1. The document is a letter from Orissa Power Generation Corporation Limited requesting acceptance of AS Rao as the Safety Officer at their Ib Thermal Power Station under Rule 54(3)(b) and (c).
2. It provides details about AS Rao's experience and responsibilities related to safety, maintenance of equipment, implementation of safety programs, and involvement in safety committees and meetings.
3. It also gives information about the storage of ammonia cylinders on site which is being done in accordance with approvals from the relevant authorities.
1. The document is a letter from Orissa Power Generation Corporation Limited requesting acceptance of AS Rao as the Safety Officer at their Ib Thermal Power Station under Rule 54(3)(b) and (c).
2. It provides details about AS Rao's experience and responsibilities related to safety, maintenance of equipment, implementation of safety programs, and involvement in safety committees and meetings.
3. It also gives information about the storage of ammonia cylinders on site which is being done in accordance with approvals from the relevant authorities.
1. The document is a letter from Orissa Power Generation Corporation Limited requesting acceptance of AS Rao as the Safety Officer at their Ib Thermal Power Station under Rule 54(3)(b) and (c).
2. It provides details about AS Rao's experience and responsibilities related to safety, maintenance of equipment, implementation of safety programs, and involvement in safety committees and meetings.
3. It also gives information about the storage of ammonia cylinders on site which is being done in accordance with approvals from the relevant authorities.
1. The document is a letter from Orissa Power Generation Corporation Limited requesting acceptance of AS Rao as the Safety Officer at their Ib Thermal Power Station under Rule 54(3)(b) and (c).
2. It provides details about AS Rao's experience and responsibilities related to safety, maintenance of equipment, implementation of safety programs, and involvement in safety committees and meetings.
3. It also gives information about the storage of ammonia cylinders on site which is being done in accordance with approvals from the relevant authorities.
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Ib Thermal Power Station
BANAHARPALI, DIST : JHARSUGUDA, ORISSA !" #$%, INDIA PHON& 'A( DIR&)TOR *OP&RATION+ ,-. !!%/ #####0 ,-. !!%/ ####$0 'A)TOR1 2ANAG&R ,-. !!%/ ####/% ,-. !!%/ #####/ PUR)HAS& ,-. !!%/ ####.0 ,-. !!%/ ####0- )ONTRA)T )&LL ,-. !!%/ #####% ,-. !!%/ ####"" 'INAN)& ,-. !!%/ ####/# ,-. !!%/ ####/# Letter No: Date: To The Deputy Director of Factories & Boilers (Safety), Kharavel Nagar, Bhubaneswar!"#$$#% Sub& 'ppoint(ent of Safety )fficer an* acceptance thereof+eg% +ef& ,our -etter No%#../, Dt*% $/%$/%/$##% Sir, 0ith reference to above, we convey our than1s for giving an opportunity to Sri 'S +ao for presenting his case for acceptance as Safety )fficer% 0e are sub(itting herewith the infor(ation as sought for on the sub2ect vi*e above referre* letter% #% Docu(entary proof relating to office or*er of Sri 'S +ao loo1ing after safety at wor1s is attache* herewith% 3e is loo1ing after Safety vi*e )4) no& ##!4/5%#$%$!% /% Training progra((e *etails of Sri +ao is attache* herewith for your 1in* reference% 6% Sri 7K 8attanaya1, Safetycu(Fire officer is organi9ing safety at present vi*e )4) no 6#!54$.