Models Im Get Start
Models Im Get Start
Models Im Get Start
ModelSim PE
VHDL, Verilog, and Mixed-HDL Simulation
for PCs Running Windows 95 & Windows NT
Version 4.7
ModelSim /VHDL, ModelSim /PLUS, and ModelSim /VLOG are produced by Model Technology
Incorporated. Unauthorized copying, duplication, or other reproduction is prohibited without the
written consent of Model Technology.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Model Technology. The program described in this manual is furnished
under a license agreement and may not be used or copied except in accordance with the terms of
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ModelSim is a trademark of Model Technology Incorporated. PostScript is a registered trademark
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Copyright (c) 1990-1998, Model Technology Incorporated.
All rights reserved. Confidential. Online documentation may be printed by licensed customers of
Model Technology Incorporated for internal business purposes only.
Software Version: 4.7
Published: April 1998
Model Technology Incorporated
8905 SW Nimbus Avenue, Suite 150
Beaverton OR 97008-7100 USA
phone: 503-641-1340
fax: 503-526-5410
home page:
$50 US
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This is a legal agreement between you, the end user, and Model Technology Incorporated (MTI).
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Model Technology Software License
1. LICENSE. MTI grants to you the nontransferable, nonexclusive right to use one copy of the
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consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
6 - Table of Contents Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Table of Contents
Software License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Model Technology Software License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Important Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1 - Introduction (p11)
Software versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Standards supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Sections in this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Text conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
HDL and HDL item defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Syntax conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Where to find our documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Download a free PDF reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
2 - ModelSim PE Installation (p17)
Current customers information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
System requirements for ModelSim PE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Installation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Install ModelSim on Your Hard Drive - From CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Install the Security Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Authorization Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Authorization Codes: Model Technology direct sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Authorization Codes: Model Technology OEM sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Authorization Codes: updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Authorization Codes: entering your permanent code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
To Run from the CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
3 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface (p21)
ModelSim application window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
ModelSim menu bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
ModelSim tool bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Table of Contents - 7
The Simulate a Design dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Tree windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Window overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Transcript window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Transcript window status bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Transcript window keyboard actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Dataflow window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Tracing HDL items with the Dataflow window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Dataflow window mouse actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
List window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
List window menu bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
List window status bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
List window mouse actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Selecting HDL items to list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Selecting List window triggering options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Formatting a list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Editing a list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Saving a listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Saving a List window configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Restoring a List window configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Updating the List window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Process window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Process window status bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Process window mouse actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Signals window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Signals window status bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Signals window mouse actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Selecting HDL item types to view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Forcing HDL item values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Adding HDL items to other windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Source window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Source window status bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Selecting the source file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Editing breakpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Examining values at breakpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Customizing the Source window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Structure window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Structure window status bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Structure window mouse actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
8 - Table of Contents Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Variables window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Variables window status bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Variables window mouse actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Wave window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Wave window menu bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Wave window status bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Wave window mouse actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Adding HDL items to the Wave window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Editing HDL items in the Wave window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Formatting the Wave window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Analog formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Literal formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Logic Formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Zooming the Wave window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Using the Wave window cursors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Writing a PostScript file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Saving the Wave window configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Customizing ModelSim windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Changing window colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Changing window fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Saving your window settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Keyboard shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
4 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE (p77)
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Tutorial setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Basic VHDL simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Debugging a VHDL design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Basic Verilog simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Learning more about ModelSims windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Continuing with ModelSim PE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
A - Help, Updates, and Licensing (p131)
Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Table of Contents - 9
Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
ModelSim PE Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Getting help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
B - Resources (p135)
Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Corporations & Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Index (p143)
10 - Table of Contents Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Introduction - 11
1 - Introduction
Chapter contents
Software versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Standards supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Sections in this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
HDL and HDL item defined. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Where to find our documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
The purpose of this guide is to help you install and become familiar with ModelSim PE, Model
Technologys HDL-simulation software for PCs. Tutorials are included that apply to one or
more of the following ModelSim simulators:
ModelSim PE/PLUS
VHDL, Verilog, and mixed VDHL/Verilog simulation for PCs
ModelSim PE/VHDL
VHDL simulation for PCs
ModelSim PE/VLOG
Verilog simulation for PCs
Software versions
This documentation was written to support ModelSim PE 4.7 for PCs. If the software you are
using is a later release, check the README file on the CD-ROM that accompanied the
software. Any supplemental information will be there.
Although this guide covers both VHDL and Verilog simulation, you will find it a useful
reference even if your design work is limited to a single HDL.
Standards supported
12 - Introduction Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Standards supported
ModelSim VHDL supports both the IEEE 1076-1987 and 1076-1993 VHDL standards. Any
design developed with ModelSim will be compatible with any other VHDL system that is
compliant with either IEEE Standard 1076-1987 or 1076-1993.
ModelSim Verilog is based on the IEEE Std 1364-1995 (IEEE Standard Hardware Description
Language Based on the Verilog Hardware Description Language). The Open Verilog
International Verilog LRM version 2.0 is also applicable to a large extent. The PLI is supported
on PCs and workstations, while VCD support is available for workstation users only.
In addition, all products support SDF 1.0, 2.0, and 2.1, VITAL 2.2b, and VITAL 95.
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Introduction - 13
We assume that you are familiar with the use of your operating system. If you are not familiar
with Microsoft Windows, we recommend that you work through the tutorials provided with
MS Windows before using ModelSim.
In addition, we assume that you have a working knowledge of VHDL and Verilog. Although
ModelSim is an excellent tool to use while learning HDL concepts and practices, this guide is
not written to support that goal. If you need more information about HDLs, visit the Model
Technology home page at You can also contact your local Model
Technology distributor for information about training classes.
