Desert Magazine 1969 February

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The document describes several books related to desert regions, ghost towns, gold rushes, and travel guides for Mexico and Guatemala. It also provides information about an old 'wind machine' and mentions Crystalaire Country Club Estates.

Books described include guides to the Anza-Borrego Desert, cooking and camping in the desert, ghost towns of California, the life of the desert, the terrible trail of the Meek cutoff, desert solitude, metal detecting, wildflowers of the desert, the California gold rush, ghosts of the gold rush, exploring Death Valley, and travel guides to Mexico and Guatemala.

Activities and places mentioned in the books include driving and surviving in backcountry areas, ghost towns, lost mines, the Meek immigrant train route, desert regions across the West, metal detecting finds, desert wildflowers, the California gold rush, Mother Lode Country sites, and places to visit in Mexico and Guatemala.


ker. Second edition of this well-illustrated and sey. A well written and colorful account of how
documented book is enlarged considerably. Tops the discovery of gold in 1848 changed the lives
among guidebooks, it is equally recommended
for research material in an area that was crossed
by Anza, Kit Carson, the Mormon Battalion,
TERRIBLE of many thousands of people. The author pre-
sents this historic era through profiles of the
men and women who participated in the adven-
'49ers, Railroad Survey parties, Pegleg Smith, the
Jackass Mail, Butterfield Stage, and today's
adventurous tourists. 139 pages, cardboard
TRAIL: tures and struggles of the times. Hardcover, ex-
cellent artist illustrations, 208 pages, $3.95.
cover, $2.95.
the Meek GHOSTS OF THE GOLD RUSH by George Koenig.


Choral Pepper. Also useful in your own back
Cutoffc- To really enjoy a trip through California's
Mother Lode Country one should have a know-
ledge of the historical background and a guide
yard. Contains chapter by Jack Pepper on driv- to places to see. This travel and historical guide
ing and surviving in back country. Recipes are gives this information in a concise and interest-
named for ghost towns and lost mines and sug- ing manner. Paperback, illustrated, 72 pages,
gest places to go and things to do. Hardcover $1.95.
GHOST TOWNS AND MINING CAMPS OF CALI- photos and maps with time estimates from place
FORNIA by Remi Nadeau. The only good, hard- By KEITH CLARKE and LOWELL TILLER to place and geology, natural history and
cover book on the California ghost towns. Wo human interest information included. Paperback
recommend it highly. $5.95. A dramatic account of the members of $1.95.
the Meek immigrant train whose suffer-
ing and deaths surpassed even that of
the Donner Pass tragedy. The book also
sheds new light on the Blue Bucket lost
gold mystery which the Meek party found
during their tragic trek through Oregon.
Illustrated with photographs and maps, ; ™" '•

hardcover, 243 pages.

$4.00 All Of

at LGuatemala
o w COH
IK BWIltlme I H I HUH ecu ni
SUN, SAND AND SOLITUDE by Randall Hender-
son. For more than 50 years Randall Henderson HUM
has traveled across the deserts of the West until to™ ion >M want.1
today he is known as the voice and prophet of
this region of mystery, solitude and beauty.
Founder of Desert Magazine in 1 9 3 1 , he has de-
THE LIFE OF THE DESERT voted his life to understanding the great out-
doors. His second and latest book is a culmin- ALL OF MEXICO
By ANN AND MYRON SUTTON ation of his experiences, thoughts and philoso-
phy. Hardcover, deluxe format, deckle-edged AND GUATEMALA
paper, 16 pages full color, excellent illustrations,
Published in cooperation with the World $7.95. By NORMAN D. FORD
Book Encyclopedia this beautifully illus-
trated volume covers life on the desert A complete travel guide on places to see
from all aspects, including plants and METAL DETECTOR HANDBOOK by Art Lassagne, in an area that boasts more ancient his-
animals and how they survive. Also 2nd edition. Includes history, operating tech- tory and culture than all of the rest of
similarities among North American desert niques, interpretation of signals, and Directory the Western hemisphere. Gives rates at
regions. Profusely illustrated with four- of Manufacturers. One of the most complete hotels and restaurants. For as little as
color photographs, large format, slick handbooks of its kind. Paperback, 65 pages. $6.00 a day you can stay at posadas or
paper, hardcover, 231 pages. $3.00. inns, food included. Paperback 200 pps.

$4.95 100 DESERT WILDFLOWERS by Natt Dodge. All $2.00

in full color. Handy to carry for identification.
Paperback, $1.50.

his search for archeological finds for more than Colin Fletcher. An odyssey of a man who lived
30 years, the author was exposed to the rumors WHEN ORDERING BOOKS simply and in solitude for two months as he
and legends of lost gold and treasures. After PLEASE hiked through the Grand Canyon. Combining
his retirement as curator of the Arizona State his physical prowess with Thoreau-like observa-
Museum, he classified and delved into these Add 50 cents PER ORDER tions, the author has written a book of great
stit! unsolved mysteries. An interesting and in- magnitude. Hardcover, illustrated, 239 pages,
formative book on lost bonanzas and legends,
(Not Each Book)
many of which have never been published. for handling and mailing
Hardcover, well illustrated, 135 pages, $6.50.
California residents add 5 percent BEACHES OF BAJA by Walt Wheelock. The au-
sales tax, regardless of whether you thor has personally explored the beautiful
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA by the Editors of Sun- are a Republican or Democrat. beaches of Baja, which, unlike those of Upper
set Books. An illustrated guide to Southern Cali- Send check or money order to Desert Maga- California, are uncluttered and uncrowded. He
fornia, this is another in Sunset Books series. It zine Book Shop, Palm Desert, California tells how to reach the beaches and what type of
presents in capsule form most of the interesting 92260. Sorry, but we cannot accept charges transportation is needed. A companion book to
places to visit in the Southland. Heavy paper- or C.O.D. orders. Gerhard and Gulick's Lower California Guide
back, 8 x 1 1 format, 128 pages, $1.95. Book. Paperbook, illustrated, 72 pages, $1.95.

Volume 32 Number 2
4 Book Reviews
4 A Peek in the Publisher's Poke

5 National Date Festival

6 Saga of the Spadefoot Toad
8 Lost Horse Valley
Advertising Manager
12 San Sebastian Marsh
Executive Secretary

16 A Tram With A Porpoise


20 Berdoo Canyon Gold

CHORAL PEPPER 22 Desert Area Map

Travel Feature Editor
24 Ancient Lake Cahuilla
Staff Writer
26 Wild Palm Canyons
Back Country Editor
28 Fear the Teddy Bear Cholla

EDITORIAL OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea, Palm Desert,

30 Dateline . . . U.S.A.
California 92260. Area Code 714 346-8144.
Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs not
accompanied by self addressed, stamped and zip
coded envelopes will NOT be returned.
34 Desert Wildflower Schedule
ADVERTISING OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea, Palm
Desert, California 92260. Phone 714 346-8144. 37 Cactus Slim
Listed in Standard Rate & Data.
CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT: 74-109 Larrea, 38 Back Country Travel
Palm Desert, California 92260. Desert Magazine By BILL BRYAN
is published monthly. Subscription prices: United
States, 1 year, $5.00; 2 years, $9.50; 3 years,
$13.00. Foreign subscribers add $1.00 U. S.
42 Woman's View Point
Currency for each year. See Subscription Order
Form in back of this issue. Allow five weeks for 43 Letters
change of address and be sure to send both
new and old addresses with zip code.


DESERT is published monthly by Desert Magazine, Front Cover: Ancient Washingtonian Palms are found in the
Palm Desert, Calif. Second Class Postage paid at
many picturesque canyons at the bottom of the San Jacinto
Palm Desert, Calif., and at additional mailing
offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Title regis- Mountains near Palm Desert and Palm Springs. Yellow Brittle
tered NO. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, and Bush provides a contrast in the photo by David Muench, Santa
contents copyrighted 1969 by Desert Magazine. Barbara, Calif. Page 30: Majestic date palms grow both in large
Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs cannot cultivated fields and in canyons in Coachella Valley, the na-
be returned or acknowledged unless full return
tion's largest producer of the 8000-year-old fruit—photo by
postage is enclosed. Permission to reproduce con-
tents n-ust be secured from the editor in writing. Jack Pepper.
BOOK, HE VIEW S A Peek in the
By Edward Abbey
The Weekend Gold Miner, which he
describes as "A Handbook for Amateur
Sourdoughs," is written clearly and has
Publisher's Poke
"The desert is atonal, cruel, neither Within California's four southern
all the information needed for amateur counties are majestic mountains covered
romantic nor classical, motionless and prospectors. Even if you do not plan to
emotionless at one and the same time . . . with forests and snow-capped peaks, lakes
seek gold, it is an interesting explanation and rivers—and the mysterious Colorado
Like death? Perhaps. And perhaps that on how and where gold is found, how it
is why life nowhere appears so brave, so Desert.
is separated from other material and how
bright, so full of oracle and miracles as From San Gorgonio Peak, rising
it is tested—so you can be an armchair
in the desert." 11,485 feet into the sky, to the Salton
authority. Paperback, 40 pages, $1.50.
This is one of the many moving pas- Sea, 248 below sea level, and from
sages in this new book by Edward Abbey, the "high desert" of San Bernardino
novelist and poet. The author first County to the Anza-Borrego State Park
learned to love the desert when he spent in Imperial and San Diego counties, the
several seasons in isolated areas by him- land is rich in history and modern-day
self as a park ranger. This is the story of ROCKS, GEMS AND MINERALS adventure.
his sojourn, and, while it creates the true By the Editors of This Special Issue is devoted to those
feeling of the desert, it is also an intro- Gems and Minerals Magazine areas, and to the Coachella Valley of
spective book—the observations of a man Riverside County, where scenic Highway
who left the world behind to think about This is a combination handbook and 111 winds through smog-free communi-
man and his endeavors. directory that serves both as an introduc- ties and date and citrus groves. Each win-
tion for the beginner and a useful source ter season thousands of people every week
There are mountain men, there are
and guide for the experienced rock- leave the northern rain and snow to en-
men of the sea, and there are desert rats.
hound. Compiled from the 30-year files joy the sun and warmth of the Colorado
"I am a desert rat," he states, "But why?
of Gems and Minerals, and The Miner- Desert.
And why . . is the desert more alluring,
alogist, the volume covers every facet of Location of the areas covered by articles
more baffling, more fascinating than
the popular hobby. in this issue are marked on the map on
either the mountains or the sea?" In his
book he describes his everyday experiences It is not a textbook, although enough Pages 22 and 23, along with hundreds
and then tells why he is a desert rat— technical information is given to permit of other places of interest. On Page 34
and how he finds happiness in desert readers to make judgments. It contains there is a schedule of when and where
solitaire. Author of three novels, Abbey how-to-do information so a novice can the wildflowers bloom.
lives in Arizona. Hardcover, 269 pages, get started in gem cutting, jewelry mak- We hope you enjoy this edition, and
S5.95. ing, or mineral collecting, and, at the the many exciting issues we have planned
same time contains facts for the more for 1969. And when you come to the
advanced rockhound in a concise and Coachella Valley be sure to stop by our
comprehensive report. Desert Magazine Book Shop and Infor-
The 17 chapters are complete within mation Center. We are open six days a
By A. H. Ryan themselves, making research easy, so the week, but closed on Sundays. Happy ex-
Once a life-time occupation of prospec- reader can select at random the fields in ploring.
tors and miners, the search for gold today which he is interested. Each chapter is
is becoming as popular a hobby as gem well illustrated, especially those showing
collecting and bottle hunting. Every how to cut and polish gemstones.
Saturday hundreds of "weekend prospec- Chapters include How To Get Started,
tors" leave their homes and head for ,the Favorite Localities, Gem Cutting, Tum-
mountains and deserts in search of bling, Jewelry Making, Field Recognition
"color". of Gems and Minerals, Field Trips and
The color may only be the evening Collecting Minerals. A chapter on Other BOOKS
sunset, but it entices families to get out Things to Do With Rocks illustrates ways
under the open sky—and many times it of making mosaic pictures and many
pays for the weekend outing with money other displays for both inside and out-
to spare. side the home. Two important chapters
Dr. A. H. Ryan, an electronic physi- are the Federation Directory and the Order FREE Catalogue
cist, was bitten by the gold bug several Directory of Suppliers and Services. DESERT MAGAZINE
years ago while on a fishing trip with Large format, profusely illustrated,
his family. Since then he devotes his color cover, 192 pages, heavy paperback,
Palm Desert, California 92260
spare time to his new hobby. $2.00.
EATURING SUCH attractions as the Ara- zade, a living counterpart to the legendary
F bian Nights Pageant and camel and
ostrich races, this year's famed National
beauty and wit of old Bagdad, reigns
over the National Date Festival with
A costumed street parade through down-
town Indio highlights Date Festival ac-
tivities on George Washington's birth-
Date Festival will be held in Indio, Cali- nine lovely princesses in the Queen Sche- day.
fornia February 14 through 23- herazade Court of Beauty. National Date Festival grounds are on
By taking its theme from the tantaliz- Comical camel and ostrich races are Highway 111 in Indio, about 125 miles
ing tales told by Scheherazade the Na- staged daily with the National Horse from downtown Los Angeles, central San
tional Date Festival has grown from a Show which is one of the nation's lead- Fernando Valley and most of Orange
modest county fair into one of the na- ing equestrian events. A large and diverse County.
tion's most unusual expositions. The gem and mineral show, showings of des- It should be borne in mind that day-
usual theme, which is characterized in ert paintings in the fine arts department time temperatures at Indio will range
many ways, recognizes the origin of dates and a varied collection of desert dry ar- up to the high 80s but it normally starts
from the nations of the Near East. rangements in the floriculture section are cooling about 5 p.m. and wraps are de-
Most spectacular feature of the Na- other attractions. sirable for viewing the Arabian Nights
tional Date Festival is the colorful Ara- Dates and citrus are shown in displays pageant.
bian Nights Pageant which is presented which use such themes as: Aladdin's Overnight accommodations are at a
free each evening from a mammoth stage Lamp, Sinbad's Ship, Genies, flying car- premium in and around Indio during
fashioned after an ancient Arabian Vil- pets and other motifs from the delightful the National Date Festival so reserva-
lage. Arabian Nights fantasies. tions should be made as early as possible.
Beautiful costuming and lighting For all of its romantic and exciting re- Listings of hotels, motels and trailer
created for the Arabian Nights Pageant production of fabled old Arabia, the Na- parks taking overnight guests are avail-
help to enhance the performance of some tional Date Festival retains the tradition- able through the Indio Chamber of Com-
150 amateur singers and dancers in the al features of a county fair, including merce, Arabia Street and Highway 111,
musical extravaganza. Queen Schehera- a large Junior Fair and Livestock Show. Indio, California 92201. •


