Paolo Cappellacci Portfolio

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paolo cappellacci

p o r t f o l i o
Graduate in Building Engineering and Architecture
Masters Degree Thesis Environmental Design, Building Design, Thermal Comfort, CFD Analysis of a ZEB
ABSTRACT: Zero Energy Buildings require airtghtness and mechanical ventlaton systems to provide air changes
and energy saving. These requirements contrast with the principles of natural ventlaton. Through a case study
located in Modena, Italy, a design strategy is proposed as a soluton to integrate natural and mechanical ventlaton
systems at diferent tmes of the year to reduce the energy consumpton in a newly designed high-density ZEB.
The internal comfort evaluaton for the warm season is then verifed with a multzone dynamic simulaton and a
CFD analysis. The proposal consists of two diferent approaches, the cold season and the warm one. For the cold
season, a mechanical ventlaton system with earth tubes and heat recovery has been designed, together with
airtghtness, solar greenhouses and high thermal mass and insulaton. For the warm season the design allows a
free-running use: open trickle ventlators applied to windows which provide background ventlaton, mass and
insulaton mitgate the heat loads, vertcal ventlaton shafs support natural ventlaton and free night cooling. The
ventlaton shafs have been designed with aerodynamic principles to provide each apartment with additonal (and
maximised) diferences of pressure due to the stack efect. The indoor comfort conditons in the warm season are
then evaluated according to the ASHRAE 55 adaptve model for free-running buildings.
The results of the study confrm that in the warm season acceptable indoor comfort conditons can be achieved
in a free running building. The ventlaton shaf has an important role for the free cooling of a ZEB and can also be
adopted in the renovaton of existng buildings.
design for the cold season, solar and Hvac design
design for the warm season, cooling design
ASHRAE 55 adaptve chat and results for the typical design week
CFD analysis of a room and the ventlaton shaf
The Green Courtyard Architectural Design of Residental and Commercial Housing
Located in western Bologna in the middle of a regenerated quarter, this residental complex faces the main square
and is surrondend by pedestrian walkings leading to a park. The inner and the external fronts have been diferen-
tated creatng an intmate courtyard for residents and a representatve front to the square and the public walks
where shops are located. Apartments have diferent sizes. Duplexes are located in the two upper foors, each one
furnished with a terrace and protected with an overhanging cover. Sliding panels surround the whole building to
protect from sunshine, except to the north where facades are enclosed to reduce heat dispersion.
Wroclaw Gate & Media Wall Urban and Architectural Planning, Deepining Into Two Buildings
Wroclaw is an important, dynamic and modern city located in south-western Poland going through a great urban
regeneraton, especially in the closest suburbs to the city centre. The locaton of the project is a strategical point
where the highway from Warsaw comes directly into the town. It was demanded to create a sign, something
iconic and green that would have become a symbol of the town. A Media Wall has been designed as a protecton
from the trafc noise, covered with solar panels and with a led-lightng-system just behind the panels. Surround-
ing areas are essentally residental or managed by University, with classrooms and student housing. An existng
Mall stands just 500 metres away. Wroclaw University owns this ground, so buildings have to be compatble with
academic uses.
view from Plac Grundwaldzki
suggeston from the highway view from the bridge
locaton of project area
view from the towers
view from Grundwaldzka
environmental secton
White Apartments Architectural Design of Residental Housing
It has been the frst project ever developed in a team. It was an exercise where structure and ground modelling
were given as invariant. A housing building had to be designed in a neighbourhood street with other buildings on
both sides. The concept consisted of creatng four blocks separated by cornices. Each one is composed of blocks
(apartments) sliding over one other and creatng in this way terraces for upstairs fats. All facilites are located at
the ground and underground foors.
view of the back
view of the front
view of the front from top
Atcs in Historical Buildings of Bologna (will be published)
Conservaton - Restoraton Study and Design of Wooden Atcs
Bologna has the biggest medieval historical centre in Europe and despite an architectural masterpiece is missing in
town, there are lots of magnifcent buildings spread all over the city. Bologna isttutons want to emphasize the im-
portance of Bologna on the internatonal scene creatng a historical atlas of Bologna. Students of the University
are challenged to a great task to put the bases for this vast collecton of studies on buildings. Divided into groups,
all students have to lead studies of the most important buildings in town and literally to discover new treasures
in private and hidden houses. Studies on the various subjects have to be done based on historical and technical
profles, consultng historical archives in all the country (Bologna, Florence, Rome).
I worked on wooden atcs and produced a 165 tables work that was mentoned with honours by commitee.
architectural survey of the frst foor
metrical survey of the frst foor
Sala Cesi
Sala di Enea
Sala di Giasone
metrical analisys
Sala di Enea
Ecologically Equipped Productve Area Urban Planning and Architectural Design
In the Reno-Galliera municipality, located in the northern province of Bologna, a new productve area will be devel-
oped. Afer consultng and analisyng public data, the Funo area was choosen for the project. The task also included
choosing a compatble industry to Bolognas region economy. A center of fruit processing was chosen to be designed,
a sort of green industry that would have become a point of reference for the whole region. It wouldnt have been
just a factory, but a complex that involves open-air expositon areas, gourmet shop/restaurant, agricultural lands and
industrial areas. Manufacturing itself becomes part of expositon, so visitors can get in and look at the productve
line. Many devices have been thought out to reduce environmental impact, for example productvity lines embody
low-impact, some processes can be done without energy (such as drying fruit) and some others recycling processing
waste. A detenton basin is located next to the built up area and becomes an integral part of the system. A compostng
plant is also located in the area.

Structural Calculatons - FEM sofware Samples of Drawings, FEM Modeling and Analisys
I worked on calculatons for a whole steel building as well as a concrete one, from roof to foundatons. Calculatons
were done according to Italian and European laws, using both allowable-stress method and limit state design, frst
done by hand and then verifed with sofware. Drawings were produced at each single step of the calculatons.
Sample of technical drawing - Steel Structure
Sample of FEM Analysis - Concrete Structure
technical drawing

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