Desert Magazine 1955 March
Desert Magazine 1955 March
Desert Magazine 1955 March
542 IS THE
No. 101-3 ~
No. 43-16 7 mm. diameter
EARWIRES Sterling Silver or Gold Filled $1.25 dz.
Rhodium or Gold Plated No. 92-1
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With pinback and Gold Filled Wire for Baroque Gems
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Rhodium PI. $1.25 pa. Rhodium or Gold Plated 16 ga.— 5 ft. $1.60
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4 for $1.00—$2.00 doz.
Ster. Sil. (Polished—no 20 ga.-lO ft. $1.30
plate) §1 ea.—$10.50 (1/.. 22 ga.-lO ft. $1.00
Gold Plated 50c ea.— No. 92-4 24 ga.-lO ft. $ .75
$4.50 doz.
26 ga.-lO ft. $ .60
No. 65-4 — Brooch Mtg. FLEUR-DE-LIS
Same as above but with-
out ring and with pin With Pinback
for wearing as a brooch.
Sterling Silver Rhodium Gold or Rhodium Plated We Stock a Complete Line
Plated SI.50 ea.—$15 dz.
Cold Plated — S1.00 ea 4 for $1.00-$2.25 doz.
of Copper Jewelry Parts
$9.50 doz.
Please add 10c Federal Excise Tax to all items listed except G. F. Wire and Copper Items
California Residents Add 3% Sales Tax — Postage Extra
March 5-6—Sierra Club's Hike to Big COVER The desert Goldenbush, a perennial, photo-
Marias mountains, in Colorado graphed near Searchlight, Nevada, by
Basin country, north of Blythe, ADRIAN ATWATER, Carson City, Nevada
CALENDAR March events on the desert 3
March 5-6 — Sierra Club, Riverside Campers' Tour of Mexico
chapter, Hike to Cottonwood TRAVEL
Springs, California. By NELL MURBARGER 4
ART Allan Houser: Apache Artist
March 6 — 1955 All-Sheriffs Posse By MARIJANE MORRIS 10
Rodeo, Phoenix, Arizona.
HELD TRIP Gems of Monte Cristo
March 9-13—Maricopa County Fair, By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 12
Mesa Civic Center, Mesa, Arizona.
HISTORY Adolph Sutro's Coyote Hole
March 12 — Don's Club, Phoenix, By RICHARD H. DILLON 1?
Ariz., Travalcade to San Manual
copper town and barbecue. PRIZES For true desert experiences 18
NATURE Where Burros Collect the Garbage
March 13 and 27—Desert Sun Ranch-
er's Rodeo. Wickenburg, Arizona. By EDMUND C. JAEGER 19
POETRY Along a Desert Road, and other poems . . . 22
March 17-21—Phoenix Jaycee World
Championship Rodeo. Phoenix, Ari- PHOTOGRAPHY Pictures of the Month 23
LETTERS Comment from Desert's readers 24
March 18-20—Desert Cavalcade of
Imperial Valley, with two days of CLOSE-UPS About those who write for Desert 26
Outdoor Pageantry, Calexico, Calif.
WILDFLOWERS Flowering predictions for March 26
March 18-20—Don's Club 3-day bus From here and there on the desert 27
trip to Oak Creek Canyon, Flag- NEWS
staff and Hopi villages, Gallup, N. A test of your desert knowledge 30
M., from Phoenix, Arizona. DESERT QUIZ
MINING Current news of desert mines 32
March 31-April 2—Jaycees Rawhide
Roundup, Mesa. Arizona. FICTION Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley 33
LAPIDARY Amateur Gem Cutter, By LELANDE QUICK . . 34
ACCENTED BY GOLDENBUSH COMMENT Just Between You and Me, by the Editor . . . 42
Outstanding on California and Ari- Reviews of Southwestern literature 43
zona deserts is the conspicuous Linear-
leaved Goldenbush, on the cover of The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press,, Inc ..Palm Desert,
this month's Desert Magazine. Carson
City Photographer Adrian Atwater
took the picture near Searchlight, Ne- must be secured from the editor in writing
vada, where the shrub is not so com- RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor BESS STACY, Business Manager
mon as in neighboring states. Haplo- EVONNE RIDDELL, Circulation Manager
pappus linearijolius interior, as the
Goldenbush variety is properly known,
scribers should send notice of change of address by the first oi the month preceding issue.
is found on mesas and slopes of the
sagebrush and creosote-bush deserts
One Year $3.50 Two Years S6.00
generally between 2000 and 5000 feet
Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign 50c Extra
elevation. Its bright yellow flower
Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With
heads, growing in heavy masses, are
P. O. D. Order No. 19687
quick to catch the wayfarer's eye. Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California
MARCH, 1955
Palm-thatched huts dot the jungle countryside in the Wild palms, banana and papaya plantations and canyons
agricultural region of Jalisco, where farmers cultivate choked with native trees and wildflowers line the high-
agaves and sugar cane with crude ox-drawn plows. way to the fishing village of San Bias.
By NELL MURBARGER Texas. People, it seemed, didn't do entire cost of our 16 wonderful days
Photos by the Author such things. It simply wasn't safe! south of the border was only $58.89,
Map by Norton Allen We pointed out that we had been or $1.22 per day per person! Except
camping in Baja California over a for personal purchases, such as gifts
period of 20 years and in Sonora for and Kodak films, this total included
DAD and Mother and I 15 years, all without any trouble; but our every expenditure—tourist permits,
first began planning an auto this, we were assured, proved nothing Mexican car insurance, gasoline and
jaunt through Central Mexico, whatever.
some of our friends were a trifle du- oil, meals, lodging, groceries, cold
bious. At least, it wasn't hard to im- "Those border states are more drinks, ferry toll, tips, one car wash
agine them shaking their heads and Americanized and civilized," we were job and one tire repair.
observing that folks 74 and 68 years told. "Central Mexico is different!" We had rambled leisurely through
of age aren't exactly young; and, they That was all the added incentive we eight Mexican states—covering a total
could have added, "neither is Nell, nor needed. If Central Mexico was "dif- road distance of 2306 miles. We had
that car she drives!" ferent," then Central Mexico was our explored historic old missions, browsed
When we expanded our plans to goal! through native markets, visited Indian
make it a camping trip, not only our We made the trip; and, contrary to villages, hunted agates and seashells,
friends but everyone who heard of the all predictions, fell prey to neither swam and fished in the gulf, gathered
idea was definitely opposed. bandits nor boa constrictors. The coconuts and bananas. We had en-
"An American wouldn't dare to most difficult problem arising out of joyed every minute—and our greatest
camp in Mexico!" we were warned by the journey, as a matter of fact, has pleasure of all (as well as our greatest
a chamber of commerce official in been to convince our friends that the saving in cost) came from the fact
that we camped out every night, cook- late. We were only a short distance beautifully green and well wooded;
ing the sort of food we like best, as from the highway, and trucks and buses many of the canyons carried streams
we like it to be cooked, and sleeping and burros shuttled past our camp of water, and the occasional wide riv-
in our own bedrolls under the stars! throughout that night; yet, of all this ers were shaded by great, arching trees.
That the north central portion of potentially "dangerous" throng, not Whenever our road crossed a stream
Mexico is yet almost unknown to one person paused to investigate a car- or river in the vicinity of a town, we
American tourists becomes more un- load of American turistas who lay would see groups of women gathered
derstandable when it is realized that sleeping on the ground in plain view of at the water's edge in a primitive ver-
the first all-weather auto road to link the road. sion of the American laundromat. Af-
the several states of the central pla- Our second day carried us through ter soaking their soiled garments in
teau was not opened to through traffic more cotton and corn, past dozens of the stream, they would lay the wet
until May, 1950. Neither has the re- small villages and through the state pieces on smooth boulders and pound
gion been covered more than super- capital of Chihuahua, center of one of them with wooden paddles to loosen
ficially by writers of Mexican travel the great mining districts of Mexico. the dirt, or would rub them over crude
books and guide books. Consequently, Spread upon the side of a hill, a short washboards made from hollowed tree
we left El Paso with little more idea distance south of the city, we could trunks. Strangely enough, when the
of the conditions we would find to the see the little town of Santa Eulalia, garments were finally laid in the sun
south than if we had been starting to oldest mining center in northern Mex- to dry, they were as sparkling clean
explore the moon! ico, and site of the largest smelter in as any laundry that ever came out of
Possibly this was why we were sur- the Republic. This is a region that an automatic washer!
prised to find the State of Chihuahua has been actively mined for more than We had been passing stone fences
a land quite similar to Arizona. Here four centuries. through much of Chihuahua, but none
were long stretches of desert, scattered With frequent stops to explore old to compare with the fences we were
sparsely with creosote and catsclaw; adobe ruins, hunt rocks, flowers and now seeing in Durango! Laid without
but here, also, were rich irrigated val- relics, mid-afternoon of this second mortar and beautifully trim, they stood
leys, planted to corn and cotton and day found us with only 185 miles high as a man's chest and about three
rolling slopes covered with thick prairie clocked on the speedometer; but when feet in thickness. Leading across the
grass standing high as a man's hips Mom spotted a little wood road wind- hills and down through the valleys •—
and supporting large herds of fat cattle. ing back toward the foothills, she fig- straight as dies—they bordered high-
Since cattle range, farming land and ured it might lead us to a good camp- way and rivers and encircled ranches
tight fences do not make ideal camp- ing place and it did! A sheltered des- and villages. We were told that some
ing conditions, our first night in Chi- ert cove, it was dry and warm and of these walls yet in use were built
huahua was spent 189 miles south of naturally paved with clean, smooth more than 200 years ago; and from
the border in a parque cenador — a pebbles. their appearance, I have no doubt but
roadside park. In addition to a con- Early next morning, we crossed into they'll be standing, 200 years hence!
crete canopy for shade, the little re- the State of Durango. Almost imme- Situated along our road were oc-
treat provided us with a table, benches, diately the landscape began to change. casional Indian pueblos, some of which
outdoor fireplace and a trash recepta- We were traveling now at an elevation must have comprised as many as 1000
cle; and the entire place was immacu- of around 6000 feet. The hills were inhabitants. Small, flat-roofed and rec-
MARCH, 1955
tavos a bottle (two cents, American),
bought half a shopping bag full of
tender green peas for the equivalent of
16 cents—and for another 25 cents
had that bag filled to the brim with
firm, golden bananas!
J Throughout Central Mexico we were
«T Nogales^ M E X I C O ' T r ^ i ^ to find old missions, deserted and in a
state of ruin comparable to the Span-
ish missions of California prior to their
restoration. One of the most interest-
ing of those we explored was a fine
old stone church in the little Durango
town of Amado Nervo. While the
building itself was badly deteriorated,
the bell was still hanging in the tower;
the heavy carved doors swung on mas-
sive hand-forged hinges, and the once-
gilded altar was still standing amid
/m| C 0 A H U I L A heaps of packrat litter and the gather-
ing dust of the years.
One of our fascinating adventures
f ^ \ ••••• '-••• '-• \
of each day was to wonder what sort
of camp we would have that night. It
wasn't a matter for apprehension —
as any veteran camper will understand
—tout rather one of keen anticipation.
We even made sort of a game of it.
At 3 o'clock each afternoon, we would
begin looking for what we considered
a perfect camp, which might embody
such assets as good shade, an interest-
ing view, privacy, easy access, etc. If
locotecas LUIS a camp fitting this description was not
forthcoming by 3:30, we would lower
our sights a trifle; and after 4 o'clock
uoscalientes we were in the market for any clean,
semi-secluded spot.
The camp we made on this fourth
PACIFIC night in Mexico, was definitely a "three
o'clock camp."
Soon after leaving the old mission
OCEAN at Amado Nervo, we had started up
a winding grade into hills. We eventu-
ally crossed the state line, into Zacate-
cas, and about 200 yards before top-
ping the Continental Divide, at 7900
feet, we drove off into a fine grove of
large junipers and pinyon pines. The
tangular, all the buildings in these vil- All the next morning our road un- ground beneath the trees was layered
lages were constructed of adobe brick folded in a panorama of changing deeply with pine needles, and beauti-
and were wholly innocent of porches, scenes. One moment we would be fully free of trash and litter—as was
lattices, glass windows, wooden doors, traveling through dry desert hills grown this entire Central Mexican country-
plastering or chimneys. Cooking was to tree yuccas and ocotillos and huge side—and the interesting view we re-
done on open fires in the yard; burros prickly pears laden with cactus fruit, quired of "three o'clock camps" was
and cows roamed the streets at will, and the next moment would find us supplied by a small, brown Indian
and corn and peppers were drying on crossing a well-grassed slope, dotted village, spread upon the slope of the
elevated brush platforms, each held with sparkling ponds of water and mountain, half a mile away.
aloft by crooked poles. Occasionally grazed by huge herds of cattle. Or, we Leading by our camp, and off
in the yards of these homes we would might be dipping through a green val- through the trees toward the village,
glimpse small boys playing happily and ley, where cornfields were ripening, was a well-trodden footpath. Several
noisily with only their healthy brown peppers drying in the sun and great times in the course of the evening,
skin for covering. leafy trees casting their shade on a Indian woodcutters passed this way,
Our camp this night was made on quiet river. but none ever left their trail to ap-
a grassy slope dotted with small trees Noontime brought us to the city of proach our camp, or exhibited the
and flat-lobed Opuntia cactuses. We Durango, and here we stopped for a slightest interest in our preparations
were 5600 feet above sea level, 190 couple of hours to explore the big city for supper and night. Whenever we
miles beyond our camp of the previ- market where it is possible to buy any- made it a point to address such passers-
ous night, and deep in the heart of thing from dried seaweed to live goats. by in Spanish, they would snap a quick
Durango! We indulged in Coca-Cola at 25 cen- glance our way, and smile and nod
For Desert Magazine readers who even though that represents but $4.00
may want to make a similar trip, the in American money.
following suggestions and general in- CLIMATE: The annual rainy sea-
formation is offered: son occurs between May and Octo-
ROAD CONDITIONS: Our route, as ber, when the coastal area around
here described, is black - topped San Bias and Mazatlan receives as
throughout, including the side trip to much as 50 inches of rainfall and the
San Bias. Only one river must be heat and humidity is almost past en-
crossed by ferry. There are no steep durance. Best time for making the
grades or sharp curves; no section of trip is between November 1 and May
the road is so narrow that two cars 1, when the temperature is near per-
cannot pass readily, and the entire fect.
road should be easily negotiable by CLOTHING: Dress as for central
a trailer of reasonable size. There Arizona—light garments for daytime
are, however, very few established wear, sweaters or jackets for evening.
trailer parks. And ladies, if you want the Mexican
GASOLINE: Supply points are never people to think well of you and re-
more than an hour's drive apart, gen- spect you, don't wear trousers! Mex-
erally much closer. Both regular (80 ico is an old, old land whose morals
octane) and high-octane gas may be are those of our grandmothers' day,
had at most stations. For regular we and its people do not look with favor
paid as low as 12 cents an American on women clad in jeans, slacks, jodh-
gallon, and never higher than 19 cents. purs, or shorts. Most particularly,
HOTELS AND MOTELS: Good res- shorts! Modern bathing suits and
taurant meals may be had at about playsuits are acceptable when swim-
half the cost of comparable meals in ming or sunbathing on the immedi-
the U.S. The same is true of motel ate sea beach, but not in business
and hotel accommodations. Motels houses or restaurants, even in the
are found in only the largest cities beach cities.
en route, but those available are new LANGUAGE: Except in the bilingual
and offer good rooms at around $3.00 border cities and Guaymas, the mo-
a night, double. There are hotels in torist will find but relatively few per-
every town of any size. sons who speak English; so a work-
CAMPING FACILITIES: Campsites ing knowledge of Spanish adds greatly
will average about like those described to enjoyment of the trip. The Mexi-
in the accompanying story. At least cans, however, are a kindly, sympa-
two hours of margin before sundown thetic, people. If they can possibly San Carlos Bay, Sonora, offers any
should be allowed for selection of a figure what you want, or are trying number of fine campsites at water's
good site. Campers in Mexico—even to say, they'll do everything in their
more so than in our own country- power to help you. And always re- edge.
have an obligation to be extremely member that the one universal lan-
careful with fire, bury or burn all guage is a friendly smile.
trash, and close gates behind them. In closing this story of our Mexican quickly in a manner suggesting both
We traveled 2300 miles without see- Adventure, I wish to emphasize surprise and pleasure. One man even
ing a single "No Trespassing" sign. strongly that any condition or situa-
tion set forth is intended only to swept off his wide hat and gave us a
canned foods may be obtained in all apply to the region immediately ad- courtly bow! But, even then, he didn't
the larger towns and cities, at slightly jacent to Route 45, through the states come near our camp.
higher cost; while domestic foods of Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas.
(both canned and fresh) are sub- Aguascalientes and Jalisco; along For the next 120 miles, the eleva-
stantially lower in price than com- Route 80, through Jalisco; Route 15 tion of our road seldom dropped below
parable goods in the U.S. We carried through Jalisco. Nayarit, Sinaloa and 7000 feet, and once we were just un-
neither tent nor cots nor gasoline Sonora.
stove; but these items are optional. der 8200 feet—the highest altitude we
Possibly the same conditions pre-
Mosquito netting, or a good insect vail elsewhere in Mexico, possibly would encounter on the trip.
repellent, is a must in the jungle and not—I cannot very well speak for the
coastal areas. rest of the country when I've never One of the thrills of the journey
WATER: Unless boiled, or other- been there—but along the route noted. came to us in this state of Zacatecas,
wise treated, stream and tap water in Dad and Mother and I found camp- when a small white road sign set forth
Mexico is popularly supposed to be ing distinctly pleasant. Although we the fact that we were then crossing
unfit for drinking by norte americanos. showed only the ordinary caution we
This may or may not be true; but observe when camping in the United the Tropic of Cancer! While we knew
there is no need for running any States, we did not have so much as that this placed us in the same latitude
risk. Distilled water (bottled) may a stick of gum stolen from our car as Calcutta, Northern Africa, and Cen-
be purchased in all the larger towns; or camp. At no time were we sub- tral Arabia, there was still little about
or the traveler may do as we did and jected to any embarrassment or indig-
treat the water with Halazone tablets. nity, and throughout the entire trip the country that appeared tropical.
Procurable at most drugstores in the we encountered only friendliness and About the only unusual growth we
U.S., these tablets cost 35 cents for helpfulness from Mexicans and In- could see in the immediate vicinity
a bottle of 100—an amount sufficient dians alike. was a species of gigantic yucca, the
to treat 12 gallons of water to the It may be difficult for non-campers
same degree of safety attained by largest we noted being 40 feet in height,
to understand this, but even though
boiling. Water treated by the tablets the cost of camping were the same, with a spread even greater, while the
has no foreign taste. Ice is procur- or greater, my folks and I would still base of its furrowed trunk measured
able in all the larger towns at about prefer to travel in this manner. Aside 33 feet in circumference!
eight cents for 25 pounds. from the greater freedom and inde-
MONEY: Excepting at the tourist pendence that is the camper's natural Before this fourth day was com-
centers of Juarez, Nogales and Guay- legacy, we feel that every night we pleted, however, we were passing
mas, do not ask Mexican merchants have camped under Mexican skies
to accept American money, or even has put us closer to that land and through green valleys beautifully
Mexican currency of large denomina- its people, and has given us an under- wooded with huge wild pepper trees—
tion. The average small business standing we could not have found exactly like the trees that border so
house is generally unable to change within the security of a locked hotel
any bill as large as a 50-peso note, room. many of our driveways in Southern
California—and that night found us
MARCH, 1955 7
Massive organ pipe cactus in Sonora, Mexico. A jew Mission ruin at Amado Nerva, State of Durango.
days later, the campers were in the Mexican interior, in Though the building itself is badly deteriorated, the bells,
entirely different lush jungle country. doors and altar are still intact.
camped in the State of Aguascalientes, been succeeded by steeply-pitched tile the mountains; and native farmers were
on a grassy bench thinly wooded with —better suited to the heavy rainfall of working their land with crude plows by
acacia-like shrubs. this southern district — and acres of heavy ox teams.