The unique hydraulic mechanism which raises the onds. Enjoy

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safely at any speed with minimum drag and sway. sink, cabinets, ice box, beds and many other luxury
Sit or recline on comfortable couches while travel- features.
ing with top down. Alaskan camper top raises in sec- 6 FACTORIES TO SERVE YOU

Write today to the factory nearest you tor free folder describing the most advanced camper on the road.
R. D. HALL MFG., INC., 9847 Glenoaks Blvd., Sun Valley (San Fernando Valley) California 91352. Dept. D. PENNECAMP, INC., 401 W. End Ave., Manheim, Penna., 17545, Dept, 4

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Route 1, Box 332, Suisun City, California 94585, Dept. D. FORT LUPTON CAMPERS, INC., 1100 Denver Ave.. Fort Lupton. Colorado 80621. Dept. D
by K. L Boynton

with a thin moist skin cool and humid woods or gardens, and in the wrong pew, but the fact is that 7
that loses water fast by evaporation,
the desert is the LAST place to be. But
why the big shouting spring choruses and
egg-laying bees are held in marshes and
of the 8 or 9 species in North America
live only in the arid lands of the South-
that corpulent opportunist, the Spadefoot ponds and along slow-moving streams. west; Arizona, New Mexico, California,
Toad, has made himself right at home in The hatching tadpoles spend their early Texas—all having various and sundry
the arid Southwest, mainly by capitalizing days as fishlike creatures in the water, kinds.
on the handicaps that beset him right and breathing by gills. Gradually they develop Up front in the Spadefoot is noise
left. In fact, so good are his adaptations legs and potential lungs, eventually reach- making machinery second to none. Bring-
to this parched and rugged land, he ing the point of change where they come ing up the rear is excavating machinery,
doesn't give a croak for the worst the ashore as froglets or toadlets to breathe by fast and efficient, and in between a body
desert can do. lungs. Their hopping days must be spent with surprising physiological tricks. Add
Frogs and toads belong to the amphi- close to the sources of moisture, for not to this a pre-adaptation for standing high
bian animal group because they are "two- only is their thin skin a moisture-loser, it temperatures, and built-in tactics evolved
lifers," spending part of their lives on is also a moisture taker-upper. Body fluid under hot, arid conditions, and you have
land, but tied to a partial life in the balance is . maintained this way, since a combination the desert can't beat.
water. Not only are the adults bedevilled toads and frogs are not given to drink- On the inner side of each hind foot is
by having a hide that cannot keep the ing. Furthermore, the thin moist hide is a wedge or sickle-shaped spade, a sharp
vital body fluids from evaporating, the part of the breathing department, helping edged digging tool with a hard bony
youngsters must begin life and spend the lungs bring in oxygen needed to run core. Set at an angle and worked by tre-
their early developing days in a fluid the frog or toad concern. mendous leg and back muscles attached
medium. All of which is why most frogs With a set up like this it would seem to rugged pelvic bones, these two spades
and toads stick around water courses or the Spadefoot in the desert is definitely make even hard soil fly, flinging it up-
ward and over the Spadefoot, who dis- the long period underground. And it is
appears downwards In surprisingly short well dial lie docs, because (.he ixxst good
time. rain acts like Gabriel's trumpet.
In burrows made this way, or in sec- Out come the Spadefoots, the males
ond hand holes of kangaroo rats or others hotfooting it to the first temporary rain
of the digging gentry, the Spadefoot pools. Here they set up a collective hoot
spends the day, coming out to stuff him- and holler with their famous noise mak-
self on insects and other arthropods in ing machinery (air shunted back and
the cool darkness. Avoiding the heat by forth between their lungs and closed
burrowing is a good survival trick, for mouth make their vocal cords vibrate and
the temperature even a few inches down the racket is enhanced by resonating sacs)
is much lower. (For example, somebody that can be heard for some two miles
made a test in the Sahara, finding the even by human ears. Naturally enough,
surface temperatures 140° F., while down lady Spadefoots are not deaf, and in no
less than 10 inches the temperature re- time at all, a hoe-down is underway.
mained 89-91° F. throughout the day.) Now the thing is that these shallow
Winter finds the Spadefoot deeply desert rain pools are not going to last very
buried, with the entrance plugged up. long, and if the Spadefoot population is
Head down, feet held under him, he's going to be kept up, there can't be any
barely alive, so low geared are his body fooling around. Desert evolved, both
processes. In the high summer heat and males and females are in ripe breeding
dryness, the Spadefoot retires into the condtion, needing only the rain for stimu-
ground again, estivating in a lighter sleep lation. Eggs are laid fast and embryo de-
than hibernation. Here it is the thin velopment commences at once. In the few MORE SUN-MORE FUN
skin is a tremendous plus, for it can cool hours after laying, the early touchy THAN PALM SPRINGS
absorb moisture from the surrounding stages are completed, so that with the
soil, albeit there only in minute quanti- coming of day and rising heat in the Phone 714 346-8113
ties. Run by hormones from the pituitary, pool, the Spadefoot eggs have reached a 75-188 Hwy. I l l , Indian Wells, Calif.
this moisture - absorbing quality of the stage that can better stand temperature "Center of Golf Country, U.S.A."
skin helps keep the Spadefoot plump and strain.
ready for business when conditions up- The eggs not only hatch in record
stairs improve, and he can come forth time (about two days compared to a
Looking for Gold
again. week or so in other species) the tadpoles or Platinum?
The Spadefoot has another ace while themselves develop faster than those of TRY THE NEW GENCO
in the hole—namely a kidney-bladder ar- ordinary frogs and toads, and with luck
rangement designed to conserve and re- the batch is through with its pre-adult
use water already in the body. Various stage in around three weeks.
parts of the kidneys work over the blood But the temporary pools are getting
supply corning in, removing body waste shallower each day, drying up more and
materials, and returning most of the water more and in the terrible race against time
to the circulatory system in standard and the desert, the tadpoles themselves
fashion. Additionally, however, in the have developed behavior that helps keep
Spadefoots, production of urine slows up the species. Swimming and working
down in periods of dryness for further their tails together, they beat up the bot- NOT A TREASURE LOCATOR, BUT A GOLD AND
conservation of water. The animal's tom of the pool, stirring up food-bearing PLATINUM DETECTOR FOR PROSPECTING.
wastes are secreted in a less toxic form DETECTS FREE PLACER GOLD AND PLATINUM
debris, making small hollows which deep- INSTANTLY
than in many vertebrates, and the body en the remaining water, adding oxygen by
& Simple to operate, requires no water, no
itself has greater tolerance of high con- water movement. panning.
centrations of these wastes. The bladder, -' Weighs less than one pound.
Fast developing as they are, the Spade-
too, serves as an extra water storage area, '• Makes hundreds of tests per day.
foot tadpoles have to go through the al-
being big and extensible, so also do parts " • Uses standard transistor radio battery.
loted metamorphosis, and the inexorable '••• Solid state components assure long life,
of the lymph system, and all this liquid
desert will not wait. Sometimes the race low battery drain.
can be gradually absorbed. The supply is Unit shipped complete with battery and
is lost; the last of the moisture fades instructions, ready to go—Only $29.50.
allocated neatly in the Spadefoot under
away, and the tadpoles die. But often (Calif, residents add $1.48 state tax).
adverse conditions, too, so that the vital For immediate delivery, send check or
enough, the big race is won. Ashore money order to:
parts such as brain and heart are con-
come hundreds of young Spadefoots at
stantly well supplied. Western Engineering
last, to hop off confidently into the big
With all this going for him, the Spade- desert, wherein they know just exactly BOX 885 DEPT. D
foot keeps in operating condition during how to make a home. • MANHATTAN BEACH, CALIF. 90266


by Sandra L Keith

N CALIFORNIA'S Riverside County fore the Chemehuevi and Serrano Indians high rocks. Within the Hidden Valley
I where the Mojave and Colorado des-
erts quietly slip together, there are 870
were digging for food in this arid, beige campgrounds the campsites themselves
earth. are tucked here and there against the
square miles set aside as a national monu- The monument contains seven free granite outcroppings.
ment. Named after a tree that is actually campgrounds, and though not all of the Hidden Valley is a completely enclosed
a member of the lily family, the monu- campgrounds provide individual picnic valley and old-timers say it was used many
ment's altitudes range from 1000 feet at tables they do possess campsite fireplaces years ago as a cattle rustlers' hideout. The
the eastern end to nearly 6000 feet in the
and sanitary facilities. During the winter rock mountains appear impregnable, but
Little San Bernardino Mountains. With-
and spring months rangers conduct walks, looking closer you'll discover a small
in its boundaries the landscape changes
trips, and fireside talks. Though the days brown sign pointing to a nearly hidden
from a monochromatic brown to one of
blue and gold and green. may be warm and sunny for hiking, the trail.
Approximately 150 miles east of Los nights can be chilly if not outright cold, Once inside this wall of stones, the trail
Angeles, this particular piece of desert is so be sure to bring warm clothing and a splits into a walkway and a crawlway. If
the Joshua Tree National Monument. good supply of groceries as well as your you're feeling adventurous take the crawl-
Here the balance of nature lies undis- own firewood and water. way; it is a stoop-shouldered, slow-paced
turbed, for within this carefully protected Joshua Tree National Monument is shuffle up and under some unbelievably
preserve no living or dead wood may be divided into several areas, and within the massive monoliths, holding all the thrills
gathered, no plant or animal life removed, area known as Lost Horse Valley there and excitement of Tom Sawyer's cave.
nor any natural object defaced. For miles are many intriguing sights. The most The natural features along this Hidden
in any direction the landscape remains spectacular are the boulder mountains. Valley trail are marked by signs. You'll
essentially as it has for thousands of years, Here the desert floor is woven with maze see specimens of the rich and varied flora
since before the White Man came and be- upon maze of skyscraping boulders and scattered across the monument. Many of
Hidden Valley campgrounds in the Joshua Tree National Monument is a maze of giant boulders and rocks. A favorite
climbing and hiking area for children and adults, the site has a panoramic view of the valley. Joshua Trees and desert
flowers dot the landscape. It is open throughout the year.
the plants have unique titles, such as the upon them they are lovely, but when sun- The trail passes a Wood Rat home,
flowering Saltbush, Mormon Tea, Black- lit they glow, basking in a translucent built in a long and thin rock crevice.
brush, Squaw Waterweed, Desert Peach- halo of light reflected upon their spines. Often called a pack rat, he builds his
bush, and Paper Bag Bush which may Another cactus is the Beaver Tail, nest of Joshua Tree spines, sticks, stones,
still hold its miniature onionskin-like which is easy to identify, as it looks exact- cactus joints, and rubbi:-h. The visible
seed bags upon its dry brown limbs. ly as its name implies. Though it appears portion here is Mr. Woodrat's front
to have no spines this cactus has sharp, porch, for the real nest is usually under-
And here is the magnificent Joshua
nearly invisible spicules that can easily ground where there is more security.
Tree. The yucca brevifolia is a member of
and painfully penetrate your skin, and
the lily family. It does not bloom every In a land where the wind can be fierce
because of their minute size they are
year and does not branch unless the ter- and the thunderstorms, though infre-
tediously difficult to remove — as any
minal bud is killed; a job done either by quent, often violent, boulders have been
parent who has ever tried to pull them
the yucca-boring beetle or by the greenish- carved into strange and unusual shapes.
from a child's hand can vouch for.
white flowers that bloom in large, dense It takes little imagination to recognize
You will find delight in the Golden-
clusters in April and May. When these many familiar objects hidden upon these
bush with its golden flowerheads flood-
buds have finished flowering the stem stone mountains, and along this trail
ing the surrounding rocks. Lip Fern, small
branches off in a new direction, giving you'll find an "Ox" and a "Trojan"—
and delicate, grow under the lip of the
an angular and erratic shape to the tree. both marked by signs.
rocks where rainwater collects and the
Of the varied cacti stabbing the rocks sun's powerful rays cannot penetrate. The last jog of the Hidden Valley trail
and sand, one of the most beautiful is the Bright patches of light green, black, and winds up through a rocky gorge where
Cholla. It is a plant containing a myriad chartreuse lichen cling against boulders, the wind screams in and around the
of long, slender white thorns tipped with breaking them down and turning them boulders. Perhaps you'll have the impres-
yellow. Even without the sun shining into soil. sion of a gigantic blizzard raging around
the next corner, but it is <?nly <3(K COOtC
sleight of hand at which the desert is so
very good.
The Cap Rock-Salton View Road is
easily accessible within Lost Horse Val-
ley, and just a short distance off this
asphalt highway lies a weathered stone
monument upon which the crudely
carved words have all but disappeared.
This is the bleak grave of Johnny Lang,
an old prospector who was supposed to
have hidden a fortune in raw gold some-
where within Lost Horse Valley. It is
said he marked his hidden treasure with
small stones, and supposedly much of
the gold remains buried. But in a land
already studded with millions of small
rocks, where does one begin looking for
buried treasure? And, remember, it is a
criminal offense to dig in the area.
It isn't far now to Salton View. The
road snakes along the mountain, wiggles
up and up and then suddenly stops. Here
on the edge of a mountain is a parking
lot, and it is just a short way up a slope
to the observation platform. From this al-
titude of 5,185 feet the dusty brown
The Joshua Tree was named by the Mormon pioneers who thought the out- world below appears as a gigantic relief
stretched branches of the plants resembled arms and the trees themselves gave map; a vast sweep encompassing the en-
the appearance of the prophet, Joshua. tire Coachella Valley.
The panorama creeps in from the far
left, 30 miles distant and 241 feet below
sea level. From this small, gray speck on
the horizon known as the Salton Sea, the
sweep glides across and up, resting for a
moment on the 10,000-foot escarpment of
San Jacinto Peak, a chocolate cone sifted
with snow; then your eyes slip to the far
right and the 11,000-foot San Gorgonio
Mountain, Southern California's highest
peak, yet so far away it shows no more
of itself than a whipped-cream dome
glistening in the sun.
Over this whole sweep lies a thin, pur-
ple-beige haze. Yet what is lost in color
is gained in scope, and standing here in
the enveloping stillness you will realize
that men who seek the deserts discover
the quiet limits of the world.
Lost Horse Valley boasts other interest-
ing places too. Some are rather out-of-
the-way spots and require a sturdy pair of
hiking shoes, such as the trip to Barker
Dam. If you stay in the Hidden Valley
campgrounds you'll have a mile and a half
to walk. So head northeast toward that
Barker Dam forms a pool of water and reflects the clouds of the desert sky. It's long, unbroken wall of rock, follow the
a hidden oasis within the Joshua Tree National Monument. Indians used the thin and dusty one-lane road, and it will
springs within the Monument as did later prospectors and even cattle rustlers. eventually narrow into a footpath which

