This document is a material safety data sheet for Nu-Strip Paint Stripper, which contains over 90% methylene chloride. It provides information on the product identification and ingredients, health hazards, precautions for use, safe handling, storage and transportation, fire and explosion hazards, and emergency contact details. The product is classified as hazardous and long term exposure may cause burns, headaches, dizziness, and other adverse health effects. Proper precautions such as gloves, goggles, ventilation and clothing are recommended to prevent harm.
This document is a material safety data sheet for Nu-Strip Paint Stripper, which contains over 90% methylene chloride. It provides information on the product identification and ingredients, health hazards, precautions for use, safe handling, storage and transportation, fire and explosion hazards, and emergency contact details. The product is classified as hazardous and long term exposure may cause burns, headaches, dizziness, and other adverse health effects. Proper precautions such as gloves, goggles, ventilation and clothing are recommended to prevent harm.
This document is a material safety data sheet for Nu-Strip Paint Stripper, which contains over 90% methylene chloride. It provides information on the product identification and ingredients, health hazards, precautions for use, safe handling, storage and transportation, fire and explosion hazards, and emergency contact details. The product is classified as hazardous and long term exposure may cause burns, headaches, dizziness, and other adverse health effects. Proper precautions such as gloves, goggles, ventilation and clothing are recommended to prevent harm.
This document is a material safety data sheet for Nu-Strip Paint Stripper, which contains over 90% methylene chloride. It provides information on the product identification and ingredients, health hazards, precautions for use, safe handling, storage and transportation, fire and explosion hazards, and emergency contact details. The product is classified as hazardous and long term exposure may cause burns, headaches, dizziness, and other adverse health effects. Proper precautions such as gloves, goggles, ventilation and clothing are recommended to prevent harm.
MSDS: Nu-Strip Paint Stripper Date of Issue: June 2004
Supersedes Issue Date: May 1999
Nu-St r i p Pai nt St r i pper
Company Details Nutech Paint Pty Ltd (A.B.N. 94 242 116 396) 4 Keppler Circuit, Seaford, Victoria 3198, Australia Tel: (03) 9775 1491 Fax: (03) 9775 1680 Emergency Telephone 000
Product Identification
This product is classified as hazardous according to criteria of Worksafe Australia Product Name: Nustrip Paint Stripper Other Names: Paint Stripper, Nustrip,Stripper, Methylene Chloride, Concrete Sealer & Paint Stripper Shipping Name: Dichloromethane U.N. Number: 1593 D.G. Class: 6 Subsidiary Risk: N/A Hazchem Code: 2Z Packaging Group: III Poisons Schedule: S5 Chemical Description: Methylene Chloride and solvents Use: Paint Stripper
Physical Description / Properties Appearance: Pale yellow/cloudy liquid Odour: Penetrating ether-like odour Boiling Point (C): 39.8 pH N/A Specific Gravity: 1.3 Shelf Life: N/A Flammability Limits: See 'Fire/Explosion Hazard' under Safe Handling Information' Solubility in Water: Soluble Solubility in Organic Solvents: Soluble Flash Point (C): Non flammable Volatile Component Hydrogen Chloride Gas
Ingredients Chemical Entity C.A.S. Number Proportions % Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 > 90 Hydrocarbon/Other Solvents 64742-95-6 to make 100%
Nu-Strip Paint Stripper MSDS047-V1-0802.doc Page 1 of 3 Mat er i al Saf et y Dat a Sheet MSDS: Nu-Strip Paint Stripper Date of Issue: June 2004 Supersedes Issue Date: May 1999
Health Hazard Information
Health Effects Effects of Overexposure Acute Highly irritative to eyes. High vapour concentration will iritate eyes. Contact with skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract will cause irritation. May cause narcosis . If swallowed can kill. Severe burns to mouth, throat and stomach. Avoid excessive inhalation. Effects of Exposure Chronic May cause burns on contact, headaches, dizziness, nausea and narcosis, unconciousness and death.
Emergency and First Aid Procedures Swallowed Do not induce vomiting. Give plenty of water to drink and seek medical attention. Contact posions information centre. Eye Immediately hold open eyes and flush with water continuously for at least fifteen minutes. Seek immediate medical attention. Skin Remove contaminated clothing and wash affected area with plenty of soap and water. If irritation, swelling, redness or blistering occurs seek medical advice. Protect against hypothermia. Inhaled Remove to fresh air and apply artificial respiration if not breathing. Keep person calm and seek medical attention, provide oxygen if necessary. Advice to Doctor Exposure may increase myocardial irritability. No specific antidote. Check for anoxaemia, pulmonary oedema, ischaemia of heart. Avoid epinephrine.
Precautions for Use
Exposure Standards 174 mg/m3, 50 ppm Worksafe Australia, IDHL Value 100 ppm/8 hour day. Engineering Controls Maintain concentration below recommended exposure limit. Ventilation Use in well ventilated area or use local exhaust ace velocity > 20 m/min Personal Protection Suitable protective gloves Gloves: Avoid skin contact Clothing: Gas tight goggles may be required to prevent vapour irritation Eyes: In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable breathing respiratory equipment Respiratory: Rubber boots and splash apron advisable Other:
Other Precautions Do not eat, drink or smoke until after washing
Flammability Non flammable liquid. Forms toxic fumes when thermally decomposed.
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Safe Handling Information
Storage and Transport Store in a cool place and out of direct sunlight. Store in a well ventilated area and away from oxidants and foodstuffs. Keep containers sealed and protected from physical damage. Not to be loaded with foodstuffs.
Spill Consider evacuating area. Isolate area. Recover free liquid. Absorb in dry inert material and place in sealable labelled drums. Do not discharge to drains or sewers. Dispose of waste material to a licensed waste disposal. Wear full protective clothing and self contained breathing apparatus. Avoid breathing vapours. Ventilate confined spaces or use breathing apparatus. Keep out of sewers and drains by diking or impounding. Advise authorities.
Waste Disposal Observe all Federal, State and Local regulations. Dispatch sealed labelled material to approved waste authority.
Fire / Explosion Hazard N/A Explosion Limit Upper: N/A Explosion Limit Lower: Non flammable Flammability: On heating emits toxic fumes Hazardous Decomposition Products: Incompatible with aluminium, alkaline, earth metals and amines. Hazardous Products: Water spray, fog, carbon dioxide, foam or dry agent. Extinguishing Media: Other Precautions: Fire fighter should wear self-contained breathing apparatus in fire situations.
Key to Abbreviations N/A Not applicable NAS Not assigned C Degrees Celsius k/Pa Kilopascals m/min
We cannot anticipate all conditions under which this information and our products may be used. Users are advised to make their own tests to determine the safety and suitability of each product. All information in this Data Sheet is as up to date as possible. No warranty expressed or implied is made to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this data. Nutech assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage to vendors, users or third parties caused by the material. Such vendors or users assume all risks associated with the use of the material.
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