We got off to an early start the next wildflowers flanked the road. Soon after crossing the state line into
morning, and even before seven At last, sated with scenery and Nayarit, we found one of our choicest
o'clock, we were overtaking and pass- wearying even of adventure, we pulled camping sites of the entire trip! Be-
ing scores of pack burros laden with into a grove of tall eucalyptus trees side a clear tumbling stream of water,
every imaginable sort of freight—wood and there made camp. In the peace and under a gigantic tree of a species
and corn fodder, pottery, squashes, and quiet of that grove it was hard to we had never before seen, lay a clean
cheese, homemade chairs, baskets and believe we were only ten miles from carpet of short green grass and wild
five-gallon cans filled with milk or Guadalajara, a city of nearly 400.000 flowers. It was difficult to imagine a
water. Other burros were carrying persons! better spot for unrolling a sleeping bag.
whole families into town, several chil- Along with Guadalajara, our next All the next forenoon we wound
dren clinging to the back of a single day's travel brought large acreages through a lush, green land, where ba-
animal, and women of the party invari- planted to agaves, one of the principal nana palms and corn occupied the
ably seated sidewise on their mounts. crops of Jalisco. Upon their reaching same fields. We spent a few hours in
the proper state of development, the the old city of Tepic — where we
Other men and women, and even
dagger-tipped leaves are trimmed from stepped from our car into an atmo-
small children, were padding along the
the plant and converted into cordage, sphere of three centuries ago; and 22
road on sandaled feet, many of them
and the pineapple-shaped hearts be- miles beyond Tepic, we turned off on
bearing on their heads huge baskets
come the main component in Mexico's a side road to San Bias.
and bundles — laundry, garden pro-
duce, fruit, personal belongings. Still national drink, tequila. Anyone who plans to duplicate our
others were carrying water, Oriental About noon of this day we entered Mexico adventure and does not include
fashion, in five-gallon cans slung from the Barrancas — a region of deep, this side trip to San Bias is eating his
poles laid across their shoulders. wooded canyons, impossibly green cake without the frosting!
Aguascalientes is a small state, and mountainsides and the first rich flavor For 30 miles we drove through a
it was yet early morning when we of the tropics. Here, for the first time, jungle of banana and papaya planta-
crossed the line into Jalisco. The we saw steep hillsides closely planted tions, and through a wild tropical for-
country was much greener now and to banana trees. Wild palms grew est whose trees were identified to us
a new variety of cactus had appeared, along the clear streams that coursed as lignum-vitae, mahogany, ebony,
a tall, heavy species, closely ribbed. through nearly every canyon, and brazilwood, and rosewood. Here were
Branches cut from these plants had there were whole villages of palm- scores of acres closely massed with
been set in the ground to form fences thatched huts. Sugar cane, twice as wild palms, and whole canyons tied
impenetrable by even a burro or goat. high as a man's head, was growing in together with lavender-colored moon-
The fiat roofs of Northern Mexico had pocket-sized clearings tucked away in flowers and coral vines. We drove
along dim, leafy aisles, where our road
had been literally carved from a wilder-
ness of towering coqulta palms. We
crossed wide, sparkling rivers, and dark
estuaries fringed with mangroves and
inhabited by rose-colored flamingos
and egrets—and at the far end of the
road, we came to the little fishing
town of San Bias, on the shores of the
High on a green hill overlooking the
present village, we could see the rem-
nants of Old Town, where a fort, ca-
thedral, and other buildings were
erected by the Spaniards more than
four centuries ago and now lie in a
state of picturesque ruin. It was from
San Bias that Father Serra launched
his history-making expedition to found
the missions of Alta California; and
many of the original bells of our Cali-
fornia missions were cast at a foundry
in this one-time outpost of civilization.
Driving out to the sea beach, over
an ancient road paved all the way with
cobblestones, we enjoyed a cool swim
and gathered a few seashells. And
then we rambled on down the shore
for another mile and set up housekeep- The author and her father. They found a delightful camping place in a
ing in a fine grove of tall coconut coconut grove near San Bias, Nayarit.
palms that ran down to the warm
white sand of the beach.
During the night that followed, we bushes heavily clustered with yellow water, this place affords several fine,
were privileged to see a rare sight. flowers. shady campsites at the end of the
Mid-morning of the tenth day found graded road. But as we were in a
Shortly after supper, an electrical frame of mind to explore, we continued
storm closed in on the jungle, and for us in the State of Sinaloa and the
coastal city of Mazatlan. As it was for another mile along a narrow, rocky
several hours heat lightning flashed road that skirted the shore, and event-
and snapped all around us. Thunder Sunday, we laid over—devoting the
day to swimming and playing on the ually ended in a cul-de-sac at the
rumbled constantly; the offshore water water's edge. Here we remained for
beach. We camped that night at the
grew dark and restless, and a sea wind north edge of town. an entire day — resting, swimming,
swept in to tug fretfully at the long fishing, exploring the nearby hills and
fronds of the coconuts. The storm, About noon of the next day, after watching the antics of a large assort-
however, brought with it only a few making the rounds of the city markets ment of sea birds.
sprinkles of rain; and, about 10 o'clock, and re-provisioning our mess boxes,
a dead calm settled over the sea and we continued on our way. Leaving San Carlos on the morning
our camp at the jungle's edge. Forty miles north of Mazatlan, we of our 15th day in Mexico, we con-
shipped back over the Tropic of Can- tinued northward for 250 miles, much
With this calm came a display of of that distance through a veritable
phosphorescence we will never forget! cer and, toward evening, pulled into
Culiacan, capital of Sinaloa and a desert arboretum shared by saguaro,
The bodies carrying the phosphorus place fantastically old! According to organ pipe, senita, bisnaga, cane,
appeared like ghostly dancing balls, archeologists and historians this may choya, cereus and mamillarias. Here,
balls large and small, and everywhere, be the oldest city in North America, too, were ocotillos, elephant trees, mes-
all at once! One ball, glowing like a since it is known to have been inhab- quite, palo verde, ironwood and creo-
Japanese lantern, climbed the trunk of ited without interruption for 1400 sote brush; and along the few streams
a coconut palm in great lurching loops; years, and by Spanish-speaking peoples grew cottonwoods and sycamores. Our
another glowing orb hovered silently for 423 years! single camp in this section was made
over my sleeping bag; and still others under a large organ pipe cactus, be-
frolicked on the beach, skipped along The following night we were camped
tween Hermosillo and Casa Blanca.
the horizon and made merry in the along a desert wash about 20 miles
leaf fronds of the palms. north of the town of Los Mochis; and Early in the afternoon of the 16th
before noon of the next day, we were day, we reached the bilingual tourist
Completely fascinated, we sat up- making our way through the Yaqui stronghold of Nogalcs, Sonora and, a
right in our sleeping bags and watched Indian country of Sonora. Halting only few minutes later, had rolled across
the exhibition until after midnight, briefly in the gulf coast city of Guay- the International boundary into Ari-
when it gradually abated. mas, we drove a few miles north of zona.
Camp the next evening—after trav- town and turned west on a graded We had proved to our own satisfac-
eling through 135 miles of lush jungle road to San Carlos bay. tion that camping in Mexico is as safe
—was made in a hillside clearing ringed Completely landlocked, and enclos- as camping in the United States—and
by a mimosa-type shrub, and by cassia ing several square miles of calm, clear just as richly rewarding.
MARCH, 1955
one of the foremost Indian artists in
the country.
Allan was born in Apache, Okla-
homa, a full-blooded Apache and di- Part of a mural, this eagle dancer was painted in traditional Indian style
rect descendent of Geronimo. His In- by Apache Artist Allan Houser.
dian name is Haozous, "the sound of
pulling roots," he explains. English- ser," and he adopted the phonetic His first art training came as a high
speaking friends pronounced it "Hou- spelling for his professional name. school student at Santa Fe Indian
School. Later he studied for two years
There is a marked resemblance between Allan Houser and his famous under Olle Nardmark, learning fresco
ancestor, the Apache Chief Geronimo. (wet plaster) and secco (dry plaster)
mural techniques, and took one year
of advanced work with Dorothy Dunn,
founder of the department of painting
at the Santa Fe school.
Miss Dunn gave Allan more than
instruction in painting technique and
familiarity with the art tools of his
white brothers. She instilled in him
a deep feeling of responsibility to his
race to preserve and perpetuate Ameri-
can Indian art.
Allan tried to explain this to me, in
his careful, unhurried English. He took
from his desk drawer a pair of moc-
casins, soft to the touch and incredibly
beautiful in workmanship. "My grand-
mother made these moccasins for me,"
he said. "Today this Indian art is
almost lost. Other craft, basketry, pot-
tery making, wall paintings and blanket
I iS
decorations were in danger too, not so
much from extinction as from corrup-
tion bv the white man's forms. As late
To some of his paintings, Allan Houser adds more realism by modeling or "rounding" figures and by painting in
backgrounds. Indian artists usually paint more decoratively with flat color areas, depending upon drawing rather
than shading for three-dimensional effects. Compare with "Eagle Dancers," opposite.
as 1928, pupils in government Indian "rounded" figures, as in his "Buffalo any foreign country has honored an
schools were discouraged, sometimes Hunt." This more lifelike painting American Indian.
even forbidden to paint Indian sub- deviates from the traditional two-di- The Southern Plains Museum at
jects." mensional Indian tradition exemplified Anadarko, Oklahoma, contains four
Miss Dunn did much to change that. in Houser's mural representation of the of Allan's dioramas, miniature scenes
She told her young Indians about the eagle dancer. so cleverly constructed that it is almost
great arts of the world. She warned Allan Houser's accomplishments are impossible to tell where the three-di-
them that the art of every nation de- many. Three of his murals decorate mensional foreground ends and the
clined when it imitated the art of an- walls of the Department of Interior painted background begins.
other nation. She showed Allan and building in Washington, D.C., delight- One of his latest projects was the
his fellow pupils how to use the white ing visitors with their color and artistry illustration of Ann Clark's Blue Can-
man's materials, but she urged them to and telling them something of the yon Horse, a book for children. He
draw inspiration from their own rich Apaches' "Love Songs," "Round also illustrated two books for Edgar
heritage. Dance" and "Apache Buffalo Hunt." Wyatt, Cochise, Apache Warrior and
Indian artists never draw from mod- He also has painted murals for the Statesman, and Geronimo, Last
els. Allan works from memory, from Fort Sill and Riverside Indian Schools Apache War Chief.
keen observation of details, from a in Oklahoma and for the city of For the past three years, Allan has
vivid imagination. His paintings sing Dulce, New Mexico. In 1947 he was taught commercial art at the Inter-
with the Indian's love of color and his chosen to carve in marble a war mem- Mountain Indian School at Brigham
natural good taste in using it. His can- orial for Haskell Institute at Lawrence, City, Utah, where he makes his home
vases are simply real representations Kansas. That same year he was with his wife and four sons. He is a
of paintings he visualizes in his mind, modest man, insisting that his brother
awarded the John Simon Guggenheim
he explains. As a composer "hears" Albert, studying medicine at the Uni-
the sonata he is writing, so Allan "sees" scholarship for sculpturing and paint-
versity of Oklahoma, "has all the
his picture. ing.
brains." But Allan's fame is growing
Allan admits that modern Indian At last year's Intertribal Indian Cere- on firm foundations, firmer than he will
artists are influenced by white artists, monials at Gallup, New Mexico, an- admit.
particularly by their rules of design other honor came to Houser. The His goal in art? "I want to be the
and measure. He himself has experi- French Republic named him one of best artist I can be," Allan will answer,
mented with realistic three-dimensional the recipients of their government's turning back to his easel. "There is
b a c k g r o u n d s and m o d e l e d , or Palmes Academiques, tke first time much work to be done."
MARCH, 1955 11
great cliffed mountain in the Monte Cristo Mountains of southwestern Nevada is the source of beautiful gem
agate and other striking cutting materials. Collecting area extends through the wash and on beyond the mountain
and on its other side. Great rock pillar to left of car, left center, is landmark for the field.
The first time Harold Weight visited the Monte Cristo Mountains supposed to be the area's oldest work-
of southwestern Nevada, he thought for a while he might have to spend ings. But when our friends Fred and
the rest of his life in this gem hunter's paradise. His collecting sack full Logan Gilbert came with their parents
of beautiful agate and other gem material, he wandered for a full day to the Carrie in the '90s, they discov-
and a half before he found his way out of the wash-slashed range which ered long-abandoned "Spanish dig-
offers a different road in every canyon and gully. Harold's return trip ging" with good ore still on the dump.
last spring was a careful one, noting directions, landmarks and mileages Old-timers told them that long, long
which he passes on to Desert Magazine readers in this story. before, Spaniards brought packtrains
loaded with silver rock from these
By HAROLD O. WEIGHT mountains to be worked at the camp
Photos by the Author of Candelaria, across Columbus Valley
Map by Norton Allen to the west.
Whenever it began, mining activity
thought it was impossible to be- steep, rugged faces on the southeast has continued almost without interrup-
come lost while driving a car up and south, where they are bounded by tion. Innumerable monuments, pros-
a canyon in a desert mountain the Great Smoky Valley, and on the pect holes, shafts, shacks and roads
range—until the Monte Cristo Moun- southwest where they drain into Co- tell the story of many people working
tains in southwestern Nevada trapped lumbus Marsh. over a long period. With most desert
me. The Monte Cristos are colorful, No one knows how long ago pros- mountain ranges, roads are confined to
and fascinating to anyone who hunts pecting and mining began in the Monte separate washes and to their tributaries
desert rocks, scenery or history. They Cristos. The Carrie mine, southwest and the slopes they drain, with high
form a great crescent opening on high of Crow Springs, where lead-silver ores steep divides usually eliminating auto-
gradual slopes on the north, but with were under development in 1890, is trails between adjoining canyons. But
' % • :
MARCH, 1955 13
Pass by U.S. 6 and down to the junc- valley, we saw black lava hills to the up to 200 feet or more in length. They
tion of 6 and 95 near Coaldale at the right, which seemed to be made up may be arranged vertically or horizont-
edge of Columbus Marsh. of shaped blocks and columns. This ally, or be radial or curved.
Seven and a half miles east of Coal- remarkable type of jointing—familiar Beyond the lava-column hills, we
dale and less than half a mile beyond to Westerners in Devil's Postpile Na- kept right at two Ys, then the road
old Blair Junction—where the Silver tional Monument in California and the headed easterly through a low pass.
Peak highway branches south— I saw Devil's Tower in Wyoming—was one Our progress was slow. It was a fine
a trail to the northeast which seemed landmark I had not forgotten. day for hiking, and many hills and
to angle properly, and we followed it. Geologists say columnar jointing is ridges and canyons demanded investi-
relatively common in igneous rock, gation. Beyond the pass, the road
A short distance from the highway dropped into another large drainage
we reached a Y where the left branch with Giant's Causeway in Ireland, Fin-
gal's Cave in Scotland and the Pali- system. Following the road around the
seemed quite new and appeared to lead next band, we sighted the landmark I
toward highly colored lake bed sedi- sades of the Hudson among widely
known examples. But it will never be had been looking for—a blunt tower-
ments of the Esmeralda formation ex- ing needle of stone which rose right
posed at the foot of the Monte Cristos less than remarkable to me. We walked
over to examine one particularly strik- from the wash.
to our left.
ing exposure. Where columns had It was a striking geological feature
This exposure has supplied fine and —and the marker for the big field in
interesting material for rockhounds— broken out we discovered that the lava
under the blackish surface coating was which my parents and 1 had collected.
petrified and opalized woods, agates Quantities of distinctive Monte Cristo
and bright jaspers and opalite nodules. predominately grayish, with sometimes
a tan and sometimes a green tinge. agate have eroded and are still eroding
Though worked by dealers as well as from the massive cliff-faced mountain
individual collectors — highly colored The broken short lengths of columns
— natural building blocks — showed across the wash to the east of the
jasper, including some beautifully brec- stone pillar. We pulled up beside the
ciated, still can be found easily. The from three to six regular sides.
stone pillar, 7.1 miles from Blair Junc-
rockhound who will camp and hunt Geologists explain that certain types tion, and made camp.
may locate real treasures. We have of magma—the original molten rock The thought of a relaxing campfire
collected there more than once, but mass—have "centers of contraction" and warm supper gave us the final
had always followed the main road in which tend to occur on the cooling spurt needed to unload our gear. In
—which branches directly north from surfaces, usually at regularly spaced the up-wash side of the pillar we saw
Highways 6 and 95 exactly opposite intervals. From these centers, says a little cave seemingly perfect for our
the Silver Peak turnoff. Louis V. Pirsson in his physical geol- fire and grill, soot in its recesses show-
The field I wanted to relocate lay ogy text, "three cracks form and radi- ing it had served that purpose before.
farther to the east and farther into the ate outward at angles of 120 degrees. Lucile, in a moment, was emptying a
mountains, so we held to the right Intersection of these cracks produce can of savory soup into the pan and
fork at the Y. About four miles from a regular hexagonal pattern, and their had a kettle of water ready to heat for
the highway I was satisfied we were penetration inward makes the col- coffee. But we reckoned without the
retracing my earlier trip. Here, where umns." These columns may be a few wind demon into whose territory we
the road followed up a broad drainage inches to several feet in diameter and evidently had trespassed.
.: • * • • •
Slices of gemstone from the Monte Cristo field: upper left (three by one and three-quarter inches), black needle
design in bluish-white chalcedony; upper right, a fortification "lake" surrounded by red agate, edged with black and
white agate and double-spotted with red opalite; lower left, colorful translucent agate with black, bluish, golden
yellow and red; lower right, typical "Monte Cristo agate," streaked dark red and translucent white and topped with
sub-translucent mossy white.
By the time I had a fire lighted, part carious kettle-carrying trip to the car Looping her body back into fighting
of our wood had been whirled down ended our struggles with the Wind position, she swelled her head to an
the wash. The ragged flames were Demon of Monte Cristo. The car ugly triangular shape and dared us to
blown wildly to the top of the cave. continued to rock with successive start anything.
