes clear that there is no way for
the lacking results to be transmitted to the lvJBOC/CBOC/DBOC or
PBOC, as the case may be, and said results will affect the standing of
the candidates in a particular position, the Board shall, upon approval
of the Commission, can lower the threshold by following the above
After generating and printing the COCs for all positions and announcing the
results, the Board, through the CCS operator, shall immediately transn1it the
COCs to the Canvassing Boards concerned. The CCS operator shall:
1. Cli ck the "ADMINISTRATION" option from the "HOIVIEPAGE";
2. Click "TRANSMIT RESULTS" option in the HOME PAGE. A dialogue box
will be displayed;
3. Request any member of the Board, to insert his USB token, enter his
username and security key password in the space provided, and
t hereafter, cli ck "OK" button;
The CCS shall display the "TRANSMIT RESULTS" located at the right top
portion of the screen;
4. Cli ck the checkbox beside the title "COI\JTEST/QUESTIOI'J/ DELIBERATIVE
i. "CONTEST PROCLAifVIED" portion;
If the Board generated the COCs for selected CONTEST(s) as a result of
lowering the threshold, only the results for said selected CONTESTs will be
transmitted. For this purpose, the CCS operator instead of checking the
checkbox beside the title "CONTEST/QUESTION/DELIBRATIVE
ORC)ANIZATIOI\J ", he shall only check the checkbox of the CONTEST(s) to
be transmitted beside the:
i. "CONTEST PROCLAifVIED" portion; and
5. Cli ck on "CONTINUE" button located at the bottom portion of the screen;
Wait until all contests are listed on top of the screen with a message
6. Cli ck "ACCEPT" bulton. A dialogue box will be displayed requiring the
insertion of a security token in the USB slot.
,. tli
7. Request any member of the Board to insert his USB token, enter his
usernarne and security key password in the space provided, and
thereafter, click "01(' button; and
The CCS will automatically display the "HOMEPAGE".
L Click the "CANVASSING" option in the HOME PAGE;
box will be displayed;
3, Request any two (2) members of the Board, to insert their security tokens
in the USB slot, one at a tirne, enter their username and security key
password in the space provided, and thereafter, click "01<" button;
located at the right top portion of the screen.
4. Cli ck the checkbox beside the title "CONTEST/QUESTION/DELIBERATIVE
ORGAI\JIZATIOI\J", if the SOV for all contests shall be generated, for the:
a. "COI\JTEST PROCLAIMED" portion; and
If the SOV for selected contest(s) will be generated, the CCS Operator
shall only check the checkbox of the COI\JTEST(s) beside the:
i. "CONTEST PROCLAIMED" portion; and
5. Cli ck on "CONTINUE" button located at the bottom portion of the screen;
6. Wait until the print preview of the SOV is displayed. Click on the printer
icon, then type "1" in the space provided for the number of copies. Then
click "OK" ancl
7. Click "COI\JTII\JUE" button, and the CCS will return to HOMEPAGE .
. ,fi
lf the CCS remains idle for 60 a dialogue box will be displayed
requiring the insertion of the two (2) security tokens in the USB slot. Any two
(2) members of the Board shall/ insert their USB tokens/ one at a enter
their usemame and security key password in the space provided and
click HOKH button.
The CCS operator shall:
1. Cli ck t he "CAI\JVASSII\JG" option in the HOIVIE PAGE;
2. Cli ck the "CEf{HfiCATE OF CANVASS AND PROCLAfv'IATIOI\J". A dialogue
box will be displayed;
3. Request all members of the Board, to insert their USB tokens, one at a
tirne, enter their username and security key password in the . space
provided, and thereafter, click "OK" button;
(COCP)" will be displayed.
4. Cli ck on the specific position to generate its COCP;
The screen will display the list of candidates with corresponding votes
arranged from highest to lowest.
