Trabajo de Esesco en Las Noches Ingles Uno

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Name: David Parada Guaje date_____________________________

Demonstrative Pronouns
Name: __________________________________
Demonstrative pronouns point to something specific that can
Be either near or far in distance or time.
The demonstrative pronouns are:
This (singular to point out something that is near in either
Distance or time).
That (singular to point out something this is far away in either
Distance or time).
These (plural to point out some things that are near in either
Distance or time).
Those (plural to point out some things that are far in either
Distance or time).
Circle the demonstrative pronoun in each sentence.
1. This is my favorite teddy bear.
2. Would you like some of these?
3. Those years at the lake were the best times of my life.
4. that is the toy I would like to buy.
5. These are absolutely delicious!
Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete each sentence.
6. These (These/This) are the shoes I like.
7. That (This/That) car over there is the best one.
8. These (These/Those) books right here are mine.
9. That (That/Those) store across the street sells clothes.
10. Those (Those/This) students over there are my friends.
11. Ive been looking for a turkey, and Id like to buy that (that/those) one.
12. This (This/These) is the year well win the championship
Indefinite Pronouns
Name: David Parada
Indefinite pronouns are used to refer to people, places, or things
That are unknown or not stated. Indefinite pronouns use the
Singular form of verbs (like he, she, or it).

Any (anyone, anybody)
Every (everyone, everybody)
Some (someone, somebody)
No (no one, nobody)
Add an indefinite pronoun to complete each sentence.
1. I put my soda down on the table, but somebody moved it!
2. The party is going to be great! Everyone will be there.
3. Does anyone have change for a dollar so I can buy a soda?
4. I was disappointed because no one that I invited came to the party.
5. Rachel was so popular that everyone wanted to sit next to her.
6. Someone left the freezer open, and the ice cream melted.
7. The teacher said I could bring cupcakes for everyone in the class.
8. Henry was surprised that somebody sent him a birthday card in the
Mail, but did not sign the card.
9. That painting is so simple. Anyone could have painted it.
10. The teacher passed the math tests out to _everyone, and the room was
Suddenly quiet.
11. No one can bake a cake like Grandma Anna. Hers are the best!
12. Has anyone seen my blue notebook? I cant find it anywhere!
13. Somebody called my house, but they hung up without saying a word.
14. The third question on the test was so difficult that nobody could
Answer it.

Interrogative Pronouns
Name: __________________________________
Interrogative pronouns are used in sentences that ask questions.
The interrogative pronouns are:
Who whom what whose which
Add an interrogative pronoun to complete each question sentence.
1. Which one of the books is your favorite?
2. to Whom to should I address the letter?
3. Whose shoes are sitting outside the front door?
4. What would you like to do tomorrow?
5. Whose house should we go to on Saturday to watch the game?
6. to Whom to was the package sent?
7. Who is the new student in the band?
8. What is the title of the poem that you liked?
9. Who is going to be the guest speaker for the assembly?
10. Whose homework was turned in without a name written on it?
11. What is your dogs name?
12. Which car is yours?
13. Whose birthday is in the month of December?
14. to Who to was the angry phone call made?
15. What is in the tropical punch in the punch bowl?
16. Who is the new principal of the elementary school?
17. Which one of the sandwiches is made with ham?
18. What did we see at the movies last week?
Interrogative Pronouns
Interrogative pronouns are used in sentences that ask questions.