Cups and bowls flew past us from the blasts, then suddenly as it had come
I jumped to the conclusion—and 1
tail gate of the car while Lucile dove the wind left us.
mean jumped—that we were enter-
through the wind for rocks big enough Morning was calm and pleasant. We taining a rattlesnake. But there was
to weight down lids and I tried to were taking pictures with the first light, no warning buzz, and cautious closer
corral the fire and keep it under the while the long early shadows gave di- examination revealed no buzzer. Then
pans by building rock breastworks mension to the rock planes. Return- I recognized her as a desert gopher
around the grill. ing to the pillar, we unexpectedly met snake, and harmless. She posed ag-
Lucile gave up thought of an out- the lady owner of our campsite. At gressively for a portrait, then, as we
door meal. Rescuing equipment and least, Laurence M. Klauber, long cur- drew back, slid gracefully down the
prying the car door open, she tried to ator of Reptiles for the Zoological So- vertical rock. Half way she lost her
set up a supper "table" in the front ciety of San Diego, identified the photo footing—or whatever snakes have in-
seat. The flighty flames were not I sent as that of a lady. There was no stead—and plumped on the ground.
against the pans often enough to be doubt that she felt she owned the place. Here she expelled her breath with an
effective, but finally steam puffed from She was heading for a shady hollow indignant snort and slipped under an-
under the rock-secured lids. A pre- under my camera case when we met. other boulder.
MARCH , 195 5 15
That odd swelling of the head still in cragged, vivid volcanic peaks and
bothered me, and when I developed MONTE CRISTO LOG the delicious pastels of softly rounded
her picture I sent a copy to Mr. Klau- tuffs and clays. Then there were the
ber. He wrote: "I should say your 0.0 Blair Junction (also point where forlorn remnants of once-hopeful min-
paved Silver Peak Highway ing enterprises, especially plentiful. Old
snake was without question a desert branches south). Keep ahead,
gopher snake, Pituophis catenifer des- east, on U.S. 6 and 95. wooden and sheetmetal shacks falling
erticola, of the subspecies to be ex- or fallen apart, shafts and tunnels and
pected in the Monte Cristo Mountains. 0.4 Leave paved highway for unim- trenches which told of great expendi-
proved left branch, angling north-
Everything points to this conclusion— east. tures of effort, and countless monu-
the blotch pattern, strongly keeled ments marking claims upon which no
scales and scales of the head. It seems 0.8 Y. Keep right. work had ever been done.
to have the black longitudinal stripe 4.5 Old mine trail branches right.
Keep straight ahead. The big excitement in the Monte
on the neck with inserted yellow spots
Cristos came after the Gilbert brothers
characteristic of this particular sub- 4.6 Fine exposure of columnar joint- struck rich gold on their Last Chance
species. P. c. deserticola is black and ing in lava, right. Faint branch
into canyon, left. Keep ahead on claim in 1924, and the camp of Gilbert
yellow or orange.
main road. boomed (Desert, May '51). In the
"The striking pose and especially rush that followed, almost every square
5.3 Well-marked left branch. Keep
the laterally spread posterior part of yard of the range must have been
the head are seen rather frequently in right, on main road. staked out. Most of the activity in the
an angry threatening gopher snake. 6.6 Old right branch, keep left. part where we were wandering had
Often, but not invariably, they hiss 6.7 Reach big wash. Follow main taken place in the South Gilbert dis-
and vibrate their tails. But in Califor- road up wash, northerly. trict.
nia it's easy to distinguish dangerous 7.0 Little wash, right, leads into col- "It started soon after we made our
snakes from harmless — no rattles, lecting area. Keep ahead up main strike," the Gilbert brothers had told
no worry. Head shape isn't a good wash to
us. "Two promoters—Bill Gray and
criterion anywhere. Many harmless 7.1 Big rock pillar. January Jones—got hold of the old
snakes have triangular heads, widen- Hardscrabble mine down there. They
ing toward the neck, and some of the rechristened it the Original Gilbert.
worst of venomous snakes in other Of course it wasn't! But it was a good
countries have heads much like our criss-cross pattern, like a modern tex-
tile design. In other pieces the black name for promotion. Never took two-
racers and king snakes. Your Nevada bits worth of gold out of it, but they
friend was a lady, to judge by the would "feather" into the agate. Veins
with delicate parallel lines or scallops sold $50,000 worth of stock."
shape of her tail."
were prim and old fashioned enough Today's rockhounds get better re-
I pass along Mr. Klauber's informa- to remind us of calico prints. A little turns out of the southern Monte Cris-
tion both for its interest and because varicolored opalite was included in tos. We found cutting rock and inter-
I would hate to have our Monte Cristo some agate patterns. esting leads at several places where we
lady friend liquidated because some Any of this Monte Cristo material, stopped. One particular association of
excited rockhound took her defensive for lapidary use, must be selected with rocks became quite familiar: worn
stance too seriously. She was there care. It has a tendency to occur in chunks of Monte Cristo agate, various
first—and this is to record her prior irregular blobs or masses of good with forms of chalcedony and small pieces
claim to those diggings. patches which will not polish or which of wonderstone with fine red and yel-
We hiked back down the wash to have pinholes. Other rockhounds had low-and-brown patterns, much of which
the collecting field. Some agate can been in this field recently, and we saw would cut. At one place a piece of
be found to and above the pillar, but it evidence of their efforts to hammer beautifully colored wood was found
is thick on the lower slopes right to out the most solid and colorful pieces. with this association which we saw
the edge of the wash a few hundred But this method is not always success- most often on flat areas and low ridges
yards south and east. Most has weath- ful, for the agate fractures very easily. bordering many Monte Cristo washes.
ered out in big chunks to small pieces, Even without hammering, cracks will Apparently it has been assembled there
but some was still imbedded in great be found in some of it, though in cases by water action.
boulders fallen from the cliffs above. sealed with clear chalcedony. But the
good pieces—and there are plenty of It is anybody's guess what the next
The largest part of the gem rock is rockhound might find on these slopes
what we think of as typical Monte them—are beautiful, equaling almost
any agate gem material found in desert and ridges, for the material apparently
Cristo agate: reds, blacks and some-
times yellows in clear or cloudy or fields. has weathered from many different
patterned chalcedony. strata. If there is any question of your
With a fine assortment of gem ma- car's ability to nose its way into un-
terial collected, we still had most of familiar territory, it might be better
About a tenth of a mile southward the day left. Loading up, we drove
from the pillar, a small side wash cuts to hike to these alluvial fields. Just
back down the main wash less than .3 park where you first reach Big Pillar
to the east. Hiking along it, we found of a mile, where the road first entered
ourselves among low slopes of dull Wash — about 6.8 miles from Blair
it from the southwest. From there we
gold and a sort of metallic green. Vein struck out to the south and then east. Junction and .3 from the pillar, for
material was weathering from ashy On higher ground I found the road I example, and hike across the wash
patches in the gold. What most caught thought should be there, still in good onto the slope to the southeast, or
our eye was a cutting material in which condition though it had vanished com- follow the big wash itself down, keep-
rather coarse needles — sometimes pletely in the big wash, and we were ing on its right edge.
black, sometimes white or rose-pink off for a tour of the Monte Cristos. The Monte Cristos are a fascinat-
or red — penetrated in all directions For 30 miles we wandered through ing range, and I expect we'll make lots
through matrixes of similar colors, the amazing interior of those moun- of trips back to them. But they've got
though usually of one contrasting with tains—and there were still roads to a lot of tricks up their canyons. I don't
the needles. Some needles formed a follow. We found constant allurement quite trust them after dark.
Entrance to the tunnel which cost $5,000,000 and required 13 years to complete.
MARCH, 1955 17
grill-gate to prohibit interior investi- had broken the first ground on Octo- Tunnel was more than repaid by ore
gation. ber 19, 1869. royalties from Virginia City mines.
Sutro appealed to Congress in 1873 The Tunnel is 20,489 feet long and
There is still a trickle of water in
for federal aid for his project and then, 13 feet wide. It is nine feet five inches
the ditch where, in 1880, almost 3,-
500,000 gallons a day were discharged. suddenly, a London bank pledged $2,- high.
Some Nevadans of the 1860s pro- 500,000 and the Tunnel was saved. Adolph Sutro has many monuments
posed a dam at the tunnel mouth, but Progress had been slow in excavation, to his memory, chiefly in San Fran-
Sutro did not think it would be profit- but in 1874 Burleigh drills began to cisco, including Sutro Forest, Sutro
able. He did plan to use water-power speed it up, and on July 8, 1878, the Baths, Sutro Heights (now a city park)
from the 155-foot fall from the tunnel German immigrant with the mutton- and the research collection, the Sutro
to the Carson, however. chop whiskers, stripped to the waist, Library, now part of the California
fired the blast which broke the Sutro State Library. Probably least-known
The rich ores of the Comstock Lode today, and certainly least-visited is
Tunnel into the first Comstock mining
during the Civil War were being Sutro Tunnel in Nevada—the remark-
shaft, it had taken 13 years of hard
drowned by an excess of water from able accomplishment of an imaginative,
work and $5,000,000 to build and,
springs and water pockets. Work had fighting engineer who wasn't afraid to
tragically, it was too late. The Com-
to be suspended in some mines and buck William Sharon and the silver
stock Lode had already passed its peak.
in others mining was slowed by acci- barons of the Comstock Lode.
dents and the slow and expensive Nevertheless, the cost of the Sutro
pumping. One mine alone in 1871 was
pumping out 781 tons of water every
day of the year in this outwardly dry
On February 4, 1865, the immi-
grant cigar-dealer and mining engin-
eer from Aix-la-Chapelle had his Sutro 'De&ett
Tunnel Company incorporated by the
Nevada Legislature. He had the ex- Desert Magazine's editors have announced another of the popular
clusive right for 50 years to construct Life-on-the-Desert contests, open to all readers of Desert who have had
an adit to intersect the Comstock Lode some true, unique experience in the desert Southwest.
at 1600 feet, near the Savage shaft, Anyone can enter the 1955 contest—professional or not. Do not
from a point more than three miles let the feeling that you are not good enough prevent you from unfolding
away. The tunnel was to be wide that experience that you will long remember. The editors only require
enough for a double line of railway; that it be true—no yarns or tall tales or heresay will qualify.
thus, not only would it drain the mines
of flooding water, but it would facilitate An award of $25.00 will be made by Desert to the best story. Each
the transportation of ore to the mills other contestant whose manuscript is accepted for publication will receive
along the Carson for reduction. a $15.00 awards. Stories should be 1200 to 1500 words in length and
must be postmarked not later than midnight, March 20, 1955. Entries
Sutro secured contracts from 20 of will be judged on the basis of story content and writing style.
the mining companies, binding them
to an agreement to pay two dollars a What types of subjects can be covered? Perhaps it would be the
ton for all ore removed through the reason you moved your home to the desert, perhaps an unusual character
tunnel. There was no charge for the you have met far from civilization, or an Indian story of valor and prog-
draining off of water. Sutro, for his ress, a rockhunting or prospecting experience. A lesson on desert wildlife,
part, promised to begin work by Au- plants, or desert living could be found in many true experiences. The list
gust 1, 1867, and to spend at least is as endless as the number of persons living and traveling on the desert.
$400,000 a year on the tunnel work. Those who plan to submit manuscripts should carefully observe the
He had difficulties raising money, and following rules:
soon he discovered that his project was 1. All manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced, on one side
being fought by powerful William
of the page only.
Sharon and the Bank of California and,
eventually, by mining's Big Four, 2. Entries should be addressed to Editor, Desert Magazine, Palm
Mackey, Fair, Flood and O'Brien. Desert, California, and be postmarked not later than midnight, March 20,
1955, to qualify for the awards.
Adolph Sutro was a visionary, but 3. If good sharp 5x7 or larger pictures are available, an extra $3.00
he was a fighter, too. He appealed to will be paid for each photograph accepted. Pictures are not essential,
the miners with posters and speeches, however.
telling them they spent $5 a month
apiece on whiskey and asking them to 4. Writers must be prepared to supply information as to the authen-
put it into the Sutro Tunnel instead. ticity of their stories. Only true experiences are wanted.
He went abroad for money, got it in 5. All stories must be essentially of the desert, and the scene is
France only to have the impending limited to Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and the desert area of
Franco-Prussian War snatch it away. California.
His appeals to the Vanderbilts and 6. True names of those involved must be given, although with the
Astors were in vain. knowledge of the judges, fictitious names may be substituted in special
All the while, Sharon and his co- cases where there is reflection on personal character.
horts were urging the mining compan- 7. If the story has appeared previously in print, this fact and the
ies to repudiate their contracts, since time and name of the medium in which it appeared should be given.
Sutro had not begun work when he 8. All readers of Desert Magazine are invited to submit manuscripts.
promised (1867) and had not done Unaccepted manuscripts will be returned if accompanied by return postage.
the required work per year since he
t* -.,.,#•
The author and George Clapp in front of Clapp's Another of the cave dwellings at Darwin, Death Valley,
dugout home. California.
MARCH, 195 5 19
Mine is probably the last car over this pen next. "Why don't you go down to
road until late September." see our old troglodytes? We've sure
We soon decided we were .not going got 'em here," said a rather ragged but
to risk going down the narrow and refined bald headed old gentlemen I
precipitous road in the dark of night. met near the garage.
When we glimpsed the first bit of "Troglodytes: that's a strange word
morning light, we were up and soon to hear in a town like Darwin," I re-
were inching our auto down the tor- plied. "That's a word from the Greek
tuous grade. When the car gained too language meaning cave-dwellers isn't
much speed we just ran it into the it?"
steep roadside embankment, then
started all over again. "It sure is, you've guessed it right.
That's what 1 call those old fellows
Without benefit of motor and only that live in those smoky-walled dug-
by the use of grit, gravity and fast de- outs down below town. Troglodytes,
teriorating brakes, we got to the level yes, that's a word we learned in school
floor of Panamint Valley by mid-morn- years ago when our old Scotch school-
ing. With a sickly thudding engine, we master talked to us about the old cave
limped across the hot valley up Darwin dwellers of southern France. Yes, mis-
Wash and over the steep meandering ter, you'd better go and see our trog-
grade into Darwin mining village. lodytes. They'll have lots to show and
There we eagerly sought out the more to tell you."
young Dane who recently had opened It sounded intriguing. So down the
a garage. All the tools he possessed he road the lads and I walked, then over
was able to carry in a big canvas sat- into a small gully. Sure enough, there
chel, yet he promised cheerfully to get were more than half a dozen men liv-
us going. When I wondered when, he ing in caves. We'd suspected the site
replied, "Oh, at least about four days of their dwelling places even before
from now! I guess I can send a man we actually saw the doors, for blue
to Lone Pine and he will look over the wisps of smoke arose, like steam from
old automobile junk yard and see if he fumeroles, from short lengths of stove
can't find the parts we need." It didn't The rare desert plant, Rixford Rock- pipe protruding from the ground near
sound encouraging. wort. Edmund Jaeger had known the edge of the embankment. We
We settled down for the half-week of this plant, but had never seen it counted ten of the caverns which had
stay in dead and unattractive Darwin. until George Clapp produced a dried been excavated from the softer rock
To the two students with me it looked sample from a dusty shelf in his that lay beneath a thick water-imper-
like a very dreary wait. But soon they vious projecting ledge of caliche, a
found that a bit of inquisitiveness and dugout home. The Paiute Indians peculiar hard whitish rock often found
an appetite for knowledge could make used fibers from this plant to staunch in limestone desert wastes. Six of the
a fairyland out of even an almost de- the flow of blood from wounds. caves were occupied. Only one had a
serted, unkempt village and its sur- window; the rest received what little
rounding desert wasteland. over the road to get here so soon. I light they got through open doors.
The little town was that day in a really didn't expect she'd make it until Knocking at several of the unlocked
hub-bub of excitement, for Bad-water tomorrow." And sure enough, up doors we were invited in by the occu-
Bessie, "carrying a shootin'-iron with pulled the auto with Bad-water Bessie pants to "look around and see what
plenty of lead in it" had threatened at the wheel. "Not a bad looking old you want to see." Most of the caves
to come in and "settle the hash and gal is she, even if her hair is gray and consisted of a single rather spacious
square up" with a group of miners she's got a wrinkle or two?" said Res- room with walls and ceiling blackened
whom she had heard were spreading taurateur Brown. Getting out of the by the smoke from fires. We were told
scandalous words concerning her hon- car, she walked briskly into the cafe that these caverns were first dug for
esty and morals. "When Bessie gets for a cup of coffee and a spirited chat. use as powder-houses in the late 1870s
in town she'll sure fix 'em," said the From there she spied across the way when the lead and zinc mines of Dar-
proprietor of the restaurant where I the saloon-keeper and some of his hard- win were opened. Later, after they
was eating lunch. "She don't like folks ened customers. Her dander rose.
were abandoned as store houses, pen-
ruinin' her good reputation." Said Bessie: "Now's the time to niless miners and prospectors appro-
Across the way from the eating- scare 'em a-plenty. I'll see whose goin' priated them as rent-free living quar-
house stood the pool hall, often called to be sayin' nasty things about a decent ters when a fire swept through the
the "old saloon." Through its wide old lady prospector!" Out of the door shack-houses of Darwin and left them
open door could be seen half a dozen she went. Luckily for them, the men homeless. All through the subsequent
shabbily dressed men lined up at a whom she was accusing of reckless years there has never been a time when
counter, some talking, others standing gossip had seen her approach and be- some of the dug-outs have not been
with bottles in hand. Four or five gan pouring out through the inn's little occupied. Some of the men who moved
more were playing cards at a big round side door and around the back end. in were transients but others made
table. Toward the back end of the By the time their female adversary got their home there for years. They found
building was a side door on whose well inside the door, they had scattered the caverns cool in summer, warm and
threshold a big black shaggy-haired to the four winds and out of sight. dry in winter and, best of all, there
dog lay sleeping. Bad-water Bessie had to satisfy herself never was a landlord around to collect
with the knowledge that she had at rents. Euphonious and colorful names
Suddenly the restaurant keeper cried least given the men a good scare.
out: "Here she comes, right now. That identified the men who through the
This excitement over, I walked down years have occupied the dugouts —
woman sure must have put her car the street wondering what would hap-
Copper Stain Jack, Burro Bill Jones, Frequent quotations from the Bard Oliver Thorson, Darwin's present
Johnny McDonald and Mickey Som- of Scotland's poems made us aware postmaster, tells me that George died
mers. And then of course there were that here was no ordinary man. We only a few months ago.
the itinerants, "one of them a man stayed for more than an hour while Another cave-dweller was Jack Stu-
named Carrigan who ran for Super- he told of his experiences in the mines, art, like George Clapp a quoter of
visor against Charlie Brown, his plat- of his travels and trials. As we were poetry, who was said to own a collec-
form being: 'a paved road to the cem- about to say goodbye, he said he be- tion of old manuscripts. One of the
etery.' " lieved he had something any botanist present day troglodytes is a man named
would surely want to see. Going back Bob Perry who likes to tell of Darwin's
Some of the underground dwellings inside he searched out a dried plant
we found furnished with beds, tables past and the history of the desert's old
specimen the Indians had brought to mines such as the Cerro Gordo, the
and stove; one even had a sewing ma- him from the nearby mountains. I rec-
chine, a phonograph, a banjo, and a Josephine, and Christmas Gift. He
ognized it at once as the rare Rixford recites the days when Darwin had a
caged canary bird. Others were badly Rockwort (Scopulophila Rixfordii), a
kept with collections of wooden pack- population of nearly 6000 (three-
plant I had long known but had never fourths of them Mexicans) while Los
ing cases, iron cots with soiled mat- seen.
tresses and smoked, greasy bedding Angeles had only 1500 voters. In
and shelves cluttered with playing "This small many stemmed plant those early days he said there were
cards, dominoes and dusty mineral grows in limestone crevices of the lots of Indians around, too, while now
specimens. Regardless of furnishings, Inyo Mountains," said Mr. Clapp. only a few live in little shacks at the
they made homes of sorts for the men "Here at the base of the many stems town's south end.
who occupied them. coming from the woody root-crown With such interesting people to meet
In front of each door was an enor- you see this strange walnut-sized tuft do you wonder that I always stop a
mous accumulation of refuse of every of dense white fibers. It is this cottony while at Darwin when on my way to
sort. It seemed to be a case of open- mass which Paiute Indians long ago the Death Valley area? It's a side trip
ing the door and throwing the trash found was very useful in staunching of only a few miles off the main high-
just far enough to keep it from inter- the flow of blood from wounds. It way, but a rewarding experience al-
fering with entrance and exit. Beyond makes the blood clot quickly. I've tried ways awaits me there. The troglodytes
the area of kitchen middens was the it more than once. It really works." can tell you much you'd like to know.
zone of empty cans, bottles, old shoes,
and thrown-away clothes; then came
the useless auto parts, broken down
rusty cars and rejected mineral speci-
A roving band of burros frequented
Prizes fot Photo$mphen. ..
the place and served, along with stray
dogs, as a sanitary squad by day. Cats, Winter and spring—the crest of the desert season. These are the
occasional skunks and coyotes acted times when photographers comb the desert's beauty for that one unus-
as the sanitary night patrol. Said one ual shot, that one glorious snap that captures all the mystery, grandeur,
of the troglodytes: "Those burros will and freedom of the great Southwestern deserts. The unusual scene,
eat every sort of edible refuse from the unique formation, the ghost town, mine, human interest, and animal
coffee grounds to potato peelings and
gabbage leaves. They keep things from shots are all potential winners in Desert Magazine's black-and-white
getting smelly around here. Peculiarly, Picture-of-the-month Contest. Yours could win the March competition.
they'll never touch an onion and re-
fuse even to smell a canned bean." Entries for the March contest must be in the Desert Magazine office.
