Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter Basics
Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter Basics
Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter Basics
This paper outlines the operating principal and applica-
tion of ultrasonic gas fow metering for custody transfer.
Basic principals and underlying equations are discussed,
as are considerations for applying ultrasonic fow meter
technology to station design, installation and operation.
These applications are illustrated based on operating
experience with the Instromet 3 path and 5-path Q.Sonic
custody transfer fow meter, however, many of these is-
sues may be generalized to devices manufactured by
Ultrasonic gas fow meters, employing the absolute digi-
tal transit time measurement principal, have gained ac-
ceptance for fscal accounting of gas transfer. Among this
technologys advantages are:
Wide measuring range, 60:1 turndown
High accuracy
High repeatability
Negligible offset
Negligible pressure drop
Generally unaffected by dust and liquid deposits
Insensitive to fuctuations of the gas composition
Little maintenance
Extremely accurate and reliable multipath ultrasonic me-
tering systems have emerged as the measurement tech-
nology of choice for large volume gas transfer. Pushed
by continuously improving signal processing technology
and pulled by increasing customer requirements, mul-
tipath instruments provide state of the art gas fow mea-
surement. Its accuracy and reliability was initially certifed
by NMI, and is now continuously certifed during routine
fow calibrations by users in N. America at CEESI, South-
west Research Institute and TC Calibrations. An operat-
ing guideline has been established by AGA (TMC Report
9), and contractual requirements have been successfully
defned by parties for this devices use in custody transfer
Acoustic techniques for the measurement of fow have
been applied for nearly ffty years. Depending upon the
magnitude of the Mach number, v / c, and due to the rapid
change in electronics, different measurement methods
have been applied in meters which appeared on the mar-
ket over this time interval. For instance:
1. The sing-around method (1950s) which essentially is
phase-shift measurement
2. Continuous wave frequency shift method (1960s)
3. Analog differential time-delay measurement (1970s)
4. Digital absolute travel time measurement (1980s)
Although some of the older methods occasionally reap-
pear in new instruments (mainly because of their inex-
pensive manufacturing cost), they cannot compare with
modern methods that employ high speed digital signal
processing techniques and advanced piezoceramic trans-
ducers, in terms of accuracy and repeatability. The frst
three methods are problematic when:
Gas composition, temperature or pressure are fuctu-
The gas is not completely clean
Pulsating fow is present
Using state of the art digital signal processing electron-
ics, modern ultrasonic instruments employ the method
of absolute digital travel-time measurement, which is dis-
cussed in detail below.
In ultrasonic fow measurement, acoustic pulses are trans-
mitted and received by a pair of piezoelectric transducers.
Figure 1 shows the simple geometry of two transducers,
A and B, at an angle ( with respect to the axis of a straight
cylindrical pipe.
Some instruments, like the Q.Sonic, employ refection
paths like that shown in Figure 2, where the acoustic
pulses refect one or more times against the pipe wall.
James W. Bowen
Instromet, Incorporated
Presented by Glen Heard, Instromet
D denotes the diameter, L the path length and
V the velocity vector.
Other instruments employ chordal, or point-to-point, pulse
transmission paths as shown in Figure 1.
Regardless of the path geometry, the operating principal
is the same, and basic transit time equations applicable.
At zero fow, the travel time is equal in both directions and
the measured time of fight difference between them (t
) is zero. However if there is fow, the travel time of the
sound pulse transmitted in the same direction as the fow
decreases due to its being accelerated by the moving
gas. Conversely, the pulse traveling upstream suffers an
increased transit time due to the retarding effect of the gas
fow. Transit times in the up and down stream directions
may be calculated as:
where L is the length of the path, r is its angle with respect
to the axis of the pipe, and c is the speed of sound in
the gas (about 300-450 m/s or 1000-1500 ft/s at typical
transmission pressures). If the speed of sound is constant
during both measurements, the two equations can be
where v denotes the fow velocity, positive in downstream
direction. The history of this method goes back to Rtten
(1928), who fled the frst patent on the application of ul-
trasound in fow measurement. From the above equations
the speed of sound can be calculated:
Since the speed of sound is related to the density of the
medium in the transport system, it can be used to calcu-
late mass fow. Further, it is noted that the cancellation of
c from the average velocity equation (gas properties such
as density affect both t
and t
equally) means that
absolute velocity measurement is not dependent on gas
density. That is, pressure, temperature and gas composi-
tion have no effect on the velocity calculation from pulse
transit time.
