Whither Science Education in Indian Colleges
Whither Science Education in Indian Colleges
Whither Science Education in Indian Colleges
appraisal system.
For better accountability and to prevent exploitation of teachers recruited on contract
or clock-hour basis (if and when hired), all faculty duties need to be explicitly defined.
The compensation of contractual or clock-hour basis teachers also needs to be
comparable to the salaries of the permanent faculty of the same grade.
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So if students have a cryptic language, why not use that?
Dr. Vijay Joshi
Principal, K.J. Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai
The development of ICT is a fairly recent phenomenon and many teachers are still unfamiliar with the
use of ICT and its advantages in improving learning outcomes. Using ICT in education is not intuitive;
it requires adequate hands-on training on the use of hardware and software, as well as on the
pedagogic and educational methodologies that involve the use of technology (Osborne & Hennessy,
ICT can be a leveller. For example, Mexicos use of mobile training units (so called unidades mviles)
provides an interesting model for reaching youth at risk of dropping out or those living in rural areas
with limited opportunities for learning (OECD, 2012). In fact, the principal of KJ Somaiya College of
Science and Commerce, Mumbai, Dr. Vijay Joshi, has been promoting the use of ICT in his college
through conventional (smart
boards, display systems) and
unconventional means (social
networking media, cell
phone). In this regard, he says,
Essentially people feel that the
use of ICT means initial huge
capital expenditure. I dont feel that. There are innovative ways of using ICT for example, we are using
cell phone as a means to do some learning. We developed a database so as to keep throwing questions
on students mobiles. The point is we need to learn their (students) language, instead of making them
come to our levels. So if they have a cryptic language, why not use that?
Over the last two years, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have attracted a great deal of
attention worldwide. Many leading universities have partnered with MOOC providers, like Coursera
and EdX, to deliver high-quality online courses, free of charge to millions of students around the
globe. Indian students form a large chunk of these learners. A geospatial analysis of these users,
based on their IP addresses, indicates the vast majority of these users are concentrated in Indias urban
areas, with 61 percent of users located in one of the five largest cities in India and an additional 16
percent of users in the next five largest cities. Mumbai and Bangalore have the largest concentrations of
users, each accounting for 18 percent of Coursera students in India (Christensen & Alcorn, 2013).
Nationally, the Indira Gandhi National Open University has been in the forefront of open and distance
learning. Today, it serves the educational aspirations of about 1.85 million students in India and about
32 other countries. IGNOU imparts the study programmes through 21 Schools of Study, with a
network of 62 regional centres, more than 2050 study centres/ tele-learning centres and around 51
overseas centres. Some of its recent programmes like the IGNOU Sustainable Action and Virtual
Education (SAVE) platform offer a wide range of socially and environmentally relevant courses using
user friendly technology, at reasonable rates, and has the potential to address a wide range of
86 http://www.ignouonline.ac.in/save/howtoregister.aspx
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4.5. Improving the accountability of teachers and educational
As mentioned above the lack of accountability of teachers and educational institutions has been
impairing the quality of education.
Note: It has been reported that students who participate in teacher evaluation surveys tend to do it
mechanically, where a few students do it for the whole class
. There is also the problem of misuse of
the survey results for vindictive purposes. One way of addressing this problem is to collect surveys
from different batches in order to evaluate by average teachers performance, and establish
mechanisms to protect teachers from misuse of the information.
Private conversation with two students of the Madras University in Tamil Nadu
Implement a compulsory and systematic mechanism for collecting and analysing students
feedback. Students feedback must be taken constructively aiming at the improvement of
faculty teaching skills.
Make college and final examination papers available to students for consultation. Provide a
detailed correct answer sheet or correction in the classroom.
Build a pressure group to accelerate the passage of the Bill on National Accreditation
Regulatory Authority for Higher Education (pending since 2010).
Create a national work group with recognised experts in the fields of human resources
management and education to design an accountability system to be implemented in all
colleges. This should ensure the accountability of academic and non-academic staff.
Teachers must be provided laptops and unlimited access to free Internet connection along
with training in effective use of ICT in teaching and research.
Classrooms must be equipped with ICT facilities (PC; projector; screen, smart boards, and
internet access).
Creation of digital course content in various subjects, rendered in creative ways, must be
accorded high priority.
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Science is not taught as a process but as a set of
derivations that need to be regurgitated. Because of this,
there is total loss of interest for science. Also, in colleges,
there is an obsession with covering the syllabus. In
engineering, however, there is more connection with the
real world.
Prof. Sahana Murthy,
4.6 Improving curricula
Curriculum reforms in science education have been extensively debated in the literature (Van den
Akker, 1998; Atkin & Black, 2006). There is an overall consensus that curricula needs to be made far
more relevant to the needs and challenges of society (at national and international levels). The
improvement of curricula should focus on two aspects: content and strategy.
Science curricula at undergraduate level tends to be highly theoretical and very dense in content
(each subject covers nearly all the core concepts of its area). This poses two problems: 1) Theory is
prioritised over application and 2) time constrains do not allow teachers to explore all concepts, in
depth. As a consequence, students are frequently exposed to many concepts but fail to understand
them in depth and explore their application. This structure results in teach more and learn less,
when ideally it should be the other way around: teach less and learn more.