Palm Desert. California, by March 20, and the winning prints will
Of men we visited in Darwin that appear in the May issue. Pictures which arrive too late for one contest
day, one of the most extraordinary was
old bald-headed George Clapp, a pros- are held over for the next month. First prize is $10; second prize $5.
pector-Scotsman who still talked the For non-winning pictures accepted for publication $3 each will be paid.
polite language of his kinsmen. He
said he had lived in the caves off and
on since Darwin's early days. A long HERE ARE THE RULES
time he was away prospecting in 1—Prints lor monthly contests must be black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed
Alaska. We judged he had a fair on glossy paper.
amount of education for one of his 2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and
frequent boasts was that he had read place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour of day, etc.
wrote, from Ivanhoe to Lady of the 4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the contest
Lake. He took us inside his half-dark month.
quarters and, pulling aside a burlap 5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert
Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures.
curtain, surprised us by pointing to
6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the
an improvised bookcase of boxes desert Southwest.
where an almost complete set of the 7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made
Waverly novels was neatly arranged. immediately after the close of the contest each month.
"And I've walked too, Mister, along Address All Entries to Photo Editor
the banks of the River Nith where
Bobby Burns did his courtin' and I've
been in the tavern where he drank his 'DeA&tt 'TKaqafUte PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA
ale, too!"
MARCH, 1955 21
Photograph courtesy Washington State Progress Commission.
Santa Ana. California By HELENA RIDGWAY STONE Las Vegas, Nevada
"The desert is ours" the moonbeams said Santa Barbara, California To some, that desert wind must seem
And over its face their silver spread. Half-human, with an urge to kill.
But a gay wind laughed as it arose An asphalt roadway ribbons into distance Although it cannot plan or scheme,
And blew sand over the moonbeams' toes. Across a mesa of exotic bloom, That sand it blows was once a hill.
Where ghost flowers tilt their satin faces
"You moonbeams with the desert can have To catch a whiff of desert-fresh perfume. Deserted cities show how wind and sand
Erase the work of skillful human hand.
no day, Slowly, that desert wind will even claim
While I," he bragged, "can go or stay. This is a land of thorny, eerie cacti— Each gravestone, and erase the greatest
So the desert is mine." But the smoke tree Of Spanish dagger, and golden prickly pear; name.
said Of giant staghorn with its spiney antlers, Reshaping hills and dunes, year after year.
"I'm the desert's child, so she's mine, in- And yucca blossoms, taper-tall, and fair. That desert wind bows not to time nor fear.
And daintily her white crest stirred Here stretch the trailing stems of sand- We cannot see the ages past,
As the near-by cactus' voice was heard. verbena. In which high mountains shrank to hill.
"It would seem by the cacti in her lap. Blending its color with the drab mesquite. Nor can we see those hills, at last,
The desert is ours." Then from his nap Carpeting the ground where spring bisnaga Digested by the wind's great mills.
A stately mountain aroused to call Displays its yellow flower in gay conceit. • • •
"My friends, the desert belongs to all. DESERT TIPPLERS
"To the sun and moon, the air and earth, And lest this vivid picture fade at sundown. By MADELEINE FOUCHAUX
To the silence and to things she has given When evening brings its violet shadows on. Los Angeles, California
God planted here, and there, a desert candle
birth; To shine and shine until outshone by dawn. Hoary, unshaven natives of the land,
She is yours and mine" and in solitude The bristly cacti squat upon the sand.
Again the tall, old mountain stood. Sullenly waiting out the dusty hours
While stillness mantled the moonbeams' Till time for soaking up the winter showers.
The desert's face shone wondrous fair. Then, drunk on rain, they dress their
scratchy stubble
DESERT SCENE By TANYA SOUTH With garlands fragile as a colored bubble.
Becoming strangely beautiful thereby—
By B. R. BRADLEY The Hand of Fate is everywhere. These tipsy grandpas with their wreaths
Tempiute, Nevada I breathe a prayer and Fate is there. awry.
Before me a canvas clean and white 1 give a sudden gasp of pain. • • •
Quickly I paint in the evening light, And see Fate standing close again.
Dip lightly my brush in the faded blue I look in eyes that love me not, By ALICE BULLOCK
To sketch in the distant mountain view. And know that Fate this hatred Sante Fe, New Mexico
I blend vermillion, ochre and green. wrought. Oh, thou Goddess of the Rainbow
1 brush in the coppery desert sheen. I lift my heart unto the stars, For whom Sky God broke his heart
Yes, I've put down truly the colors there. And know Fate is both prison bars Knowing mountains hid the pieces
But how can 1 paint the sage scented air? It is there that mining starts.
And high ambition that I gleam:
I've failed to show the wafting breeze. Alike my labor and my dream, Shards of His great heart the turquoise
Or the powdery dust on the Juniper trees. My punishment, reward or dole— Hidden deep in butted breast
No canvas nor paint can quite portray For Fate is but my inmost soul. There man goes when he would find it
How the desert can steal one's heart away! To grace the woman he loves best.
vv^-;-.' . •
Tteev Tftexico
Harry Harpster, Jr., of Salt Lake City, caught three expressions on these
youngsters, in this photograph taken outside Sante Fe, New Mexico. He won
first prize in the January Picture-of-the-Month; took the picture with a 4x5
Graphic camera, at 1/100 second at f. 16, Plus X film; processed in Microdol
and Dektol, on Kodabromide.
"Movie street," as known to
the people of Sedona, Arizona,
lies among the red rocks after
a day of active "shooting." L.
D. Schooler of Blythe, Califor-
nia, received second prize in
the January contest. Photograph
was taken with Zeiss Ikon 6.3
/75 mm. lens, f. 16 at 1/50 sec,
with 25A filter, Kodak Plus X
film; developed 20 minutes in
Kodak Microdol at 68° F.;
printed on Varigam paper, No.
9 filter, developed in Kodak
Streaks of Uranium . . .
Desert: Monrovia, California
According to the article on Uranium
Killing for Fun . . .
Altadena, California
Last week while we were camped
at the mouth of a mountain creek near
Hesperia, we encountered a family—
parents and four children, ages about
six to 14 years—which spent its spare
time shooting our desert friends: birds,
squirrels, chipmunks, etc. All were ex-
our family has grown our principal
recreation has been the exploration, by
the beach-wagon-camping method of
as much of Vermont's back road terri-
tory as we could cover in our spare
time. A few years ago I took up the
study of geology, paleontology, min-
erals, etc., as a winter evening hobby.
Although I am but a rank amateur this
spare time reading has paid dividends
in your magazine ("They're Finding pert shots. in the interest it has added to our
Paydirt on the Colorado Plateau," gypsy style ramblings.
Desert, January, 1955) one of the next My husband and our two children
issues should carry a story about a were target practicing across a creek HAROLD PATCH
rich find by Photographer Esther Hen- bed when the family came up the Branch Brook Road
derson. Miss Henderson's cover pic- creek. Right before the eyes of my
ture on that issue shows sandstone, children they shot a bird out of a tree
brightly colored, with yellow streaks and boasted that this was the fifth From a Desert Lover . . .
above the trio of Indian girls. Looks bird. We were terribly upset. Gainesville, Florida
to me like a perfect spot to prospect. Later, as we were eating our eve- Desert:
ROSS H. PORTER ning meal in our trailer, we heard much I was very interested in "Just Be-
• • • shouting at their camp. I looked out tween You and Me" in the December
the window to see the children dash- issue of Desert Magazine and Editor
Badwater Still Bad . . . ing for their guns and immediately start Randall Henderson's stand against a
San Gabrie1
Deserf ' California shooting at something in the tree. After new naval gunnery range in Saline Val-
I see by the cover page of Desert several shots, an object dropped from ley, Inyo County, California. For a
Magazine for February that Smiley and the tree with a thud—it was a squirrel. long time I have loved the great West
Josef Muench have discovered that My family was in tears to see this with aching homesickness and have
Badwater is now potable, although the wanton shooting of our desert friends. deplored the withdrawal of one area
donkey is still skeptical. What hath My husband went to their camp to ex- after another.
Man wrought! plain that people played with and fed Uranium mining, too, has spoiled
LLOYD YOST these desert creatures all summer long some of my enjoyment of the outdoors.
and that when a friendly squirrel comes In hunting around the country for rock
Reseda, California out for a handout it should not be met and mineral specimens, I find I am
Desert: with death. apt to be barred from some private
I have just been perusing Desert for People should be on the lookout for property just because the owner hopes
February, 1955, and am rather taken such families as this one. They are not someday to discover uranium there,
back by the description of the cover. welcome in our wonderful desert coun- though there's not the remotest chance.
I think I know Death Valley pretty try. Areas where uranium is being mined
well, having made many, many trips (MRS.) PAUL E. LOMBARD are of course out of the question. Care-
into the area, therefore have no hesi- takers take one look at my innocent
tancy in identifying the spot where collecting bag and are immediately
Badwater Bill is drinking as being Yearned to Explore Desert . . . suspicious.
Badwater. Such being the case, Bill
must have a copper-lined stomach, as Desert' Perkinsville, Vermont HELEN WRIGHT
any living human being who drank at A friend with the intention of help-
Badwater would certainly not enjoy ing me while away the monotonous
what went down his throat. There may You'll want to keep those
hours of a slow convalescence after
be other places in Death Valley where eight month's illness brought me a
there are pools of that size which con-
tain fresh water, but if so I have failed
carton packed with old copies of Des-
ert, ranging from 1940 to 1950. Al-
thus far to encounter them. though I was born and have always which appear each month in
My objection to the caption . . . is lived among the Green Mountains of Desert Magazine—maps which
that it is going to give some people the Vermont, I've always had a yearning will be your guide on many de-
idea that they can drink at the pools to see and explore the American South- lightful excursions into the great
in Death Valley with impunity, which west. At 60-odd years of age with my desert playground.
is not the case; not that it would kill legs worn out and my finances in much Attractive loose-leaf binders em-
them, but they would certainly have the same condition, I see no prospects bossed in gold not only will
some unpleasant minutes, and possibly of ever realizing my dreams. So far preserve the maps, but will be
hours, until the effect of the water had I've browsed as far as 1945, though a beautiful addition to your
passed off. Am I right? browsing isn't the right term, for I've home book-shelf. Each binder
ARTHUR C. DAVIS read each issue from cover to cover, holds 12 copies. Easy to insert,
including much of the advertising. they open flat.
Badwater Bill merely was trying
to prove that he came by his nick- I would enjoy corresponding with a Mailed postpaid for
name honestly. It made a good pic- few of your contributors provided any $2.00
ture, but I share your doubt as to of them have time for such. In that
whether Bill actually drank any of way I might be able to get the feel of
that water. Hardrock Shorty once the desert even though I can't see it in
remarked, "it looks like water, runs person. In return I could tell some-
like water, smells kinda funny, and thing of Vermont's scenery, geography, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA
tastes like hell!"—R.H. geology and mineral resources. Since
of Imperial Valley
— 3 pleasure-packed days —
March 18, 19. 20, 1955
Enjoy this luxurious desert oasis
CALEXICO, CALIFORNIA for rest, quiet, recreation : golf,
At this sunny border community people tennis, riding, swimming, tour-
of two nations cooperate in the presenta- ing, and exploring. Sunny days,
tion of a thrilling, authentic spectacle. Do your squaw and papooses get cool nights. Excellent highways.
Join in the festivities with friendly, on the warpath? Let 'em sleep like For folders and reservations
thriving Imperial Valley as your host. Take Indians at Wigwam Village Motel, write 5410 Death Valley Hotel
a winter holiday in this desert agricultural San Bernardino, west side, U.S. 66. Co., Death Valley, Calif. Or
empire. Convenient modern accommoda- You Indians never had it so good! phone Furnace Creek Inn at
tions available. TV, tile baths, innersprings. Death Valley. Or call vour local
For reservations or free illustrated bro-
travel agencies.
Recommended by leading travel
chure write now to— agencies. Visitors are welcome.
DESERT CAVALCADE You don't need much wampum.
2 people, $5; 4 people $8.
P.O. Box 187, Calexico, California
2728 Foothill Blvd.
San Bernardino, California
BY BOAT Stove Pipe Wells Hotel Confirmed or Prospective
Hite, Utah, to Lees Ferry, Arizona Death Valley
Colorado River
COMB see with ua and help explore
America's last frontier! THRILL when Home of the Famous Annual EASTER WEEK SPECIAL
you stand under "Rainbow Bridge," at on Glen Canyon-Sunrise Easter
"Hole in Rock," in Indian ruins and BURRO-FLAPJACK
"Crossing of the Fathers." GO while you CONTEST Service on South Rim of Canyon
can into the untouched land of wonders
and beauty. 12 full days of exciting ex- Stove Pipe Wells Hotel was until his April 2 through April 9
perience in the land of many yesterdays Phone PLY 5-3125
ago. death in 1950 owned and operated by
Sailings: June 11 and 25 George Palmer Putnam, renowned Write to:
author and explorer. It continues un-
July 9 and 23 der the personal management of Mrs. GEORGIE AND WHITY
Fare: $150.00 per person George Palmer Putnam. 737 W. 101st STREET
$25.00 deposit required Season: October 1 to June 1 LOS ANGELES 44, CALIF.
For reservations and complete
information contact
126 E. 4th North — Price, Utah GREEN PALM LODGE
— Boat the Modern Way — (Resident Owners)
Hwy. I l l , Palm Desert, California
SAN JUAN and COLORADO Travel the Scenic River Canyons, Colo- midway between Indio and Palm Springs.
rado, San Juan, Green, Yampa, Salmon,
All Electric Accommodations—Rooms and
RIVER EXPEDITIONS Fully Equipped Apartments
Snake and others in our — Complimentary Breakfast
Enjoy exploration, safe adventure and Served to your room or around Pool. Pool
scenic beauty in the gorgeous canyons of New Specially-equipped temp, above 80° at all times. Beautiful
Utah and Arizona. Staunch boats, experi- MOTOR BOATS scenery in a warm dry climate.
Only few minutes from where President
enced rivormen. For 1955 summer schedule For Schedules and details write Eisenhower plays golf. Close to fine res-
or charter trips anytime write to— taurants, entertainment, golf, tennis,
horses, shops. Members of fabulous
2500 E. 4800 So. Salt Lake City, Utah (Rec. by So. Calif. Auto Club—Nat. Auto
MEXICAN HAT EXPEDITIONS Club. Also in most Blue Books.)
Member—Western River Guides Assoc. For Reservations: Write P.O. Box 212,
Blanding. Utah or phone Palm Desert 76-2041
MARCH, 1955 25
Seat 'Due
CLOSE-UPS y 0i¥eavty tyaaccany
March wildflowers should present ers in bloom in March, including
one of the most beautiful displays seen brittle - bush, creosote, cheese - bush,
When Jack Whitehouse, the new on Southwestern deserts in recent years.
Associate Editor of Desert Magazine, bladder-pod, chuperosa, desert laven-
was first officially introduced to the This is the concensus of Desert's der, desert tobacco, clematis, checker
desert, he was a B-26 pilot based at wildflower experts reporting from many fiddleneck, yellow tansey mustard, des-
Yuma Army Air Field during World points throughout the region. Heavy ert aster, Spanish needle, thamnosma,
War II—just as unhappy with his fate January rains caused many dormant paper-bag bush, jojoba, desert wall-
as thousands of others at the time. As seeds to germinate and sprouts were flower, desert dandelion, rock-pea,
he continued to live in the desert and poking themselves through the desert range almond, alyssum, and barrel
fly over its broad beauty, he learned floor by late January and early Febru- cactus.
to appreciate it as so many others have.ary. A sunny, warm February could California's Borrego State Park has
Later he was transferred to another add brilliance to the scheduled display, a great many annual plants already
desert base to fly B-17s at Hobbs Army while a frosty month could do con- well-started throughout the area, ac-
Air Field, New Mexico. siderable damage to the wildflowers, cording to James B. Chaffee, park
Returned to civilian life at the con- Fred W. Binnewies, superintendent supervisor. An inch of rain in Novem-
clusion of the war, Whitehouse com- of the Death Valley National Monu- ber and two inches in January, spread-
pleted his schooling at U.C.L.A. and ment, reports that an unusual number ing over nine separate rainfalls, have
put in a number of years with Los of plants are sprouting and that flow- brought the plants to early bloom. Al-
Angeles newspapers, publishing small ers should begin to appear by the end ready the chuparosa and desert laven-
magazines for various groups as a side- of February. November, December, der have started to bloom, as has the
line. For two years he worked in the and January rains caused the plants barrel cactus near the Borrego camp-
public relations office at U.C.L.A. and to develop a little earlier than usual. ground. With a little more rain and
then found his opportunity to return Verbena, desert gold, fiddlenecks, five- some sunshine in February, there is
to the desert. spot apricot mallow, stickweed, pha- likelihood of an excellent wildflower
celia, and evening primrose are the display, Supervisor Chaffee believes.