Sections in this guide
In addition to this introduction, you will find the following major sections in this guide:
2 - ModelSim PE Installation (p17)
3 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface (p21)
4 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE (p77)
A - Help, Updates, and Licensing (p131)
B - Resources (p135)
Text conventions
14 - Introduction Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Text conventions
Text conventions used in this manual include:
HDL and HDL item defined
HDL refers to either VHDL or Verilog when a specific language reference is not needed.
Depending on the context, HDL item can refer to any of the following:
block statement, component instantiation, constant, generate statement, generic,
package, signal, or variable
function, module instantiation, named fork, named begin, net, task, or register variable
Syntax conventions
The syntax elements of ModelSim commands are signified as follows:
italic text provides emphasis and sets off file and path names
bold text indicates commands, command options, and menu choices, as well as package
and library logical names
monospaced type monospace type is used for program and command examples
The right angle (>) is used to connect menu choices when traversing menus as in: File > Save
< > angled brackets surrounding a syntax item indicate a user-defined argument; do
not enter the brackets in commands
[ ] square brackets indicate an optional item; if the brackets surround several
words, all must be entered as a group; the brackets are not entered
... an ellipsis indicates items that may appear more than once; the ellipsis itself
does not appear in commands.
| the vertical bar indicates a choice between items on either side of it. Do not
include the bar in the command
# comments are preceded by the number sign (#)
Where to find our documentation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Introduction - 15
Where to find our documentation
Model Technologys documentation is available in the following formats and locations:
Download a free PDF reader
Model Technologys online documentation (in PDF format) requires a free Adobe Acrobat
reader available through
Document Format How to get it
Getting Started
(installation &
paper shipped with the product; additional copies at $50 each (for
customers with current maintenance)
Getting Started PE PDF online find "getstart.pdf" in the "modelsim\docs" directory on the CD-
ROM, or hard drive after installation; current version available
from the Support page of our web site:
PE Reference
paper shipped with product; additional copies at $50 each (for customers
with current maintenance)
PE Reference
PDF online find "manual.pdf" in the "modelsim\docs" directory on the CD-
ROM, or hard drive after installation; current version available for
ftp from the Support page of our web site:
(password required)
Verilog PLI tech
ASCII find the "vlog_pli" technote in the "modelsim/docs directory on
the CD-ROM, or hard drive after installation
16 - Introduction Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Comments and questions about this manual and ModelSim software are welcome. Call, write,
or fax or email:
Model Technology Incorporated
8905 SW Nimbus Avenue, Suite 150
Beaverton OR 97008-7100 USA
phone: 503-641-1340
fax: 503-526-5410
home page:
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Installation - 17
2 - ModelSim PE Installation
Chapter contents
Current customers information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
System requirements for ModelSim PE . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Installation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Install ModelSim on Your Hard Drive - From CD-ROM . . . . . . 19
Install the Security Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Authorization Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
To Run from the CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
This chapter covers installation of ModelSim PE for PCs.
Please refer to the installation instructions packaged with your product for the latest
information; they may supercede the installation instructions here. Also please be sure to read
the readme file included with ModelSim after you finish your installation.
How to protect your investment
Keep your investment in ModelSim safe by protecting your hardware security key. It is an
absolutely essential part of your system since the software will not run without it. And while
Model Technology will replace a defective key, lost or stolen keys will not be replaced. One
way you can protect your investment is by insuring it. While most insurance companies wont
insure software, they will insure hardware, so insure the key for the full ModelSim value.
Keys and time
ModelSim security keys for evaluations, or short-term licenses contain a time-based code. If
you set your PCs system date back or move the key to a PC with an earlier system date, the
key will not work until the new date "catches up" with the original date. System dates do not
effect permanent licenses.
Current customers information
18 - ModelSim PE Installation Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Current customers information
If you are using V-System PC version 4.4 or older, you should install ModelSim 4.7 in different
You will also need to regenerate your design libraries with -refresh before running any
simulations. By default, the work library is updated; use -work <library> to update a different
library. For example, if you have a library named mylib that contains both VHDL and Verilog
design units you would use both of these commands:
vcom -work mylib -refresh
vlog -work mylib -refresh
You don't need to regenerate the std, ieee, vital22b, and verilog libraries shipped with this
System requirements for ModelSim PE
ModelSim PE requires:
a 386/486/Pentium PC
32Mb (megabytes) of memory
Microsoft Windows 95, or Windows NT (not supplied)
a hard disk drive with more than 10 Mb spare capacity
a CD-ROM drive
Installation procedure
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Installation - 19
Installation procedure
Install ModelSim on Your Hard Drive - From CD-ROM
The CD-ROM will auto-start when you put it in your reader; then follow the directions that
appear on your screen. Or if the CD-ROM is already in the reader, double-click on the
ModelSim CD icon to start.
Install the Security Key
ModelSim version 4.7 requires a hardware security key with an authorization code. Install the
key on the parallel printer port. If you have a printer or another device attached to the same port,
attach that device to the security key. It will not interfere with normal operations. Please
remember to protect your key; Model Technology will replace defective keys, but not lost keys.
Authorization Codes
Your keys authorization code determines whether VHDL, Verilog, or mixed-HDL support is
turned on. All codes are based on the product type you purchased, the key ID, and your
maintenance expiration date.
Authorization Codes: Model Technology direct sales
Your key should be delivered already programmed with your permanent code. If it is not, send
email to, with your key number and return email address.