%$"%$:, he is the (e(ber convenor for the safety co((ittee (eeting an* Sri +ao has been no(inate* as ;hief Safety )fficer an* <e(ber% The or*er with )rgani9ation structure is attache* herewith for your reference, this arrange(ent is *one as the factory re=uires two safety officers% Sri 8attanaya1 is reporting to Sri +ao an* Sri +ao is reporting to )ccupier of the Factory% Safety ;o((ittee constitute* vi*e )ffice or*er no& ./:/4#6%#/%/$#$, is attache* for your reference% )ut of total 6$ (e(bers, #/ are fro( >?ecutive an* #. are fro( non>?ecutive level% )ccupier has no(inate* Sri Su1anta <ohapatra, D@< as the ;hair(an of the co((ittee% This has been ta1en care vi*e +ules prescribe* un*er +ule 5/ regar*ing constitution of safety co((ittee% ;o((ittee (eets on the first *ay of the (onth for *iscussing the total safety issues% 3owever there is no participation fro( ;ontractor si*e an* we *o have contractor safety (eeting on the last *ay of the (onth with all contractor representatives% 'll contract wor1ers *o (eet in )ORPORAT& O''I)& : 3ON& A, th 'LOOR, 'ORTUN& TO4&RS, )HANDRAS&5HARPUR, BHUBAN&S4AR, ORISSA /. 0#$, INDIA PH: ,-. !% #$0$!/, ,-. !% #$0$!!, 'A(: ,-. !% #$0$//, ,-. !% #$0$/!, 4&BSIT& : www6o78969o6in ORISSA POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED Ib Thermal Power Station BANAHARPALI, DIST : JHARSUGUDA, ORISSA !" #$%, INDIA PHON& 'A( DIR&)TOR *OP&RATION+ ,-. !!%/ #####0 ,-. !!%/ ####$0 'A)TOR1 2ANAG&R ,-. !!%/ ####/% ,-. !!%/ #####/ PUR)HAS& ,-. !!%/ ####.0 ,-. !!%/ ####0- )ONTRA)T )&LL ,-. !!%/ #####% ,-. !!%/ ####"" 'INAN)& ,-. !!%/ ####/# ,-. !!%/ ####/# (onthly safety (eeting of respective *epart(ents% 3ence by *oing this we involve contractors in the safety (eetings% A% Sri 'S +ao has been give charges of not only the safety of people but also the safety of e=uip(ent of the plant as the )&< support in Technical Services, (aintaining a safe wor1ing environ(ent prescribe* un*er +ule 5#' (6)% 3e has been involve* in i(ple(entation of -)T)-oc1 out Tag out, S)8Stan*ar* )perating 8ractices, S<8Stan*ar* <aintenance 8ractices, <); <anage(ent of ;hange(change to e?isting syste(4process & new constructions), 7S'7ob Safety 'nalysis, 7ob sche*uling B8lanning, 8lant safety inspections, Safety wal1s, Safety au*its, 'cci*ent investigation, Safety awareness progra((es, Sharing of safety alerts etc% "% <anage(ent has assigne* Sri 'S +ao with the a**itional safety responsibilities, loo1ing into his in *epth e?perience in ;onstruction, ;o((issioning, <aintenance, )peration & Safety% )8@; is proposing for (ar1et base* salary structure & un*er approval with the @overn(ent% +ecruit(ent of a**itional Safety )fficer will be ta1en up% 5% '((onia cylin*ers ("$Kg capacity each) are in use since Dec$! for controlling S8< level in the Flue gas% ;ylin*ers are not store* at site an* arrange* fro( supplier as per re=uire(ent% N); has been obtaine* fro( District <agistrate & ;ollector, 7harsugu*a for storing A$ cylin*ers% 'pproval for ;onstruction of storage she* has been obtaine* fro( Dept% of >?plosives, @ovt% of Cn*ia & Director of Factories & Boilers, Bhubaneswar% 0e are in the process of getting licence for storing of a((onia after site visit an* en*orse(ent by Dy% ;hief ;ontroller of >?plosives, +our1ela% +evise* )n site e(ergency plan is being sub(itte* soon% Therefore it is re=ueste* to accept Sri 'S +ao as Safety )fficer un*er +ule 5#' (#) (b) & (c)% Than1ing you% ,ours faithfully,
>ncl& 's above OCCUPIER ;; to & #) 'sst% Director of Factories & Boilers, 7harsugu*a Done, 7ail +oa*, Sa(balpur for infor(ation% /) Dy% Director of Factories & Boilers, 7ail +oa*, Sa(balpur for infor(ation% )ORPORAT& O''I)& : 3ON& A, th 'LOOR, 'ORTUN& TO4&RS, )HANDRAS&5HARPUR, BHUBAN&S4AR, ORISSA /. 0#$, INDIA PH: ,-. !% #$0$!/, ,-. !% #$0$!!, 'A(: ,-. !% #$0$//, ,-. !% #$0$/!, 4&BSIT& : www6o78969o6in