Many core concepts in the fields of basic sciences require time and different approaches to be fully
understood. When the fundamentals are understood, students can study the rest on their own. Many
concepts that are taught in the
classroom will never be used by many
in their professional lives. It seems
therefore that curricula should include
only the core concepts and that these
should be explored in detail and
understood in greater depth. This will
allow students to develop a solid
grounding in different scientific
concepts and provide a background
to further develop their knowledge in
some of those areas at their own
pace, and according to their own needs throughout their professional lives. It is important to keep in
mind that concepts evolve, and in interdisciplinary areas new concepts emerge more often, as
scientific fields develop in different directions. Therefore, curricula should be designed with a
stringent choice of a few but key concepts that will provide the basis for further creation and
integration of knowledge.
In India, curricula are designed by Boards of Studies (BOS). These need to include heads of
departments, teachers, employers (industry and private sector), alumni, researchers and educators
both with expertise on the field in question. This heterogeneous representation is crucial to make
curricula more relevant and in-phase with all the pressing needs and challenges faced by individuals
and societies in the 21
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In spite of a vast body of research in science education leading to the development of new
educational methodologies and pedagogy, especially using ICT, our study indicated that very little is
applied today in most classrooms.
In science education, there is an old but prevailing dogma that students need to acquire all
fundamental knowledge before exploring complex concepts and addressing some of the most
prominent scientific problems that puzzle scientists today (this dogma is called the Pyramid of
Knowledge). In reality very few students get actually exposed to real scientific problems. As a
consequence, many lose their interest in pursuing a scientific career and feel frustrated with the
amount of theory that needs to be absorbed before getting a glimpse of what the real challenges
are. This dogma was recently challenged by Princeton University aiming to revamp their basic science
programmes at undergraduate level.
The Princeton strategy includes the following points (Tilghman, 2010):
Understand what motivates students to become scientists: Addressing the Big Questions
Breaking down the artificial barriers that separate scientific disciplines: The Integrated
Science Curriculum
Fostering early research experience: Laboratorial research projects for undergraduates.
The next section takes a close look at these issues.
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It is the tension
between creativity and
skepticism that has
produced the stunning
and unexpected
findings of science.
Carl Sagan
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The most exciting problems that scientists and
engineers face today often do not neatly fit into one of
the foundational sciences but, rather, lie at the
interstices of multiple fields. For example, successful
environmental remediation will require hydrologists,
civil engineers, geoscientists and chemists to work
alongside ecologists.
Shirley Tilghman,
Former President of Princeton University
tudents are attracted to the sciences by their curiosity to understand the world inside, around
and beyond them. Often this curiosity is severely hampered by what Tilghman (November
2010) refers to as the pyramid, the operating metaphor for science education. At the bottom is
a group of foundational factsoften discovered hundreds of years agothat must be learned by
heart. Only after one has successfully assimilated those facts is one allowed to move up the pyramid
to the next set of slightly more complex facts. Tilghman says, these facts are often taught as a
laundry list and from an historical perspective, without much effort to explain their relevance to modern
problems. It will take much perseverance and patience to wait for the revelation on why this is
important (Tilghman, November 2010).
At Princeton the pyramid is being inverted: Starting with the big ideas, encouraging students to think
creatively about these problems and without the support of any educational material or elaborate
hypothesis. Only then will students explore what is written in the books and get acquainted to the
technical language required to follow these discussions: Students are (now) able to understand the
concepts and, most importantly, the ways in which scientists go about designing experiments to test big
ideas (Tilghman, January 2010).
5.1. The integrated science curriculum
The compartmentalisation of scientific disciplines is totally irrelevant for the way 21
Century science
is conducted. The most exciting problems that scientists and engineers face today often do not neatly
fit into one of the foundational sciences but, rather, lie at the interstices of multiple fields. For example,
successful environmental remediation will
require hydrologists, civil engineers,
geoscientists and chemists to work alongside
(Tilghman, January 2010).
In view of this, Professor D. Botstein has
developed an integrated science curriculum
for undergraduate students at Princeton
He joined a group of senior faculty in
chemistry, physics, and biology and
computer science to bring all the important
ideas and key scientific principles behind
them together. Together they set up a 2-year
course. Their students have now entered the best graduate programmes in the US, and the response
from the scientific community has been tremendously positive. These students are being trained to
work in the interfaces of disciplines.
http://www.ibiology.org/ibiomagazine/issue-4/david-botstein-an-integrated-science-curriculum-at-princeton.html and
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Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune currently has a Centre for Integrative
Studies (CIS)
that pursues integration of knowledge, with special emphasis on scientific and
mathematical inquiries. This centre aims at formulating and addressing overarching questions that
liquefy the disciplinary boundaries and facilitate dialogue between and across disciplines.
Laboratory research projects for undergraduates
According to several research studies there is a positive correlation between early research
experience and the likelihood of pursuing a scientific career. Students in their senior year of the
undergraduate programme in Princeton conduct research projects and are expected to write a thesis
based on their results. The early exposure to the research environment will help students to make
decisions about their future either as a career scientist or otherwise. This is a very important issue as
many students have a glamourised vision of research.
The Princeton strategy provides excellent food for thought and a concept that could be implemented
in our colleges. Basic science courses have to include far more interdisciplinary crossing and hands-on
learning, through experimentation and scientific research.
In India, CUBE, an acronym for Collaborative Undergraduate Biology Education, is a community
initiative by HBCSE, TIFR, with the objective of establishing functional linkages across the educational
span, through collaborative research-based program
. This may include seminars, workshops,
collaborative research, poster campaigns, etc. Students will gain an insight into the research
practices, and at the same time be exposed to authentic, interdisciplinary and student-centered
learning. Jigyaasa, the undergraduate Science Honours Programme, is one of the most sought after
and innovative in-house academic programmes of KC College, Mumbai
. This course comprises
knowledge enhancement, skill enhancement, field visits as well as a research component. Students
are encouraged to pursue a research project, publish their findings, and present their work to their
peer groups and external referees from various industries and academic institutions at an event
called Jigyaasa (which means curiosity for knowledge).