5. Cli ck "ACCEPT" bulton. A dialogue box will be displayed.
6. Request all members of the Board, to insert their USB tokens, one at a
time, enter their username and password in the space provided, and
thereafter, click "OK" button;
a. In case there are no candidates receiving the same number of votes
for a position, the screen will display the list of names of candidates
for said position arranged in the order depending on the votes
garnered from highest to lowest. Click "ACCEPT" button located at the
bottom of the screen. The CCS shall generate COCP.
b. In case there are candidates receiving the same number of votes for
the sarne position, the Board immediately notify the said candidates to
appear before them for the drawing of lots to break the tie. The
drawing of lots should be conducted within one (1) hour after issuance
of notice by the Board to the candidates concerned.
For this purpose, the candidates or their representatives for
muni cipal/city or Member, House of Representative positions, in the
case of IVIBOC/CBCOC/DBOC, or the candidates or their representatives
for provincial positions, iVIember, House of Representatives, and ARMM
Regional Assemblyman, in the case of PBOC or the candidates for
Regional Governor and Vice-Governor, in the case of ARIVII'/1 RBOC, are
hereby required to be present at all stages of the canvass. After the
Board has determined the winner/s, the Board shall proceed with the
hereunder procedures.
In case of tie, the screen will display:
a. The list of names of candidates for said position arranged in the
order depending on the votes garnered from highest to lowest;
b. A radio button at the rightmost column of the same row with the
name of the candidates;
The Board shall ask the CCS operator to:
a. Arrange the order of the name of the candidate in the list based on
the result of the drawing of lots, using the radio button;
b. Click on the radio button located at the same row with the
candidate name to move up the name of the winning candidate, if
c. Click on the "iVIOVE UP" button. After completing the arrangement
of winners with a tie votes;
d. Click on the box beside the command "ACCEPT DEFINED ORDER"
located at the top of the screen;
oiJ '
l. '
e. Cli ck on the "ACCEPT" button. The screen will display the list of
narnes of candidates for said position arranged in the order
f . Click "ACCEPT" button. The CCS st1all display the names of winning
candidates arranged in the order selected and generate COCP, then
proceed to procedure number 7 hereof.
The candidate who won in the drawing of lots and so proclaimed
shall have the right to assume office in the same manner as if he
had been elected by plurality of votes.
7. Cli ck " PRINT" button found at the bottom of the screen. A dialogue box will
be displayed.
8. Request all rnembers of the Board, to insert their USB tokens, one at a time,
enter their username and security key password in the space provided.
Thereafter, cli ck " OK" button;
The print preview of the COCP will be displayed.
9. Cli ck on the printer icon, and then type "the number of copies" in the space
provi ded for the number of copies. Then click "OK";
lO. Aft:er printing the COCP, click "CONTINUE", and the screen will return to the
Repeat procedures 1 to 11 until all positions are generated with COCP.
1f the CCS remains idle for 60 seconds, a dialogue box will be displayed
requiring the insertion of the three (3) security tokens in the USB slot. The
Board shall/ one at a time, insert their USB tokens, enter their username and
security key' password in the space provided and thereafte0 click "OK''
The CCS operator shall :
1) Cli ck t he "EVENTS LOG" option in the HOMEPAGE;
2) Cli ck ''VIEW/PRII\JT LOGS REPORT" option. A dialogue box will be displayed
requiring the insertion of a security token in the USB slot.
3) Request any member of the Board to insert his USB token, enter his usernarne
and security key password in the space provided. Thereafter, click "OK"
4) The screen will display the logs of the CCS;
5) Cli ck the PRINT button at the bottom of the screen;
6) Cli ck the printer icon and press OK button;
7) Cli ck CONTINUE button and the screen will return to HO!v'IEPAGE.
