The Business of Spirits
The Business of Spirits
The Business of Spirits
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2007 by Noah Rothbaum
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New York
How Savvy Marketers,
Innovative Distillers, and Entrepreneurs
Changed How We Drink
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Introduction: Happy Hour vii
1. Te Ghost of Prohibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. A Singular Sensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3. Vodka Straight Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4. Te Cocktail Comeback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5. Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6. Te New, New Ting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
7. Last Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Acknowledgments 167
References 169
Index 179
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Happy Hour
Ox a niauriiui evening in September 2006, a giant white
party tent perched on a blu overlooking the Potomac River was
the unlikely setting for a historic moment. From a distance, the tent
and the afterglow of reworks could have been mistaken for a fancy
Beltway wedding or perhaps a fundraiser to help move a candidate
into the Capitals most desired address.
It was neither. Among the assorted Washington movers and shak-
ers, lobbyists and legislators, hacks and spin masters, were a table or
two of celebrity guests: bourbon distillers who had come up from
Kentucky. Tese men had a made a special bottling of rye whiskey
to honor George Washington, who had owned one of the countrys
earliest commercial distilleries. And on this balmy night, the rst few
of these special bottles of rye were to be auctioned o to raise funds
for Mount Vernon, Washingtons home and a historical site.
Te rst two bottles, whose contents just a few hours ago had
safely been inside a wooden cask, formed a single lot. Te very rst
bottle would stay at Mount Vernon, and the second bottle would
go home with the lucky bidder. Te organizers of the event, the
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x Introduction
Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS), were
unsure of the opening bid. How much would someone pay for such
a bottle? Te audience was lled with well-heeled diners as well as
heavy hitters from most of the big spirits companies. Te bidding
started at a reasonable $2,500 and began to rise quickly, soon pass-
ing $10,000, then $20,000, thenincredibly$30,000. When the
bidding nished, Marvin Shanken, the publisher of Wine Spectator
and Cigar Acionado known for his trademark bushy mustache and
fat cigars, had paid a staggering $100,000 for the bottle. It was the
highest price ever paid for American whiskey and an inconceivable
sum for a bottle of humble rye. Some dinner guests had wondered if
anyone would pay $2,500 for the bottle.
Welcome to the new era of spiritswhen distillers are celebri-
ties, tequila is for sipping, and whisk(e)y sells for vintage Bordeaux
wine prices. Tese days, even something as simple as buying a bottle
of vodka can be a major decision. Today, its not uncommon for
shoppers to nd dozens of vodkas from all over the world, including
Russia, Sweden, Iceland, France, Holland, Scotland, and even San
Francisco, not to mention cases of single malt whisky, bourbons,
tequilas, gins, and rums in bottles of all shapes and sizes. Just nding
your favorite brand can take some hunting. According to Informa-
tion Resources, a company that tracks supermarket checkout sales,
over 6,700 dierent spirit bottles (SKUs) are on the market. On
average, each store stocks nearly 97 dierent bottles, and some very
large or specialty stores stock literally hundreds of bottles from
which to choose. New Yorks Park Avenue Liquor Shop carries over
400 single malts alone.
Store shelves are practically groaning under an ever-increasing
load because Americans are again thirsty for hard alcohol. From
the mid-1970s through the mid-1990s, spirit consumption was
declining as people switched to drinking beer, wine, and soft drinks.
But during the last decade, the spirits industry has experienced a
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xi Introduction
renaissance. According to DISCUS, from 1997 to 2005, retail sales
of spirits (in stores, bars, and restaurants) have climbed nearly 60
percent, exceeding over $53 billion in 2005 alone. Americans arent
just spending more but are also drinking more spirits. According to
a report from Te International Wine and Spirit Record, commis-
sioned for the 2007 Vinexpo conference, from 2001 to 2005, per
capita consumption of spirits increased by 9 percent and is expected
to increase by almost an additional 6 percent by 2010. Tats pretty
impressive, especially considering that overall per capita alcohol con-
sumption has been decreasing steadily since the 1970s. Spirits are so
popular that even beer consumption has been aected. From 2001
to 2006, beers share of the alcohol market, according to DISCUS,
has been steadily decreasing. How bad has it gotten? Anheuser-Busch
reported in 2005 that sales were almost at; as a result, the company
is trying to enter the spirits market.
Spirit consumption is up so much, many distilleries are running
at full capacity 24 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week. A number of
brands are also expanding the size of their distilleries. Tequila Don
Julio shut down in the fall of 2006 to complete a renovation that
almost doubled the companys annual production. Diageo is spend-
ing almost $200 million to increase its Scottish whisky production.
In Kentucky, the demand for rye and bourbon has led Jim Beam to
invest $70 million in expanding its distillery and warehouses.
Its not just increased spirit sales thats drawing attention but also
what people are drinking. Whats now driving the spirits industry
isnt plastic gallon bottles of so-called value brands. Te biggest
growth in sales has been in premium or super-premium spirits, like
Grey Goose, Patrn, and the Glenlivet. Between 2002 and 2005
alone, according to DISCUS, overall case sales of all premium spirits
grew by nearly 19 percent, while over the same period, sales of value
spirits just grew by over 2 percent. Te trend makes sense, consid-
ering that many of the new bottles hitting shelves are high-priced
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xii Introduction
oerings. Ever since Grey Goose displaced Absolut a decade ago and
broke the $30 ceiling (Absolut sold for about $15 at the time), there
has been a race to produce ever more expensive spirits.
And its not just pricey vodka. With the number of vodkas
seemingly multiplying every day, spirit companies began looking
for other spirits categories that could be given luxury makeovers. As
a result, tequila has been able to shed its frat-boy image, and now
a slew of expensive, aged, 100 percent blue agave sipping tequilas
are available. One need look no further than the new Corzo tequila
for proof. Corzo sells for about $60 and is packaged in clear,
square, asklike bottles. Te undeniable hipness is no accident.
Te bottle was designed by Fabien Baron, the creative director of
Vogue (France) and designer of the distinctive cK One perfume
bottle and ad campaign. How hot is tequila? Sidney Frank, the
founder of Grey Goose, was trying to turn the high-end tequila
brand Corazon into another household name before he died at
the beginning of 2006. Even white rum, famous for being mixed
with Coke, has gotten a face-lift. One example is the new Starr
African Rum, which is sold in a distinctive deep red pyramid and
is a favorite of celebrities.
Even already pricey single malt whisky has become more deluxe.
Not long ago, Macallan produced a $6,000 50-year-old vintage in
a special Lalique crystal decanter. (You can forget about buying
a bottleits sold out.) Tats a relative bargain compared to the
price of some other vintage whiskies. In March 2005, Glenddich
auctioned o a bottle of 1937 whisky for $20,000 and a bottle of
60-year-old Macallan was sold to a private collector for a whop-
ping 35,000 (about $70,000). You can blame the recent vintage
whisky craze for pushing up prices. In 1996 a bottle of the same
60-year-old Macallan sold for just 12,000 (about $24,000). Te
increase in value of this bottle of whisky was more than double the
growth of the S&P 500 Index during the same period.
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xiii Introduction
Te demand makes sense. Over the last 20 years, Americas
thirst for Scotch whisky, especially expensive single malt, has been
unquenchable. Te United States is easily the largest export mar-
ket for the spirit, and according to the Scotch Whisky Associa-
tion, the American market continues to grow. While the number
of bottles imported from Scotland only increased 2 percent from
2004 to 2005, the value of the whisky imported grew by 10 percent.
American palates are denitely becoming more discerning. Tats in
sharp contrast to many markets in Western Europe. In 2005, overall
exports to European Union countries were down 11 percent. In some
countries, like Spain and Germany, imports were down even further.
But the scotch industry is nding a lift from unlikely sources: Asia,
up by 24 percent; South America, up 19 percent, and even India, up
89 percent. One reason for the growth in these developing markets
is that drinkers are adapting scotch to their local tastes. In China,
drinkers have started mixing whisky with green tea.
Te growth of the spirits market hasnt gone unnoticed by Wall
Street. Te increase in sales and prots has led to a series of mergers
and acquisitions. Out of what once was largely a group of small
or family-run companies, a few giant players have emerged who
control most of the industry. As a result, small brands have grown
into brand names recognized around the world. Te mechanization
of distilleries allows companies to keep up with the ever-increasing
global demand.
Spirit companies are also getting more exposure on television.
After Prohibition ended, the industry decided against TV and radio
advertising. Even though the sale of alcohol was legal, the countrys
attitudes towards drinking were still very conservative. Television
was also a relatively new medium, and according to Frank Cole-
man, senior vice president of DISCUS, most shows aired during the
so-called family hour. Te industry thought that the TV ban was
socially responsible.
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xiv Introduction
But since 1996, this position has changed. Te spirit companies
argued that the country was ready for spirit ads and the self-imposed
ban put them at a disadvantage, especially since beer companies had
used television expertly to promote their products. Plus, with the num-
ber of niche channels, a spirit ad could reach a specic targeted adult
audience. Hundreds of channels, including dozens of cable stations
like CNN, Bravo, and USA Network, have run alcohol ads. Between
2001 and 2005, according to the Center on Alcohol Marketing and
Youth (CAMY) at Georgetown University, the alcohol industry col-
lectively spent $4.7 billion for 1.4 million television commercials. In
2005, spirit companies, according to CAMY, spent $122 million on
cable TV spots, up from just $5 million in 2001. Over that period,
the number of spirit ads increased from 1,973 to 46,854.
Te 55-year-old restriction on liquor companies sponsoring
NASCAR teams was also lifted before the 2005 race season. Because
NASCAR is a family sport, the racing association had decided that
spirits advertising wasnt appropriate. Over the years, this ban began
to soften. NASCAR already allowed beer and malt liquor companies
to sponsor teams, and some tracks even allowed spirit companies to
advertise on billboards. Reportedly one of the reasons for the rule
change was the drivers struggle to nd sponsors. Liquor companies
were more than willing to help. Race o cials also argued that spirits
have become as morally acceptable as beer to race fans. We felt the
time was right, NASCAR president Mike Helton told the Associ-
ated Press. Attitudes have changed, and spirits companies have a
long record of responsible advertising. (NASCAR also requires the
sponsoring spirits companies to produce ads promoting responsible
drinking.) Spirits giants Diageo, which owns Smirno and Johnnie
Walker, and Brown-Foreman, which owns Jack Daniels and Fin-
landia, have already sponsored racing teams.
States are also loosening rules and regulations to make spirits
easier to buy. Even though Prohibition ended almost 75 years ago,
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xv Introduction
the legacy of the temperance movement lives on. In 18 states, includ-
ing Vermont, Pennsylvania, and Montana, the government controls
the sale of spirits at the wholesale or retail level by operating the only
licensed liquor stores. In other states, like New York, arcane laws
prevent liquor store owners from having more than one location.
But laws are slowly changing. You can now buy alcohol on Sunday
in 34 states. Twelve of these states have legalized Sunday liquor sales
since 2002. In 42 states, it is now legal to host tastings of spirits in
liquor stores. It seems hard to believe, but almost a third of these
states have only legalized this practice in the last ve years. Tis is
signicant because the ability to hand out samples allows stores to
introduce buyers to new spirits, which is especially helpful for selling
premium and super-premium bottles.
Not only have large spirit companies proted from this boom in
the popularity of liquor. Microdistilleries have also sprung up across
the country. According to Bill Owens, president and founder of the
American Distilling Institute, there are now 88 craft distilleries in
27 states, up from 50 just ve years ago. Tat includes a number of
microbreweries that make spirits in addition to beers. Even the well-
known Dogsh Head brewery now makes several kinds of spirits
at its Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, facility. Te brewery produces a
seasonal selection of avored vodkas and a variety of rums, including
pineapple and banana.
And to drink your premium spirits, you may want more than
just a humble tumbler or water glass. Riedel, the Austrian crystal
wine glass manufacturer famous for promoting the idea that appre-
ciating each type of wine requires a specic shape of wine glass, has
introduced 18 specialized spirit glasses since 1980. Teres even one
for stone fruit spirits and another for grappa.
One reason for the sudden interest in hard alcohol is the rebirth
of the cocktail. Dot-com millionaires looking for pricey drinks in
fancy lounges as well as the TV show Sex and the City inspired the
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xvi Introduction
trend of ordering cosmos and sour apple martinis. Although the show
is o the air and the cosmo fad seems a little dated, the popularity
of mixed drinks doesnt seem to have abated. If anything, the Jell-O
colored cocktails of the late 90s served as an introduction into more
traditional mixed drinks. (And when people order their cocktails,
theyre even specifying by brand name which spirit they want used.)
How big is the phenomenon? Food &Wine magazine proclaimed
2006 to be the year of the cocktail. Across the country, bars are add-
ing cocktail menus with pricey drinks. A couple of years ago, a $16
mojito would have sounded ridiculous, but now bars everywhere
are devising ever more outlandish and expensive concoctions. (Care
for the $10,000 diamond martini at the Blue Bar in New Yorks
Algonquin hotel? Te drink is actually served with a diamond.) Bars
justify these high prices by using traditional techniques, like mud-
dling, and fresh ingredients, like mint leaves and freshly squeezed
lime juice. Some bars even have invested in special ice machines
that produce giant cubes, which wont melt quickly and water down
your drink. Some nightclubs and lounges ingeniously require people
who want to sit at a table to order a few bottles. Te clubs usually
only serve prestigious premium spirits like Grey Goose or Cristal
champagne, which cost hundreds of dollars more than their stan-
dard retail price. (At least mixers are usually included.)
Another major factor in the recent success of spirits is that many
distillers have changed the taste of their products. Single malts are
now routinely aged in dierent types of casks, which smooth out
the spirit and often impart a fruity taste. During the fall of 2006,
Glenddich even released a Scotch that had been aged in a rum
cask. Tese vintages appeal to both whisky drinkers and nondrinkers
alike. Tis isnt the only initiative to make whisky more appealing. A
new company founded by the former master distiller at Macallan is
making whisky that is labeled by its taste (smooth, spicy, or smoky)
instead of its age or where it was distilled. Te company hopes the
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xvii Introduction
simpler labels will be more memorable and attract a wider range of
drinkers. Another company is even avoring whiskey with vanilla so
that it can be mixed easily with Coke or other mixers.
Along with changing the avor of spirits, companies are also
changing the way they are marketed. Bottle design has in some ways
become more important than the spirit thats inside. One of the
lessons the industry learned from Grey Goose was that consumers
are impressed by reverse labels, frosted glass, and distinctive bottle
shapes. But Sidney Frank didnt invent this concept. For decades, the
eye-catching green glass of the Tanqueray gin bottle made it one of
the industrys most recognizable spirits. But when Diageo recently
released the premium Tanqueray Ten, the company used an even more
exotic green bottle. Shaped like a slim statuette, it is almost devoid of
any label except for what looks like a small pennant and wax seal.
Just like wine sellers, spirits marketers realized that consumers
like to know a little backstory about the brand, even if it is invented
or makes little sense. So spirit advertising doesnt just tout the qual-
ity of the alcohol but the virtues of where it is distilled and the his-
tory of the brand. For instance, some of the trucks delivering Wild
Turkey are now emblazoned with the slogan not the newest thing
but the original thing.
No wonder it can take you a while to pick out a bottle of alco-
hol! For the last decade, the spirits industry has been booming and
evolving. And now, more than 70 years since the end of Prohibition,
its Happy Hour for the industry and drinkers. Over the next seven
chapters, these and other trends will be discussed. And to get in the
proper reading mood, pour yourself a dram of your favorite whisky
or mix up a cocktail. Cheers!
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T the storeroom of New Yorks legendary 21 Club,
cross the dining room with its constellation of corporate and sports
memorabilia, slip through the bustling kitchen, and head down a
ight of steep stairs. Tere, in an unremarkable brick-lined hallway,
is a pencil-sized hole. Insert an 18-inch piece of wire into it, and like
something out of an Indiana Jones movie, a two-and-a-half-ton hid-
den door swings open, revealing a ne spirits and wine collection.
Tis hidden storeroom was built during Prohibition and is actu-
ally below the adjoining townhouse (19 West 52nd Street). It was
constructed so the owners could truthfully say that there wasnt any
alcohol on the premises if the restaurant was raided.
But this quaint relic of Prohibition isnt the only legacy of that
era, which still haunts the United States. Almost 75 years after
Congress overwhelmingly passed the 21st Amendment ending the
13-year period of Prohibition, the U.S. is still trying to gure out
how to regulate the sale of alcohol. Tis is particularly troublesome
given the fact that the spirits industry is now booming and sales are
increasing every year. From 1997 to 2005, retail sales of spirits (in
Te Ghost
of Prohibition
01_Chap01.indd 3 5/24/07 10:58:45 AM
stores, bars, and restaurants), according to the Distilled Spirits Coun-
cil of the United States, have increased nearly 60 percent and topped
$53 billion in 2005. And dont expect spirit sales to slow down any
time soon. By 2010, per capita consumption of spirits is forecasted
to increase by almost another 6 percent. But as store shelves ll up
with a dazzling variety of bottles and consumers develop a taste for
increasingly expensive spirits, the country is now forced to deal with
its relationship with alcohol.
Te problem stems from the fact that the 21st Amendment
only repealed the 18th Amendment; it didnt spell out exactly how
alcohol sales would be controlled. Congress left those decisions up
to the individual states. As a result, the United States has an almost
incomprehensible patchwork of alcohol-related laws that vary
greatly from state to state and sometimes county to county. No two
states have exactly the same laws regarding alcohol. For instance,
the legal drinking age of 21 only became standard in 1998 after the
federal government threatened to withhold funding to states that
didnt comply. Even the legal alcohol content of beer varies across
the country.
Once Prohibition ended, legislators remained cautious. In
many areas, newly enacted laws were quite restrictive. Four states
chose to remain temporarily dry. Across the country, local legis-
latures passed a variety of laws limiting the purchase of alcohol.
Many states enacted blue laws, which prevented alcohol sales on
Sunday. In some areas, it became illegal to purchase alcohol on
credit or with a check. Other places forbade the purchase of alco-
hol on national holidays like Election Day. Several states, includ-
ing New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey, xed the amount by
which stores could mark up the price of liquor by the bottle. States
also passed a slew of laws limiting how alcohol could be advertised.
Eighteen states went even further, actually taking over the whole-
sale and sometimes retail sale of alcohol.
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5 The Ghost of Prohibition
According to an article by veteran wine writer Frank J. Prial in the
New York Times, many of these laws were religiously motivated. Tey
were meant to keep alive the Prohibition spirit and try to achieve some
of the things Prohibition had failed to do. Even after the temperance
movement lost popularity and blue laws for other retail industries
loosened up, the restrictive laws concerning alcohol remained on the
books. One reason, according to Prial, was the strong lobbying power
of the liquor retailers. Many of the laws favored liquor store owners,
who were opposed to proconsumer changes, like expanding week-
end store hours or ending alcohol price controls. Many store owners
didnt want to stay open late at night or all weekend. Tey were also
afraid that an open market would create disastrous price wars. Te
countrys experiment in temperance hadnt succeeded in drying out
the country or dampening its thirst for alcoholic beverages, but it did
succeed in making alcohol more di cult to obtain.
Tis chapter of American history is far from over. Many states
continue to have arcane alcohol laws on their books. For instance, in
Delaware, alcohol sales are currently prohibited when polls are open
for national or statewide elections. Shoppers in Virginias state-run
liquor stores cannot use a debit card to make purchases. Fortunately,
lawmakers continually revise these statutes, and over the last few
years, there has been a push to do away with the most restrictive
blue laws. One major reason for this movement is that cash-strapped
municipalities are continually on the lookout for new streams of
tax revenue. Increased alcohol sales mean more tax dollars. Today,
almost three out of every four states allow alcohol sales on Sunday
unheard of only a few years ago. Te Distilled Spirits Council of the
United States, the alcohol manufacturers industry advocacy group,
which has been pushing for these legal reforms, tabulated that New
York State alone could increase tax revenue by $26.7 million just
by allowing store owners to stay open on Sunday. And laws have
also recently loosened regarding in-store spirit tastings. Since 2001,
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15 states have made this change. Now 84 percent of states allow
stores to hold spirits tastings, which of course helps to increase sales
of new or especially expensive bottles.
Te debate over how and if liquor should be sold predates
Prohibitionits roots lie in colonial times. To understand the
current complex alcohol laws, you must look at the relationship
that this country has had with alcohol from its founding. Some
of the countrys earliest residents were distillers, and some of the
goods rst produced by Americans were spirits. During the 1700s,
the New England colonies produced rum from imported molas-
ses, Pennsylvania farmers distilled rye whiskey from locally grown
crops, and Kentucky became known for a new corn-based spirit
called bourbon. Even a number of the countrys founding fathers
were distillers. James Madison was a big beer brewer who supported
the foundation of a national brewery. At Mount Vernon, George
Washington had a commercial whiskey distillery with ve work-
ing stills. At his Charlottesville, Virginia, home, Tomas Jeerson
planted a vineyard and, like many Americans at the time, brewed
his own beer.
At the time, alcohol was perceived to have salutary eects on
ones health. According to the National Alcoholic Beverage Control
Association (NABCA), life insurance companies even had lower pre-
miums for imbibers. But at the same time, residents of the colonies
didnt tolerate public drunkenness, making it a punishable oense.
And the colonists are credited with the concept of blue laws that
limited the sale of and consumption of alcohol. (One theory is the
expression blue law comes from the fact that the laws were some-
times printed on blue paper.)
Yet already by the late 1700s, a vocal minority believed spir-
its to be dangerous. One of the movements advocates was Rev-
erend Lyman Beecher, father of author Harriet Beecher Stowe,
who beseeched his congregation to avoid alcohol. Te medical
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7 The Ghost of Prohibition
George Washington: The First Distiller
Founding father of America and the countrys spirits industry
George Washington is famous for many reasons. But what is not
commonly known about him is that at the end of his life, he was
a very successful distiller and entrepreneur. A number of the
countrys founding fathers produced beer, wine, or whiskey, but
Washington actually sold his spirit. At Mount Vernon, his 8,000-acre
plantation just outside of Washington, D.C., he grew a number of
crops, including wheat and rye. (He also had over 300 slaves work-
ing his farm.) Mostly he traded the grains or ground them using
his water-powered gristmill. To store the grains, Washington built a
unique 16-sided barn. Washington exported his our to markets as
distant as England and Portugal.
But Washingtons Scottish farm manager, James Anderson,
convinced the former president to turn some of his crops into whis-
key. In 1797, Washington constructed out of local stone a 2,250-
square-foot distillery near his gristmill and cooperage. At its peak,
the distillery had ve copper stills that produced 11,000 gallons of
whiskey. It was one of the countrys largest distilleries. In 1799, the
whiskey brought in $7,500, a very handsome prot.
And it was a good time to be in the whiskey business because
adult Americans on average drank gallons and gallons of alcohol a
year. (Spirits were generally served with meals at Mount Vernon.)
Domestic liquor was also in high demand because the British had
cut o the countrys supply of rum and molasses from the Carib-
bean. As a result, Washingtons whiskey was a best seller, and it sold
as quickly as he could make it. Unfortunately, the distillery was only
in business for a short time. Just three years after Washingtons
01_Chap01.indd 7 5/24/07 10:58:46 AM
community also began to investigate the supposed benecial eects
of alcohol on the body. In 1785, Continental Army Surgeon Gen-
eral Dr. Benjamin Rush published An Inquiry into the Eects of
Ardent Spirits, which, according to the National Alcohol Bever-
age Control Association (NABCA), dismissed the commonly held
belief that soldiers needed alcohol to keep in shape. Te military
nal presidential term, he died 48 hours after the onset of a sudden
throat infection, the distillery shut down shortly thereafter.
Until a few years ago, very little was left of the distillery. In 1997,
200 years after its construction, archeologists discovered the site,
and a few years later, with a $2.1 million grant from the Distilled
Spirits Council of the United States, work began to reconstruct the
facility. In September 2006, the handsome wood and stone build-
ing was o cially dedicated. You can now visit the working distillery,
which is also the home of the rst museum dedicated to American
distilling. It sits just below the reconstructed gristmill on the banks
of the Dogue Run Creek.
A number of well-known bourbon distillers were on hand for
the dedication, including Wild Turkeys Eddie Russell and Makers
Marks Bill Samuels, Jr. They were also there to run a small pot still
and to hand-bottle a special rye that had been distilled and aged
at Mount Vernon. And in an ironic twist, even the British royals,
Washingtons old nemesis, were on hand to oer congratulations.
Prince Andrew the Duke of York accepted a bottle of the Mount
Vernon whiskey and praised the work of Washingtons Scottish
farm manager. Appropriately, after the ribbon was cut, the crowd
toasted Washington with whiskey and then splashed the building
with the rest of their drinks.
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9 The Ghost of Prohibition
community was shocked when Dr. Rush recommended that the
army stop distributing rum to the troops. It took almost 50 years
before the army nally agreed with him.
Te temperance movement continued to grow. In 1851, Maine
became the rst state to ban the production and sale of potable alco-
hol. Over several years, 12 more states enacted prohibition laws. But
this period of temperance didnt last long. One reason, according to
NABCA, was that hordes of heavy-drinking immigrants from Ireland
and Germany began washing up on the countrys shores, bringing
with them a long beer- and spirit-making tradition. According to
Ohio State University, annual per capita spirit consumption in 1850
was about four gallons and grew to almost ve gallons by 1860a
record that hasnt since been matched.
Tough temporarily halted by the Civil War, the debate over
alcohol continued in 1872 when a prohibitionist candidate unsuc-
cessfully ran for president of the United States. Several major
temperance organizations also formed and began campaigning for
bars to close. But at the same time, technical and manufacturing
advances, like refrigeration and the national railroad system, made
possible the large-scale production and widespread distribution of
beer. As a result, beer consumption began to increase rapidly and
soon exceeded distilled spirits consumption. Soon large and power-
ful breweries began to dominate the industry and started signing
saloons to exclusive contracts to sell their beer on tap.
Tere was also a boom in the saloon business, and by 1870, there
were over a 100,000 saloons in the countryroughly one for every
400 Americans. Competition was erce, and prot margins were
shaved to the minimum. To attract customers and increase revenue,
saloon owners branched out into unsavory businesses like gambling
and prostitution. Te link between the sale of alcohol and crime was
now well established and undeniable. Te temperance movement
began to make more sense to mainstream America.
01_Chap01.indd 9 5/24/07 10:58:46 AM
At the same time, temperance advocates began working on a
grassroots level, backing rst local and then state candidates who
began winning elections. Seven states were dry by 1909, and accord-
ing to the NABCA, more than half the states had passed some kind of
prohibition laws by 1917. With the country at war with Germany, it
was easy for temperance advocates to drum up support for a national
alcohol ban and stir up hatred for Americas brewers because many
of them were of German descent. According to Te Gilder Lehrman
Institute of American History, Milwaukee brewers were called the
worst of all our German enemies, and their beer was nicknamed
Kaiser brew by the dries. In 1917, Congress passed the Lever Food
and Fuel Act that banned the manufacture of spirits made from grain
while the country was at war. It was easy to convince people that the
countrys resources should be used to support the ght against the
Germans instead of being used to make alcohol.
Ten Congress passed the 18th Amendment banning the
manufacture, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors. Te
National Prohibition Act went into eect on January 16, 1920. But
Americans werent the only ones to go dry. Across Europe, many
countries, including Norway, England, and Sweden, also passed laws
prohibiting or restricting the consumption of alcohol.
Sadly, the end of crime and corruption that the Amendments
supporters promised never came to fruition. Historians and social
critics now believe that Prohibition only exacerbated the problems
that were plaguing the United States at the turn of the century. Ban-
ning alcohol created an opportunity for gangsters to take control of
the spirits industry. As a result, bootleggers and rumrunners became
quite powerful and wealthy. Tese illegal prots were funneled into
the pockets of police, judges, and politicians across the country,
causing widespread corruption. Even though dries had hoped that
shutting down the saloons would result in less crime, the Amend-
ment had the opposite eect. Soon the jails and courts were lled
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11 The Ghost of Prohibition
with alcohol-related cases, putting a strain on local municipalities.
According to an article from the Cato Institute titled Alcohol Pro-
hibition Was a Failure by Mark Tornton, there were 4,000 federal
convicts before 1914, but because of Prohibition, that number grew
to 26,589 by 1932. At the same time, the number of homicides in
big cities, which had been in decline for decades, also increased by
78 percent during Prohibition.
On the most basic level, Prohibition failed because per capita
consumption of alcohol did not signicantly decrease. People were
making their own bathtub gin and moonshine as well as drinking
in many illegal bars that popped up. In New York City, there were
over 30,000 bars, more than twice as many as before the city went
dry. But not only New Yorkers were breaking the law. In Cleveland,
Ohio, according to the Gilder Lehrman Institute, there were 1,200
bars in 1919, but during Prohibition, more than twice as many ille-
gal bars were open. Worse, according to Tornton, Prohibition also
led people to drink spirits with higher alcoholic content because
it was easier to transport and conceal these higher-octane drinks.
And some drinkers who couldnt obtain alcohol switched to drugs.
Prohibition was intended to make people healthier, but the num-
ber of Americans dying from alcohol-related causes, according to
Tornton, actually increased. Te main reason was that the under-
ground alcohol industry was unregulated and some of the spirits it
produced were deadly to consume.
By the end of the 1920s, the publics patience and enthusiasm for
Prohibition was waning. Te corruption and violence had reached
new highs. According to NABCA, in Chicago alone, there were over
400 mob killings a year. Te bloody Valentines Day Massacre of
1929 symbolized just how out of control the country had become.
Prohibition might have been tolerated during the Roaring Twen-
ties, but after the Great Depression began on Tuesday, October 29,
1929, it seemed unwise to shut down a viable industry. Not only
01_Chap01.indd 11 5/24/07 10:58:46 AM
could the economy use all the alcohol-related jobs, but the govern-
ment had lost tax revenue on all the illicit alcohol being sold. In
1933, with a newly elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the White
House, the supposed Noble Experiment nally ended.
But lawmakers were given a hard task. Tere needed to be a way
to sell alcohol without causing the pre-Prohibition problems of the
distillers and brewers dominating the industry. Each state created a
three-tier system to handle the importation, distribution, and sale
of spirits, breaking up these three processes to make sure that the
distillers and brewers couldnt get too powerful. Te way the system
usually works is that one company produces or imports the spirits
and another distributes them to independently run retail stores or
chains. Spirit producers cannot sell directly to consumers or stores.
And unlike before Prohibition, distillers cant sign up bars to serve
only their products. Te three-tier system is supposed to encourage
competition. All three types of businesses are also licensed by the
government, so that the industry can be closely monitored and held
responsible for any abuses. (Licensing also ensures that the appropri-
ate amount of taxes are collected and remitted to the government.)
Over the last few years, however, not only has there been a major
consolidation among spirit makers but also among distributors. For
many years, spirit distribution was handled by small, local compa-
nies. Now in most states, just a couple of huge distributors handle all
of the brands. Te largest of the large is Southern Wine and Spirits
of America, which expected to have sales of over $7 billion in 2006,
equal to about a fth of the total wine and spirits wholesale business.
Southern started in Florida in 1968 and, over the last four decades,
has evolved into a giant, distributing 5,000 brands in 27 states. Being
so large has many advantages, including the fact that a distributor
can help push a brand around the country through promotions and
marketing. Southern even employs mixologists and sommeliers who
can help train restaurant and liquor store stas.
01_Chap01.indd 12 5/24/07 10:58:46 AM
13 The Ghost of Prohibition
But a major hurdle for a new spirit is nding a distributor who
is willing to carry the brand and actively sell it to store owners. Its
real tough for the little guy to get into the warehouse and out of
the warehouse, says Tito Beveridge, founder of Texas-based Titos
Handmade Vodka. Te 21st Amendment made it legal to make
it. Tat doesnt mean you can sell it, he says. Clearly, the three-tier
system benets large brands because a distributor can easily sell
thousands of cases without much work. For the most popular
brands, the question is not if a store will buy a case but how many
cases, while smaller brands often require hand selling to every liquor
store owner and restaurant spirits buyer.
In the 18 control states, the three-tier system is slightly dier-
ent. In these states, the government assumed control of the whole-
saling of alcohol and sometimes also retail sales by creating state-run
liquor stores. Tese control systems were a compromise; alcohol is
available, but it isnt promoted so as to keep consumption down.
(In fact, in some of these state-run stores, employees are not permit-
ted to oer consumers recommendations.) According to NABCA,
the policies are successful: in control states, per capita consumption
of spirits is 15.8 percent less than consumption in licensed states.
But at the same time, by cutting out private wholesalers and retail-
ers, these states generate almost 100 percent more revenue per gallon
than regulated states.
As sprit consumption continues to increase, the laws regarding
alcohol sales and distribution will also need to evolve. Te United
States has some of the most complex alcohol laws in the world, so
complex that the European Union has even asked the U.S. govern-
ment to streamline them. Te courts are already on the case. In the
spring of 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that wineries could sell
and ship wine directly to consumers across the county. Te indi-
vidual states can now choose either to allow these shipments or ban
all direct winery sales. In light of this landmark ruling, the idea of
01_Chap01.indd 13 5/24/07 10:58:46 AM
This Beers for You?
Spirits sales are up, but thats not necessarily good news
for beer brewers.
