DP03 Selected Economic Characteristics

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2013 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates

Supporting documentation on code lists, subject definitions, data accuracy, and statistical testing can be found on the American Community Survey
website in the Data and Documentation section.
Sample size and data quality measures (including coverage rates, allocation rates, and response rates) can be found on the American Community
Survey website in the Methodology section.
Although the American Community Survey (ACS) produces population, demographic and housing unit estimates, it is the Census Bureau's Population
Estimates Program that produces and disseminates the official estimates of the population for the nation, states, counties, cities and towns and
estimates of housing units for states and counties.
Subject San Diego County, California
Estimate Margin of Error Percent
Percent Margin of
Population 16 years and over
2,565,944 +/-2,911 2,565,944 (X)
In labor force
1,648,154 +/-11,862 64.2% +/-0.5
Civilian labor force
1,572,337 +/-12,081 61.3% +/-0.5
1,431,442 +/-12,064 55.8% +/-0.5
140,895 +/-6,991 5.5% +/-0.3
Armed Forces
75,817 +/-4,095 3.0% +/-0.2
Not in labor force
917,790 +/-11,567 35.8% +/-0.5
Civilian labor force
1,572,337 +/-12,081 1,572,337 (X)
Percent Unemployed
(X) (X) 9.0% +/-0.4
Females 16 years and over
1,280,561 +/-2,161 1,280,561 (X)
In labor force
734,808 +/-9,328 57.4% +/-0.7
Civilian labor force
725,599 +/-9,461 56.7% +/-0.7
668,035 +/-9,690 52.2% +/-0.7
Own children under 6 years
239,559 +/-3,651 239,559 (X)
All parents in family in labor force
144,212 +/-5,581 60.2% +/-2.2
Own children 6 to 17 years
450,661 +/-4,717 450,661 (X)
All parents in family in labor force
296,253 +/-8,513 65.7% +/-1.8
Workers 16 years and over
1,477,348 +/-11,880 1,477,348 (X)
Car, truck, or van -- drove alone
1,119,294 +/-13,602 75.8% +/-0.8
Car, truck, or van -- carpooled
141,913 +/-7,351 9.6% +/-0.5
Public transportation (excluding taxicab)
46,882 +/-4,076 3.2% +/-0.3
46,381 +/-4,402 3.1% +/-0.3
Other means
28,557 +/-3,112 1.9% +/-0.2
Worked at home
94,321 +/-5,421 6.4% +/-0.4
Mean travel time to work (minutes)
24.9 +/-0.3 (X) (X)
Civilian employed population 16 years and over
1,431,442 +/-12,064 1,431,442 (X)
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Subject San Diego County, California
Estimate Margin of Error Percent
Percent Margin of
Management, business, science, and arts
571,431 +/-10,618 39.9% +/-0.7
Service occupations
282,584 +/-8,998 19.7% +/-0.6
Sales and office occupations
343,931 +/-11,195 24.0% +/-0.7
Natural resources, construction, and maintenance
109,356 +/-6,713 7.6% +/-0.5
Production, transportation, and material moving
124,140 +/-7,012 8.7% +/-0.5
Civilian employed population 16 years and over
1,431,442 +/-12,064 1,431,442 (X)
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining
11,115 +/-2,080 0.8% +/-0.1
83,502 +/-6,107 5.8% +/-0.4
128,448 +/-6,447 9.0% +/-0.5
Wholesale trade
37,655 +/-4,101 2.6% +/-0.3
Retail trade
168,262 +/-7,037 11.8% +/-0.5
Transportation and warehousing, and utilities
49,982 +/-3,827 3.5% +/-0.3
33,779 +/-3,651 2.4% +/-0.3
Finance and insurance, and real estate and rental
and leasing
91,066 +/-5,943 6.4% +/-0.4
Professional, scientific, and management, and
administrative and waste management services
210,861 +/-8,716 14.7% +/-0.6
Educational services, and health care and social
294,883 +/-9,208 20.6% +/-0.6
Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and
accommodation and food services
168,249 +/-7,929 11.8% +/-0.5
Other services, except public administration
73,416 +/-4,936 5.1% +/-0.3
Public administration
80,224 +/-4,838 5.6% +/-0.3
Civilian employed population 16 years and over
1,431,442 +/-12,064 1,431,442 (X)
Private wage and salary workers
1,116,682 +/-13,136 78.0% +/-0.7
Government workers
205,823 +/-7,529 14.4% +/-0.5
Self-employed in own not incorporated business
106,122 +/-5,406 7.4% +/-0.4
Unpaid family workers
2,815 +/-958 0.2% +/-0.1
Total households
1,093,386 +/-5,511 1,093,386 (X)
Less than $10,000
71,283 +/-4,798 6.5% +/-0.4
$10,000 to $14,999
45,103 +/-3,476 4.1% +/-0.3
$15,000 to $24,999
97,136 +/-5,533 8.9% +/-0.5
$25,000 to $34,999
98,368 +/-5,141 9.0% +/-0.5
$35,000 to $49,999
138,315 +/-5,710 12.7% +/-0.5
$50,000 to $74,999
188,136 +/-5,915 17.2% +/-0.5
$75,000 to $99,999
134,155 +/-5,722 12.3% +/-0.5
$100,000 to $149,999
167,264 +/-6,466 15.3% +/-0.6
$150,000 to $199,999
74,980 +/-4,693 6.9% +/-0.4
$200,000 or more
78,646 +/-3,868 7.2% +/-0.4
Median household income (dollars)
61,426 +/-812 (X) (X)
Mean household income (dollars)
85,967 +/-1,501 (X) (X)
With earnings