After all the results have been successfully transrnitted, the CCS Operator shall:
l . Insert a blank disc in the CD drive;
2. Cli ck the "ADiv'IINISTRATION" in the HOiv'IE PAGE;
3. Ci ick "BACK-UP RESULTS";
4. A dial ogue box will be displayed requiring the insertion of two (2) security
tokens in the USB slot. Request any two (2) members of the Board to insert,
one at a time, their USB tokens enter the username and security key
password in the space provided. Thereafter, cli ck "OK" button;
5. Wait until the back-up process is finished;
6. The CCS will display the list of positions with reports generated and a
t he screen;
7. Cli ck " ACCEPT ' button. A dialogue box will be displayed. Request any two (2)
mernbers of the Board to inse1t, one at a time, their USB tokens, type their
username and security key password in the space provided. Thereafter, cli ck
"01<1/ button and the " HOMEPAGE" will be displayed;
8. Remove the CD from the CD drive;
a) Place inside an envelope provided for the purpose and seal the same;
/. \l i
b) Label the envelope with "TRANSMITTED" or "NOT TRANSMITTED" to
show whether the results are transmitted or not;
c) Indicate in the envelope the city/municipality and province; and
d) Sign the envelope; (Note: The CD shall be used by the Boards in case of
failure of transmission)
9. Repeat steps 1 to 8 to back-up the files in two (2) additional discs.
. :
10. Turn- Over the envelopes contairing the COs to the Chairman of the Board;
11. Submit to the Reception a nell Custody Group of the Provincial Board of
Canvasser (for C/MBOC)/National Board of Canvassers (for PBOC)/Regional
Board of Canvassers (for ARMM PBOC).
The two duly sealed envelopes containing the two (2) CDs used to back-up the
city/municipal or provincial or regional results shall be submitted to the PBOC
and Commission.
After printing of all the reports ancl transmission of the
municipal/city/district/provincial results to all destinations, the following shall be
L Click on the "EXIT" option in the "HOIVIEPAGE";
2. Press the power button. The screen will display a message "SHUT DOWN
3. Click on the "SHUTDOWN" button;
4. Turn over CCS laptop to the Technician.
Immediately after printing copies of the COCs, ancl SOVs, the Board shall:
l. Affix their signatures and thumb marks on the printed COCs, SOVs and
; ' f)
2. Ask the watchers present to affix their signatures and thumb marks on the
printed COCs, SOV and COCP;
3. The Chairman of _ the Board shall publicly announce the total number of
votes received by each candidate, stating their corresponding offices;
4. The Men1ber-Secretary shall announce the posting of the COCs on the wall
within the prernises of the canvassing area; and
5. The IVJ ember-Secretary shall place in the corresponding envelopes with
paper seals all reports.
A candidate who obtained the highest number of votes shall be proclairnecl by
the Board, except for the following:
1. In case the certificate of candidacy of the candidate who obtains the highest
number of votes has been cancelled or denied clue course by a final and
executory Decision or Resolution, the votes cast for such candidate shall be
considered stray, hence, the Board shall proceed to proclaim the candidate
who obtains the second highest of number votes, provided, the !alter's
certificate of candidacy has not likewise been cancelled by a final and
e)(ecutory Decision or Resolution;
2. In case a candidate has been declared a nuisance candidate by final and
e><ecutory Decision or Resolution, the votes cast for the nuisance candidate
shall be added to the candidate who shares t he same surname as the
nuisance candidate and thereafter, the candidate who garnered the highest
number of votes shall be proclairned;
In case of two or more candidates having the same surnames as the
nuisance candidate, the votes cast for the nuisance candidate shall be
considered as stray votes and shall not be credited to any candidate;
In case the nuisance candidate does not have the same surname as any
candidate for the same position, the votes cast for the nuisance candidate
shall be considered as stray votes; and
t {)
3. In case a candidate has been disqualified by a final and executory Decision or
Resolution and he obtains the highest number of votes cast for a particular
position, the Board shall not proclaim the candidate and the rule of
succession, if allowed by law shall be observed. In case the position does not
allow the rule of succession under Republic Act 1\Jo. 7160, the position shall
be deemed vacant.
In all cases, a Decision or Resolution is deemed final and executory if, in case of
a Division ruling, no motion for reconsideration is filed within the reglementary
period, or in cases of the ruling of the Commission En Bane, no restraining order
was issued by the Supreme Court within five (5) days from receipt of the
Decision or Resolution.