Authorization Codes: Model Technology OEM sales
If you purchased from a Model Technology OEM partner, you received a 30-day code. Obtain
your permanent code by contacting your OEM licensing department with your key number and
email address. They will forward the request to Model Technology and you will receive your
permanent code by email.
To Run from the CD-ROM
20 - ModelSim PE Installation Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Authorization Codes: updates
If you receive a new programmable key to replace an old-style, non-programmable key, your
new key is delivered ready to run for 30 days from when you first invoke ModelSim. You can
get a permanent code for the product you purchased by returning your old key along with your
new keys serial number and your email address. We will send you a permanent code via email.
Authorization Codes: entering your permanent code
To enter a new authorization code, make this menu selection when you start ModelSim: Help
> About ModelSim > Authorization. (If your authorization has expired ModelSim will
prompt you with a dialog box.) Key in your new code and click Apply; the authorization
information changes to reflect the current type of authorization and the new maintenance end
date. Click Ok to complete the authorization.
When it is permanently programmed, your key will run all products of the correct type with
build dates before your maintenance end date. When your maintenance expires you can still run
any product built up until that date. When you renew your maintenance, you will receive a new
authorization code that will extend the date.
Updates to ModelSim PE will be made available via the postal system, ftp, and our website at Information about changes to the PE software will be posted on our
website as they occur. We hope you find this distribution system of electronic updates and key-
authorized software efficient and easy to use.
To Run from the CD-ROM
A complete installation of ModelSim PE is included on the CD-ROM allowing you to run
ModelSim directly from the CD-ROM. Just double-click on modelsim.exe. (You will have to
create your work library on a different disk, of course!) If you are running Windows NT, you
will need to have the security key drivers installed. If you have already installed them, or are
running Windows 95, you can run ModelSim directly from the CD-ROM, although it is
recommended you install ModelSim on your hard drive.
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 21
3 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface
Chapter contents
ModelSim application window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
The Simulate a Design dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Tree windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Window overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Transcript window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Dataflow window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
List window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Process window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Signals window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Source window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Structure window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Variables window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Wave window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Customizing ModelSim windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Keyboard shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
This chapter provides a reference to the ModelSim windows you will use to examine and debug
your VHDL and Verilog designs.
The ModelSim PE/PLUS environment makes use of the Microsoft Windows conventions and
vocabulary for windows, menus, mouse buttons, icons, etc. If youre not familiar with these,
please work through the Windows tutorial provided by Microsoft. In this chapter, the term
application window is used as it is defined by Microsoft; it is the window in which ModelSim
is running. The windows created by ModelSim within the application window are simply called
ModelSim application window
22 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
ModelSim application window
The ModelSim application window and Transcript window are pictured below as they appear
when ModelSim is first started.
Note that typical window parts are used in ModelSim. The control-menu icon, title bar,
minimize, maximize and close buttons appear across the top. A menu bar appears immediately
under those items. Scroll bars are available when necessary at the right side and bottom of the
A tool bar (under the menu bar) and a status bar (at the bottom of the application window) are
added by ModelSim. The status bar gives you information about the data in the active
ModelSim window. The tool bar gives you access to most common ModelSim functions no
matter which ModelSim window is active. Choices under the Window > menu bar option let
you turn on and off the tool bar and the status bar.
ModelSim application window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 23
In addition to the Transcript window, the ModelSim application window also accommodates
eight other windows for use during your design compilation, simulation, and debugging. They
are the Dataflow, List, Signals, Source, Structure, Process, Variables, and Wave windows. A
portion of each window is shown below.
ModelSim application window
24 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
ModelSim menu bar
The menu bar at the top of the application window lets you access all the ModelSim commands
and features. The menus are listed below with brief descriptions of the commands use.
Directory change working directories
Execute Macro run a macro
Compile VHDL compile VHDL source
Compile Verilog compile Verilog source
Simulate start a simulation
Restart restart a simulation
End Simulation end a simulation and stay in ModelSim
Select Source File select the code shown in Source window
Exit ModelSim exit ModelSim
All open all VSIM windows
<window_name> select a ModelSim <window_name> to open and/or view
New create a new design library
Contents view the contents of a library
Mapping map a library to a new name
ModelSim application window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 25
New create a new modelsim.ini project file
Change change to another project file
<former project files> shows up to three former modelsim.ini files
<current project file> name of current modelsim.ini file is checked
Run <default run length> run simulation for one default run length
Run Forever run simulation until you stop it
Step single-step the simulator
Step Over execute without single-stepping through a subprogram
Cont continue the simulation
Break stop the simulation
View select which HDL item types to view
Add to Wave add Selected HDL items, items in Region, items in Design, or items from the
Dataflow window to the Wave window
Add to List add Selected HDL items, items in Region, items in Design , or items from
the Dataflow window to the List window
Add to log file add Selected HDL items, items in Region, or items in Design to a log file
Force Signal change value of selected HDL item
Compile Options change compiler options; select either VHDL (vcom) or Verilog (vlog)
Simulation Options select simulation and signal display options
ModelSim application window
26 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Edit Breakpoints modify or delete source code breakpoints
Macro Options Echo or Hide the macro commands in the Transcript window
Processes view Active processes, or All processes in the current region
Cascade cascade windows
Tile Horizontal tile windows horizontally
Tile Vertical tile windows vertically
Arrange Icons arrange icons at bottom of application window
Restore All restore all icons to windows
Colors change colors of window features
Fonts change font settings in windows
Settings store window settings
Tool Bar toggle tool bar
Status Bar toggle status bar
<window_name> switch to, or show the selected ModelSim <window_name> if hidden
Index switches to the ModelSim help index
Using Help switches to the Windows help introduction
About ModelSim display ModelSim application information
ModelSim application window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 27
ModelSim tool bar
In addition to the functions accessed through the menu bar, you can use the ModelSim tool bar
for several frequently-used commands::
Tool bar buttons are grayed out (like RUN above) when they are not available.