870,734 +/-8,227 79.6% +/-0.6
Mean earnings (dollars)
85,886 +/-1,425 (X) (X)
With Social Security
271,603 +/-5,327 24.8% +/-0.5
Mean Social Security income (dollars)
16,913 +/-268 (X) (X)
With retirement income
191,708 +/-5,615 17.5% +/-0.5
Mean retirement income (dollars)
30,863 +/-1,550 (X) (X)
With Supplemental Security Income
52,048 +/-2,969 4.8% +/-0.3
Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars)
9,243 +/-408 (X) (X)
With cash public assistance income
29,338 +/-2,316 2.7% +/-0.2
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Subject San Diego County, California
Estimate Margin of Error Percent
Percent Margin of
Mean cash public assistance income (dollars)
4,884 +/-445 (X) (X)
With Food Stamp/SNAP benefits in the past 12
73,169 +/-4,236 6.7% +/-0.4
729,382 +/-9,251 729,382 (X)
Less than $10,000
36,095 +/-3,192 4.9% +/-0.4
$10,000 to $14,999
19,206 +/-2,250 2.6% +/-0.3
$15,000 to $24,999
52,489 +/-4,399 7.2% +/-0.6
$25,000 to $34,999
59,324 +/-4,504 8.1% +/-0.6
$35,000 to $49,999
88,866 +/-4,693 12.2% +/-0.7
$50,000 to $74,999
122,099 +/-5,356 16.7% +/-0.7
$75,000 to $99,999
96,454 +/-4,897 13.2% +/-0.6
$100,000 to $149,999
130,661 +/-5,959 17.9% +/-0.8
$150,000 to $199,999
58,169 +/-3,681 8.0% +/-0.5
$200,000 or more
66,019 +/-3,518 9.1% +/-0.5
Median family income (dollars)
71,608 +/-1,347 (X) (X)
Mean family income (dollars)
96,757 +/-1,978 (X) (X)
Per capita income (dollars)
30,844 +/-519 (X) (X)
Nonfamily households
364,004 +/-8,549 364,004 (X)
Median nonfamily income (dollars)
42,136 +/-1,216 (X) (X)
Mean nonfamily income (dollars)
60,023 +/-2,137 (X) (X)
Median earnings for workers (dollars)
31,701 +/-347 (X) (X)
Median earnings for male full-time, year-round workers
48,460 +/-1,354 (X) (X)
Median earnings for female full-time, year-round
workers (dollars)
41,936 +/-666 (X) (X)
Civilian noninstitutionalized population
3,112,190 +/-4,631 3,112,190 (X)
With health insurance coverage
2,606,061 +/-16,639 83.7% +/-0.6
With private health insurance
2,034,148 +/-19,905 65.4% +/-0.7
With public coverage
846,622 +/-14,438 27.2% +/-0.5
No health insurance coverage
506,129 +/-17,538 16.3% +/-0.6
Civilian noninstitutionalized population under 18
724,622 +/-574 724,622 (X)
No health insurance coverage
58,693 +/-5,175 8.1% +/-0.7
Civilian noninstitutionalized population 18 to 64 years
1,997,844 +/-4,697 1,997,844 (X)
In labor force:
1,493,957 +/-12,179 1,493,957 (X)
1,361,143 +/-12,410 1,361,143 (X)
With health insurance coverage
1,096,666 +/-13,035 80.6% +/-0.7
With private health insurance
1,039,357 +/-13,725 76.4% +/-0.8
With public coverage
87,010 +/-5,792 6.4% +/-0.4
No health insurance coverage
264,477 +/-10,496 19.4% +/-0.7
132,814 +/-6,720 132,814 (X)
With health insurance coverage
74,802 +/-4,981 56.3% +/-2.4
With private health insurance
53,711 +/-4,433 40.4% +/-2.5
With public coverage
24,140 +/-2,461 18.2% +/-1.8
No health insurance coverage
58,012 +/-4,368 43.7% +/-2.4
Not in labor force:
503,887 +/-11,726 503,887 (X)
With health insurance coverage
386,295 +/-12,303 76.7% +/-1.5
With private health insurance
279,240 +/-10,814 55.4% +/-1.6
With public coverage
128,263 +/-7,043 25.5% +/-1.2
No health insurance coverage
117,592 +/-7,670 23.3% +/-1.5
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Subject San Diego County, California
Estimate Margin of Error Percent
Percent Margin of
All families
(X) (X) 11.3% +/-0.6
With related children under 18 years
(X) (X) 15.7% +/-1.1
With related children under 5 years only
(X) (X) 9.3% +/-2.0
Married couple families
(X) (X) 7.3% +/-0.6
With related children under 18 years
(X) (X) 9.2% +/-1.1
With related children under 5 years only
(X) (X) 4.8% +/-1.7
Families with female householder, no husband present
(X) (X) 25.4% +/-2.2
With related children under 18 years
(X) (X) 34.1% +/-2.9
With related children under 5 years only
(X) (X) 28.6% +/-7.3
All people
(X) (X) 15.2% +/-0.7
Under 18 years
(X) (X) 19.4% +/-1.4
Related children under 18 years
(X) (X) 19.1% +/-1.4
Related children under 5 years
(X) (X) 17.6% +/-1.8
Related children 5 to 17 years
(X) (X) 19.6% +/-1.6
18 years and over
(X) (X) 14.0% +/-0.6
18 to 64 years
(X) (X) 14.9% +/-0.6
65 years and over
(X) (X) 9.3% +/-0.9
People in families
(X) (X) 12.4% +/-0.8
Unrelated individuals 15 years and over
(X) (X) 26.6% +/-1.0
Data are based on a sample and are subject to sampling variability. The degree of uncertainty for an estimate arising from sampling variability is
represented through the use of a margin of error. The value shown here is the 90 percent margin of error. The margin of error can be interpreted
roughly as providing a 90 percent probability that the interval defined by the estimate minus the margin of error and the estimate plus the margin of