In cases where a Petition to Deny Due Course or cancel a Certificate of
Candidacy, Declare a Nuisance Candidate, or for Disqualification remains pending
with the Commission on the day of canvassing and no order of suspension of
proclarnation is issued by the Commission En Bane or Division where said Petition
is pending, the Board shall proceed to proclaim the winner.
In cases where the generated/printed COCP does not reflect the true winner for
a particular position by reason of the circumstances stated above, the Board is
authorized to effect the necessary correction on the entry for said position, to
reflect the true winner as determined in accordance with the foregoing rules,
provided all the members of the Board countersign such entry. Such fact shall be
entered in the IVIinutes.
COCPs and SOV:s
Sec" 29, DistributiGn of COCs and SOVs. - Upon completion of the canvass, the
Boards shall distribute the COCs and SOVs, as follows:
a) In case of MBOC/CBOC:
1. The first copy shall be delivered to the PBOC for use in the canvass of election
results for senators, members of the House of Representatives, parties,
organizations or coalitions participating under the patty-list system, and elective
provincial officials;
:, '\(1
2. The second copy shall be sent to the Commission;
3. The third copy shall be kept by the chairman of the board;
4. The fourth copy shall be given to the PPCRV as the citizens' arm designated by
t he Commission to conduct and unofficial count It shall be the duty of the
PPCRV to furnish independent candidates copies of the COC at the expenses of
t he requesting party;
5. The fifth copy shall be posted on a wall within the premises of the canvassing
center and shall be supported by a Statement of Votes by precinct;
6. The sixth copy and seventh copies shall be given to the dominant majority and
minority parities;
7. The eighth to seventeenth copies shall be given to the ten (10) accredited major
national parties, excluding the dominant majority and minority parties, in
accordance with a voluntary agreement among them.
If no such agreement is reached, the Comrnission shall decide which parties shall
receive t he copies on the basis of the criteria provided in Section 26 of Republic
Act No. 7166;
8. The eighteenth and nineteenth copies shall be given t:o the two accredited major
local parties in accordance with a voluntary agreement among them. If no such
agreement is reached, the Commission shall decide which parties shall receive
the copies on the basis of criteria analogous to that provided in Section 2.6 of
Republic Act No. 7166;
9. The twentieth to the twenty-fourth copies, to national broadcast or print media
entities as rny be equitably determined by the Commission in view of propagating
the copies to the widest extent possible;
10. The twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth copies, to local broadcast or print media
entities as may be equitably determined by the Commission in view of
propagating the copies to the widest extent possible; and
11. The twenty-seventeenth to the thirtieth copies, to the major citizens' arms,
including the accredited citizens' arm, and other non-partisan groups or
organi zations enlisted by the Commission pursuant to Section 52 (k) of Batasan
Pambansa Big. 881. Such citizens' arm, groups and organizations may use the
three certified copies or ERs for the conduct of citizens' quick counts at the local
or national levels.
The first, second and third copies of the COC shall be supported by the COs used
to back-up the municipal/city consolidated results and shall be placed individually
in a duly sealed envelope. For this purpose, the Board shall accomplish the
certifi cation rnarked as "ANNEX A".
b) In case of PBOC or CBOC of cities comfnising one or more legislative
and DBOC:
1. The first copy shall be sent to the Commission for use in the canvass of the
election results for senators;
2. The second copy shall be kept by the chairman of the board;
3. The third copy shall be given to the PPCRV as the citizens' arm designated by the
Commission to conduct an unofficial count. It shall be the duly of the citizens'
arm to furnish independent candidates copies of the COC at the expense of the
requbting party;
4. The fourth copy to be posted on a wall within the premises of the canvassing
center and shall be by a Statement of Votes by precinct, in the case of
CBOC of cities with one or more legislative district or Statement of Votes by
cit:y/rnunicipalit:y in the case of PBOC/OBOC;
5. The fifth and sixth copies to the dominant majority and minority parties;
6. The seventh and eight copies to two accredited major national parties
representing the majority and minority, excluding the dominant majority and
minority parties, to be determined by the Commission on the basis of the criteria
provided in Section 26 of Republic Act No. 7166;
7. rhe ninth to eleventh copies to national broadcast media entities as may be
equitably determined by the Commission in view of propagating the copies to the
widest extent possible; and
8. The twelfth copy to another citizens' arm or in the absence thereof, to a non-
partisan group or organization enlisted by the Cornrnission pursuant to Section .