The ModelSim menu bar commands are accessible with the Windows keyboard command
equivalents (<Alt> commands).
Button Menu equivalent VSIM command equivalent
VCOM File > Compile VHDL vcom
VLOG File > Compile Verilog vlog
VSIM File > Simulate vsim
RUN Run > Run <default_run_length> run
CONT Run > Cont. continue
BREAK none *
STEP Run > Step. step
OVER Run > Step Over. step -over
The Simulate a Design dialog box
28 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
The Simulate a Design dialog box
When you first invoke VSIM you will see the Simulate a Design dialog box below.
This dialog box has four tabs to select simulation options:
The first, labeled Design, allows you to select a library and top-level design unit to
The second tab, labeled VHDL, allows setting of several VHDL-specific options.
The Verilog tab supports Verilog-specific options including control of time and hazard
checking as well as user-defined simulator arguments.
The fourth tab configures SDF (Standard Delay Format) functions.
Tree windows
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 29
Tree windows
In many windows, ModelSim provides a hierarchical or tree view of your design. For
example, in the Structure window, one level of the hierarchy is created by each VHDL and
Verilog HDL item. This type of view is used in the Structure (shown), Signals, Variables, and
Wave windows.
HDL items
The following HDL items for VHDL and Verilog are represented by hierarchy within tree
component instantiation, generate statement, block statement, and package
module instantiation, named fork, named begin, task and function
Tree windows
30 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
When you see this view, you can use the mouse to collapse and expand levels by clicking on
the plus and minus boxes. Note - within the Structure window only - VHDL items are indicated
with a box and Verilog items are indicated with a circle.
[ + ] A plus box or circle before a name indicates that you can expand the item to view the
lower level elements it contains. You do this by clicking the box containing the plus sign.
[ - ] A minus box or circle before a name indicates that the item has been expanded and that
you can hide the names of the lower level elements it contains. You do this by clicking on the
box containing the minus sign.
[ ] An empty box or circle indicates that the item contains no lower-level elements.
Clicking on an item name - as opposed to the box or circle - will select that item. Clicking on
a second item will select the new item and deselect the first item. In the Wave and Signals
windows you can make multiple selections of HDL item names; control-click to add selections,
shift-click to extend selections.
Window overview
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 31
Window overview
Once you invoke VSIM nine windows become available for use during simulation. These
windows are:
Transcript window (p32)
The command-line window; displays a transcript of all command activity.
Dataflow window (p35)
Lets you trace signals and nets through your design by showing related processes.
List window (p37)
Shows the simulation values of selected VHDL signals, and Verilog nets and register
variables in tabular format.
Process window (p45)
Displays a list of processes that are scheduled to run during the current simulation cycle.
Signals window (p47)
Shows the names and current values of VHDL signals, and Verilog nets and register
variables in the region currently selected in the Structure window.
Source window (p52)
Displays the HDL source code for the design.
Structure window (p56)
Displays the hierarchy of structural elements such as VHDL component instances,
packages, blocks, generate statements, and Verilog model instances, named blocks, tasks
and functions.
Variables window (p59)
Displays VHDL constants, generics, variables, and Verilog register variables in the
current process and their current values.
Wave window (p61)
Displays waveforms, and current values for the VHDL signals, and Verilog nets and
register variables you have selected.
Transcript window
32 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Transcript window
The Transcript window is the first window to appear when you use ModelSim. If you tend to
use the menus to control ModelSim, you can almost ignore the Transcript window; just think
of it as the place where your menu commands are recorded. If on the other hand, you are
command-line oriented, then you can use the Transcript window to control most ModelSim
functions. Even for GUI types, sometimes its simpler to type a run than to reach for the mouse
and hunt down the equivalent menu bar command.
Transcript window status bar
The Transcript window status bar has three fields that display different information depending
on the current ModelSim task. When the application is first started, the status bar shows:
the application name ModelSim PE/ (PLUS, VLOG or VHDL) in the first field (on the
nothing in the second field
Transcript window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 33
the number of the top line visible in the Transcript window and the total number of lines
in the right most field
When a circuit is compiled, the status bar shows:
the filename being compiled
the line number of the current line being compiled
(updated every 100 lines)
the Transcript window line information
The status bar shown above indicates that a circuit is loaded for simulation; it reads from left
to right:
the current region (and1 in this case),
the current simulation time and delta (100 ns and 2),
the numbers of the top line visible in the Transcript window and the total lines; this field
works in conjunction with the transcript window vertical scroll bar (line 149 is at top of
the window and there are a total of 158 lines in the transcript).
Transcript window keyboard actions
Since the Transcript window is the main ModelSim control window, typing at any time - even
while another window is active - is the equivalent of typing on the Transcript window
command line.
Transcript window
34 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Transcript window command line shortcuts
On the Transcript window command line, you can also use these shortcuts:
In addition, the command line is fully editable; you can move the cursor anywhere on the line
and delete or insert characters as you wish. You do not have to move the cursor to the end of
the command line before pressing <Enter>; the entire command line will be submitted
regardless of where the cursor is located.
Also see "Keyboard shortcuts" (p76).
Key Action
<Home> Move to beginning of the line.
<End> Move to the end of the line.
<up arrow> Retrieves the previous command. You can press this key repeatedly to back up
through the command history.