Under the leadership of Principal Dr. Manju Nichani, the SHP was launched during the Golden Jubilee year of KC College
(2004-05), to inculcate research culture and personality development amongst undergraduate students.
Design curriculum with less content but with a stringent selection of key, core concepts
from different sciences and knowledge streams.
Foster interaction of experts on science education with faculty through workshops and
partnerships so that colleges can increase their exposure to the advances in education
technology, methodology and pedagogy.
Increase laboratory based hands-on learning experiences and open-ended research
projects at undergraduate level. Research institutes can replicate CUBE for encouraging
undergraduate research and bridge the gap between scientific community and students.
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The role of liberal arts in science education
Our discussion on curricula would not be complete without mentioning the need to create an
educational environment conducive to the development of analytical and critical thinking skills, as
well as relational, creative and communication skills aimed at making students sensitive to their social
environment. In view of this we would like to make a case for the importance of liberal arts for
training future scientists and non-scientists as Humanists.
Chemistry Nobel Laureate, Dr. Thomas R. Cech, has written an essay on how liberal arts education
produces better scientists (Cech, 1999). His analysis is focused on USA liberal arts colleges when
compared to USA research universities. According to him, liberal arts colleges generate a special
environment conducive to creating good scientists, by fostering the development of critical skills like:
mastering of specific knowledge domains, oral and written communication skills, analytical and
critical thinking skills and the ability to tackle ambiguity and build a well-reasoned opinion. Many of
these are due to the cross-training in science, humanities and arts.
Liberal arts colleges provide an environment where students actively interact with teachers (usually
the faculty to student ratio in colleges is far lower than in universities). Due to the low faculty to
student ratio, students get more individualised attention and classes are more interactive. Students
have the opportunity to pursue open-ended research projects in parallel with their laboratorial
classes. Open-ended research provides an opportunity to explore real research. The problem is
framed and the research procedure evolves through trial and error where the outcome is far less
predictable. Laboratorial classes are often based on very well defined problems and research
methodologies, aiming to provide a similar experience to many students through a more straight
forward approach leading to more predictable outcomes. The open-ended research projects are
conducted under direct faculty guidance.
Even if colleges cannot provide research projects in cutting edge areas and access to highly
sophisticated instrumentation (due to financial constraints), the close guidance from and interaction
with faculty constitutes a most valuable educational experience. Students gain skills in identifying
and solving problems, reasoning, organising scientific data, presenting their results and interpretations,
and along with these gain state-of-the-art technical skills. ...Liberal arts graduates speak of the high level
of responsibility and independence engendered by their graduate research experience (Cech, 1999).
The development of these skills is considered by many very influential in the development of their
scientific careers.
Innate talent and the quality of education both contribute to the success of science students
graduating from liberal arts colleges. Intelligence, creativity and hard work can take a student far, but
they constitute an even more powerful combination when channeled, guided, and motivated by
excellent teachers in an environment supportive for learning. (Cech, 1999).
This can be equally applied to those that will not pursue a scientific career, for the skills that are
developed in this kind of environment will be equally useful in other professional contexts. It is said
that just as Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) brought transformative change in the
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Century, it is expected that Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Design and Math (STEAM) are
set to transform 21
Implement choice based credit system across colleges affiliated to a given university so
that students can make their choice from a wide range of subject offerings from Science,
Arts, Commerce and Fine Arts fields in order benefit from the inter-disciplinary learning.
Create awareness workshops at the beginning of each academic year on the importance of
liberal arts education and on the multiple perspectives that it opens from personal and
professional angles.
Figure 8: STEAM Education
Picture Courtesy: http://www.steamedu.com/
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5.2. Improving the quality of infrastructure
General infrastructure
Research studies in the field of environmental psychology reveal that human behaviour is highly
affected by the surrounding environment. Teaching and learning outcomes are therefore affected by
the design of infrastructure like classrooms, laboratories, libraries and other common spaces, as well
as by their lighting and acoustic conditions.
Most of our classrooms in schools and colleges today were designed based on a 200 year old model:
blackboard at one end of the classroom, with teachers desk in front of it, facing several parallel rows
of desks. This model is known to encourage much more of verbal communication coming from the
teacher, than from the students (Bower, 1986). In this configuration student-teacher and student-
student verbal exchange is discouraged. Experiments have shown that semi-circular and circular
configurations are much more effective to promote debate and improve student-teacher and
student-student interaction, encouraging students to actively participate in class (Sommer & Olsen,
1980). Debate inside the classroom has been shown to improve learning outcomes among students,
fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Springer et al., 1999). Classroom layout is known
to affect the social interaction of both students and teachers (Horne, 2004).
Poor classroom acoustics create a negative learning environment, students attention levels are
affected by noises, both external and internal to the classroom, which could lead to difficulty in
hearing the teachers voice. This is particularly critical for students learning in a language that is
different from their mother tongue (it is common in Indian colleges where classes are conducted in
English, while students mother tongue is another regional language). Excessive noise levels have a
detrimental effect on students cognitive processing and academic performance (e.g. noise issuing
from street activity, roads, trains, planes). Exposures to high levels of noise reduce attention and
motivational levels, as well as long term memory and comprehension. Experiments in the UK have
shown that the acoustic treatment of classrooms to reduce external noise, improves academic
performance (Dockrell & Shield, 2006).