who whom what whose which
Add an interrogative pronoun to complete each question sentence.
1. Which one of the books is your favorite?
2. to Whom to should I address the letter?
3. Whose shoes are sitting outside the front door?
4. What would you like to do tomorrow?
5. Whose house should we go to on Saturday to watch the game?
6. to Whom to was the package sent?
7. Who is the new student in the band?
8. What is the title of the poem that you liked?
9. Who is going to be the guest speaker for the assembly?
10. Whose homework was turned in without a name written on it?
11. What is your dogs name?
12. Which car is yours?
13. Whose birthday is in the month of December?
14. to Who to was the angry phone call made?
15. What is in the tropical punch in the punch bowl?
16. Who is the new principal of the elementary school?
17. Which one of the sandwiches is made with ham?
18. What did we see at the movies last week?
Object Pronouns
Name: David Parada Guaje
An object pronoun is used in place of a person or thing that
is acted upon or receives the action of the verb in a sentence.
Person Object Pronouns Singular Object Pronouns - Plural
1st (speaking) Me Us
2nd (being spoken to) You You
3rd (being spoken about) Him/Her/It Them
1. (Joe, Scott, and Bob) the waiter brought out three plates of food for them.
2. (My Aunt Jane) My brother and I wrote thank you letters to her.
3. (Nick and I) The science teacher gave a bottle rocket to us.
4. (The neighbors car) the mechanic from the garage went to work on it.
5. (Jenny and Fatima) my parents bought $25 gift certificates for them.
6. (The little old lady) I carried in the bags of groceries to help her.
7. (Adams grandfather) Adam carefully painted a special portrait of him.
8. (The blue notebook) Samantha quickly wrote down all her notes in it.
9. (The pens and pencils) I bought a new zippered pouch at the store for them.
10. (Youre Uncle Peter) Sally expertly danced her tap dance routine for him.
11. (The Andersons) we got a letter in our mailbox that belongs to them.
12. (Amanda Sanderson) Andrew went shopping and bought a ring for her.
13. (The boy wearing red) the soccer goalie kicked the soccer ball to him
14. (The small girl) the waitress handed the ice cream cone to her.
15. (Your parents) you couldnt wait to show the report card to them.
16. (The green apple) the kitchen store sells a special tool to cut it
17. (The sweet oranges) I learned to make a delicious recipe that uses them.
18. (Sally and Jeff) before we go to the movies, I should call them.
19. (You and I) Peter and Jason will cook dinner tonight for us.
20. (Timothy Johnson) Sylvia put on an apron and baked cookies for him.
21. (The city of Tokyo) we looked everywhere on the map for it.
22. (Melanie and Susan) a package from the book store arrived for them
23. (My friend, Susannah) I think she knows the answer, so I will go ask her.
24. (Your parents and I) All of the neighbors threw a surprise party for us.
25. (Our cousin Kenny) Aunt Alexia mailed a suitcase to our house for him.
Object Pronouns
Name: David
An object pronoun is used in place of a person or thing that
Is acted upon or receives the action of the verb in a sentence.
Complete each sentence with the appropriate pronoun.Copyright 2011 K12Reader -
Person Object Pronouns Singular Object Pronouns - Plural
1st (speaking) Me Us
2nd (being spoken to) You You
3rd (being spoken about) Him/Her/It Them
1. (Joe, Scott, and Bob) the waiter brought out three plates of food for them.
2. (My Aunt Jane) My brother and I wrote thank you letters to her.
3. (Nick and I) The science teacher gave a bottle rocket to us.
4. (The neighbors car) the mechanic from the garage went to work on it.
5. (Jenny and Fatima) my parents bought $25 gift certificates for them.
6. (The little old lady) I carried in the bags of groceries to help her.
7. (Adams grandfather) Adam carefully painted a special portrait of him.
8. (The blue notebook) Samantha quickly wrote down all her notes in it.
9. (The pens and pencils) I bought a new zippered pouch at the store for them.
10. (Youre Uncle Peter) Sally expertly danced her tap dance routine for him.
11. (The Andersons) we got a letter in our mailbox that belongs to them.
12. (Amanda Sanderson) Andrew went shopping and bought a ring for her.
13. (The boy wearing red) the soccer goalie kicked the soccer ball to him
14. (The small girl) the waitress handed the ice cream cone to her.
15. (Your parents) you couldnt wait to show the report card to them.
16. (The green apple) the kitchen store sells a special tool to cut it
17. (The sweet oranges) I learned to make a delicious recipe that uses them.
18. (Sally and Jeff) before we go to the movies, I should call them.
19. (You and I) Peter and Jason will cook dinner tonight for us.
20. (Timothy Johnson) Sylvia put on an apron and baked cookies for him.
21. (The city of Tokyo) we looked everywhere on the map for it.
22. (Melanie and Susan) a package from the book store arrived for them
23. (My friend, Susannah) I think she knows the answer, so I will go ask her.
24. (Your parents and I) All of the neighbors threw a surprise party for us.
25. (Our cousin Kenny) Aunt Alexia mailed a suitcase to our house for him.