Packing up his wife Nancy, an ac- wildflowers which should bloom in
tive librarian in her own right, he left O. L. Wallis, acting park naturalist
Death Valley during March in a better-
the metropolis for a position as public at the Lake Mead National Recreation
than-normal display.
information director at the Army's Area in Nevada, predicts that the wild-
desert proving grounds, Yuma Test At the Joshua Tree National Mon- flower displays in the desert this year
ument, California, Superintendent Sam-
Station, the nation's largest military in- will be much better than average. A
stallation. Later he became the man- uel A. King, predicts that wildflowers considerable amount of rain and some
aging editor of the Sun Newspapers will begin to bloom in March, reach- snow has made the soil wet to some
of Yuma, Arizona, a position he held ing a peak during April and May with depth, without much loss by evapora-
just prior to coming with Desert. a better display than has been seen in tion. Some cooler weather, however,
many years. The Indian Cove, Pinto could retard the blooming of many
Mr. Whitehouse has long been in- Basin, and Cottonwood Springs areas plants. Prospects for March appear
flicted with one of the occupational should find some 21 varieties of flow- unusually good, with beavertail cacti,
hazards of desert dwelling, becoming sundrops, phacelia, sunrays, chicory,
a rockhound while at Los Angeles High desert dandelions, poppies, stick-leaf,
School and studying geology at the II, having fought in Europe with the and Arizona lupines being the most
Principia College, Elsah, Illinois, be- 79th Infantry and being wounded in abundant. Creosote bush, brittlebush,
fore the war. the 7th Army campaign at Alsace-
Lorraine in October, 1944. and desert willow will also be colorful.
• • •
• • • Recent good rains in the Casa
Richard H. Dillon, author of this Perhaps Marijane Morris' kinship Grande National Monument, Arizona,
month's "Adolph Sutro's Coyote Hole," to the Indians is derived from the have paved the way for a good desert
has a special interest in the Sutro Tun- slight amount of Indian blood that display during March, according to
nel. He is librarian of the California courses through her veins, for her Superintendent A. T. Bicknell. By late
State Library, Sutro Branch. As Dil- father was of French and Indian an- January the weather was still too chilly
lon puts it: "Anything that Adolph cestry. Mrs. Morris' records are loaded for desert plant activity, but the normal
Sutro did is of interest to me, since I with American history. Her husband's sunshine in February should bring out
am in charge of his library, now a San grandfather was sent to Rexburg, poppies, mallow, and several varieties
Francisco branch of the California Idaho, to build the community, later of cactus.
State Library, Sacramento." becoming the town's first constable; Another good display will be seen
A member of the book review staffs another relative was one of Brigham at the Saguaro National Monument,
of the San Francisco Chronicle, Amer- Young's wives. Arizona, Superintendent John G.
ica, and the Library Journal, Dillon Mrs. Morris, author of "Allan Hou- Lewis believes. Rainfall in the desert
has recently done research and writing ser: Apache Artist," in this issue of and snow in the mountains was above
on Californiana and Western Ameri- Desert, was born in Idaho, but now average for the month of January,
cana. He has had articles published in lives in Corinne, Utah, not far from coming gradually and with little run-
numerous midwestern and western his- Brigham and the eastern shore of the off. Soil conditions are favorable and
torical journals. Great Salt Lake. There, with her hus- with a few more spring showers the
An honors graduate of the Univer- band and two small children, she finds outlook is optimistic for an abundant
sity of California, Author Dillon is a life "interesting, exciting and stimulat- wildflower exhibit at the Monument
Purple Heart veteran of World War ing." and in the Tucson area, he said.
Reprieve for Buffalo . . .
MARCH, 1955 27
Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 10c a Word, $1.50 Minimum Per Issue
Dates for the seventh annual en-
campment in Death Valley this year
have been set for November 10 through
13 by the board of directors of Death
INDIAN GOODS FREE "Do-It-Yourself" Leathercraft Cata- Valley '49ers.
log. Tandy Leather Company. Box The encampment will include the
6 PERFECT ANCIENT FLINT arrowheads 791-Z8, Fort Worth, Texas. usual campfires, community sings, tours
$2.00. Fine double bladed tomahawk
$3.00. Grooved granite war club $2.00. LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest of Death Valley, county exhibits,
Perfect peace pipe $5.00. 6 fine bird ar- Beautifier." For women who wish to breakfasts featuring authors, artists,
rows $2.00. 2 flint knives $1.00. 6" to 7" become beautiful, for women who wish and photographers, and the famous
perfect spearhead $7.00. All offers $20.00. to remain beautiful. An outstanding des- Burro Flapjack contest.
List Free. Lear's, Glenwood, Arkansas. ert cream. For information, write or call
Lola Barnes, 963 N. Oakland, Pasadena Directors also announced that Dr.
WANTED: Arrowheads, perfect, to increase 6, Calif., or phone SYcamore 4-2378. Theodore S. Palmer, only surviving
private collection. Approximate one inch member of the C. Hart Merriam ex-
long subject to approval. Ted Bennett, WILDERNESS TRAIL TRIPS, hiking and
41 N. Vermilion St., Danville, Illinois. riding. Havasu Canyon, "Gem of Grand
pedition which surveyed Death Valley
Canyon"-—3 and 6 days, March into May, in 1891, had been named an honorary
NAVAJO RUG REPAIRING — worn or from $50. John Muir Trail, California director.
damaged rugs rewoven. Write: Arizona Sierra Nevada, July into September, from
Weavers, 1702 West Earll Drive, Phoenix. • • •
Arizona. $8 per day. Write Wampler Trail Trips, Haverland New Director . . .
P.O. Box 45, Berkeley 9, California.
PHOENIX — Frederick M. Haver-
BOOKS — MAGAZINES land was named the new area director
BOOKS FOUND—Any title! Free world- big wholesale catalog, nationally adver- for the Bureau of Indian Affairs at
wide book search service. Any book, tised merchandise, to J. Fogle, Box 1004D, Phoenix, succeeding Ralph M. Gelvin,
new or old. Western Americana a spe- Kermit, Texas. Dollar refunded first
order. who passed away last September. Ha-
cialty. Lowest price. Send wants today!
International Bookfinders, Box 3003-D, verland, formerly assistant area direc-
Beverly Hills, California. URANIUM CLAIMS with merit, wanted tor for the Bureau at Muskogee, Okla-
for development. Will give liberal over- homa, took over his new duties on
REAL ESTATE ride. Can furnish bank reference. Give January 17. In the Phoenix position
detailed description of property in first
IN APPLE VALLEY and Lucerne Valley— letter. Rex R. Moore, 2904 Liberty Bank he has charge of all Bureau activities
We are proud to be known for high qual- Bldg., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. in Arizona, Nevada, and Utah outside
ity desert-designed houses at low cost. For of the Navajo Reservation.
more information and map showing how DESERT TEA. One pound one dollar
to reach our desert headquarters, write or postpaid. Greasewood Greenhouses. Len-
phone our branch office: Russell Brothers wood, Barstow, California. YOUR MAIL received and forwarded to
Desert Builders, 1157 E. Green St., Pasa- you anywhere. $3 month. Hedgpeth, Box
dena 1, California. Phone RYan 1-9914. LOST MINES and Treasures of the South- 830, Alhambra 8, California.
VIEW LOTS—Palm Desert Heights. Just west, uranium section added, with map
above Desert Magazine block. Near $2.00. Sectionized County maps: San BACK ISSUES Desert Magazine: Dec.
Bernardino, Riverside $1.00 each, Inyo, 1937—most of 1938 and 1939—complete
Shadow Mountain Club, school, church, Mono, Los Angeles 75c each. Imperial, volumes 1940 through 1955. Complete
markets, bus. 70x100, $1200 up. Paved, San Diego 50c each. New Kern County volumes Arizona Highways 1940 through
gas, elec, water. Restricted. For brochure Maps $1.25 each. New series of Ne- 1955. All in excellent condition, like new.
write Box 65, Palm Desert, Calif. vada County maps $1.00 each. Joshua E. Wilmoth, 12082 Garden Grove, Calif.
(1) BEAUTIFUL, YOUNG, producing 3 Tree-Twentynine Palms area $1.56. Town
acre date garden located in center of ship blanks, all sizes. Lode or Placer BOTTLES: Purple bottles, lavender bottles,
Coachella Valley on main road. Owner location notice forms 5c each. Topo- old bottles. Also pieces, some very thick,
will maintain for 5 years in return for graphical maps in California, Nevada, excellent for cutting. P. O. Box 94, Corn-
crop. Ideal for non-resident desert lover Utah, Arizona and all other Western ville, Arizona.
who desires to build home on small ranch states. Atomic Energy Commission Air-
borne Anomaly, Uranium Location maps. WILD ANIMAL and Bird Movies. 8 mm.
but avoid responsibilities. (2) 20 acre Westwide Maps Co., I H ' / I W . Third St., or 16 mm. Beautiful color or B&W. Also
Horse Ranch with nice improvements. Los Angeles, California. 2x2 color slides. Free catalog. Wild Life
$35,000. (3) Level, 3 acres—piped, all Films, Rm. 19, 5151 Strohm Ave., N.
utilities, $2000 cash. Write Ronald L. Hollywood, California.
Johnson, Thermal, California. GOLD PROSPECTING CATALOG—List-
ing, placer and lode maps, steel gold pans,
mining and mineral books, books on lost BUY SURPLUS boats, jeeps, trucks, air-
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES mines, pocket magnifying glasses, min- planes, tools, machinery, radio, photo-
eral collection sets, blueprints of dry graphic, electrical equipment from Gov-
CLOSING OUT: Yes, someone with a ernment. Send $1.00 for Government
little capital can buy a fine going business washers and wet washers you can build
yourself. Catalog and Gold Panning Les- Surplus Bulletin, Box D213, East Hart-
very reasonably. Customers in nearly son — Free. Old Prospector, Box 729, ford 8, Connecticut.
every State. Meanwhile will sell retail Desk 5, Lodi, California.
at discount. Great opportunity for some- GHOST TOWN ITEMS: Sun-colored glass,
one who likes Indian merchandising busi- SCINTILLATION COUNTERS—Supersen- amethyst to royal purple; ghost railroads
ness. Daniels Indian Trading Post, 16299 sitive Model R2. Large clear dial, 5819 materials, tickets; limited odd items from
Foothill (Highway 66), Fontana, Calif. Photomultiplier, 1x1% Sodium Iodide camps of the '60s. Write your interest—
IMPORT-EXPORT! Opportunity profitable, crystal for greater sensitivity, aluminum Box 64-D, Smith, Nevada.
world-wide, mail-order business from case with carrying handle. Three time
home, without capital, or travel abroad. constant and five sensitivity ranges. Rea- URANIUM, 1.00% U3 O8, $1.00. Evalu-
Established World Trader ships instruc- sonably priced at $395 ready to operate. ate your ore with this accurate sample.
tions for no-risk examination. Experience Terms: $200 in advance, balance C.O.D. Geiger Counter Kit, only $64.00. assem-
unnecessary. Free details. Mellinger, R. A. Tiemann, 1105 Abbott Ave., San bled $76.00. Extremely sensitive and re-
A983, Los Angeles, 24, California. Gabriel, California. liable. Free information. Counter dia-
grams, instructions, 50c. R. T. Barrett.
PAN GOLD: $1 for 75 panning areas in 22319 Kathryn Ave., Torrance, Calif.
MISCELLANEOUS 25 California counties. Geological for-
mations, elevations, pertinent notes. Pan- WANTED: Jewelry and gems to be sold on
SILVERY DESERT HOLLY PLANTS: ning pans $2.75, $2.25. Leather nugget consignment in my Colorado Gem Shop.
One dollar each postpaid. Greasewood and dust poke $1. Fred Mark. Box 801. Send information to: Robert E. Frazee,
Greenhouses, Lenwood. Barstow. Calif. Ojai. California. 328 N. Park Avenue. Valley Center, Kan.
CALIFORNIA Rings Tell Snake's Age . . .
Hesperia Ready to Grow . . . LOS ANGELES—Like the annual
HESPERIA — Now preparing to rings of a tree, growth rings in the
spend some $8,250,000 on develop- bones of the rattlesnake tell how old
ment of Hesperia, California, is M. he is, says Bayard Brattstrom, zoolo-
Penn Phillips, who last year was re- gist on the Los Angeles campus of the
ported to have made the largest land University of California. Each year
tract purchase since the Wrigley inter- the rattler deposits a new layer of cal-
ests purchased Catalina Island in 1919. cium and other minerals in his bones.
Hesperia, located seven miles south of These layers can be identified and
Victorville, is planned to include 1000
acres of industry, 8000 acres of agri-
counted with the aid of a hand lens or
low-power microscope. This is the
culture, and a residential section num- only accurate method of telling a rat- duplicated in exact detail
bering in the thousands of homes. — tlesnake's age, Brattstrom says. Count- You'll delight in the amazing,
Hesperia Gazette ing the number of rattles is guesswork, life-like appearance of this scor-
pion jewelry—the smallest detail
• • • since a rattlesnake adds a rattle every of the original insect has been re-
"Glass Bugs" Uncovered . . . time he sheds his skin, and this occurs produced in gleaming silver, not
several times a year when he is young. a plating job, but solid silver.
WASHINGTON—Vast numbers of
glass bugs, fossilized insects, spiders, —Aztec Independent-Review For Yourself—For Original Gifts
and mites of 25,000,000 years ago, are Specimen in plastic display
being recovered from ancient lake bot- • • • box $3.25
tom deposits under the Mojave Desert. Quarantine Is Rugged . . . Earrings (dangle) per pair. . .$6.00
Found in limestone nodules about the Pin with safety catch $4.00
BLYTHE — Nothing escapes the Add 10% Fed. tax to above prices.
size of walnuts, the creatures are in a wary eye of California Agricultural
state of perfect preservation. Almost Postage paid by us.
Inspection station agents. It looked Dealer inquiries welcome
invisibly minute, delicate hairs on the as though a Florida zoo would pass
legs remain just as they were in life. Manufacturers of the sterling
through the station unrestricted until silver line of popular - priced
The discovery opens up a whole hith- the agent spotted something in cages channel (inlay) jewelry.
erto unknown fauna, according to Na- Sold Exclusively
of the monkeys and a boa constrictor
tional Museum entomologists.—Aztec
Independent-Re view •—orange peels! Remove them or stay
in Arizona, was the order. The howl ARMSTRONG
• • •
Joshua Monument Popular . . .
set up by the monkeys at this action Jewelry and Casting Co.
was deafening — the boa slept right P.O. Box 1355 — Miami, Arizona
increases in the numbers of visitors through it.—Palo Verde Valley Times
have been recorded at the Joshua Tree
National Monument, it is reported by
Samuel King, superintendent. King
said that during 1954 a total of 260,-
730 visitors were tallied. The 1953
figure was 172,423, while the monu-
ment's first year of 1950 saw only
72,671 visitors register. "Winter's Warmest City"
• • •
Valley Park Planned . . .
LANCASTER — Work toward es- • Spring Training Grounds of the SACRAMENTO SOLONS
tablishment of a local area as a state
Joshua Tree Park was underway today
as state officials were studying portions • Home of the World Championship, SILVER SPUR RODEO
of Antelope Valley. The Indian Mu-
seum and surrounding area in the east
portion of the Valley would be con- The Only City on the Colorado River
sidered as a possible site for the state
park.—Lancaster Light • FISHING, HUNTING, RIVER SPORTS
MARCH, 1955 29
Boundary to Be Defined . . . types and at low elevations. It is pro- NEVADA
SACRAMENTO—One of the first tected by federal law, California state Express Station Demolished . . .
problems facing California and Ari- law, and Inyo County ordinance. Co- PIOCHE —Last of the old Pony
zona legislatures this year is that of operation of visitors to the Monument Express stations serving Nevada has
defining the border between the two is necessary to prevent the plant from been demolished, it was revealed by
states. The boundary has been as- becoming extinct, officials said. The Nevada State Park Commissioner
sumed to be the Colorado River, but same regulations prohibit cutting of Thomas W. Miller. Commissioner
this unsteady line has shifted often any trees or greens on monument lands. Miller, who is seeking protection for
through the years. The joint California- —Tonopah Time-Bonanza Nevada's; historic structures, said that
Arizona Boundary Commission has • • •
Land Use Worries Farmers . . . the Pony Express station stood in a
recommended to both legislatures that rancher's field in the lower end of Ruby
the line be nailed down at the present COACHELLA VALLEY — River- Valley in White Pine County. It was
course of the river.—Desert Star side County ranchers have protested one of 40 or more locations which the
• • • the continuing encroachment of resi- park commission had recommended
dential and industrial areas on farm for protection. Timber in the station
Prohibit Holly Picking . . . lands and have proposed a county was used by a leaser from California
DEATH VALLEY—Destruction of zoning law to meet the situation. Farm to build a cabin for himself, the com-
desert holly is causing concern to spokesmen say the building boom has missioner said.—Pioche Record
Death Valley National Monument offi- not been beneficial to them, since some • • •
cials. Already scarce, the beautiful are forced to either quit farming or
Petrified Forest Vandalized . . .
desert holly grows only in certain soil move their farms to new areas. GERLOCK—Sabotage of the virgin
forest of petrified trees 150 miles north
There are several ways to im- of Reno has been reported by Nevada
Water. Map Changed by Quake . . . decreasing. There apparently are some
DIXIE VALLEY —Warm springs 2000 fewer birds in Salt Lake City
and displaced land are some of the this winter than there were a year ago,
results found by geologists of the De- when the count numbered 65,000. Re-
cember 16 earthquake that rocked cently some 33 members of the Society
Nevada's isolated Dixie Valley area. reported the bird population as 63,000
Termed "one of the most important within a seven and one-half mile ra- SPECIAL OFFER
quakes ever recorded in the United dius of the city. — Salt Lake City
To Introduce readers of DESERT to our
States" by University of Nevada earth- Tribune • « • 2"x2" COLOR SLIDES for home projec-
tion, we are offering a FREE 20 page
quake expert Dr. David Slemmons, the Utah's Warmest Year . . . catalog and a FREE sample color slide.
quake has caused a stream to flow Travel, Science, Nature, National Parks
VERNAL — Not only was 1954 and the southwest. Write today to —
down the previously-arid valley floor Utah's warmest year on record, it was
and either shoved the mountains up- KELLY D. C H O D A
also one of the driest. The Utah winter BOX 588 STANFORD, CALIF.
ward or dropped the valley floor sev- was the driest such season since 1931
eral feet. Some mountain slopes and the eighth driest since records be-
dropped as much as 10 feet. Surveys gan in 1892. — Vernal Express
of the quake zone are continuing. • • •
Best Parks Year . . .
NEW MEXICO ZION NATIONAL PARK — Na- TRUE article* and photos on l o t
Crown Held Authentic . . . tional Parks and monuments in Utah lows, trail drives, frontier cowboy
SILVER CITY—Discovery of an and northern Arizona totalled more I! ond ranch life—the REAL THING!
authentic 18th or 19th Century silver visitors in 1954 than in any previous our great wild, rugged West.
crown was verified by Dr. Reginald year. So said Superintendent Paul R. etc. . . weil of the Mississippi,
Fisher of the Museum of New Mexico. Franke, coordinating and supervisory OFFER: 12 ISSU6 subscriptions to
Dr. Fisher said the person who showed officer for Zion and Bryce Canyon TfiUf WEST orone. Ruih bills,
it to him was very secretive and re- National Parks, Capitol Reef, Cedar
fused to say where he had found the Breaks, Pipe Springs, and Zion Na- P.O BOX 5 0 0 8 - M , A U S T I N 3 1 , TEXAS
crown, although the Silver City Press tional Monuments, who explained that
quoted the finders as saying it was only two areas showed decreases. Vis-
uncovered within five miles of Silver itors to Zion National Park showed a
City. It is described as a halo off a 6.6 percent increase over 1953 with a Looking for a PUBLISHER?