52.(k) of Batas Pambansa Big. 881. Such citizens' arrn or non-partisan group or
organization may use the copy of election return for the conduct of citizens' quick
The first and second copies of the COC shall be supported by the COs used to
back-up the city/provincial/district consolidated results, and shall be placed
. , l,
indivi dually in a duly sealed envelope. For this purpose, the Board shall
accornplish the certification marked as "ANNEX A".
c) In case of RBOC:
L The first copy, to the Regional Board of Canvassers;
2. The second copy, to the Election Records and Statistics Department, Cornmission
on Elections, fv'lanila;
3. The third copy, to the Chairman of tl1e Provincial Board of Canvassers;
4. The fourth copy, to the PPCRV, the citizen's ann designated by the Cornrrtission;
5. The fifth copy, to the dominant majority party as determined by the Commission;
6. The sixth copy, to the dominant minority party as determined by the
Commission .
. Sec. 30, Distribution of COCP and SOVs. - The Board shall generate and print
sufficient copies of the COCP and one (1) copy of the SOV to be distributed as follows:
l. To the Election Records and Statistics Department (ERSD) of the Commission;
2. To be posted on the bulletin board of the municipal hall, supported by SOVP;
3. To the Chairman, MBOC/ CBOC;
4. To the Secretary, Sangguniang Bayan/ Panlungsocl;
5. To t he Municipal Treasurer;
6. To a winning Candidate for Mayor; Winning Candidate for Vice-Mayor; and
7. To each winning Candidate for members of the Sangguniang Bayan/Panlungsocl.
1. For winning candidate for Congressman/IV!ernber of House of Representatives:
a) To the ERSD of the Commission;
b) To be posted on the bulletin board of the city hall , supported by SOVP;
c) To kept by the Chairman of the Board;
d) To the Regional Election Director;
e) To the Secretary-General of the House of Representatives; ancl
f) To the winning candidate.
, . ~ i
2. For Winning Candidates for City Offices
a) To the Secretary of the Sangguniang Panlungsod;
b) To the Chairman, CBOC;
c) To the ERSD of the Commission;
d) To the City Treasurer;
e) To the Regional Election Director;
f) To each of the winning candidates proclaimed; and
g) To be posted on the bulletin board of the city hall, supported by SOVP.
1. To the ERSD of the Commission;
2. To the Chairman of the PBOC;
3. To the Secretary of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan;
4. To the Regional Election Director; and
5. To each of the winning candidates.
1. To the ERSD of the Commission;
2. To the Chairrnan, Regional Board of Canvassers;
3. To the Secretary, Regional Assembly;
4. To the Secretary of the DILG; and
5. To the Winning Candidates for Regional Governor and Vice-Governor.
Sec, 31. Delivery of the Certificate of Canvas. The Chairman of the
Board shall personally deliver by fastest means the hard copies of COCs and SOVs
including the back-up COs to the following :
. J
a) In case of MBOC/CBOC:
1. To the PBOC a copy of the Certifi cate of Canvass for Senator, Party-List,
Member, House . of Representatives, Governor, Vice-Governor and
Sangguniang Panlalawigan and Regional Governor, Vice-Governor and
Regional Assemblyman for ARIVIIVI;
b) In case of PBOC, CBOC in cities comprising two or more legislative districts, and
1. To the Commission sitting as the National Board of Canvassers for Senator
and Party-List;
2. To the RBOC, for Regional Governor and Vice-Governor for ARMIVI.
Sec, 32, Safekeeping of hard copies of ERs or COCs/ back-up and CCS. -
The Board shall place the ERs/COCs in ballot boxes that shall be locked with two (2)
serially numbered self-locking seals. The serial numbers of every seal used shall be
entered in the IV!inutes.