The effect of light on human socio and emotional behaviour is very well documented. Adequate
lighting of classrooms has been shown to improve academic performance. The use of natural light, or
artificial light simulating natural lighting conditions, as well as the use of colour was shown to have a
positive impact on students and teachers, by improving their moods, reducing stress levels and
generating a visually stimulating environment (Hunter, 2005).
The aesthetics and proper maintenance of educational spaces generate a sense of well-being and
belonging, and have a positive impact on the personal and academic development of both students
and teachers.
These considerations may be perceived as of secondary importance when compared with some of
the pressing infrastructural problems faced by many colleges. Nevertheless, the aspects mentioned
above should be taken seriously into consideration by the education community at the time of future
planning, construction, re-adaptation or rehabilitation of spaces for educational purposes.
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Laboratories offer a space for hands-on learning through experimentation. The inadequacy of some
laboratories and the absence of minimal security standards pose, in some cases, a serious threat to
the safety and well-being of both students and teachers.
Laboratories require different security and configuration according to the type of experiments that
are being conducted. Nevertheless there are some minimal security standards that should apply to
all: good ventilation; large alleys between the experimental benches; non-obstructed alleys and exits;
fire-extinguisher; and emergency medical kit. Hazardous consumables should be manipulated in
special places with adequate ventilation, and be stocked in a different room, away from light and in a
well-ventilated space. Teachers conducting practical classes should be familiar with first-aid
Research Laboratories
To encourage undergraduate research in colleges, teachers and students should be given access to
well-equipped research laboratories either in their own college or through a shared platform with
other educational institutions.
Research laboratories should not be confused with teaching laboratories. Research laboratory
requirements vary according to the type of research being conducted; these often require more
sophisticated instrumentation and set-ups, materials and consumables (e.g. laboratories handling
biological material require special precautions against contamination; or laboratories where kinetic
experiments are conducted require temperature controlled rooms).
Create/rehabilitate research laboratories in colleges.
Establish formal partnerships with other educational institutions and private research
laboratories to improve teachers research opportunities and access to state-of-the-art
Since establishment and maintenance of laboratories and regular replacement of old
instruments, is expensive, Indian colleges should develop a system of sharing laboratory
Certification of laboratories following minimum security standards.
Establish penalties for the violation of security standards.
Provide personal protection material for both students and teachers (gloves, protection
glasses) either free of charge or under payment of fee.
Provide training on first-aid assistance for all users of lab facilities.
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5.3. Widening the sources of funding
The quality of education is deeply related to the funding of educational institutions. As mentioned
above, funds are required to upgrade and maintain infrastructure and facilities; attract and retain
qualified and competent faculty, as well as non-academic staff; sponsor research activities and
participation in workshops and conferences; purchase hard copies or on-line high quality educational
material, etc.
Science colleges need to search for new funding sources and diversify their resources. Increasing fee
structures is a suggestion that has generated much controversy and opposition on grounds that fees
need to be low to ensure equity in access. Nevertheless, the existence of a coaching industry
operating millions of coaching centres around India has shown that families are willing to pay high
sums, and even get into serious financial stress to ensure that their children excel in the fiercely
competitive entrance examinations to professional courses: the passport for a financially secured
future (Devi & Singh, 2011). The coaching industry is valued at $5.1 billion for Class XII and
undergraduate education. The revenues of this parallel educational system would be a substantial
contribution with which to revamp education in the formal sector. This clearly shows that the fee
structure and policies needs to be revised. The Indian government is far from having the capacity to
fully subsidise education and therefore other solutions need to be considered, in addition to
increasing the fees substantially for those students who can afford to pay.
A special programme for equity needs to be designed so that those who are really not in a position to
finance their education also have a real opportunity to study in high quality educational
environments. Today in the name of equity, these students have primarily access to low quality
educational environments. Apart from fee structure, educational institutions should be encouraged
(and spared of excessive bureaucracy) to set up new un-aided courses with fees that would generate
a surplus to be re-invested in other courses. Educational institutions should have the autonomy,
under stringent financial accountability, to undertake consultancy assignments and sponsored
research, and generate resources internally through organising workshops and conferences, and
cultural activities (performing arts festivals, exhibitions, among others).
Revise the fee regulatory policy. Empower individual colleges to raise the fees for those
students who can afford to pay. For others, government should introduce a large enough
needs-based financial assistance system.
Reduce the bureaucratic control on colleges wishing to offer new courses.
Encourage colleges to carry out fund raising activities in the form of organising
workshops, conferences and other cultural activities.
Make a colleges performance in undergraduate research a major criterion for awarding
block grants. The colleges performance needs to be subject to periodic review.
Encourage contributions from alumni.
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5.4. Improving Institute-Industry and Institute-Agriculture linkages
The participation of the private sector in sponsoring science education exists but is still very low.
Apart from some donations usually in the context of alumni participation, objective strategies need
be put in place so that the sponsoring of education becomes a part of corporate responsibility and
with tax benefits.
One of the reasons behind the scarce investment made by the private sector in educational
institutions could be the absence of effective communication. This gap needs to be bridged and both
sides need to be sensitised on their interdependence, and on the importance of cooperation. On one
hand the private sector needs a skilled workforce to support business plans forward. On the other
hand, educational institutions train the workforce. Unless there is an element of complementarity,
students will tend to opt for careers that are divergent from their courses of study. The stakes are
therefore very clear, for both employers and educators, and this should push them into a much more
vibrant interaction.