will take you into a maze of rocks. The
pa*f\ «CCf>3 afcng, kot -wkcrc tlic auu Lib,
full face and cool in the shady and nar-
row crevices where monolithic boulders
leave barely enough room to squeeze
Westward Ho!
In the springtime following a good wet
winter, Barker Dam is beautiful. Nestled
within these gigantic quartz-monzonite
What A Way To Bo!
Live in a quiet, desert setting with beautiful view, yet be
boulders, it is a large pool of water re- minutes away from shopping areas. Large fairway lots
flecting a sapphire sky and the happy available on 6512-yard, par 71 championship golf course
chartreuse of new leaves upon the trees from $6500.00. Each year more and people discover the
and the dark shadows of the granite tranquility of the desert and make the move. Now is the
giants. time to make your move to Westward Ho!
Most of the mammals within the monu-
ment are either secretive or nocturnal. Yet
you will undoubtedly spot the small ante-
lope ground squirrel—even on the hottest
For information write
days—playing hide and seek amidst these
granite outcroppings. Squawking, splash- Box WWW,
ing ducks may race across the water while Indio, California 92201
dozens of lizards scurry along the warm
or call 714 347-0651
rocks. Twilight may have already brought
what appeared to be a ghostly mirage—
coyotes skirting your campground; or per-
haps your evening campfire has reflected
the shadowy shape of a kangaroo rat lurk-
ing about the fire's orange edges. And
though some of the animals in the desert
Westward Ho! Golf Estates
have adapted to life so well that they can
go all year without taking a drink, there
are still those to whom this dam means
survival. F/£LO$...
Threading your way back along the
same trail which brought you to Barker
Dam, you'll discover another narrow path-
way branching off to the right. This leads
to Indian petroglyphs.
Lying inside a hollow, cave-like out-
cropping, the designs themselves are in-
triguing even though they have been van-
dalized and are now painted over with
bright colors. These crude signs were
chiseled here either by the Serrano or
Chemehuevi Indians, both speaking the
Shoshone dialects. Their exact age is un-
known and what the oddly-shaped forms
mean is still a secret, for these petroglyphs
have never been deciphered.
Joshua Tree National Monument hides
many other secrets. So climb the highest
monolith you can find—and be prepared
to blink unbelievingly at what you survey
from the top. It is a circular panorama— COACHELLA VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT
miles and miles of rock-bound mountains Leon Kennedy, President; Raymond R. Rummonds, Vice President;
beating upon the edge of infinity's door; Directors: Sidney D. Witherow, Jack Frost and George Leach
an inspiring technicolor of blue and gold P. O. Box 1058, Coachella, California
and green splashed across this timeless
desert canvas. D
San Sebastian
driest deserts! I was standing under the According to the well-kept diaries of
by George Leetch brilliant blue bowl of cloudless desert sky Father Pedro Font, a Spanish priest who
which curves up from the west out of Bor- accompanied Anza on his historic trek
rego Springs, sweeping over the cactus- across the desert, the oasis of San Sebas-
studded Fish Creek Mountains and finally tian played a critical role in the success
closes the horizon east of the Salton Sea. of the explorer's efforts which eventually
Across the sand dunes to the north I resulted in the founding of the city of
could hear a truck shift its gears as it San Francisco.
hauled a load of alfalfa along Highway Captain Anza was the first great trail
78. A scant 4 miles to the east, traffic was blazer across the interior of Alta Califor-
speeding along busy California State nia. It was during the tense period of the

I . STARED in astonishment when I first

saw it. There in front of me ran a clear
Highway 86 which borders the Salton
Sea. Yet here I was, seemingly as isloated
as if I were on the surface of the moon,
last half of the 18th century. The Span-
ish conquest of the new world was in
full swing. Baja California had been
little brook, gurgling quietly as it flowed and before me was one of the desert's colonized and Cabrillo and others had ex-
into a placid pond the size of a backyard secret places, rarely visited and little plored the upper California coastline.
swimming pool. Emerald green thickets known. The great interior region of Alta Califor-
of salt cedar and mesquite grew with When I first came to live in the Bor- nia however, remained a mystery. In
tropical lushness along the river bottom rego Desert I had heard vague tales of a fact, it was believed by many that upper
or festooned the steep bank on either side. swampy area out among the sand dunes. California was actually a huge island and
Schools of tiny fish, resisting the pull It was said to be in the vicinity of Harp- had no access by land.
of the steady current, darted swiftly from er's Well which is on the old Kane Emergency threatened the Spanish col-
one eddy to another, occasionally plung- Springs route of travel and was a popu- onies when Russia started to extend her
ing into the protective shade of verdant lar watering spot in the days of the cattle settlements from Alaska down the Pacific
patches of floating moss or duckweed. drives from Warner's Ranch to the Im- Coast. In brief, the great need of New
Farther out in the stream bed, where a perial Valley. Other than these sketchy California was far better transportation.
carrizo jungle screened the water, I could references that it was "somewhere out The sea voyage from Mexico to the Pa-
hear the raucous call of a bittern as it there on the desert" I could get little in- cific Coast was long and fraught with
stalked about on its unseen business. A formation as to the actual location of the • danger. The ships were inadequate and
covey of ducks exploded from a smaller marsh. supply lines by sea were unpredictable.
pond upstream, possibly startled by a It wasn't until several months later, Anza was one of the first to suggest
read-tailed hawk which had swung into while I was reading an account of Cap- a land route from Mexico to Alta Cali-
view. tain Juan Bautista de Anza's California fornia. He received his inspiration from
This was San Sebastian Marsh! Noth- expeditions by Herbert Eugene Bolton, the tales of Indians who lived on the
ing so unusual about it, really. Nothing that I again came across the name San Colorado River. They had heard of white
except that it was right, smack dab in the Sebastian and it was here that I got a men to the west who traveled up and
middle of one of the world's hottest, real clue as to its whereabouts. down the ocean.
author looks down
the marsh toward the
Fish Creek Mountains.
Along this arroyo
in 1774 Captain Juan
Bautista de Anza headed
toward the Pacific Ocean.
He was guided by an
Indian, Sebastian Tarabel,
after whom the oasis
was named.

At the junction of
Carrizo Creek and
San Felipe Wash, the
amount of water in
San Sebastian Marsh
•varies with the season
of the year and the
amount of mountain
runoff. Good camping
areas are on the banks
above the marsh. It once
was an oasis for Indians
and today is a source of
water for desert animals.
As if in answer to Anza's prayers, By the time the weary expedition had pletely covered, with SCKW. Eight
appeared Sebastian Tarabal, an Indian reached the vicinity of what is now Plas- and one mule froze to death that night.
who had fled across the mountains from ter City they were forced to make a dry- They had gorged themselves with water
the Mission San Gabriel. Sebastian had camp for the third day in a row. If water and the bitter cold killed them.
traveled southeastward over the moun- wasn't soon supplied the venture would A small village of Indians was en-
tains, descended Coyote Canyon, threaded perish. Sebastian, however, insisted that countered at the marsh and Father Font
his way through the Borrego Valley and water would be encountered during the describes their wretched, emaciated con-
continued across the forbidding Califor- next day's travel. On the strength of this dition. It was only after repeated over-
nia desert to arrive in Sonora, Mexico prospect, the pioneers managed to strug- tures of good will from the Spaniards
shortly before Anza set forth. Learning gle another day's journey over the desert that the Indians would draw near the en-
of the Indian's arrival, Anza secured him between Superstition Mountain to the campment.
as a guide for the long and unknown east and the Fish Creek Mountains to Anza's party camped at what is today
journey that he was about to undertake. the west. known as Harper's Well, four miles west
Few episodes of American history have Sebastian's word proved good and the of Kane Springs and Highway 86. Two
been so thoroughly documented as were exhausted caravan reached the promised miles past Harper's Well is the marsh
the Anza expeditions. So vivid and accur- water that afternoon. The joy and relief which was named after the Indian guide.
ate were the records kept that the whole of the party was unlimited and the water The hardy company spent several days in
route can be retraced from day to day, site was christened "San Sebastian" in an this area, resting and refreshing them-
camp to camp. Dependable water holes expression of gratitude to the Indian selves before pushing on to open a route
became matters of life or death. The fate guide. Father Font, Anza's faithful com- to the Pacific Ocean.
of over 200 colonists who were under the panion and chronicler of the historic San Sebastian Marsh is formed by the
leadership of Anza, rested on the guid- march, wrote in detail of their arrival at confluence of San Felipe Wash and Car-
ance and memory of the Indian, Sebastian. the oasis and of the events that took place
As Anza's caravan struggled across the rizo Creek. The water is an underground
there. river for many miles as it drains down
desert west of the Colorado River, the
scarcity of water became increasingly The bedraggled caravan reached San from the mountains to the west. At a
serious. Time after time the anticipated Sebastian spring at half-past three in the point where the topography reaches better
water holes were found to be dry or in- afternoon of December 13, 1774. The than 100 feet below sea level, the water
sufficient for the needs of the colonists desert was suffering a spell of icy cold surges to the surface, creating ponds and
and their animals. and the surrounding mountains were com- a small stream.

Thickets of salt cedar mark the edges of San Sebastian Marsh in San Felipe Creek. The dense growth in the center of the
photograph conceals the water. The unusual water oasis is near Harper's Well. It is only accessible by back country vehicles.
This would be a splendid area to set
aside for an historical landmark in com-
memoration of the vital role it played in
early California history. Not only is the
region of historical significance, but it has
the added attraction of being a refuge
and haven for wildlife. Coyote, fox, bob-
cats and many smaller creatures enjoy the
protection of its isolation. Birds, attracted
by the water, are in abundance and several
varieties of small fish are to be found in
the marsh.
Today the historic area is a forgotten
nook, tucked away in the heart of the
desert, yet within sight and sound of two
busy state highways. Occasionally a jeep
or sandbuggy wanders in to San Sebastian
but usually only by accident. It's not an
easy spot to find. The old Kane Springs
road, which provides the best means of
access, has not been maintained for many
years and the barrancas and ravines are at
the mercy of the summer thunder storms.
But for someone who has sufficient de-
termination and a proper vehicle, San Se-
bastian Marsh is still there, much the
fame as it was when Anza's famous ex-
pedition gave thanks for the life-saving
water. •
Make Your chimp, seal and dol-
phin shows.

Outings Continuous

More Fun Where else can you literally

"dine in the sky" with a
birds-eye view of Coachella
eutd "t Valley, theSalton Sea,
Nevada, Arizona & Mexico?
• Detectron
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Stop By And See Our . . .
Western Artifacts, Indian Collection, Jewelry
Display, Lapidary Equipment, Tumblers, Gold
Pans, Dry Washors, Books on Treasures and
Lost Mines and other items of fun for
the entire family. For information just write
to or call: Conventions? Club meetings?
Special events? An ideal setting for
groups of 26 to 1,000.
For information, write or call:
1405 South Long Beach Blvd. Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, Drawer F F , Palm Springs, California
Phone: (714)324-1391
Ph. 632-9096 Compton, Calif. 90221

From the Valley Station,
2000 feet above sea level,
the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway
cable cars carry passengers
in just 18 minutes to an
8000-foot station in the
San Jacinto Mountains where a
panoramic view of the
Coachella Valley is matched only
by the sight of the San Bernardino
Mountains more than 50 miles away.
Today the Tramway
has a new porpoise—
and a complete Animal Park with
dolphins, monkeys, deer and
trained macaws whose acts are
as unusual as the ride
to the Top of the Tram.