The said ballot boxes shall be kept in a safe and secured room before, during
and after the canvass. The door to the room shall be locked with three padlocks with
t he keys thereof kept by each member of the Board.
The watchers shall have the right to guard the room.
Sec. 3::L Election Offenses; Electoral Sabotage. - In addition to the
prohibited acts and election offenses mentioned herein and those enumerated in
Sections 261 and 262 of Batas Pambansa Big. 881, as amended, Republ ic Act 7166, as
amended, and other related election laws, the following shall be guilty of an election
a) Any person who removes the COC posted on the wall, whether within or aftet
the prescribed forly-eight ( 48) hours of posting, or defaces the same in any
b) Any person who simulates an actual COC or statement of votes, or a print or
digital copy thereof;
c) Any person who simulates the certification of a COC or statement of votes;
d) The Chairman or any member of the Board of canvassers who, during the
prescribed period of posting, removes the COC or its supporting statement of
votes from the wall on which they l1ave been posted other than for the
purpose of immediately transferring them to a more suitable place;
e) The chainnan or any member of the Board of canvassers who signs or
authenticates a print of the COC or its supporting statement of votes outside
of the polling place;
f) The Chairman or any member of the Board of canvassers who signs or
authenticates a print which bears an image different from the COC or
statement of votes produced after counting and posted on the wall.
Further, the following shall be guilty of a special election offense to be known as
electoral sabotage:
g) Any person or member of the Board of election inspector or Board of
canvassers who tampers, increases or decreases the votes received by a
candidate in any election or any member of the Board who refuses, after
proper verification and hearing, to credit the correct vote or deduct such
tampered votes: Provided, however, That when the tampering, increase or
decrease of votes or the refusal to credit the correct votes and/or to deduct
tampered votes are perpetrated 011 a large scale or in substantial numbers,
the sarne shall be considered, not as an ordinary election offense under
Section 261 and/or 262 of the Omnibus Election Code, but a special election
offense to be known as electoral sabotage and the penalty to be imposed
shall be life imprisonment
The act or offense committed shall fall under the category of electoral sabotage
in any of the following instances:
1. When the tamperingi increase and/or decrease of votes perpetrated or the
refusal to credit the correct votes or to deduct tampered votes, is/are
cornmittecl in the election of a national elective office which is voted upon
nationwide and the tampering, increase and/or decrease votes, refusal to
credit the correct votes or to deduct tampered votes, shall adversely affect
the results of the elections to the said national office to the extent that losing
candidate/s is/are made to appear the winner/s;
2. Regardless of the elective office involved, wl1en the tampering, increase
and/or decrease of votes committed or the refusal to credit the correct votes
or to deduct tampered votes perpetrated, is accomplished in a single election
,_ '
document or in t he transposition of the figures/results from one election
document to .another and involved in the said tampering increase and/or
decrease or refusal to credit correct votes or deduct tampered votes exceed
five thousand (5,000) votes, and that the same adversely affects the true
results of the election; and
3, Any and all other forms or tampering increasejs and/or decrease/s of votes
perpetuated or in case of refusal t o credit the correct votes or deduct the
tampered votes, where the total votes involved exceed then thousand
(10,000) votes.
Any and all other persons or individuals determined to be in conspiracy or in
connivance with the members of the BEis or BOCs involved, shall be meted
t he same penal ty of life imprisonment.
Sec. 34. Effectivi ty. -- This Resolution shall take effect on the seventh (7th)
day following its publi cation in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in the
Sec, 35" Disserni nat ion. - The Education and lnforrnation Department shall
cause the publication of this Resolution in two (2) daily newspapers of general
circulat ion in the Philippines and to furnish the Department of Justice, Department of
Education/ t he Department of Finance, all Regional Election Directors, Provincial
Supervisors and Election Officers, and City/Provincial/Division and City Superintendent
of Schools and the City/fVIunicipal Treasurers with the copies of this Resolution.
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