Many employers spend significant amounts of time and financial resources to train their employees
and bring them to operational levels. It is clear that the role of educational institutions is not simply
to mould future employees; its role is far wider than that. Nevertheless, educational institutions
should also be made accountable to future employers for they have the responsibility to impart a
certain number of critical skills that will ensure the employability of their students. The present gap
between educational institutions and future employers is highly detrimental for both. Both sides
need to fully acknowledge their interrelated roles and engage in a fruitful dialogue leading to
cooperative action. This could be accomplished through the creation of independent non-profit
platforms that would bring the private sector companies together with science colleges.
Indias vision of Inclusive Development cannot come true without rapid rejuvenation of the rural
economy. It is sobering to remind ourselves that nearly two-third of Indias population is still rural.
The rural economy cannot be revived without agriculture and allied activities becoming highly
remunerative and capable of providing large-scale livelihood opportunities in and around villages.
This in turn requires massive infusion of scientific knowledge, both modern and traditional, efficient
management practices, and a local work force properly trained in both.
Hence, any vision of improving science education in India must take into account the urgent need to
strengthen Institute-Agriculture linkages. This should happen by integrating both school and college
Create platforms such as job fairs / career melas, to bring the private sector closer to
educational institutions.
Increase the participation of the private sector on the Board of Studies of educational
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education in rural areas with the challenges and opportunities in the socio-economic environment
around them.
Introduce agriculture, agro-businesses and allied activities (including arts and crafts, animal
husbandry, dairy, veterinary sciences, etc) as subjects in the curricula of schools and colleges
in rural and semi-rural areas.
Syllabi and related teaching materials in these subjects should be developed in local
languages, with a strong focus on practical activities.
There should be special training, with attractive incentives, for teachers to teach these
subjects. Successful farmers, master craftspersons, entrepreneurs, and bankers and
government officials dealing with these subjects should be included as visiting faculty.
There should be a strong emphasis on creating local employment and entrepreneurship
opportunities for college graduates. An equally important point of emphasis should be
raising the productivity of agriculture and allied activities in the area in which the college is
Especially for these courses, colleges should open their doors to practising farmers, artisans
and rural service providers who are interested in acquiring new scientific knowledge.
College managements should be both empowered and incentivised for offering short-term
and long-term certificate courses, running summer schools, workshops, etc to meet the
needs of the rural community.
Both regular students as well as community members who undergo training in these
courses should be publicly honoured. Such public recognition enhances the social prestige
of those choosing to study agriculture and other allied activities in the rural economy.
Krishi Vigyan Kendras (there is one KVK in almost every district in the country), agricultural
colleges, veterinary colleges and similar specialised institutes should be incentivised to link
up with colleges offering above-mentioned courses.
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5.5. Improving employability
Employability is dependent on market flows and societal needs, and on skills and profiles of future
employees. While the former are beyond the control of educational institutions, the latter are not.
Educational institutions have the responsibility and the capacity to impart the required skills and
knowledge that will guarantee the employability of their students. Employability will surely improve
when: educational institutions and employers (private and public sector) work together with some
common goals; curricula are revised to meet the pressing needs of markets and society in general;
and when students will have the opportunity to develop soft skills such as communication skills,
cultural sensitivity, time management and team work, etc.
Therefore, employability is actually related to all the other points mentioned in the above sections. If
those are addressed, the employability of B.Sc. and M.Sc. students is likely to improve substantially. If
such be the case, then a rise in the enrolment of students pursuing basic sciences, with a view to
embracing it as a career option can be expected.
The private sector is facing significant talent gaps, especially in mobile talent. Mobile talent refers to
the capacity of an employee to be operational in different working environments, cultures and
functionalities. This requires the development of many skills like communication skills, fluency in
English, adaptability and capacity to learn, capacity to think in a critical and logical way, capacity to
take risks and to provide solutions when faced with problems. All of these skills can be imparted by a
well-designed framework that includes and gives importance to language skills, informatics,
performing arts, cultural sensitivity and value education. Although presented in the context of the
private sector, these skills are equally relevant for those that will be employed by the public sector
either in academic or non-academic jobs. Scientists for instance frequently work in multicultural and
multifunctional environments where the above mentioned skills are a requirement to establish
successful collaborations, apply for research funds and disseminate their results, among others.
The transition from the academic environment to the professional environment requires a natural
period of adaptation, the private sector functions with rules that are different from the ones in the
public sector. In view of improving students employability and smoothing this transition, employers
and educational institutions provide compulsory internships (on-the-job-training) in future working
environments. These internships are often regarded as a burden for the employers. Internships
should be designed in a mutually beneficial way for all stakeholders (students, employers and
educational institutions). This can only emerge from an open dialogue between employers and
educational institutions. China has undertaken promising initiatives to combine rigorous academic
course work with workplace training
Finally, employability is directly related to career opportunities. Students are often not well
counselled on future career opportunities. Some educational institutions, although having placement
cells, tend to focus only on a few hot courses like I.T. and Chemistry, leaving others like Botany or
Zoology completely behind. Many colleges do not provide comprehensive workshops or awareness
OECD brochure 2012 (p.29): http://www.oecd.org/about/publishing/IndiaBrochure2012.pdf
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lectures on job opportunities for students and parents. This trend is changing and there are a few
colleges who are extremely active in promoting career guidance programmes with lectures by
potential employers, among other workshops aiming to prepare students for job interviews. These
best practices, common in well reputed colleges, can be replicated in other colleges through
adequate partnerships (e.g. the cluster model described in the section on academic autonomy).
Incorporate in curricular activities the development of soft skills.
Establish compulsory internship programmes to prepare students for the transition from
an educational to a work environment.