Specially designed transducers are used for the genera-
tion of ultrasonic pulses that both transmit and receive
these pulses. The main component within a transducer
performing these functions is a piezoceramic element. In
the transmitting mode these piezoceramic elements are
excited with a characteristic voltage that results in the
emission of a well-characterized sound pulse. When used
as a receiver, the incoming sound pulse generates a small
voltage, which is processed after amplifcation. The fre-
quency and directivity pattern of a transducer depends for
the most part on the dimensions and characteristics of the
piezoceramic element.
The transducers developed by Instromet have been de-
signed for the generation of short, powerful pulses in or-
der to exploit the advantages of single and double refec-
tion paths at high repetition rates at operating pressures
ranging from atmospheric up to 5000 psi. Because they
are fabricated within tight specifcations under strict qual-
ity control, and with detailed characterization, they can
be exchanged without parameter adjustment or meter
Before pulse detection and recognition take place, the
received acoustic pulse is pre-processed using an Auto-
matic Gain Control and fltering circuitry to ensure pulse
discrimination. After the pre-processing stage (detection)
takes place, the signal is digitized and compared with a
fngerprint of a reference pulse. This method provides the
unique ability to check the quality of every single pulse
against preset standards before processing for velocity
measurement purposes. The pulses are either:
* accepted when the signal completely meets the preset
quality standards
* rejected when a deviation from these quality standards
is detected.
Only when both pulses are accepted, are their travel
times used to calculate fow velocity and speed of sound.
This method results in the highest precision yet achieved
by fow measurement devices. During signal detection
c - v cos
c + v cos
v =
) 2 cos t
c =
) 2 t
and processing, built-in diagnostics supply real-time
information about the systems performance to the user,
and may be used to set alarm limits on meter perfor-
mance. These parameters will be discussed in more de-
tail later.
The accuracy required in the travel time measurement
can be found from the equations. For example, when a
velocity of 3 ft/s is measured with 0.5% accuracy along
a 3 ft path length in a gas with sound velocity of 1300
ft/s, both travel times are of the order of 2.5 ms, but their
difference is about 6 rs, which must be measured with
an error no greater than 30 ns! This small travel time
difference requires high speed, high accuracy digital
The travel times of only a few milliseconds enable indi-
vidual ultrasonic fow velocity measurements at high rep-
etition rates. Typical rates are 20 - 50 Hz, depending on
pipe diameter. The need for high repetition rates is evident
in cases such as surge control applications, where the
fow may drop from its set point to its minimum in less
than 0.05 s.
The velocity v calculated by equation (3) represents an
average along the acoustic path. The velocity of interest,
however, is the mean, or bulk, value V over the pipe cross
section. This variable is computed by
where the meter factor k expresses the infuence of the
fow velocity profle. The value of the path weighting factor
depends on the velocity profle in the duct as sensed by
the acoustic path.
To create optimal acoustic path confgurations for mul-
tipath fowmeters, knowledge is required about the actual
fow patterns in transport systems.
For smooth straight circular ducts the velocity profle is
determined as a function of the Reynolds number (Re)
of the fow. This dimensionless number is calculated using
the fow speed, the duct diameter, the density and the
dynamic viscosity of the fowing medium. For low Reyn-
olds numbers the fow is laminar (Figure 3), with a para-
bolic (Hagen-Poiseuille) profle, while for high Reynolds
numbers the fow becomes turbulent and with a plug-like
(logarithmic) profle, as shown in Figure 4.