<down arrow> Retrieves the next command. This is used if you go back through the command
history and went too far; you can go forward to the next command you typed in
<Esc> Clears any existing characters from the command line.
<Ctrl><Insert> Copies text from a selected area of the command line.
<Shift><Insert> Pastes text into the command line. The text must have been previously cut using
<Shift><Delete> Cut text.
<F8> Completes a line when you have typed a few characters. ModelSim searches for
the most recent command that matches the characters. Using <F8> again
retrieves earlier matches.
Dataflow window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 35
Dataflow window
The Dataflow window provides a graphic view of HDL items flowing in and out of processes
during your simulation run, which allows you to trace HDL items through your design. The
window is opened when you use the Window > Dataflow menu choices or issue the view
dataflow command
For VHDL, The Dataflow window shows either:
a signal in the center of the window with all the processes that drive the signal on the left,
and all the processes that read the signal on the right, or
a process with all the signals read by the process show as inputs on the left of the window,
and all the signals driven by the process on the right.
For Verilog, The Dataflow window shows either:
a net in the center of the window with all the processes that drive the net on the left, and
all the processes triggered by the net on the right, or
a process with all the nets that trigger the process show as inputs on the left of the window,
and all the nets driven by the process on the right.
Dataflow window
36 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
To put a particular process in the Dataflow window, just click on that process in the Process
window. The Dataflow window will also show the current process when single-stepping or
when VSIM hits a breakpoint. To put a particular signal or net in the window, just click on the
item in the Signal window.
Tracing HDL items with the Dataflow window
The Dataflow window is linked with the Signals and Process windows. To examine a particular
process in the Dataflow window, click on the process name in the Process window.To examine
a particular HDL item in the Dataflow window, click on the item name in the Signal window.
Once you have an item in center of the Dataflow window, you can:
click once on a process name to make the Source and Variable windows update to show
that process,
click twice on a process name to move the process to the center of the Dataflow window
When you have a process in center of the Dataflow window, you can:
click once on an item name to make the Source and Signals windows update to show that
click twice on an item name to move that item to the center of the Dataflow window.
The Dataflow window will display the current process when you single-step or when VSIM
hits a breakpoint.
Dataflow window mouse actions
In the Dataflow window, you can use the left mouse button to:
click once on a process, to show the state of that process in the Source and Variable
double-click on a process to move it to the center of the window
double-click on a signal or net to move it to the center of the window.
List window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 37
List window
Two windows in ModelSim provide views of your simulation run. The List window shows you
the results in a table format.
Commands on the List window menu bar let you:
decide which HDL items are listed
set the standard item properties by setting defaults
move or delete items already in the List window
format an items radix, label, width, and triggering properties
save your listing to an ASCII file
save your List window configuration for future use
HDL items
The following HDL items for VHDL and Verilog are viewable within the List window:
VHDL signals
Verilog nets and register variables
List window
38 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
List window menu bar
The following commands are available from the List window menu bar.
Save Listing save the current listing to a file
Save Configuration save the format of the List window for another time
Cut cut selected HDL item and place it on the clipboard
Copy copy the selected item to the clipboard
Paste paste a cut or copied item
Before paste item before current position
After paste item after current position
At Beginning paste item at the beginning of the list
At End paste item at the end of the list
Delete All delete all items from list window
Triggering Options specify when an HDL item triggers a line in the list
Default Options specify default radix, label length, and triggering for all items
in a list
Signal Options specify individual item radix, label, width, and triggering
Display Options update the List window During or After a simulation run
List window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 39
List window status bar
The List window status bar is illustrated below.
Only two fields are used in the List window status bar:
the current simulation time and delta (300 ns and 3 in the this case)
the line number of the list line visible at the top of the List window and the total number
of lines in the list (line 4 of 12 in the illustration)
List window mouse actions
Use the mouse to select HDL items for cutting, pasting, or editing by clicking on the item
names at the top of the list.
You can also use the right mouse button to call up the List window menu bar:
List window
40 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Selecting HDL items to list
You can select the items to list with the menu bar: Signals > Add to List as described in
"Adding HDL items to other windows" (p51).
You can also type list * to include every HDL item in the current region specified by whats
selected in the Structure window. And you can use the list <signal_name> command.
Selecting List window triggering options
Use the List windows menu bar command Options > Triggering Options to open the
Triggers dialog box.
If you select the Expand Deltas option button, a new line in the list is written for each
time step on which HDL items change, including deltas within a single time step.
If you select Collapse Deltas, only the final value for each time step is written.
Trigger on
If you choose the Signals check box, then a change in any item you have selected to list
that has been defined as triggers line will cause a new line to be written in the listing.
Choose Strobe if you want to list all selected items at specified time intervals. This
selection enables the Strobe period and First strobe at text boxes.
List window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 41
Use the OK button when youve finished selecting your trigger options.
Formatting a list
Use List windows menu bar command Options > Default Options to bring up this List
Defaults dialog box.
The List Defaults dialog box allows you to specify the default list attributes of HDL items that
you add to the list window.
Allows you to specify the radix (base) in which the HDL item value is expressed. The
default radix is symbolic, which means that for an enumerated type, the List window lists
the actual values of the enumerated type of that item.
For the other radixesbinary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimalthe item value is
converted to an appropriate representation in that radix. In the system initialization file,
modelsim.ini, you can specify the list translation rules for arrays of enumerated types for
binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal item values in the design unit.
Allows you to specify the label that is to appear at the top of the List column for the
List window
42 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
specified HDL item. The label may be either just the item name (Short Name) or the item
path (Full Name).
Allows you to specify whether or not a change in the value of the selected item is to
trigger a new line in the listing.