by Mary Lehto
AMILY FUN and adventure are the
F keynotes of the Palm Springs Aerial
Tramway and Tramway Animal Park. In
just one day, you can ride the largest pas-
senger-carrying aerial tramway in the
world, hike along pine-shaded mountain
trails, dine in a beautiful Alpine Restaur-
ant with a panoramic view of Coachella
Valley—all at the Top of the Tram, some
8516 feet above sea level.
You can pet tame deer, see cockatoos vation terrace at the Valley Station of the owner and manager of Animal Behavior
roller skate, and watch dolphins play and Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. For a Laboratories. These reindeer r o a m
perform in the pool at the Tram's Valley nominal fee, visitors enter the petting throughout Chino Canyon. Some of them
Station. arbor, where tame deer, black and silver are always within sight of the Valley
Dolphins in the desert? No, it's not African pygmy goats, Himalayan goats, Station waiting room or can be seen
an illusion. Buttons and Beau are live and Angora sheep wander freely. by passengers on the cable cars as they
dolphins, who live, play and perform in From the petting arbor, visitors walk start the 2l/)-mile trip up the canyon.
the 10-foot deep pool at the Tramway down a gentle slope to the show arena The show animals and birds are trained
Animal Park. There are also seals and where a grandstand seating more than by a revolutionary method called Oper-
pelicans, and even a penguin to enter- 400 people is nestled against the base ant Conditioning. This method was de-
tain the young and young-at-heart. of a granite cliff. Shows featuring the veloped by Dr. B. F. Skinner of Harvard
During the regular performances held trained birds, monkeys, dolphins and University and psychologists say as a
in the show arena, brilliantly plumaged seals are performed daily, with new acts result of using this new method, scientists
South American macaws show off their ex- being added frequently. are able to demonstrate above average
tensive repertoire of acts such as riding Tramway Animal Park is owned and and complex behaviour not previously
the high wire on a bicycle without a net, operated by Animal Behavior Labora- thought possible in birds and animals.
slipping out of a ball and chain, or talk- tories of Los Angeles, on 10 acres of land Visitors can enter the park and watch
ing on the telephone. Suzie, the show-off leased from the Mt. San Jacinto Winter the shows, leave for lunch or a snack and
chimpanzee, gets in the act, as do maca- Park Authority—the governing body of a ride on the Tram, and then return to
ques and various species of monkeys. the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. A the park again, without extra charge.
Entrance to this all-new Tramway at- large portion is fenced off for a herd of The Palm Springs Aerial Tramway is
traction is from the second level obser- reindeer, brought in by Bob Jeffries, now in its sixth year of operation. Long
a dream of a young electrical engineer
named Francis F. Crocker, the Tram be-
came a reality with the help of O. Earl
Coffman and many other dedicated Palm
Springs residents. It is controlled by the
Mt. San Jacinto Winter Park Authority,
a public agency and public corporation of
the State of California which was created
by an act passed in 1945.
Construction of the $8.1 million Tram-
way was begun early in 1961 with funds
raised through the private sale of revenue
bonds. It was soon labeled "the eighth
engineering wonder of the world" be-
Curious reindeer watch as you watch them in their new canyon home. cause of the construction challenge pre-
sented by the rugged granite cliffs of
Chino Canyon. Helicopters proved to be
the answer and the whirly-birds flew
more than 20,000 missions during the
two years of construction, hauling in men
and materials.
Today riders on the two 80-passenger
cable cars can still see the iron stakes,
which held the 20 by 20-foot landing
pads for the helicopters, protuding from
rugged crags and outcroppings completely
inaccessible by man on foot.
The dangerous mission was completed
without any fatalities or permanent in-
The Tramway cable length is approxi-
mately 21/2 miles, with the vertical rise
5875 feet—more than one mile. The
counter-balanced cable cars travel between
the Valley Station, at 2643 feet above sea
level, to the Mountain Station, 8516 feet
In the petting arbor children and animals meet on a common ground. above. On the way they pass five steel
towers, the first being 214 feet high, the
equivalent of a 21-story building. The
combined weight of steel in the five
towers totals 263 tons. The towers sup-
port four steel track cables, as well as the
four hauling cables, two auxiliary cables
and a communications cable between the
Valley and Mountain Stations. During
the summer of last year, the four hauling
cables were replaced and a complete five-
year overhaul and inspection was con-
The Tramway facilities include a gift
shop, snack bar and cocktail lounge at the
Valley Station. The Mountain Station,
which is the doorway to the 13,000-acre
Mt. San Jacinto State Park, is complete
with Alpine Restaurant, gift and apparel
shops, cocktail bar, and a magnificent
view of Coachella Valley. A thermal side-
Suzie, the show-off chimpanzee, gets a disconnect from a macaw. walk, which is always free of snow in the
winter months, leads down to Long
Valley. There, temperatures are always at and feldspar and iron minerals. Animals

least 40° cooler than on the desert floor. such as deer, mountain lion, fox, bobcat
In the summer, there are 54 miles of and mountain sheep are found at this
hiking trails and 11 campgrounds open level.
to adventurous outdoorsmen. In the win- Chaparral, pinyon pine, juniper and
ter, a warming hut near the Ranger Sta- scattered coulter or big cone pine and
tion in Long Valley, offers snow equip- white fir are found in the next observable
ment, such as toboggans, sleds and snow life zone, Lower and Upper Transitional.
discs for rent. The granite core of Mt. San Jacinto is
In the 18-minute ride from the valley to now much in evidence. It is not volcanic
the Mountain Station, four complete geo- in origin, but rather is granite batholith,
logical life zones—the equivalent to life formed when great masses of granite
changes observable on a motor trip from solidified below the earth's surface and
Sonora, Mexico, to the Arctic Circle in then were forced upward to form the
Alaska, can be seen. mountain. The animal life is the same
At the lower level, in the Sonoran as lower in the canyon, with the addition
Zone, are found desert vegetation, such of the California gray squirrel.
as Whipple yucca and creosote, and on In the Upper Transitional Zone, yel-
the lower floor, sycamore, cottonwood low and big cone pine trees, pinyon pines
and wild grape. Desert bighorn sheep are and scattered lodge pole pine and white
frequently seen. The terrain is mostly fir are found. Animal life is the same.
metamorphic rock. Although there once were black and
grizzly bears in this region, they vanished Trailers Campers
In the Upper Sonoran and Lower Family Sleeping, Dining,
Transitional Zones, scrub oaks and moun- from these mountains in the 1890s.
Cooking Facilities Enroute
tain mahogany, some wild lilac and wild For the geology student, there is much 2 LIGHT SYSTEMS - 2 WATER SYSTEMS
apricot and manzanita is found. Rock for- to see and study, and for families there is
mations are granite, much broken up and always much to do at the Palm Springs
Over 500 Rental Dealers
. . . for addresses, write "SCOTSMAN"
intruded by lighter and darker bands and Aerial Tramway and Tramway Animal P. 0. Box 2114, Gardena, Calif. 90247
blocks. The bands and blocks are quartz Park. •

one 1

Dial 104- 7 me.


The Stereo Soundsation of the Desert Empire!



Berdoo Canyon Gold
by Donald R. Hoff

IN THE Little San Bernardino Moun- complete the Berdoo Canyon section of What had started to be solid rock at the
tains a few miles north of Indio, Califor- the Aqueduct. portal entrance suddenly changed to what
nia, lies an ancient river channel compos- looked like an old stream channel 10 to
The concrete foundations of Berdoo
ed of cemented gravel which contains an Camp still lie in the sun on the hills 16 feet wide, composed of cemented
undetermined amount of placer gold. Its overlooking Berdoo Canyon; mute evi- gravel. Because of a constant threat of a
location is known—at least two men have dence that a small army of men once cave-in, this area was shored on both sides
taken gold from it—and it lies within a lived and worked there. and on the top with wooden retaining
hundred feet of a good dirt road. Yet for walls. After this was done, the drilling
over 30 years its hidden wealth has re- The Colorado River Aqueduct was built and blasting crews resumed their work of
mained undisturbed by the hand of man to bring Colorado River water to the City drilling through solid rock until they
because of the peculiar circumstances of Los Angeles. It runs roughly east and reached the aqueduct line.
which have prevented its being exploited. west across the southern slopes of the During some of his leisure hours, John
I have kept the story quiet for the past Little San Bernardino Mountains, north Mason would wander through the Berdoo
five years since I first learned of its loca- of Indio. The general plan of construc- Canyon adit to see how the work was
tion first-hand from one of the two men tion in this hilly section was to drill a progressing. It was on one of these walks
who have taken gold from it; mostly be- large portal or adit northerly for a dis- he became curious about what lay behind
cause I wanted to find some way of ob- tance to the aqueduct line. Then, drilling the wooden walls that kept the cemented
taining it for myself. I was unsuccessful and blasting crews would cut their way gravel from caving in on that section near
in numerous attempts. So, having gone on east and west simultaneously until they the portal entrance. At one point, the
to other things, I leave the story to anyone joined similar crews working toward them shoring was far enough from the side
with enough ingenuity to succeed where from other portals along the aqueduct. wall of gravel to permit him to squeeze
I have failed. Then, after the aqueduct was completed, through and collect a small bag of gravel
the portals were to be preserved as entry- which he later panned to see if it contain-
I first heard about the Berdoo Canyon
ways to gain access to the aqueduct if it ed any gold. Much to his surprise, a
gold from a man I will call John Mason,
became necessary to do repair or main- bright crescent of coarse gold showed in
since the old gentleman is still alive and
tenance work on the waterway. the angle of his gold pan. Succeeding
wouldn't appreciate being deluged by in-
quiries from hundreds of eager lost mine Both Berdoo Canyon and its eastern pannings of gravel samples from behind
hunters. Besides, it can be found quite counterpart, Fargo Canyon, were chosen the wall indicated the presence of a rich
easily from the map which accompanies as drilling sites for adits in that area. deposit of gold.
<-his story, so his real name doesn't matter. Huge piles of broken rock and rubble still Thereafter, John Mason made nightly
The story begins in the early 1930s lie in large dumps near the portal en- visits behind the wooden shoring to his
when John Mason, a machinist, was look- trances in both canyons. According to private gold mine, collecting bags of
ing for a job in Southern California. Mason, all the portals were driven in gravel which he brought out and later
Hearing about possible employment op- solid rock to give maximum overhead panned during some of his off-hours, net-
portunities on the Colorado River Aque- support, so that it was not necessary to ting him considerable coarse gold which
duct project he secured employment as a give them a concrete lining as was done he collected in jars.
machinist on the project. For two years with the aqueduct itself to give it a One night, while he was behind the
he lived and worked at Berdoo Camp, the smooth-flowing surface to carry water. wood shoring collecting more bags of
base camp for the drilling and blasting As they drilled in, a curious circum- gold-laden gravel, the condition of the
crews of the Los Angeles Metropolitan stance developed in the Berdoo Canyon gravel looked as though someone else had
Water District, which were assigned to adit a short distance from the entrance. also been digging into it. However, as he
emerged from behind the shoring carrying
ins bags of rich gravel, he almost ran
into another project employee. After com-
paring notes, each learned that the other
had been secretly collecting gravel nightly
from the same spot. Thereafter, the two
men made nightly forays together to the
rich gravel behind the wood shoring in
the portal until their duties called them to
work elsewhere on the project.
There, in a nutshell, is the story of
Berdoo Canyon gold. It is still there, be-
hind the shoring in the Berdoo Canyon
adit of the Colorado River Aqueuct.
Some old-timers love to spin yarns about
lost gold and silver strikes, many of
which may be fabrications without an
ounce of truth in them, and this may
Entrance to the Colorado River
Aqueduct water system is behind
barbed wire. It is a criminal offense to
trespass on the property, but author
believes the placer gold may be
found in public land outside
the restricted area.

Berdoo Canyon Camp in 1936

when it was the Riverside County
construction site for the Colorado River
Aqueduct. Only shells of the
buildings remain today. See map
on Page 22 for location of
Berdoo Canyon.

Steel doors bar entrance to the

portal behind which two employees
working on the water project
"• are supposed to have removed placer
gold from the project diggings.
account for the fact that most lost mines
stay lost.
Was John Mason's gold gravel story
such a fabrication? One thing lends cre-
dence and validity to his story. On page
155 of the History and First Annual Re-
port of the Los Angeles Metropolitan
Water District, the following notation
appears: "A short distance east of the
Berdoo adit an old canyon filled with
cemented gravel was crossed."
It would be a simple matter to work
this rich placer gold deposit. It is easily
accessible, on ground level, and one can
drive any ordinary vehicle to within a
hundred feet of it.

Continued on Page 42
El • 2OOO
Lake Cahuilla
by Helen Walker

OME 10 TO 15 million years ago a way across the sea, cutting off the north- Lake Cahuilla was created, probably be-
S great upheaval changed the face of
the Colorado Desert. A split along Cali-
ern section from what is the present day
Gulf of California. Deprived of its salt
tween 900 A.D. and 1400 A.D. It re-
mained a lake around which ancient
fornias San Andreas fault broke a por- water source, the northern section finally Indians lived until it, too, became dry as
tion of the west coast of Mexico away disappeared as a result of leakage and a result of evaporation and another switch
from the mother continent and formed evaporation, leaving only an arid waste- of the Colorado River. It was a much
what is now Baja California. Into this land. Stretching a distance of nearly 100 deeper lake and covered many more miles
void rushed the waters of the Pacific miles and measuring a depth of close to than the present day Salton Sea.
Ocean, surging northward and covering 1000 feet, this basin is the Salton Sink or After the disappearance of Lake Ca-
a part of the Colorado Desert. Cahuilla Basin. huilla the Salton Sink was an arid basin
This inland sea extended as far north Again, millions of years passed, and until 1905 when once again the then
as San Gorgonio Pass, less than 100 miles the restless Colorado River made another turbulent Colorado River changed its
south of Los Angeles. It was called the shift of its course, this time abandoning course during a heavy flood, broke
Sea of Cortez by the early Spanish ex- the Gulf of California outlet, moving through its man-made banks and poured
plorers and later was named the Gulf of northward so fresh water flowed into into the basin, creating what today is the
California. the Salton Sink. This change of the Colo- Salton Sea.
However, as millions of years passed rado River path occurred numerous times This last rampage of the Colorado
the land continued to change its contour during the geological time scale. destroyed part of the Southern Pacific
and eventually a natural dam bridged its During one of these course switches Railroad which promptly dumped tons of
rocks across the path of the river; finally
putting the wandering waters back into
the main channel. Today the Salton Sea
is fed only by water from irrigation of
the Coachella Valley and has no outlet.
Plans are underway to alleviate this prob-
lem, otherwise the salt content will event-
ually kill the fish and silt will once again
turn the Salton Sea into an arid basin.
When the area was first discovered
by Spanish explorers, in the early 1500s,
it was a desert sink. During this dry
spell, and for many years to come, it was
the home of the peaceful Cahuilla In-
dians. They found living pleasant in the
deep cleft canyons. A ground cover of
thick mesquite grew in the damp sands
of the canyon floors. Water was available
to both the Indians and the small game
they hunted. The rabbits and antelope
fell victim to their arrows and traps. The
beans from the mesquite were pounded
into a paste, and cooked for additional
Today, along the foothills of the Santa
Rosa Mountains western exposure, you
can see the ancient water marks left by The ancient shoreline of Lake Cahuilla can be seen from La Quinta to below
Lake Cahuilla. On the mound of bould- Travertine Rock along the cliffs of the Santa Rosa Mountains. Several good
ers, which were submerged during the gravel roads will take explorers to the mountain base but watch for sandy areas.
life of the lake, you will discover a cal-
careous material, known as tufa. It still
holds the remains of many fossils and
shells that were present during the sea
invasions. An award for climbing the an- ..BUT...the men are buying
gular boulders is the possibility of find- The COINMASTER
ing the Indian petroglyphs that were There's FUN . . . EXCITEMENT . . . ADVENTURE
scratched into the surface, arrowheads and in store for you with the COINMASTER I V Metal
and Mineral detector. Field tested by experi-
potsherds. enced Treasure Hunters, the COINMASTER IV
performs with consistent ultra-sensitive detection.
Directly below the mound of rock, and That's because it was designed to detect coins,
in no particular pattern, are rock circles. jewelry, relics, artifacts, magnetic ore minerals,
and larger objects such as treasure chests and
It has not been determined just what was large containers of metal.
the purpose of these circular piles. Some The COINMASTER IV will also detect natural gold
authorities say they were used as fish and silver nuggets.
traps, others claim they were ceremonial The lightweight, compactness and ease of opera-
tion make the COINMASTER IV a favorite instru-
pits, foundations for houses or storage ment with the ladies. The molded 6-inch ultra-
huts. Still others say the rings were used sensitive loop effectively probes at increased
depths . . . even for single coins.
for blinds while hunting.
To obtain a glimpse into the geological
and historic past of this part of the Colo-
rado Desert take Highway 86 south of
Indio (which is reached by the San Ber-
Has magnetic
and non-magnetic
settings. No finer
instrument at any pricel
* 29.50
nardino Freeway) toward Brawley. Ap- The COINMASTER IV can be financed
proximately 20 miles south is Travertine with just $29.50 down and $10.92 for

