national sport of Japan. Once patronised by the emperors, Sumo wrestling goes back at least 1500 years making it the worlds oldest organised sport. It probably evolved out of Mongolian, Chinese and Koran wrestling. In the long history Sumo has had many changes and many of the rituals that go along the sport that seem old were actually made in the 20th century. HI STORY By Sarah Weber SUMO WRESTLING The word sumo is written in the Chinese characters for mutual bruising, even though sumos history goes back to ancient times, it became a professional sport in the early Edo period from 1600 ! 1868.
Sumo wrestling is known throughout the world as one of the most unique and exiting full! contact sports ever in existence. Sumo wrestling is where two large men are facing o# in a circular ring called a dohyo. The winner is the man who forces their opponent out of the circle rst. They can also win by making their opponent touch the ground with a part of their body apart from their feet. Japan was the country that created the sport of sumo wrestling and it is the only country that supports professional matches of sumo wrestling. Sumo includes many elements of ritual including the use of salt for purication. Shinto is the native religion of Japan and is more a set of rituals and ceremonies than a system of beliefs or a denite code of ethnics. Shinto means the way of the Gods, Sumo was originally performed to entertain the Gods $Kami% during festivals $Matsuri%. The Sumo ritual dates go as far back as the Tumulus period $250 ! 552%, but it wasn't until the 17th century that it began adopting the intense purication rituals that we see in Sumo wrestling today. KAI O HI ROYUKI KAI O I S A SUMO WRESTLER WI TH 1047 WI NS, THE MOST CAREER WI NS EVER I N HI STORY. HE WAS A PROFESSI ONAL SUMO WRESTLER FROM THE YEAR 1988 UNTI L 2011. KAI O S HI GHEST EVER RANK WAS OZEKI . HE WAS BORN ON THE 27TH OF JULY 1972 I N NOGATA FUKUOKA. KAI O WAS 6 FOOT 1 AND 170 KG. HE RETI RED ON JULY 5TH 2011 WHAT I S A SUMO WRESTLERS DI ET?: A typical sumo wrestlers diet is made up of a fatty pork stew called Chankonabe which translates into Chinese pot stew. HOW MUCH MONEY DOES A SUMO WRESTLER EARN?: A sumo wrestlers pay is based on their ranking. They dont get a particular salary. The highest ranking sumo wrestlers pay can get to as much as 2,000,000 yen. WHY DO SUMO WRESTLERS HAVE TO BE SO FAT?: In a sumo battle the goal is to push your opponent outside of the arena and the heavier you are the harder it is for your opponent to push you o# the edge. CAN A FEMALE BE A SUMO WRESTLER?: Sumo wrestlers are mainly men in many countries. Females are not allowed to enter or touch a sumo ring. Much criticism towards women sumo wrestling is due to gender discrimination. WHAT I S THE HEAVI EST SUMO WEI GHT?: Konishiki Yasokichi weight 630 pounds and he was 6 foot 1 tall. FACTS