You can also change the format of the HDL items after they have been added to the List
window. Use the List windows menu bar command Options > Signal Options to bring up the
List Signals dialog box. Note in the illustration how the item you select (by clicking on the
name at the top of the column) in the List window appears in the List Signals dialog box so it
can be reformated.
While the dialog box is open, you can select other items in the List window and change their
as well.
The selected signal name.
Specify the item label to use in the List window.
List window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 43
Change the radix for the selected signal; overrides the radix default set in the List Defaults
dialog box.
The specification you enter in this text box determines the number of spaces the items
column occupies in the listing.
Specify whether or not a change in the value of the selected item is to trigger a new line
in the listing ; overrides the Trigger default set in the List Defaults dialog box.
Editing a list
Once you have the HDL items you want in the list, you can order them in the listing. To
determine which items appear first, second, third, etc. in your listing, use the List window menu
bar Edit commands:
Paste > Before | After | At Beginning | At End
Delete All
Saving a listing
Use the List windows menu bar command File > Save Listing to save your simulation results
as an ASCII file named <filename>.lst.
Be aware that this file could be very large!
Saving a List window configuration
Once youve constructed a list format that you like and you plan to use it again, or if you plan
to compare two lists, its best to make sure your format is always the same. You can do that by
saving your list configuration with the List windows menu bar command: File > Save
List window
44 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Restoring a List window configuration
Use the ModelSim menu bar command File > Execute Macro to restore your List window
Updating the List window
You can determine when the List window is updated (either during or after simulation runs)
with the List window menu bar command: Display Options > Update During Run | Update
After Run.
Process window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 45
Process window
The Process window displays a list of processes that are scheduled to run during the current
simulation cycle and indicates the hierarchical pathname of the instance in which the process
is located.
If you select View Active Processes with the menu bar commands, the Process window
displays all the processes that are scheduled to run during the current simulation cycle. If you
choose View Processes In Region, the window displays any processes that exist in the region
that is selected in the Structure window.
Each item in the scrollbox is preceded by one of the following indicators:
Indicates that the process is scheduled to be executed within the current delta time. Clicking on
a Ready process schedules it to be executed next.
Indicates that the process is waiting for an HDL item to change or for a specified timeout
Indicates that the process has executed a wait statement without a timeout or a sensitivity list.
The process will not restart during the current simulation run.
Process window
46 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
You can debug your design (or explore someone elses) by using the Process window. When
you click on a process in the Process window:
the Structure window is updated to show the region in which the process is located
the Variable window is updated to show the VHDL variables and Verilog register
variables in the process
the Source window changes to show the associated source code
the Dataflow window changes to show the process, the signals and nets the process reads,
and the signals and nets driven by the process.
Process window status bar
The Process window status bar is illustrated below.
Only two fields are used in the Process window status bar:
Process window status (either Active Processes or Processes in Region) and name of the
design entity
simulation time and delta
Process window mouse actions
In the Process window, you can click on a process name to:
select the process you wish to run next
update the Variables and Source windows
place the selected process in the Dataflow window
Signals window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 47
Signals window
The Signals window shows the names and values of HDL items in the current region (selected
in the Structure window). Items are shown in the order they are declared in the HDL source
The names of any composite types (arrays and record types) are shown in a hierarchical
fashion, and you can expand and contract the display to view the structure of these elements.
Signals window status bar
The Signals window status bar displays two fields:
the pathname of the current region
the current simulation time and delta
Signals window
48 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Signals window mouse actions
In the Signals window, you can use the mouse to:
select an HDL item by clicking on its name
<Control> <left mouse button> adds/subtracts individual selections
<Shift> <left mouse button> extends the selections
collapse and expand levels by clicking on the plus and minus boxes
move a selected HDL item to the Dataflow window
Selecting HDL item types to view
Use the Signals > View menu bar sequence and the View Signals dialog box to select the HDL
items you want to view in the Signals window.
You can select any combination of the following:
input ports
output ports
inout ports
internal items
Signals window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 49
The names of any VHDL composite types (arrays and record types) are shown in a hierarchical
fashion. Hierarchy also applies to Verilog nets and vector memories. (Verilog vector registers
do not have hierarchy because they are not internally represented as arrays.) To indicate
hierarchy, each name is preceded by a box that contains a plus sign (+), a minus sign (-), or may
be empty.
You can expand and contract the display to view the items by clicking on the boxes at the left
of the Window. You can make multiple selections in the Signals window; control-click to add
selections, shift-click to extend selections.
Forcing HDL item values
If you use the Signals > Force Signal menu bar command, you can change HDL item values.
The command brings up this dialog box.
ModelSim offers many options beyond changing an HDL item value. With the dialog box you
can also delay when the stimulus is to be applied, specify a second value to be applied, delay
that values application, and have ModelSim repeat your changes at the intervals you specify.
The Force Signal dialog box has these options:
Initially displays the selected signal or net; or you can specify another signal or net to
which you want to apply a stimulus.
Signals window
50 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Initially displays the current value, which can be changed by entering a new value into
the field. A value can be specified in radixes other than decimal by using the form (for
VHDL and Verilog, respectively):
base#value -or- b|o|d|hvalue
For example, 16#EE or hEE specifies the hexadecimal value EE.
Allows you to specify how many time units from the current time the stimulus is to be
Second value:
Allows you to specify a second value so that you can toggle a signal or net between two
Delay for second value:
Specifies the delay for the second value.
Repeat every
Allows you to specify the time interval after which the stimulus is to be repeated. A value
of 0 indicates that the stimulus is not to be repeated. If you used two values, both are
Freezes the signal or net at the specified value until it is forced again or until it is unforced
with a noforce command.