Beer bills itself as Americas drink of choice. Theres plenty of evi-
dence to support that claim, including the fact that some of the
countrys founding fathers were very fond of the beverage, not to
mention the link between beer and Americas other pastime, base-
ball. But over the last few years, thanks to the popularity of spirits
and wine, beers market share of the overall alcohol industry has
been gradually decreasing. It still accounts for more than 50 per-
cent of the market, but that might change over the next few years.
According to a report from The International Wine and Spirit Record,
commissioned for the 2007 Vinexpo conference, between 2001 and
2005, per capita consumption of beer decreased by over 3 percent
and is expected to decrease by an additional 6 percent by 2010.
But the news isnt all bad for brewers. Just as with spirits, sales
of higher-end imported and craft beers are up. From 2003 to 2006,
according to the Brewers Association, sales of craft beer increased
by almost 30 percent. Even though the microbrew craze has
cooled o a bit, many of these small breweries have developed a
loyal and sometimes national following. Just as with spirits, wine,
or coee, over the last few years, many people have become beer
connoisseurs, willing to pay a premium for a better, more complex
brew. Around the country, many brewpubs and bars now serve
dozens of beers from around the world. Some of these establish-
ments, like The Map Room in Chicago, Illinois, even oer beer
classes to teach patrons about what theyre drinking. On websites
like, people vigorously debate the best beers
and the top places to enjoy a pint. As a result, sales of craft and
01_Chap01.indd 14 5/24/07 10:58:47 AM
15 The Ghost of Prohibition
direct sales of American-made spirits doesnt seem out of the ques-
tion anymore. Big retailers like Wal-Mart are also pushing for the
reform of alcohol laws; Wal-Marts negotiations with spirit manufac-
turers are hampered by the structure of the three-tier system. But for
imported beers will most likely continue to increase over the next
few years.
The big breweries are also working hard to increase sales and
change the lowbrow connotation of mass-produced beer. For exam-
ple, Anheuser-Busch launched the Heres to Beer ad campaign in
February 2006, which according to the company, aims to elevate the
image of beer. So in addition to the standard message of how friends
can bond over a six-pack, the campaign also tried to get drinkers
to pair beer with dierent foods. The campaigns website featured
cheese pairing suggestions, beer cocktail recipes, and even food
recipes from celebrity chef Todd English that called for beer as an
ingredient. To compete with the microbrews, the beer giant has also
created a number of limited edition beers that are sold seasonally.
As a backup plan, Anheuser-Busch has created a new division,
called Long Tail Libations, to develop spirits. The companys rst
product, Jekyll & Hyde, is a liqueur made from two spirits that a
consumer combines when hes ready to drink it. According to the
Associated Press, the president of the company, August Busch IV,
disclosed these intentions at the National Conference of State Liquor
Administrators in June of 2006. The loss of beer volume to wine and
hard liquor has accelerated in recent years, says Busch. And if this
trend continues, we at Anheuser-Busch will have to re-evaluate our
business model going forward in terms of expanding beyond beer
and broadening our position within the total alcohol industry.
01_Chap01.indd 15 5/24/07 10:58:47 AM
consumers and even people involved in the industry, the regulations
and restrictions can still be quite confusing. Even though Prohibi-
tion is an almost-forgotten era of American history, the eects of the
temperance movement will be felt for decades.
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02_Chap02.indd 17 5/24/07 10:59:12 AM
02_Chap02.indd 18 5/24/07 10:59:13 AM
N , nding a bottle of Scottish single malt whisky
was nearly impossible. Now its hard to walk into a bar or a liquor
store without nding at least one of the three GlensGlenddich,
Glenlivet, or Glenmorangienot to mention the dozens of other
single malts that have ooded the U.S. market over the last 20 years.
Glenddich, which takes credit for creating the category, was rst
imported to the states in 1963. Before then, almost all of the single
malt produced wasnt bottled but was used in whisky blends. Most
Americans got their rst taste of single malt when it became widely
available in the late 1970s or 1980s and ever since have developed
an unquenchable taste for it. In fact, during the last few years, the
United States has again become the number one market by value
for the Scottish whisky industry, a title held by Spain as recently as
2001. In 2005, about 120 million bottles of Scotch whisky, worth
about $720 million, were exported to America.
But Scotch is not just thriving in the United States. According
to the Scotch Whisky Association, in 2005 overall exports totaled
about $4.6 billionthe third highest total on record for the industry.
A Singular
02_Chap02.indd 19 5/24/07 10:59:13 AM
Sales are booming in Asia, Latin America, and even India. But
the largest market by volume for whisky is just across the English
Channel in France, where it has become the drink of choice. Its
particularly ironic given the countrys own noble history of distil-
lation and wine making. And Scotch is only getting more popular;
from 2004 to 2005, exports to France increased by 12 percent, for
a total of 153.5 million bottles.
Yet most Scottish whisky isnt single malt. In fact, over 90 percent
of whisky produced goes into blended whiskies, a mix of a number
of single malts and aged grain whisky. For decades, blended whisky
has been imported to America and has sold very well. But thats
changing as single malt becomes increasingly popular and draws
new, younger drinkers. According to experts, for the most part,
drinkers of blended whisky are older and more loyal to a single brand
that theyve been enjoying for years. According to Distilled Spirits
Council of the United States (DISCUS), the number of nine-liter
cases of single malt sold in the United States increased by over 19
percent between 2002 to 2005. Over the same period, sales of cases
of blends only increased by about 3 percent. Most master blenders,
however, are quick to point out that these gures are impressive but
relative to the overwhelming size of the blended category. And the
blenders will even admit that they are quite happy about the atten-
tion and the customers that single malt has brought to the industry.
Its great to have a buzz on whisky, says Colin Scott, the master
blender at Chivas Regal.
Another reason distillers are happy is that Americans arent just
drinking more Scottish whiskytheyre also drinking more expen-
sive whisky. According to the Scotch Whiskey Association, from
2004 to 2005, overall consumption grew by just a few percentage
points, but the value of the whisky consumed grew by 10 percent.
People are trading up from blends, or even so-called white spir-
its like vodka and gin, to ever more expensive single malts and,
02_Chap02.indd 20 5/24/07 10:59:13 AM
21 A Singular Sensation
Monument to Malt: Park Avenue Liquor Shop
Thanks to the popularity boom of single malt whiskies, American
drinkers have a huge selection from which to choose. But tracking
down bottles from some of the smaller distilleries or buying a limited
edition bottling can be challenging. Most liquor stores only stock the
most popular brands and the youngest (least expensive) oerings.
But one place that is sure to stock even the rarest of whiskies is New
York Citys Park Avenue Liquor Shop. A virtual nirvana for whisky
fans, Park Avenue stocks over 400 single malts alone, not to men-
tion blends, bourbon, cognac, and armagnac. Most of these precious
bottles are on display on a huge set of shelves behind the stores
registers. People from all over the world come to the shop to pay
homage to the collection of whisky and pick up some rare malts.
Park Avenue Liquor Shop, which is actually located on Madison
Avenue, began specializing in the expanding single malt whisky
category 14 years ago. The whisky section soon began gobbling up
shelf space, even forcing the store to jettison some blended whisky
and vodkas. We try to carry as many dierent distilleries as pos-
sible, says the stores vice president, Jonathan Goldstein. We really
became a store that specialized in rare and hard-to-get spirits. In
fact, in addition to carrying all the standard fare, Park Avenue now
buys whole casks from distillers and does their own limited edi-
tion private bottling. In the past, the store has done bottlings with
Highland Park, Auchentoshan, and Compass Box. After Goldstein
tastes, samples, and nds the perfect cask, it can be on the stores
shelves in just three months.
In Scotland, private bottlings are relatively common, and over
the last few years, a number of high-end American liquor stores
02_Chap02.indd 21 5/24/07 10:59:13 AM
to a lesser extent, expensive blended whiskies. Tis is a huge role
reversal and coup for the category, which had been steadily losing
drinkers to vodka and gin over the last 30 years. Part of the reason
for the increase in sales is that single malt whisky has now come to
embody the epitome of luxury and wealth, a position that pricey
blends like Johnnie Walker and Chivas Regal held in the 1950s and
1960s, or cognac, which was the epitome of sophistication during
the 19th century.
Just as upscale bars have to oer jazz and comfy brown leather
club chairs, a top shelf full of old single malts is now also a prerequi-
site. Bar owners are more than happy to stock and serve these malts
because they can charge $10 or more for a dram and nd them less
labor-intensive to serve than cocktails. (New Yorks Brandy Library
perhaps is the extreme, oering 270 dierent single malts as well
as 130 cognacs.)
Around the world, the spirit has become the drink of choice for
the well-to-do. During the American tech boom of the late 1990s,
sales of expensive single malts took o as people wanted ever rarer and
pricier drinks. At the same time, some of the rarest bottles were sent to
have also begun to oer them. Park Avenue was one of the rst to
start this trend. Goldstein is always on the lookout for deals with
distilleries and is currently selecting casks for the stores next unique
oering. The store has branched out, also bottling a bourbon and
a rum, and Goldstein is working on doing an exclusive tequila. But
even with his loyal and knowledgeable customer base, he admits,
Theres no way I can hand sell a certain distillery thats just not very
popular here in the States. You have to have a good story behind it
for me to consider buying an entire cask.
02_Chap02.indd 22 5/24/07 10:59:13 AM
23 A Singular Sensation
Japan, where Scotch became a favorite of Tokyo businessmen. (Soon
after, however, the Japanese market for whisky softened as drinkers
switched to ordering white spirits and expensive imported wine.) In
Asian countries with booming economies, whisky sales have grown
greatly. Exports to South Korea, Taiwan, and Tailand increased by
at least 24 percent from 2004 to 2005. In Venezuela, scotch sales
have skyrocketed. As the price of Venezuelan oil has climbed higher
and higher, so too has the demand for whisky. According to a story in
the New York Times, heavyweight Diageo, owner of dozens of whisky
brands including Talisker, Lagavulin, and Dalwhinnie, saw sales in
Venezuela increase by a whopping 60 percent in 2005. Te increase
is especially impressive given the countrys own well-respected rum
industry and because Venezuelas leftist president Hugo Chavez has
attacked the importation of foreign whisky.
However, the demand for single malt is actually a relatively new
phenomenon, even though Scotland has been making whisky for
hundreds of years. Te rst written mention of the spirit is an entry
into the records of the Scottish Exchequer in 1494. It is likely that
the art of distilling so called aqua vitae (water of life) was brought
to Scotland by Irish monks even earlier. In the mid-1600s, the
highlands of Scotland became the epicenter of whisky production
because the land oered plentiful supplies of barley and pure spring
water. And perhaps most important, the forbidding terrain also
aorded the distillers the perfect hideout from the British Crowns
tax collectors, who had imposed punitive taxes on the budding
whisky industry in 1644.
Tese duties didnt stop the highlanders from continuing to
distill and perfect their product. By the early 1800s, the taxes were
nally lowered, and the whisky trade became legal and regulated.
George Smith, founder of the now ubiquitous Te Glenlivet,
applied for and received the rst distilling license in 1824. Te
company claims he did so at the risk of his life because the other
02_Chap02.indd 23 5/24/07 10:59:14 AM
illegal distillers, who were making a good living, were less than
happy with his decision to go legit and pay taxes. At the time
whisky was generally sold by the barrel to bars around Scotland
and Ireland. Some even made it to America.
By 1850, the whisky trade was well established, and companies
soon began buying single malt from distilleries and blending it with
aged grain whisky. Tis oered several advantages. Te blending mel-
lowed the whiskygrain whisky is a lot lighter than single maltand
made the nished spirit much easier to drink. For example, Johnnie
Walker Black Label is 60 percent to 70 percent grain whisky. Red
Labels percentage is even greater. Adding grain whisky also allowed
blenders to stretch the single malt. Grain whisky wasnt made on
the traditional, expensive swan-necked copper stills but on the new,
high-volume, more e cient continuous patent stills, also known as
Coey Stills in honor of their inventor, Aeneas Coey. (Tese stills
are more like the ones used to distill vodka.) When introduced in
1831, the patent still was quite an innovation, and grain whisky con-
tinues to be made on it today. Grain whisky doesnt have to be made
from malted barley (barley that has been germinated) and was often
made from the cheapest grain available, usually unmalted barley,
wheat, or corn. Like single malt, it must be aged.
Sales of blends were helped by the widespread marketing cam-
paigns waged by whisky companies. Te industry also got a break
at the end of the 19th century, thanks to the phylloxera virus. For
years, as the small aphid ate its way across European vineyards, no
cognac, sherry, or port was produced. Te crisis didnt end until the
European farmers grafted their vines onto a Texas rootstock that was
resistant to the virus. Even though the phylloxera epidemic ended,
it gave a big boost to whisky companies and an almost fatal blow to
cognac, sherry, and port producers. Drinkers around the world had
discovered whisky, which became increasingly popular while sales of
cognac never regained the same level of popularity.
02_Chap02.indd 24 5/24/07 10:59:14 AM
25 A Singular Sensation
Te whisky blenders became so successful that they began
buying up single malt distilleries, ensuring a continuous supply of
quality whisky for their blends. Today, the largest blenders still own
many of the single malt distillers. Diageo alone owns 27 dierent
single malt distilleries (about a third of the entire industry) and 2
grain distilleries. (To keep up with demand, in the winter of 2007,
the company announced that it was investing almost $200 million
to expand whisky production. Te plan included the construction
of a new malt distillery in Speyside.) Te whisky from these distill-
eries goes into the companys 14 blends, including Johnnie Walker,
Bells, and J&B. A blended whisky brand can be made from dozens
of dierent single malts. For instance, the recipes for J&B and for
the 12-year-old Johnnie Walker Black Label each call for a dierent
blend of about 40 malts and grain whiskies.
But just as whisky was truly about to dominate, the industry
faced a number of serious problems. Production was rst stopped
for World War I and then hindered by the global temperance move-
ment, which aected key markets, including, of course, the United
States. Soon after Prohibition was repealed, World War II began and
production ceased again. As the war was ending in 1944, Winston
Churchill decided that the whisky industry should start up again
and get a ration of barley. He was afraid that once the war was over,
there wouldnt be an adequate supply of whisky for export and it
would take years for the distillers to get going again, causing a major
blow to the countrys peacetime economy.
As the United Kingdom tried to recover from the war during
the next decade, the government limited the amount of whisky
that could be produced. (It wasnt just the whisky industry that
was aected. Certain foods continued to be rationed until the early
1950s.) Fortunately, the restrictions were soon relaxed. Because of
the two World Wars and Britains connection to her former colo-
nies, whisky had been introduced all over the world. Troughout
02_Chap02.indd 25 5/24/07 10:59:14 AM
the 1950s and 1960s, blended whisky exports to America grew and,
according to DISCUS, reached a peak in 1975 of almost 24 million
nine-liter cases.
Te good times were short-lived: the economic crises of the late
1970s and early 1980s crippled the whisky industry. Many distilleries
were forced to close, many never reopening. According to a story in
the whisky enthusiast magazine, Malt Advocate, 16 distilleries closed
during the rst half of the 1980s, and the distilleries that remained
open reduced their output. As a result, according to John Hansell,
the publisher and editor of Malt Advocate, the supply of 20-year-old
malt is now running low, while whisky companies have good stock of
30-year-olds from the 1970s. Distillers have responded by increasing
prices for 18- or 20-year-old whiskies. To keep products on shelves,
some brands are bottling older whisky but putting a younger age
on the bottle. (Technically, this truth stretching is permissible, as
the age on the label is really only a minimumbut this is clearly
not a long-term solution.) Other distilleries are introducing nonvin-
tage whiskies, like Macallans Cask Strength, which bears no age on
the label at all. Tey just cant spare the older stu, says Jonathan
Goldstein, vice president of New Yorks Park Avenue Liquor Shop.
Even though historically, almost all of the single malt went into
blends, in the highlands of Scotland and Northern England, there
had always been demand for the straight malt. Its no wonder, con-
sidering that the whisky has a full-bodied and very rich taste. Te
range of avors also runs the gamut from fruity to smoky since each
distillery produces a unique tasting whisky.
But even in the home market, it took drinkers many years to
begin to appreciate the taste of single malt. One reason was that it
just wasnt easy to get your hands on a bottle. Buying single malt in
Scotland meant buying from the distillery itself or an independent
bottler. Just like a blender, an independent bottler buys new spirit
from a distillery and then ages and bottles the whisky. Usually, the
02_Chap02.indd 26 5/24/07 10:59:14 AM
27 A Singular Sensation
whisky bottle bears a label listing both the bottler as well as the distill-
ery where the spirit was produced. Te distillers were happy to sell
casks to anyone, says Hansell, because it meant some extra cash.
One of the most famous independent bottlers is Gordon &
MacPhail. Te company began in 1895 in the town of Elgin, which
is very close to the Speyside distillers, and is still in business today.
In addition to selling groceries and wine and blending its own whis-
kies, the company also bottled single malt that it bought from the
distillers. Eventually Gordon & MacPhail dropped the groceries to
specialize in whisky and wine. Today the company oers 450 of its
own bottlings, which range in age from 5 to 60 years, and has a stock
of over 700 whiskies. Some of the older whiskies in the companys
inventory are extremely rare because they are perhaps the only casks
that the distillers didnt sell to blenders.
According to Hansell, the independent bottlers were instru-
mental in turning people on to single malt scotch. But today, some
whisky experts predict the demise of independent bottlers. Because
the distillers now bottle their own single malts, they dont want to
sell casks and are making it harder for the bottlers to get the whisky.
Its more protable for the distillery to bottle the single malt itself.
Also, the master distiller can control the product and determine
when a cask should be bottled. Distillers were concerned that the
independent bottlers might put out substandard whiskies, which
would reect poorly on the distillery. Tey also didnt want to com-
pete against themselves by allowing consumers the luxury of choos-
ing between a distillers product line and the rarer odd cask that had
been sold to a private bottler.
After the economic crunch of the late 1970s and early 1980s, the
industry was at a crossroads. Tere were fewer distilleries, but at the
same time, American demand for blends was decreasing. According
to DISCUS, the volume of Scotch whisky sold in America dropped
by almost 44 percent during the 80s. A big reason for this decline
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was the vodka craze started by a new Swedish brand, Absolut. Unlike
whisky, which boasted a long and rich history, Michel Rouxs now
legendary ad campaign for Absolut used well-known and edgy art-
ists like Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat to emphasize the
vibrancy and hipness of vodka.
Ironically, while consumers may not have wanted to buy
whisky, advances in technology made the spirit much easier and
less labor intensive to make. In most distilleries by the 1980s,
electric coils replaced the coal res that historically had heated the
stills. It allowed the still workers to regulate the amount of heat
easily and keep the stills at a constant temperature without getting
up from their seats. Te coils were also a lot safer than continually
burning coal; distillery res were not uncommon during the era of
coal furnaces. Another time saver dating from the 1960s was the
establishment of specialty malters. Tese malters can prepare the
barley to a distillers exact specications, down to the amount of
moisture in the grain. (Diageo even owns four malters to ensure
that its distilleries have a constant and consistent supply.) Now
only a handful of distilleries, including Highland Park and Balve-
nie, still use traditional oor malting.
Whisky companies also began using computers to track each
of their casks. According to Douglas McLean Murray, master of
whisky at Johnnie Walker, the brand began adding bar codes to casks
in 1985. Te technology was a great help, given that it has about
8 million casks aging in dierent warehouses. Now when Murray
puts together a Johnnie Walker blend, a computer generates a list of
the casks to pull. Because the computer tracks all the blends being
made, the warehouse workers can make fewer trips and get casks
from the same warehouse for several dierent whiskies at the same
time. Tanks to these advances, output increased, and the number
of workers employed by the distilleries dropped. It used to take a few
dozen workers to run a distillery; now it just takes a few.
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29 A Singular Sensation
As a result of these changes, the single malt distillers began look-
ing for a new market for their whisky. Single malt at the end of the
day provides you with more prot, says Ian Millar, the Global Brand
Ambassador for William Grant & Sons, which makes Glenddich,
the number one single malt in the world. Sales of our single malt
grew to the point where eventually, other whisky companies real-
ized that this was not just a fad but a real business opportunity, and
so the category became more established with the introduction of
other malt whiskies. It was a genius idea, because not only were the
distillers able to nd a new market for their whisky, but they were
able to get consumers to pay a premium for it. Single malt whisky
acquired the reputation of being much better and sophisticated than
blends, which helped to drive its sales. (A similar strategy is now
being used by some coee brands, which are selling high-priced cof-
fee that comes from a single estate. Traditionally these beans would
have been blended with coee from other estates.)
During the 1980s, many single malts started to appear on
American shelves, including for the rst time brands like Macallan,
Oban, Talisker, and Lagavulin. But many of the early malts that
came to America, according to Hansell, were pretty unexciting.
One reason was that the distillers were used to making whisky to
be used by blenders and not consumed straight. It took some time
for the dierent distilleries to nd their niche and perfect their
avor. But by the early 1990s, the popularity of the spirit began to
grow and has continued to increase ever since. No one predicted
that Scotch whisky would be this popular, says Hansell. Over the
last ve to seven years, overall supply has tightened, and single malt
prices have shot up.
Drinkers have developed an appreciation and connoisseurship of
single malts. During the past few years, People who got into single
malt are ignoring 10- and 12-year-olds and are trading up, says
Glenddichs Millar. To satisfy this new need, the whisky companies
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John Glaser: Whisky Pioneer
An independent seeks to shake up the staid and corporate
world of Scotch whisky.
John Glaser is a maverick in the Scotch whisky world, but he almost
became a winemaker. After completing college, he worked in dif-
ferent parts of the wine business, even spending time in Burgundy,
and he considered enrolling at University of CaliforniaDavis to
study winemaking. He decided against it after realizing the course
load included a lot of chemistry.
In 1994, Glaser took a job in New York with Diageo to work on
Johnnie Walker whisky. At the time, I knew nothing about Scotch
whisky, he admits. He gured that someday he might be able to
switch over to the wines in Diageos portfolio. When he arrived in
Scotland for the rst time to visit the distilleries, he expected to see
giant, ugly factories pumping out whisky. Instead, he was charmed
by the beauty and history of the industry and the distilleries, which
date back hundreds of years. The wheels started spinning, he says.
By 1998, he was working in Johnnie Walkers o ce in London and
building contacts in the Scotch industry.
Glaser says he had discovered that whisky was a pretty staid
and traditional business. In the back of his mind, ideas began to
take shape about how to improve its production and marketing. He
approached Diageo with the idea of creating a boutique blended
whisky company. They passed on the idea, and Glaser left to form his
own craft blending company, which he called Compass Box Whisky.
It was a gutsy move, because as he admits, its a business domi-
nated by a small number of companies. In 2000, Glaser blended
the rst batch of whisky in his kitchen. Since the companys humble
beginning, Compass Box has released a number of innovative and
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31 A Singular Sensation
quickly expanded their product lines to include older and more var-
ied oerings. In 1997 and 1998, Highland Park introduced its now
acclaimed 15-, 18-, and 25-year-old single malt whiskies. In 1996,
Glenmorangie introduced its line of Wood Finishes. Te whisky
is aged in the traditional manner in old bourbon casks and then is
nished in barrels that formerly held wine or sherry. Even the blends
have introduced more expensive line extensions. Chivas Regal asked
master blender Colin Scott to come up with the companys rst ever
18-year-old blend. (One reason the company decided on making
interesting whiskies, including the all-grain Hedonism and the
super-smoky Peat Monster. Glaser is rethinking all aspects of the
whisky business, including label design and the quality of the cask
in which the whisky is aged. There are so many interesting things
we can do, he says. Its time to accelerate the evolution.
But the industry isnt always ready for his ideas or products.
For instance, Compass Box put out a whisky called The Spice Tree.
Glaser blended a number of single malts (technically this blend is
called a vatted malt because it doesnt contain grain whisky) and
aged the spirit a second time in casks made with high-end French
oak inserts. The Scotch Whisky Association didnt approve of the
process and asked Glaser to stop producing the spirit. (Without the
Associations approval, the blend cant be called Scotch whisky.)
But not all the attention on Glasers whiskies has been negative.
Food & Wine chose his Asyla as its best whisky of the year in 2002.
In 2002 and 2003, Malt Advocate Magazine called Glaser Pioneer
of the Year, and Whisky Magazine has named him Innovator of the
Year three times. All of these accolades are well deserved, because
Glasers innovations are helping to reshape the Scotch industry.
02_Chap02.indd 31 5/24/07 10:59:15 AM
an 18-year-old was that the number is considered lucky in its tar-
geted Asian cultures.) Johnnie Walker introduced its super-high-end
Blue in 1992. Even the Famous Grouse, known for its easy-drinking
blend, launched a $35 12-year-old and a $55 18-year-old blended
malt whisky in the fall of 2005. Tis rapid response was quite
remarkable given the fact that the distillers had only recently begun
to bottle whisky for consumers.
An auction market for vintage single malt has also developed
and is thriving. According to Martin Green, a vintage whisky expert
and consultant at McTears auction house in Glasgow, Scotland,
the rst auction to feature whisky was held by Christies in 1983.
McTears held the rst all-whisky auction in 1989. To get an idea of
how popular whisky collecting has become, consider that McTears
now holds four whisky auctions each year. People buying ten years
ago now want to sell, says Green. Teyve realized its a form of
investment. And prices are rising for these bottles. Te benchmark
is Macallan, arguably the favorite of whisky collectors because of its
quality and the availability of vintage bottles. From 1996 to 2006 at
auction, the price of a bottle of the brands 1926, 60-year-old whisky
has more than doubled.
Te whisky companies took note of this trend and began to dig
through their cellars to release special rare bottlings. Tese limited
edition whiskies have created excitement among collectors as well as
drawn considerable attention from the general public. In 1999, Te
Glenlivet started a Cellar Collection program, which periodically
releases limited editions of extremely special and expensive spirits.
For instance, in 2004, the company released just over 1,800 bottles
of a 1964 whisky. Te 800 bottles allocated for the U.S. market were
each priced at $2,000. As of fall 2006, there had been six dier-
ent special bottlings in the companys Cellar Collection. Not to be
outdone, in April of 2002, Macallan launched the most ambitious
vintage whisky program yet: the Fine & Rare Collection. It launched
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33 A Singular Sensation
with 10,000 bottles and 37 distinctive vintages covering over 116
years with a value at the time of $20 million Te company says
they released the collection because it is expected to appeal to the
growing segment of enthusiasts who are fascinated by the intricacies
of old whiskies, to drink or collect. (Macallan even released a book
about the collection and the vintage whisky auction market.)
Many more distilleries have released rare and pricey bottles to tap
into this demand. For example, Glenrothes, which for a long time
only went into blends like Cutty Sark, came out with a pricey bot-
tling of a single 1979 cask (cask #13458) in the fall of 2006. Each of
the 519 bottles was priced at $1,000. And some blenders have also
introduced extremely rare oerings. To celebrate Johnnie Walkers
anniversary, the brand released a limited edition cask-strength ver-
sion of its already pricey Blue Label. Te special spirit came in a
squat square Baccarat decanter, which was enclosed in a blue leather
case. Each of the anniversary packs sold for $3,500that is, if you
could nd a store that still had it in stock.
With the popularity of single malts on the rise, a number of
distilleries that had been mothballed reopened, including Bruichlad-
dich, Scapa, and Benromach. And with demand so high, many dis-
tillers have cut back the amount of whisky they sell to blenders.
Some have even gone further. Since the early 1990s, Glenmoran-
gie stopped selling its whisky to blenders and now bottles all of its
single malt. Further proof that single malt whisky has gone from
being a curiosity to a bar staple is that distilleries are now licensing
their name. For instance, Edelman Leather, which supplies Herman
Miller, now makes a Glenlivet Chair whose color matches the brands
21-year-old whisky. And just as restaurants have oered special din-
ners showcasing a particular wine variety or vintage, there are now
whisky dinners. Te Fairmont Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica,
California, for instance, put together a ve-course, $100-per-person
Macallan dinner in 2006. Not to mention the success of Malt
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On the Whisky Trail
For years, oenophiles have made the pilgrimage to Napa and
Sonoma to see where their favorite wines are made. The vineyard
has become a key component of a wine brands marketing plan.
Many of these wineries are designed to welcome visitors, with gift
shops, tasting rooms, and restaurants. Something similar is happen-
ing in Scotland. As single malt whiskies have become more popular,
an increasing number of drinkers have started to visit the Scottish
Whisky Trail, which runs through the Speyside section of the High-
lands. About four hours north of Edinburgh, the Trail is made up of
some of the most famous distilleries in the world. Taking a cue from
the wine industry, the distilleries have begun to turn themselves into
bona de tourist attractions, with introductory movies, cafs, and
even in-depth connoisseur tours for serious whisky fans. Here are
some highlights on the Whisky Trail.
The Glenlivet
Located in a beautiful spot in the highlands, The Glenlivet is sur-
rounded by soaring mountains where ocks of sure-footed sheep
graze. The distillery was the rst in 1824 to be licensed by the gov-
ernment and ever since has been making some of the best-known
whisky in the world. The distillery has a large visitors center with a
new exhibition about the brand, a gift shop, and a caf. Visitors can
also take a complimentary tour of the facility, which ends with a
dram of the 12- or 18-year-old.
The number one selling Scottish whisky in the world is located just
a mile outside of Dutown, the heart of the region. Before a free
02_Chap02.indd 34 5/24/07 10:59:15 AM
35 A Singular Sensation
tour of the facility, visitors are treated to a dramatic short movie
about the William Grant family and the founding of the company
made by Hollywood director Ridley Scott. Theres a caf and a gift
shop, and the distillery also oers a two-and-a-half-hour connois-
seurs tour (about $40) that ends with a whisky tasting. Glenddichs
sister brand, Balvenie, located just next door, also oers tours. The
tour takes about two and a half hours and costs about $40. Reser-
vations are required.
Until recently, Macallan didnt publicize its location in an eort to
discourage people from visiting. The policy wasnt enacted out of
elitism but necessity. The layout of the distillery isnt conducive for
tours. But to satisfy its fans, the company recently built a gift shop
and a large exhibit space on the second oor of one its whisky
warehouses. Currently its lled with a display about the wood
used in constructing the brands barrels. The company oers both
a regular tour (about $10) and a Precious Tour (about $30). Both
tours end with a tasting. For Macallan fans, the gift shop oers
limited edition, seasonal, single-cask bottlings that arent available
anywhere else. It also sells rare vintages, like an eight-year-old, that
are made for various export markets.
Speyside Cooperage
One hundred years ago, most whisky companies employed coo-
pers to x and maintain their casks. But for reasons of space and
economy, most whisky brands now no longer employ their own
coopers. Instead they use large commercial cooperages like the
Speyside Cooperage, located four miles outside of Dutown, which
02_Chap02.indd 35 5/24/07 10:59:15 AM
Advocates annual WhiskyFest. Tis veritable whisky mecca allows
fans to taste over 200 whiskies and meet with company representa-
tives. Te event started in New York in 1998, where it sells out every
year, and now also takes place in Chicago and San Francisco.
At this point, the future of single malt looks bright, and its
hard to imagine that the category wont continue to grow. Over
the past few years, distillers have been able to attract increasingly
sophisticated drinkers by oering ever more complex and interest-
ing spirits at higher prices. Single malts and expensive blends have
been turned into status symbols, not unlike imported chocolate,
high-priced designer jeans, and artisanal cheeses, with a loyal and
wealthy following. For many whisky brands, higher prices and more
limited supply means increased demand. Tese expensive bottles
makes or xes about 100,000 casks per year for a number of dif-
ferent whisky brands. The cooperage is open to visitors who can
watch the coopers at work from a viewing balcony. Admission costs
about $6 for adults.
The Quaich Bar at the Craigellachie Hotel
One of the best places to taste whisky is the legendary Quaich Bar
at the Craigellachie Hotel. (The bars name comes from the tradi-
tional Celtic two-handled drinking bowl.) Even though the Quaich
is small with only a few tables, the walls are covered in shelves
holding more than 700 bottles of single malt whisky. The well-
versed bartenders are more than willing to make recommenda-
tions and help you navigate the thick menu. You can nd whiskies
that sell for just a few dollars a glass, but rare malts can fetch up
to $530 a drink.
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37 A Singular Sensation
have helped the rest of the industry to introduce premium and
super-premium spirits.
One advantage that the Scotch industry has over many of the
other spirits categories is the high cost of starting a new single malt
brand. Not only are distilleries expensive to build, but the whisky
has to be made in Scotland and aged for at least three years, usually
much longer. A new brand would take more than a decade to start
from scratch. Comparatively, vodka is relatively cheap and fast to
produce. Its no surprise, then, that entrepreneurs are attracted to
the white unaged spirit. As a result, the big Scotch brands dont have
to worry too much about new competition or the markets becom-
ing saturated with whisky. However, because worldwide demand is
increasing rapidly, many distilleries are running at full capacity, and
some are even expanding. But the eects of this increased produc-
tion wont be felt for a while. Remember, most of the whisky made
today wont hit shelves for at least another 12 years.
