Technology Vision Mission Statement

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Michael D King
Reference: Tech "N" TuIt

The goal of the technology steering committee meeting will be to write a vision statement that
provides direction for future technology planning. To accomplish this process, the site-based
steering committee members will develop both a mission and vision statement. These statements
will be the nucleus for all future planning. A vision statement expresses in broad terms about
what will happen in the future, while a mission statement describes how the vision will be

The vision/mission planning process should be tied directly to the school’s central purpose of
educating students and improving learning. In order for this to occur, the steering committee will
need to analyze and review their deep beliefs about knowledge and learning and how technology
can be integrated to support the vision of school improvement. Outlined in Exhibit 1, a sample
agenda has been prepared to help steering committee members reflect their beliefs regarding the
integration of technology into education.

Exhibit 1
Technology Planning Steering Committee


This meeting will be conducted for the purpose of developing a technology vision and mission statement
for site-based planning process. The development of our technology plan will serve one major purpose –
the integration of technology to improve student learning. The mission and vision statement will serve as
the focus of future planning as we strive to meet higher standards for learning.

GOAL: Using the collaborative planning process, the steering committee members will brainstorm belief
statements to be used in creating a technology planning mission and vision statement.
Exhibit 1 continued

1. Given time and the opportunity to interact, steering committee members will identify belief
statements that characterize technology’s central purpose in the school.
2. Given time and existing belief statements, participants will prioritize the statements from most
significant to least significant as they apply to the central focus of technology in the school.
3. Given prioritized belief statements, a writing committee will formulate a draft of the technology
vision and mission statement. The statement will be given to other steering committee members
for further input and possible suggestions. The writing committee will be responsible for
incorporating the suggestions into the final draft. This process will continue until all steering
committee members have come to a consensus concerning the content of the technology’s
mission and vision statement.

Schedule of Activities:
8 a.m. Small Groups Getting Acquainted Activity
8:15 a.m. Large Group Overview: Our Vision
8:30 a.m. Small Groups What roles do we desire for the future of technology in our school?
What will the classrooms of the future look like and include?
How will instruction be delivered?
9:00 a.m. Large Group Overview: Our Mission
9:15 a.m. Small Groups What must we do to make our vision come true?
What are desired student benefits and outcomes using technology?
What is different about learning with technology?
9:45 a.m. Large Group Centralizing Beliefs about Technology
10 a.m. Large Group Prioritizing Beliefs about Technology
10:15 a.m. Large Group Forming the Writing Committee

Source: Author

Checklist for Developing A Vision Statement

A site-based mission and vision statement, should be aligned with the district’s mission and
vision statement for school improvement. A checklist is provided in (Exhibit 2 Checklist for
Developing Technology Vision/Mission Statement) of questions that can be used by the steering
committee when developing and aligning a vision/mission statement.
Exhibit 2
Checklist for Developing A Vision Statement
 What roles do we desire and see for the future of technology and education in our institution and
 What will our classrooms of the future look like and include?
 How will instruction be delivered?
 How and at what levels will students achieve?
 How will the community be involved?
 What do we envision for our learners in the future?

Checklist for Developing A Mission Statement

 What must we do to make our vision come true?
 What is learning, according to our definition?
 What does learning look like while in progress?
 What is different about learning with technology?
 What must we do to develop, implement, and continually improve the quality of instruction and
learning using technology?
 What are desired student benefits and outcomes?
 What characterizes our learners?
Source: Author

Sample Mission Statement

To demonstrate how a vision mission statement would be constructed an example is provided of
a completed vision/mission statement in (Exhibit3 Mission Statement Sample). Notice that the
mission statement in Exhibit 3 reflects how the school will use, integrate and support student
learning and success through the use of technology.

Exhibit 3

NAME OF SCHOOL will use technology as one of many tools to improve learning opportunities for
students. The effective use of technology will support and strengthen our core curriculum, by providing
additional resources for instruction. The integration of technology as a part of our daily instruction will
further motivate our students as they strive for high academic standards. By integrating technology into
the curriculum, we will prepare our student for the workplace of tomorrow.

Source: Author

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