Improve placement cell activities: 1) organise series of career guidance lectures focussed
on specific employment sectors and specific disciplines, 2) organise workshops on the
development of soft skills (e.g. communication, presentation strategies, interpersonal
Activities and achievements of the placement cell should be displayed prominently in the
college premises and website, for better accountability to the student population.
To cater to the diverse student population, there needs to be a greater diversity of
offerings of degree (undergraduate) courses. The diverse needs mentioned here refer to
the choices students make after their education, for example pursuing a job, or higher
studies, internship or pursuing research etc. Each of these would require different sets of
skills and training. Hence the need for flexibility of offerings by universities, such as a
regular degree with credits and vocational courses, dual-degree, integrated Bachelors and
Masters degree, as suggested by UGC Report of the Working Group for Higher Education in
the 12
five-year plan (UGC, 2011).
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Picture courtesy
P a g e | 81
ACER Australian Council for Educational Research
BOS Boards of Study
BARC Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
CABE Central Advisory Board of Education
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CBCS Choice Based Credit System
CCE Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation
CII Confederation of Indian Industries
CIS Centre for Integrative Studies
CPE Colleges with Potential for Excellence
CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CUBE Collaborative Undergraduate Biology Education
CURIE Consolidation of University Research, Innovation and Excellence
DAE Department of Atomic Energy
DBT Department of Biotechnology
DOS Department of Space
DRDO Defence Research & Development Organisation
DST Department of Science and Technology
DU Delhi University
FIST Fund for Improvement of S&T
FRC Friends Rural Centre
FTE Full Time Equivalent
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GER Gross Enrolment Ratio
GERD Gross Expenditures on R&D
GSDP Gross State Domestic Product
GSLV Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
HBCSE Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education
HSTP Hoshangabad Science Teaching Programme
IAPT Indian Association of Physics Teachers
IBA Indian Banks Association
ICT Information and Communications Technology
IGNOU Indira Gandhi National Open University
IISER Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research
IIM Indian Institute of Management
IISc Indian Institute of Science
IIT Indian Institutes of Technology
IQAC Internal Quality Assessment Cell
ISC Indian Science Congress
ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation
IT Information Technology
KB Kishore Bharati
KSSP Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad
P a g e | 82
LED Light Emitting Diode
MANS Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti
MHRD Ministry of Human Resources Development
MIND Movement in India for Nuclear Disarmament
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MNCs Multinational companies
MOOC Massive Open Online Course
NAAC National Assessment and Accreditation Council
NBA National Board of Accreditation
NBHM National Board of Higher Mathematics
NCR National Capital Region
NET National Eligibility Test
NIF National Innovation Foundation
NIPER National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
NISER National Institute of Science Education and Research
NKC National Knowledge Commission
NPE National Policy on Education
NSF National Science Foundation
OBC Other Backward Caste
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PISA Programme for International Student Assessment
PPP Public-Private Partnership
PPST Patriotic People for Science and Technology
PRIs Public Research Institutes
PSM Peoples Science Movement
PURSE Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RUSA Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan
SAC-PM Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister
SAVE Sustainable Action and Virtual Education
SC Scheduled Caste
SERB Science and Engineering Research Board
SET State Eligibility Test
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
ST Scheduled Tribe
STEAM Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Design and Math
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
STIP Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
TIFR Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
UGC University Grants Commission
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
P a g e | 83
Table 1: Comparative Science Expenditure . 4
Table 2: World's High-tech Imports and Exports (2007) 9
Table 3: Subject wise seats allotted by the University.............. 11
Table 4: Schemes to attract talent in science 22
Table 5: Results of Indian students scientific literacy in six proficiency levels 28
Table 6: Recommendations made by National Knowledge Commission . 49
Table 7: The Committee to Advise on Renovation and Rejuvenation of Higher Education Report 50
Table 8: Universities with the largest number of affiliated colleges .... 51
Figure 1: R&D Resource Allocation . 5
Figure 2: Patents per R&D spend; Patents per million population .. 6
Figure 3: Publications per R&D spend .. 6
Figure 4: Faculty-wise Student Enrolment in Higher Education 2011-'12 . 7
Figure 5: Researchers/Population . 8
Figure 6: Faculty-wise Doctoral Degrees (PhD) awarded during 2010-'11 .. 8
Figure 7: Study sites of ORF Mumbai's project 30
Figure 8: STEAM Education .. 69
P a g e | 84
Name of College, Location, State NAAC
K.J.Somaiya College, Mumbai, Maharashtra A Dr.J.K.Verma Vice Principal
R.Jhunjhunwala College, Mumbai, Maharashtra A Dr.S.T.Ingale Vice Principal
G.N.Khalsa College, Mumbai, Maharashtra A Dr.R.K. Patheja Principal
Birla College, Kalyan, Thane, Maharashtra A Dr. N. Chandra Principal
Anandibai Pradhan Science College, Nagothane,
Raigad, Maharashtra
Accredited by
Dr.Anil Patil Principal
DBJ College, Chiplun, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra A Dr.Shyam Joshi Principal
Sant Rawool Maharaja Mahavidhalaya, Kudal,
Sindhudurg, Maharashtra
B (2008) Dr.S.K.Pawar Principal
S.H.Kelkar College, Deogad, Sindhudurg,
Accredited by
NAAC, 5-star
Dr.B.N Bhosale Principal
Athalye-Sapre-Pitre College, Devrukh, Ratnagiri,
B+ (2004) Dr.N.P.Tendolkar Principal
Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai, Maharashtra A (2007) Dr. S. Pednekar Principal
Sophia College, Mumbai, Maharashtra A (2009) Dr. R. DSouza
St.Xaviers College, Mumbai, Maharashtra A
Fr. Dr. F.