Still, the spirits business tends to be cyclical. Over the last 180
years, the whisky industry has gone through a number of booms
and busts. Some experts are now afraid that with prices so high,
consumers may ultimately lose interest and buy less expensive
whisky. (To be fair, the recent weakness of the dollar has also helped
push Scotch prices up.) According to Hansell, for many years, single
malts were undervalued compared to cognac, and you could nd a
good bottle for under $20. Now the gaps closing, he says. Te
bargain now is bourbon. You can get a good bottle for under $15.
And for whisky drinkers, a price correction wouldnt be a bad thing.
Im hoping prices will be slashed, admits Hansell. Teyve gone
up a lot the last ve years.
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Fiox anovi, Cocxac, France, looks like an intricate quilt of
geometrically striped green-and-light-brown patches. Closer to the
ground, each patch reveals itself to be a eld of crops or tight rows
of trained grape vines. Old chateaus and crumbling farm houses
dot the landscape, giving the area the feel of a perfect Hollywood
set. Te grapes, of course, are cultivated for the areas world-famous
eponymous spirit. Te small town, made up of old, low, light-col-
ored stone buildings, is still centered around producing cognac, and
its hard to avoid the proud displays of bottles in shop windows or
the cognac distilleries themselves. Te warehouses are covered in a
black patina of mold generated by the aging cognac, which the town
wears as a badge of honor, proof that the spirit is still made the same
way as it was hundreds of years ago.
But just outside the town, on a dusty road that winds through
the elds, is a large, new, and unremarkable gray structure that from
a distance looks like a large airplane hangar. But the hulking build-
ing is the home of another famous spirit: Grey Goose Vodka. To the
surprise of many drinkers, one of the worlds best-known vodkas isnt
Straight Up
03_Chap03.indd 41 5/24/07 10:59:39 AM
made in Russia, Poland, or Scandinavia but in this quiet southwest-
ern corner of France. Inside the mirrored front doors (which feature
two oversized Gs as handles) is a small reception area complete with
four at-screen TVs and loud, piped-in techno pop. Set into the
oor is a glass cube lled with crushed glass and Grey Goose bottles.
Te room has the feel of an exclusive nightclub thousands of miles
away in Miami or New York, where bottles of the brands vodka are
sold for hundreds of dollars each.
Inside the massive facility are huge stainless steel tanks made for
the pharmaceutical industry that hold thousands of liters of vodka
which is actually produced in a distillery in Central France. And at
the center of the building is a highly mechanized, state-of-the-art
bottling facility, which for the most part runs on it own. Workers
feed the line pallets of empty bottles. Machines ll the bottles, fold
the boxes, and package the spirit. At the other end are pallets of
neatly stacked cases of vodka that are covered in plastic wrap ready
for shipping. Te whole process takes about ve minutes when both
lines are functioning, and the plant can produce up to 16,000 bottles
an hour. Its hard to talk over the hum of the machines and the inces-
sant ding of bottles bumping gently against each other.
Te nished vodka is picked up by a small forklift and brought
into a giant storeroom with aisles upon aisles of towering stacks of
fully loaded palates. It feels like a Costco, except theres only one
product for sale. Most of the nished bottles go into large shipping
containers destined for the United States, where 94 percent of the
vodka is consumed. Te vodka is hard to nd even in the local bars
and disco.
At rst, it seems odd that this oversized monument to modern
technology would be built in the middle of the French countryside,
where distilling traditions and techniques predate the discovery of
the New World. But its no accident that the brand has always been
located in Cognac. For one thing, the area has an excellent supply
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43 Vodka Straight Up
of water that is naturally ltered through Champagne limestone,
and the townspeople have inherited hundreds of years of distilling
expertise. But most importantly, coming from France also makes
the vodka unique. It was one of the rst vodkas made in France to
be exported to the United States. And the French origins lend a cer-
tain je ne sais quoi or air of luxury to the brand. Tose ingredients
are absolutely necessary to create a super-premium spirit, especially
when that product was dreamed up in prosaic New Rochelle, New
York, and costs $30 a bottle. In Eastern Europe, vodka used to be
a peasants drink, says Aleco Azqueta, group marketing manager
of Grey Goose. But his brand gave the spirit the French spin, the
luxury spin, and the culinary spin.
Tanks to Grey Goose and its competitors, vodka has become
a luxury product, which seemingly can never be premium enough.
Te clear alcohol, which by denition has a neutral taste, is the fast-
est-growing, largest segment of the spirits business. In 2005, 761
dierent vodkas were for sale, an increase of almost 56 percent from
2000 according to the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States
(DISCUS). But vodka is still relatively new to America. People really
started drinking the spirit in the 1950s, but for years, it lagged behind
whisky and the other white spirits, gin and rum. In 1952, accord-
ing to DISCUS, vodka sales made up just 1 percent of total industry
volume. Te spirit got a boost from Ian Fleming, whose character
James Bond ordered a vodka cocktail, the Vesper, in the 1953 book
Casino Royale. Bond also orders his famous vodka martini shaken,
not stirred in the 1962 hit movie Dr. No. By 1970, on the strength
of Smirnos successful it leaves you breathless advertising cam-
paign and the rise in popularity of cocktails, especially the Moscow
Mule, the spirit surpassed gin. Just ve years later, vodka overtook
the blended whisky category.
Vodka hasnt looked back. In 2005, vodka made up over 27 per-
cent of total industry sales. To put that impressive performance in
03_Chap03.indd 43 5/24/07 10:59:39 AM
perspective, all the whisky categories combined made up just over 26
percent of industry sales. In 2005, Smirno, the number one vodka
in the world, sold over 25 million nine-liter cases, up 3 percent from
the previous year. Te sales volume was so large, it was good enough
to make Smirno the top-selling premium distilled spirit.
But until the 1980s, drinkers had few vodka brands from which
to choose except the domestically produced Smirno, Russian
Stolichnaya (Stoli, for short), the Scandinavian Finlandia, and a few
value brands. Te rst imported vodka, Stoli, was introduced to the
U.S. market as recently as 1965. (One reason it succeeded was that
in 1973, Pepsico agreed to trade Pepsi for the vodka, which it then
distributed around the country.) Only over the last 25 years has the
category exploded, lling stores and bars with ever pricier and more
exotic bottles from all over the world. Not only are there bottles
from traditional powerhouses like Russia, Poland, and Sweden but
from upstarts like France, New Zealand, and even Iceland, which
had never produced a vodka until 2005. Te launch of Absolut in
1979 and its now-famous ad campaign paved the way for these new
high-end vodkas.
Tis alcohol is a dream for spirit companies because vodka can
be made out of virtually anything and is relatively cheap to manu-
facture. Vodka has been made in Russia and Poland since about the
12th century from rye, wheat, and potatoes. But these days, many
vodka companies dont actually distill their spirit from scratch. Many
American brands buy neutral grain spirit from a big Midwestern
company like Archer Daniels Midland, which makes the alcohol
in a huge commercial column still. Te individual vodka company
redistills the neutral grain spirit or combines it with a homemade
eau-de-vie or adds a avor. Te spirit is usually then ltered before
it is bottled. What makes vodka production especially appealing
is that, unlike whisky, the spirit doesnt need to be aged. Aging is
expensive because producers have to wait years, if not decades, to
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45 Vodka Straight Up
sell the product and in the meantime pay for storage. Furthermore,
as a spirit ages, some of it seeps out of the cask and evaporates into
the atmosphere (called the angels share), reducing the number of
bottles that can be sold. Te nice thing about vodka is, you make it
today, you sell it tomorrow; even Jagermeister is aged for a year, said
Sidney Frank, the father of Grey Goose, in a 2005 interview with
Inc. magazine. So you dont have to put your money into buildings
and machines and warehouses.
To justify higher prices and prots, vodka companies have
invested in higher-quality ingredientsand more exotic backstories.
Most vodka brands dont have the rich history or the ancient distill-
ing practices of a single malt Scotch whisky. How extreme has this
history-writing trend become? Makers of the Polish vodka Belvedere
send the spirit back and forth to the 16th-century French town of
Collonges-la-Rouge to be avored before its bottled and shipped.
Vodka companies have also given their bottles a luxury makeover.
Bottle design can now be a lengthy and expensive part of creating
a brand. For example, the Danish Danzka comes in an aluminum
shaker-shaped bottle that supposedly chills faster than a traditional
glass bottle. And the single-estate Polish rye vodka Wyborowa hired
celebrity architect Frank Gehry to design a distinctive skyscraper-
like bottle that bears his name.
Vodka companies have also spent a lot on advertising cam-
paigns that promote the taste of their spirit. At rst, this might seem
oddvodka is supposed to have a neutral avor. Yet the strategy has
been very successful for a number of companies. After Grey Goose
took top honors in a Beverage Testing Institute vodka tasting, the
company used its rst $3 million in prots to buy ads (many in Te
Wall Street Journal ) touting itself as the worlds best-tasting vodka.
Tis claim, plus the attractive bottle, was enough to convince many
consumers to buy the spirit. Pravda Vodka is currently running full-
page ads promoting itself as the best vodka because it was selected as
03_Chap03.indd 45 5/24/07 10:59:39 AM
the top luxury vodka at the 2004 World Beverage Championships
in San Francisco. Part of the companys campaign is to send out
free tasting kits to consumers who want to compare the spirit to
their usual vodka of choice. Today there are so many dierent tasting
events and championships, many spirit companies can claim to be
the best, featuring gold medals on their labels. Its hard to believe
that consumers still pay attention to these claims.
Driving the growth of vodka are two major phenomena: the
demand for super-premium bottlings and added avoring. Te vodka
category has always been about luxury and raising the bar. Te key to
Absoluts success was its high price tag and air of luxury. According
to Stoli, the company actually introduced the rst so-called super-
premium vodka way back in 1989 called Cristall, whose name was
later changed to Stolichanaya Gold. But over the last few years, the
race to develop ever more expensive and distinctive products has really
heated up. Just a few years ago, the price for vodka topped out at
about $17 for Absolut. Tat increased to $30 with the debut of Grey
Goose, Chopin, and Belvedere in the late 1990s. Now the market is
ooded with $30 vodkas, which dont seem all that expensive any-
more. Te top shelf is now reserved for a number of vodkas that sell
for $60 or above, including Stoli Elit and fashion designer Roberto
Cavallis eponymous vodka. As a result, even Absolut, the number one
imported vodka, has seen its market share decline. To keep up with
the rest of the industry, the company introduced the higher-priced
Level vodka brand (about $30 a bottle) in March 2004.
With all these product introductions, it makes sense that in the
short period between 2002 and 2005, the number of cases of super-
premium vodka sold increased by over 90 percent according to DIS-
CUS. For all premium vodka categories combined over the same
period, case sales increased by more than 23 percent, while case sales
of value vodka only increased by 9 percent. Arguably vodkas like
Absolut, Stoli, and Grey Goose created the concept and market for
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47 Vodka Straight Up
Sidney Frank: The Master Marketer
The man behind Grey Goose, Jagermeister, and the ultra-premium
spirits phenomenon
Sidney Franks life story reads like a fairy tale. Born just after the end
of World War I, he grew up poor on a farm in Montville, Connecticut,
sleeping, he claimed, on sheets made from old our sacks. When he
died in 2006, he was a billionaire.
Franks uniquely American meteoric rise culminated in the
sale of the Grey Goose vodka brand, which he created from scratch
just seven years earlier, to Bacardi for over $2 billion. But he wasnt
ready to retire. He told BusinessWeek, Id like to be the $10 billion
man. Before his death, he was working on projects like the Corazon
tequila brand, a travel magazine, an Irish whiskey, and the Crunk
energy drink that he created with rapper Lil John.
Frank got into the liquor business unintentionally. He attended
Brown University for a year, crediting his admission to the fact that
he impressed a university o cial with his strong handshake. He had
saved enough money for his freshman years tuition by working
odd jobs. When he arrived in Rhode Island, he was assigned to live
with Edward Sarno, son of David Sarno, then president of RCA.
Franks time at Brown was short-lived, and he was forced to leave
school because he didnt have enough money to continue. (After
selling Grey Goose, he gave the school the largest donation it has
ever received: a $100 million gift for scholarships and another $20
million for an academic building.) But through his Brown acquain-
tances, Frank got to know Louise Skippy Rosenstiel, whoafter
six proposalsagreed to marry him. Her father was head of
Schenley Distilleries, a huge player in the spirits industry. After a
03_Chap03.indd 47 5/24/07 10:59:39 AM
stint working for Pratt & Whitney, he joined the family business at
Schenley and ultimately became the companys president. He took
credit for the success of Ancient Age and Dewars White Label. But
it wasnt a smooth ride to the top, and after his wifes death and a
ght with the Rosenstiel family, he quit.
First he sold art, and then, in 1972, he joined with his brother
Eugene to create Sidney Frank Importing. The brothers began by
supplying Japanese restaurants with Gekkeikan Sake. The rst few
years werent easy, and Frank sold o property and art to keep
the company aoat. But in 1974, he found the German liqueur
Jagermeister in a bar in New Yorks Yorkville neighborhood. Frank
was intrigued, and soon he began importing the unique, herbal-
avored spirit. Sales were relatively slow until 1985, when Jager-
meister was discovered by Louisiana State University students
and soon became the drink of choice for college kids across the
country. It didnt hurt that the Baton Rogue Advocate called it liquid
Valium and the spirit was rumored to be an aphrodisiac. To capital-
ize on this turn of events, Frank hired models, whom he dubbed
Jagerettes and later Jagerdudes, and sent them to bars to hand
out promotional literature and get people to try a sample. Frank
also invented a special tap that would pour a refrigerated shot of
super-cool Jager, which made it even more palatable. In 1974, he
had sold approximately 600 cases of Jagermeister. According to the
New York Times, he sold 1.3 million cases in 2005.
But Frank wasnt satised with his Jagermeister success. In
1997, he decided to launch a vodka that would steal the premium
market from Absolut. At the time, the Swedish vodka dominated the
market at the then-extravagant price of $15 to $17 a bottle. Frank
decided that he would sell his vodka for $30, increasing his prot
margin and lending the spirit an air of exclusivity and desirability.
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49 Vodka Straight Up
all premium spirits. Tanks to these high-end spirits, people actu-
ally started specifying the brand of alcohol they want in their mixed
drinks. Te high-end vodkas have also led the rest of the industry
to develop luxury bottles and are the key reason why all spirits have
enjoyed a renaissance.
Another explanation for the success of high-priced vodkas is
nightclub bottle service. Around the country, clubs have instituted
a policy that requires patrons who want to get in or sit down at a
table on a popular night to buy a bottle or two of alcohol. (Mixers
He told Forbes, Vodka is just water and alcohol, so if I sold a bottle
for $30, the $10 dierence is almost all prot.
He correctly predicted that the market was ready for a premium
category of spirits. With the beginning of the dot-com bubble, his
timing couldnt have been better. To bolster the image of luxury,
the vodka was packaged in a fancy frosted bottle with a reverse
label that he claimed to have designed himself. (At rst, it was
also shipped in wooden crates.) To give it an air of sophistication,
he based the brand in Cognac, France. Frank used the rst years
prots to pay for advertising. For example, he ran countless ads in
The Wall Street Journal after Grey Goose won a top prize at a 1998
vodka tasting. He also gave away bottles to charities and awards
shows and made sure that bars got a jumbo-sized bottle to dis-
play prominently. Franks untraditional marketing plan worked, of
course. Before the Bacardi deal, Frank was selling 1.4 million cases
of Grey Goose each year. And the brands success became the game
plan for countless entrepreneurs. But Frank knew the spirit had de-
nitely arrived when Carrie Bradshaw and the rest of the Sex and the
City characters ordered their cosmos made with Grey Goose.
03_Chap03.indd 49 5/24/07 10:59:40 AM
and ice are included in the price.) Te clubs, of course, mark up
the price of the bottles extravagantly. Its not unheard of for a
$30 bottle of Grey Goose to go for nearly $400. To be fair, clubs
are often lled with people who monopolize a table all night only
to buy a couple of drinks. According to David Rabin, president of
the New York Nightlife Association, he was reluctant to introduce
the policy in Lotus, his popular club, but he did so because it
became a real estate issue. Tere were only so many tables in his
club, and he needed to gure out a way to earn from our prime
real estate.
Club patrons arent just getting a bottle but also a level of
status. When youre sitting down, you want people to see what
youre drinking, says Azqueta. Why? When you go out, subcon-
sciously theres always the need to impress. According to New York
Magazine, the policy was practically unheard of in the United States
before 1993. But with the dot-com bubble came plenty of young
people ush with cash and looking to impress each other. To take
advantage of the trend, clubs and lounges around New York City
began to institute bottle service. Te policy soon was adopted by
clubs in Miami and Las Vegas. By 2006, according to the magazine,
there were seven clubs with bottle service just on 27th Street in the
Chelsea section of Manhattan. And like a popular dance (or cock-
tail), this phenomenon has spread across the country. According to
a story in Fortune magazine, clubs in more than 15 cities, including
Indianapolis, Toledo, and Milwaukee, now oer bottle service.
In addition to the prots at stake, clubs like bottle service
because it controls the crowds and minimizes the demand on the
bar sta. Plus, Customers like it a lot in that they dont have to wait
for a waitress to ght through the crowd and also they can make
their own drinks, says Rabin. And just as at New Yorks famous
power broker lunch spot the Four Seasons restaurant, in many
clubs the same people book the same table every weekend. Tis
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51 Vodka Straight Up
allows a club to forecast accurately the size of a nights crowd and
anticipate how many bottles theyll sell. Although these clubs stock
many types of alcohol, vodka and champagne are usually the most
popular and dominate the menus. When youre buying a bottle for
$300, you want something that everyone can enjoy, says Azqueta.
Clearly, vodka is a pretty safe choice compared to whisky, which is
an acquired taste. As a result, bottle service has helped create vodkas
luxury image.
Its not just vodkas high price tag thats attracting customers
but also whats actually in the bottles. Te other major trend driv-
ing vodka sales is avoring. You can now buy vodkas avored with
vanilla, orange, pomegranate, blueberry, pepper, green tea, and even
wasabi. According to the Adams Beverage Group, in 2005 vodka
makers introduced 21 new avored vodkas. But thats actually down
from 2003, when 27 new avored vodkas were introduced.
While the rest of the world prefers vodka unadulterated, Ameri-
cans cant get enough of the avored spirit. In fact, most of the major
vodka manufacturers oer at least three avors, generally orange,
lemon, and vanilla. Some of the companies have gone much further
and oer a veritable cornucopia. Te Dutch vodka Van Gogh oers
a remarkable 14 avors, from double espresso (with caeine) to
mango to mojito mint. In 2005, Absolut reportedly spent $15 mil-
lion on its Find Your Flavor advertising campaign to highlight the
brands selection of vodkas. Te companys website even oered a
90-second quiz to nd the vodka you best matched; based on the
ndings, the site could spit out a personal cocktail recipe for you,
using that avor.
Flavored vodkas have been around for decadesStoli introduced
a pepper vodka and a honey vodka in 1971but the momentum
was slow to build. Arguably the rst successful avored vodka was
Absolut Peppar, launched in 1986. In the late 1990s, avored vod-
kas really began to take o at the same time as the rebirth of the
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Vodka Boutique
The biggest vodka brands sell millions of cases every year. Smirno
alone sells over 25 million. But there are now an increasing number
of small boutique distillers across the country. These artisanal vodkas
are sometimes hard to nd but are denitely worth tracking down
and tasting. Unlike the industry giants, these smaller brands can
experiment with unique ingredients and use old-fashioned distilling
techniques. Here are ve of the best boutique vodkas on the market.
These days, all the major vodka manufacturers oer a wide array
of avors. But Charbay was one of the rst companies to produce
more than just a standard orange or vanilla vodka. The companys
vodka is infused with particularly avorful varieties of fruit, like
blood orange, Meyer lemon, key lime, and ruby red grapefruit.
Unlike its competitors, Charbay macerates the whole fruit to avor
its vodka. The amount of each spirit that the company can produce
is limited because it only uses fruit when its in season.
Even though Texas has a beer and whiskey reputation, Austins
Titos Handmade Vodka could change all that. The company is the
states rst licensed distillery, and the vodka is distilled six times for
an extra-smooth taste. The brand was founded by a former geolo-
gist, Tito Beveridge, and has won numerous awards. Beveridge
even built the companys rst pot still from spare parts. I had no
idea if it would work, he says. Not bad for a company that broke
100,000 cases for the rst time in 2005. Tito admits the brand is a
lot bigger than I ever thought.
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53 Vodka Straight Up
Square One
Its hard to go grocery shopping these days without lling up your
cart with organic products. But not until the summer of 2006 did
the rst domestically produced organic rye vodka hit the market.
Square One is made from organically grown North Dakota rye and
water from the Snake River in Wyomings Teton Range. The vodka is
fermented naturally and is made in a four-column continuous still
before being charcoal ltered.
Hangar One
One of the worlds best-avored vodkas is made in a World War II
era hangar on an old air base in northern California. The brand was
created by Ansley Coale and Jorg Rupf, who are well known for their
own boutique spirit companies. Hangar One takes quality vodka
produced on a column still and then redistills it in a European pot
still. The company produces a ne straight vodka and four dierent
avored vodkas, including the citrus Buddhas Hand, Ka r Lemon,
and Fraser River Raspberry.
Dogsh Head
Already well known for their unique and experimental craft beers,
the Delaware-based Dogsh Head has branched out into micro-
distilling. The company makes a number of spirits, including the
80-proof charcoal-ltered Blue Hen Vodka. The distillery also pro-
duces an array of interesting seasonal vodka infusions. In the past,
theyve oered garlic, dark chocolate, and guava vodkas. Unfor-
tunately, the spirits are only distributed to a handful of states, but
they are available at the companys distillery and at its brewpub
in Maryland.
03_Chap03.indd 53 5/24/07 10:59:40 AM
cocktail. Tese two trends werent coincidental; rather, they fed o
of each other. White spirits have always been praised for how eas-
ily they work in mixed drinks. Vodka is so easy to work with,
says Julie Reiner, co-owner of two of New York Citys nest cocktail
bars, the Flatiron Lounge and the Pegu Club. But its almost too
easy: Once you become advanced in mixology, it becomes boring
to work with vodka, she says.
Te spirit quickly became a favorite of bartenders and custom-
ers, who ordered vodka-based cocktails in droves, especially cos-
mopolitans and apple martinis. Both drinks are often made with
avored vodkas. A avored vodka can add another taste element
to a drink, and vodka manufacturers have hired mixologists and
celebrities to develop special cocktail recipes that call for a avored
spirit to entice both customers and bartenders. (Flavored vodka can
also be a shortcut for the bartender, eliminating one step in the
mixing process. No need to add orange juice for example, if the
vodka already is orange avored.) Some of the best mixologists have
started making their own avored vodka by infusing the plain spirit
with fruits or spices.
For the home bartender, avored vodkas have been a major boon.
You dont need to be a trained bartender to make a decent-tasting
screwdriver or a Cape Cod (cranberry and vodka). But its even
easier to x a drink if the vodka is already avored. Many people
now forsake adding anything but club soda to a jigger of avored
vodka. Not only does it pack a high alcohol punch with some avor,
but it is also a relatively low-calorie cocktail. Simple vodka cocktails
are an alternative to drinks like the mojito or caipirinha, which are
usually loaded with sugar, and vodka companies are now using this
angle to promote their products. For example, Skyy Vodkas website
highlights its nutritional properties. For calorie-conscience consum-
ers, the company oers a table listing the number of calories, fats,
total carbohydrates, and proteins in a single serving of its vodka.
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55 Vodka Straight Up
The Famous Face of High-End Spirits
Make mine an Ed McMahon on the rocks.
Over the last few years, the fastest-growing area of the spirits busi-
ness has been the high-end and super-premium categories. Com-
panies have successfully convinced consumers to trade up to more
luxurious and glamorous (pricier) products. These campaigns have
worked so well that some bona de celebrities have come out with
their own spirit labels.
This practice is long established in the wine world. Francis Ford
Coppola bought his winery in 1975. Since then, a constellation of
other stars, including Sting, Bob Dylan, Olivia Newton John, Greg
Norman, and Emeril Lagasse, have entered the winemaking busi-
ness. Even adult lm star Savanna Samson introduced a wine that
has scored high marks from Robert Parker. And dont overlook Mar-
ilyn Wines, named for Marilyn Monroe, whose bottles bear photos
of the actress on the label.
About ten years ago, celebrities began branding their own
spirits. One of the rst was Sammy Hagars Blue Agave Cabo Wabo
Tequila. The Red Rockers spirit hit shelves in 1996, and sales in 2006
were up by 30 percent over the previous year. Willie Nelson came
out with Old Whiskey River bourbon, inspired by one of his famous
songs. The bottle even comes decorated with a real guitar pick.
Roc-A-Fella Records, the rap label created by Damon Dash and Jay-
Z, released Armadale vodka in 2002. According to the companys
website, the label had looked into a deal promoting Belvedere
vodka because rap music had been responsible for the popularity
of a number of brands in the urban community. Ultimately the
company decided to put out its own vodka.
03_Chap03.indd 55 5/24/07 10:59:41 AM
But not all avored vodkas are made the same way. Tradition-
ally in Russia, people avored their own vodka by infusing it with
pieces of fruit or perhaps a horseradish root. (Te popular midtown
Manhattan bar, Te Russian Vodka Room, features almost a dozen
homemade infused vodkas.) But these sorts of infusions dont keep
for very long and cant be bottled. Te best vodka producers buy
fruit and spices from famous growing regions, such as lemons from
Menton, France, and vanilla from Madagascar. Te distillers juice or
macerate the whole fruit, skin and all. Te spirit is then infused with
ground-up fruit and nally distilled again. Other vodka makers add
a natural fruit essence before or after the nal distillation. Articial
avoring or sugar syrups are also often used. Tere is such amaz-
ing technology in terms of avoring agents, says Stoli senior brand
manager Adam Rosen. (For the record, Stoli uses natural juices to
avor their vodkas.) Tis is one reason why cheaper value brands
have also been able to oer avored vodkas.
Enticed by the potential prots, the number of celebrity bot-
tlings has signicantly increased over the last few years. In the spring
of 2006 alone, fashion designer Roberto Cavalli, Ed McMahon, and
even teetotaler Donald Trump came out with vodkas. (Its no surprise
that vodka is so popular because it is relatively fast, easy, and cheap
to make and requires no aging.) There is also a trend towards nam-
ing spirits after deceased celebrities. Theres a Frida Kahlo tequila,
which bears the image of the popular Mexican artist on its label.
And theres now a line of spirits called Hendrix Electric after rock
musician and cult icon Jimi Hendrix; the bottles feature his photo.
Surely, this is only the beginning of the trend. It doesnt take much
imagination to conjure up a Snoop Dogg gin-and-juice drink.
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57 Vodka Straight Up
With so many avored vodkas on the market, can this craze
continue? Te short answer is no. Most experts agree that avored
vodkas have established themselves as a bar staple. But not every
vodka brand can sustain a family of avored vodkas, says Rosen.
As the novelty wears o, it wont be a surprise if some companies
discontinue certain avors. Tat seems far o, though, especially
because vodka makers have devoted considerable resources to devel-
oping new avors that will hit the market over the next few years. So
no need to stock up on the wasabi vodka.
Certainly the overall premium vodka category is still quite
healthy, and prices will continue to climb. Vodka manufacturers
have skillfully dominated the industry by turning the spirit into a
status symbolnot an easy thing to do, considering there is nothing
romantic about how vodka is made. But consumers were convinced
by slick marketing and high prices that vodka was particularly exotic
and valuable. Te vodka companies then bolstered their appeal by
using avorings, which made the spirit more palatable and attracted
new drinkers. (Te variety and quality of the avorings became yet
another selling point.) Tese eorts have been so successful that they
have been copied by other spirit categories.
Vodkas meteoric rise in popularity was quite a feat but not
unprecedented. Companies in other industries have successfully
employed similar tactics. One famous example is the ood of pre-
mium foreign-sounding ice creams that overtook supermarkets in
the early 1980s. Consumers were impressed by these pseudo-Scan-
dinavian products, which, despite their names, were in fact made
domestically and had little or no connection to Europe. For exam-
ple, even though the Hagen-Dazss pints bore a map of Denmark,
the brand was dreamed up by Reuben Mattus, a Polish immigrant
who started out selling ice cream in the Bronx. Tese companies
also invested a lot of money in creating eye-catching and distinctive
packaging for their products. Frusen Gldj came in a futuristic,
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Spirited Advertising
From the Absolut ad campaign to the worlds best tasting
vodka to spirits going prime time
These days, its hard to read a magazine, watch TV, listen to the
radio, or even ride the New York City subway without seeing an ad
for a spirits brand. And its no wonder, because the industry spends
hundreds of millions of dollars every year trying to get your atten-
tion. With sales of spirits growing each year, this strategy seems to
have paid o handsomely. But a memorable series of ads can not
only pump up sales but also turn a bottle into an icon and a brand
into a household name. The most successful campaigns transcend
mere marketing and actually aect not only what consumers drink
but why and how they drink it.
Arguably the most successful and eective spirits advertis-
ing campaign of all time was for Absolut Vodka. The now famous
campaign centered on the vodkas unique bottle shape, and the
ads taglines played o the word absolute. One of the rst ads fea-
tured a silkscreen painting of the brands bottle by the artist Andy
Warhol. Below the portrait were simply the words Absolut Warhol.
The ads were a major coup. Now its hard to believe, but when it
was rst introduced, Absolut was virtually unknown, and the idea
of a Scandinavian country producing quality vodka seemed very
odd. The brands medicinal bottle shape also was cause for concern
because it was so dierent from the traditional, long-necked bottle
design. Of course, the companys inventive advertising made Abso-
lut extremely popular and synonymous with the word vodka. The
trendy artists who designed many of the ads also lent the brand
credibility and a downtown New York hipness. Absolut made spirit
advertising sexy, says Kenneth Hein, senior editor at Brandweek
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59 Vodka Straight Up
magazine. It also helped turn the bottles shape from a liability into
an asset. The success of Absolut helped launch the countrys craze
for vodka and started the modern era of premium spirits. The com-
pany paved the way for the premium and super-premium explo-
sion, says Hein.
Absoluts ads proved so popular, they were paid the ultimate
compliment: many people ripped them out of magazines to save
and hang like works of art. The ads were also collected into a cof-
fee-table book and were exhibited in a museum and on a number
of dierent websites. Ultimately, the campaign ran for 25 years and
included over 1,500 dierent ads. It was so well respected that it
earned the seventh spot on Advertising Age magazines list of the
100 best ad campaigns of all time. (It came in behind such memo-
rable campaigns as DeBeerss A diamond is forever, and Nikes Just
do it.) Finally in 2006, Absolut reportedly invested $20 million to
create a new campaign, which focused on the word absolute but
abandoned using the spirits signature bottle shape. For example,
one of the new ads shows New Yorks Statue of Liberty, and the tag
line reads The Absolute Welcome. Many of the ads ran on televi-
sion, a rst for the brand.
Reportedly, the main reason for the switch in advertising was
the success of the new generation of premium and super-premium
vodkas. No brand has challenged Absoluts supremacy more than
Grey Goose. In the late 1990s, master marketer Sidney Frank real-
ized that many drinkers were ready and willing to spend more for
vodka than the $15$17 that Absolut cost. Frank priced his vodka
at the then astronomical sum of $30 and justied the cost by insist-
ing that his vodka was of a better quality. (Many consumers were
willing to believe him based solely on the vodkas higher price tag.)
03_Chap03.indd 59 5/24/07 10:59:41 AM
But this was a lofty claim given the fact that vodka is supposed to
be a neutral-tasting and neutral-smelling spirit. His proof? Grey
Goose took top honors in a vodka competition held by the Chicago
Beverage Testing Institute and won a platinum award at the World
Spirits Competition in San Francisco. Afterwards Grey Goose began
touting these results and began calling itself (and still does) The
Worlds Best Tasting Vodka.
This marketing strategy was a stroke of advertising genius on
Franks part. The campaign was simple but elegant. It answered
the question that many consumers were asking: do more expen-
sive spirits actually taste better than cheaper spirits? As a result
of Grey Gooses ad, people felt smart and justied for buying the
more expensive vodka. The claim, according to Hein, also allowed
Frank to get bartenders on board who recommended the vodka to
customers. No doubt they did so because it was also in their best
interest. Bars could, of course, charge a premium for drinks if they
were made with the pricier Grey Goose.
The ads might have impressed drinkers, but Franks competi-
tors were less than thrilled. Some of Grey Gooses original ads fea-
tured its top score from the Chicago Beverage Testing Institute as
well as the scores of a number of its competitors. The Minnesota-
based Millennium Import company, which imports the Polish
premium Belvedere and Chopin vodkas, even sued Grey Goose
and Sidney Frank Importing, alleging false advertising and libel.
Millennium argued that the ads were incorrect because Belve-
dere scored much higher on subsequent taste tests. But the suit
didnt stop Pravda Vodka from using a very similar ad with results
from the World Beverage Championships in San Francisco, which
judged the brand to be the best luxury vodka. Pravdas ad simply
stated Pravda Voted the Best Vodka.
