Perspectives On Recent Capital Market Research
Perspectives On Recent Capital Market Research
Perspectives On Recent Capital Market Research
The purpose of my remarks is to provide one perspective on major areas of capital markets
research that have made important contributions to our understanding of accounting numbers,
with an emphasis on those published during the past ten years.
I do not intend these remarks to be a survey;1 instead, I select the five research areas I believe
have made the greatest contribution to our knowledge over the past ten years. These areas
illustrate the degree to which capital market research has become interconnected. My remarks
address why these areas are important, briefly summarize what we have learned, highlight
some of the links between these areas, and raise some unresolved issues. Within each area, I
identify major issues and some of the key papers, but I do not attempt to be comprehensive.
In the process, I have sacrificed depth for breadth.
The five areas I have selected are market efficiency, Feltham-Ohlson modeling, value
relevance, analysts behavior, and discretionary behavior. The first two areas, market
efficiency and Feltham-Ohlson modeling, are basic platforms that permit us to organize our
thinking about the role of accounting in capital markets. The last three areas are applications
that incorporate some form of accounting structure or individual behavior.
Market efficiency, Feltham-Ohlson modeling, value relevance, analysts behavior, and
discretionary behavior not only have had the greatest impact on capital market research over
the last ten years, but they also have the greatest potential to contribute significantly to our
knowledge over the next five to ten years. These areas address important questions.
They are linked together and build upon one anothers knowledge and research designs. They
raise major issues that remain unresolved. Three recurring themes are markets (efficiency,
valuation), individual behavior (investors, analysts, managers), and accounting structure or
context. Accounting research is distinct and important only insofar as it confronts the first
two themes with the thirdan observation similar in spirit to the point made by my
predecessor (Kinney 2001).
Each of these research areas is controversial in terms of either findings or research method. Is
important research by nature controversial? I believe controversy is a natural consequence of
conducting important research, especially in the early stages of the research. Innovative
research is likely to be the most controversial of all. Thirty-five years ago, many questioned
whether capital market research with respect to accounting numbers was legitimate
accounting research.