Object Pronouns
Personal pronouns are used to represent people. They can show
first person (the speaker), second person (the person being
spoken to), or third person (the person being spoken about).
If the pronoun is the subject of the sentence, we say it is a
subject pronoun (sometimes called a nominative pronoun). If the pronoun
is the object of the sentence, we say it is an object pronoun.
Person Subject Pronouns Singular Subject Pronouns - Plural
1st I We
2nd You You
3rd He/She/It They
Person Object Pronouns Singular Object Pronouns - Plural
1st Me Us
2nd You You
3rd Him/Her/It Them
Circle the pronoun in each sentence. On the line in front of each sentence, write S if the
pronoun is a subject pronoun or O if the pronoun is an object pronoun.
______O________1. Mary gave me the letter.
______S_______2. You can sit down by the fire.
_____S_____3. They are going to watch a movie at the new theater.
_____O_______4. Peter and Cindy can go with us tomorrow.
_____S_______5. We have been friends for many years.
_____S______6. It is inside the pocket of the black backpack.
_____O_______7. The librarian gave me the library book.
_____O_______8. Jennys mother brought her a sandwich for lunch.
______S_______9. She played with the new puppy all day.
________S_____10. You went to the party on Saturday night.
_______O________11. Sylvia will give you the book next week.
________O________12. Park the bicycles in the rack and leave the keys for us.
________S_________13. He called the store, but everyone was on a lunch break.
_____O_______14. Scotts dad gave us a ride to the baseball game.
_____S________15. I usually study for a few hours the night before a test.
______O_______16. Jerry and Mark went to the school play with them on Monday.
_____O______17. Send me a copy of the report in the mail.
____S_____18. He never said goodbye before going on the month-long trip.
_____S________19. We ate dinner at a nice restaurant before returning home.
____O_______20. Aunt Marie baked him a delicious chocolate cake.
Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone
or something.
If the shoes belong to me, they are my shoes. They are mine.
If the car belongs to you, it is your car. It is yours.
If the books belong to her, they are her books. They are hers.
If the pencil belongs to him, it is his pencil. It is his.
If the leaf belongs to the plant, it is its leaf.
If the food belongs to us, it is our food. It is ours.
If the house belongs to them, it is their house. It is theirs.
Choose the possessive pronouns that best complete each sentence.
1. _______my_________(My/Mine) brother planted a beautiful apricot tree in
________our________(our/ours) front yard.
2. Annalisa finished ____her_________ (her/hers) homework early, but Julissa did
not do _____hers__________(her/hers) until later.
3. The little boy who lives next door played with ____his_________(him/his) toys.
4. The furniture belongs to my mother. It is ________hers_________(her/hers).
5. _______our__________(Our/Ours) family enjoys spending time together.
6. Jennys dad trimmed the branches off the tree. It looked bare without all of
_________its_________ (it/its) branches.
7. You must remember to clean ______your_________(your/yours) room before
you go to the party.
8. Mr. and Mrs. Rochester bought a plant for _______their_________ (their/theirs)
9. The bicycle over there is ______his______(him/his), but this one right here is
_____________mine__________ (my/mine).
10. Angela likes to wear ______her___________ (her/hers) hair long, while Peggy
prefers to wear _________hers_______(her/hers) short.
Reflexive Pronouns Name: ____________________________
A reflexive pronoun is used when the subject and object of the sentence are the same.
The reflexive pronouns are: myself, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, ourselves,
Circle the reflexive pronoun in each sentence. Draw a line back to the subject it is reflecting.
1. I dressed myself this morning.
2. He made breakfast all by himself.
3. We had to cook for ourselves since mom didnt want to make dinner.
4. When you go shopping for me, buy a present for yourself.
5. She created all the Christmas decorations by herself.
6. The new robotic toys can put themselves away.
7. They used to camera on the cell phone to take pictures of themselves.
8. The man talked to himself as he walked down the street.
9. The parrot admired itself in the mirror for several hours each day.
10. I used a video to teach myself how to knit.
11. The television uses a timer to turn itself off after one hour.
12. You may help yourself to any of the snacks on the table.
13. He hurt himself on the rusty nail and had to get a shot.
14. The little girl learned how to dress herself for school.
15. When you save money in the bank, its like you are paying yourself.
16. We ate so much turkey and pumpkin pie that we made ourselves sick.
17. The soccer team decided to call themselves the Tiger Tales.
18. When I saw myself in the mirror, I realized that I had paint on my cheek.
19. Did you take a class in engineering, or did you teach yourself?
20. My grandmother is no longer able to feed herself, so I help her