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61 Vodka Straight Up
Grey Gooses provocative ad campaign isnt the only recent
spirits advertising controversy. Perhaps the biggest news was
Seagrams 1996 television ads for Crown Royal Whisky and Lime
Twisted Gin. Until then, the spirits brands had agreed to a ban on
TV advertising. For decades, spirit companies spent most of their
advertising budget on magazine ads and billboards. These didnt
pose much competition for the beer companies, which were able
to spend millions on catchy TV commercials and got a lot of con-
sumers to shift from drinking spirits to beer. During the 1970s and
1980s, we lost a lot of market share, admits Frank Coleman, senior
vice president of the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States.
Seagrams commercials began a debate about whether or not
the ban on spirits advertising should be lifted. Then in December
2001, Diageo, according to Hein, decided to take TV advertising to
the next level. The spirits giant negotiated with NBC to buy time
during the networks late-night programming. The rst ad was for
Smirno, and it ran during an episode of Saturday Night Live. The
commercial created a restorm of criticism. Ultimately the deal
was canceled, but as a result of Diageos aggressive move, spirit
advertising has now become commonplace on cable TV stations
and on local television channels. In 2001, the spirits industry,
according to the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY)
at Georgetown University, spent $5 million on just under 2,000
cable ads. In 2005, that increased to almost 47,000 cable ads at a
cost of $122 million. Its hard to calculate how much eect these
ads had on increasing spirits sales, but no doubt they did help. (In
fact, beers market share is now decreasing.) Now the only ques-
tion remains is when, not if, the networks will nally allow spirits
ads back on prime time.
03_Chap03.indd 61 5/24/07 10:59:42 AM
domed white-plastic container that looked as if it was a prop from
the 1980s hit sci- movie Tron. Just like vodka makers, the ice cream
companies boasted a range of avors made with premium and exotic
ingredients, like rum from Jamaica and chocolate from Ghana.
Tese pioneering high-end brands revolutionized the market for
ice cream in America and paved the way for future innovators like
Ben & Jerry. Mattus and his colleagues not only changed how the
frozen dessert was made but also created the demand for it. Ever
since, store freezer cases havent been the same. No doubt premium
vodkas have had the same eect upon the spirits industry. Now the
only uncertainty for the category is how much consumers are willing
to spend on a bottle.
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04_Chap04.indd 64 5/24/07 11:00:10 AM
Ox Fiiia\s, rui rush begins after 5:00 ix, as workers unwind
from another week penned up inside their cubicles and chained
to their BlackBerries. By 9:00 ix, the rush is full-blownall the
tables are packed, and theres a crowd waiting around the bar. Te
sta valiantly tries to keep up with the ood of orders. Ingredients
are quickly grabbed from the 20 reach-ins, which at the beginning
of the night had been full of lemongrass, cucumbers, mint, and all
kinds of fruit in wheels, slices, and twists. Servers ght through the
crowds with loaded trays held high.
Tis hive of activity isnt some hot new celebrity-chef restaurant.
In fact, this isnt a restaurant at allits a bar. Just a typical Friday
night at New York Citys Flatiron Lounge, which, in fact, serves no
food but specializes in classic pre-Prohibition cocktails made with
fresh ingredients. Te art deco bar looks like an artifact from the
citys past but actually dates to 2003. On a good weekend night,
the Flatiron Lounge can serve up to 1,000 cocktails (not counting
beer or wine), which cost around $12 each. For thirsty or adventur-
ous patrons, the bar even serves a ight of the day, three smaller
Te Cocktail
04_Chap04.indd 65 5/24/07 11:00:10 AM
cocktails based on a common theme. Reading the menu is like step-
ping back in time. It lists long-forgotten cocktails, popular decades
before most of the customers and bartenders were even born.
It would be easy to write o the Flatiron Lounge as some proto-
typical New York City oddity. After all, you can nd anything there
if you look hard enough. But the success of the Flatiron Lounge is
no uke, and its appeal is certainly not limited to the ve boroughs.
Te establishment is one of a new generation of cocktail bars that
have opened across the country where drinks are mixed the old-fash-
ioned way. And these bars arent just packed with drink acionados
or octogenarians trying to relive their youth. People of all ages are
ordering classic drinks like martinis, Manhattans, and Singapore
slings as well as more exotic elixirs like mojitos and caipirinhas.
Te past few years have been a golden age for cocktails. Teyre so
popular that theres now a museum dedicated to mixed drinks: Te
Museum of the American Cocktail opened in the winter of 2005
in New Orleanss French Quarter. (After Hurricane Katrina, it had
to temporarily relocate to New York and Las Vegas but will likely
return to the Big Easy.) Cocktails are also pumping up the sales of
spirits at bars and restaurants, which according to the Distilled Spir-
its Council of the United States, were up 61 percent between 1997
and 2005. And even the food world has taken notice. Food & Wine
magazine named 2006 the Year of the Cocktail and now publishes
a guide to cocktails and bars. Dana Cowin, editor-in-chief of Food
& Wine, told USA Today, Tere is a denite diminution of food and
an expansion of drinks.
At the forefront of this trend is a new breed of bartenders who
call themselves mixologists or bar chefs. To them, cocktails are
an art. Teir drinks are made with fresh ingredients and premium
spirits, without shortcuts like sour mix. No detail is too small to be
overlooked. Some mixologists, like Audrey Saunders of New Yorks
Pegu Club, make their own ginger beer for drinks. Te Double Seven,
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67 The Cocktail Comeback
a swanky bar in New Yorks meatpacking district, uses three types of
ice for dierent cocktails, including hand-cracked and chipped ice.
We think the ice is an important part of the cocktail and the taste of
it, says Monika Chiang, the bars managing partner and co-owner.
Tese expert bartenders arent just dusting o old recipes. Te last
few years have also seen a boom for the creation of cocktail recipes.
Bartenders are dreaming up new drinks and putting a modern spin
on classics, adding popular ingredients like pomegranate, lychee,
ginger, and even wasabi. Te trend has helped wean customers o
sugary apple martinis and cosmos. Bar chefs like Scott Beattie of the
restaurant Cyrus in Healdsburg, California, are using fresh seasonal
herbs, spices, fruits, and even vegetables to avor their drinks. Beat-
tie buys many of his ingredients from local farmers and even grows
some of them himself. Now the cocktail menus of upscale bars and
restaurantslike food menusoften change depending upon the
season and the availability of fruits and vegetables. Some of these
menus are more like small books. At Cyrus, Beattie oers patrons a
45-page cocktail and spirits menu, which gives detailed descriptions
of each spirit served at the bar.
But this isnt the rst cocktail boom. Te cocktail actually has a
very long history. Even though its an American invention, accord-
ing to David Wondrich, cocktail historian and Esquire magazines
drink correspondent, Te cocktail has deep roots in England.
People were drinking medicinal cocktails made with bitters, usu-
ally a mixture of alcohol and herbs, across the pond as early as the
1700s to cure their punch or brandy-induced hangovers. Te rst
use of the word cocktail in print appeared in an 1803 newspaper in
Amherst, New Hampshire. According to Wondrich, the term was
used in a satirical story about the life of a so-called lounger. And
the earliest denition for cocktail that anyone has found was printed
in the Hudson, New York, newspaper Te Balance and Columbian
Repository in 1806. Te paper gave its readers this denition: Cock
04_Chap04.indd 67 5/24/07 11:00:10 AM
tail, then, is a stimulating liquor, composed of spirits of any kind,
sugar, water and bitters. It is vulgarly called a bittered sling . . . .
Te editor provided the denition in response to a readers inquiry
because a previous story had mentioned a Cock Tail. Te primary
dierence between a proper cocktail and the other drinks that people
made at the time was bitters. Unfortunately, the article doesnt give
any information on the origin of the word, and no one has been able
to determine the derivation of the term or who coined it. Tere are,
of course, several competing theories.
No matter where the name originated, by the 1830s, the bar
culture and the popularity of cocktails began to take o. Unlike
Europeans, who preferred wine and brandy, the early Americans
were already fans of hard spirits, usually homegrown rye and corn-
based whiskey. Tis preference was born, for the most part, out of
necessity. Most Americans couldnt aord alcohol imported from
Europe, and after breaking with the British Empire, the supply of
rum and molasses from the Caribbean was severely limited. Tese
early homegrown spirits could be rough, and cocktails provided a
way to even out or mask their harsh taste.
Te increasing availability of ice also popularized cocktails. Fred-
eric Tudor built an empire on the innovative idea that you could
harvest ice from frozen lakes or ponds and then ship it all over the
world. Te sherry cobbler and the mint julep were the rst two
cocktails to use ice. By the 1850s, the novelty of ice had worn o,
and people expected their cocktails to be served cold.
In the late 1840s, James W. Marshall discovered gold while work-
ing on the construction of Sutters Mill in what is today Coloma,
California. Tis discovery set o the California Gold Rush and ush-
ered in a period of wealth and prosperity. America was getting rich,
and people were looking for luxury, says Wondrich. Instead of just
local whiskey, bars were soon oering imported spirits, including
Dutch gin, French brandy, and champagne. Even in the gold-mining
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69 The Cocktail Comeback
camps, you could order a fancy champagne cocktail. Miners were
getting rich and wanted to blow their money, Wondrich says.
But fancy cocktails werent only being served in small mining
towns. In 1853, the lavish Bank Exchange saloon opened in San
Francisco, complete with marble oors, expensive oil paintings, and
a long mahogany bar. Nine years later, Jerry Tomas, a celebrity
bartender who had run bars across the country and was said to
have had a solid silver bar set, published the rst cocktail cookbook
aptly called How to Mix Drinks or Te Bon Vivants Companion. Te
seminal volume is still required reading for serious mixologists, and
vintage copies are rare and expensive. (Fortunately, in early 2004,
the book was reissued and is again in print and widely available.)
Still, until about 1870, most cocktails were made with just alcohol,
sugar, and bitters.
But bartenders soon began using other ingredients, such as fresh
juices and vermouth, to expand their repertoire of drinks. Until that
point, according to Wondrich, juices were only used in punches but
not cocktails. Tis gave rise to one of the most innovative and pro-
ductive periods in the history of the cocktail, when many of the clas-
sic drinks were created, including the martini, the Manhattan, and
the daiquiri. Its no wonder that master mixologist Dale DeGro
calls the 1870s the height of the cocktails golden age in his book
Te Craft of the Cocktail. And according to Stephen Visakay, cocktail
shaker collector and author of the book Vintage Bar Ware, this was
also an innovative period for bartending tools. Before the American
Civil War, bartenders would mix drinks by pouring the ingredients
back and forth between two cups. After the Civil War, most bar-
tenders began using a two-piece cocktail shaker. It was developed
when an innkeeper found that he could connect the two glasses with
a little pressure. (Tis now-ubiquitous shaker is often referred to as
a Boston Shaker and is made from a pint glass and a slightly larger
metal cup.) Te shaker allowed the bartender to mix the ingredients
04_Chap04.indd 69 5/24/07 11:00:11 AM
together thoroughly and create a cold, frothy drink. Also, it also gave
the cocktail a little more kinetic energy, says Wondrich. Te better
bars, according to DeGro, had soda water and were equipped with
beer taps and even early refrigerators.
But this historic period was short-lived. By the 1920s, the golden
age of cocktails was coming to an end, with Prohibition and the
Great Depression looming. As speakeasies replaced fancy saloons,
the quality of the cocktails suered. Bartending had been a noble
profession, requiring a two-year apprenticeship, but during Prohibi-
tion, the job took on a seedy connotation that it would not shake
for decades. People began treating bartending as a vocation and not
an occupation, says Kim Haasarud, founder of drink consultancy
Liquid Architecture and author of 101 Martinis. It took only 10 or
15 years to destroy a thriving industry.
Bars and bartenders bore the brunt of Prohibition, but that
didnt mean people stopped drinking cocktails. Illegal underground
bars opened around the country, and Prohibition was a boom for
people mixing drinks at home, says Wondrich. Before that it was
a professionals job. Cocktails were particularly popular because
illicitly brewed spirits often tasted harsh if consumed straight. As
a result, stores were ooded with cocktail shakers. According to
Visakay, the golden age for cocktail shakers started in 1920 and
continued until just before the United States entered World War II.
During the Jazz Age, shakers looked like tea pots and were angular
with sharp edges. For high rollers, there were also fancy sterling
silver novelty shakers made in the late 1920s, including some in the
shape of golf bags and lighthouses. But after the 1929 stock market
crash, fancy shakers were replaced by less expensive streamlined
and skyscraper-like glass and chrome models. Every family had
a cocktail shaker on their shelf, says Visakay. Top art deco indus-
trial designers, including Norman Bel Geddes and Russel Wright,
designed cocktail sets making use of popular materials, like chrome
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71 The Cocktail Comeback
and Bakelite. Te futuristic style was designed to uplift people from
the throes of the Depression and to give them hope for a better and
exciting future.
During World War II, the production of cocktail shakers was
suspended because the materials were needed for the war eort.
Once the war ended, the formerly vibrant cocktail culture had a
hard time rebounding. Even though the 1950s is often symbolized
by a man in the gray annel suit drinking a super-dry martini, the
decade was in reality a low point for cocktails. America had entered
the Atomic Age, and in the quest to become more high-tech, shak-
ers were replaced by blenders, and fresh ingredients were replaced by
articially avored drink mixes. As a result, many of the classic cock-
tails faded from menus and from the collective conscience. Even rye
whiskey began to disappear from bar shelves. In the decades quest
to modernize and streamline, many traditions were left behind.
Unfortunately traditional cocktails were among them.
Fortunately, there were a few exceptions: Te two great things
you could drink in the 50s were a dry martini or a Tiki drink, says
Wondrich. Te Tiki culture, led by Victor Trader Vic Bergeron
and his signature mai tai cocktail, was a denite highlight of the
postwar period. According to Bergeron, he invented the rum based
drink in 1944 while working at his Oakland, California, restau-
rant. In an account that he wrote in 1970 defending his claim as
the father of the mai tai, Trader Vic explained that he was inspired
by a 17- year-old bottle of Wray & Nephew Jamaican rum that he
had on his shelf. He called the drink a mai tai because he served
the concoction to two Tahitian friends who supposedly exclaimed
mai tairoe ae, which means Out of this worldthe best.
Te rest is history. Bergeron introduced the drink to the world
through his chain of Trader Vics restaurants, which are still operat-
ing and expanding. Te chain expects to open locations in Jordan
and Beijing in 2007.
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Trader Vic: The Father of the Mai Tai
The tiki trendsetter
The birth place of the mai tai, the classic tiki cocktail, wasnt Hawaii
or Polynesia, but, of all places, Oakland, California. And its inven-
tor was a garrulous, one-legged bartender named Victor Bergeron.
(The closest he came to having exotic origins was having a French-
Canadian father.) Thanks to his cocktail recipes and his love of the
faux Polynesian lifestyle, Bergeron became famous around the
world as Trader Vic. His single California restaurant spawned a
chain thats still opening new locations today.
It all started with the Hinky Dinks restaurant he opened in 1934.
It was denitely a family aair. An aunt loaned him $800, and his
wifes brother helped Bergeron renovate the space. The restaurant
soon evolved into Trader Vics, serving what his company now calls
Island-Eurasian Cuisine. At the time, this fusion style was revolu-
tionary, and it soon became very popular. But most important was
the mai tai, which Trader Vic invented in 1944.
In 1951, he introduced the cocktail to Hawaii, where it was
naturally a big hit. In 1955, he opened a second Trader Vics in
Beverly Hills, California. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Trader
Vics began popping up all over the country and around the world,
including locations in London, Cuba, Munich, and Osaka. In addi-
tion to oering an excellent selection of cocktails, Bergeron, an early
fan of the budding California wine industry, put the regions wines
on his menus. He also started a successful line of packaged foods
and cocktail supplies, not to mention a second chain of Seor Pico
Mexican restaurants. The rst location opened in San Francisco in
1964. (Today there are only two Seor Pico restaurants leftoddly
one is in Muscat, Oman, and the other is in Bangkok, Thailand.)
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73 The Cocktail Comeback
What helped tiki bars and culture catch on was a fascination
with Hawaii, which became Americas 50th state in 1959. Te trend
was also encouraged by the lm South Pacic (1958) and the 1961
Elvis vehicle Blue Hawaii. According to the website of the London
tiki bar Trailer Happiness, the tiki heyday was between 1955 and
1965, and tiki drinks and dining injected new hope and optimism
into a postwar, cold-war society.
But over the next couple of decades, classic cocktails were mostly
forgotten. Sure, an occasional martini or a gimlet was ordered, but
most Americans drank beer, whisky, or simple mixed drinks, like rum
and Coke or gin and tonic. And when someone ordered a proper
cocktail, most likely the bartender used shortcuts like mixes or canned
juices. People really got away from fresh, and it never recovered, says
Julie Reiner, co-owner of the Flatiron Lounge and the Pegu Club. To
young people in the 1960s and 1970s, cocktails seemed like their par-
ents and grandparents drinks, thoroughly uncool and antiquated.
Change came in the mid-1980s. Te country began an obses-
sion with white spirits, specically Absolut vodka, introduced to the
United States in 1979. Tese spirits were easily mixed with juices
and other ingredients and provided an introduction to cocktails for
people who hadnt grown up drinking them.
The Trader passed away in 1984, leaving the restaurant chain in
the hands of his family, and the company has continued to prosper.
In fact, the company-owned and franchise-owned restaurants col-
lectively earn about $70 million a year. The company has expanded
to the Middle East and Asia, and thanks to the new popularity of
cocktails, on some United Airlines ights you can enjoy the Traders
food and mai tai cocktails.
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A watershed moment occurred in late 1980s when Joe Baum,
the former head of Restaurant Associates, was hired to renovate New
Yorks historic Rainbow Room restaurant (complete with a revolving
dance oor), located on the 65th oor of 30 Rockefeller Plaza. For
years, Baum was a driving force behind the New York restaurant
scene, and he created such institutions as Te Four Seasons restau-
rant, the Forum of the Twelve Caesars, and Windows on the World.
Te reportedly $25 million makeover of the Rainbow Room wasnt
just about raising oors to get better views, which he did, but about
conjuring an air of sophistication and luxury.
Dale DeGro heard about the plans for the Rainbow Room
while running the bar at Aurora, another of Baums restaurants. He
came up with the idea for a bar at the Rainbow Room that would
oer drinks that had been served in all the famous New York sup-
per clubs. DeGro believed that a bar serving classic cocktails made
with fresh juices and without any shortcuts would set the restaurant
apart from just about every other establishment in the city; the bar
would help give the Rainbow Room a feeling of elegance. Baum
liked the idea and requested a potential drinks menu. Even though
DeGro had been making cocktails the old-fashioned way at Aurora
(at Baums request), he scrambled to locate old recipes and was able
to borrow some vintage cocktail books from a drinks enthusiast.
Fortunately for the future of the cocktail, DeGro excelled at
shaking and developing drinks. Te Rainbow Room became a grand
stage for DeGro to show o his cocktails. It was Joes crowning
achievement, DeGro says. Te Rainbow Room was his dream.
In addition to resurrecting and popularizing numerous drinks
that seemed destined to be forgotten, DeGro was also an inno-
vator. In February 1995, he orchestrated the rst of three cocktail
dinners at the Rainbow Room. Te dinner was unlike any meal in
modern history. DeGro paired each course of the special menu
with a dierent cocktail. I did it on a lark, he admits. Te idea
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75 The Cocktail Comeback
came to him at about 2:30 one morning while he was enjoying
a postwork snack at Blue Ribbon downtown. He was drinking a
glass of smoky Lagavulin Scottish whisky when his Tai sh soup
arrived. Te whisky went so well with the soup that he had a sudden
epiphany: pairing food with cocktails instead of wine. Gee, what
a cool idea, he thought to himself. Te rst dinner was a success
and eectively served notice that cocktails were back and should be
treated seriously. Since then, these cocktail dinners have become one
of DeGros signatures. In 2006, he held one every month at the
Commanders Palace in Las Vegas.
Ultimately DeGro ran the Rainbow Rooms bar for 12 years
until the restaurant was taken over by the Cipriani family, the famed
owners of Harrys Bar in Venice, Italy. He continues to be a driving
force in the cocktail industry, training bartenders around the coun-
try and consulting on numerous cocktail lists. (To nd out more
about DeGro, read the prole of him in this chapter.) His legacy in
the cocktail industry is immeasurable. Many enthusiasts and experts
point to DeGros appointment at the Rainbow Room as the key
force behind the resurgence of the cocktail.
DeGros timing was perfect. Dierent trends rub together
and catch a spark, says Wondrich. With no cultural moment,
he would have just continued to make good drinks. One such
trend was a sudden nostalgia for retro music and culture, including
cabaret singers and Gershwin tunes. In the late 1980s, a young
singer from New Orleans named Harry Connick, Jr. burst onto
the music scene, singing torch songs that hadnt been popular in
decades. In 1989, he crooned the classics for the soundtrack of the
smash hit movie When Harry Met Sally. A few years later, Natalie
Coles album Unforgettable, featuring a duet with her late father
Nat King Cole, won the Grammy award for record of year as well
as the Grammy award for album of the year. Even swing dancing
became fashionable again. Te 1996 movie Swingers immortalized
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Dale DeGro: Master Mixologist
The father of the cocktail renaissance
Its hard to nd a high-end cocktail bar that hasnt been inuenced
in some way by Dale DeGro, whether hes designed the drinks
menu, contributed a recipe, or trained the bar sta. DeGro has
become the consummate bartenders bartender and the authority
on cocktail recipes and history. Hes the rst source called by spirits
writers, beverage directors, and liquor companies. If youre lucky
enough to sit at a bar hes tending, hell ll your glass with one tasty
elixir after another, and like any good bartender, hell regale you
with one entertaining story after another. But perhaps his most
interesting story is his own.
DeGro, the son of a navy pilot, grew up all over the world. As
a teenager, he lived in Spain, Morocco, and then Rhode Island. But
after seeing West Side Story as a kid, it became his lifelong dream to
live in New York City. He moved there in 1969 to pursue an acting
career. To make money, he began working at an ad agency that
had Restaurant Associates as a client. Thanks to this connection,
DeGro frequently ate in the companys many restaurants, includ-
ing The Four Seasons, the Forum of the Twelve Caesars, and La
Fonda del Sol. As a result, I had this early education in food and
especially drink, he says. And he got to experience the the old-
fashioned bar life.
Before long, DeGro started working at restaurantsbut not
behind the bar. DeGro started as a dishwasher at the Howard
Johnson in Times Square. He then worked as a waiter in Charley
Os. There came the turning point in DeGros life (and arguably the
future success of the cocktail). One morning, he had just nished
packing a truck of provisions for a party that Charley Os was catering
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77 The Cocktail Comeback
at New Yorks Gracie Mansion (the mayors traditional home). The
bartender who was supposed to work the party didnt show up.
DeGro heard the commotion and, on the spur of the moment, vol-
unteered. I lied and said I was a bartender, he says. After getting a
scribbled cocktail recipe crib sheet, he headed uptown to the party.
The gig turned out to be relatively easy, but there was something
about being behind the bar that he really enjoyed.
In 1978, DeGro and his wife, Jill, moved to Los Angeles to
give acting another chance. Like most actors starting out, he also
needed a day job. On his second day in L.A., he got a job at the ritzy
Hotel Bel-Air as a bartender. The bar had a loyal and often celebrity
clientele. On his days o, he worked at bars all over town, including
the Magic Castle and the Variety Arts Club. Most of these bars used
sour mix and canned juices, but DeGro quickly realized that the
tips were bigger if he hand-squeezed the limes.
By 1985, he was back in New York running the bar at Aurora.
The midtown restaurant was owned by Joe Baum, the former head
of Restaurant Associates. When it opened, it was considered the
apogee of French-American sophistication, the Versailles in Joe
Baums impressive collection of culinary chateaus, wrote Bryan
Miller, the New York Times restaurant critic in a 1989 review. But
unlike the owners of the other bars where DeGro worked, Baum
wanted cocktails to be made the old-fashioned way with fresh
juices and without mixes or shortcuts. It was a daunting task, but
Baum was determined to have it his way, and he made sure that
every drink met his exacting standards. DeGro was forced to track
down old cocktail books to relearn this lost art. Working at Aurora
was a great education for him, even if it was painful at times. In
his book The Craft of the Cocktail, DeGro describes what it was like
04_Chap04.indd 77 5/24/07 11:00:12 AM
the retro movement in Los Angeles and instantly made zoot suits,
cabana lounge wear, big band swing music, and, most important,
cocktails very cool. Much of the lm follows a group of hipsters as
they go from one cozy old-school L.A. bar to another. Te movies
poster features a young Vince Vaughn toasting the camera with a
martini glass. Te title is emblazoned across a bar matchbook with
the tag line Get a nightlife. Tere couldnt have been a better
advertisement for cocktails.
working for Baum: When considering drinks to put on his menu,
Joe would order the same drink three times in a row and then move
on to another drink until he tasted one that pleased him. It wasnt
an easy processthen again nothing was easy with Joe. When he
didnt like a drink, there was no explanation: it was simply wrong
and needed xing. I would taste it and try to improve it.
DeGro lobbied Baum to hire him for his new project: the
renovated Rainbow Room. DeGro ran the legendary restaurants
Promenade Bar for 12 years, helping to expose thousands of people
to classically made drinks and training many bartenders. His work
at the Rainbow Room kick-started the rebirth of the cocktail. He
left the restaurant after the lease for the Rainbow Room was taken
over by the Cipriani family. Since then, the King of Cocktails, as
DeGro has come to be known, has trained countless bartenders
and designed numerous cocktail menus around the world. He and
his wife were among the primary founders of the Museum of the
American Cocktail, which now oers exhibitions and seminars in
New York and Las Vegas. And as the dean of bartending, DeGro
continues to add to his legacy, ensuring the popularity and enjoy-
ment of well-mixed cocktails.
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79 The Cocktail Comeback
Another factor that helped spark the sudden interest in cock-
tails was a traveling exhibit of the top 100 cocktail shakers from
Stephen Visakays renowned collection. Te shakers were made
between 1904 and 1950, covering the full range of shaker produc-
tion. Te exhibit toured from 1993 to 1998 and was displayed in
seven American and Canadian museums, including the Milwaukee
Art Museum and Te Louisiana State Museum. Te exhibit and
the renewed interest in drinking cocktails spurred a collecting craze
for antique shakers and barware. In the spring of 1997, Visakay
published a catalog for the traveling show called Vintage Bar Ware,
still considered the denitive book on the subject. (Ads online for
barware often site specic page numbers from Visakays book.)
When he started collecting shakers in the late 1970s, before eBay
and the Internet, he could nd them relatively easily at ea mar-
kets and antique stores, often for little money. (Te one exception
were designer art deco shakers from the 1930s, which were always
sought after and never cheap.)
By the late 1990s, prices increased dramatically as shakers
became increasingly more popular, viewed as legitimate antiques
and investments. Unfortunately, the competition made it increas-
ingly di cult for collectors to add new shakers to their collections.
It was over for me, says Visakay, who hasnt bought a shaker in
more than six years. Te shakers became so valuable that he decided
to sell o part of his own collection, which had grown to include
over 1,600 items. In June 2001, Philips auctioned o 20 of Visakays
top cocktail shakers. After the last gavel fell, the auction totaled just
under $250,000 (including the buyers commission to the house),
triple the preauction estimate. One silver shaker, an 18-inch
cross between an airplane and a zeppelin, went for an astonishing
$52,000. A Russel Wright shaker that Visakay had bought for $600
at a New York City antique show went for $6,000.
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Mixology for Dummies
A small New England company makes mixing cocktails easy.
Muddling, shaking, and straining are a lot of hard work, but you
can whip up fancy cocktails, like mojitos, peach bellinis, and
mango margaritas, without breaking a sweat or even squeezing
a lime. An increasing number of people are letting a small New
England company called Stirrings do the hard work for them. You
can use one of the companys 18 high-end cocktail mixes to whip
up a tasty elixir. Best of all, you wont be ashamed of letting your
guests see the bottle.
Since the 1950s, many bottled cocktail mixers and shortcuts
have been on store shelves, including mixes from Mr. & Mrs. T and
the restaurant chain T.G.I. Fridays. But what sets Stirrings products
apart is that theyre made with natural juices, triple-puried water,
and cane sugar and are packaged in hip designer containers. The
products are also sold in high-end stores like Williams-Sonoma,
Sur La Table, Gourmet Garage, and Whole Foods. And now you can
even enjoy a Stirrings cocktail in the air. In 2006, Delta partnered
with the company to oer drinks in their clubs and on ights.
Surprisingly, Stirrings was only started in 1997 by two best
friends whose experience in the spirits industry was limited to
bartending during college. The partners rst began by produc-
ing high-end rubs, salts, and spices for cooking under the name
Nantucket O-Shore. One day, it occurred to them to try some
of their high-end Fleur de Sel on the rim of a margarita glass. At
the time, many restaurants were making the cocktail with expen-
sive tequila and fresh ingredients but were ruining the drink by
using harsh, cheap salt. The high-quality imported salt was a huge
improvement. The next step was trying to avor the salt with lime
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81 The Cocktail Comeback
Today several websites and stores across the country, not to men-
tion eBay, oer big selections of vintage barware. A recent search
of eBay using the search term cocktail shaker yielded 468 lots.
or cilantro to better complement the cocktail. Naturally the rst
Stirrings products were high-end salts for drinks. The company
has since introduced a number of dierent drink-related products,
including cocktail mixes, simple syrup, and bitters. Stirrings also
has a line of highly carbonated tonic water, club soda, and ginger
ale, which should stay bubbly longer.
But the companys products werent an immediate hit. It took
some time to convince store owners that people would spend $8.99
or $9.99 on a Stirrings mix instead of $2.99 to $4.99, the price of
most mixes. Everyone thought we were crazy, says the companys
cofounder, Gil MacLean. We had a lot of pushback and had to create
the market for the product. But the Stirrings products turned out
to be very popular. One reason was the sudden interest in premium
spirits. Because people were spending $30 or more for a bottle of
vodka or gin, they wanted a premium mixer. The companys mixes
have also been a hit with bartenders and restaurant owners. We
had a huge amount of success because we were lling a huge niche
and redening cocktail mixes, says MacLean.
How successful has the company become? In 2005, Stirrings
had revenues of $13.6 million, up almost 1,000 percent over the last
three years. The performance was good enough to garner a spot
on Inc. magazines list of 500 fastest-growing private companies in
2006. Sales have been so strong, the company moved into a new
facility in Fall River, Massachusetts, complete with decorative Meyer
lemon trees, gym, caf, and, most importantly, an extra big bar.
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Another result of Visakays show and the sudden popularity of
vintage barware was that all types of stores began selling cocktail
shakers, including Restoration Hardware, which stocked retro
penguin and zeppelin models. And just as shakers were designed
by famous designers like Bel Geddes and Wright in the 1920s,
today the hip Italian housewares design company, Alessi, oers a
number of shakers. But you dont have to spend a lot on a designer
shaker. Michael Graves designed a bar set for Target that included
a strainer, bar knife, jigger, bottle opener, and ice scoop, which
sold for just $25.
Te cocktail also got help from an unlikely place: the kitchen.
Te 1990s could be called the Food Decade, when cooking becom-
ing a national passion that turned chefs into bona de celebrities and
restaurants into signicant cultural institutions. One big reason was
the 1993 launch of the Food Network, which now reaches 90 million
homes in the United States alone. Suddenly people cared about the
food they were eating, where it came from, and how it was grown. By
1999, the upscale purveyor of sustainably grown groceries, Whole
Foods Market, opened its 100th store in Torrance, California. In
just 20 years, Whole Foods went from a single store in progressive
Austin, Texas, to a mainstream national chain popular both with
aging, patchouli-scented hippies and SUV-driving soccer moms.
Bars and liquor stores werent immune to the trend. Te market
for wine, specically California wine, took o in the 90s. As people
began to learn more about wine and develop their palates, they began
to buy not only mass-produced Kendall-Jackson but also expensive
bottles. Te rst vintages from Opus One, the joint venture between
Robert Mondavi and Baron Philippe de Rothschild, were released in
1984. By 1995, a single bottle of the original vintage of Opus One
sold for $250 at auction. Tat seems like a bargain compared to the
prices that small, upstart cult wines soon garnered. At auction or
on wine lists, a bottle of Screaming Eagle, one of the best-known
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83 The Cocktail Comeback
boutique wineries, was soon selling for a $1,000 or more. Tanks
to small yields, high scores from critic Robert Parker, and intense
media coverage, these wines became increasingly hard to buy even if
you had the cash. Many of the top wineries would only sell wine to
people on their mailing lists, which meant a whole seasons supply
would be sold out months in advance.
Tis new interest in food and wine connoisseurship lead many
people to rediscover spirits, especially the boutique spirits that began
to appear on shelves. Some of the earliest were produced by Fritz
Maytag of San Franciscos famed Anchor Steam Beer. In 1993,
he founded Anchor Distilling, which according to the companys
website is dedicated to creating very small batches of traditionally
distilled spirits of many types and styles. Te company now oers
a range of interesting whiskies and a gin. People also began drink-
ing ever more expensive spirits, in particular high-end vodka. Some
drinkers also began to taste, sni, and even sometimes spit spirits
as if they were wines. Suddenly people were ordering their mixed
drinks made with premium spirits, even if it cost more. Peoples
palates have changed, says Chiang of New Yorks Te Double Seven.
People have become more sophisticated in their drinking.