error (the lower and upper confidence bounds) contains the true value. In addition to sampling variability, the ACS estimates are subject to
nonsampling error (for a discussion of nonsampling variability, see Accuracy of the Data). The effect of nonsampling error is not represented in these
In data year 2013, there were a series of changes to data collection operations that could have affected some estimates. These changes include the
addition of Internet as a mode of data collection, the end of the content portion of Failed Edit Follow-Up interviewing, and the loss of one monthly
panel due to the Federal Government shut down in October 2013. For more information, see: User Notes
Employment and unemployment estimates may vary from the official labor force data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics because of
differences in survey design and data collection. For guidance on differences in employment and unemployment estimates from different sources go
to Labor Force Guidance.
The Census Bureau introduced an improved sequence of labor force questions in the 2008 ACS questionnaire. Accordingly, we recommend using
caution when making labor force data comparisons from 2008 or later with data from prior years. For more information on these questions and their
evaluation in the 2006 ACS Content Test, see the "Evaluation Report Covering Employment Status" at
http://www.census.gov/acs/www/Downloads/methodology/content_test/P6a_Employment_Status.pdf, and the "Evaluation Report Covering Weeks
Worked" at http://www.census.gov/acs/www/Downloads/methodology/content_test/P6b_Weeks_Worked_Final_Report.pdf. Additional information can
also be found at http://www.census.gov/people/laborforce/.
Workers include members of the Armed Forces and civilians who were at work last week.
Industry codes are 4-digit codes and are based on the North American Industry Classification System 2012. The Industry categories adhere to the
guidelines issued in Clarification Memorandum No. 2, "NAICS Alternate Aggregation Structure for Use By U.S. Statistical Agencies," issued by the
Office of Management and Budget.
Occupation codes are 4-digit codes and are based on Standard Occupational Classification 2010.
The health insurance coverage category names were modified in 2010. See ACS Health Insurance Definitions for a list of the insurance type
While the 2013 American Community Survey (ACS) data generally reflect the February 2013 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) definitions of
metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas; in certain instances the names, codes, and boundaries of the principal cities shown in ACS tables may
differ from the OMB definitions due to differences in the effective dates of the geographic entities.
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Estimates of urban and rural population, housing units, and characteristics reflect boundaries of urban areas defined based on Census 2010 data. As
a result, data for urban and rural areas from the ACS do not necessarily reflect the results of ongoing urbanization.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2013 American Community Survey
Explanation of Symbols:
1. An '**' entry in the margin of error column indicates that either no sample observations or too few sample observations were available to
compute a standard error and thus the margin of error. A statistical test is not appropriate.
2. An '-' entry in the estimate column indicates that either no sample observations or too few sample observations were available to compute an
estimate, or a ratio of medians cannot be calculated because one or both of the median estimates falls in the lowest interval or upper interval of an
open-ended distribution.
3. An '-' following a median estimate means the median falls in the lowest interval of an open-ended distribution.
4. An '+' following a median estimate means the median falls in the upper interval of an open-ended distribution.
5. An '***' entry in the margin of error column indicates that the median falls in the lowest interval or upper interval of an open-ended distribution. A
statistical test is not appropriate.
6. An '*****' entry in the margin of error column indicates that the estimate is controlled. A statistical test for sampling variability is not appropriate.
7. An 'N' entry in the estimate and margin of error columns indicates that data for this geographic area cannot be displayed because the number of
sample cases is too small.
8. An '(X)' means that the estimate is not applicable or not available.

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