Attaches a driver to the HDL item and drives the specified value until the signal or net is
forced again or until it is unforced with a noforce command. This option is illegal for
unresolved VHDL signals.
Sets the signal or net to the specified value. The value remains until there is a subsequent
driver transaction, or until the signal or net is forced again, or until it is unforced with a
noforce command.
Signals window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 51
Freeze is the default for Verilog nets and unresolved VHDL signals and Drive is the default
for resolved signals.
If you prefer Freeze as the default for resolved and unresolved signals, you can change the
default force kind in the modelsim.ini file.
Adding HDL items to other windows
From the menu bar you can use the Signals > Add to Waveform | List | Logfile commands to
instruct ModelSim to add VHDL signals or Verilog nets to the List or Wave windows or to the
log file (an archive file in binary format). There are menu commands for each feature.
There are four choices for signal selection:
Selected Signal
Lists/logs/displays only the signal or net selected in the Signals window.
Signals in Region
Lists/logs/displays all signals and nets in the HDL item selected as the current region in
the Structure window.
Signals in Design
Lists/logs/displays all signals or nets in the design.
Signals from Dataflow
Lists/logs/displays only the signal or net selected in the Dataflow window.
Source window
52 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Source window
The Source window allows you to view your VHDL or Verilog source code in read-only mode.
A marker at the left side of the window pane points to the next line to be executed.
If any breakpoints have been set, they are signified by a colored dot next to a line number. To
set a breakpoint, double-click at or near the right side of the line number. The breakpoints
toggle, so you can double-click again to delete an existing breakpoint. There is no limit to the
number of breakpoints you can set.
Source window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 53
Source window status bar
The Source window status bar is illustrated below.
The status bar for the Source window shows (from left to right):
the name of the current source file,
the current simulation time and delta (100 ns and 2 in this case),
the current line number of the source code line displayed at the top of the Source window
and the total number of lines in the source code.
Selecting the source file
The Source window default file is the design you selected to simulate. An easy way to look at
a file that is not currently being displayed is to use the Structure window to select a different
design unit as the current working environment
You can also change the source file graphically with the File > Select Source File menu
sequence, which brings up the Select Source File dialog box shown below:
See Structure window (p56) for more information on selecting HDL items within your design.
Source window
54 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Editing breakpoints
You can double-click anywhere in a line to set or remove a breakpoint.
Besides using the mouse to set and remove breakpoints, there is also the Options > Edit
Breakpoints menu command. It brings up Breakpoints dialog box.
With the Breakpoints dialog box you can delete or modify any breakpoint in the VHDL or
Verilog source code.
Examining values at breakpoints
Use the Command text box in the Breakpoints dialog box to enter a command that ModelSim
will execute when the breakpoint is reached. A typical use is to examine a variable each time
the simulation gets to a breakpoint; in a case like this you can enter a command like the example
in the text box:
EXAMINE <variable_name>
Customizing the Source window
Selecting Options > Simulation Options brings up the Simulation Options dialog box. Select
the Misc tab to set tabs and margins for the VHDL or Verilog code displayed in the Source
Source window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 55
This dialog box sets the context of the information shown in the Source window. When
ModelSim scrolls to a line of source code, Top Margin sets the minimum number of lines
displayed above the active line. Bottom Margin sets the number of lines shown below the
active line when you single-step the simulator.
Structure window
56 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Structure window
The Structure window provides a hierarchical view of the structure of your design. A level of
hierarchy is created by each HDL item within the design.
HDL items
The following HDL items for VHDL and Verilog are represented by hierarchy within Structure
component instantiation, generate statement, block statement, and package
module instantiation, named fork, named begin, task and function
Structure window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 57
Within the Structure window, VHDL items are indicated by a box and Verilog items are
indicated by a circle.You can expand and contract the display to view the elements by clicking
on the boxes or circles at the left of the Window.
The first line of the VSIM Structure window indicates the top-level design unit being
An instance name displayed in the Structure window consists of the following parts:
instantiation_label: entity(architecture)
Indicates the label assigned to the component instance in the component instantiation
statement. The top-level component uses / instead of an instantiation label.
Indicates the name of the entity that has been instantiated.
Indicates the name of the architecture associated with the entity.
When you select a design level (by clicking on the name), ModelSim updates the Source and
Signals windows to match the region you selected. This feature provides a useful method for
finding the source code for a selected region; the system keeps track of the pathname where the
source is located and displays it automatically without the need for you to provide the
pathname.The Process window will also be updated if you have it set to View Processes in
For more information see Source window (p52), List window (p37), and Process window
Structure window
58 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Structure window status bar
The Structure window status bar is illustrated below.
Only two fields are used in the Structure window status bar:
the pathname of the selected design unit,
the simulation time and delta.
Structure window mouse actions
Use the mouse to:
select a design entity by clicking on its name,
collapse and expand levels by clicking on the plus and minus boxes.
Variables window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 59
Variables window
The Variables window lists the names of HDL items within the current process, followed by
the current value(s) associated with each name. The pathname of the current process is
displayed at the bottom of the window.
HDL items
The following HDL items for VHDL and Verilog are viewable within the Variables window:
constants, generics, and variables - or -
register variables
The names of any VHDL composite types (arrays and record types) are shown in a hierarchical
fashion. Hierarchy also applies to Verilog vector memories. (Verilog vector registers do not
have hierarchy because they are not internally represented as arrays.) To indicate hierarchy,
each name is preceded by a box that contains a plus sign (+), a minus sign (-), or may be empty.