Since the transition from laminar to turbulent takes place
(Schlichting, 1968) somewhere between Reynolds num-
ber 2000 and 4000, while in typical pipeline systems,
the Reynolds numbers usually range from 100,000 to
150,000. Therefore, the turbulent profle is that most
commonly encountered in high pressure gas transmis-
sion systems.
Due to the presence of one or more, possibly out of plane,
bends in the transport system, the fow profle will always
be distorted with respect to the ideal logarithmic shape.
A single elbow induces a dual-eddy pattern, which has
two counter rotating vortices on either side of the cen-
ter plane of the elbow. The resulting transverse fow is
directed outward, with axial velocities much lower than
in corresponding ideal velocity profles. This double-eddy
pattern decays faster than the single-eddy one induced by
double bends out of plane. This important form of distor-
tion is called swirl. Although the presence of swirl does
not contribute to, or detract from, bulk fow, it causes a
distortion of the velocity profle, which ususally results in
an effect on travel time that introduces an error in fow
velocity measurement. Mathematical modeling has been
used to characterize and account for swirls infuence on
average velocity measurement. Instromet chose a bounce
path design based on profle studies to better character-
ize bulk velocity under variable conditions. A three-path
example of such a design is shown in Figure 5.
The average velocity fux measured by a single path
ultrasonic fowmeter is calculated using the following
where A denotes the cross-sectional area of the pipe.
From this equation, the total accuracy depends upon the
V = k v
Q = k A
) 2 cos t
individual accuracies of all factors involved and can be
split into three parts:
the accuracy of the geometry
the accuracy in the travel time measurement
the accuracy of the velocity profle
Meter geometry is a function of the path length L, angle
r, pipe diameter and the mechanical measurements of
these components. Even when tight mechanical toler-
ances are used in the manufacturing process, and careful
measurements made, it is not possible to perfectly har-
monize these variables and individual transducer char-
acteristics (delay times, crystal response, etc). Therefore
errors caused by geometrical factors must be reconciled
otherwise. A unique methodology has been developed
to eliminate the mechanical uncertainties in path length,
angle and measurements of them. Controlling the signal
processing electronics clock, the media in which the me-
ter is characterized and knowledge of the medias ther-
modynamic properties, may be used to derive Acoustic
Path Length. That is, a meter can be flled with a pure
fuid such as nitrogen whose properties are well known,
its pressure and temperature precisely measured, and the
meter measured speed of sound, given these knowns, re-
corded. Since the speed of sound in a homogeneous (or
pure, single phase) fuid is well characterized, a compari-
son of the meter measured and characterized values can
be made. Assuming the SPUs clock is stable, the mea-
sured and characterized values for speed of sound may
be reconciled to agree with one another by adjusting the
meters path lengths. These adjusted path lengths are re-
ferred to as acoustic path lengths, and this reconciliation,
which forces agreement of meter output with documented
fuid properties, eliminates mechanical variabilities in
transducers and geometric variables caused resulting
from meter body construction.
The accuracy of the time measurement is limited only by
the signal to noise ratio and the digital clock frequency.
The pulses travel time measurement is based on high
resolution quartz controlled electronics. Since samples of
travel times are available at a rate of about 20 to 50 hz,
the resulting mean error can be reduced to just a few ns.
To assure that fuid distortions dont impact the accu-
rate determination of bulk fowing velocity, it is possible
to modify the velocity profle (velocity distribution) with a
high performance fow conditioner (not a tube bundle).
Flow conditioner generated profles do not generate either
of the fully developed velocity distributions characterized
by Laminar of Turbulent fow regimes, however, they do
have the advantage of generating repeatable fow profles.
That is, regardless the type disturbance entering the fow
conditioner, the profle exiting the device is the same.
Therefore, an ultrasonic meter fow calibrated with a fow
conditioner, will produce the same measurand for velocity
in both the fow laboratory and in the feld installation thus
eliminating the concern regarding effect of variable veloc-
ity distributions.
Footprint Space limitations, and the environment in
which the station will operate, often dictate equipment
selection and confguration. If shorter meter runs are re-
quired, headers and several tees may be involved which
generate signifcant fow disturbances. High performance
fow conditioners may be desirable to insure consistent
velocity profles in short coupled meter tube installations.