Soon, fancy bars and lounges sprouted up in New York, oering
classically made cocktails without any shortcuts. Tis was really an
untapped market, says Julie Reiner, who co-owns two bars in the
city. New Yorkers will travel for good food and will travel for really
good drinks. And it wasnt just their cocktail menus that harkened
back to an earlier time. Many of these establishments looked as if
they were movie sets, from art deco lounges to postcolonial o cers
clubs somewhere in the jungles of Southeast Asia. One of the rst to
open was the clublike Bar and Books in 1990, which oered cock-
tails as well as cigars. Te bar grew to include two locations in New
York and a third in Prague.
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On the West Coast, especially in San Francisco, a number of
bars began using fresh juices for their cocktail recipes. Tis boom
was greeted gratefully by cocktail fans and kindly by the press. It
was appealing to bar owners as well, because the potential prots
were great. Frankly, thats where the money is, says Mark Grossich,
CEO of Hospitality Holdings, which owns a number of high-end
bars in New York. (He also was one of the original owners of Bar
and Books.) Because many restaurants only break even on food and
make their prots on their beverage service, Grossich gured, why
bother serving food at all? And it seems he was right. At Hospital-
ity Holdings establishments, the average check pushes $50. At the
Campbell Apartment, tucked into a corner of New Yorks Grand
Central Station, which Grossich opened in 1999, its easy to under-
stand how a bill gets so bloated, since the best-selling cocktail is the
$15 Prohibition punch. Te pricy cocktail is a perfect match for the
opulent private-club feel of the bar.
Just as cocktails regularly appeared in the movies during their
heyday, mixed drinks began showing up again on the big and
small screens. Te 1930s had the Tin Man movies with Nick and
Nora mixing up martinis. Te 1990s had Carrie Bradshaw and her
friends downing cosmos and dirty martinis across New York City.
Te TV show, Sex and the City, which debuted on HBO in 1998
and ran for six seasons, made Sarah Jessica Parker and her costars
huge celebrities. Almost every episode included at least one scene
of the women rehashing the previous nights dates over brunch and
a scene where they were out at some hip lounge, bar, or restau-
rant, cocktails in hand. Practically overnight, as the shows viewers
became loyal to the point of obsession, the popularity of cosmos
and other cocktails ordered by Parker and her costars reached
new highs. Te show denitely helped, says Reiner. It created a
heightened awareness. It also dispelled any notion that cocktails
were just for men. Drinks became so synonymous with the series,
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85 The Cocktail Comeback
Cocktail Menu
Not that long ago, the only place where you could nd a Bronx, a
sidecar or an aviation was a dusty cocktail cookbook. But over
the last decade around the world, there has been a rebirth of
high-end cocktail bars that use fresh ingredients and traditional
techniques to produce cocktail classics in all their glory. For the
self-styled mixologists and bar chefs employed in these bars, per-
fection is in the details, from extra-large ice cubes to homemade
ginger beer. But expect to pay a premium for these elixirs. Some
of these bars charge $16 per drink. Heres a list of some of the best
cocktail bars, which are denitely worth visiting. (Just dont order
a rum and Coke.)
New York
Pegu Club (77 West Houston Street). If youre not careful, youll miss
the entrance to the Pegu Club. Those who nd it are transported
back in time and across continents. The second-oor, swanky
bar/lounge has the exotic and welcoming feel of an expat hang-
out somewhere in the Far East. After all, it is named for a British
o cers club in Burma. The cocktail menu is only a few pages
long but is packed with delicious drinks made with fresh and
interesting ingredients.
Flatiron Lounge (37 West 19th Street). This art deco monument
to cocktails is located in New Yorks Flatiron District. Open since
the spring of 2003, its cocktail menu changes frequently and
features drinks made by guest celebrity mixologists. Be sure to
try the ight of the day, composed of three small drinks with a
common theme or avor.
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I havent noticed, things have gotten a lot sweeter
lately. On restaurant wine lists, very dry and oaky chardonnay and
Chablis have been replaced by sweeter and fruitier wines, like sauvi-
gnon blanc and Rieslings. Bars are mixing up sweet pre-Prohibition
cocktails made with fresh fruit juice and simple syrup. Health clubs
and organic grocery stores are pushing so-called healthy smooth-
ies made with sherbet and fruit. Even getting coee has become a
cavity-inducing experience. Care for a cinnamon dolce latte from
Starbucks? Its a blend of espresso coee, butter, brown sugar, and
steamed whole milk topped with whipped cream and sprinkles. (A
grande packs a whopping 440 calories and 22 grams of fat.)
Americans have always had a sweet tooth but they have become
increasing greedy in their eorts to satisfy it. In fact, according to
the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in 2005 per capita consump-
tion of sugar and other sweeteners was 26 percent higher than in
1966. Reportedly, Americans now have the dubious distinction of
consuming more sweeteners per capita than any other nation.
Welcome to the
Softer Side of Spirits
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Drinkers have combined alcohol and sweeteners, like honey, for
centuries. Plenty of sweet liqueurs and cordials have always been
available to choose from, too, including Baileys, Chambord, and
Kahlua. Americans are known to talk dry and drink sweet, says
Dean Phillips, president and CEO of Phillips Distilling Company.
One reason for the recent success of the spirits industry has been
a concerted eort by manufacturers to make their products more
drinkable, which usually means sweeter and smoother.
Te move now seems prescient, but the industry took a while to
make this change. What helped kick-start the trend was the success
of avored vodkas in the late 1980s and the rebirth and the popu-
larity of cocktails in the 1990s. Consumers are also now willing to
pay more for complex-tasting spirits, which means distillers have
the resources to pay for extra distillations, longer periods of aging,
and better avorings. Tese easy-drinking spirits especially appeal
to consumers in their 20s and 30s who grew up buying sweet juices,
sugary sodas, and sports drinks that taste like punch. Its no wonder
that sweet spirits are increasingly popular.
Even the cordials and liqueurs category has seen a resurgence
in sales during the last few years. Spurring this growth is the recent
introduction of a number of interesting and pricey liqueurs, like
Pama, a pomegranate liqueur ($25). According to the Distilled
Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS), only 1,000 nine-
liter cases of super-premium cordials were sold in 2002. In 2005,
that number was projected to increase by an amazing 2,200 percent
for a total of 23,000 cases. (Over the same period, the overall cor-
dial category increased by 7 percent.) And in 2005, cordials and
liqueurs made up 12.5 percent of the overall America spirits mar-
ket, just behind the vodka and rum categories.
Tese days, mixologists are using an ever-broader palate of
avors for their new drink creations, often turning to this new
generation of liqueurs because they are so versatile. Tey can be
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99 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
sipped over ice, of course, but they are really perfect for adding
air to cocktails.
Te category has become so popular that a number of whisky
companies have produced liqueurs. In 1993, Godiva helped start the
trend with the introduction of a line of fancy chocolate liqueurs it cre-
ated with spirits giant Diageo. Just a few years ago, Suntory Interna-
tional, makers of Yamazaki whisky and Midori melon liqueur, came
out with Zen Green Tea Liqueur. In 2005, Jim Beam partnered with
Starbucks to produce a cream-coee-avored liqueur. In 2006, Wild
Turkey launched a liqueur called American Honey ($19.99), which
is very sweet but has notes of the companys famous bourbon. At 71
proof, American Honey is no lightweight. (Te company actually
introduced its rst liqueur in 1976, and it has since gone through
a number of adjustments and facelifts. According to Eddie Russell,
director of barrel maturation and warehousing for Wild Turkey and
son of the companys master distiller and legend Jimmy Russell, the
product oered a way to compete with wine coolers.)
Even Macallan, perhaps the most revered Scottish single malt
distiller, has come out with a liqueur. In 2005, the Macallan Amber,
which has a maple-and-pecan avor with a base of whisky, was
tested in three American markets, including Boston and San Fran-
cisco. Wider distribution is planned for 2007. Its quite a change
for the company, whose signature for many years was full-bodied
whiskies. But its not just whisky companies who are getting into
the liqueurs market. Patrn, the super-premium tequila company,
released XO Caf, a coee-avored liqueur, in 1992; it now sells
for about $23.
Whisky companies arent just making liqueurs. Tey are also
making their whisky smoother and sweeter. Tese changes are an
attempt to appeal to a wider audience, including women and younger
vodka drinkers. Another reason for changing recipes is that people
now drink dierently than they did just 20 years ago. As a result
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of tougher drunk-driving laws, people are drinking less and arent
just looking for the fastest way to get intoxicated. Between 1975
and 2005, according to DISCUS, adult per capita consumption of
spirits decreased by over 35 percent. Now when people drink, they
want a spirit that they can savor, especially if they only have one or
two drinks. To take advantage of this trend, whisky companies are
promoting their products as having more avor and complexity.
Surely, whisky makers in Kentucky and Scotland have taken note
of the recent success of Irish whiskey. According to DISCUS, from
1994 to 2005, nine-liter case sales of Irish whiskey in the United
States have increased by a whopping 129 percent. Decades after
almost completely disappearing from bars and liquor store shelves,
the spirit staged a comeback in the mid-1990s with a sudden boom
in Irish whiskey imports. Tese brands were a big hit with consumers
because Irish whiskey is usually extremely smooth and has a sweet or
honeyed taste, making it much easier to drink then fuller or smokier
whiskies. And some of the Irish spirits, like the 12-year-old pot still
Red Breast, are full of fruity cognac notes that are very appealing to
non-whisky drinkers. Tis avor prole comes from Irish distillers
triple distilling their whiskey, while Scottish distillers usually distill
only twice. Also, traditionally when the Irish toast their malted bar-
ley, they make sure it doesnt come in contact with the smoke from
the peat re heating the kilns.
But change was afoot in Kentucky long before the rebirth of
Irish whiskey. In 1943, Bill Samuels, Sr. burned his familys 170-
year-old recipe for bourbon because he said he wanted a spirit that
actually tasted good. He left his family distillery, T. W. Samuels, to
form what would later become Makers Mark. According to his son,
Bill Samuels, Jr., the current president of Makers Mark, he wanted
a bourbon without sour notes that would hit you on the tip of your
tongue where you taste sweetness. Historically, bourbons werent
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101 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
When Is a Whisky Not a Whiskey?
During the 1950s, blended whisky was king and made up over
50 percent of total spirit industry sales. But now there are all
kinds of whisky: blended, single malt, Irish, and Canadiannot to
mention American whiskey: bourbon and rye. So whats the dier-
ence among all of these whiskies? Heres a cheat sheet to help you
keep your whiskies straight (or on the rocks).
Single Malt Whisky
Over the last 30 years, single malt whiskies have created a lot of
buzz and taken over the top shelf of many bars. Its hard to nd a
bar that doesnt stock Glenlivet, Glenddich, or Macallan. A single
malt is a blend of whisky from a single Scottish distillery. The
whisky is made from Scottish malted barley and water. By law, to
be called whisky, the spirit must be aged for at least three years in
Scotland. If a bottle has an age of, for example, 12 years or 18 years,
the whisky inside is at least that old. In Scotland, the word whisky
is generally spelled without an e.
Blended Whisky
When most people order a blended whisky, they want a spirit
like Chivas Regal, Dewars, or Johnnie Walker. A blend contains a
number of single malts from dierent distilleries. Its then blended
with an aged grain whisky. Generally a blend contains between
15% and 60% single malt whisky, and the rest is grain whisky. Even
though single malts have gotten more attention recently, blends
still make up most of the total Scotch whisky sales.
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Irish Whiskey
Irish whiskey has seen a huge renaissance during the last ten years.
Even though it was quite popular in the United States before Pro-
hibition, for a number of decades, it practically disappeared from
liquor stores and bars. Generally, the dierence between Irish and
Scottish whiskies is that Irish whiskey is distilled three times instead
of twice. The extra distillation gives the spirit a slightly smoother
taste. Also, Irish distillers generally dont smoke their malted barley
with peat smoke as some of the Scottish distillers do. As a result,
the Irish spirit has more of a honeyed taste. When talking about
whiskey from Ireland, you spell the word with an e.
Canadian Whisky
Canada has been producing whisky for over 200 years. The coun-
trys Scottish immigrants brought with them a distilling expertise
and an appetite for whisky. Canadian whisky blends, which were
popular during Prohibition and then had a resurgence in the 1980s,
are generally made from corn, barley, and rye. Because the whisky
has a signature spicy avor caused by the rye component, its some-
times simply called rye whisky.
American Whiskey
In America, whiskey is usually called bourbon or rye. Bourbon has
to be made from at least 51 percent corn. Usually the rest is rye or
wheat. (Jack Daniels, however, is not technically bourbon but Ten-
nessee whiskey because its charcoal ltered.) The rules for making
rye are a little looser, and the spirit can be made from 100 percent
rye. When talking about American whiskey, you usually spell the
word with an e.
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103 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
known for their subtlety or avor but for their potency. My ancestors
wanted to blow your ears o, says Bill Samuels, Jr. According to
Dave Pickerell, the current master distiller at Makers Mark, When
[Samuels] started making Makers Mark, no one cared what bourbon
tasted like. After eight years of experimenting, Samuels was nally
able to come up with a recipe that produced what Pickerell says is a
bourbon thats pleasant, sweet, and nonoensive. And thats not an
acquired taste. Te whiskey appeals to a wide range of drinkers. Te
sweetness also means the spirit is easily mixed in cocktails.
By 1958, Makers Marks distinctive bottles, hand dipped in red
wax, were on store shelves selling for $7. So how did Samuels create
this sweeter spirit? For one, the bourbon is made from corn and
wheat, which gives the spirit a bit of sweetness. Most other bourbons
are made from corn and rye, which produces a spirit with a bitter
kick. According to legend, Samuels didnt develop this recipe in a
distillery but in his kitchen. He experimented by baking bread with
dierent grain combinations. Makers Mark was also much smoother
than it competitors because the company decided to age the spirit in
barrels longergenerally between 5 years and 11 months to 7 years
and 1 month. (While technically a spirit can be called bourbon if
its aged just two years, most are usually aged for four years.) As a
result of aging and the way the spirit is distilled, Makers Mark was
also bottled at a lower proof (90) than many other bourbons, which
top a hefty 100 proof.
According to Pickerell, at rst the rest of the industry treated
Samuels like a Kentucky Don Quixote. His friends were willing to
indulge him and help him create a better-tasting bourbon because
they never thought it would amount to anything. Part of the indus-
trys hesitation to change was based on scal considerations. It costs
a lot more to age bourbon and to distill it at a lower proof. Its more
cost-eective to produce higher-proof bourbon and then cut it with
water, resulting in more bottles to sell. But Samuelss developments
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proved quite wise. Over the decades that followed, partially to com-
pete with vodka, the rest of the industry slowly began introducing
products that were of a lower proof and aged for longer period of
time. (Makers Mark, of course, takes credit for creating this new
avor prole, but surely the other companies would disagree.)
In the late 1980s, when expensive Scottish single malts began
taking up more room on liquor store shelves, the bourbon industry
began to focus on producing higher-quality spirits that would rival
Scotch in complexity, avor, and price. We started to see American
consumers starting to spend a lot of money on good whiskey, says
Chris Morris, master distiller at Woodford Reserve. Te introduc-
tion of Jim Beams Small Batch Bourbon Collection helped create
this trend. In 1988, Booker Noe, the master distiller at Jim Beam
and an industry legend, created Bookers bourbon, the rst batch
of which was given out to distributors to see if there was interest
in the product, says Bookers son Fred Noe, the Jim Beam brand
ambassador and an associate distiller. Te bourbon, which is still
available, is a full-avored whiskey thats been aged between six and
eight years. (Its quite strong, between 121 and 127 proof, because
Booker thought people should water it down themselves to taste.)
Bookers went on sale in 1989, and its success was important because
it showed the industry that consumers were willing to pay more, up
to $50, for a better bottle of bourbon. Te future is high-end, says
Fred Noe. Tis has ushered in an era of high-priced, small-batch
bourbon that bears scant resemblance to the spirits origins. In 1992,
Jim Beam added an additional three brands to the Small Batch Bour-
bon Collection. Not to be outdone, in 1991, Wild Turkey released
Rare Breed, a barrel proof premium bourbon, which sells for $32.99.
To take advantage of this new market, in 1996, Brown-Forman cre-
ated a new bourbon brand called Woodford Reserve. Te company
didnt want it to be low priced, says Morris. We wanted it to be
ultra-premium. At the time, Woodford Reserves $29.99 price tag
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105 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
made it expensive. In 2006, Morris created a special, limited edition
bourbon (there are only a total of 750 cases) uniquely made from
four grains, which sells for $79.99. Its the rst release from a new
line of higher-end bourbons called the Masters Collection.
Makers Mark isnt the only whiskey to use wheat to sweeten its
product. In the fall of 2005, Heaven Hill, known for its Evan Williams
bourbon and Christian Brothers brandy, introduced Bernheim Orig-
inal Kentucky Straight Wheat Whiskey ($39.99). According to the
company, its the only spirit to be made mostly from wheat. (Te
recipe also calls for some corn and malted barley.) Te recipe is so dis-
tinctive that Heaven Hill is calling it a whole new whiskey category.
Te winter wheat the company uses makes the spirit sweeter than if
it had been made with rye. Te hope is that the spirit appeals more
to nonwhisky drinkers. Bernheim launched in 12 markets across the
country, including New York, Florida, and Illinois, and the company
now says the whiskey is available across the country.
According to spirits experts and industry veterans, it seems that
bourbon companies have been very successful in broadening the
spirits appeal. Bourbon was considered your dads drink or your
granddads drink, says Fred Noe. Now bourbon drinkers are often
younger and, even more encouraging, female. I think someplace
down the road, girls wont get funny looks when they order bourbon,
he says. And this push has indeed helped increase sales of bourbon
and Tennessee whiskey. From 2000 to 2005, according to DISCUS,
sales of these whiskies in the United States were up almost 7 percent.
Tat is quite impressive considering that since the early 1970s, bour-
bon and Tennessee whiskey sales were steadily declining.
Even though the Scotch whisky distillers have been on a roll,
theyre also looking to attract new drinkers and diversify their oer-
ings. Distillers can relatively easily change the avor and smoothness
of their whisky without changing their recipes. Tey can do it by
changing the cask in which the spirit is aged. Te barrel actually
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Jimmy Russell: American Bourbon Royalty
For over half a century, Jimmy Russell has been making
Wild Turkey Bourbon.
Its hard to separate the history of Jimmy Russells family from the
history of Wild Turkey Bourbon. Four generations of Russell men
have worked in the Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, distillery, crafting one
of the most famous American spirits. You could say that bourbon is
in Jimmy Russells blood.
This living bourbon legend and master distiller was born and
raised just a few miles from the distillery. Russell always wanted to
work in the bourbon business and hoped to get a job at one of
the four local distilleries. In 1954, when he turned 20, he went to
work at Wild Turkey, and he never left. It was his rst real job, he
says, and keeping with tradition, he started at the bottom doing
quality control. He inspected and sometimes unloaded the grains
delivered to the distillery. Slowly he moved up through the ranks,
eventually training under the brands master distiller, Bill Hughes.
Russell replaced Hughes in the late 1960s, becoming only the
third person ever to hold the title of master distiller at the company.
At the time, the brand was really just one product: Wild Turkey 101.
Over the last half century, Russell created a full line of dierent bour-
bons that now includes ve more varieties of Wild Turkey, including
a lower-octane 80-proof bourbon, a bourbon-based liqueur with
honey, and a single-barrel bourbon.
But perhaps the most distinctive bourbon Jimmy created is
the one that bears his name. In 2000, Wild Turkey introduced the
ten-year-old Russells Reserve. The bourbon is a testament to the
Russell familys legacy and their dedication to the spirit. What also
makes the bottling special is that Jimmy worked on the bourbon
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107 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
contributes a lot to the nished spirit, including its color. In fact,
the whisky is clear when it comes out of the still and only picks up
its deep honey or mahogany color from the wood. But the barrel is
not just about aesthetics. Te wood of the barrel and what the barrel
previously held also aect the avor of the whiskey. Te Edrington
Group, which owns Macallan and Highland Park, estimates that as
much as 80 percent of a whiskys avor comes from the barrel.
Historically, the distilleries have bought used barrels, which are
cheaper. For decades they were plentiful because many items, from
wine to dry goods, were shipped in barrels. Ten a law was passed
in the 1960s dictating that bourbon distillers could only use new
charred barrels, which ensured that the market was ooded with
relatively cheap American oak barrels. (Sherry casks are about ten
times more expensive than bourbon casks.) Until the late 1980s, dis-
tillers almost exclusively used former bourbon and sherry barrels.
Tat all changed when Scottish distilleries started selling their
single malt whisky to consumers. In hopes of distinguishing their
product from all the other whiskies on the market, some distilleries
started experimenting with aging their whisky in dierent types of
casks. Distillers realized that barrels that once held wine, Madera
and port, gave their whiskies more avor. Te whisky can pick up
fruity or spicy notes from the wine-soaked wood, and it can become
a bit smoother.
with his son Eddie, who has worked at Wild Turkey for 26 years and
is the companys barrel maturation and warehousing manager.
Just a few years later, in honor of Jimmys 50th year on the job,
Wild Turkey released 5,500 bottles of a small-batch, 15-year-old
bourbon. Fittingly, the bottling was called Tribute.
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Finishing whiskies in wine casks has become a standard in the
industry, often for special limited editions that are especially popular
with collectors. Whisky aged in former wine casks is generally easier
to drink and popular with people who dont normally order Scotch.
Usually the whisky is moved from bourbon barrels into wine casks
for the last few years of maturation. Some distilleries have also exper-
imented with nishing whisky in casks that have held other spirits.
In 2006, Glenddich introduced a 21-year-old Gran Reserva ($120)
that was aged in a cask that had held rum.
Tis style of whisky has become the signature of Glenmorangie:
no other distillery has experimented as much with aging whisky in
dierent casks. For three years during the early 1990s, Glenmoran-
gie monitored over 10,000 dierent casks to see how various types
of wood aect the taste of whisky. Traditionally, distillers would only
nish poor whisky in a dierent cask in hopes of improving its qual-
ity. But according to Glenmorangies master distiller Bill Lumsden,
the brand began experimenting with nishing its best whisky. Its
an interesting and valid way to give consumers something dierent,
says Lumsden. Finishing is one of the most powerful tools to give
a range of avors. Te brand has used a number of dierent types
of casks, including ones that have held Malaga, port, Madeira, and
Burgundy. And like former bourbon barrels, these wine casks allow
the character of the whisky to come through in the nal product. In
2006, Glenmorangie introduced a whisky that was nished for two
years in a wine cask that came from Bordeauxs Margaux commune.
Just 3,551 bottles of this special Glenmorangie were made, and
only 720 were allocated for sale in the United States. Te company
expected the whisky to sell for between $399 and $499 per bottle.
So far, the company has had a lot of success with these limited edi-
tion bottlings; each has sold out completely.
Some Scotch whisky companies have gone in a dierent direction
to attract a broader range of consumers. For 180 years, Macallan only
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109 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
used sherry casks to age its whisky. Te wood became the companys
signature, because the rest of the industry for the most part used old
bourbon barrels. In fact, Macallan is the only Scottish distillery that
has all its barrels specially constructed. Every year, the company buys
oak trees grown in Spain that are at least 80 years old. According
to brand ambassador Caspar MacRae, as little as 15 percent of the
wood from these trees meets the whisky companys high standards
and is turned into barrel staves. (Te rest of the wood goes to the
local community.) Te wood is sun-dried, and then Macallan pays
a Spanish sherry maker to ll the casks with oloroso sherry. After
several years of use, the barrels are sent to Macallans distillery in
Speyside to be lled with whisky. Even though Macallan doesnt get
to keep the sherry, each barrel has soaked up as much as 11 liters of
it. Te company takes wood selection so seriously that the distillery
recently opened an educational exhibit on the subject. Macallan
made its name from sherry casks, says MacRae.
One summer night back in 2004, in front of a packed crowd in
the ballroom of a hip midtown Manhattan hotel, Macallans distiller
Bob Dalgarno shocked the spirits world by announcing a revolu-
tionary new line called Fine Oak. Tis whisky broke with company
tradition, using both sherry and American oak bourbon barrels. Te
company had actually been making this style of whisky for years but
selling it only to blenders. Its no surprise that Macallan released the
whisky to the public. Te hallmark of the most popular Scottish
whisky, Glenlivet and Glenddich, and many of the other distilleries
in Speyside, is a lighter and fruitier style that derives from Ameri-
can oak-barrel aging. Te company was banking on a smoother
and lighter Macallan to appeal to a wider range of both whisky and
non-whisky drinkers. Fine Oak is part of making Macallan more
approachable, says MacRae. Its more of an aperitif style. Te Fine
Oaks pricing was also appealing to both sets of potential consumers.
Te younger Fine Oak whiskies are less expensive than the com-
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parable traditional Sherry Oak whiskies. But for the collector, the
30-year-old Fine Oak sells for between $650 and $850.
Macallans former master distiller David Robertson made an
even more aggressive attempt to attract new whisky drinkers. Several
years ago, he started a brand thats now called the Easy Drinking
Whisky Company. (He mixed the rst batches in his kitchen.)
Te idea behind the new brand was to strip away all the wonkish
nomenclature and focus on making extremely consumer-friendly
whisky. When it was introduced to the American market in the
summer of 2005, Robertson was quoted in a company release as
saying: Weve completely chucked the whisky rule book. So you
can toss your tie and drink it where you like, when you like, and
how you like. To help consumers gure out what the whisky actu-
ally tasted like, the three varieties were simply called: Te Rich Spicy
One, Te Smokey Peaty One, and Te Smooth Sweeter One. Tis
is obviously a departure from the way Scotch is traditionally labeled
by age and distillery name. Just as complicated French wine labels
can be intimidating, so too can those of Scotch whisky bottles.
Its no wonder that a number of distillers, like Australian wineries,
have experimented with giving dierent whiskies actual names and
eye-catching packaging.
But its not just the labels of the Easy Drinking Whisky
Companys bottles that are unique. Whats inside is also innova-
tive. Te Smooth Sweeter One is a blend of two whiskies, one from
the Scottish Bunnahabhain Distillery and the other from the Irish
Cooley Distillery. Tis mixture is then aged in a bourbon cask. Te
price of the brands whiskies is also refreshingly low: each bottle sells
for just $29.99. Were not about paying $50 or $60 a bottle, says
the brand manager, Stephen Cruty.
Even though Robertson has since left the company, sales of Easy
Drinking Whisky continue to grow steadily. According to Cruty,
the brand is particularly popular in places where there is a strong
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111 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
microbrew and microdistilling culture, like Austin, Texas; Califor-
nia; and Colorado. But the growth of the whisky is still very much
a grassroots movement, and the company doesnt have any illusions
of becoming huge. Its a niche brand, admits Cruty. But one rea-
son why the whisky is successfully making whisky converts out of
vodka drinkers is because it mixes so well in cocktails. Drinkers can
even nd recipes on the companys website, including one for the
Smokey Cokey (a mixture of Te Smokey Peaty One and cola) and
for the Sweet Ginger Fizz (a mixture of the Smooth Sweeter One
and ginger beer).
A key to whiskey marketing now is creating cocktails based on
the spirit. A number of companies have gone even further. Tey are
making products that are not only sweeter and smoother but also
better complement soda or other mixers. Its a revolutionary idea,
because for years, Scotch whisky and bourbon experts and enthusiasts
have insisted that these spirits only be drunk straight or, if you insist,
mixed with a little bottled water. In May 2005, the Minneapolis-
based Phillips Distilling Company, which claims to have produced
Americas rst peppermint-avored schnapps brand in the 1930s,
introduced a new line of avored whiskies. According to CEO Dean
Phillips, a member of the fth generation of his family to work in
the spirits business, he was looking for a way to shake up the cat-
egory and convert younger vodka drinkers to whiskey. Te new
line of whiskey, called Phillips Union, is particularly smooth because
its made from a unique blend of Kentucky bourbon and Canadian
whisky. (Its the rst whiskey on the market to blend these spirits.)
In addition to the regular Phillips Union whiskey, there are also two
avored versions: a cherry and a vanilla. Te company chose these
two avors because they mix well with cola and in cocktails. Not
that many avors mix well with whiskey, Phillips admits.
So far, the line has sold well and is available in 30 states, includ-
ing California and Illinois. Te company produced 20,000 cases
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during the brands rst year, and they sold out. Slowly Phillips
plans to increase production by about 10 percent to 15 percent per
year, building up to about 30,000 cases. Tese sales are particularly
impressive because the company isnt targeting whisky drinkers.
Tis is a whiskey that traditionalists wont buy or appreciate,
Phillips says. But young people will. According to Phillips, con-
sumers wont spend a lot of money on a avored spirit, whether it is
whisky or vodka. When consumers pay a premium, they are buy-
ing purity, he says. Te best-selling avored spirits are midpriced
or less and are popular with younger people who often have less to
spend on a bottle and arent looking for a sipping whisky. Phillips
Union has a suggested retail price of $25, which is perhaps a little
more than value vodka but about $5 cheaper than the premium
vodkas like Grey Goose.
Phillips wants consumers to view this line almost like a whole
new product category and not just a type of whisky. Even the
packaging of the line is quite dierent than the way whisky has
traditionally been bottled and labeled. For one, the company uses
a distinctive clear, asklike bottle that features lettering in a funky
font and a hip logo. Te packaging looks more like that of a fancy
bottled water than a whiskey. Phillips Union has its own website,
which is obviously geared to a young audience. Te site tries to
create the feel of being in a club or bar. When you click on an
image, you hear crowd noise, people softly talking, and drinks
being poured. And like any good bar, the website oers its own
soundtrack of upbeat funky acoustic music. Te site provocatively
asks So are you and vodka taking a break? and Does vodka know
you go both ways?
Even where companies dont change the recipe of their spirits to
make them more mixable, they suggest that their product be con-
sumed in new ways. Fred Noe says, A lot of people would say its a
sin to mix a high-end bourbon with coke. But its no sin to him. To
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113 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
The New Bourbon Royalty
In the bourbon world, new is a relative term. The basic recipe hasnt
changed since the late 1700s, when early American settlers began
producing the spirit using their excess corn. But change is afoot in
bourbon country thanks to a new generation of whiskey makers,
like Eddie Russell of Wild Turkey, Fred Noe of Jim Beam, Craig Beam
of Heaven Hill, Chris Morris of Woodford Reserve, and Dave Picker-
ell of Makers Mark, who are taking over the distilleries.
New is also relative, given that these men have already worked
in the industry for many years. Russell has been working at Wild
Turkey for 26 years. Noe has been at Jim Beam for almost as long.
(Not to mention all those years that the two hung around the distill-
eries as kids with their fathers.) This changing of the guard is a rare
occurrence because bourbon careers are often longer than many
real monarchies. The Queen of England has only a year on Wild Tur-
key master distiller and Eddie Russells father, Jimmy Russell.
And like royalty, the bourbon business has traditionally been
a family business. Many of the men running the dierent houses
have followed in the footsteps of their fathers and their fathers
fathers, sometimes going all the way back to when Kentucky wasnt
part of the United States and bourbon was an illicit spirit made by
immigrants eeing the governments punitive whiskey taxes. These
dierent bourbon families joined together to form an ad hoc family
tree, with each branch a dierent brand. And many of the people
making bourbon literally are relatives. The Beams of Heaven Hill
and the Noes of Jim Beam are descended from the same family.
According to Craig Beam, at one point, it was said that there was at
least one Beam at every bourbon distillery.
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To this day, the business is more like a brotherhood, says Noe.
The master distillers are on friendly terms and usually get together
for lunch a few times a year to talk shop. And because the design
of all the distilleries is pretty similar, if one distiller needs a part, like
a ball bearing, its not uncommon for another distiller to lend him
one. We let the marketing or salespeople ght it out in the eld,
says Craig Beam.
However, in recent years, some new names have been added
to the family tree. As the spirits world has become increasingly
corporate, many of the family businesses have been sold to big
companies. Master distillers who grew up outside this tight-knit,
insular world have been chosen to lead some of these bourbon
houses. But only slowly have these people been accepted into
the bourbon fraternity. Maybe weve just changed the denition
of family a little bit, says Pickerell, who started out as a chemical
engineer and hopes that some new bourbon dynasties may soon
form. Maybe we could start another one up.
To help you get acquainted with the new generation, youve
got to know about four of its leading members.
Craig Beam of Heaven Hill
With a last name of Beam, the odds were pretty good that Craig
Beam would join the family business making bourbon at Heaven
Hill. Hes the seventh generation of his family to make whiskey. But
before signing on, Beam seriously considered becoming a veterinar-
ian. Fortunately for whiskey drinkers, the number of years of school
required to become a vet scared him into rethinking his career path.
Beam was also comfortable in the Heaven Hill distillery, because as a
child he would visit his father and grandfather at work. Beam began
working for Heaven Hill in the summers during college. One of his
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115 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
rst projects was evicting a ock of pigeons that had been squat-
ting in an old warehouse owned by the company. Needless to say,
there was a lot to clean up after the birds were relocated. Another
summer he worked in the bottling house. In 1983, Beam o cially
joined the company. His grandfather and his father carefully taught
him the business, including how to make the familys traditional
yeast strain. Up until the end of his grandfathers life, Craig brought
him samples of the jug yeast and the white dog (unaged alcohol
that has come straight from the still) to taste.