Do you have a book-length manuscript you
statue of the Virgin Mary. — New total of 415,042. Bryce Canyon and would like to have published? Learn about
Mexican Cedar Breaks were the two showing our unusual plan whereby your book can be
published, promoted and distributed on a
• • • drop-offs.—Salt Lake City Tribune professional basis. We consider all types of
work—fiction, biography, poetry, scholarly
Sands Adds Picnic Units . . . • • • and religious books, etc. New authors wel-
W H I T E SANDS N A T I O N A L 20 More Dams . . . come. For more information, write for valu-
able booklet D. It's free.
MONUMENT—Installation of 16 new DENVER — Approval of 20 new VANTAGE PRESS, INC.
wood and metal picnic tables has been dams in the proposed Upper Colorado 6356 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif.
Main Office: New York 1, N. Y.
completed, it was announced by White River Storage Project has been an-
Sands Superintendent Johnwill Faris. nounced by the Upper Colorado River
The vast increase in the number of Commission, although opposition from
picnic parties at the Sands prompted Utah warned that it might defeat the JOSHUA TREE AREA
installation of the units, he explained. whole project. Utah Commissioner LOW PRICED CABINS
U.S. Government Tracts
In 1954, 226,626 persons visited the George D. Clyde has argued that addi- $10-$20 per acre. Roads, water, electricity
Sands, compared with 48,417 in 1939. tion of the dams would bring the bill planned. Joshua Tree-29 Palms area.
No. 1 Map $1.50 plus 6 cents postage
—Alamogordo Daily News to 1,750,000 dollars, more than Con-
• • • gress has permitted before, and just E. B. MOORE CO., INC.
Ex p. on "The Great American Desert"
Carlsbad Attendance Declines . . . might "break the camel's back." — No Smog. No fog. Elevation 3000 feet.
Locator, 20(J Hwy., Joshua Tree
CARLSBAD—Visitors to the Carls- New Mexican
bad Caverns in 1954 dropped at least
15 percent and something has to be
done about it, according to C. B. May- The ART & GEM SHOP has been added to
shark, state tourist director. Mayshark
blames nation-wide publicity given
"dust bowl" conditions in southeastern NAVAJO CENTER
New Mexico and bad word-of-mouth RT. 3 - BOX 274 - YUMA, ARIZONA
publicity given the caverns because of
inadequate elevator facilities. New 6 Miles East of Yuma on Highway 80
elevators, doubling the rate visitors may
enter the caverns, are slated to be put At the TRADING POST At the ART & GEM SHOP
in use next June, he said. In addition, • Finest Navajo Rugs • Silversmith Supplies
Mayshark plans a stepped-up adver- • Indian Jewelry, Baskets and • Local Gem and Mineral
tising campaign to offset the bad pub- Pottery specimens
licity. —New Mexican • Chimayo Blankets • Custom Cutting and
• « • • Mexican Pottery and Bubble Polishing
UTAH Glass • Highland Park Dealer
Birds Disappearing . . . • Curios and Souvenirs • Visit with Joe Baker
SALT LAKE CITY — Mystery of
the disappearing birds is being studied
by the Utah Audubon Society Following BILL NAUGHT'S TRADING POST
discovery that the bird population was
MARCH, 1955 31
Prescott, Arizona . . .
Salt Lake City, Utah . . . Tonopah, Nevada . . .
The famous Monte Cristo silver
mine—discovered accidentally by two
Mexicans in 1862—is due for increased
activity. Judge Edward A. Ashurst,
Wickenburg, is reported to have pur-
chased the 62-claim property from
Discovery of a rich uranium deposit Sale of the Golden Eagle uranium Mahoney Gold Mine, Inc., for $100,-
at the Monument Valley Yazzie mine claims at Belmont to the U308 Cor- 000 and has indicated that by June
— an open pit operation — has been poration of Reno has been reported the mine's working force of 12 men
announced by Owen W. Bunker and by Lloyd Sammons of Tonopah and will be increased to 100. Ore taken
Edward M. Mabey, executive vice Clay Holmes of Arcata, California. from the mine has yielded up to 20,-
presidents of the Spencer Uranium Sale price was listed at $100,000. The 000 ounces of silver per ton, Judge
Corporation of Salt Lake City. The new owners have outlined an extensive Ashurst said. It has one 1,100-foot
mine is located on the Navajo Indian prospecting and development program shaft with levels at 100-foot intervals.
reservation in northern Arizona, near in the eight-claim area.—Pioche Rec- Current production is 50 tons of ore
the Vanadium Corporation of Ameri- ord daily. —Mining Record
ca's Monument No. 2 mine, said to be • • • • • •
the richest uranium mine in the world. Reno, Nevada . . .
Carnotite ore—reading radiometrically Earthquakes may have produced a Death Valley, California . . .
more than 10 percent—was found just major uranium strike in Nevada. When Reopening of lead and zinc prop-
six feet below the surface. — Dove George Leingang of Reno noticed the erties at Darwin Mines of Anaconda
Creek Press needle on his scintillator fluctuating Copper Mining Company, Darwin,
• • • widely, he parked his car on Highway Inyo County, California, appeared pos-
40 and found the strike in a wide crack sible as new development work was
Albuquerque, New Mexico . . . under way early this year. Lead and
in a huge boulder, which had appar-
New Mexico may have a great fu- ently been opened by one of Nevada's zinc properties were shut down in
ture in uranium, in addition to its three earthquakes during 1954. He February, 1944, when the price of lead
expanding oil and gas industry, but a has located 25 claims in the area, with dropped to 12 cents a pound. The
complete revision of state leasing pol- samples showing uranium content at price has since risen to about 15 cents
icy on public land is needed. .12 of one percent.—Ely Record a pound. It was not possible to deter-
This is the opinion of Land Com- • • • mine when full scale operations would
missioner Johnny Walker, who is ask- Tonopah, Nevada . . . be resumed as small crews of 12 to 15
ing the Legislature to revise the laws First shipper of uranium in Nevada men worked on development headings,
governing mineral leasing on state is said to be Fred A. Vollmar, of Silver expecting to reach new ore veins and
land. The law allowing granting of Peak, now developing the Rundberg block out lead and zinc for future
one-year prospecting permits at $25 uranium property at Austin. Vollmar's operation.—Territorial Enterprise
per square mile should be changed to Uranium Mines, Inc., employs 10 men • • •
a five-year lease at a slightly higher and is now pushing a tunnel along the Albuquerque, New Mexico . . .
price per acre, Walker said. Particu- vein. Autinite with torbernite are the Exploration for oil, uranium, and
larly valuable land would be leased to chief radioactive minerals present. As other minerals is beginning on 116,000
the highest bidder.—New Mexican development progresses, the mineral acres of the San Diego Land Grant in
becomes higher in value. — Tonopah the Jemez Mountains, following leas-
Times-Bonanza ing of the land from the New Mexico
Salt Lake City, Utah . . . • • • Timber Co. Lamar Fleming, Jr., chair-
Not for $16,000,000 would Fletcher Winnemucca, Nevada . . . man of the board of Anderson, Clay-
Bronson sell his fabulous Happy Jack Comstock Uranium-Tungsten Cor- ton & Co., and W. Stuart Boyle, Hous-
uranium mine in southeastern Utah. poration, of Elko, plans to develop a ton oil man, signed the lease, agreeing
The news had been reported that Bron- group of 39 uranium claims in the to pay $12,500 for prospecting rights,
son sold the mine for that price to King River district, 70 miles north of a bonus of $150,000 and $25,000 per
Louis England of Casper, Wyoming, Winnemucca. Comstock is also nego- year rent for 10 years. New Mexico
controller for the Mountain Mesa tiating for uranium properties in the Timber retains a royalty on uranium,
Uranium Company, but Bronson Contact area of Nevada. The com- a 12.5 percent overriding royalty on
promptly denied the reports. He stated pany is now beginning production on oil and gas, and five cents per ton
that as soon as a 200-foot drift is com- chromite properties in Oregon and royalty on sulphur. Sulphur has been
pleted he would begin producing 35 tungsten properties in the Eureka area mined on the land, while deposits of
to 60 tons of uranium ore per day. of Nevada. — Territorial Enterprise bauxite, tufa, pumice, and coal are
Happy Jack is located in White Can- also evident.—New Mexican
yon, San Juan County. — Salt Lake • • •
Salt Lake City, Utah . . . • • •
"We can mine under the bull pas- Bishop, California . . .
• • •
ture if we don't bother the bulls." Now in operation is the new mill at
Albuquerque, New Mexico So said Jim Downing, head of the the east edge of the Four-Mile flat
Permit to prospect on the Major Radiore Uranium Company, as he an- along U.S. 50. Tungsten concentrates
Ranch in southwest Sandoval County nounced that his firm had made a deal are being shipped from the mill to the
has been granted the Anaconda Copper with the S and S Cattle Company for Vanadium Corp. plant near Bishop,
Company by Howard Major, Albu- mining in the Indian Creek District, California. Construction of the mill
querque. Major is said to have dis- San Juan County. Radiore had re- started last summer at the site of the
covered two small outcrops of ura- ported discovery of shipping grade ura- old Sand Springs stage station on
nium on the 27,000-acre property. nium ore adjacent to the Dug Out ground bought from the Summit King
Anaconda is now conducting an ex- Ranch, an S and S property, and Mines, Ltd., where water is available.
tensive core drilling program.—Mining wanted to drift under the pasture. — Owners are John Olson and Fred Ben-
Record Salt Lake Tribune nett, of Los Angeles.—Fallon Standard
With little water in storage due to
below normal fall season precipitation
the general water picture in the Great
Basin, Colorado Basin, and Rio Grande
Rock Shotty
Basin areas has been listed as bleak.
Early January storms could lend some of Death Valley
encouragement to the scene, but fore-
casters were requiring near-record rains
to bring the water runoff up to the
10-year average. "Sure it gits hot here in sum- doin' the cookin' that summer,
In the great Basin, according to the mer," Hardrock Shorty was say- an' he told 'em not to worry —
U.S. Weather Bureau, below normal ing to dudes who were loitering he didn't need a stove to cook
precipitation was general over most of in the shade of the lean-to porch with.
the area between September and De- in front of the Inferno store. "An' Bill kept his word. He
cember. The Humboldt Basin, for in- "They say ol' Satan makes 'em set a big pot o' them Mexican
stance, was lowest in the area with only shovel coal down in hades, but beans out in the sun an' in a few
50 percent of normal rainfall. Water that ain't nothing compared with minutes they wuz boilin' over.
supply outlook for the Great Salt Lake muckin' rock up in one o' them He wuz gonna fry the bacon on
Basin is for below-average runoff, with mines in the Funeral Mountains a big rock, but jest then one o'
flows ranging from 50 percent to 79 in the middle o' July. Miners them twistin' dust devils came
percent of average. Sevier, Beaver, have to wear asbestos gloves tu along. Was a real hurricane, an'
Humboldt, Truckee, Carson, Walker, keep from blisterin' their hands. somewhere along the way it had
Owens, and Mojave river basins could picked up a couple o' them big
all expect below normal runoffs, the "Remember one summer it got Nevady jackrabbits. The sun'd
weather bureau believes. so hot the old iron stove in the cooked them jacks to a nice
Some lower valley areas in the Up- cook-shack melted down an' ran brown, and the wind dropped
per Colorado River Basin were among all over the floor. The boys wuz 'em right down by the cook-
the few to report above average pre- gripin' about havin' tu eat raw shack. Bill really served the boys
cipitation. These were the areas of food. But ol' Pisgah Bill wuz a feast that night."
Cisco and Utah, reporting 130 to 160
percent of normal. Above Cisco the
water supply outlook is for nearly 95
percent of average. The supply is LINES DRAWN FOR BATTLE servation groups. The letter states that
slightly below normal despite heavy OVER ECHO PARK DAM SITE Monument boundaries were extended
rainfalls due to soil moisture conditions, subject to prior rights for power or
the bureau reports. Green River and SALT LAKE CITY—Opponents of irrigation and that there are no wild-
San Juan River basins can expect run- a proposed dam in the Dinosaur Na- life resources in the area which would
offs well below normal, forecasters tional Monument hi Colorado are be destroyed by the dam, but that it
said. gathering forces today, while the Utah would add to wildlife resources as did
In the Lower Colorado River Basin, Wildlife Federation is leading a move
the construction of Hoover Dam in
September to December precipitation to prove that the dam will enhance
rather than damage scenic and wildlife creating Lake Meade.
was much below normal, in some areas
dropping to as much as 50 percent of resources.
normal. In the Little Colorado River President Eisenhower last year en-
Basin the outlook was bleak with a TRUE OR FALSE ANSWERS
dorsed the dam, called Echo Park, as
runoff expected to be near the lowest part of the $1,000,000,000 Colorado Questions are on page 30
on record. At the same time, the Gila River Storage Project. Opposition to 1—False. Chains generally will get
River Basin was only slightly better, the dam is stronger than before, ac- you into more trouble in sand.
with the runoff also expected to be near cording to Fred M. Packard, executive 2—False. The Mojave ends in a
the record low. Somewhat heavier secretary of the National Parks Asso- series of dry desert playas.
rainfall over the Verde River will bring ciation. Interior Secretary Douglas 3—False. Coyotes also eat small
animals and reptiles.
that runoff to 72 percent of the 10-year McKay announced that administration 4—True.
average. • • • sponsorship of the dam will continue 5—False. Billy the Kid's outlaw
in the new Congress under the belief career was in New Mexico.
EASTER SERVICE SET 6—True. 7—True. 8-—True.
AT DEATH VALLEY that conservation groups would not op- 9—False. Wasatch Mountains are
An Easter Sunrise Service on Sun- pose the measure as strongly this year. in Utah.
day, April 10, will be held in Death But Packard assured that there had 10—True.
been no letup of the groups which 11—False. Saguaro cactus stores its
Valley National Monument this year, water mainly in its fluted trunk.
according to Fred W. Binnewies, su- opposed the dam as an invasion of a 12—False. Cactus furniture gener-
perintendent. national park. ally is made with dead cholla
The non-denominational service will Meanwhile, the Utah Wildlife Fed- stalks.
13—True. 14—True. 15—True.
be held at the Sand Dunes in the north- eration began mailing out letters and 16—True.
central part of the Monument. The booklets designed to refute information 17—False. Capitol Reef is in Utah.
Rev. Warren Ost, a director of the disseminated by opponents of the proj- 18—False. Salt Lake has a higher
National Council of the Churches of ect. Herbert F. Smart, secretary of the salt content.
19—False. Shiprock overlooks the
Christ, which assigns student ministers Federation, said the information was San Juan River.
to areas of the national park system to being sent to 2,200 individuals who 20—False. Monument Valley is in
hold services during the tourist season, made protests against the project to the Navajo Indian reservation.
will conduct the service. congressional committees and to con-
MARCH, 1955 33
the culls reach the average amateur who
By LELANDE QUICK, Editor of The Lapidary Journal
expects to come up with some fancy opals
worth $500 each out of a $10.00 parcel.
Friends—it can't be done. If you want good
opal you will have to spend good money—
lots of it.
We don't suppose that many amateurs
Our mail regularly brings us complaints a good customer, usually through no fault have cut more opals than we have in our
from customers of the dealers about dis- of his own but because of the ignorance of time and when we look over the lot we are
satisfaction with purchases and in almost the customer. compelled to be honest and admit that
every instance the complaint is about opal. Opal is the most popular gem material while they all look wonderful to us, there
If we were a dealer we would not handle with the amateur gem cutter and it is the isn't one in the lot that would even be
opal for several reasons. To have a repre- first stone he wants to cut because there is given display space in a first class jewelry
sentative stock we would have to have too no stone he can show to amaze his friends store.
much money invested in it. And it is not that compares with a fine opal. But the
a material we would sell on a "satisfaction average novice lapidary unreasonably ex- We happen to have one of the largest
guaranteed" basis because we doubt if a pects a dealer to send him top notch opal pieces of good opal in the country. It is
purchase of opal was ever made from any for $10.00. He has been paying $5.00 a rough polished and it weighs exactly a half
dealer where satisfaction with the purchase pound for good agate, and he thinks that is pound. We acquired it years ago from an
was 100 percent, and rarely is it the fault robbery, and now he is ready to plunge with opal dealer in Australia who owed us a
of the dealer. We have known instance after a 10 dollar bill and really buy some "good lot of money and couldn't get the funds
instance where customers have purchased stuff." So he gets his package and finds that out of the country at the time and so we
mineral specimens from a dealer with satis- it is maybe just a bare ounce of rather settled for a large chunk of opal. Three-
faction for years—and then they bought uninteresting looking chalk in which he sees fourths of the piece is potch but there is a
some opal from him. Generally they were a glint of fire here and there. If he keeps streak of fust class fire opal running through
disappointed and they would write and tell it, he usually goes to his grinders in a high the center of it that we estimate would yield
us about it and vow they would never buy dudgeon and if he is skilled and lucky he about 500 carats of really fine stones. At a
from that dealer again, etc. The dealer lost may come out of the experience with an retail value of $10.00 a carat that would
opal about the size of his little finger nail, bring $5000 when the stones were cut and
and nothing spectacular at that—but it is offered for sale—maybe.
worth far more than $10.00! In November we received a letter from
What the average cutter forgets is that an old time opal miner in Australia who
he is not working with agate or petrified has been in the gem hunting business there
wood, of which there are millions of tons for about 60 years. He has been in the
opal fields at Lightning Ridge for over a
available. He is working with one of the year and this is his first visit there since
precious stones of which hardly more than 1903. Mr. Batchelor writes that the field
a hundred pounds is being mined in a whole is the largest gem deposit on earth—160
year at the present time. Let us be optimis- miles long by about 50 miles wide and the
tic and say that even a thousand pounds is whole area is covered with the finest agates
being mined in a year. This gets into the and jaspers in the world—to which no one
A Complete Lapidary Shop hands of the wholesale dealers in Australia pays any attention. He advises that the
Only $43.50 and if you think they are going to send it method of mining opal is the most difficult
by the next airmail to the amateur lapi- and tedious work in the mining industry
• Ideal for apartment liouie dwellers.
daries in America you are very naive in- and the opal fields are the bleakest and
• Polish rocks into beautiful gems.
deed. The dealer is going to high grade the driest place on the face of the earth. Dur-
• Anyone can learn.
best material for the professional cutters ing the depression many miners were trying
• Instructions included.
who want the opal more eagerly than the their luck in the fields but now there is
Write for Catalog, 25c rockhounds. What is left is divided into great prosperity in Australia and miners
ALLEN LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT parcels by people who really know opal are working in the construction camps and
values. These parcels are usually sold to factories and running around with geiger
COMPANY — Dept D other dealers who often highgrade their own counters.