Rock. From here south can be seen the

18 months; or $15.67 for 12 months.
All cash orders receive a 5% cash $199.50
ancient shoreline of Lake Cahuilla on the discount. F.O.B.
Santa Rosa Mountains. The area provides OREGON
Send for Free Literature Today
ample space for exploring the many
washes and camping during your week- WHITE'S ELECTRONICS, INC.
1011 Pleasant Valley Rd., Sweet Home, Or. 97386 Room 121
end outing. •
Along scenic Highway 111 you can visit the

Wild Palm Canyons

L EAVING THE barren San Bernardino

Freeway (Interstate 10) a few miles
north of Palm Springs, Highway 111
enters the famous resort city and for 30
miles passes through other verdant com-
munities along an oasis of palm trees,
citrus groves, date shops, golf courses
and other scenic attractions until it re-
joins the freeway at Indio.
This unique part of the Coachella Val-
ley is nestled between the San Jacinto and
Santa Rosa mountains on the west and
the Little San Bernardino Mountains on
the east, both rising thousands of feet
above the sea-level highway.
Although they appear bleak and deso-
late from Highway 111, the San Jacinto
Mountains have dozens of canyons, many
fed by underground springs which are
the life source for the wild Washington-
ian Palms, clustered among the rock for-
mations. Most of these wild palm can-
yons can be reached by passenger car—
Canyons around Palm Springs and Palm Desert abound in the native Washing- and a short scenic stroll. A few are listed
tonia filifera palm trees and are a favorite site for hikers, picnickers and sight- here. Also see locations on map on Page
seers. This is Palm Canyon. 22.
The gieatpt coiicratration of wild gorgeous bank of maidenhair terns—
Lowest Photo Prints Price
palms is in the San Jacinto and Santa green only when there has been generous
Rosa mountains adjacent to Palm Springs seasonal rain to provide ample water. Highest Quality
and Palm Desert. With the cooperation of DEVELOPED & PRINTED
the Agua Caliente band of the Mission TAHQUITZ CANYON 8 Jumbo Prints $1.78
Indians, there are access roads and pic- Remarkable Tahquitz Canyon is a mile 12 Jumbo Prints $2.42
12 Jumbo Prints and
nicking facilities in lower Palm and An- and a quarter south of Ramon Road New Roll of Kodacolor except 126 $3.30
dreas canyons. This area is open from along the base of the San Jacinto Moun- 1 2 Jumbo Prints and
tains. Although on Indian land it is not New Roll of Kodacolor film, 126 $3.50
October 15 to May 15. Admission charge Kodacolor Neg reprints $ .16
is 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for within the reservation, so the season All prices comparably low.
children. The collected fees go to the In- schedule and admission fee of Palm Can- Price sheets and envelopes
dian tribal fund for maintaining the yon and its tributaries do not apply to this
O ..
area, open throughout the year. No lies
area. 47 years of continuous
Park your car on Ramon Road west of service guarantees your
Palm Canyon Drive and a short walk will
Largest of the wild palm oases, Palm MARKET BASKET PHOTO CO.
Canyon has approximately 3000 native P. O . Box 3 7 0 , Y u m a , Arizona 8 5 3 6 4 or
Continued on Page 36 P. O . Box 2 8 3 0 , San Diego, Calif. 9 2 1 1 2
trees along a 7-mile sector of the lower
gorge growing along the banks of a
stream which rises in springs in the Largest concentration of native palm trees in Southern California is in Palm Can-
mountains and gradually disappears in yon, only a short ride from Palm Springs. More than 3000 of the majestic Wash-
the desert sand. There is a parking area ingtonia filifera line the stream beds of the San Jacinto Mountain canyons.
and a little Indian trading post. There are ,<TdCHIN0 CAH.,WHITC»ATCH I To 7PALMS mi BH RANCH V
L . ..} h.
good trails winding among the palms,
many of which are 60 feet high and are
an estimated 300 years old. ir""':""'.: ' j V
^^;i,;,,,...,.M,,....mmy | ,..m-y-,..t-t,-»jy«ty. Y 6 t.-.-,,.,,,,,,,,,. >
Here is a place to picnic among cotton
wood, sycamore and native palms. Stream
orchids grow in shallow water along the
stream where you can rest in the shade.
There are Indian mortars and petroglyphs
in the caves. Near the trees is also a cave
bearing the smoke charrings of ancient
Indian fires.
Murray Canyon, another of the Palm
Canyon tributaries, has a creek lined with
palms and a flowing stream part of the
year. There is an unimproved trail which
follows the floor of the canyon but it is
recommended only for the more rugged
The West and East Fork canyons of
Palm Canyon are also only for the more
rugged hikers. Clothing resistant to cats-
claw and other thorny shrubs should be
worn. It affords a magnificent panorama
of Coachella Valley and the tops of other
Fern Canyon, sometimes known as
Dripping Springs Creek, is a tributary
which takes off on the east side of the
south Palm Canyon Drive just below The
Bench. This is also the home of the na-
tive palm and near the upper trees is a
Fear The Teddy Bear Cholla by Ann Showalter

ROM A DISTANCE the furry-looking

F Teddy Bear Cholla seems to be simply
another desert plant struggling for sur-
sometimes seems to be no other explana-
tion for its unwelcome and often painful
presence on clothing or skin. Usually
species of cholla are found throughout
the deserts of the southwestern United
States and in Mexico. Jumping Cholla
vival in a hostile environment. Only pliers or some similar tool must be used (Opnntia Bigelovii~) grows erect, usually
upon closer inspection does the unwary to pull the spines free. It is possible for two to five feet tall. It is easily recog-
traveler discover the reasons behind this a spine which has broken off in flesh to nized by its abundant cluster of silvery,
cholla's more infamous name—the Jump- travel through the body for months be- spiny stems topping a dark trunk and old
ing Cactus. fore it emerges at a spot far distant from base branches. The inconspicuous laven-
Any soft material, including flesh, the point of entry. der-streaked yellow blossoms appear in
which brushes against this cactus is im- Cholla (pronounced choy-ya) is a late April or early May. Inch-long spines
mediately penetrated by its insidiously Mexican name given to cactus of the are covered by a papery sheath which can
barbed spines. Although Jumping Cholla Opnntia genus which have jointed cylin- be pulled off easily to expose the wicked
has no actual means of propulsion, there drical stems and branches. Various barbs. The cylindrical segments of the

Photos by Bill Showalter


1 •

y . V •••->

^i^ ./
upper branches detach readily and litter
the ground near the parent plant. Many
of these segments take root, thereby form-
ing dense stands which sometimes cover
large areas.
A striking colony of Jumping Cholla
is located in Southern California's Joshua
Tree National Monument. Eighteeen
miles southeast of the Twentynine Palms
Visitor Center the paved road passes
through Cholla Cactus Garden. Here, as
if some ambitious gardener had been hard
at work, acres of Jumping Cactus spring
from the floor of the monument's Pinto
Basin. The cactus thrives in the sandy
soil, infrequent rainfall and broiling tem-
peratures of the basin. A self-guiding
natural history trail winds through a sec-
tion of Cholla Garden, providing a per-
fect opportunity for visitors to become i
better acquainted with this fascinating
cactus and other plant life of the region.
Jumping Cholla is kinder to certain
animals than to man. The fierce arma-
ment of these plants is used advantage-
ously by the industrious Wood Rat. This s'f.-
tidy rodent is better known by the name
<**> •
of pack or trade rat. He lines his run- • - '

ways and covers his underground burrows

with bits of cholla as protection against
such natural enemies as coyotes and ring- Base branches of the Teddy Bear Cholla die, providing a contrast between the
tails. Mounds of earth covered with spiny dark trunk and the silvery upper branches. The "jumping cactus" may grow as
cholla segments are scattered throughout high as eight feet.
Cholla Cactus Garden. The inhabitants
of these prickly homes are seldom seen
by daylight, but scurry around after dark
gathering food or carrying about objects
which interest them. It is amazing how
these remarkable animals are able to carry
pieces of cholla and even scamper around
on this dangerous plant without harm.
Cactus Wrens also find shelter at
Cholla Garden. They build their nests
among the spiny branches and as added
protection line the nest entrance with
spines. Even this formidable fortifica-
tion does not hinder lizards, crickets, and
small snakes from setting up housekeep-
ing in the abandoned nests.
Jumping Cholla has overcome the ad-
verse conditions of desert existence and
flourishes where most other plants would
die. Its fearful armament of spines is
merely a protective device against man
and beast who would steal its precious
moisture. If the plant's ferocity can be
overlooked, there is much to respect and The Wood Rat family uses the spiny cholla segments as a protection against
admire about the notorious Jumping their natural enemies, but this precaution often does not keep snakes from
Cactus. D entering the burrow to devour the rodent's young.
by Jack Pepper

A DAM AND EVE didn't have a date

with an apple—they had a date
with a date.
to bringing cultivated dates to Coachella
Valley in Riverside County.
is the accepted date for Coachella Valley
Evidently when the date was "created"
Although the first date offshoots were
To substantiate this theory scholars not introduced into Southern California thousands of years ago there were no
say there is little knowledge the apple until 1912, today the area grows more deserts in Southern California since there
was growing in the Garden of Eden, but than 90 percent of all dates in the United were no date trees of any major amount
there is definite recorded evidence the States from 220,000 healthy palms that here when the white man came. The beau-
fruit from the date palm was very much produce in excess of 48 million pounds tiful palm, Washingtonia filifera grew
a sweet delight. The words "sweet" and of fruit annually. wild, but it is not a date palm.
"date" are identical, suggesting that by The Spanish missionaries brought some
the time writing was invented the date So when you are tasting any one of the date palm seeds with them to Mexico and
was already known. many different types of dates, remember to Baja California which accounts for a
you are eating the same fruit that not only few date trees being found there and
"Since that mythical source, the Gar- was enjoyed but venerated by people more
around San Diego where the padres also
den of Eden in which mankind, sup- than 8000 years ago—and that's really
established missions, but these dates were
posedly originated is presumed to rep- dating us back into antiquity! Today, as
not cultivated and were of a poor quality.
resent some part of the rich and fertile then, the date is one of the most nutri-
But let's go back once more to the
territory between the Euphrates and the tional foods known to man. A camel can
Garden of Eden. One version "of the
Tigris where flourished three of the most exist on dates and water alone. Not being
creation of the date says: "When God
renowned kingdoms of antiquity, Chal- a camel, I prefer date milk shakes, which
had shaped Adam's body with His hands,
dea, Assyria and Babylonia (modern are a complete meal—and not too high
a little of the earth which He had used
Iraq) we may assume that the date palm in calories.
stuck to His fingers. He rolled it between
was already growing in that legendary
As stated previously, date palm off- His hands, making from it the trunk of
paradise to which Adam and Eve were
shoots and the start of the commercial the Palm." The date is held to be the
introduced; and that its cultivation even-
only fruit which has the same taste on
tually began somewhere in that region." date business in Coachella Valley did not
earth as it has in heaven. At the time of
The above quotation is from a book, begin until around 1912 when the first the Saviour's birth, it is said that the
Your Desert and Mine by Nina Paul offshoots were brought from Algeria by labor pangs of Mary were assuaged by
Shumway, scholar and author, whose Paul Popenoe. Other abortive attempts the eating of soft ripe dates.
father, William L. Paul devoted his life were made several years before, but 1912 The date was a source of life long be-
fore Christianity. The birth of Apollo Quisl has been found. Grecians valued
DATES CITRUS is supposed to have taken place on the
Isle of Delos under a palm tree where his
the date palm for religious purposes and
the Romans adopted it as an emblem of
GIFT SHOP mother, Leto, had gone for the delivery
of this child of Zeus, according to the
victory. To the Hebrews it was a symbol
of immortality and the Arabs saw in the
late Ed Ainsworth, in his book, Beckon- date palm a similarity between it and
ing Desert. Also from Ainsworth's book: man; to our ancestors it was a symbol of
DESERT PALMS "There is among the trees, one tree life itself. The Assyrians practiced cross-
DATE SHOP which is blessed as is the Muslim among fertilization for a thousand years before
82-438 HIGHWAY 111 men: It is the Palm . . .," says the Mo- European man realized that plants, as well
INDIO, CALIFORNIA hammedans. "Honor your Uncle, the as other organisms, have sex, according
347-5543 Palm. He was created from the earth left to Nina Paul Shumway.
over after the creation of Adam. He re- Although accomplished with modern
sembles man by his erect postion and means, cross-fertilization of the date palm
height. The Palm has two sexes, and is the only way of propagation today, just
the female must be pollinated. The Palm as it was thousands of years ago. Each
DATES GIFT PACKS is covered with fiber, analagous to the tree is either a female or male and since
We Ship hair of man. Cut off his head, and the the female blossoms have no odor and
Palm dies, like a man. If his heart is ex- therefore no not attract bees, fertilization
Write joy Free Brochure posed to too great a strain, he dies. If must be done by hand. (Wind will cause
Box 65 the leaves are cut off, others cannot grow some pollinating, but only in a haphazard
Highway 1 1 1 , Rancho M i r a g e
in the same place; no more can man manner, and certainly not as selective.)
(9 miles east of Palm Springs)
grow new members . . . " A date orchard can be compared to a
NELSON'S- Babylonia is believed to have grown
dates 8000 years ago. The fruit has been
harem, since there is usually only one
male tree to 48 female species per acre.
DATE CORNER found in the tombs of the early Egyptians.
Evidence of man's reliance on dates as
Unlike the masters of a harem, however,
date trees enjoy a longer span of life as
a basic food thousands of years before they live to be hundreds of years old.