Sizing Ultrasonic meters are typically sized on the ba-
sis of actual velocity. Therefore, when selecting the meter,
one must consider the pressure, temperature and fow
range stated in SCF per unit time. Basic calculation pro-
grams to size ultrasonic meters based on these param-
eters are available from most manufacturers.
In addition to meter size, designers need consider the na-
ture of the operation and the maintenance requirements
for the particular station:
Are multiple runs needed to provide redundancy, or
fexibility should a meter require out-of-pipe service or
Are multiple runs needed in stepped line size to en-
hance station rangeability?
Are there pressre or control valves that might require
installation of additional attenuating elements such as
blind tees?
Will a building enclose the meter runs, and clearance
between meter and building wall be an issue if trans-
ducers are retracted?
These are several of the potential questions designers
should consider when laying out a station: there may be
others peculiar to a given installation.
Gas Quality In wet gas environments (hydrocarbons or
water vapor), designers need consider whether the meter
run needs to be angled, or include siphon drains to assure
liquids dont collect in the pipe or can be drained if they do.
If Sulfur content is a consideration, it needs to be speci-
fed to insure corrosion resistant transducers are provided.
Carbon Dioxide in concentrations exceeding 15% (this
level varies somewhat depending on operating pressure)
can attenuate ultrasonic signals such that transmissibility
of pulses fails, and measurement does so also.
Good, representative, samples of gas quality are neces-
sary to facilitate calculation of reference speed of sound
values needed to evaluate meter operating condition.
Depending on the nature and importance of a particular
meter station, designers need consider whether a gas
chromatograph is necessary, or whether a spot sample
will suffice. If it is determined a GC is needed, gas quality
may dictate whether the instrument required to character-
ize SOS need be C9+ or C6+. Likewise, if sampling is
determined to be an acceptable mechanism, judicious se-
lection the sampling point is needed: only a spot sample
(composite will not provide desired results) will suffice
since the meter measured SOS must be chronologically
correlated with the spot sample draw to provide a valid
comparison of meter measured SOS to that calculated
from the analysis. Pressure and temperature data are also
required as part of the data collected at the time of sample
Several steps occur prior to physical installation, the judi-
cious monitoring of which can assure a successful start-
up as well as providing benchmark performance criteria
upon which to evaluate meters operating condition over
the life of the station.
This terminology is somewhat of a misnomer, since
this process is intended to characterize electronic per-
formance, and in the case of Instromet, tighten up path
length data, rather than generate a meter factor as the
result of an actual calibration.
Pure Nitrogen is used to assess meter functionality at high
pressure prior to fow calibration of these devices. Elec-
tronics (SPU and transducers) are given their fnal QC
check by running a static test on the meter at stable con-
ditions (known gas, steady temperature and pressure).
In addition to insuring electronic functionality, Instromet
utilizes this opportunity to compare meter measured
speeds of sound to calculated, certifed, values. Path
length is adjusted to provide agreement with the calcu-
lated, certifed, values so that the meter exits the assem-
bly process with tight per path performance tolerances
that may reliably be used as baseline meter performance
Once a custody meter is successfully dry calibrated, it is
generally sent to an independent testing facility to certify
its meter factor. Flow tests are recommended for any me-
ter that is used for custody service, and particularly when-
ever a fow conditioner is proposed for use as part of the
meter run.
Flow calibration not only certifes meter performance
traceable to a recognized standard, it also alleviates many
measurement disputes. These tests generally consist of
fowing gas through the meter under test (MUT) at vari-
ous fow rates across its capacity range, and comparing
the MUTs output to a reference, or transfer, standard.
AGA Report 9 does not require fow calibration, but does
specify that manufacturers meet uncalibrated (out of
the box) performance criteria of +/- 0.7 % for meters 12
inch and larger, or 1.0% for meters of lesser diameter. It
is obvious that these established criteria are not sufficient
for acceptable fscal measurement, particularly in light of
recently high natural gas prices. Therefore, it is prudent
practice to certify a meter at a traceable facility.