Now Craigs father, Parker Beam, is semiretired, and they share
the title of master distiller. Inheriting Heaven Hill is a huge job. Unlike
most of its competitors, the company is still family owned. That
means Beam not only has to oversee production of the companys
vast portfolio of whiskies but is also involved in every aspect of the
business, including negotiating trucking contracts, warehousing,
and buying grains. With the increased interest in spirits, Heaven Hill
also has had a lot of growing pains, says Beam. The distillery where
the bourbon, rye, and wheat whiskey is produced runs 12 hours a
day, 6 days a week. Demand is so strong that by early 2008, the size
of the distillery will almost double. Beam has also begun bringing
around his two teenage daughters, hoping that one of them may
want to join him in the family business. Maybe one of them will be
the rst female master distiller, Beam says. You never know.
Eddie Russell of Wild Turkey
Eddie Russell never thought that he would join the family bourbon
business at Wild Turkey. But after graduating from the University
of Kentucky, he decided to join his father at the distillery, becom-
ing the fourth generation of his family to work in the bourbon
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business. He started out doing odd jobs like mowing grass and
dumping bottles.
Almost three decades later, Eddie is now the director of barrel
maturation and warehousing. Hes taking a bigger role in making
the bourbon because his father, Master Distiller Jimmy Russell, is
often on the road to promote the brand around the world. In 2000,
Eddie and Jimmy worked together on the excellent ten-year-old
Russells Reserve.
Fred Noe of Jim Beam
After nishing college in 1983, Fred Noe was hired by the Jim Beam
distillery as the companys night-shift bottling supervisor. He
wasnt just any new hire. He is the seventh generation of his family
to work in the bourbon business. When Jacob Beam began selling
his whisky in 1795, Kentucky had only been a state for three years.
After Prohibition was repealed, Fred Noes great-grandfather, Jim
Beam, constructed the companys distillery.
Fred literally grew up surrounded by bourbon history. As a
child, he lived in Jim Beams former home, and he would often
accompany his father, bourbon legend Booker Noe, to the distill-
ery on the weekends. While Booker worked, Fred would play on
the companys trucks or watch the trains go by. Back when I was a
kid, that was big time, he remembers. The distillery was always a
comfort zone. Fred says his father didnt force him into the family
business but let him decide for himself. And Booker insisted that
Fred go to college and get a degree.
Even when Fred signed on, Booker still wanted to be sure he
was serious. His rst job overseeing the distillerys bottling line
overnight wasnt easy. I think it was a test, says Fred. If it was, Fred
must have passed. In two decades at Jim Beam, Fred has steadily
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117 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
moved up the ladder and is currently an associate distiller and
brand ambassador. He hopes that his own son may follow in his
footsteps. There may be a new generation yet, he says.
Dave Pickerell of Makers Mark
By the ripe old age of ve, Dave Pickerell knew he wanted to be a
chemical engineer. The desire was so strong that in high school,
he took every math and science course the school oered, even
attending summer school to cram them all in. He applied to and
was accepted at West Point. Although the school didnt have a
chemical engineering department, it oered him something even
more important: a full scholarship. Pickerell admits that without it,
he might never have been able go to college.
He soon realized that he was particularly good at thermody-
namics. Somehow I am wired to get this, he says. After nishing
up his degree, he spent about six years working for a thermody-
namic company consulting on distilleries, including Makers Mark.
In 1994, the company called him to oer him a job. I couldnt say
yes fast enough, he remembers. Bourbon gets in your blood, and
you cant get it out.
But in the early 1990s, bourbon was still very much a fam-
ily business. I was the rst of the new guys. And because of that
distinction, I was certainly an outsider, he says. People saw me
as a hired gun, and I had to earn my spot. Today no one questions
Pickerells skills or dedication. In fact, hes now one of the more
senior distillers. Pickerell has become an experts expert on the
production of bourbon and serves as a board member of the Ken-
tucky Distillers Association. He heads up the Associations techni-
cal committee as well.
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Noe, its just the best bourbon and coke. In his mind, too many
brands have too many rules about how people should drink whiskey.
We dont like rules in Kentucky, he says. Drink it anyway you
want. Mix it any way you want. In fact, the Jim Beam website has
over 50 recipes for cocktails, like the Jim Beam weekend punch,
which calls for four dierent juices and ginger ale, and the Jim Beam
black coee & creamtini, which is a mixture of bourbon, Star-
bucks coee liqueur, and Irish cream.
Noe isnt alone. Teres even some dissension in Scotland, which
has been known for its strict rules about how whisky shouldand
certainly how it should notbe drunk. Douglas McLean Murray,
master of whisky at Johnnie Walker, echoes Noes sentiments and
says you can drink his blends any way you want. He hates being
told you cant add water or ice to your whisky and calls it his pet
peeve. Youll never waste the whisky by adding water, he says. He
even likes to make mixed drinks with Johnnie Walker Green Label
($45$55). But for a real treat, hell pour a little bit of chilled Gold
Label ($75$80) and chocolate sauce onto vanilla ice cream. (He
uses this trick, he says, when he has to break some bad news to his
wife.) But even Murray draws the line when it comes to certain
special single malts. Blue Label is the exception to the rule, he
Hes not related to the Samuels family that started Makers
Mark, but he is planning to continue their legacy. Even if one of
his children doesnt join the business, Pickerell has been mentoring
an employee for 15 years to take over when he retires. And for the
last three years, hes been mentoring another employee who could
take over the distillery even further down the road. I hope we can
keep this alive, he says.
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119 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
says. I would never mix Blue with water. He usually cleanses his
palate with a drink of water before drinking the rare and expensive
($200) whisky.
Still, clearly an increasing number of whiskey companies are
making spirits that can be more easily mixed. And even those spir-
its that cant be mixed are being made more palatable and more
complex to attract a wider range of drinkers. Soon, says Dave Pick-
erell, Makers Mark master distiller, your drink may become spicy.
Te American palate is migrating to be more sweet and will move
on to savory, he says. Te next thing coming down the pipe is
spices. People usually start with sweeter avors but as their palates
get more experienced and mature, they begin gravitating to more
bitter and complex tasting spirits. (Te same process usually hap-
pens with people who eat a lot of chocolate. Tey start out eating
sweeter milk chocolate, and as their palates get more rened, they
begin gravitating to increasingly darker and often more expen-
sive chocolate.) Tis may explain the increasing popularity of rye
whiskey and the super-peaty Scottish single malts from Islay, like
Lagavulin and Laphroaig. Tey are an acquired taste and have a
very select following. But like dark chocolate, they also oer a lot
of avor and a bold taste.
Already, Pickerell has seen bars in London making cocktails with
simple syrup that has been avored with herbs or spices, like rose-
mary and jasmine. Savory cocktails have been appearing on this side
of the Pond as well. One of the rst restaurants to start the trend
was New York Citys Tabla. When Danny Meyer opened Tabla in
1998, the restaurants innovative cocktails got a lot of press. Playing
o the restaurants Indian-fusion cuisine, the drinks include exotic
ingredients like lemongrass-infused fresh pineapple juice, red bell
pepper vodka, green chilies, cucumber, cilantro, and tamarind.
New cookbooks contain recipes for making savory simple syrup.
In Food Network host Dave Liebermans 2006 book, Daves Dinners,
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The Return of Rye
The original American spirit is staging an epic comeback.
Just as France is known for its cognac and Scotland is famous for
its whisky, Americas signature spirit for decades was rye. The dark,
avorful alcohol was made by some the countrys earliest residents,
including George Washington, whose distillery produced thousands
of gallons. Up until Prohibition, rye was widely available and made
by quite a few dierent distilleries. On the rocks, and on screen, the
spirit was a favorite of tough guys and working Joes. It was also
popular with bartenders, who used it in many famous cocktails like
the Manhattan, the old-fashioned, and the Sazerac.
However, after Prohibition ended, sales of rye began to decline.
By the late 1990s, the spirit had almost completely disappeared from
store shelves and was treated like a relic cherished only by a hand-
ful of diehard fans. Fortunately, starting around the millennium, rye
was adopted by spirit connoisseurs and foodies as a cause clbre.
As a result, rye sales are up, and distilleries are steadily increasing
production. Suddenly theres an ever-growing selection of rye pro-
duced by a number of dierent brands. Ryes comeback is nothing
short of miraculous and proof of the current popularity of spirits.
But you cant have a dramatic comeback without a downfall.
So why was rye overlooked for so many decades? There are many
theories about ryes decline; the real cause is a combination of fac-
tors. Even though most of the rye today is made in Kentucky by
the bourbon companies, traditionally the spirit was made in the
mid-Atlantic states. According to Allen Katz, chairman of the board
of Slow Food USA and director of mixology and spirits education
for Southern Wine & Spirits of New York, after Prohibition ended,
these states enacted some of the strictest laws regarding the
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121 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
production and sale of spirits. These laws made starting up di cult
for rye distillers. Plus after being dormant for so many years, the
dierent brands also had no stock of aged whiskey that could be
bottled immediately and sold. It would take a few years before the
rst bottles would reach consumers. Meanwhile consumers began
drinking other kinds of spirits that were readily available.
No sooner had the distilleries reopened than they had to shut
down for World War II. The postwar period presented the same
challenges that distillers had faced after Prohibition plus some new
ones. The GIs came back, and they had a taste for Scotch, says
Larry Kass, spokesperson for Heaven Hill, one of the largest produc-
ers of rye in the United States. At the same time, the postwar boom
industrialized much of the mid-Atlantic, cutting o distillers local
supply of rye and other grains.
As a result, the bourbon distilleries began producing a token
amount of rye. We spill more bourbon in a day, jokes Kass. Heaven
Hill isnt alone. For example, Jim Beam sold just over 30,000 cases
of rye in 2005, while it sold 3.9 million cases of bourbon that year.
Even though rye is a tiny category, the Kentucky distillers contin-
ued to produce the spirit out of obligation. We kept the category
alive, says Kass. We didnt think much of it. The two spirits are also
very similar. Bourbon is made mostly from corn and often some
rye. Rye is, of course, made mostly from rye, but can contain some
corn. Producing rye is a bit harder than making bourbon, because
the mash (the grains mixed up with water) is very sticky and runs
through the still at a much slower pace. Until recently, only three
main distilleries were producing rye, which was sold under a
handful of labels. For decades, Heaven Hill made rye only two days
a year, which was more than enough to satisfy demand. In fact, in
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many years, even this was too much. The company kept the extra
whiskey in its storehouse where the rye sat undisturbed for years.
Now it seems like a prescient move, because for the rst time in
decades, theres a real demand for aged rye.
A change in consumer taste also hurt rye sales. Smoother spir-
its, including blended whisky, bourbon, and even the white spirits,
became much more popular after the war. And in the second half of
the century, vodka stole an increasingly larger market share, acquir-
ing more shelf space in liquor stores. The success of vodka came at
the expense of the overall whiskey category but hurt rye in particu-
lar. Vodka was new and exciting for Americans. The clear, tasteless
spirit can, of course, be mixed easily with virtually anything. It is
also the polar opposite of rye, which is dark and full of bold avors,
making no apologies. And you can forget trying to hide the taste
of rye in a sweet or fruity cocktail. Compared to vodka, rye seemed
out-of-date and inextricably linked to a bygone era. And worst of
all, it acquired the connotation of being a drink of the old.
By the late 1990s, rye was virtually unknown. Youd say Ill
have a rye Manhattan, and they would pull out Canadian Club,
says Katz. Many drinkers and bartenders began to confuse Cana-
dian whisky, which does contain a lot of rye, with rye whiskey.
Kass also puts some of the blame for the spirits low prole on the
distillers for not properly marketing the spirit. We shot ourselves
in the foot, he says.
It seemed that rye was destined to fade into the annals of his-
tory. But just as the spirit had been doomed by a conuence of
international events, a number of factors helped to make the spirit
popular again. It was a perfect storm of factors drawing people
to rye, says Kass. Even though rye was traditionally an American
alcohol, some of the rst people to begin talking and writing about
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123 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
it were members of the international press. The fact that the spirit
wasnt widely available in foreign countries made it particularly
alluring. These early articles got people in America to start thinking
and talking about rye.
The spirit was also helped by Americans burgeoning interest
in bourbon and Scotch whisky. People who had once been satis-
ed with drinking simple vodka cocktails were soon buying so-
called brown spirits. What really helped to attract customers was
the pricey single malts and the small-batch boutique bourbons
that Jim Beam and the other brands began producing. As drinkers
began to get more familiar with these high-end whiskies, their level
of connoisseurship began to rise. Suddenly, there was a cachet to
drinking expensive, limited-edition whiskies from very small distill-
eries. And as peoples palates developed, they began looking for
spirits with ever more avor and complexity. (This also accounts for
the growing popularity of very smoky, peaty Scottish whisky.)
During the same period, the cocktail boom began to pick up
steam, and bartenders and mixologists started promoting authen-
tic pre-Prohibition drinks. A key element to making these drinks
was getting the details right and using the correct spirits, not just
substituting vodka or bourbon. Many of the earliest proponents of
rye were bartenders who insisted on making their Manhattans with
only that spirit. These cocktails introduced or reintroduced many
drinkers to rye.
Then in the early 1990s, Fritz Maytag, owner of the legendary,
pioneering San Francisco microbrew Anchor Steam Beer, began
experimenting with making a boutique rye whiskey. At the time,
it seemed like the vanity project of an eccentric. (To his credit,
the same could have been said when Maytag took over the beer
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brewery in the 1960s.) In 1996, he released fewer than 1,500 bottles
of Old Potrero Single Malt Whiskey, a special 100 percent rye malt,
aged for about a year in toasted new barrels. Because the supply
was so small, the whiskey was initially available only to local restau-
rants, but critics and drinkers soon began clamoring for the spirit. It
was unlike any other rye on the market, because it was made using
18th-century distilling techniques. It was also packaged in an eye-
catching, old-school squat bottle. Over the next ten years, Maytag
started making Old Potrero Straight Rye Whiskey, which is aged
for three years in new charred barrels, and Old Potrero Single Malt
Hotalings Whiskey, which has been aged for 11 years in once-used
charred oak barrels. The introduction of these high-quality whis-
kies got the industry excited about the possibilities of making and
selling rye whiskey. And Maytags name lent a certain coolness and
seriousness to the spirit category.
Rye was also a marketers dream. It had a great back story, and
it was old enough to be new to many drinkers. The fact that its sup-
ply was limited and not widely stocked only added to its allure. The
spirit also was adopted by foodies and groups like Slow Food. Just
like grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, and heirloom tomatoes, rye
was a throwback worth saving from extinction. What had originally
hurt sales of the spirit ultimately helped to bring it back. Suddenly
drinkers and journalists were praising the spirits avor and writing
about its long history. Rye seems particularly interesting compared
to the mass-produced vodkas that have come to dominate the mar-
ket. In late November 2006, the New York Times ran a Spirits of the
Times column about rye, which included a report on the tasting of
15 brands. Many of the ryes the panel tasted cost around $100, a
staggering sum given that just a few years before, it had been hard
to nd even a $15 bottle in most liquor stores. Just like with the rest
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125 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
of the industry, over the next few years, an increasing number of
premium and super-premium ryes will likely be introduced.
Rye whiskies have also begun winning awards at spirits compe-
titions. On a whim in 2006, Heaven Hill entered its $13 Rittenhouse
Rye into the San Francisco World Spirits Competition. The bargain-
priced rye shocked the industry by taking home top honors: North
American Whiskey of the Year. It not only beat out other ryes but
other double-gold-medal-winning whiskies in dierent spirit cat-
egories. Its no wonder that the rye was awarded the Best Buy of
the Year award at the 2006 Malt Advocate New York WhiskyFest.
The success of the brand prompted Heaven Hill to release a $150
100-proof, 21-year-old, single-barrel Rittenhouse Rye. Fortunately
decades ago, the company had stored the rye on a lower oor of
a warehouse, which oered an ideal aging environment. This pre-
mium spirit has become so popular, the company has had trouble
keeping up with demand.
Now distillers are facing a new problem: too much demand.
According to DISCUS, their members were projected to sell 50,000
cases of rye in 2006, an increase of 38 percent since 2000. (And that
statistic doesnt include the gures from the Heaven Hill distillery,
which is family owned and not part of DISCUS.) Some brands are
seeing even larger increases. Shipments of nine-liter cases of Jim
Beams Old Overholt were up 43 percent from 2001 to 2006.
At this point, there isnt enough supply to keep up with cur-
rent sales levels, and the brands are trying to catch up. Many
companies have doubled their output. But because rye has to
be aged, the supply will take a few years to make it onto store
shelves. Not only are consumers scrambling to buy the spirit, but
the wholesale market has also heated up. Distillers now routinely
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he includes ve recipes for dierent syrups, including one avored
with lemongrass and another avored with lemon thyme. Readers
can use these special syrups in the nine cocktails that Lieberman has
included in his book.
eld oers from a number of companies who are trying to buy
casks to rebottle under their own brand names. Joining Anchor
Steam Distilling, a number of smaller companies are now making
new rye brands as well.
The spirit is so popular that liquor stores are again devoting
shelf space to rye. One of the best selections can be found in
LeNells, a liquor store in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn,
New York. The store stocks 21 dierent bottles of rye that range
in price from $13.50 to $150. The selection even includes a rare
unaged rye and a $110 23-year-old cask-strength Red Hook Rye,
which was bottled exclusively for the store. But Tonya LeNell
Smothers, the stores owner, isnt worried about other establish-
ments stealing her rye customers. With supply so tight, theres
not a lot of rye to be had.
Rye fans can at last breathe a sigh of relief. The spirit is not
likely to disappear from store shelves anytime soon. On the con-
trary, the rye fad is just getting started. In the next few years, as
the spirit becomes easier to nd in bars and stores, it should only
increase in popularity. However, rye is still a niche product, and it
will most likely always be one. But even though it may never sell as
many cases as the more popular bourbon, rye is an important link
to Americas past that deserves preservation. And most important,
it is good to have a bottle on hand for making cocktails. You cant
make an original Manhattan without rye, says Smothers.
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127 Welcome to the Softer Side of Spirits
Te spirits themselves will also get spicier and more savory.
Herbs Aromatic Infused Vodkas, rst sold in 2006, are avored
with cilantro, rosemary, fennel, and dill. Te vodka, developed
by a couple of retired former Seagrams employees, sells for $29
a bottle. Russians have been infusing vodka with herbs for hun-
dreds of years, but in America, the sweeter avored vodkas have
been much more popular. So far, Herbs is only available in certain
markets, but by the end of 2007, distribution should be national.
Jerome Hyal, CEO of the Miami-based Garden Variety Vodka
Company, which makes Herbs, believes that the spirit will be
popular because it has a complex avor. We believe that herbs
and infusions can deliver something closer to wine, Hyal says.
And just like wine, you can drink the vodka and even cook with it.
Nows thats a savory drink.
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Aiouxi rui woiii, distillers, marketers, and entrepreneurs
are all struggling to solve a billion-dollar riddle: Whats the next new
drink of choice? With hundreds of vodkas, gins, and whiskies already
on store shelves, theres little room and scant prots for upstarts. Te
real money is in nding an interesting spirit thats been overlooked
or giving a tired spirit a premium makeover. No one was better at
doing this than the late Sidney Frank, who turned the little-known
German Jagermeister into a grassroots moneymaker and created the
ultra-premium craze by producing the pricy Grey Goose vodka.
Most of the companies trying to nd the next new thing have used
Franks success as a blueprint, following his every move in hopes of
getting the same result.
Te game plan consists of a few essential elements. A spirit must
have a catchy name and an untraditional, eye-catching bottle and
label. Te marketing plan generally needs to be two-pronged, taking
advantage of traditional and grassroots resources. One of the keys to
Grey Gooses success, which has been copied by most up-and-coming
spirit manufacturers, is sponsoring parties and donating alcohol to
Te New,
New Ting
06_Chap06.indd 131 5/24/07 11:01:12 AM
dierent inuential events and charities. (Grey Goose continues to
use this strategy. It sponsors the Sundance Channel series Iconoclasts,
which features celebrities interviewing each other, and summer polo
matches in Bridgehampton, Long Island.) Tis technique could be
called the trickle-down theory of marketing: If regular drinkers asso-
ciate a certain brand with famous or wealthy people, then they will
also order it in bars or buy bottles.
But for boutique spirits without large marketing budgets, theres
still hope. Most often, these edgling companies try to target a small
number of very important customers. Usually this strategy involves
sending emails to wealthy friends or friends of friends in hopes that
theyll buy bottles in popular night clubs. Whats even better is if
the company can get a celebrity or a well-known socialite to drink
the spirit. Tis can lead to a mention in the New York Post s gossip
column, Page Six, or a gossip magazine like Us Weekly.
Cocktails are also becoming more important in the marketing
of new spirits. A popular cocktail can drive sales of not just a brand
but of an entire category. For example, the margarita sustained the
tequila market in the United States for decades, and the martini craze
of the late 1990s helped vodka to become even more popular. Many
companies are also hiring mixologists to create cocktails in the hope
that theyll catch on and become bar staples. Most spirit marketing
campaigns now include several specially created drink recipes. Bacardi
has a new campaign focusing on the mojito that tries to get consum-
ers to associate the companys rum with the drink. Its reminiscent of
Bacardis eorts to become the liquor of choice for xing a rum and
Coke. Spirits giant Pernod Ricard, which owns a number of brands,
including Wild Turkey, Beefeater Gin, and Stoli Vodka, has gone even
further. In 2007, the company setup a Spirits Desk that creates
themed or custom cocktails for journalists to include in their stories.
One reason for all this creative marketing is that spirits com-
panies dont just have to woo drinkers but also restaurants, bars,
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133 The New, New Thing
and most importantly, distributors. Paradoxically, there must be
great demand for a spirit or spirit category before a distributor will
add it to its portfolio and really begin to push it. Like most invest-
ments, the most money usually gets made by those who get in on the
ground oor. Often these are smaller companies and entrepreneurs
who can invest time, often years, in carefully nurturing the growth
of the spirit. Tis often is impossible for larger companies, which
need a spirit to sell tens of thousands of cases immediatelybut
they can always acquire a smaller brand once it has taken o. Big
companies are just not good at building brands, says Gary Shansby,
founder and chairperson of Partida Tequila. Hes an expert on the
topicShansby has spent most of his career building consumer
brands, including Famous Amos Cookies and Terra Chips.
But big spirit companies are trying to get better at respond-
ing quickly to changes in consumer tastes. As a result, the rate of
introductions of new spirits has sped up quite a bit over the last
few years. Companies are also spending a lot more on test-market-
ing new products. For instance, before Diageo introduced its new
Tanqueray Rangpur Gin, it tested the spirit for a whole summer
in a number of southern mid-Atlantic states. Te area was picked
because it is quite diverse, so the company could get a sense of how
dierent consumers would react to the new product. Salespeople for
Diageos distributor collected feedback from liquor store owners and
bartenders. As a result, the company was able to tweak the gin and
ne-tune its signature cocktail recipes.
Several years ago, most of the new products coming on the mar-
ket were vodkas. But the vodka [category] has become so cluttered,
says Joe Bowman, cofounder of the new brand Agua Luca, which
produces cachaca, the traditional Brazilian sugar cane rum. Liter-
ally a new brand comes out every week. As a result, many of the
industrys heavy hitters are exploring new spirit categories. Regard-
less of the category, most of the money is going toward starting
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high-end and super-premium brands. A new wave of potentially
popular spirits, including tequila, rum, sake, and cachaca, are poised
to take over the industry.
As Gary Shansby travels around the world promoting his Par-
tida tequila brand, people often wince when he takes out a bottle
and starts pouring samples. Tey remember a bad night, he says.
And its not just wicked hangovers that they associate with the
spirit. Before a tasting begins, he usually has to clear up a few
misconceptions about tequila: no, its never bottled with a worm,
and its not made from cactus but from a plant thats a member of
the lily family. Once he can actually get them to taste the tequila,
theyre pleasantly surprised that it is nothing like they remem-
bered. Te biggest hurdle is educating consumers and bar stas,
he admits.
Americans experience with tequila is usually pretty limited:
either shots or margaritas. Te spirit received some notoriety after
the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, but it was barely consumed in
America until the mid 1970s. Te margarita boom of the late 1970s
helped increase the popularity of tequila for blender cocktails. And
Jimmy Buetts 1977 hit ballad Margaritaville made the cocktail
a bar staple. But for the most part, the selection of tequila was very
limited, and the majority was the unaged silver/blanco. Worse,
much of the tequila imported into the United States was low qual-
ity, made from a cheaper blend of agave sugar and sugar cane.
Of course, in Mexico, tequila is regarded as the national drink,
and there has always been a greater range of tequilas available,
including higher-end spirits aged in oak barrels. (In fact, in Mexico,
the least popular tequila is the blanco.) In the mid-1970s, the Mexi-
can government declared that the spirit could only be made in one
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135 The New, New Thing
So What Is Tequila?
Tequila is one of the most maligned and least understood spirits.
And to set the record straight: no, its never bottled with a worm.
Contrary to popular belief, tequila has a long and noble history
that started centuries before it became a staple of fraternity par-
ties. But up until a few years ago, it was hard to nd anything but
Jose Cuervo on liquor store shelves. Now the market is ooded with
increasingly high-end tequilas. So what is tequila exactly?
Tequilas Origins
According to legend, hundreds of years ago, indigenous Mexicans
living about two hours outside of Guadalajara only harvested the
waxy leaves of the agave plant to use as a roong material. (The
leaves are waterproof.) Even though the plant looks like a cactus,
the agave is really a member of the lily family. The Indians threw
away the heart of the plant, known as la pia after its pineapple
shape. One day, a bolt of lightning struck a pile of pias and scorched
them. The villagers realized that once baked, the agave plant would
soften up and yield a sweet juice that could be fermented and
turned into an alcoholic drink. For religious reasons, however, the
villagers werent allowed to get drunk o of the spirit. It was the
Spanish colonizers who invaded Mexico in 1519 who began distill-
ing this traditional brew to make the potent spirit tequila.
Since the creation of the spirit by the Spanish, its production
methods have been rened. Dozens of varieties of agave grow in
Mexico, but by law, tequila can now only be made from Blue Weber
agave. (The plant is named after the German botanist who identi-
ed the variety.) It takes at least 8 and as many as 12 years to be
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mature enough for harvesting. A mature plant can stand up to 8
feet tall and 12 feet in circumference. Workers called jimadors use
long-handled, razor-sharp, circular machetes, called coas, to trim the
leaves of the plant and chop it down. The pias on average weigh
between 40 and 80 pounds but can be as heavy as 200 pounds.
The trimmed pias are then split and baked in an oven to convert
the plants starches into sugar. The pias are then crushed, and the
juice of the plant is collected, fermented, and nally distilled.
But since 1974, for a spirit to be considered tequila, it has to be
made in the Tequila region (just as sparkling wine made in California
cannot be called Champagne)and must contain at least 51 percent
agave juice. Spirits made outside this designated area or made from
a dierent variety of agave are called mezcal, which is sometimes
bottled with a worm. Mezcal has a richer, whiskylike taste because
the pia isnt steamed but instead roasted and smoked. (When
the sugar isnt all from agave, the spirit is called mixto. Most of the
tequila sold in America is mixto.) Tequila is also smoother because it
is usually distilled at least twice, whereas mezcal is usually only dis-
tilled once. Many of the tequila distilleries are in the state of Jalisco,
while many mezcal producers are in Oaxaca.
Starting a few years ago, high-end tequila producers began
advertising that their products are made exclusively from 100 per-
cent blue agave. This dierence was key in getting people to treat
tequila as a premium spirit and pay premium prices. These market-
ing eorts were very similar to those used to promote single malt
Scotch whisky.
Aging: Blanco, Reposado, Aejo
Most tequila brands oer at least three dierent varieties: blanco
(a clear color), reposado (a gold color), and aejo (a bronze color).
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137 The New, New Thing
area of the country and introduced some strict rules about how it
could be produced.
Te American perception of tequila completely changed in 1989
with the introduction of the premium brand Patrn. Tis tequila
wasnt like any other on the market. Te big dierence is that the
spirit is made from 100 percent blue agave. Te decanter-like, hand-
blown glass bottle (complete with cork stopper) was distinctive, not
to mention the $40 price tag. Te companys creation helped usher
in a new, potentially lucrative category of spirits.
It was a risky move considering that tequila was, for the most
part, a party spirit for college kids, and the idea of sipping it like a
high-priced whisky seemed laughable. (To be fair, at the time, even
single malt was just beginning to catch on.) Patrn was started by
John Paul DeJoria and Martin Crowley. DeJoria knows a bit about
starting companies; hes the cofounder and CEO of the John Paul
Mitchell Systems hair care company, whose products are sold in
roughly 90,000 American hair salons with annual retail sales of
about $800 million. Even though DeJoria came from outside the
spirits world, Patrns success was closely followed by the rest of
industry. At worst, the companys founders gured, if the spirit
These three categories reect how long the spirit has been aged.
The blanco, (also known as silver), best for margaritas, usually hasnt
been aged at all. The reposado has been rested for between 60
days and a year in a wood barrel. And the aejo, best for sipping,
has been aged for at least one year in oak. Just like Scotch or bour-
bon, the longer the tequila is aged, the more avor it picks up from
the barrel, and the darker it becomes. Its not uncommon for the
aejo to have whiskylike notes.
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didnt sell, they would have plenty of holiday gifts for friends and
family. But the gamble, of course, has more than paid o. Patrn
now sells over a million cases each year. And from 1995 to 2005,
overall sales of tequila, according to the Distilled Spirits Council of
the United States (DISCUS), have almost doubled in the United
States. According to Pernod Ricard, the super-premium tequila cat-
egory has grown an estimated 25 percent over the last ve years.
High-priced tequila is no longer a joke. And Patrn has gone from
being a lone innovator starting a new spirits category to the leader of
a surging pack of high-priced tequilas.
In just the past ve years, a ood of premium tequila brands
has been created in or introduced to the United States. (Many of
these fancy brands can be found only in America and arent widely
available in Mexico.) For instance, Gran Centenario, Jose Cuervos
brand of small-batch tequila, was introduced to the American mar-
ket in 1996 but wasnt widely distributed until 2002. In 1995, the
venerable Don Julio brand was nally introduced. Demand had
been so strong for the brands tequila that in the fall of 2006, the
distillery was shut down for several months for a major renova-
tion and expansion that will almost double the companys produc-
tion. Te 100 percent blue agave premium tequila Don Eduardo
was created and introduced to the American market in 1998. And
Shansbys brand, Partida, has only been around for a few years. He
created the tequila with the Partida family, one of the largest agave
growers in Mexico.
Spirit giants Bacardi and Pernod Ricard have also introduced
premium tequila brands. In 2005, Bacardi introduced the super-hip
Corzo tequila. Te asklike bottles were designed by Fabien Baron,
who designed the bottle and advertising campaign for Calvin Kleins
cK One perfume and Madonnas book Sex. Te brands aejo is par-
ticularly special, because after being distilled twice and resting in
oak barrels for a couple of months, the spirit is distilled a third time.
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139 The New, New Thing
Only the best of the distillate, the so-called heart, is kept and aged
again in barrels for over a year. Tis process allows the distiller to
smooth out the tequila and pick up extra avor from the barrels.
Months later, Pernod Ricard introduced Tezon. It, too, was
packaged in a fashionable, nontraditional bottle that was inlaid
with decorative symbols. Unlike many other premium tequilas
on the market, the company uses an old-fashioned volcanic stone
wheel to crush the baked agave and extract the plants juices. In
many other tequila plants, a large machine is used to juice the
agave. Another key dierence is that Tezon ferments the agave juice
with the plants bers, instead of fermenting just the juice. Pernod
Ricard claims these traditional techniques give the spirit a richer
and more complex avor.
Even Sidney Frank saw the potential in tequila. One of his last
ventures before his death was Corazon tequila. (Reportedly, one
stipulation of his sale of Grey Goose to Bacardi was that he couldnt
immediately start a competing premium vodka or gin brand.) Just
as with Grey Goose, at the heart of the advertising campaign for
Corazon was branding: the spirit was touted as the worlds best-
tasting tequila. Frank realized that, like vodka, there are quite a
few premium tequilas, and one way to make his brand stand out to
consumers was to put forth the idea that his spirit had been judged
to taste better. It seemed as if his marketing magic worked. Accord-
ing to the beverage industry magazine StateWays, Corazon sold just
8,000 nine-liter cases in 2002 but was projected to sell 52,000 cases
in 2005. Tats an amazing 550 percent increase in just three years.
Te spirit companies keep introducing ever more expensive
tequila bottlings. Te aejos that seemed pricey and exotic just a cou-
ple of years ago now seem like a relative bargain. One of the rst was
Jose Cuervos Reserva de la Familia, which was introduced in 1995
for the companys 200th anniversary. Traditionally the tequila had
just been, as the name suggests, given to the friends and family of the
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distillers. Te Reserva sells for $100 and is bottled in a special hand-
made glass bottle that is numbered and sealed in wax. Every year, the
company has a Mexican artist design the tequilas box. Just six years
after launching in the United States, Don Julio came out with two
very special and pricey tequilas, 1942 ($125) and Real ($350).