Institute of Science, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra - Dr. B. G. Kulkarni Principal
Presidency College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Accredited by
Dr. V. Srinivas
Miranda House College, Delhi - Dr. Prathiba Jolly Principal
University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu A Prof. Riyazuddin
School of
Chemical Sciences
University of Delhi, Delhi - Dr. H.P. Singh Proctor, DU
Jawaharlal Nehru University (J.N.U), New Mehrauli
Road, New Delhi
Prof. Rajaraman
School of Physical
P a g e | 85
Name of College,
Location (With District)
Minority Status-
D.G.Ruparel College,
Matunga, Mumbai Non-minority
Grade A Dr.Golatkar
Faculty, Department of
Botany (& placement in-
K.J.Somaiya College,
Vidyavihar, Mumbai
Gujarati Linguistic
Grade A Dr. Ghelsasi
Faculty, Department of
G.N.Khalsa College,
Matunga, Mumbai
Sikh community
Grade A
Faculty, Department of
Birla College, Kalyan,
Grade A
Faculty, Department of
Environmental Science
B.N.Bandodkar College,
Thane west, Thane
Grade A
Dr. Vinda
Faculty, Department of
Anandibai Pradhan
Science College,
Nagothane, Raigad
Accredited by
- Faculty
R.Jhunjhunwala College,
Ghatkoper, Mumbai
linguistic minority
Grade A
Placement Officer
Sri Venkateswara
College, New Delhi
Dr. Anant
Head, Department of
Elphinstone College, Fort,
Grade A Prof. Rant Faculty
Queen Marys College,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
B+ - Faculty
Several teachers, and students (doing under-graduation, post-graduation and research degrees) from
the following institutes/ universities were also informally interviewed: Ruia College, University of
Mumbai, Anandibai Pradhan Science College, SIES College (Sion), St. Xaviers, DBJ Science College,
Sant Rawool Maharaja Mahavidyalaya, S.H.Kelkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Loyola
College. Dr. F.C. Kohli (Indian industrialist and technocrat) was also interviewed. Note that names of
several interviewees are withheld in the report, to respect their request of maintaining
confidentiality. All interviews were conducted in 2011-2012.
P a g e | 86
Prof. Shobo Bhattacharya, TIFR
Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh, Professor, Department of Life Sciences, University of Mumbai
Ms. Mukesh Dodain, Admin Officer, ICTS TIFR
Dr. Roshan DSouza, Vice-Principal (Sci) Sophia College for Women
Mr. Vincent DSouza, Student
Ms. Roushell Fernandes, Admin Assistant, ICTS TIFR
Dr. Radiya Pacha Gupta, St. Xavier's College, Mumbai
Ms. Himali, Times of India
Dr. Usha Iyer, Associate Professor, K J Somaiya College of Science & Commerce
Mr. Ashok Kalbag, Vigyan Ashram
Ms. Chetana Kamlaskar, Assistant Professor, YCMOU
Ms. Kalpana Kannan, IIT Bombay
Dr. Vidyagauri Lele, Acharya & Marathe College
Dr. Sunanada More, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, IIT Bombay
Prof. Sahana Murthy, CDEEP, IIT Bombay
Dr. Sameer Murthy, TIFR
Dr. Renuka Narang, Education Consultant
Dr. Sujatha Parameswaran, Assistant Professor, VJTI
Dr. Bina Punjabi, Principal, Guru Nanak College
Prof. B.J. Rao, TIFR
Ms. Snehal Rebel, Hindustan Times
Prof. Pradeep Sarin, Physics Department, IIT Bombay
Mr. Satwik Srikrishnan, Student, Ecole Mondiale World School
Mrs. Farhanaaz M.Syeed, College of Home Science NN
Dr. N.P. Tendolkar, Principal, Athalye College, Devrukh
Dr. Priya Vaidya, Asst. Prof. Guru Nanak College, GTB Ngr, Mumbai
P a g e | 87
Dr. Catarina Correia presenting her study to the panel
Prof. Ashok Jhunjhunwala addressing the
roundtable participants
Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, Dr. Shobo Bhattacharya, Dr. Sameer
Murthy and Mr. Ashok Kalbag.
L to R: Dr. Leena Wadia, Shri Sudheendra Kulkarni and
Prof. Ashok Jhunjhunwala during release of the book 2010-
2020 Indias Decade of innovation When will we get serious
about innovation education? authored by Dr. Wadia
College teachers participate in discussions during the
L to R: Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, Dr. Sameer Murthy and Mr.
Ashok Kalbag look on as Prof. Shobo Bhattacharya
addresses the roundtable
Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh addressing the roundtable participants
P a g e | 88
The author wishes to acknowledge with thanks:
Prof. Sanjay Deshmukh (former Head of Department of Life Sciences), University of Mumbai was
involved with ORF Mumbai since the inception of the "Whither Science Education in Indian Colleges"
study. His valuable insights owing to his experience in the University and as being the Coordinator of
the Ratnagiri Sub-Centre of University of Mumbai at Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, were crucial
contributions to this study.
Prof. K. V. V. Murthy, IIT Gandhi Nagar, for his valuable insights;
All the principals, teachers and students who took time out for interviews;
Aparna Sivakumar who devoted much time and energy to lend the document its aesthetic appeal.