3632 W. Slauton Av«., Los Angeles 43, Cal. shipment and sell the rest to lesser dealers.
Phone Axminster 2-4206 The lesser dealers pardonably try to get a We have been telling our friends for years
few good pieces for themselves and finally that if they have a few thousand dollars
they can forget about and forego interest,
that they can triple their money in ten
Felker DI-MET years by carefully buying and storing three
things — opal, chrysocolla and turquoise.
LAPI0AW EQUIPMENT Regardless of the quality bought today their
money will be easily tripled in ten years
with the crop of amateurs at that time be-
Diamond Blades • Core Drills • Machines cause of the increasing scarcity of these
three popular gem materials.
Felker DI-MET
RIMLOCK BLADES We believe that if a man picks a repu-
Accepted for years as the table dealer to begin with, and then accepts
standard for fast, smooth
cuts, long life, low cost! any parcel that is sent him with a broad
mind, that regardless of what he thinks
mum of polishing. Wheel about the material he gets it will greatly
bodies are made of cop-
per or steel. Diameters appreciate in value in the next few years.
from 3 " through 3 6 " .
F e l k e r D I - M E T U N I L A P —A universal lapidary machine
Opal is a better buy than diamonds because
designed for multiple operations: grinding, sanding, pol- diamonds are worth no more now than they
Felker DI-MET Continuous
ishing and lapping! Spindle operates in either vertical or
horizontal position for maximum convenience ond e f f i -
were 40 years ago and they will be worth
Rim METAL BONDED BLADES ciency. Accessories quickly interchangeable. no more 40 years from now because the
—Although more expensive in market is controlled. There is one thing
origtn-a! cost/ DI-MET Metal Felker DI-MET Model
Bonded. Blades repay in DH-1— Operates like a to remember about diamonds—they are not
longer ultimate life and un- circular saw, but blade scarce; they are the most plentiful of all
usodly fast cutting. Usually dips into coolant stored the precious stones. Opal is getting scarcer
preferred in production cut-
ting. Diameters from 2 "
through 1 2 "
V in aluminum bo^o.
every day in an uncontrolled market while
Uses 6" or 3 " Di-Met the demand is increasing enormously. It is a
Rimlock or Metal precious stone and demands precious prices.
Bonded Blades. Includes
Felker DI-MET Diamond rip and angle fences. Therefore approach your opal purchases
Abrasive CORE DRILLS —Drills with good sense and remember this—no
rook samples in a few seconds. Orher machines available — Write for circulars matter how poor a stone you get from your
Produces exceptionally smooth. on all Di-Met equipment!
Straight holes and removable purchase, the poorest opal we ever saw is
cores. Drill diameters from Vs" FELKER MANUFACTURING CO. at least as beautiful as the finest agate; and
to 2 i / i " . Torrance, California most of the time there is no comparison
at all.
Officers of the San Jacinto-Hemet Rock-
MARCH, 1955
STOP at the new Ironwood Rock Shop. 7
miles West of Blythe, California, Highway
GEM fliflRT A D V E R T I S I N G
10c a word
. . . Minimum $1.50
60-70. Many new rocks and minerals.
isfaction guaranteed. Write for prices. cabochons — 25 carats (5 to 10 stones Dept. D-3 43 E. Green
according to size) $3.00 including tax, BUSHNEIi Pasadena. Calif.
P. G. Nichols, Prop., Sun Valley Trailer
Park, 3922 No. Oracle Road, Tucson, postpaid in U.S.A. Package 50 carats (10
Arizona. to 20 cabochons) $6.15 including tax,
postpaid in U.S.A. Elliott Gem & Mineral
ONYX BLANKS, unpolished, black 25c
each, red, green, blue 35c each. Perfect
Shop, 235 E. Seaside Blvd., Long Beach Gem Stones Morals
2, California. Write Your 'Wants' to Merrcll's
cut titanium. Fine cutting and polishing
at reasonable prices. Prompt attention to
mail orders. Juchem Bros., 315 West 5th
GEMS A-PLENTY: Beautiful baroque
gems, large variety, tumble polished all
St. Los Angeles 13, California. over, $10.00 for one pound (about 100 329 E. Alosta (Hiway 66)
stones). 10 lbs. of top grade gemstone Glendora, California
ROCK COLLECTORS ATTENTION. To prepaid for $7.00. Wholesale price to
see the finest variety of rock and mineral CALIFORNIA GEMSTONE
dealers on baroque gems and gemstone "Rhodonite" — highly agatlzed, beautiful
specimens, come to the Trailer Rock in the rough. Satisfaction guaranteed on pastel shades of pink with yellow, jjreen,
Store, 69-457 Highway 111. Chuckawalla every sale. San Fernando Valley Gem black and white. 18x25 mm. cabochon,
Slim the Rockologist, Box 181, Cathedral Co., 5905 Kester Ave., Van Nuys, Calif. $1.30 ea. Slabs, 3 sq. in. $1.00.J
City, California. Genuine Turquoise Baroques A" to Ya"
Baroques, 20 for $1.00.
FLORIDA MINERAL Specimens, one dz., GET YOUR COPY of "A Mineral Collec- 14" to %" Baroques, 5 for $1.00
Please add 10% Federal tax and postage
$2.50. Described fully. Howard Graves. tor's Guide to Wonderful Wyoming" 25c. Write for prices
826 S. Ingraham, Lakeland, Florida. Gritzner's. Mesa 3. Arizona.
owing to the difficulty of determining ac-
Fluorescence Valuable but Tricky curately a particular shade of color. A rela-
tively large area of scheelite will appear to
be a lighter shade than small grains in a
dark ground mass.
Aid to Pmpecton $nd Rockhounds Fluorescence is not an unfailing method
of identification of any mineral. It is an
Fluorescence may be defined as the prop- some of which are now available at reason- aid to attract attention to particular min-
erty possessed by many substances, both or- able cost. However, ultraviolet units differ erals which must be identified either by
ganic and inorganic, by which these sub- in the wave length they produce. This fac- chemical analysis or recognition of diag-
stances are capable of absorbing invisible tor, as well as the fact that there are varia- nostic physical properties. With a little ex-
light (such as ultraviolet light) and con- tions peculiar to particular minerals, is not perience, most of the common fluorescing
verting it into a visible form. Such sub- always fully appreciated or understood. Thus minerals can be recognized easily on sight.
stances then glow with a brilliant cold light some of the contradictory claims as to flu-
as long as they are subjected to the invisible orescence of minerals are not surprising.
light. The use of fluorescence in mining has BLANK MOUNTINGS
It is generally believed that the molecular become very important with respect to for
structure of the substance plays an impor- scheelite (calcium tungstate). Powellite
tant part in the conversion of ultraviolet (calcium molybdate and calcium tungstate) AGATE JEWELRY
light to visible light. However, in many fluoresces consistently but thus far powellite WHOLESALE
instances the phenomenon apparently is due has not been found in sufficient quantity to Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains
to the presence of impurities or "activators." constitute an ore of tungsten. The orange
Iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, manganese, Cuff Links — Neck Chains
fluorescence of zircon (zirconium silicate)
silver, tin, rubidium, antimony, thallium, should aid in identifying it in sands and Bezel — devices — Shanks
lead, bismuth, uranium and samarium are thus be a help in the search for zircon. Some Solder — Findings
common activators. Only one or more of diamonds fluoresce, but some do not, which Send stamp for price list No. 3
these elements need be present in extremely limits the use of fluorescence in this field.
small percentages in order to cause fluores- Scheelite, fortunately for the prospector, O. R. JUNKINS & SON
cence in some minerals which would not fluoresces more consistently than most min-
otherwise fluoresce. 440 N.W. Boach St.
erals. The pale blue color is commonly NEWPORT, OREGON
The action of activators is not completely designated as blue-white, or even white.
understood. For instance, primary uranium
minerals, such as pitchblende and carnotite,
do not fluoresce, whereas most of the sec-
ondary uranium minerals fluoresce yellow NEW
Most substances which fluoresce do so LUTIO
only as long as they are exposed to the re-
quired stimulating energy. However, a few
substances continue to fluoresce for periods
ranging from several seconds to hours, de-
pending on the material, after the stimulat- $15950
ing energy is shut off. This phenomenon is
known as phosphorescence. Specimens must 1. BUILT-IN LOUDSPEAKER-Eliminate! headphone,
be examined with ultraviolet light in total -ed especially for Prospectors. Here is a 2. HIGHLY SENSITIVE PROBE
•ry-opuratcd, portable uranium prospect-
darkness in order that maximum fluorescent ing instrument. Hand carry or sling from shoulder on strap. Has
and phosphorescent effects may be observed. highest sensitivity practical for use in the field. Check ttl
advanced design features at right.
Studies have shown that the fluorescent 7. 1 YEAR GUARANTEE
B. RANGES - 0 - 5 0 0 , 0-5000 count* per min.
color of a mineral may vary with the kind
and quantity of trace elements, or activators, DR-290
and also with the particular wave length of DS-234 NUCLIOMETER
ultraviolet energy used. The wave length SCINTILLATION D e t e c t r o n Super-
used is dependent upon the type of generat- Sensitive Radiation
ing equipment used and on the filter em- COUNTER
Detector. Ideal for
ployed to remove visible light. Gun type. Ultra hi-sensitivity for detecting deep ura-
aerial or mobile search. 6 operating nium deposits by grid-
Utilization of fluorescence of minerals ranges-25, 5, 1, .25, .05 and .025 map survey. 3 ranges 0-25, 0-250, and
has advanced with the development of vari- MR/HR. Will operate in tempera-
0-2500 counts per sec. Excellent for
ous convenient sources of ultraviolet energy, tures from 35°F to 110°. 3 con-
trols—zero set, range and time
constant. Tropicalized, water- $
airborne use. Meter calibrated in
counts per sec 545
proofed and shock-proofed.
Most Sensitive $1295.00
Find war minerals! Here are a few of the
40 or more strategic rarer minerals which V-43 MINERALIGHT—Ideal for field use in Uranium Prospecting,
Mining, Ore Sorting, etc. Has a 6 bar quartz tube. Thumb-tip switch.
you may be overlooking in the hills or in
Built-in flashlight for white or ultraviolet light. Reflector, tube and filter
that mine or prospect hole: columbium, tan-
protected by metal guard. With carrying case and straps. Wt. 6V4 lbs.
talum, uranium, vanadium, tungsten, nickel,
cobalt, bismuth, palladium, iridium, osmi- $77.50
V-43 BATTERIES 6 V. Hot Shot , $3.75
um, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, titan-
ium, tin, molybdenum, selenium, germanium, M12 MINERALIGHT-ligMesf, moil compact field unU available. Built-in flashlight ith 2-way
manganese, cadmium, thallium, antimony, switch for white or ultraviolet. Pure fused quartz tube. Weighs only 3'a lbs
mercury, chromium, etc. Prices booming; M l 2 BATTERIES for above. 6V. lantern type
many much more valuable than a gold 90t
mine: cassiterite now $1000 a ton; bismuth MOD. 71T METAL DETECTOR-Will dele
$1500 a ton; columbite $2500 a ton; tanta-
lite or microlite $5000 a ton; tungsten $3
pound; platinum $90 ounce, etc. Now you ALSO AVAILABLE—Many other models Geiger Counters from $55.50, Scintillation
Counters, "Lakewood" Chemical Test Kits, Gold Pans, Books for prospectors, etc.
can learn what they are, how to find, iden-
tify and cash in upon them. Send for free NOTE: Order fr. ) rhll ad. 50% Deposit with C.O.D.'s. All prices F.O.B. Compton,
copy "overlooked fortunes"—it may lead OPEN TUESDAY EVENINGS 'Til 10:00
to knowledge which may make you rich!
A postcard will do.
Box 666, Dept. B, Hot Springs, New Mexico
COMPTON ROCK SHOP 1409 S. Long Beach Blvd., Dept. 15
Compton, Calif, phone NEwmark 2-9096
MARCH, 1955 37
The Willits Gem and Mineral Club, of Lemkau are chairmen of the snack bar, Si SAND COLLECTING NEW
Willits, California, recently celebrated its and Ruth Edwards are chairmen of the
first birthday. From its first meeting in a silent auction, Ross Carpenter is in charge VISTA FOR GOLD HUNTER
hired hotel room, the club has grown until of the demonstrations, and Rex Hawkinson I never could understand why people col-
it now has a permanent clubroom, well is eeneral chairman of the exhibits. lected sand. The thin little vials looked
equipped for study of the lapidary arts. the same to me whether they came from
Membership now exceeds 40. Purpose of Florida or the coast of China. That, of
the club is to gain an increased knowledge course, was before a recent trip up the San
of Mendocino County minerals and rocks. Luau Queen Mrs. Lee Peltz flew to Los
Angeles from Honolulu especially to pre- Gabriel (California) Canyon. We had a
pare a Christmas Luau for the Los Ange- new sluice box and the desire to find a few
les Lapidary Society in December. The flakes of gold.
The East Bay Gem and Mineral Festival, meeting was one of the best attended of We did find our few flakes of gold and
sponsored by the East Bay Mineral Society, we also decided to take home the black
Inc., Oakland, California, will be held Sat- any in the history of the Society. Members
ate spare ribs, baked fish, sweet potatoes sand caught in the bottom of the riffle to
urday and Sunday, March 26 and 27. A. check it under the microscope.
A. (Del) Kenison is chairman of arrange- with crushed pineapple, and tossed salad,
ments, Mrs. Marion Smyth is chairman of while Hawaiian entertainers sang and danced This proved to be a valuable throught and
the reception committee. Betty and Norm for their enjoyment. has given us much pleasure. We were
amazed at what we saw in the sand viewed
under the scope: tiny perfect crystals of
magnetite, one group of three crystals no
bigger than the head of a pin, lovely little
TIN OXIDE $1.50 PER POUND cinnamon colored garnets, little books of
golden mica and grains of beautiful laven-
der rose quartz. We also found a quartz
If you buy $5 worth of Basic Lapidary Supplies from the following list. crystal no bigger than a grain of sand.
A $10 purchase entitles you to buy 2 lbs. Tin Oxide at $1.50 per 1b. There are larger specimens with magnetite
A $25 purchase entitles you to buy 5 lbs. of Tin Oxide. crystals and garnet crystals in matrix—
these about the size of a pea. There are
also grains of a silvery white metal and
NORTON CRYSTOLON GRINDING WHEELS . . . quartz with green needles as inclusions. The
Size 6XV2" 6x1" 8x1" 8x1 W 10x1 W gold was forgotten in this whole new world
80 grit $7.50 of sand.
100 grit $2.65 $3.60 $5.35 7.50 $11.35 Sorting a crystal you can't distinguish
220 grit 2.95 3.95 5.90 8.25 12.50 with the naked eye proved a very difficult
320 grit 3.35 4.50 6.70 9.40 14.20 task. We found that fine dental picks en-
abled us to separate a crystal from the
Shipping weight 2 lbs. 3 lbs. 5 lbs. 6 lbs. 9 lbs. other grains—if you can keep your hands
Crystolon Wheel Dressing Brick 6"x2"xl" 95c steady enough. A slight tremor of the hand
looks like an earthquake under the "scope"
CRYSTOLON ABRASIVE for the Lapidary . . . and the fact that left is right and right is
Grit Sire 1 Pound 5 Lb. Lots 10 Lb. Lots 25 Lb. Lots left, adds up to a lot of confusion.
80, 100, 120, 18, 220 $ .83 $ .52 $ .39 $ .30 Now we have just one problem. We
2F (320), 3F (400) .38 .57 .41 .32 know how to show mineral specimens and
we've read up on micro-mounts, but-—how
Graded 400 1.09 .73 .57 .48 in the world do you display a grain of sand?
Graded 600 1.35 .94 .78 .69 (Condensed from an article by Verle
Carnahan written for the Compton Gem
DURITE (Silicon Carbide) ROLL SANDING CLOTH— ; and Mineral Club.)
Available in 120. 150. 180. 220. 330 grits
Dry Bolls The Mineralogical Society of Arizona
2" wide, 25 ft. long—$2.00; 150-foot roll—$ 9.00 celebrated its 19th anniversary recently with
3" wide, 15 ft. long— 2.00; 150-foot roll— 13.25 a birthday party. In January members of
10" wide, 5 ft. long— 2.00; 150-foot roll— 39.77 the Society hosted the Audubon Society
from Tempe and presented a talk by Arthur
12" wide, 5 ft. long— 2.25; 150-foot roll— 47.70 L. Flagg, member of the MSOA and cur-
Wet Rolls ator of the Mineral Museum, on the story
3" wide, 10 ft. long—$2.00; 150-foot roll—$21.60 of minerals.
10" wide, 40 in. long— 2.60; 150-foot roll— 71.25
Red Plume. Porn Pom and many other type^
Available in 120. 220. 320 grits >f agate. Slabs on approval. Rough agaU
Wet Dry 'h mixture postpaid, $5.00. Price list or
6" 5 for $1.00; 25 for $ 3.90 8 for $1.00; 25 for $ 2.25
8" 3 for 1.10; 25 for 7.00 5 for 1.00; 25 for 4.10 17 miles So. on Hwy 118
10" 2 for 1.15; 25 for 11.00 3 for 1.00; 25 for 6.45 *ox 453. Alpine. Texas
12" 2 for 1.65; 25 for 16.00 2 for 1.00; 25 for 9.45
4" diameter by .205" thick $ 7.80 10" diameter by .040" thick $14.80
6" diameter by .205" thick 7.80 12" diameter by .040" thick 18.20 from the West and Southwest, rough or
14" diameter by .050" thick 25.20 slabbed at Wholesale.
6" diameter by .032" thick 7.80
16" diameter by .050" thick 28.60
8" diameter by .032" thick 10.40 20" diameter by .060" thick 39.20 LOST MOUNTAIN GEMS
8" diameter by .040" thick 11.40 24" diameter by .060" thick 50.60 3005 N. 39th St. — Phoenix, Arizona
When ordering please state arbor hole size
ADD 3% SALES TAX IF YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA We are pleased to announce the advent of
a new Minerals Unlimited Catalog, specifi-
Member of American Gem and Mineral Suppliers Association cally designed for the amateur or profes-
sional prospector. If you are interested in
CAMP CHEF'S HANDY HINTS The Indiana Geology and Gem Society BEFORE YOU BUY ANY
became a member of the Midwest Federa- GEIGER COUNTER
FOR FIELD TRIP COOKING tion of Mineralogical and Geological Soci- Get our FREE Booklet-"HOW TO SELECT
The Chuck Wagon column in Shop Notes eties in 1954 and the Hoosiers named their formation on proper instruments tor pros-
and News, San Diego Lapidary Society's monthly bulletin the "Geologem." Mrs. pecting— ore recognition charts—how to file
monthly bulletin, offered camp chefs some Mary Frances Sparks won the naming con- claims, etc. Prices on complete line, Geiger,
Scintillation Counters, $39.95 & up. Pros-
culinary tips in a recent issue. test. These were some of the highlights pect for uranium fortunes. Write now.
members recalled as they looked back over DEALERS INVITED.
"Precut packaged cheese slices for sand- a busy year. JEB INSTRUMENTS
wiches makes a hearty lunch. Dry milk
comes in a pre-measured 3 quart package.