Feb. 14-23 at Indio— is a great county fair
blended into an Arabian fantasy.
SEE!!! Queen Scheherazade . . . Arabian Nights
Pageant . . . camel and ostrich races . . .
PLUS!!! Gem & Mineral Show . . . Floriculture
. . . Fine Arts and Photography . . . Junior Fair
& Livestock Show . . Many others . . SPECIAL!
Salute to Mexico, Feb. 16 . . Costumed Street
Parade, Feb. 22 . . Fat Stock Sale, Feb. 22.
Feb. 14-23 Indio

Riverside County's

Although the first cultivated date farms were not started until 1912 with imported
offshoots from Algeria, Coachella Valley today grows more dates than any
other area in the world. Dates were a basic food more than 8000 years ago.
The scientific name of the date palm It is then an additional eight to ten years
is Phoenix dacatylifera. The mythological before it starts bearing. fc* DATES
definition of "phoenix" is "rising from
the ashes after fire," and date growers
Although there are more than 100 dif- o GIFT PACKS
ferent kinds of dates, they generally fall
say a date palm must "have its feet in ^ OUR OWN
into two classifications: bread date and
the water and its head in the fires of
heaven." To keep the "feet" of the palm
the soft date. The bread date, such as f CITRUS
the Deglet Noor, can stand more hand- HEmSJn
in water, growers use thousands of gal-
ling, whereas the soft date is more fragile. Anywhere
lons of water from the All American
Date shops are glad to furnish samples so
canal system—an amount equivalent to
your taste buds can decide your choice. SUN GOLD DATE SHOP
120 inches of rainfall per year. The desert 80243 Highway 1 1 1 , Indio, California
sun provides the "fires of heaven." Regardless of the variety, however, Dl 7 -5427

After the dates are pollinated and be- they are one of the most healthful and
fore the November picking season starts nutritional foods in the world. A pound
they are covered with brown paper to pro- of dates contains twice the food value
tect them from wind and rain. And date of an equal amount of meat and three
palms cannot be hurried. It usually takes times that of fish. So to keep healthy and
treat yourself to a delicious food do what Look to the Date , . ,
5 to 10 years for an offshoot to develop
your ancestors did 8000 years ago—have this Fleshy Fruit—for it
a root system of its own before it can
a date with a date! • is Life and is said to
be removed from its parent and planted.
be . . . The very
Life of Life.

* date Gardens
75-291 Highway 111
346-6263 Indian Wells, Calif. 92260


FREE Admission
108 Comfortable Theatre Seats
Continuous Showing, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
80-225 Highway 111, Indio, Calif 92201
"The Date Garden Highway"
Established 1924


Rocky Knoll Date Shop

On Highway 1 1 1
Rancho Mirage

After the female dates are pollinated they are covered with strong brown paper Write for Free Brochure
wrappings to protect them from the wind and rain. When ripe the dates are Box 4, Rancho Mirage, California 92270
Phone Fireside 6-8556
picked from the palms and processed for shipment throughout the United States.
Continued from Page 26

FREE! take you to a spectacular 60-foot water-

fall. Because of its natural beauty this
dian. Park your car by the first bridge
on Highway 74 just before it starts wind-
Lapidary — rockhounding area was used as the site for the motion ing its way up the slope of the Santa Rosa
''—jewelry making... add up to
GET a fascinating creative art! picture, Lost Horizon, It was named for Mountains. A half mile upstream from
CRAFTS SEND FOR FREE CATALOG a mythological evil spirit of the Cahuilla the bridge (the arroyo is dry) is a pretty
| BIGGEST World's largest selection - over 10,000 items
palm oasis. Here the arroyo forks; a brisk
offered...imports f r o m all parts of the word Indians who is represented by a cannibal
and believed to live in the San Jacinto climb to the right leads to Ebbens Creek
GRIEGER'S, INC. Mountains and periodically causes celes- and a hike to the left takes you to Dead
Oept 52 -1633 E. Walnut — Paiadena, Calif.
tial disturbances. Hikers are warned Indian. Both have palms and during the
climbing above the falls is dangerous— early morning and late evening you can
the rocks are slick and treacherously loose. occasionally see bighorn sheep.
Other tributaries of lower Dead Indian
CANYONS NEAR PALM DESERT are Grapevine and Carrizo Creeks which
Palm Desert has its share of wild palm drain the Santa Rosa Mountains on the
canyons The most accessible is Dead In- south. These also have wild palms. •

All models find buried metal objects and signal locatif
thru earphone with loud sound Detect gold, silvc
metallic ore, and nuggets of all kinds Find lost coir
jewelry, Indian artifacts, civil war souvenirs All models
guaranteed to equal instruments selling for much more
or your money back. Each model includes sensitive
earphone, battery, and instruction booklet
Send for FREE phamplets on the exciting new hobby
of electronic treasure finding
• NEW TREASURE PROBE K I T - only S 14.88 Ppd. a
complete do it yourself instrument that we guar-
antee to work when completed.
completely assembled and ready to use.
an advanced model that includes a powerful built
in speaker that automatically is disconnected when
earphone is in use, completely assembled •
TO ORDER—send cash, check, or money order.
$3.00 deposit for C O D . In N.J. add 4 % sales tax


POBox 64 LAKEWOOD N J 08701

$50 Down—$25 month, in Northern
Idaho, Northeastern Washington, and
Western Montana. In the heart of lakes
and big game country. All covered with
growing timber. Access, Title insurance
with each tract. This is select land with
natural beauty, recreational and invest-
ment values. We have tracts of many
types and sizes from which to choose in-
cluding beautiful Northwest Waterfront
property on the Pend Oreille, Priest and
Kettle Rivers, and property on Pend Ore-
ille Lake. Your inspection welcomed. Write
us for free list, maps and complete in-
formation. Writ*

P.O. Box 8146. Spokane, Wash. 99203

C4CTIIS SLIM by Frank Taylor
That thief with "LOCK STRAP"!
T HAS BEEN almost 35 years since Slim Instead of the hospital, Slim went to
I Moorten of Palm Springs decided to
hitch his wagon to a cactus—and he has
Cottonwood Springs, a remote part of the
desert east of Indio, California where he
A revolutionary new
design secures all
G.I. fuel cans to it-
self and locks your
never looked back. Slim and his attrac- lived by prospecting. Once he was cured, gas filler cap - at-
tive wife, Pat, now preside over one of Slim decided he liked the desert and has taches to back of
the most enchanting gardens to be found remained there ever since. carrier. A l l steel

anywhere — Moorten's Desertland Gar- P^ ^ >

construction - zinc
dens almost in the heart of the famous He has made countless trips to Baja Modal D $ 7.50
desert spa. California in search of rare plants and Dealers inquiries invited
The Moorten home is the center of a is considered an authority on the subject
cactus paradise with over 1000 varieties. of cactus and other desert vegetation. The LOCK STRAP
Rare succulents from Africa, plants from Moorten gardens represent the dedicated Route 4, Box 188, Salem, Oregon 97302
the Gobi Desert of China, South Ameri- efforts of 35 years to gather and preserve

Sales and Service
Looking for a Jeep—Try us!
Dept. DM 1625 S. Harbor Blvd.
Fullerton, California

can giants many feet tall, and mini cactus a living museum of wildlife and cactus WITH
from Canada grow side by side along in one location. j METAL DETECTORS
quiet nature trails. The gardens are part of the itinerary GOLDAK, WHITE'S, DETECTRON, RAYSCOPE
of Palm Springs school children and Prospecting and Hiking Equipment
Both Moortens are internationally Books — Topo Maps
known experts on the spiny plants. They college classes come from the Los Angeles FREE—Indexes for Topo Maps, stock Western
have discovered at least two new varieties area to study the plants. One of the first states, each state has index.

and will soon have one named after them wagons used to bring visitors to Palm JACOBSEN SUPPLIERS
in a scientific journal. As landscape art- Springs from the Whitewater train sta- 9322 California Ave., South Gate, Calif.
Phone 569-8041 90280
ists, the Moortens have been asked by tion is on display along with mining relics
Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and Lily Pons and parts of emigrant tools and utensils.
to create desert yards around their estates. The canteen collection the Moortens
The late Walt Disney was a favorite cus- have amassed from the far corners of the
tomer and the Moortens furnished a num- globe and the basket display of Indian FRYETCATALOG!
ber of items for Disneyland. weaving are other examples of the wide
Cactus was the last thing Slim thought spectrum of interest the gardens have for
of in the late 1920s when he found em- all visitors. It is open seven days a week JEEPIHC* CAMPING
ployment as an actor in silent films. He from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is 50(£ 5*9-1675
appeared in dozens of movies as a charac- per person. They are located at 1725 S. DICK CEPEK
P.O.BOX 1181-D
ter actor and seemed destined for stardom Palm Canyon Drive. The tours are self- 9633-25 CALIF. AVE.
as a comedian when he was told by a guiding and last about one hour. If they CALIFORNIA 9 0 2 8 0 "BAJA-PROVEN"
doctor he had T.B. "You had better go to have time, the Moortens might join you
the hospital and wait to die," the doctors on a personally conducted tour part of -Address
the way. • •City_ _State
told him.
The 37 four-wheel-drive clubs and
dune buggy organizations who participa- Officials Praise
ted in Operation Cleanup of the Imperial
County Sand Dunes area will receive spe-
We regret to announce the untimely
death of a good friend and long-
4WD Club
cial conservation awards from DESERT time supporter of the four-wheel-
Magazine. See this section for official re- drive movement. Barney Nelson, of Projects
action and recognition. Yakima, Washington, passed away
Don't send any more M-38 manuals to on December 14. He was a member From time to time Desert Magazine
George Groom in Warlingham, England. of the Yakima Ridgerunners and a receives letters from readers asking us
We received a letter from him saying he charter member of the Pacific why we cannot "do something about
has a manual and will keep us briefed Northwest Jeep Association and the those wild four-wheel-drive and dune
on jeeping in England. National Four Wheel Drive Associa- buggy people who race up and down the
The first "Bug-in" was a smash success tion. No one has worked more dili- hills and destroy the back country."
with more than 4000 spectators watching gently for the benefit of his fellow To which we reply there are a few nuts
the 250 vehicles compete for prizes. The man in the field of back country re- driving back country vehicles—just like
Volkswagen oriented show had dune bug- creation than has Barney Nelson. there are crazy drivers and litter bugs
gies, busses, sedans and dragsters partici- We extend our sincere condolences racing along our freeways in passenger
pating in slalom and drag races. See cal- to his widow, Rita. cars.
endar for second event. Although less than 10 percent of back
country vehicle owners in California be-
The Glamis get-together at the sand
The Las Vegas Mint 400 Race will be long to organized clubs, the clubs are
dunes in Imperial County was also some-
held March 24 through 26. It's a two-day making excellent progress toward educa-
thing to see. There were at least 6000
race of four 50-mile tracks each day. tion of back country neophytes and in the
people and 3000 buggies and four-wheel-
fields of conservation and clean-up cam-
drive vehicles there. Officers of the Im- Brian Chuchua's Four Wheel Drive
perial Count}1 sheriff's office said they Center has a new supplement to their
For those readers who think all back
had no problems. catalogue showing the interchange for
country vehicle explorers are destructive,
I do think, however, some of these Spicer ring and pinions with the prices.
we print the following:
people who are just learning how to drive Address is P. O. Box 301, Fullerton,
the sand dunes should take it a little Calif. 92632. Imperial County Board of
easier. I saw quite a few people driving There's a new organization called Bug- Supervisors Commend 4WD and
around who showed a total lack of know- gy Service of America, P.O. Box 213, Dune Buggy Organizations
ledge of how to drive the sand, especially Paramount, Calif. 90723. I am told they WHEREAS, the Imperial Valley Sand Dunes
when topping a dune with a sharp drop provide insurance and other services comprise 138,000 acres of the finest recrea-
tional area of the Southwest; and
on the other side. There were several ac- which have not previously been available.
WHEREAS, at the request of the Imperial
cidents, all of which could have been The Tucson Jeep Club has changed its County Board of Supervisors, the California
avoided. name to Tucson Four Wheelers. They State Department of Beaches and Parks has
I am getting more and more rumbles have an excellent club paper. Write to reserved the Sand Dune Areas for public parks
them at P.O. Box 4127, Tucson, Ariz. so that various types of healthful family recrea-
from readers who charge there is—to say tions and sports may be enjoyed not only by
the least — misunderstanding about cash 85717.
Imperial County residents, but also by desert
awards and contingency prizes in com- Welcome new four-wheel-drive clubs: enthusiasts from all over California and from
petition events. Most sponsors spell out Rock Ramblers 4 Wheel Drive Club, Fol- other States; and
the cash awards and then the contingency som, Calif; Hi-Landers 4 Wheel Drive WHEREAS, thousands of drivers of jeep
prizes, but some do not, and this causes Club, Roseville, Calif; Delta Nomads and dune buggy vehicles regularly engage in
4WD Club, Pittsburg, Calif., and Shackle organized and casual use of the Imperial Valley
the confusion and bad feelings. If you
Sand Dunes for family and club activities; and
have any comments or suggestions rela- Krackers 4WD Club, San Jose, Calif.
WHEREAS, some of these desert enthusiasts
tive to the matter send them to me, c/o Don't forget the National Date Festi- voluntarily save their time and efforts to
Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. val here in Indio, February 14 through "Operation Clean Sweep" in which they clean-
92260. 23. Lots of camping space available. ed trash and debris from the desert and from
Calendar of
70 miles of paved and unimproved roads in
by Bill Bryan
ticipants in the recent meet, I would like to
Western Events
DISE sponsored by Orange Coast Mineral and
Lapidary Society, Junior Exhibits Building,
Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa, Calif.
the vicinity: ask you to convey my feelings to all of the For details write Marshall Tinsley, 1111 Lake
clubs and members by newsletter, or however Avenue, Huntington Beach, Calif. 92646.
that the members of the Imperial County Board you communicate with each other. FEBRUARY 1-9, NINTH ANNUAL FESTI-
of Supervisors do hereby resolve that the mem- It's a pleasure to have clubs of your caliber VAL OF ARTS of the Santa Cruz Valley Art
bers of the AA Jeep Clubs and 30 Dune Buggy Association, Tubac, Arizona. Works of pro-
come to our area and enjoy yourselves at our
fessional and amateur painters, sculpturers
Organizations of the Southern Area of the beaches, dunes, and in our cities. We relax our and craftsmen. Free admission.
California Four-Wheel-Drive Clubs be com- traffic enforcement to some extent, by allowing
mended publicly for their efforts to preserve the jeeps and buggies to drive on some of our FEBRUARY 8 & 9. CALIFORNIA ASSOCI-
ATION OF 4WD CLUBS annual convention,
our desert playgrounds in a clean and unlit- streets without the headers closed and some of Fresno, Calif.
tered state: them unlicensed. I was very impressed by the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the conduct of all of the Club members that I had MINERAL SOCIETY'S 15th annual show,
County of Imperial extend every hospitality contact with. Our agency did not issue a cita- Tucson, Arizona Fairgrounds, camping for self-
and co-operation to these desert enthusiasts at tion, and no accident occured in the City, be- contained units. Exhibits, demonstrations, lec-
any time they desire to engage in recreational cause someone took advantage of our laxity. tures, etc. Admission 75c.
activities in the Imperial Valley Sand Dunes: At times we were converged upon by rene- FEBRUARY 20-22, SCOTTSDALE ROCK
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies gade clubs and individuals who come here ex- CLUB'S 4th annual show. Fashion Scmarp.
of this Resolution be provided to the San Fer- Scottsdale, Arizona. For details write Cliff
pressly to raise cain and give Law Enforce- Bruce. 8720 E. Jackrabbit Rd., Scottsdale, Ariz.
nando Valley Vagabonds 4WD Club who co- ment a bad time. These types are not welcome
ordinated the clean-up activities of the Jeep here and are sent on their way as quickly as FEBRUARY 22 & 23, ROCKHOUND HOLI-
Clubs, and the Imperial Valley Dune Buggy DAY SHOW sponsored by the Arrowhead
possible. This class of clubs and individuals Mineralogical Society. Alpha Lyman School,
Association, which co-ordinated the work of give all clubs a bad reputation. across street from the San Bernardino Countv
the dune buggy organizations to distribute to I firmly believe that as long as organizations Museum. 18890 Orange, Bloomington, Calif.
all participating organizations. Specimens of rare and unusual minerals on dis-
such as yours are run properly, the rules en- Dlav, educational exhibits, lapidary work, etc.
The foregoing Resolution was offered by forced by the members, you make our job in Parkins and admission free.
Supervisor Williams, seconded by Supervisor Law Enforcement easier and more pleasant.
Kilgore and carried on the affirmative roll When you come to our area we don't have to STATE ROCKS WANTED
call vote of Supervisor Dowe, Kilgore, Boley, maintain a constant watch over you to insure The Des Plaines, Illinois Valley
Williams and Langley. compliance of the laws. Geoloical Society will hold their
Again, I ask that you extend my gratitude annual rock show May 3 and 4.
Charles Erickson and appreciation to all of the clubs for their
They have asked any interested
California Assn. of 4WD Clubs exceptionally good conduct and behavior while
visiting our City. You can always rest assured rock club to furnish a rock of the
We had the opportunity to view your Asso-
that you and your clubs will be welcome to club's state for display in the show
ciation's activities, both in the dunes and on
our area anytime you desire to return. We look which drew 12,000 people last
the beach, over the Labor Day weekend; and
forward to seeing you again.
would like to take this opportunity to thank year. Send specimen to F. J. Me-
your organization for a job well done. BILLY J. ALLISON, Cauley, P. O. Box 163, Park Ridge,
Chief of Police
We were particularly impressed with the Illinois 60068.
City of Grover, Calif.
management of your events; the safe, consider-
ate driving of your members, both in the FEBRUARY 22 & 23, GEM FAIR—SAN
dunes and on the congested beach; and with
Dick Myers FERNANDO VALLEY presented by the Asso-
the cleanliness in which the area was left. As California Assn. of 4WD Clubs ciated Gem & Mineral Societies of the San
Fernando Vallev Area. Devonshire Downs
you know, the local dune use organizations I want to express my personal thanks and Fairerounds. 18000 Devonshire. Northrider.
work very hard keeping the dunes and beach commendation for the outstanding effort put Calif. Displays, dealers, camping and demon-
clean and safe, and appreciate your effort as strations.
forth by yourself and the many people with the
much as we do. California Association of 4WD Clubs in clean- FEBRUARY 21-March 2. IMPERIAL VAL-
Would you please extend to each of your ing up the Imperial Sand Dunes. LEY GEM AND MINERAL SOCIETY'S
22nd annual show at the California Mid-Win-
members Pismo State Beach and the Depart- While we are working diligently in a pro- ter Fair, Imperial. Calif. For details write
ment's deep appreciation for providing this gram of litter prevention and cleanup, it is Robert W. Wright, 770 Olive St., Apt 2, El
area with a safe, pleasureable holiday. only through the dedicated action which your Centra, Calif. 92243.
ALFRED P. SALZGEBER, recent project exemplifies that the job of keep- FFBRUARY 28 - MARCH 2, NATIONAL
Assistant Superintendent ing your public lands clean can be accomp- FOUR WHEEL DRIVE GRAND PRIX.
District 5, California lished. Riverside. Calif. Write P. O. Box 301, Fuller-
ton, Calif.
Division of Beaches and Parks. Please extend my thanks, Dick, to the many
people who worked with you on this worth- MARCH 7-9. PHOENIX GEM AND MIN-
ERAL SHOW featuring "A Salute to the Bola
Charles Erickson while venture. Thanks for helping Johnny Tie." North Exhibit Hall, State Fair Grounds,
California Assn. of 4WD Clubs Horizon remind Americans that this land is Phoenix, Ariz.
Your name was given to me as being the your land, keep it clean.
Rally Chairman for the recent Labor Day, J. R. PENNY, BUG-IN EXHIBITION and racing of dune
Four-Wheeler Meet. As it would be impossible State Director, buggies. Write P. O. Box 1617, Costa Mesa,
for me to contact all of the members and par- Bureau of Land Management. Calif. 92626.


