Bluefield State College - Blue and Gold - Volume XI Number 3
Bluefield State College - Blue and Gold - Volume XI Number 3
Bluefield State College - Blue and Gold - Volume XI Number 3
Volume XI
No. 3 2006
A Message from the President
Board of Governors As Bluefield State College prepares for the start of
Norris Kantor, Esq. its 112th academic year, I sincerely believe the institu-
tion is poised to achieve new milestones on a path of
Mr. Jeff Forlines
Vice Chair excellence. Our Board of Governors, students, faculty,
Dr. Louis Aikens staff, alumni, and friends have provided a synergy that
Mr. John E. "Jack" Caffrey has created confidence and a continuing belief in the
Ms. Anne Crowe College’s commitment to “Making Education Possible.”
Dr. Lyn Guy
Mr. Edward Knight, III Bluefield State College is proud of its recognition
The Reverend Garry D. Moore, Sr. for producing graduates who have become leaders in
Mr. James J. Palmer, III Albert L. Walker their chosen fields in the region, the nation, and the
Mr. Jack D. Stafford President
world. I am grateful for the commitment and dedica-
Dr. Norman Mirsky
tion of the faculty and staff. These traits are critically
Faculty Representative
Mr. Daniel L. Frost important components in achieving the College’s goals and objectives. In a state
Classified Staff Representative and national climate of increasing costs and diminished resources, it is the human
Mr. Eli Sharp capital of our faculty, staff, and administrators that makes the institution secure.
Student Representative As we look toward planning, implementing, and initiating new programs and
projects, the support of our alumni and friends will be invaluable. The commit-
Administrative Staff ment of resources and input from our alumni and friends demonstrates their will-
Dr. Albert Walker ingness to invest in Bluefield State’s promising future-sustaining our legacy of pro-
Dr. Don Smith ducing leaders.
Vice President for Within the pages of this publication are stories of successful graduates, aca-
Academic Affairs and Provost demic achievements, ambitious projects, and a belief in our future of continued
Ms. Shelia Johnson service to students and community. Thank you for your interest, consideration,
Vice President of Financial and
encouragement, and support.
Administrative Affairs
Mr. John Cardwell
Vice President of Student
Affairs Board of Governor’s News
Dr. Thomas E. Blevins
Dean of the Virtual College and
by Norris Kantor, Esq., Chair
Information Technology and the A barometer for the success enjoyed by Bluefield
School of Teacher Education; State College is contained in the pages of each edition
Professor, English/Education of the Blue and Gold. This issue is filled with new suc-
Dr. Felica Wooten Blanks
Executive Director of cesses and achievements, and it is particularly encour-
Institutional Development and aging for your Board to work with the students, faculty,
Advancement; Director staff, and administration of the College as it accepts
of Title III challenges and creates opportunities.
Dr. Tracey Anderson
Director of Institutional
Recently, you have read stories detailing BSC’s
Research and Effectiveness approval to add new academic degrees like the
Norris Kantor
Mr. David Lord
Bachelor of Science program in Radiologic Sciences.
Director of Human Resources Progress continues as the College moves toward the
Mr. Jim Nelson introduction of a Master’s Degree program in Business
Assistant to the President/
Director, Institutional/Media Administration.
Relations BSC’s students continue to achieve world class success in autonomous robot-
ics, exceed state and national averages on licensure examinations, and augment
their involvement in cutting edge research.
Blue and Gold Concurrent with these developments, Bluefield State College has invested in
A quarterly publication for alumni
and friends of Bluefield State its community. Thus summer, BSC has hosted a College Summit and has estab-
College. This project is underwritten lished a Student Success Center. Both initiatives are designed to help students
by the Federal Title III/BRACE enroll in college, then succeed once they have begun their collegiate experience.
Program. (continued on page 9)
AAA Travel
622 Commerce Street
Bluefield, WV 24701
304-327-8187 or 800-642-5878
Board Chair’s
continued from page 2
For the sixth consecutive year, sum-
mer recreational and sports camps
have given many disadvantaged chil-
dren the type of positive, productive
activities that are invaluable as they
grow and mature.
It is encouraging that the College
has also received a growing amount
of support from individuals within the
legislative and executive branches of
state government. Certainly, the
momentum exists for continued suc-
cess. Your interest, input, and support
are vital for continued growth. Your
Board sincerely appreciates your
Dr. Brian Noland (left), the new Chancellor/WV Higher Education interest and invites your involvement
Policy Commission, is pictured with BSC President Dr. Albert Walker, in helping to chart the future of
who welcomed the Chancellor during his recent visit to the campus. Bluefield State College.
8 nights first class hotels Final Payment is due October 25, 2006
Attention Graduates
Now is the time to join the Bluefield State College Alumni Association. Annual dues are $30 and
Life Membership is $300. Please complete the information below, detach, make checks payable to
BSCAA and mail to:
Mildred Washington, Chairperson
450 W. Columbus St.
Pickerington, OH 43147
Name Class of
Non-Profit Organization
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