Each package contains 3 foil wrapped en-
velopes and each envelope makes one quart
of milk.
"One minute to mix, one to set, and in
the middle of nowhere, your favorite pud-
ding. No cooking required.
"Frozen fish sticks are good for a week-
end trip. There are 10 to a package pre-
cooked. Open and warm in a skillet over
an outdoor campfire or camp stove.
"For those of you who eat early and are
off to collect rocks, take a few extra minutes
and make up your favorite stew. Place all
the ingredients in a bag made of heavy
aluminum foil and seal tight. Bury the in-
dividual foil wrapped servings in hot ashes
from the early morning warm-up fire. On
your return, dinner is ready. Pies can also Over 100 times more sensitive than some Geiger counters
Designed for detecting both radioactive adapted for AIR-BORNE or MOBILE pros-
be made in the same manner." minerals and oil deposits. pecting; three, for ore sample and vein
Detects any radioactive mineral. testing.
Detects radiation in samples of uranium Fonr meter-movement speeds.
Powered by two 90-volt batteries and
Clear cool days of December brought as small as a pinhead, which some in-
two flashlight cells easily replaced even
struments costing as much as $600.00 do
opportunity to Shadow Mountain Gem and not detect.
in total darkness; economical to operate
Mineral Society, Palm Desert, California, —total replacement cost of all four bat-
Detects beta, gamma, cosmic, and X rays. teries only $7.50.
for a desert field trip to Chuckawalla Detects through solid concrete, brick, Equipped with jacks for both external
Springs. The area offers varieties of agate stone, steel, iron, wood, water, dirt, etc. meter and drill-hole probe.
Detects through glass. Prospect by car Heavy gauge, lightweight, rustproof,
—nodules, turtle-shell and iris. with all windows closed—at ANY speed. beautiful hammertoned aluminum cases
Uses three supersensitive Geiger tubes strong enough to hold a man's weight.
(Even though two tubes are broken or out, Shoulder carrying strap and large, com-
the Oremaster Model L3TSM-55 will still fortable carrying handle.
Plans for the annual gem show of the operate). Compact—only 17" long, 5" wide, and 4"
Benicia, California, Rock and Gem Club Has powerful built-in supersensitive high.
are now under way, according to Harold speaker to use in rough terrain, snake Weights only 7Vz pounds complete.
Lerch, reelected president for the third term country, alone in the car—wherever you Directional — built-in directional feature
cannot watch the meter. to indicate the direction of the radiation.
recently. The show is to be held April 2 Big 4'/ a " highest quality, supersensitive Tropicalized.
and 3 in Benicia at the Veteran's Memorial meter. One year guarantee.
Building. Eight meter ranges (In addition to gen- Any model Oremaster can be serviced in
eral prospecting, two of these ranges are our laboratory in thirty minutes.
PRICE: $295.00
IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Terms available. Trade-ins accepted. All makes of counters serviced.
1218 Main Street
MINERALIGHTS Sweet Home. Oregon
We handle the most complete
line of radiation detectors in
L the west.
MARCH, 1955
DATES ANNOUNCED FOR Hinkle. 979 Hampshire, San Francisco 3, ESTONI GETS THE FACTS
Lectures, films, and field trips are being
July 8, 9 and 10 are the dates set for the planned for all Federation Societies who Jack Lund gave the Earth Science Club
1955 International Gem and Mineral Ex- are convening to commemorate their 16th of Northern Illinois an interesting lecture
position, sponsored by the San Francisco Annual Convention of the California Fed- on "Lore and Legends of Gemstones," re-
Gem and Mineral Society. Arrangements eration of Mincralogical Societies. cently. Said the club reporter:
are now being made for accommodations
with hotels, trailer camps, and even camp- "We learned among other things, that
ing grounds. garnets are great imitators and occur in
Members of the Coachella Valley, Cali- many colors besides red; that amethyst is
Plans are well under way to fill the San fornia, Mineral Society returned from a quartz and was thought by the Greeks to
Francisco Civic Auditorium with spectacu- field trip to the Turtle Mountains with the be fragments of the statue of Amethyste;
lar international exhibits, the best works of usual huge quantities of desert roses recently.
hobbyists and show of special interest to Some of the agate found near the camp- bloodstone is a chalcedonous quartz; aqua-
the geologist, mineralogist, and layman. grounds looked interesting, they report, but marine is a beryl and one of the first gems
Reservations can be made with Kenneth lament the fact that there is not time faceted; the diamond is the hardest ma-
enough to work up the stack of rocks. An- terial known but may be very fragile and
other trip to Chuckawalla Springs produced splinter or crack if it has internal stresses:
some fine nodules. the emerald is metamorphic beryl; the
United States has probably the finest fresh
water pearls; there is no division between
TREASURE H U NTERS semi-precious and precious stones as the
New type metals detector Distinguishes semi-precious can easily be a precious stone
metals from black magnetic sands. Ideal for because of its rarity or appearance; the
locating gold nuggets, placer deposits. De- finest rubies stay in India as Americans will
tects metals under salt water. Locates
coins, Jewelry not pay the price; peridot is a true Olivine
•*- • ' " A ^ ' • "'"
on beaches. mineral; sardonyx is a chalcedonous quartz;
Free from the sapphire has the same composition as
-. . • " ^ j ;
- ' • •".
false detec-
tions. Each rubies; opals are very fragile and soaking
with supplied
two dif- in mineral oil will often stop cracking and
ferent search restore brilliance; American turquoise is
coils. Ask for softer than Persian and will be discolored
free litera- by grease and oil; and lapis lazuli is not a
ture. mineral but is a stone, a complex silicate
- • • . . • - • • • ^ • ' < ; • " • . • : . . . ELECTRONICS containing sulphur."
-: • • ; • • • - ' • • - ' ^ " - • "'. CO., DEPT. DM
2 0 1 8 N. DAYTON
PHOENIX, AMZ. From the Earth Science News of the Earth
Science Club of Northern Illinois.
BIG 7" Diamond Saw • 6" x 1 " Grinding Send for this free booklet today. Also
Wheel • 6" Fell Buff • 6 " Backing Wheel
4 " Due Sander • Double-action Rock ask for free illustrated literature cov-
| Clamp • Oil Feed Cup t Water Feed
| Hot* ft Clamp • Dop Stick* & Dop W a x *
ering geiger counters, scintillators,
| Polish, Compound, Etc. and mineral locators.
No other low-cost lap unit
gives you full 3" sleeve
bearing, ball thrust bearing
and pressure lubrication.
1961 University Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.
GOLD TRAIL PICKED UP cepted a position as editor of the "Loupe,"
monthly magazine of the Gemological In-
Thomas E. Maxey, president of the
American Prospectors Club, Los Angeles,
tells a lost gold story as follows:
stitute of America, and associate editor of
"Gems and Gemology," technical magazine
of the Institute, published quarterly. Start-
ing her rockhound career as a hobby, the
"The other evening I had the pleasure of San Diegan passed the British Gemological MINERAL METAL LOCATORS
meeting Ed Hollyman, a prospector who Association examination to receive her FGA
specializes in the area surrounding Death in 1953 and later that year passed the
Valley. Institute examination with the highest grade
"Ed spends most of his weekends, vaca- made to that date.
tions, and any other time he can get away
searching for some ore he and his father
once found. While they were out in the hills,
they picked up five or six hundred pounds
of a likely-looking rock, threw it in the
back of their pickup and took it home to
Murietta, California. They worked some
of the ore by panning, but since there was
no trace of color, forgot about it.
"Later a friend visited them and as he
left for home, included among his samples
a couple of pounds of the ore. Next week-
for uranium discovery!
end the friend returned, asking that they
tell him where they had found the rock.
Ed's father replied that they did not re-
member where they had found it. MODEL T-10 $115.00
"Their friend roasted the ore and had USE OUR TIME PAYMENT PLAN
Ed pan some of it. At the tail of the pan
there was a wide yellow streak: the ore • GEIGER COUNTERS
was a sulphide. Then the excitement began. • SCINTILLATORS
They tried to remember where they had
been searching, but they had worked so • MINERALIGHTS
many canyons within 50 to 75 miles of IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT
Murietta that they could not remember
from which they had picked up the ore. "20th Century" prospectors — hunters, •
Some of the ore was sent to three different fishermen everywhere, take Goldak's new
assayers. As the reports came back they SEND FOR FREE LITERATURE
U-238B geiger counters on every trip! The
read 600 ounces of gold to the ton—better PROSPECTORS HANDBOOK
than $20,000 per ton! U. S. government offers $35,000 reward for
uranium deposits! •
"That is why, when Ed gets a few days
off, he heads for Murietta. Recently he
was in one of the big canyons, found three
World's most sensitive uranium locator,
the U-238B geiger counter is ideal for
pieces of float from the same vein, and prospecting on your next trip out-of-doors. Palo Alto California
now believes that he is on the right trail,
although it will take him some time to Not much bigger than your hand, the
work his way into the correct smaller can- U-238B is easily carried in any pack. Yet
yon that runs into this big one. this amazing bantamweight locator costs
"Anyone interested in going prospecting LESS than you thought possible!
with Ed in the spring can write to the club
and any mail will be forwarded." Write today for complete, free details!
Condensed from the American Prospec-
MARCH, 1955 41
d Mi
Y FRIEND, Dr. H. M. Weber of La Quinta, All of which might have been a proper accusation in
California, has taken up the crusade for the the early days of Indian administration 75 or 100 years
protection of all the wild dove species. At ago, but is very unfair to the office of Commissioner Glenn
present they are classified as game birds in California, Emmons today.
Arizona and 26 of the other states. In 20 states they are Actually a majority of the Indians do not want to
protected. be removed from federal custodianship yet. For they
There may have been a time when doves were so are aware that with the rights of full citizenship there also
plentiful they did serious crop damage. But most of my will be obligations—obligations to pay taxes, to earn a
acquaintances among the farmers say this no longer is living without subsidy and to assume personal respon-
true. A majority of them regard the dove as friend rather sibility for contracts involved in property dealings. Not
than foe. And there is another large group which regards many Indians are ready for that yet—and the wise leaders
the hunters as more of a nuisance than the birds. Many among them know it.
of them have suffered serious damage from gun-toters The case of Corporal Hayes is extreme—but it is
who in their quest for game lose all sense of respect for symbolic. A lowly reservation Indian, he became a hero
the life and property of others. overnight. When he returned from the war he was ac-
I daresay that if the question was submitted to a claimed and feted—and the sudden prosperity was too
popular vote public sentiment would be overwhelmingly much for a human being only one generation removed
for the protection of the birds. from the primitive. We are all in the process of going
* * * through the evolution—from savagery to the enlighten-
This morning I read of the tragic death of Corporal ment we call civilization. There are a lot of white folks
Ira Hamilton Hayes, Pima Indian of Arizona, one of the who cannot take it either. Hollywood has furnished some
six marines whose flag-raising deed on Iwo Jima during tragic examples.
World War II has been immortalized by a bronze statue We want the Indians to enjoy all the political and
in Arlington National Cemetery. economic privileges of full citizenship. But we must not
According to the doctor's verdict, Corporal Hayes try to hasten the process for Nature works slowly, and
died on the Gila River reservation of over-exposure in that applies to Human Nature also.
freezing weather and too much alcohol. In the years of * * *
peace after his moment of glory on Mt. Suribachi the One of the most attractive shrubs in my dooryard is
restless and bewildered Pima Indian sank to the depths a creosote bush—just plain desert greasewood. It was
of skid row. there when we bought the lot for our home and we asked
The tragedy of Corporal Hayes is especially significant the graders and builders not to disturb it.
just now because of the radical departure from traditional
policies which has taken place in the attitude of our We pruned away the deadwood, but have never
federal government toward its Indian population. watered it. And yet it is twice as big and its deep green
Within the last 10 years Uncle Sam has embarked on leaves have a brighter luster than any of the thousands
a new policy, the ultimate goal of which is the extension of other native creosotes on our desert bajada.
of complete economic freedom to the Indians. This event- At first I wondered why our larrea—that's what the
ually would abolish reservation lines and grant to the botanists prefer to call it—was growing so much faster
tribesmen the same economic status enjoyed by all other than its neighbors in the vacant lot across the street. But
American citizens. I should have known the answer, for the creosote sends
But it is not an easy problem to solve. A majority of its roots long distances in quest of moisture. The Chinese
the western Indians are not ready for it yet. The Indian Elm and Carob trees 25 feet away are watered regularly
Bureau has been moving slowly, and in my opinion, —and the creosote merely was borrowing from its neigh-
wisely. Glenn L. Emmons is an able commissioner. bors.
The difficulties are manifold. A few years ago the I wish some one would write a book about the adap-
various groups organized to promote the welfare of the tation and care of the native shrubs of the desert for
Indians were clamoring for more rights for the redman. domestic planting. I am sure that creosote, jojoba, encelia,
They objected to restrictions which confined him to a desert holly, ocotillo and scores of others among the
reservation and made him a ward of the federal govern- perennials as well as hundreds of flowering annuals could
ment. be domesticated. They would have all the beauty of
But now that the federal government has embarked imported domestic shrubs, and much more hardihood.
on a program of extending additional rights and oppor- If any readers of Desert Magazine have done experiment-
tunities to the Indian there's a new bogeyman. The gov- ing along these lines I would like to hear from them.
ernment is being accused of "trying to exterminate the Perhaps we could pass the information along to other
Indians" and of seeking to take his lands away from him desert dwellers—and gradually compile the information
and "give them to greedy white men." for our own book on the subject.
Retold by Efren Reveles, Indian
Campfire Tales will delight all ages.
STUDY OF "THE GREATEST As Billie P. Salgado, spokesman for
back the advance of the white man the Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians
HORSE THIEF IN HISTORY" into their hunting grounds. of California, says in the foreword,
Walkara, Hawk of the Mountains Those who played the leading roles "the result of Mr. Reveles' selection
was the title Paul Bailey chose for his in making up the history of the South- of Legends is an unusual crosscut view
study of the great Ute war chief. But west fill the chapters and are brought of early 'Amerindian' culture . . . he
Walkara (or Walker or Wah-ker) had to life. Such men as Diaz, DeSoto, takes the reader with him to the remote
other epithets as well, some of them Cortez, Santa Ana, James Bowie, sections of the local back country which
not so savory. Besides "Hawk of the Davy Crockett, Kit Carson, Cochise, he loves—and knows so well."
Mountains," he also was called "Na- Wyatt Earp, Sam Houston, Mangas
poleon of the Desert" and, by enraged Colorado, Billy the Kid and Geronimo Efren Reveles is a forest ranger who
Californians, "the greatest horse thief all played important roles. has worked side by side with western
in history." tribe Indians, fighting fires in the San
Indian Wars, religious revolts, the Bernardino National Forest and, liking
Of all the famous and infamous Civil War, the story of Texas, its cattle the tales he heard the Indians tell, de-
leaders in America's 100 years of In- and oil right up to the first Atomic cided they should be preserved in their
dian strife, few equalled the astonish- Bomb explosion in New Mexico are purest form.
ing pattern of kindness and cupidity, covered in this fascinating and exciting
nobility and cussedness achieved by story which Paul Wellman is well One of the most popular is that of
Walkara. For 15 years he was lord qualified to write. "Who Should Eat Whom"—the story
and master of the great Southwest, an of how the animals received their re-
Published by Doubleday & Co., 402 spective powers; the decision resting
enigma to ranchers, a terror to trade pages, illustrated with maps, list of
caravans, bitter enemy — and some- books to read, $6.00. with Man, as decreed by the Great
times generous friend—of the Mor- Spirit—and why the coyote is as cun-
mons. THE ROADS WERE ROUGH ning as he is. Another charming Leg-
BUT THE PEOPLE FRIENDLY end is "Why the Sky Is High"—the tale
Paul Bailey is the first to biogra- of Pel-Agra, the very tall Indian with
phize Walkara, and his book is care- Bill and Orv Wortman are experi- whom the child clouds played.
fully factual as well as exciting read- enced travelers and wherever they go,
ing. He records Walkara's fighting their cherished vehicle, "El Jeep" takes Whether read or told aloud by camp-
forays, rancho raids and Indian slave them. Bouncing Down to Baja tells in fire, Indian Campfire Tales will cap-
traffic, his relationship to other men a lively, informative style, the story of ture the imagination and remain with
of history, including Pegleg Smith, their jeep trek to that fascinating Mexi- the reader a long time.
James Beckworth, Brigham Young can peninsula south of California Published by the Exposition Press,
and James Bridger, and his pathetic "where the roads arc rough, but the New York. 99 pages. 12 illustrations
and at times ludicrous efforts to chan- people friendly." by Gonzalo Reveles and foreword by
nel his barbaric instincts into the pat- Illustrated with photographs taken Billie P. Salgado. $3.00.
tern of a "good" Mormon brother. on the trip, this book shows how much Books reviewed on this page are available at
Published by Westernlore Press, 185 fun it is to get to know the people of Desert Crafts Shop, Palm Desert
pages, index, bibliography, 12 illustra- the land of manana. Equipped with a
tions. $4.00. sense of humor and a Spanish diction-
• • • ary, they separate the worthwhile ex- Here's
HISTORY OF SOUTHWEST periences of jeep traveling from the
Paul I. Wellman has written an out- Everyone was friendly to them; for those who love native
standing and powerful narrative his- many times they stayed overnight with Southwestern cooking
tory in Glory, God and Gold, second families who had little or nothing to
offer, but would share that.
in the Mainstream of America series.
It is the history of the Southwest, cov- The Wortmans observe many things
food of the Conquerors'
ering a period of 400 years. as their jeep takes them over some- by Margaret Abreu
The story begins with conquista- times almost impassable roads. They
relish the taste of a lemon, big as a
dores led by Coronado leaving the
colonial city of Compostela in New head, that was given them after a par- $1.00
Spain (later to be called Mexico) in ticularly dusty stretch.
February, 1540. Their destination was On the mainland, they found the Now available through your
Cibola where they had heard gold, ferries vagrant, as the river was crossed bookstores. Or you may have
emeralds and pearls could be found wherever lowest that day. Even "El
in the streets, and the doors of the
a FREE copy with a $2.50
Jeep" received a dunking in the river,
houses were covered with jewels. Cor- but was pulled out cheerfully by a year's subscription to New
onado's long and tortuous journey and truck-load of "helpers." As Bill and Mexico Magazine, the color-
what he found in the new world is Orv Wortman found out, "the people
vividly described. down here have not much to give, but ful voice of the "Land of
Following the disappointing trek of they do give you their heart." Many Enchantment."
Coronado came the long struggle be- more will want to try the trip to Baja
tween French, Spaniards and Ameri-
cans to gain control of the new terri-
after reading Bouncing Down to Baja.
Published by Westernlore Press. 26
New Mexico Magazine
tory and its wealth. And ever present Photographs; check-list of car equip- Box 938 Santa Fe, N. M.
were the Indians waging war to hold ment. $3.75.
MARCH, 1955
• • • " -" - • • . • • . - *
COME TO THE SUN 'N SEA at Desert Shores and discover for yourself how
your spirits rise to clear skies, brilliant desert hues and the fresher scents and
scenes of the Sea. Thrill now to these unique, never-before opportunities for
your health and recreation.