The Trading Post Classified Ads •jf Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,
Palm Desert, California 92260. Classified
rates are 25c per word, $5 minimum
per insertion.
REPAIR ELECTRICAL appliances. Thousands of ARIZONA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide,
large folded map 1881, small early map, •_GEMS
servicemen needed! Free details: Magna En-
1200 place name glossary, mines, camps, GOLD FOR SALE. Piute Mountain placer nuggets,
terprises, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050.
Indian reservations, etc. $1.50. Theron Fox, 6 in each small vial—$2.95 ; 12 nugqets—
1296-E Yosemite, San Jose, California. $5.95 postpaid. Oma Mining Co., P.O. Box
• BOOKS - MAGAZINES 2247, Culver City, Calif. 90230.
WILD & WOOLY WEST books: 3 0 # Rails on
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desert and Indian books a specialty. Send Book of Pancakes, Matthews' Navajo Weavers back guarantee. Lester Lea, Box 237D, Mt.
us your wants. No obligation. International & Silversmiths, $1 each postpaid. Cushing's Shasta, California 96067.
Bookfinders. Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills, Calif. Adventures in Zuni, Englert's Oliver Perry
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His death has not been fully explained and I COMING SOON: New book—trails, signs, sym- Montrose, Colorado 81401.
believe his many treasure-hunter admirers will bols of the Peralta Mines in Superstition TRAVEL AGENTS make $$$$. Exciting booming
find it good reading. Price $3.00. Check or mountains of Arizona, one reported to be careers! Easy Home-Study Plan. Free. "Travel
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14728 Peyton Drive, Chino, Calif. 91710. searching and photographing the trails as Travel—MHW, Newport, California 92660.
OVERLOOKED FORTUNES' in minerals and gem drawn on cacti and rocks. Gonzales map
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identify and cash in on them. New simple
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LOST DESERT GOLD, legendary and geological
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photos and maps to pinpoint locations. $2.50 • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps — San Bernardino
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MAKE MONEY in the fabulous mail order im-
flower, Calif. 90706. $2; San Diego $1.25; Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25,
port business. Begin immediately. Send $1 for
GHOST" TOWN DIRECTORY— Pictures, maps, other California counties $1.25 each. Nevada
booklet: "How to Make Money in Mail Order
price $ 1 , or order free catalog, books, maps, Imports." Midwestern Sales, 3119 Mojave, counties $1 each. Include 5 percent sales tax.
for treasure, bottle, rock, arrowhead hunters. Dallas, Texas 75241. Topographic maps of all mapped western
Pierce Publishing, Dept. T-25, Box 5 7 1 , areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third
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NEVADA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide.
it is at last! Buried treasures and lost mines
Large folded map. 800 place name glossary. 35MM COLOR SLIDES—10,671 individually sold,
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and Southern California on opposite sides,
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127 locations, 5300 words of clues and de-
RIVER OF GOLD, the richect treasure of them scriptions; keyed numerically and alpha-
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information on California's most fabulous GOLD DRY Washer plans, portable hand opera-
book and map shop. Or order from: Varna
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Enterprises, P.O. Box 2216, Dept A, Van
Box 67, Bellflower, Calif. 90706. dry river beds, etc., by air principle. $2.00.
Nuys, Calif. 91404. 5% sales tax, please.
R. Bown, P.O. Box 7 9 1 , Arcadia, Calif. 91006
SURVIVAL BOOKS! Guerrilla Warfare, Wilder- HISTORY MAPS—truly different. "Entire Pioneer
ness Living, Medical, Guns, Self Defense, East & South"—26-plus states, 3 6 " x 4 5 " .
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Route 3, Box 517A, Glendale, Arizona 85301. SHAMROCK ROCK SHOP, 593 West La Cadena
traces, towns, stage lines, railroads, river
Drive. Riverside, California 92501. Parallel
GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: locali- steamer, canal and emigrant routes, tele-
to Riverside Freeway. Phone 686-3956.
ties, mines, maps, directions, contacts. Eng- graph lines, Indian areas, battles. Hundreds
Come in and browse; jewelry mountings,
lish-Spanish glossary, too. $2.00 postpaid. chains, supplies, minerals, slabs, rough ma- of historical notes. Most everything dated.
Gemac, Mentone, Calif. 92359. terial, equipment, black lights, metal de- Maps, Box 56N, Tijeras, New Mexico 87059
"GEMS & MINERALS," the monthly guide to tectors, maps, rock and bottle books. COLLECTOR'S ITEM- 1871 geographical map
gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun. $4.50 PAN YOUR OWN GOLD? Complete kit includes print, rare issue, Los Angeles, Kern, Ventura,
year. Sample 25c. Gems & Minerals, Mentone, placer concentrates with 50 pieces gold, San Bernardino areas. All old stage, freight
Calif. 92359. large gold pan, illustrated instruction booklet. stops, trails, roads, towns, etc. 18"x24"
FREE 128 page catalog on detectors, books and Educational — kids, grown-ups. Great gift rolled, $2.95. Oma Mining Co., P.O. Box
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238 item. $4.95 postpaid. Box 4 3 1 , Midway City, 2247, Culver City, Calif. 90230.
Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower, Calif. 90706. Calif 92655.
FOR SALE: Desert Magazines, complete set 1 937 CHOICE MINERAL specimens, gems, cutting ma- • MINING
through 1968, except February 1963. Thir- terial, machinery, lapidary and jewelers sup- ASSAYS: GOLD & Silver $3, platinum $5. Spec-
teen years in binders. Write: Louis Russell, 226 plies, mountings, fluorescent lamps, books. tographs $5. Utah Assaying Co., P.O. Box
South O Street, Tulare, Calif. 93274. Sumner's, 21108 Devonshire, Chatsworth, Cal. 369, St. George. Utah 84770.
GOVERNMENT LANDS—low as $1 acre. Mil- IS IT VALUABLE? Send complete description,
COMPLETE CALIFORNIA type 5 stamp mill with
lions of acres! For exclusive copyrighted re- measurements and all available information
extras. Also some old ore cars, etc. Who
port-—plus "Land Opportunity Digest" listing with $2 to Focus Finders, P. O. Box 1783,
needs this for their museum or private collec-
lands available throughout U.S., send $ 1 . Daly City, Calif. 94014. In the event wo arc
tion? We also sell good used mining machin-
Satisfaction guaranteed! Land Disposal, Box unable to ascertain value, your r?:":ttance will
ery. Wes Waldon Machinery, 2517 La Siesta,
9091-59B, Washington, D.C. 20003^ be returned. You will socn be able to read
Bakersfield, Calif. 93305.
"Is It Valuable?" in True Treasure Magazine.
PLACER GOLD concentrates, assays over $ 2 0 0 0 / -
ton. Quarter pound sample—over 50 pieces • TREASURE FINDERS FISHER "METALERT" award-winning Model 70.
gold, $3 postpaid. R. H. B., Box 4 3 1 , Midway Brand new treasure and metal detector for
METAL LOCATORS $27.50 complete. Powerful, exciting results! Unsurpassed sensitivity.
City, Calif. 92655. rugged, lightweight, polished aluminum con- Use anywhere, even beaches and streams.
ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High- struction. Transistorized, speaker. Professional For free literature write Fisher Research,
est quality spectrographic. Only S5.00 per throughout. Impressive gift. Satisfaction or Dept. D2, Palo Alto, California 94303.
sample. Reed Engineering, 620-R So. Ingle- your money back. Roth Industries, Box 2548-
DC, Hollywood, Calif. 90028. _ FREE 128 page catalog on detectors, books and
wood Ave., Inglewood, California 90301.
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238
PUZZLED. Mineral identification — $3. Spedo- GEIGER COUNTER makes excellent companion Lakewood Blvd., Bellfiower, Calif 90706.
graphic qualitative analysis of elements pre- instrument for serious treasure seeker. Small,
lightweight, transistorized, with earphone. $69 TREASURE, COIN and relic hunters news publi-
sent—$5. Geo-Chem Lab, Box 65, El Toro,
postpaid. Kits available. Particulars free. cation. Only $1 yearly. Sample copy 25c.
Calif. 92630.
Dealer inquiries welcome. Daniel Stoicheff, Gold Bug, Box 588-D, Alamo, Calif. 94507.
701 Beech. Burnham, Pa. 17009.
famous Goldmaster metal-mineral locators,
SILVER DOLLAR $2.50; Ten different dates GHOST TOWN items: Sun-colored glass, ame-
$99.50 up. Discount for cash. The Book Man,
$25.00. New coin catalogue 50c. Shultz, Salt 622 Orange St., Redlands, Calif. 92373. thyst to royal purple; ghost railroads ma-
Lake City, Utah 841 10. Phone (714) 793-6112. terials, tickets; limited odd items from camps
of the 60s. Write your interest—Box 64-D,
FIND BURIED TREASURE with new revolutionary Smith, Nevada. 89430.
analytical metal detector. Features push-but-
PHOTO SUPPLIES ton tuning, automatic tuning, loudspeaker,
FILM PROCESSING, quality custom printing, en- negligible ground pickup, greatest range. • MISCELLANEOUS
largements, services. 8 x 10s 75c. Mailers, Free catalog. Gardiner Electronics, Dept. 5 1 ,
4729 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. 85013. PANELISTS AT home wanted by New York Re-
prices: Harvey Photo, Box 1103, Ventura,
searcher. Leading research firm seeking people
Calif. 93001. GOLD, SILVER, RELICS! Located with powerful to furnish honest opinions by mail from home.
Detectron Metal Locators. Free information. Pays cash for all opinions rendered. Clients'
Terms. Detectron, Dept. 2-D, Box 243, San products supplied at no cost. For information
• REAL ESTATE Gabriel, Calif. 91778. write: Research 669, Mineola, N.Y. 11501
40 TIMBERED ACRES, $1650 total price, Wash., POWERFUL METROTECH locators detect gold, sil- Dept. IG-24^
Idaho, Montana. $50 down, $25 month, in ver, coins, relics. Moneyback guarantee. Terms
FOUR "WILL" FORMS and Lawyer's 64-page
Northern Idaho, Northeastern Washington, free information. Underground Explorations,
booklet, plus "Guide to Wills." Complete $ 1 .
and Western Montana. In the heart of lakes Dspt. 3A, Box 793, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025.
National Forms, Box 48313-DS, Los Angeles,
and big game country. All covered with grow- WILL YOU gamble $4 to save $200? Order Calif. 90048.
ing timber. Access, title insurance with each our 20-page booklet, "How To Build Trans-
tract. This is select land with natural beauty, istor Electronic Treasure Finders" $4.00. Tri-
each: Piece of Eight; Gold Doubloon 1736,
recreational and investment values. We have onics, Box 1796F, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626.
1787 and 1796; Continental Dollar; 4 Reales
tracts of many types and sizes from which to
TREASURE-METAL and mineral locators. Free 24 1731 and 1732; California $50 Gold Piece.
choose, including beautiful Northwest Water-
page booklet. GeoFinder Co., Box 37, Lake- 2 Real 1474. Free list. Robert Topolse, Box
front property on the Pend Oreille, Priest and
wood, Calif. 90714. 1832, Coral Gables, Florida 33134.
Kettle Rivers, and property on Pend Oreille
Lake. Your inspection welcomed. Write us for
free list, maps and complete information.
Write to: Dept. C3B, Reforestation, Inc., P.O.
Box 8146, Spokane, Wash. 99203.
FOR INFORMATION on acreage, home or lot in PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 2-9
or near this desert area, please write or
Palms Highway, Twentynine Palms, Calif.
acres) in 25 states. Low as $1.00 acre. 1969
report. Details $1.00. Land Information, ADDRESS ZIP CODE
422DM Washington Building, Washington • SEND GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO
D.C. 20005.
40 ACRES, mountainous land in Southern Cali
fornia. Rockhound or amateur miner's para-
dise, includes 100% mineral rights. Sacrifice ADDRESS
$2950. Will take $50 down, $50 per month.
Owner, Box 304, Hesperia, Calif. 92345. NAME
Phone (714) 244-9450.
40 BEAUTIFUL acres near Lanfair Valley, Pinto ADDRESS
Valley properties, and Des-Mo Land Com-
pany parcels. Elevation 5000 feet. Near New NAME
York Mountains, large Joshua trees and some
cedar. One-half mineral rights. $6000 with
$300 down, $60 month. Owner, 754 Orchid
Drive, San Bernardino, Calif. 92404.
Sign Gift Card: "From
MAKE MONEY from Florida real estate income One Year $5.00 Two Years $9.50 Three Years $13.00
properties. Where, how to profit. Send $2 for
fact-filled book. John Dittmer of Albany, 361 (Or 2 One Years) (Or Three One Years)
Manning Blvd., Albany, N.Y. 12206. • PAYMENT ENCLOSED • BILL ME LATER
taxes plus maintenance. Twentynine Palms (includes tax and postage)
area. G. Kruse, Box 963, La Mesa, Calif. Date Binder(s) with Year(s) • Undated