Key factors to assess during calibration are the repeatabil-
ity and linearity of the meters proof curve. Proof curves
may be linearized (usually to characterize low fow perfor-
mance), but an optimal proof curve is one composed of
tightly clustered data points that form a fat, straight line.
Criteria for acceptable linearity and repeatability are pub-
lished in AGA TMC Report 9.
Report 9 also describes criteria for ID match of spool
pieces that comprise the meter run. When bolting up for
fnal installation, it is essential to assure proper spool
alignment and insure joint gaskets do not protrude into the
fowing stream. One can make that assurance by either
assembling the meter run at the site and installing it as a
unit, or by making a visual inspection of the assembled
run as each spool is installed in the station piping.
Once the meter is physically installed, it is important to
generate base-line documentation of its performance.
Such information, generated when the meter is new and
in pristine condition, may be used during subsequent
routine inspections to assure meter condition has not
changed. Key elements to capture data for baseline char-
acterization are average SOS, per path SOS, per path
gain levels and per path gain limits. Interpretation of these
parameters is addressed in the maintenance section that
Dirty Gas In real-world gas pipeline systems, actual
conditions may differ considerably from the ideal encoun-
tered in fow measurement labs. Major disturbing factors
are pollution (i.e., dirt and liquids) and ultrasonic noise.
Many gas fow meters are sensitive to dust and liquid
residue in the fowing stream. Through the use of digital
pulse recognition techniques, the acoustic fow meter
can be made relatively immune to these deposits. If the
signal is attenuated too much by deposits on transduc-
ers, measurement is no longer possible. Due however to
digital signal processing of time of fight measurements,
dust and liquid residue does not affect the accuracy of
the meter.
Ultrasonic Noise Although many new control valve de-
signs are promoted as low noise , they are the main source
of interference encountered in the feld. During tests at
various installations these low noise valves, when nearly
closed, appeared to create much non-audible ultrasonic
noise that may interfere with the transmitted sound. This
is problematic for ultrasonic meters since the reduction
of audible control valve noise has been accomplished by
shifting it to ultrasonic, or non-audible, frequencies used
by these meters. While measurement accuracy is not
compromised, pulse detection may become impossible
causing a loss of measurement.
Performance Monitoring Meter diagnostics, made
available by virtue of signal processing routines, may be
applied to determine if sediments or ultrasonic noise com-
promise meter function.
Transducer Gain Levels: The sound volume of the pulse
is usually controlled automatically with electronic gain
controls. Monitoring gain levels over time provides an in-
dication of whether sediments may be attenuating pulse
transmission (gains will be found to increase).
Signal Rejection: Pulse signals are rejected when they fail
to match the fngerprint of an electronically stored refer-
ence pulse. Signal rejection indicates potential transducer
failure, but is usually indicative of noise interference from
devices such as control valves.
Speed of Sound: Ultrasonic meters measure the speed
of sound in the fowing media (reference equation 4). Us-
ing AGA TMC Report 8 equations of state, the speed
of sound may be accurately calculated using fowing
temperature, pressure and gas composition as inputs.
Comparisons of meter measured SOS may be made
against this calculation as a health check. Direct cor-
relation between meter accuracy and SOS has yet to be
established, but it is known that correct meter function is
doubtful if the SOS calculation is in error. Per equation
(4), poor SOS comparisons suggest clock or transducer
Using the sophisticated capabilities of fow computers, or
an on-board electronics archive, these parameters may
be trended and alarm limits established for these impor-
tant operating characteristics, thus signaling users of
maintenance requirements or failure onset.
Ensuring proper function of custody measuring devices
is a measurement technicians major responsibility. Field
operating experience indicates ultrasonic meters, while
nearly trouble free, may require special maintenance in
addition to routine inspection. A typical routine inspection
might consist of the following:
1. Pressure transmitter calibration.
2. Temperature transmitter calibration.
3. Verifcation of pulse output (if used) accuracy (i.e.,
validation of D/A converter performance).