One of the most interesting high-priced tequilas to come on the
market is the limited-edition Leyenda ($250) from Gran Centena-
rio, created in 2006. Te tequila is the rst spirit to get the new
Extra Aejo classication from the Tequila Regulatory Council.
Tis new category was created in March 2006 after years of discus-
sion. To qualify for the new designation, a tequila has to be aged
for a minimum of four years. Already several tequilas on the market
qualify, but the Leyenda was the rst to be certied. Like the other
Gran Centenario tequilas, the Leyenda is aged in French Limousin
oak casks, which give the spirit a nutty, cognaclike avor. (French
oak is usually used for wine, not spirit, casks.) Just as with single malt
whisky, spirit connoisseurs are now increasingly interested in older
tequilas and the type of cask used for the maturation. Te quality of
the agave is also becoming more important to drinkers.
Even Patrn, which started the ultra-premium trend, has created
what it calls super-ultra-premium tequilas. In 2004, the company
introduced a more expensive version of blanco called Gran Patrn
Platinum that sells for about $200. Te companys calls it the
worlds nest platinum tequila. Tats a big price tag and potentially
a lot of prot, given that the company doesnt have to pay to age the
spirit. But the tequila does come in a handmade crystal bottle and a
curly maple wood box, both signed by the artists who created them.
With so many tequilas selling for between $40 and $60, the original
line of Patrns tequilas no longer seemed as deluxe. We wanted to
expand the portfolio, says Matt Carroll, the vice president of mar-
keting at Patrn. Te Gran Patrn also allows the company to stay
ahead of its competitors and reinforces the company image. Even
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141 The New, New Thing
though Patrn didnt expect a huge demand for the pricey Platinum,
in 2006, almost 40,000 bottles were sold.
To keep up with the industrys rising prices, in spring 2007,
Patrn came out with an even more expensive small-batch tequila
called Gran Patrn Burdeos, which sells for $500. Te special spirit,
which is limited to a few hundred cases, is aged in Bordeaux casks.
Even though nishing single malt whisky in wine casks is quite pop-
ular and common, this idea is revolutionary for the tequila industry.
Tequila is usually aged in former bourbon or French oak casks. If the
Gran Patrn Burdeos is popular, it could potentially lead to a whole
new category of tequilas nished in dierent types of wood.
According to tequila companies, over the last three or four years,
the spirit has really taken o, and keeping up with demand has been
a challenge. Te spirits popularity has even helped cause a recent
agave shortage. But tequila isnt only popular in bars and liquor
stores. Hotels, restaurants, and even spas have begun to oer tequila-
themed dinners and promotions. In 2006, Patrn and the upscale
chain of Mexican restaurants, Rosa Mexicano, oered a special ve-
course Day of the Dead dinner at a number of its locations around
the country. Te JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa in Tucson,
Arizona, has a nightly tequila toast for guests. And the resorts lobby
lounge also stocks over 150 dierent tequilas, including some that
the bar has infused. Te Fairmont San Jos partnered with El Tesoro
for a special $85-per-plate dinner at the beginning of 2006. Te
owner and master distiller of the tequila company Carlos Camarena
was there to sign bottles and greet the guests.
You dont even have to drink tequila to enjoy the spirit. A num-
ber of Four Seasons hotels have oered a detoxifying massage that
uses a rub made from tequila and sage oil. But the resort that has
arguably gone the farthest is the CasaMagna Marriott in Puerto Val-
larta, Mexico, which not only has a tequila sommelier but grows its
own agave on site, which it uses to make a house brand of tequila.
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Te major spirits companies are betting heavily that the
tequila category will continue to grow. But unlike vodka, the ante
to get into the tequila game is a little steeper. Premium tequila is
made only from 100 percent agave, which takes about a decade to
fully mature. Plus, the aejos and the reposados need to be aged,
which isnt cheap. Nevertheless, Shansby predicts that over the
next ten years, sales of the category will triple with the super-
premium oerings leading the way. And tequila has been fortu-
nate in that many celebrities and tastemakers have championed
the spirit, leading to particularly high sales in high-end bars and
clubs. Companies have also wisely packaged their products in eye-
catching and unusual ways.
But unlike premium vodka, aejo and reposado tequila are hard
to use in cocktails. Even for professional bartenders, using the
spirit in mixed drinks can be a challenge, although the margarita
continues to be extremely popular. Tis might ultimately limit the
growth of this category unless people are willing to sip the older
tequilas like whisky or pay even more for the unaged spirit.
Walk into almost any New York City grocery store, and youre
likely to nd freshly made sushi rolls, sashimi, and even steamed
edamame. But this isnt just a big-city phenomenon. Across the
country, Japanese food has gone from exotic treat to mundane meal
found in shopping mall food courts. And sushi has entered into the
pantheon of foreign foodslike fajitas, bagels, and spaghettithat
are now staples of the modern American diet. How big has Japanese
food become? Tanks to the Iron Chef television series, one time
Nobu chef Morimoto is now practically a household name; he runs
a number of restaurants in the United States and even has his own
line of knives and beer.
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143 The New, New Thing
Sake, the Japanese alcohol made from fermented rice, has also
recently become more popular. (Sake has actually been available in the
United States since the late 1860s, but until recently, very little was
consumed.) In 2005, sake imports grew by an impressive 18 percent.
(However, experts partially chalk up that increase to sake importers
getting a bit too excited and bringing in too many bottles.) Overall
consumption, according to Chris Pearce, a sake expert and president
of World Sake Imports, should double every seven years. Sake is not
a trend, he says. Sake will continue this consistent steady growth.
Te selection of sakes available in America has grown, and some of
the better small-batch sakes are nally being imported. Im always
trying something new, says Roger Dagorn, master sommelier at the
downtown New York institution Chanterelle. On any given night,
between 8 and 20 sakes are on his wine list. Te restaurant has also
been holding an extremely popular sake dinner annually since 1999.
Each of the meals courses is paired with a very ne artisanal sake.
What makes the night even more special is that a number of the sake
makers usually attend the dinner.
Since 2001, a huge tasting called the Joy of Sake organized
by Pearce has exposed thousands of Americans to some of the nest
sakes. Originally the event took place in Honolulu, but it has now
expanded to San Francisco and New York. In 2006, the three tast-
ings attracted about 2,700 people who had 299 sakes to sample.
Unfortunately, most Americans have only tried warm sakeif
theyve tasted it at all. Even though warm sake can be great on a cold
night, usually only lower-grade commercial sake is heated. Te best
sakes are supposed to be served cold. (Heat can dull the avor.) In
Japan, according to Pearce, between 1,200 and 1,300 sake brewers
produce about 10,000 dierent sakes. Only about 350 or 400 of
these brands are available in the United States. And worse, a lot of
them you never see anywhere, says Pearce. But thats slowly chang-
ing as more higher-quality sakes become available in this country.
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One problem, however, is that sake doesnt travel all that well, mak-
ing importation a little more complicated. Ideally sake, like wine,
should be shipped in refrigerated containers.
But the sake selection in the United States will likely increase as
American consumption continues to grow. Tis is particularly good
news for sake producers, because consumption of the alcohol is
actually declining in Japan. Japanese consumers have become more
wine drinkers than sake drinkers, says Chanterelles Dagorn. As a
result, the number of sake producers in Japan has actually decreased
during the last few years.
Most experts agree that younger American drinkers are driving
this increase in sake consumption. Tey have grown up eating sushi
and enjoying Japanese cultural imports, like Nintendo video games,
anime movies, and Pokmon trading cards. And many hip bars are
using the alcohol in cocktails, including the popular saketini. Sake
sales will continue to increase as long as the better handcrafted sakes
become more widely available in this country.
Dark rum drinkers have never gone thirsty. Tere has always
been a big selection of aged and expensive rums from all over the
Caribbean. One reason is that the spirit was the drink of choice
for sailors, and for years it fortied the British navy. Yet if you like
white rum, until recently, you really didnt have much to choose
frombasically Bacardi.
But the spirits industry has high hopes for the rum category,
especially for premium white rum brands. Te spirit has always been
popular, but it has the potential of being as popular as vodka. Both
spirits are easily mixed in drinks, but because rum has more avor, it
can also be sipped. As a result, a number of new, high-end, premium
white rums are now trying to compete with premium vodkas.
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145 The New, New Thing
Ten years ago, premium white rum might have been a tough
sell, but the rum category is booming, encouraging small entre-
preneurs and spirit giants both to start new light rum brands.
According to DISCUS, since 1990, the overall rum category has
grown an amazing 61 percent and, in 2005, over 20 million nine-
liter cases were sold. Traditionally rum hasnt been thought of as a
premium spirit in this country. People associate rum with drinks
that have umbrellas, admits Jerey Zarnow, the chairman and
CEO of the new Starr African Rum. Even today, one of the most
popular cocktails is the simple Cuba libre, also known as rum and
Coke. But thats changing with the recent popularity of rum-based
pre-Prohibition cocktails and the mojito fad. Te mojito used to
be a summer cocktail, but its so popular, it has now turned into
a bar staple served year-round. Te mojito has become the new
cosmo, says Zarnow.
Tis category of pricy light rums is just a few years old. One
of the rst premium white rums to hit shelves was Zarnows Starr
African Rum from Mauritius, introduced in October 2004. Before
he started the company, Zarnow was running a lm production
rm in Hollywood. A friend tasted the rum on a trip to Africa and
asked Zarnow to help him import it to the United States. Zarnow
liquidated his assets and put another $100,000 on his credit cards
to get the company o the ground. He even designed the brands
unique deep red, pyramid-shaped bottle. (Zarnow had a pretty good
idea of what the bottle should look like, and the company couldnt
aord the $85,000 that a professional bottle designer wanted to do
the job. All my gray hairs come from that bottle design, he says.)
Zarnow admits that when he started the company, he didnt really
know much about the spirits business or even how the rum was
made. What he did know was how the spirit tasted. I was blown
away, he says. Starr African is a blend of a couple of dierent rums,
some as old as six years, which makes for a very smooth spirit.
06_Chap06.indd 145 5/24/07 11:01:15 AM
But when Zarnow started approaching bars and distributors, it
wasnt easy to convince them to stock his $35 rum. It was just as hard
to convince them that there was a demand for high-end rums at all.
So he decided to target the drinker before trying to sell the spirit. One
tactic the brand has used successfully is getting celebrities to drink the
spirit. On the companys website, you can read blurbs from such celeb-
rity magazines as People and Us Weekly about how Tom Cruise, Snoop
Dogg, and Leonardo DiCaprio have been seen drinking the rum. Te
resulting buzz surrounding the spirit has hopefully made it easier to
get the rum onto store shelves and into bars. You build a brand one
drinker at a time, he says. Tis isnt a race but a marathon.
What helped Zarnow convince people of the legitimacy of pre-
mium rum was the launch of 10 Cane Rum by heavyweight Moet
Hennessy and Oronoco by Diageo. 10 Cane was introduced in 2005
after seven years of development. It was the rst time Moet Hen-
nessy created a brand from scratch, says Stephanie Chassing, the
brand manager for the rum. It was a big leap of faith. Te com-
pany put together a team to develop 10 Cane, creating an almost
boutique company within the Moet Hennessy corporate structure.
Te company wanted to use all its resources and centuries of experi-
ence to try to create the best rum, says Chassing.
Te companys press release about the launch of the spirit ham-
mered home this point. It declared 10 Cane to be the rst brand
which promises to bring luxury, style, and innovation to the long-
neglected rum category. Tis is rums redemption. Te release goes
on to warn drinkers that this spirit shouldnt be confused with the
rum enjoyed by beach vacationers or college kids on spring break.
Te company clearly wanted the spirit to set the standard for the
whole premium rum category. And its priced accordingly. Just like
Starr and Oronoco, the rum usually retails at or above $35, which
makes these new rums even more expensive than Grey Goose, Ketel
One, and the other premium vodkas.
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147 The New, New Thing
10 Cane is made in Trinidad from hand-harvested sugarcane
that is pressed the same day its cut. (Te rum is very similar to
the Brazilian cachaca. Both are made from sugar cane juice instead
of from molasses, like many other rums. Youll read more about
cachaca, Brazils national drink, in the next section.) And just as if
making an extra virgin olive oil, the company only gently presses
the cane once, extracting about 75 percent of the stalks juice. Te
process is relatively expensive, but the result is a more concentrated
juice that contains none of the canes bitterness. You dont want
to keep everything because you would have too many impurities,
Chassing explains. What makes the pressing particularly challenging
is that the cane is very fragileeven more fragile than wine grapes.
After being fermented, the juice is distilled twice in a small, onion-
shaped still, and then it rests in barrels made from French oak. Its
then packaged in a distinctive bottle with a very long neck, which is
supposedly easier for bartenders to grab while making drinks.
Oronoco was introduced just a few months after 10 Cane in the
fall of 2005. Te rum comes in a unique, hand-labeled, batch-num-
bered cylindrical bottle. Te way the rum is made is also unique. To
create the spirit, Diageo worked with Roberto and Vicente Bastos
Ribeiro, who made their name creating cachaca. Oronoco is a blend
of Brazilian sugarcane rum (cachaca, essentially) and a little bit of
South American rum. Te cane is hand harvested in the mountains
and almost immediately crushed. Te cane juice is then fermented
and distilled three times. Te cachaca and the South American rum
are then married together in a cask made from Brazilian Amendoim
wood. Tis unusual production method ensures that the rum is
unlike any other on the market.
A lot of money is being invested in developing and marketing
these three new white rums and this new premium category. One
reason for the expenditure is that the learning curve is so steep for
consumers. No one knows the qualities of selecting a good rum,
06_Chap06.indd 147 5/24/07 11:01:15 AM
says 10 Canes Chassing. Because the category is so new, unlike
Scotch whisky, consumers arent sure why they should pay for a pre-
mium rum. As a result, tastings are particularly important for these
brands. Were really into creating the emotional link between the
brand and the consumer, says Chassing.
Its too early to say whether or not premium rum will catch on.
And since these brands were introduced, a number of other pre-
mium white and dark rums have come on the market. One of the
new brands is Bambu White Rum, launched in the winter of 2005.
Te company claims its extra smooth because it is ltered four times
and distilled three times. Even Patrn, the tequila giant, has a line
of aged rums just in case the category really takes o. Who knows?
Maybe lightning will strike twice.
Over the last ve years, Brazil and Brazilian culture has become
extremely popular with young people in the United States. Its pos-
sible that the country hasnt garnered this much popular attention
since the late 1950s and early 1960s, when the movie Black Orpheus
was released and Stan Getz and Joo and Astrud Gilberto recorded
the hit song Te Girl From Ipanema. In 2005, almost 800,000
Americans visited the country, up almost 20 percent from 2003.
Brazil has become so hip, its been paid the ultimate compliment,
serving as the backdrop for a number of popular music videos,
including one from Snoop Dogg and Pharrell Williams. Te coun-
try has also served as the setting for a number of TV shows, includ-
ing an MTV reality series. And not only the small screen has fallen
for South Americas largest country; a museum exhibit about the
countrys Tropiclia movement toured the United States in 2006.
Speaking of works of art, it doesnt hurt that the country is also the
home of supermodel Gisele Bndchen.
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149 The New, New Thing
Perhaps the one Brazilian cultural icon that hasnt yet caught on
in the States is the national drink: cachaca. Te spirit is a type of
rum made from fermented sugar cane juice. Most of the rums from
the Caribbean arent made directly from cane sugar but molasses, a
by-product of the renement of sugar. Brazilians have been mak-
ing the spirit for hundreds of years, and its popular across Latin
America, Asia, and Europe. In Brazil, there are 5,000 brands of
cachaca, and about 1.5 billion liters are sold every year. Overall
consumption of cachaca worldwide is so large, it trails behind
only vodka and the Asian favorite, soju. But the spirit has never
really caught on with Americans. No one has cracked the code,
says Bowman, cofounder of Agua Luca. What little cachaca was
imported languished in obscurity at the back of store shelves while
the rest of the white spirits category took o. But a number of
spirits companies are trying to change that with the introduction of
new premium cachaca brands.
Te potential is huge for the spirit because its versatile and has
the benet of being tied to Brazil. And cachaca even has its own
delicious signature cocktail: the caipirinha. Te drink is a mixture
of cachaca, muddled limes, sugar, and ice. Many bars in America
already have it on their menus, though vodka or rum is often sub-
stituted for cachaca because the spirit can still be hard to nd and,
until recently, could be much harsher than the substitute liquor. A
few years ago, there would have been slim hope for an unknown,
foreign-sounding, labor-intensive cocktail. But the widespread suc-
cess of the mojito has changed the industrys conventional thinking,
and because the recipe for the caipirinha is very similar to that of
the mojito, selling the drink to consumers should be easier. One
company, Excalibur Enterprise, has such high hopes for the cocktail
that it sells a premade version called the Beleza Pura Caipirinha.
Company founder Olie Berlic needed over four years to develop the
ideal recipe for the drink.
06_Chap06.indd 149 5/24/07 11:01:15 AM
Interestingly enough, the premium cachacas that are ooding
the American market arent well established Brazilian brands but
were created by American entrepreneurs. (Tat might change soon.
Supposedly some of the largest Brazilian spirit companies are con-
templating entering the American market.) Most of these upstart
companies share very similar stories. Usually the brands founder
was in some other kind of business and stumbled upon cachaca on
a visit to Brazil. After tasting the spirit and seeing how popular it is
in Brazil, the entrepreneur decided to partner with a local producer
to create a line of premium cachaca for Americans. Although these
brands are relatively new, you wouldnt know it from looking at the
bottles. Most of the cachacas are slickly packaged and dont look
out of place behind a fancy bar next to established premium spir-
its. Tats no accident. One company, Agua Luca, hired a French
design rm that has worked with Grey Goose, Ketel One, and Veuve
Clicquot to create its packaging. Te result: a distinctive cylindrical-
shaped bottle. Beleza Pura hired the legendary commercial designer
Milton Glaser to redo its logo and bottles.
Whats inside these stylish bottles is also quite premium. To
compete against expensive vodkas, gins, and tequilas, the cachaca
has to be extra smooth but also have a complex avor. To achieve a
high level of quality, these companies have had to use only the best
production methods or even introduce new techniques. For example,
many of these companies only use the sweeter heart of the sugarcane
stalk. Even though the top and bottom of the plant contain sugar
and can be used, they contain more astringent avors.
Many of the brands insist on handpicking the sugarcane to make
sure it is mature and ripe. Many larger Brazilian companies will har-
vest a whole eld at once, which is easier but also means you get
some cane that isnt ready to be picked. Traditionally, a whole eld
of cane is set on re, which speeds up the harvesting. Mae de Ouro,
which was started by a researcher at an investment bank and debuted
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151 The New, New Thing
during the summer of 2004, is not only against re harvesting but
exclusively uses cane that has been grown in an environmentally
responsible way. Some companies only use fresh-cut sugarcane and
immediately crush it. Tis small change limits the bitterness in the
sugar and in the resulting spirit.
Many of these new cachacas are distilled and ltered multiple
times, and the heart of the distillate that is bottled is quite small.
Generally distillers dont bottle the spirit that comes out of the still
at the beginning and at the end. Te premium spirit makers throw
away more of these so-called heads and tails. Even though this
process is more expensive, it makes the spirit smoother and prevents
some of the most bitter elements from getting into the alcohol.
Leblon cachaca goes even further to ensure smoothness. Te spirit is
aged in old cognac casks and bottled in Cognac, France. According
to Steve Luttman, Leblons president, the company is approaching
it like [making] an Eau de Vie.
It is hard to say if cachaca will ever catch on in the United States.
A boom is at least ve or ten years away. Its going to take a while
to educate consumers, bartenders, and distributors about the spirit
and how it can be used. But the spirit has already come a long way.
Tis has been a labor of love, says Olie Berlic, who claims to have
introduced the rst premium handcrafted cachacas to the American
market. I was turned down I dont know how many times. Clearly
its not as hard now to get a cachaca brand o the ground, given the
number of brands competing for space on store shelves. But at this
point, the more the merrier. Were happy to see other brands out
there, says Bowman. It increases the pie. Te cumulative eect
of all this marketing should get attention for the category. Cachaca
could also really take o if the caipirinha suddenly becomes as popu-
lar as the mojito. Ten the question will be, what brand do you want
used in your cocktail?
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Cognac: The Spirit of Kings
Cognac, the noble spirit, has always been the drink of kings, from
Napoleon to Queen Elizabeth. And now its the drink of choice of
a new set of royalty: the kings of hip-hop, from Jay-Z to P. Diddy
to Busta Rhymes. Just like fancy cars and diamond-encrusted jew-
elry, expensive cognac has become one of the requisite trappings
of young celebrities. In just a few years, cognac has undergone a
major face-lift to become the perfect party spirit. And thanks to
this patronage, over the last ten years, the demand for cognac has
spiked. According to DISCUS, sales of nine-liter cases of cognac
were projected to grow by 20 percent between 2002 and 2006.
This increase in American cognac sales couldnt have come at a
better time. For years, one of the spirits best customers was Japan,
but that countrys economic decline and the recent surge in popu-
larity of vintage French wine and white spirits has caused Japanese
sales of cognac to drop drastically. According to a report produced
for the 2006 Vinexpo Asia-Pacic conference, brandy sales in Japan
were down by almost 54 percent from 1999 to 2004. The report
forecasted that sales would continue to decrease. But a bright spot
is China, which has a growing appetite for cognac and is projected
to be a major market for it in the near future.
The history of cognac has been marked by many such uctua-
tions. The spirit was rst developed hundreds of years ago when
merchants were trying to nd a way to ship French wine to custom-
ers in Holland without its spoiling. It was discovered that distilling
the wine extended its life signicantly. Another benet was that
the resulting spirit was more concentrated, making it much easier
to transport. Before long, people discovered that the cognac ben-
eted from maturing in the oak barrels in which it was shipped.
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153 The New, New Thing
Much of the spirits avor and the color comes from the wood bar-
rels. Today the spirit can only be made in southwest France in the
Cognac region. (If the spirit is made elsewhere, it is simply called
brandy.) Cognac is made from just a few dierent grape varietals
and is distilled twice in an copper pot still before being aged in
French oak casks.
The height of cognacs popularity was actually in the 1800s.
It took a worldwide agriculture disaster to derail its success. An
epidemic of phylloxera , an aphidlike insect, destroyed grape vines
across the continent. As a result, cognac production ceased for
several years until a disease-resistant root stock could be found.
In those years, drinkers discovered other spirits, and cognac was
never to able to achieve its former dominance.
The recent popularity of cognac in the United States can be
traced to the late 1990s, when young people discovered the spirit.
A breakthrough moment happened when Courvoisier approached
Russell Simmons, founder of Def Jam Recordings and the Phat
Farm clothing company, to help market the spirit in America.
Cognac has always been popular with African Americans, but once
the Busta Rhymes and P. Diddy song Pass the Courvoisier hit
airways, sales increased overnight. According to a BusinessWeek
prole of Simmons, sales of Courvoisier increased by 20 percent in
2002. Courvoisier has embraced this new demographic and even
sponsored the o cial after-party of the 2006 BET hip-hop awards
in Atlanta.
But not only Courvoisier has gotten the attention of rappers.
Jay-Z, the current president and CEO of Def Jam Recordings, also
owns the chain of 40/40 Clubs. The New York location has a number
of private party rooms, and one, called the Cognac Room, has a
06_Chap06.indd 153 5/24/07 11:01:16 AM
selection of expensive bottles from dierent houses. Theres also
the Remy Lounge, dedicated to Jay-Zs favorite cognac house.
Despite its regal air, cognac is trying to become more acces-
sible to everyday drinkers and capitalize on its popularity with
younger consumers. The various houses have tried a number of
dierent strategies, from covering New York City subway cars with
splashy ads to introducing redesigned logos and untraditional
packaging. One striking example is Landy Cognacs Desir, sold in a
bottle in the shape of a curvaceous woman. The bottle is covered in
a slinky red dress and has a wide-brimmed red hat. Francis Abecas-
sis has gone even further, naming one of its cognac lines ABK6. The
name is derived from the houses name and is spelled as if it were
a quick text message on a cell phone. The cognac also comes in
an untraditional squat bottle with a very small label. The company
says the bottle is going after urban, style-conscious consumers and
is meant to compete with premium vodka.
To get the attention of so-called metrosexuals and other styl-
ish men, Hennessy has published a book called Manifest X.O: Style
Fundamentals for the Good Life. Each of the guides 12 chapters is
dedicated to a dierent topic, including wine and spirits, sex, and
even gentlemans etiquette. The book is an attempt by Hennessy
to get drinkers to link the companys premium XO spirit to the
good life.
In an eort to appeal to a wider audience, some companies
are actually trying to make cognac easier to drink. The best way to
do this is to avor the spirit or blend it with juice or a sweetener.
This obviously isnt a new concept. Everything certainly comes
around, says Larry Kass, spokesperson for the family-owned
spirits giant Heaven Hill. Grand Marnier, a blend of cognac and
orange essence, has been on the market since 1880. Pineau des
06_Chap06.indd 154 5/24/07 11:01:16 AM
155 The New, New Thing
Charentes, a mixture of grape juice and cognac, is a traditional
drink of the Cognac region. But over the last few years, a number
of new cognac blends have been introduced. During 2004, Grand
Marnier introduced a vanilla-avored, cognac-based spirit called
Navan. Not only is the avoring dierent than that of traditional
Grand Marnier, but its packaged in a clear, updated version of the
companys signature squat bottle.
Arguably the rst of these new cognac products was Alize,
introduced by Kobrand in 1986. The original Alize is a mix of cognac
and a number of juices, including passion fruit. The brand wasnt an
immediate hit, but by the 1990s, younger and more urban drink-
ers had discovered the spirit. It even found its way into a number
of rap songs. The brand has now grown to include several avors,
and a few years ago Kobrand even introduced a line of traditional
cognacs. Then in 2001, an entrepreneur launched Hpnotiq, a blend
of cognac, vodka, and fruit juice (it was acquired in 2003 by Heaven
Hill),. Not only is this mixture unique, but the spirit is also a distinc-
tive color: baby blue. The spirit has gotten a lot of media attention
and has been marketed as the drink of choice of celebrities, espe-
cially rappers.
The famous cognac houses have also started producing blends.
In 1998, Rmy Martin introduced a line of cognac blends called Rmy
Red, which includes a red berry infusion, a strawberry kiwi infusion,
and a grape berry infusion. According to the company, these Rmy
Red products have just a touch of Rmy Martin cognac.
The cognac houses are also pushing ever more expensive lim-
ited-edition bottles. These high-end oerings have always been the
specialty of the region, but with more celebrities and high-rollers
drinking cognac, an increasing number of houses are selling extra-
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old and special bottles. In fact, according to DISCUS, sales of the
lower-priced VS have been growing slowly while sales of the more
expensive VSOP and XO are surging. Between 2002 and 2006, XO
sales increased by over 86 percent, and sales of VSOP increased by
over 40 percent. One of the rarest cognacs on the market today is
the Rmy Martin Louis XIII, which sells for over $1,300 and contains
eau-de-vie that is 100 years old. The cognac comes in a handblown
Baccarat crystal decanter that has a 24-karat gold collar, a design
based on a decanter from the 1500s that was found near the Rmy
Martin estate. For serious cognac acionados, every few years Rmy
produces a limited-edition Louis XIII bottling. In 2007, the company
released 786 bottles of Louis XIII Black Pearl, which each sold for
$8,000. The special Baccarat decanter is made from black crystal
and has platinum accents. The company sent out notices to select
customers, inviting them to buy a bottle before the vintage went
on sale to the general public.
Cognac houses have also dug deep into their storehouses
to pull out rare aged spirits. Just like champagne, once every few
years, the quality of the grapes and the resulting cognac is par-
ticularly exquisite. This cognac is put aside and stored separately
from the rest of a houses inventory. For instance, last year, Cognac
Ferrand released 600 bottles of a very rare 1914 cognac, which
sells for $1,000. The spirit was made in a wood-red alembic pot
still and was stored for 75 years in French oak barrels. (The cognac
was then moved to glass demijohns.) The 1914 vintage is particu-
larly sought-after by cognac drinkers and collectors. The year 1914
is often referred to as the Year of the Lady because the vintage
was made by women while the men of Cognac were away ghting
the Germans in World War I. As a result, according to Ferrand, the
cognac has a lighter avor and is particularly elegant.
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157 The New, New Thing
Vintage cognacs have become the signature of Hine, which
releases a few of these special spirits each year. In 2005, for exam-
ple, the house released a 1957 ($500), a 1975 ($350), a 1981($300),
and a 1983 ($285). Over the last few years, as demand has grown,
America has gotten an increasingly large allocation of Hines very
limited and expensive cognacs.
Cognac companies are also trying to move away from the idea
that cognac can be sipped only from a crystal snifter. Historically,
the spirit was used in cocktails, most famously in the sidecar and
the brandy Alexander. But after World War II, the cocktail culture
began to disappear, and the great cognac drinks slowly faded into
obscurity. However, with the recent rebirth of the cocktail culture,
bartenders are again using cognac in their mixed drinks. And the
cognac houses couldnt be happier. Rmy Martin is even actively
pushing the mixability of its cognac. It has developed several drink
recipes, including one called the Rmy Dragon, a combination of
the companys VSOP and a number of ingredients, including mango
juice, mashed ginger, Grenadine, and even a splash of Sprite soda.
Landy Cognac, part of Cognac Ferrand, has developed an even
more irreverent cocktailthe French orgasm. The drink calls for
Landy XO, cranberry juice, lemon juice, and Mathilde Raspberry.
This is certainly not your grandfathers drink!
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07_Chap07.indd 160 5/24/07 11:01:37 AM
Ii \ouvi iiai this far, then you know that spirits have de-
nitely come a long way in the last few years. Because of a conuence
of dierent trends, the industry has enjoyed a veritable golden age
since the late 1990s. Its also not a bad time to be a drinker. After
years in the shadow of beer and wine, liquor has nally regained the
limelight. Historically the spirits business has been cyclical, marked
by booms and busts in popularity. Clearly were now in the midst of
one of these booms.
Even during the writing of this book, it has been hard to keep
up with the rapid introduction of new and interesting spirits. To
capitalize on the popularity of drinks, distillers are trying to increase
production as much as they can. Some of the most successful Scot-
tish single malt whisky companies, like Macallan, have reached
maximum capacity. Tey are now running their distilleries 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week, and still have trouble meeting demand. Tats
partly due to the phenomenal growth of the global spirits market.
Master distillers spend more time than ever traveling around the
world to visit customers. Jimmy Russell, master distiller of Wild
Last Call
07_Chap07.indd 161 5/24/07 11:01:37 AM
Turkey, now routinely visits customers as far away as Japan and Aus-
tralia. No doubt China will soon be added to distillers itineraries if
its not already a stop. Just as with oil and steel, the country will soon
buy an increasingly greater share of the worlds spirits production.
Spirit manufacturers are also trying to devise new ways to make
their products ever more premium. What seemed pricey or expen-
sive a few years ago now seems like a deal. In many conversations,
experts and company executives say that brands feel the need to make
their products more expensive to create buzz and attract more cus-
tomers. Te question that many spirits companies are now struggling
with is how premium will they go? Beefeater gin, always considered a
premium product, now doesnt seem all that expensive at a mere $20 a
bottle. Te company is working to create an ultra-premium gin and is
deciding how high to price it. Beefeater is even considering one option
that would ultimately cost consumers around $100. Tats a huge leap
for the gin category, considering that Tanqueray No. Ten, currently
the most expensive mass-market gin, sells for less than half that price.
One reason this question is particularly vexing for large spirit
companies is that they face increasing competition from unlikely
sources. Everyone, from microbreweries to celebrities to restau-
rants, seems to be producing spirits. In March 2005, the New York
restaurant Aquavit appropriately introduced its own line of white
cranberry-infused aquavit. Te Scandinavian restaurant had been
making and serving its own infusions for years, but customers
werent able to purchase bottles of these special spirits. Working with
a distiller in Sweden, the restaurant infuses Swedish grain alcohol
with Massachusetts cranberries. Te aquavit sells for nearly $30 a
bottle and is available only in the New York City area, although the
restaurant is exploring greater distribution. Te restaurant has since
added its own line of champagne made by a small French producer.
Te signature bubbly is available only in the restaurant and sells for
$16 a glass and $65 a bottle.
07_Chap07.indd 162 5/24/07 11:01:37 AM
163 Last Call
Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson has gone even further.
In 1994, he founded Virgin Drinks, whose rst product was an
eponymous line of cola. Branson has branched out and now pro-
duces his own line of ice tea, juice, energy drinks, wine, and now a
vodka called, of course, Virgin Vodka. Te triple-distilled spirit is
sold on Virgin Atlantic ights for about $20. Its not hard to imagine
that other restaurants, bars, clubs, airlines, or hotels will soon launch
or brand their own lines of alcohol.
But sustaining the present popularity of spirits will denitely be a
challenge for the industry. With an increasing array of bottles ooding
the market, manufacturers run the risk of overwhelming consumers
and losing their momentum. Pricing is also tricky. If prices are too low,
consumers wont think a product is deluxe or even good. But if prices
are too high, they may become alienated and feel taken advantage
of. At the same time, many companies with high-priced spirits are
concerned that their products soon will be leapfrogged by other, even
more expensive brands, stealing their attention and market share.