_j trlctlu BERDOO CANYON GOLD Coachella Valley's
a Continued from Page 21 Most Complete Photo Center
Unfortunately, after the aqueduct was Everything For Your Camera Needs
rom a completed, a steel-plate door was placed
at the entrance to the Berdoo Canyon On Scenic Highway 1 1 1—Just west of Indio

Weoman 5 portal, thus barring entry to all. The

portal and ground through which it passes
are the property of the Los Angeles Me-
tropolitan Water District, and it is a crim- CAMERA SHOP
jp t inal offense for anyone trespassing or
tampering with their property.
However, if you are a true lost mine
81-654 Highway 111 Indio, Calif. 92201
Phone Dl 7-3774

When Granny Daniels arrived in this hunter and prospector you will not let
country from Wales, she had little enough the fact of private ownership of this gold- Palm Desert
to pass on to her children. She left the en bonanza keep you from trying to lo-
heritage of her wisdom and a few choice cate signs of the ancient river channel Stationers
recipes. One of the favorite recipes of in other areas away from the aqueduct
our family and all our friends that have Office Supplies * Machines
property. Such channels have been known
been lucky enough to taste it, is a cookie, to run for considerable distances, and Art Materials it Picture Framing
straight from Wales. they are sometimes exposed in more than
GRANNY STONE CAKE one spot along their course. 73-739 Highway 111, Palm Desert, Calif.
Telephone 346-6042
1 cup raisins or currants It is a generally accepted fact among
3 cups flour mining men that coarseness of placer gold FRANCIS P. MORLEY

2 teaspoons baking powder particles is a good indicator of how far

they have been carried from their source.
1 teaspoon salt
Since placer gold is secondary in origin, As featured on T.V. the experts agree:
1 cup sugar having been deposited and carried along
4 eggs in stream channels by water at some point
2 tablespoons lard or shortening in the distant past where a gold-bearing CUSTOM MADE METAL DETECTORS
Mix shortening with flour, baking pow- outcrop was exposed and eroded, the finer
Detect Gold Nuggets and Coins
der, salt and sugar. Add eggs and enough the gold, the farther it has been carried Interchangable Loops
water to make stiff dough. Roll out thin from its original source. In the case of Lightweight - Waterproof
John Mason's Berdoo Canyon gold, much 4 Years Warranty - Free Literature
(about y8 to y4 inch). Cook in ungreased
skillet, turning once. of it was of the coarse variety, indicating MIKE KOVACS
Granny made them large enough to that its source is probably not too far 4118% Verdugo Road
fill the skillet, but we cut them cookie distant. Los Angeles, Cal. 90065 Phone 255-1129

size. Eat them hot from the skillet, or Should some prospector locate John
cold with butter on them. Mason's ancient river channel some dis-
DOROTHY S. WILLIS, tance away from the Berdoo adit, it
Olympia, Washington. should be a fairly easy task to trace it to
its source—providing Mother Nature has
not covered it in one of the frequent
flash floods which characterize the desert
Another fact supports the existence of
1 layer of lean ground round—press placer gold in the area. According to
into a baking dish and add: John Mason, during the construction of
1 layer raw diced onions the aqueduct in the area, two men were
1 layer raw sliced celery seen working a placer claim some distance
1 layer cooked macaroni or spaghetti up Berdoo Canyon to the east. No one
1 layer undrained red kidney beans knows exactly how much gold they took
out, but several shipments were made to
1 can undiluted tomato soup FOR ONLY $4.95 POSTPAID, YOU GET:
the mint. • HtAVY DUTY 10" STEEL GO t DP AMI
Do not stir. Cover and bake in 325 • ILLUSTRATED INSTRUCTION BOOKLET!
The gold is there somewhere, still lying • QUARTER-POUND OF GOLD-SEARING CON-
degree oven for one hour. Let stand CENTRATES WITH OVER 5 0 PIECES OF GOLD!
undisturbed as it has been for untold
10 minutes. centuries, awaiting discovery by someone
MRS. JAY E. FORBES, with enough imagination and determina- SEND TO: 'PAN YOUR O W N GO1D"

Julesburg, Colorado. tion to solve the puzzle. • BOX 4 3 1 , MIDWAY CITY, CALIFORNIA 92655

LETTERSto and from the Editor...
Letters requesting answers must include stamped self-addressed envelope.

Rock Still Stands . . . Gone With The Wind . . .

Your November Death Valley Issue was I am writing to inquire if there has been
very interesting and inspired me to take my any article or information appearing in Desert
wife, 8-year-old son, dog and tent trailer to th° Magazine or if you have any information or
'49er Encampment. We signed up for a mem- knowledge of a "wind machine" which I re-
bership and will certainly return next year. member seeing many years ago along the road
The main reason I am writing is to reassure through San Gorgonio Pass. Is it still there?
your readers (Letters, Dec, 1968) that Mush- What happened to it? Who built it? Does
room Rock still stands in all its volcanic ma- anyone know?
jesty—also Ubehebe Crater has not been filled JOHN W. MARCHILDON,
Phoenix, Arizona.
in nor the Devil's Golf Course sold to Morton
Editor's Note: In 1926, an inventor named
or Leslie. Hoping everyone has a better Christ-
mas knowing Mushroom Rock still stands.
Dew Oliver erected a giant Rube Goldberg
machine in Whitewater. The wind entered
one end and was magnified 12 times under
Charter Oak, Calif.
pressure. Although Oliver's machine actually
CLOSED TO PUBLIC work as he promised, he became involved
Join A Club . . . PRIVATE PROPERTY in legal matters and the venture was aban-
My wife and I purchased a Ford Bronco a BY ORDER CERRO OORDO MINES doned. Later the machine was scrapped.
few months ago. Since that time we've dis-
covered the pleasure of a 4WD vehicle. Do Old Flickers . . .
you know of any 4WD clubs in the San Jose Your picture in the January issue of the old
area open to all 4WDs? Any information you store buildings in Manhattan, Nevada, brings
could give us would be appreciated. Thank back memories. Every Thursday night the
you. "circuit rider" projectionist with his portable
CLYDE CAMPBELL, screen, projector and stock of year-old films
Morgan Hill, Calif. Closed Mines . . . came to town. The building was hardly "re-
Editor's Note: Write to San Jose Mountain modeled into a movie theater." It was just
In regard to your article on Cerro Gordo in
Goats, P.O. Box 3562, San Jose, Calif. 95116. available and used as was one night a week.
the Jan. 1968 issue entitled "Death Valley
For others wanting similar information, Desert Patronage was always poor for various reasons,
Ghost Town Guide," we would like to inform
Magazine will be glad to supply names of such as lack of money and not many kids in
you that Cerro Gordo is no longer open to the
back country clubs. town.
public, much to our disappointment after com-
ing so far only to be greeted by this sign. We There was a store down below town and
took this photo just a couple of months ago. over a low saddle to the south that had a
Coyote Capers . . . Also in the Nov. 1968 issue was an article beautiful gold bug scales in a place of honor
Re your Coyote Canyon article in the De- entitled "An Old Fort Road," telling about on the counter. Maybe Mr. Florin knows what
cember issue: Kokoweef Peak (15 miles north of Kelso). We became of that relic of better days.
Oh, fie on you who'd build a road. also found that the Crystal Cave (owned orig- JOHN SOUTHWORTH,
Burbank, California.
Who'd lay a slab through wildlife's lair, inally by Earl M. Dorr) is closed to the
In Big Horn's, Runner's Jack's abode; public. We drove to the old cabin to get per-
Replacing tracks with concrete there. mission from two men who have leased some Keep America Clean . . .
Speeding steel may have its place, of the ground to go to the mine, but were Please! Can't you use your influence to save
Between big cities, out in space, told it was closed to the public and anyone tres- our desert and countryside from the wanton
But in the desert, peace you'll bring, passing would be "shot at." and thoughtless destruction from the plague of
By letting nature do its "thing." jeeps, dune buggies and motorcycles. Every-
We'd appreciate it very much if in the fu-
MAL CITRON, where you go each lovely surface is being
ture when publishing articles on mining towns
Westminster, Calif. scarred by these idiots on wheels. Vehicles
you would inform the readers as to whether
belong on roads and highway—not over public
one may visit it or not. I'm sure no one wants
and private lands.
Your December editorial regarding the pro- to be "shot at."
Red Rock Canyon, once a quite colorful
posed highway through Coyote Canyon in We enjoy the Desert Magazine and read it
section is now a noisy and rutted area. These
Anza-Borrego State Park really struck home. from cover to cover and consider it "The"
devastators use the areas most accessible which
I have made the four-wheel-drive trip through Magazine.
are those near highways. The majority of the
Coyote Canyon many times and the area is MR. & MRS. HARRY LIVESAY,
people are being deprived of beauty by a few
one of my favorite desert camping sites. San Jacinto, Calif.
maniacs on wheels.
The needless destruction of this beautiful Editor's Note: During the past year many CLYDE BRUNO,
wilderness area would not only jeopardize the mines that were not operating and open to the Encino, California.
abundant wildlife of Coyote Canyon, but public have been re-claimed and are now Editor's Note: Desert Magazine agrees with
would also deprive thousands of visitors to closed. The Cerro Gordo was open when we Reader Bruno about the "maniacs on wheels."
Anza-Borrego State Park of the unique oppor- published the January 1968 article. Hence- However, only a very small percentage of back
tunity to enjoy camping along a desert stream forth, however, we will be doubly cautious in country vehicle explorers are in this category.
in an area unsullied my man's intrusions. checking on the status of mines, just as we It's always the few who spoil it for the many.
BILL SHOWALTER, did in the January, 1969 issue, Mysterious For more on this subject see Back Country
Colton, Calif. Cargo Muchachos. Travel in this issue.

Located within minutes of the new Lockheed $30 mil- Airport, you'll find Crystalaire Country Club Estates
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Crystalaire Country Club Estates are all one-half acre, each with a panoramic view
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