4. Collection and review of meter data logs which typi-
cally include SOS, signal acceptance rate, gain and
gain limit data.
Performance parameters from collected logs should be
compared to a baseline log or trended against previ-
ously recorded logs. A baseline log is one collected
when the meters condition was known to be satisfactory;
usually taken at the time of initial meter start-up, or after
Special maintenance is required when performance
monitoring dictates, or complete meter failure occurs. The
signals identifed for monitoring may be interpreted as
Increasing Gain Levels: If performance monitoring reveals
gain levels have increased over time, it is an indication
of potential transducer fouling. In this event, transducers
should be carefully removed, inspected, and cleaned if
necessary. If the meter is blown-down to accomplish this,
it is advisable to clean the nozzles (transducer recepta-
cles in the meter body) as best as possible.
Signal Rejection: Should performance monitoring reveal
excessive signal rejection rates, suggesting ultrasonic
noise is a problem, control valves or throttled valves should
be inspected and/or experimented with to determine if ac-
commodation can be made (i.e., change in valve position
or trim).
SOS Comparisons: Discrepancies between measured
and calculated SOS indicate a fundamental meter prob-
lem (clock or transducers). However, one must recog-
nize the sensitivity of the equation of state calculations
to gas composition and temperature, prior to assuming
meter malfunction. Seemingly insignifcant concentra-
tions of heavier hydrocarbons greatly infuence the
accuracy of the calculation (comprehensive sensitivity
analysis of this effect is lacking, but it is advisable to
obtain an extended analysis for SOS calculations if ag-
gregate C6+ is greater than 0.5 mol %). Likewise, ac-
curate temperature measurement is necessary: Calcu-
lated SOS can differ from that measured, by as much as
3-5 fps, if measured temperature is in error by 1 degree
Fahrenheit at typical pipeline operating pressures (800-
1000 psig). SOS comparison is an extremely useful tool,
but be sure inputs to the calculation are correct (good
gas analysis and assured temperature transmitter cali-
bration) before spending time and money to review me-
ter characterization.
After extensive proprietary testing of the Q.Sonic by the
manufacturer, a calibration run was conducted by the
NMI (the official Netherlands Measurement Institute)
to certify the meter for custody use in Europe. NMI is
an independent test institute that performs all calibra-
tions for Gasunie (the major gas company of the Neth-
erlands), and many other gas transmission companies
internationally. The results are given in the fgure on the
following page.
Subsequently the meter was installed in the Gasunie
export station at Winterswijk near the German border.
Up till now the meter performance is within 0.2 % of the
installed turbine meters. The instrument has been oper-
ating for nearly a year with virtually no maintenance, as
only performance monitoring and pressure/temperature
calibrations have been conducted.
Subsequent to this certifcation and commercial intro-
duction of the product, many successful calibrations
have been conducted both in Europe and North America.
It is estimated that more than 500 Instromet multi-path
meters are now in custody service in North America
Ultrasonic gas meters have become the measurement
device of choice for large capacity transmission and city
gate measurement stations. They are also fnding wide
acceptance for use in power plant fuel gas measurement
applications because of their wide rangeability and robust
operating characteristics.
If properly monitored, ultrasonic meters afford customers
the highest measurement accuracy levels yet encoun-
tered, with the lease maintenance requirements.
The Instromet Q.Sonic multipath fow meter has proved
itself as an accurate and reliable custody transfer gas fow
meter, which requires only minimal maintenance.
The author wishes to thank Gasunie for their cooperation
in feld-testing, and the many customers that have pro-
vided invaluable feedback regarding meter performance
and diagnostic markers.
Bird R.B., Stewart W.E. and Lightfoot E.N. (1960) Trans-
port Phenomena, Wiley, New York
Rtten, O. (1928) Deutsches Patent No 520484.
Schlichting, H. (1968) Boundary Layer Theory, 6th edition,
McGraw-Hill, New York
Steenbergen, W. (1995) Turbulent Pipe Flow with Swirl.
PhD thesis, Eindhoven University, Eindhoven, The