A relative pronoun introduces a dependent clause that modifies
(gives more information about) a word, phrase, or idea in the
independent clause.

who whom whose that which
Underline the relative clause in each sentence.
Circle the relative pronoun that introduces the clause.
1. The book that I got from the library is due tomorrow.
2. My father, whom I respect, congratulated me on a job well done.
3. I am always frustrated by people who talk while watching a movie.
4. The store no longer sold the computer that I wanted.
5. We walked past the church in which I was baptized.
6. The child to whom you have spoken is my sister.
7. The tallest man who came to the show is my Uncle James.
8. The man whose restaurant burned down was very sad.
9. My first novel, which was published last year, was about my family.
10. The hit song, whose composer won an award, has been playing all day.
11. The building that was scheduled for demolition was knocked down.
12. The young girl who lives next door needs a babysitter.
13. The singer who was very talented won the contest.
14. The reckless driver who ran the red light crashed his car.
15. Clearance sales, which happen rarely, are great ways to save money.
16. Spiders, which build beautiful webs, eat the flies they catch.
17. The bicycle that I ride to school is quite old and needs some repairs.
18. The truck, which was a huge machine, could carry all their belongings.
19. My cousin, whose guitar playing you have heard, wants to be a musician.
20. I have a hard time believing that she really told such a lie.
21. Last summer they traveled to Rome, which is in Italy.
22. What did you buy with the money that you got for your birthday?
23. The delightful little boy, who is wearing a baseball cap, is her son.
24. Mrs. Anderson, whose daughter is also a teacher here, teaches first grade.
25. Your response to my question, which I received today, was appreciated
When a pronoun is an indirect object, it should be in the objective case.
Example: Correct: I bought her an apple.
Incorrect: I bought she an apple.
In the example the direct object is apple. The correct indirect object is her. which is the objective
case. Using
she as the indirect object is incorrect.
Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.
1. Edward threw (he, him) ______Him______________ the ball.
2. The clerk gave my sister and (me, I) ________me____________ the bags.
3. Travis painted (she, her) _________her___________ a picture.
4. For the second time, Felicia told (them, they) _______them_____________ a joke.
5. Violets father bought (her, she) _______her__________ the bike that (she, her)
________she_______ wanted.
6. Alice and Vances mother made (they, them) ________them____________ breakfast before
7. The teacher showed (us, we) __________us__________ the map of the Netherlands.
8. (Them, They) _________they___________ built (we, us) ________us____________ new
swimming pool.
Name: ___________________________Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved.
Free for educational use at home or in classrooms.
Pronouns as Indirect Objects
When a pronoun is an indirect object, it should be in the objective case.
Example: Correct: I bought her an apple.
Incorrect: I bought she an apple.
In the example the direct object is apple. The correct indirect object is her. which is the objective
case. Using
she as the indirect object is incorrect.
Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.
1. Edward threw (he, him) ______Him______________ the ball.
2. The clerk gave my sister and (me, I) ________me____________ the bags.
3. Travis painted (she, her) _________her___________ a picture.
4. For the second time, Felicia told (them, they) _______them_____________ a joke.
5. Violets father bought (her, she) _______her__________ the bike that (she, her)
________she_______ wanted.
6. Alice and Vances mother made (they, them) ________them____________ breakfast before
7. The teacher showed (us, we) __________us__________ the map of the Netherlands.
8. (Them, They) _________they___________ built (we, us) ________us____________ new
swimming pool.

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