P a g e | 89
Dr. Catarina F. Correia
Catarina F. Correia is a science education researcher. With a PhD degree in
Physical Chemistry by the University of Lisbon and ten years of fundamental
research in chemistry, Catarina moved to science education research. At ORF
Mumbai she worked on science education policy at tertiary level. As a researcher
at the Freudenthal Institute for Science and Mathematics Education at Utrecht
University she worked on pedagogical content knowledge for upper secondary
chemistry courses. She is currently in London collaborating on science education
projects with the STEG group at Kings College London. She can be reached at:
Dr. Leena Chandran-Wadia
Leena received her Ph.D in physics from IISc Bangalore. She has been a researcher
at several places in India and abroad including NCST Mumbai (now CDAC), EPFL
and CERN in Switzerland. At ORF, her focus is on research and advocacy in the
areas of Higher Education, Public Health and Inclusive and Sustainable
Development. She can be reached at leena.wadia@orfonline.org
Radha Viswanathan
Radha is Senior Fellow and Editor at ORF Mumbai. She is a human resource
professional. Her research and advocacy at ORF extends to issues in Education,
Public Health, Inclusive and Sustainable Development and Art & Culture. She can
be reached at radha.v@orfonline.org
Adithi Muralidhar
Adithi is an Associate Fellow at ORF Mumbai. Trained as a zoologist, her research
and advocacy at ORF extends to issues in Science Education and Conservation
Education, Environment, Inclusive and Sustainable Development. She can be
reached at adithi@orfonline.org
P a g e | 90
Observer Research Foundation is a multidisciplinary public policy think tank
started in Delhi in 1990 by the late Shri R K Mishra, a widely respected public
figure, who envisaged it to be a broad-based intellectual platform pulsating with
ideas for nation-building. In its journey of over twenty years, ORF has brought
together leading Indian policymakers, academics, public figures, social activists
and business leaders to discuss many issues of national importance. ORF scholars
have made significant contributions towards improving government policies, and have produced a
large body of critically acclaimed publications.
Beginning 2010, ORF Mumbai has been re-activated to pursue the foundations vision in Indias
financial and business capital. It has started research and advocacy in six broad areas: Education,
Public Health, Urban Renewal, Inclusive and Sustainable Development, Youth Development and
Promotion of Indias Priceless Artistic and Cultural Heritage. It is headed by Shri Sudheendra Kulkarni,
a social activist and public intellectual who worked as an aide to former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari
Vajpayee in the PMO. ORF Mumbais mission statement is: Ideas and Action for a Better India.
ORF Mumbais ongoing initiatives:
ORF Mumbai has launched a bulletin called SanitatioNow as part of its commitment to the
goal of Sanitation for All. The Mahatma Gandhi Centre for SanitatioNow is soon to be
launched, dedicated to research, advocacy and leadership training in sanitation in particular,
and in general, to eco-friendly and holistic development of slum communities in urban India.
ORF Mumbai has facilitated the creation of the Mumbai Transport Forum, a broad-based
platform of transport experts, academics and advocacy groups working towards improving
the public transport systems of Mumbai.
ORF Mumbai has collaborated with Ratan J. Batliboi Consultants Private Limited (RJBCPL),
one of Indias top architects and town planners, to initiate projects for the revitalisation of
Mumbais freedom movement heritage. The project is based on the tenets of Placemaking
a term for creative redevelopment of multi-use public places.
In the area of public health, ORF Mumbai is working for a sustained
campaign for TB control in Mumbai through public-private-people
partnership that will rigorously debate, advocate and act on the
core solutions which can realistically and significantly reduce TB
burden in Mumbai over the next decade.
A key endeavour of ORF Mumbai is in the sphere of womens safety,
for which, it has forged healthy partnerships with the MCGMs Savitribai Phule Gender
Resource Centre and the Mumbai Police.
P a g e | 91
ORF Mumbai has launched a neutral, broad-based platform called Change Agents for School
Education and Research (CASER) for working towards connecting excellence, research and advocacy
to strengthen the school education system, making it more holistic and positively affect millions of
school children, irrespective of their background or constraints.
CASER is a platform that brings together several passionate educationists, educators and teachers,
education researchers, representatives from the Government, civil society organisations, service
providers, technologists, students, parents and volunteers to connect excellence and research,
provide inputs on policy, implementation, conduct roundtables, expert talks, seminars and
workshops to contribute towards strengthening the school education system and making it more
child-centric and holistic for the millions of children in the state of Maharashtra.
Change Agents for Higher Education and Research is ORF Mumbais new and novel initiative in the
space of higher education in India. As the Government prepares to work towards improvement in the
quality of higher education delivery, as part of the new National Higher Education Mission (RUSA),
we suggest how this can be achieved in a structured and scalable way through engaging Change
Agents for Higher Education and Research (CAHER).
There are two levels at which ORF Mumbai will try to bring about transformation - institutional and
individual. We will document and showcase widely the work of individual change agents who are
hitherto unsung, such as faculty, principals, and other educators and also the achievements of
autonomous institutions such as College of Engineering Pune (CoEP).
CAHER will be a platform, anchored at ORF Mumbai, which will enable change agents to come
together to create a multiplicative effect in the impact of their work. The focus of CAHER will be on
quality academics, on capacity building among all stakeholders, and on creating an inclusive and
participative movement. CAHER will engage deeply with State governments and with managements
and faculty from universities and colleges to stimulate discussion and debate on innovations in higher
education delivery. It will also provide innovative ICT infrastructure support for collaboration, to
individuals as well as institutions, and advocate for reforms in the governance of higher education.
P a g e | 92
Observer Research Foundation Mumbai
Ideas and Action for a Better India
NKM International House, 5
Floor, 178, Backbay Reclamation,
Babubhai Chinai Marg,(Behind LIC Yogakshema), Mumbai 400020, India.
Tel: +91-22-61313800
Website: www.orfonline.org