Not all companies are playing exclusively to the high end. Some
industry experts predict that the next wave of popular spirits will
look like luxury products but carry value price tags. For these to be
successful, consumers must feel theyre getting a great drink without
downgrading. Tey need to feel savvy and not embarrassed to bring
a bottle to a party. Te Australian Yellow Tail wine has successfully
marketed itself this way. But the most successful use of this strategy
is the airline JetBlue, which is known as much for its luxury leather
seats and satellite TV as for low fares.
Skyy Vodka is one of the rst spirits to successfully promote itself
this way. Te domestically produced vodka sells for between $15 to
$20, half as much as the fancier imported vodkas on the market.
Te companys website states: In essence, paying more ensures a
fancier bottle, but not necessarily higher quality vodka. Consumers
can justify buying the vodka, even if it has a lower price tag, thanks
07_Chap07.indd 163 5/24/07 11:01:37 AM
to Skyys claim that its product contains fewer impurities than the
competition because it is quadruple distilled and ltered three times.
Te company backs this up with statistics from an independent lab.
Te vodka is also packed in a hip, expensive-looking blue bottle.
Te marketing campaign has worked. During the last 13 years,
the number of bottles that Skyy has sold has increased by double-
digit percentages. (For those intent on buying premium vodka, in
March 2005, the company introduced Skyy 90, which retails for
about $35. It took the company 10 years and $25 million to develop
this luxury product.)
Over the next few years, no doubt other big spirit brands will
follow Skyys lead. In addition, as prices for spirits climb, consum-
ers looking for bargains will do more of their alcohol shopping in
supermarkets and warehouse clubs. Tese big retailers are also trying
to make this a reality. According to a story in Te Wall Street Journal
in 2005, Wal-Mart is working with spirits giant Diageo to boost
alcohol sales from about a $1 billion a year to $5 billion by 2010.
Te plan is particularly ironic, because Wal-Marts headquarters is
in a dry county of Arkansas, where liquor is not sold, and according
to the Journal s story, the company bans alcohol at all corporate
functions. Not only can these big chain retailers oer discounts that
small liquor stores cant match, but they are now coming out with
their own lines of spirits. Its not a new idea; across Europe, many
supermarkets already have their own lines of value spirits, but the
trend has taken a while to reach America.
In the fall of 2006, Costco introduced Kirkland Signature Vodka,
part of its house brand of products. Te supposed ultra-premium,
small-batch vodka is made in Cognac, France, from wheat and is
distilled ve times and ltered twice. Te production process, accord-
ing to the company, makes it among the smoothest vodkas available
on the market today. Te vodka, packaged in a fancy clear bottle,
doesnt look like a house brand, and you wouldnt know that it came
07_Chap07.indd 164 5/24/07 11:01:37 AM
165 Last Call
from Costco unless you were familiar with the Kirkland brand name.
Te vodka is also a bargain. For $30 you get 1.75 liters. A comparable
size of Grey Goose sells for about $50 at Costco stores. It seemed
like a natural t and proved successful, says Annette Alvarez-Peters,
Costcos assistant general-merchandise manager of the wine, spirits,
and beer program. It was even more successful than the company
expected, and the vodka was actually sold out for a while.
Costco also purchased a barrel of Scottish whisky made by
Macallan from a private bottler. In November 2006, the retailer
started selling the 19-year-old single malt for $70. It is labeled with
both the Macallan and Kirkland name. Its a good deal, considering
that the 21-year-old Fine Oak Macallan sells for about $220. Costco
hasnt announced any other spirits oerings but is supposedly work-
ing on expanding the Kirkland line.
Private label spirits is a logical step, because many of these stores,
including Albertsons and Whole Foods, already have introduced their
own lines of wines. Alvarez-Peters says, in fact, that the popularity
of Costcos wine led the company to develop its signature vodka.
Some of these wines, like Trader Joes fantastically popular Two Buck
Chuck, are intended to target the lower end of the market, while
some, including Costcos, are intended to compete against premium
wines from the best regions around the world. According to the Pri-
vate Label Manufacturers Association, in 2006, U.S. supermarkets
sold $2 billion worth of spirits, and just over 5 percent of that was
private label. Over the next few years, no doubt that percentage will
grow as spirit house brands become more commonplace.
In the not-too-distant future, bars and lounges are likely to
rethink their prices. Consumers may seem willing to pay $12, $14,
or $16 for a well-mixed cocktail. As traditional cocktails become
increasingly available around the country, and even in the air, many
more people will begin to trade up and order them. But prices cant
really get any higher over the next few years without losing customers.
07_Chap07.indd 165 5/24/07 11:01:37 AM
Few establishments in the country could sell enough $20 cocktails
to stay open. Te industry has to realize that these fancy cocktails are
still the exception and, for many people, only an occasional treat. A
whisky drinker may pull out a cherished bottle of expensive single
malt for special occasions but will pour a less expensive blended
whisky for a regular drink.
Te art of the cocktail was almost lost, but now under the stew-
ardship of a new generation of talented mixologists, it will hopefully
ourish at all price levels. To ensure that happens, bartenders must
continue to oer traditional drinks as well as new and enticing cre-
ations that feature popular avors and ingredients.
Te spirits industry also must evolve with and take advantage of
changes in consumer tastes. Tis process may take time. Just as in
the hotel business, a major change made today by a whisky company
wont take eect for years down the road. Over the last few years, this
tortoiselike pace hasnt been a big problem, because demand has been
so great, rewarding most decisions. But as people get used to drink-
ing spirits and cocktails again and perhaps a new trend sweeps across
the nation, the industry will denitely need to become more nimble.
Te good news is that laws regarding alcohol sales are becoming more
liberal. Tis should allow manufacturers to respond more quickly
to consumer behavior. Plus many innovators and entrepreneurs are
working to continually reinvent and propel the spirits business.
When I started working on this book, I was aware that a number
of spirits trends had helped increase sales and revitalize the industry.
But what I didnt realize was just how many dierent trends there
are and how they continually develop. Hopefully Ive been able
to cover the most important ones in this book. Surely, I couldnt
have chosen a better period in which to examine the growth of this
fascinating industry.
07_Chap07.indd 166 5/24/07 11:01:37 AM
F , had been a dream of mine to write a book on
spirits, but it was my agent, Farley Chase, who made this a real-
ity. He believed in and has been excited about the project since
our rst meeting. His unagging support was invaluable to me
throughout this whole process.
My editor at Kaplan, Joshua Martino, was also instrumental
in shepherding the manuscript into an actual book. His sincere
interest in the topic and in the project was more than any writer
could hope for.
During the course of writing this book, I interviewed countless
experts in the spirits and cocktails business. I will always be grate-
ful to them for their generosity and willingness to answer my every
last question. Tese fascinating people are what make the spirits
business so compelling.
I would also like to thank my parents, Larry and Alice Roth-
baum, for their constant support, encouragement, and wisdom
and for instilling in me a sense of curiosity and a love of books.
08_EndMatter.indd 167 5/24/07 11:02:08 AM
168 Acknowledgments
Troughout the writing process, I also heavily relied upon my sis-
ter, Rebecca Rothbaum, a fellow writer, for advice. I am indebted
to Rebecca for her insights.
08_EndMatter.indd 168 5/24/07 11:02:08 AM
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08_EndMatter.indd 177 5/24/07 11:02:09 AM
08_EndMatter.indd 178 5/24/07 11:02:09 AM
ABK6, 154
Absolut, xii, 28, 44, 46, 48, 51, 73
Absolut Peppar, 5152
Absolute Vodka, 5859
Adams Beverage Group, 51
Advertising, 5861
Advertising Age, 59
Agave, 13536
Agriculture Department, 97
Agua Luca, 133, 149, 150
Albertsons, 165
Alcohol Prohibition Was a Failure,
Alcohol sales, 45
Alize, 155
Alvarex-Peters, Annette, 165
Amendoim cask, 147
American Distilling Institute, xv
American Honey, 99
American whiskey, 102
Anchor Distilling, 83
Anchor Steam Beer, 83, 123
Ancient Age, 48
Anderson, James, 6
Anejo tequila, 136, 137, 13840, 142
Angels share, 45
Anheuser-Busch, xi, 15
Applebees, 92
Apple martini, 54, 67
Aquavit, 162
Archer Daniels Midland, 44
Armadale vodka, 55
Associated Press, xiv, 15
Atomic Age, 71
Auchentoshan, 21
Auction market, 32
Aurora, 77
Australian Yellow Tail wine, 163
Azqueta, Aleco, 43, 50, 51
Bacardi, 47, 49, 132, 138, 139
Baccarat decanter, 33
Baccarat, 156
Baileys, 98
Bakelite, 71
Balance and Columbian Repository,
Te, 6768
08_EndMatter.indd 179 5/24/07 11:02:10 AM
180 Index
Balvenie, 28, 35
Bambu White Rum, 148
Bank Exchange saloon, 69
Bar and Books, 83, 84, 87
Bar Arts program, 88
Baron, Fabien, xii, 138
Barrel, 105, 1078
Basquiat, Jean-Michel, 28
Bathtub gin, 11
Baton Rouge Advocate, 48
Baum, Joe, 74, 7778
Beam, Craig, 113, 11415
Beam, Parker, 115
Beattie, Scott, 67
Beecher, Rev. Lyman, 5
Beefeater Gin, 132, 162
Beer, 9, 1415, 14
Bel Geddes Norman, 70, 82
Beleza Pura Caipirinha, 149, 150
Bells, 25
Belvedere vodka, 45, 46, 55, 60
Ben & Jerry, 62
Benromach, 33
Bergeron, Victor, 71, 7273
Berlic, Olie, 149, 151
Bernheim Original Kentucky Straight
Wheat Whiskey, 105
Beverage Testing Institute, 45
Beveridge, Tito, 13, 52
Bitters, 81
Black Orpheus, 148
Blanco tequila, 134, 136, 137, 140
Blended whiskies, 20, 22, 26, 3132,
3637, 101, 121
Blue agave, 137
Blue Agave Cabo Wabo Tequila, 55
Blue Hawaii, 73
Blue Hen Vodka, 53
Blue laws, 4, 5
Blue Ribbon, 75
Blue Weber agave, 13536
Bond, James, 43
Bookers bourbon, 104
Bootleggers, 1011
Bordeaux, x, 141
Bordeauxs Margaux commune, 108
Boston Shaker, 6970, 90
Bourbon, x, 5, 1023, 1056,
11218, 121, 123
Boutique spirits, 13134
Bowman, Joe, 133, 149, 151
Bradshaw, Carrie, 49, 84
Brandweek, 5859
Brandy, 152, 153
Brandy Alexander, 157
Brandy Library (New York), 22
Branson, Richard, 163
Bravo, xiv
Brewers Association, 14
Brown-Foreman, xiv, 104
Bruichladdich, 33
Buddhas Hand, 53
Buett, Jimmy, 134
Bundchen, Gisele, 148
Bunnahabhain Distillery, 110
Burgundy, 108
Burj Al Arab hotel, 89
Busch IV, August, 15
BusinessWeek, 47, 153
Cachaca, 133, 147, 14851
Caipirinha, 149
Calabrese, Salvatore, 86
California Gold Rush, 68
Calvin Klein, 138
Camarena, Carlos, 141
Campbell, John W., 86
Campbell Apartment, 84, 86
Canadian Club, 121
Canadian whisky, 102
Cape Code, 54
Carroll, Matt, 140
CasaMagna Marriott, 141
Casino Royale, 43
Cato Institute, 11
Cavalli, Roberto, 46, 56
Celebrity vodka, 5556
08_EndMatter.indd 180 5/24/07 11:02:10 AM
181 Index
Center on Alcohol Marketing and
Youth (CAMY), xiv, 61
Chablis, 97
Chambord, 98
Champagne, 43, 136, 156, 162
Chanterelle, 143, 144
Charbay, 52
Chardonnay, 97
Charley Os, 7677
Chassing, Stephanie, 146, 147, 148
Chavez, Hugo, 23
Chiang Monika, 67, 83
Chicago Beverage Testing Institute, 60
Chivas Regal, 20, 22, 3132, 101
Chocolate, 119
Chopin vodka, 46, 60
Christian Brothers brandy, 105
Christies, 32
Churchill, Winston, 26
Cigar Acionado, x
Cipriani family, 75, 78
Civil War, 9, 69
cK One perfume, xii, 138
Clooney, Rosemary, 89
CNN, xiv
Coale, Ansley, 53
Cobbler Shaker, 90
Cocktail, xvxvi, 6593, 132, 16566
cookbooks, 9192
dinners, 75
menu, 8587
shaker, 6970, 8182
Coey, Aeneas, 24
Coey Stills, 24
Cognac, 24, 4142, 49, 100, 120,
151, 15257
blends, 15455
Cognac Ferrand, 156, 157
Cognac Room, 15354
Coke, xii, xvii, 85, 132
Cole, Natalie, 75
Cole, Nat King, 75
Coleman, Frank, xiii, 61
Commanders Palace, 75
Compass Box Whisky, 21, 3031
Computerization, 28
Connick Jr., Harry, 75
Consumption, 1314
Control states, 13
Cookbooks, 119, 126
Cooley Distillery, 110
Coppola, Francis Ford, 55
Corazon tequila, xii, 47, 139
Corzo tequila, xii, 138
Cosmopolitan, xvi, 54, 67, 84, 87,
Costco, 16465
Courvoisier, 153
Cowin, Dana, 66
Craft of the Cocktail, Te, 69, 7778,
Craigellachie Hotel, 36
Crate & Barrel, 90
Creative marketing, 13233
Cristal champagne, xvi, 46
Crowley, Martin, 137
Crown Royal Whisky, 61
Cruise, Tom, 146
Cruises, 89, 92
Crunk energy drink, 47
Cruty, Stephen, 11011
Cutty Sark, 33
Cyrus, 67
Dagorn, Roger, 143, 144
Daiquiri, 69
Dalgarno, Bob, 109
Dalwhinnie, 23
Danzka, 45
Dash, Damon, 55
Daves Dinners, 119, 126
Day of the Dead dinner, 141
DeBeers, 59
Def Jam Recordings, 153
DeGro, Dale, 69, 70, 7478, 88, 92
DeGro, Jill, 77
DeJoria, John Paul, 13738
Delta Air Lines, 88
08_EndMatter.indd 181 5/24/07 11:02:10 AM
182 Index
Depression, 71
Despont, Tierry, 89
Dewars, 101
Dewars White Label, 48
Diageo, xi, xiv, xvii, 23, 28, 30, 61,
99, 133, 14647, 164
DiCaprio, Leonardo, 146
Diddy, P., 152, 153
Dirty martinis, 84
Distilled Spirits Council of the United
States (DISCUS), x, xi, xiii, 4, 5,
8, 20, 2628, 43, 61, 66, 98, 100,
105, 125, 138, 145, 152, 156
Dogsh Head, xv, 53
Donations, 132
Don Eduardo, 138
Don Julio, 138, 140
Dorchester hotel, 89
Double Seven, 6667, 83, 9293
Dr. No, 43
Dylan, Bob, 55
Easy Drinking Whisky Company,
Eau de vie, 151, 156
eBay, 79, 81
Edelman Leather, 33
Edrington Group, 107
18th Amendment, 4, 10
El Tesoro, 141
Election Day, 4
Electric coils, 28
Employees Only, 86
Esquire, 67
Evan Williams bourbon, 105
Excalibur Enterprise, 149
Extra Anejo, 140
Fairmont Hotel, 89
Fairmont Miramar Hotel, 33
Fairmont San Jose, 141
Famous Amos Cookies, 133
Ferrand, 156
Fine Oak, 10910
Fine Oak Macallan, 165
Finlandia, xiv
Fire harvesting, 15051
Flatiron Lounge, 54, 6566, 73, 85, 92
Flavored vodka, 5657
Flavoring, 5054
Fleming, Ian, 43
Fleur de Sel, 80
Food & Wine, xvi, 31, 66
Food Decade, 82
Food Network, 82, 119
Forbes, 49
Fortune, 50
40/40 Clubs, 153
Forum of the Twelve Caesars, 74, 76
Four Seasons restaurant, 50, 74, 76,
Francis Abecassis, 154
Frank, Eugene, 48
Frank, Sidney, xii, xvii, 45, 4749,
5960, 131, 139
Fraser River Raspberry, 53
Frusen Gladje, 57, 62
Garden Variety Vodka Company, 127
Gehry, Frank, 45
Gekkeikan Sake, 48
Genliver, 19
Georgetown University, 61
Georgetown University, xiv, 61
Gershwin tunes, 75
Getz, Stan, 148
Gilberto, Astrud, 148
Gilberto, Joao, 148
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American
History, 10, 11
Gin, x, 43, 150, 162
Girl from Ipanema, Te, 148
Glaser, John, 3031
Glaser, Milton, 150
08_EndMatter.indd 182 5/24/07 11:02:10 AM
183 Index
Glass ware, 91
Gledddich, xii, xvi, 19, 29, 3435,
101, 109
Glenddich Gran Reserva, 108
Glenlivet, xi, 19, 23, 34, 101, 109
Glenlivet Cellar Collection, 32
Glenlivet Chair, 33
Glenmorangie, 19, 31, 33, 108
Glenrothes, 33
Godiva, 99
Goldstein, Jonathan, 21, 22, 26
Gordon & MacPhail, 27
Gourmet Garage, 80
Gracie Mansion, 77
Grain whisky, 24
Grammy award, 75
Gran Centenario, 138, 140
Grand Central Station, 84
Grand Marnier, 154, 155
Gran Patrn Burdeos, 141
Gran Patrn Platinum, 14041
Grant, William 35
Grappa, xv
Graves, Michael, 82
Great Depression, 1112, 70
Green, Martin, 32
Grenadine, 157
Grey Goose Vodka, xi, xii, xvi, xvii,
4143, 4550, 5961, 112,
13132, 139, 146, 150, 165
Grossich, Mark, 84
Haagen-Dazs, 57
Haasarud, Kim, 70, 92
Hagar, Sammy, 55
Hangar One, 53
Hansell, John, 26, 27, 29, 37
Harrys Bar, 75
HBO, 84, 87
Heaven Hill, 105, 113, 11415,
12122, 125, 154, 155
Hedonism, 31
Hein, Kenneth, 5859, 60
Helton, Mike, xiv
Hemingway daiquiri, 86
Hendrix, Jimi, 56
Hendrix Electric, 56
Hennessy, 154
Herbs Aromatic Infused Vodkas, 127
Herbs, 127
Heres to Beer campaign, 15
Herman Miller, 33
Highland Park, 21, 28, 31, 107
Hine, 157
Hinky Dink, 72
Holland America line, 89
Home bar, 9092
Hospitality Holdings, 84
Hotel Bel-Air, 77
How to Mix Drinks or the Bon
Vivants Companion, 69
Howard Johnson, 76
Hpnotiq, 155
Hughes, Bill, 106
Hurricane Katrina, 66
Hyal, Jerome, 127
Ice cubes, 91
Iconoclasts, 132
Inc., 45
Independent bottlers, 27
Indiana Jones, 3
Information Resources, x
Inquiry into the Eects of Ardent
Spirits, An, 8
International Wine and Spirit
Record, xi, 14
Internet, 79
Irish whiskey, 100, 102
Iron Chef, 142
J&B, 25
Jack Daniels, xiv, 102
Jagerdudes, 48
08_EndMatter.indd 183 5/24/07 11:02:10 AM
184 Index
Jagerettes, 48
Jagermeister, 45, 48, 131
Jagger, Jade, 89
Jay-Z, 55, 152, 153, 154
Jazz Age, 70
Jekyll & Hyde, 15
Jell-O, xvi
JetBlue, 163
Jim Beam, xii, 99, 113, 11618,
121, 123
Jim Beams Old Overholt, 125
Jim Beams Small Batch Bourbon
Collection, 104
Jimadors, 136
John Paul Mitchell Systems, 137
John, Olivia Newton, 55
Johnnie Walker, xiv, 22, 25, 28, 30,
101, 118
Johnnie Walker Black Label, 24, 25
Johnnie Walker Blue Label, 3233,
Johnnie Walker Gold Label, 118
Johnnie Walker Green Label, 118
Jose Cuervo, 135, 138
Jose Cuervos Reserva de la Familia,
Joy of Sake, 143
Juices, 84
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort &
Spa, 141
Ka r Lemon, 53
Kahlo, Frida, 56
Kahlua, 98
Kaiser brew, 10
Kass, Larry, 121, 122, 15455
Katz, Allen, 120
Kendall-Jackson, 82
Kentucky Distillers Association, 117
Ketel One, 146, 150
Kirkland Signature Vodka, 16465
Kobrand, 155
Krall, Diana, 89
La Fonda del Sol, 76
Lagasse, Emeril, 55
Lagavulin Scottish whisky, 23, 29, 75,
Lalique decanter, xii
Landy Cognac, 157
Landy Cognacs Desir, 154
Laphroaig, 119
Leblon cachaca, 151
LeNells, 126
Level vodka, 46
Lever Food and Fuel Act, 10
Leyenda, 140
Liberman, 126
Lieberman, Dave, 119, 126
Lil John, 47
Lime Twisted Gin, 61
Limited edition bottles, 15556
Limousin oak casks, 140
Liqueurs, 97127
Liquid Architecture, 70, 92
Liquid Kitchen, 92
Liquor stores, xv
Long Tail Libations, 15
Louis XIII Black Pearl, 156
Louisiana State Museum, 79
Louisiana State University, 48
Lumsden, Bill, 108
Luttman, Steve, 151
Macallan, xii, xvi, 29, 3233, 35, 99,
101, 10710, 157, 165
Macallan Amber, 99
Macallan Fine & Rare Collection,
Macallans Cask Strength, 26
MacLean, Gil, 81
MacRae, Caspar, 109
Madeira, 108
Madera, 107
Madison, James, 5
08_EndMatter.indd 184 5/24/07 11:02:10 AM
185 Index
Madonna, 138
Mae de Ouro, 15051
Magarian, Ryan, 92
Magic Castle, 77
Mai tai, 71, 7273
Makers Mark, 8, 100, 1035, 113,
Malaga, 108
Malt Advocate Magazine, 26, 31, 33,
36, 125
Manhattans, 66, 69, 12021, 126
Manifest X.O: Style Fundamentals for
the Good Life, 154
Map Room (Chicago), 14
Margarita, 132, 134, 142
Margaritaville, 134
Marilyn Wines, 55
Marinis, 66
Marriott, 88
Marshall, James W., 68
Martini, 69, 71, 132
Masters Collection, 105
Match Bar, 8687
Mathilde Raspberry, 157
Mattus, Reuben, 57, 62
Maytag, Fritz, 83, 12324
McMahon, Ed, 55, 56
McTears, 32
Medical community, 6, 89
Meyer, Danny, 119
Mezcal, 136
Microdistilleries, xv
Midori melon liqueur, 99
Millar, Ian, 29
Millenium Import company, 60
Miller, Bryan, 77
Milwaukee Art Museum, 79
Mining towns, 6869
Mixed whiskeys, 119
Mixologists, 6667, 8081
Mixto, 136
Moet Hennessy, 146
Mojito, 145, 149
Mondavi, Robert, 82
Monroe, Marilyn, 55
Moonshine, 11
Morimoto, 142
Morris, Chris, 1045, 113
Moss, Kate, 89
Mr. & Mrs. T, 80
MTV, 148
Muddling, 91
Murray, Douglas MacLean, 28,
Museum of the American Cocktail,
66, 78
Napoleon, 152
NASCAR teams, xiv
National Alcoholic Beverage Control
Association (NABCA), 5, 810, 13
National Conference of State Liquor
Administrators, 15
National Prohibition Act, 10
Nelson, Willie, 55
New York Magazine, 50
New York Nightlife Association,
50, 92
New York Post, 132
New York Times, 5, 23, 48, 77, 8788,
Nightclub bottle service, 4950,
Nike, 59
Nintendo, 144
Noble Experiment, 12
Noe, Booker, 104, 116
Noe, Fred, 104, 105, 11214, 11618
Norman, Greg, 55
Notting Hill, 87
Oban, 29
Ohio State University, 9
Old-fashioned, 120
Old Potrero Single Malt Hotalings
Whiskey, 124
08_EndMatter.indd 185 5/24/07 11:02:11 AM
186 Index
Old Potrero Single Malt Whiskey, 124
Old Potrero Straight Rye Whiskey, 124
Old Whiskey Bourbon, 55
101 Martinis, 70, 92
Opus One, 82
Oronoco, 146, 147
Owens, Bill, xv
Pama, 98
Park Avenue Liquor Shop, 2122, 26
Parker, Robert, 55, 83
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 84
Partida Tequila, 133, 134, 138
Party sponsorships, 13132
Patrn, xi, 99, 13738, 14041, 148
Pearce, Chris, 143
Peat Monster, 31
Pegu Club, 54, 66, 73, 85
People, 146
Pepsi, 44
Pepsico, 44
Pernod Ricard, 132, 13839
Phat Farm, 153
Phillips, Dean, 98, 11112
Philips, 79
Phillips Distilling Company, 98, 111
Phillips Union, 111, 112
Phylloxera virus, 24
Pickerell, Dave, 103, 113, 11719
Pimms cup, 86
Pineau des Charentes, 15455
Pokemon, 144
Port, 24, 1078
Pottery Barn, 90
Pratt & Whitney, 48
Pravda Vodka, 4546, 60
Premium product, 162
Premium spirits, xixii
Presley, Elvis, 73
Prial, Frank J., 5
Pricing, 163
Prince Andrew, 8
Private Label Manufacturers
Association, 165
Prohibition, xiiixv, xvii, 36,
813,1516, 70, 84, 92, 102, 120
Promenade Bar, 78
Pug! Muddler, 91
Pursuits, 88
Quaich Bar, 36
Queen Elizabeth, 152
Quixote, Don, 103
Rabin, David, 50, 92
Rainbow Room, 74, 75, 78
Rare bottlings, 32
RCA, 47
Red Breast, 100
Red Hook Rye, 126
Reiner, Julie, 54, 73, 83, 84, 92
Remy Dragon, 157
Remy Lounge, 154
Remy Martin, 155, 157
Remy Martin Louis XIII, 156
Remy Red, 155
Renaissance, 88
Reposado tequila, 136, 137, 142
Restaurant Associates, 77
Restoration Hardware, 82
Retail sales, 34
Rhymes, Busta, 152, 153
Ribeiro, Roberto, 147
Ribeiro, Vicente Bastos, 147
Rich Spicy One, 110
Riedel, xv
Rieslings, 97
Rittenhouse Rye, 125
Roaring Twenties, 11
Robertson, David, 110
Roc-A-Fella Records, 55
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 12
08_EndMatter.indd 186 5/24/07 11:02:11 AM
187 Index
Rosa Mexicano, 141
Rosen, Adam, 56, 57
Rosenstiel, Louise Skippy, 47, 48
Rothschild, Baron Philippe de, 82
Roux, Michel, 28
Rum, x, xii, 5, 43, 14448
Rumrunners, 1011
Rupf, Jorg, 53
Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 89
Russell, Eddie, 8, 99, 107, 113,
Russell, Jimmy, 99, 1067, 113, 116,
Russells Reserve, 106
Russian Vodka Room, 56
Rye whiskey, ixx, 5, 102, 119,
S&P 500 Index, xii
Sake, 14244
Saloons, 9
Salvatore at Fifty, 86
Samson, Savanna, 55
Samuels family, 118
Samuels Jr., Bill, 8, 100, 1034
Samuels Sr., Bill, 100
Samuels, T. W., 100
Sarno, David, 47
Sarno, Edward, 47
Saturday Night Live, 61
Saunders, Audrey, 66
Sauvignon blanc, 97
Sazerac, 120
Scapa, 33
Schenley Distilleries, 4748
Scotch whisky, xiii, 1920, 123
Scotch Whisky Association, xiii,
1920, 31
Scott, Colin, 20, 31
Scott, Ridley, 35
Scottish Exchequer, 23
Scottish single malt whisky, 19
Scottish whisky, 165
Scottish Whisky Trail, 3436
Screaming Eagle, 8283
Screwdriver, 54
Seagram, 61
Senor Pico, 72
Sex, 138
Sex and the City, xv, 49, 84
Shaker, 7071, 8182
Shakers tour, 79
Shanken, Marvin, x
Shansby, Gary, 133, 134, 138
Sherry, 24
Sherry casks, 109
Sherry Oak, 110
Sidney Frank Importing, 48
Simmons, Russell, 153
Singapore slings, 66
Single malt whisky, 1923, 2627,
29, 33, 3637, 101, 104, 11819,
137, 140, 141
Sky View Bar, 89
Skyy Vodka, 54, 16364
Slow Food USA, 120, 124
Smirno, xiv, 43, 44, 61
Smith, George, 2324
Smokey Peaty One, 110, 111
Smooth Sweeter One, 110, 111
Smothers, Tonya LeNell, 126
Snoop Dogg, 56, 146, 148
Soju, 149
Sour apple martinis, xvi
South Pacic, 73
Southern Wine & Spirits of New
York, 120
Southern Wine and Spirits of
America, 12
Specialty malters, 28
Speyside Cooperage, 3536
Spices, 127
Spice Tree, 31
Spices, 127
Spirits consumption, xxi
Spirits Desk, 132
08_EndMatter.indd 187 5/24/07 11:02:11 AM
188 Index
Spirits of the Times, 124
Sprite, 157
Square One, 53
Starbucks, 97, 99
Starr African Rum, xii, 14546
State-run stores, 13
StateWays, 139
Statue of Liberty, 59
Sting, 55
Stirrings, 8081
Stolichanaya (Stoli), 44, 46, 56, 132
Stoli Elit, 46
Stolichanaya Gold, 46
Stone fruit spirits, xv
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 5
Sundance Channel, 132
Sunday, alcohol purchase on, xv
Suntory International, 99
Supreme Court, 13
Sur La Table, 80
Sutters Mill, 68
Sweet Ginger Fizz, 111
Swingers, 75, 78
T.G.I. Fridays, 80
Tabla, 119
Talisker, 23, 29
Tanqueray No. Ten, 162
Tanqueray Rangpur Gin, 133
Tanqueray Ten, xvii
Target, 82
Tastings, xv, 5
10 Cane Rum, 14647, 148
Tennessee whiskey, 105
Tequila, x, 132, 13442, 150
Tequila Don Julio, xi
Tequila Regulatory Council, 140
Terra Chips, 133
Tezon, 139
Tin Man,Te, 84
Tomas, Jerry, 69
Tornton, Mark, 11
Tree-tier system, 1213, 1516
Tiki drink, 71, 73
Times Square, 76
Titos Handmade Vodka, 13, 52
Tom Collins, 91
Torme, Mel, 89
Trader Joes, 165
Trader Vic, 71, 7273, 88
Trailer Happiness, 73, 87
Tribute, 107
Tron, 62
Tropicalia, 148
Trump, Donald, 56
Tudor, Frederic, 68
21 Club, 3
21st Amendment, 3, 4, 13
Two Buck Chuck, 165
Unforgettable, 75
United, 88
University of Kentucky, 115
USA Network, xiv
USA Today, 66
US Weekly, 132, 146
Valentines Day Massacre, 11
Van Gogh vodka, 51
Variety Arts Club, 77
Vaughn, Vince, 78
Vesper, 43
Veuve Clicquot, 150
Vinexpo conference, xi, 14, 152
Vintage Bar Ware, 69 79
Vintage spirits, 15657
Virgin Atlantic, 163
Virgin Drinks, 163
Virgin Vodka, 163
Visakay, Stephen, 69, 70, 79, 82
Vodka, xixii, 28, 37, 4162, 99,
11112, 121, 123, 127, 13234,
139, 142, 144, 146, 14950,
08_EndMatter.indd 188 5/24/07 11:02:11 AM
189 Index
Vogue, xii
Von Ertfelda, Matthew, 88
Wall Street, xiii
Wall Street Journal, Te, 45, 49, 88,
Wal-Mart, 1516, 164
Warhol, Andy, 28, 58
Washington, George, ix, 5, 67, 120
West Side, 86
West Side Story, 76
When Harry Met Sally, 75
Whiskey, x, 67
Whisky, xii, 1937, 43, 99102,
11012, 120, 137
WhiskyFest, 36, 125
Whisky Magazine, 31
White rum, 14445, 14748
Whole Foods Market, 80, 82, 165
Wild Turkey, xvii, 8, 99, 1067, 113,
11516, 132, 16162
Wild Turkey Wild Breed, 104
William Grant & Sons, 29
Williams, Pharrell, 148
Williams-Sonoma, 80
Windows on the World, 74
Wine, 8283, 107, 163
Wine casks, 1078
Wine Spectator, x
Wondrich, David, 6770, 75
Woodford Reserve, 1045, 113
World Beverage Championships
(2004), 4546
World Sake Imports, 143
World Spirits Competition, 60, 125
World War I, 26, 156
World War II, 26, 70, 71, 121, 157
Wray & Nephew Jamaican rum, 71
Wright, Russell, 70, 79, 82
Wyborowa, 45
XO Caf, 99
Yamazaki whisky, 99
Year of the Lady, 156
Zarnow, Jerey, 14546
Zen Green Tea Liqueur, 99
08_EndMatter.indd 189 5/24/07 11:02:11 AM
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08_EndMatter.indd 190 5/24/07 11:02:11 AM