Mason Neck State Park
Mason Neck State Park
Mason Neck State Park
Points of interest:
Program Highlight: Wild for Waterfowl
♦ The park is open daily
from 8:00 am to dusk. One of the difficulties stop by our free Wild for Wild For Waterfowl
with viewing waterfowl at Waterfowl program on is held most* Saturdays
Mason Neck State Park is Saturday & Sunday and Sundays in Decem-
♦ We’ve got lots of winter that they’re sometimes mornings in December. ber, from 10:30 to 11:30
waterfowl on the bay! See too distant to see well We’ll share our spotting am, and every Saturday
“Winter Wildlife” and “Tips with the naked eye. scope, binoculars and in January, from 10:00
for Winter Birding” for Never fear, we’ve got you knowledge with you, and am to 12:00 noon. Meet
more information. covered! introduce you to the many at the Bay View Trail
waterfowl that winter head and join us for a
Even if you don’t own here. You’re likely to see short hike.
♦ Eagles begin their court- any birding equipment, Bufflehead, Lesser Scaup,
ship in December. They’ll Ruddy Ducks, and more.
also add material to their
nests in January as they
*No programs December
prepare for February’s
26th and 27th.
Winter Wildlife
Never visited Mason Neck 10th Eared Grebe. 23rd White-throated Sparrow; Dark-
State Park in the winter before? eyed Junco; Kinglet (species
13th Opossum; Wood Duck; Lesser
Not sure why you should? Here are unknown).
Scaup; Ruddy Duck;
some of the highlights of last win-
Red Shouldered Hawk; Wild 29th Rusty Blackbird; Hooded
ter’s wildlife sightings. Many of
these species won’t be around in the Turkey. Merganser; Bufflehead;
summer, so come see them while 21st Bald Eagle. Mallard.
you can! 30th Barred Owl.
26th Common Goldeneye; Redhead.
For each species, only the
27th Northern Watersnake; Garter
first reported sighting each month is
Snake. February, 2008
included. Nowhere near all our win-
tertime species are listed here, only 28th Brown Creeper. 2nd Common Merganser; Mallard;
what was reported in the Visitor Gadwall; American
Center wildlife log. Don’t forget to 30th Red Fox.
Wigeon; Bald Eagle.
let us know what you see this year!
8th Bat (species unknown).
January, 2008 16th Wild Turkey.
3rd Tundra Swan. 22nd Wood Duck; American Robin.
December Programs
ages six and up. Maximum of 10 par- reside in Belmont Bay during the
ticipants. First come, first served. winter months. We’ll have a spotting
Meet at Visitor Center. $3/person or scope available for public use. Meet
$8/family. at Bay View Trail head. Free.
January Programs
Meet at Visitor Center. $3/person or and what you can do to preserve the
$8/family. natural world. Bring sturdy shoes,
water and your camera, and dress
appropriately for the weather. Meet
at Bay View Trail head. Free.
Majestic Eagles
Wild for Winter Waterfowl 4:00-5:00 pm
Majestic Eagles Look for bald eagles with
10:00 am– 12:00 noon
4:00-5:00 pm us, and discover their fasci-
Come join us as we observe
Look for bald eagles with nating lives. Watch as ea-
swans, ducks and other
us, and discover their fasci- gles glide across the skies above Bel-
migrating waterfowl that
nating lives. Watch as ea- mont Bay. Meet at Visitor Center.
reside in Belmont Bay during the win-
gles glide across the skies above Bel- Free.
ter months. We’ll have a spotting
mont Bay. Meet at Visitor Center.
scope available for public use. Meet at
Bay View Trail head. Free.
GPS Adventures
1:00-3:00 pm SUNDAYS
Come join us on this one
mile hike with park GPS
units. We’ll explore nature Winter Ranger Hike
while searching for hidden caches! 1:00-3:00 pm
This program is most appropriate for Come see Belmont Bay up
ages six and up. Maximum of 10 par- close with our Park Inter-
ticipants. First come, first served. preter. Discover wildlife
Page 5 T H E E A G LE E Y E Volume II1, Issue iv