You can expand and contract the display to view the HDL items by clicking the mouse on the
boxes at the left of the Window.
Variables window
60 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Variables window status bar
The Variables window status bar uses two fields:
the current process,
the simulation time and delta.
Variables window mouse actions
In the Variables window, you can use the left mouse button to:
select an HDL item by clicking on its name,
collapse and expand levels by clicking on the plus and minus boxes.
Wave window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 61
Wave window
The Wave window like the List window is another look into your simulation results. It
has two panels or windowpanes; the left pane lists HDL item names and current values, while
the right pane is a waveform display across a simulation time axis.
HDL items
The following HDL items for VHDL and Verilog are viewable within the Wave window:
VHDL signals
Verilog nets and register variables
The item values windowpane displays the name of the item that is associated with each
waveform and the value of the item at the current cursor location. You can click on an array or
record to expand it and show the values of its subelements. You can make multiple selections
in the Wave window.
Wave window
62 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
The data in the item values windowpane is very similar to the Signals window, except that
values change dynamically whenever the cursor in the waveform windowpane is moved.
At the bottom of the waveform windowpane you can see a timeline, tick marks, and a readout
of the cursor(s) position(s). To move a cursor, use the mouse. The time value at the cursor
location is displayed at the bottom of the cursor.
From the Wave window you can:
examine items as waveforms and see their values at any time during the simulation
collapse and expand composites
save the waveforms as a PostScript file
make cursor measurements
reformat items, change their display colors, and position them within the window
zoom in or out to change the amount of simulation time shown in the window
change the Wave window properties
save the Wave window configuration
Wave window menu bar
Write PostScript File write waveform simulation results to a file
Save Configuration save the current window and HDL item formats
Cut delete an HDL item and put it in the paste buffer
Copy copy an HDL item and put it in the paste buffer
Paste paste na HDL item
Delete All delete all the HDL items in the Waveform window
Wave window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 63
Wave window status bar
The Wave window status bar shows:
the current simulation time and delta,
and the simulation time interval visible in the waveform display.
Wave window mouse actions
You can perform different actions with the mouse depending on whether you are in the signal
name/value panel (left windowpane) or in the waveform display panel (right windowpane).
In 2X show more detail and less simulation time
Out 2x show more simulation time and less detail
Last return to window view before last zoom
Range specify range of simulation times to be shown
Add add a cursor to the display
Remove remove the selected cursor
Waveform Options specify maximum length of HDL item name and snap distance
Signal Options specify HDL item formatting
Wave window
64 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
In the right windowpane:
In the left windowpane:
To resize the windowpanes:
Using the left mouse button, click and drag on the bar separating the windowpanes.
If you want to: Use the: And do this:
select an item left button click on the items waveform - the nearest cursor (if any)
is repositioned (delete cursors with Cursor > Remove
from the Wave window menu)
move a cursor left button click on waveform in desired location - the nearest
cursor is repositioned (add cursors with Cursor > Add
from the Wave window menu)
zoom the display right button click and drag (rubberband) to zoom the display - the
time expands to match the mouse movements
If you want to: Use the: And do this:
select an item left button click on any item name
extend selection <Shift>
left button
click on any item above or below the current selection
add to selection <Control>
left button
click on any unselected item
subtract from selection <Control>
left button
click on any selected item
move item left button drag selected item to new position in the list
expand item levels left button click on a plus box
collapse item levels left button click on a minus box
call up Wave window menus right button click anywhere in the left windowpane
Wave window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 65
Adding HDL items to the Wave window
To add HDL items to the window, enter
wave <item_name> <item_name>
Separate the item names with a space.
You can add all the items in the current region with this command:
wave *
Or add all the items in the design with:
wave -r /*
You can also add items to the Wave window with the Signals menu. See "Adding HDL items
to other windows" (p51).
Editing HDL items in the Wave window
Use the Wave windows menu bar Edit commands to edit the list of HDL items that appear in
the item values pane. You can:
Cut the selected item
Copy and Paste the selected item
or Delete All the items currently shown in the window
You can also reposition HDL items by dragging the item name to where you want it to appear.
Formatting the Wave window
The Wave window menu bar Options menu allows you to format the display of HDL items
and waveforms in both panes of the Wave window.
Use the Wave windows menu bar sequence: Options > Waveform Options to bring up the
Waveform Options dialog box. In the dialog box you can specify how many characters are
used for item names as well as the snap distance of the cursor.
Wave window
66 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Max Signal Name
Sets the HDL item name width. This is especially useful for items that have a long
pathname. Choose a maximum name width setting, say 10 characters, and then item
pathnames longer than 10 characters are truncated. All truncations take place at the slash
boundary so you will never see a partial item name. The default value for this field is 0,
which means to display the full path. The default value can be changed with a .ini file
Snap Distance
Specifies the distance the cursor needs to be placed from an HDL item edge to update the
value displayed in the item value windowpane (a 0 specification turns off the snap).
Use the Wave windows menu bar sequence: Options > Signal Options to bring up the Wave
Signal Options dialog box. This option allows you to change the waveform format, radix and
individual color.
Wave window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 67
Shows the current HDL item name.
This command button expands the dialog box to the size shown in the illustration. Color
formatting can apply to any HDL item. When you choose one of the colors shown, the
Color Value shows you the colors red, green, and blue values.
This specification (in pixels) controls the spacing between HDL items in the Wave
Depending on the HDL items type, one or more formats will be available for formatting
the display. See the Analog, Literal and Logic Formatting sections below for more detail.
You can keep this dialog box open and select other HDL item in the wave window and change
their colors, height and display format.
Wave window
68 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Analog formatting
Integer and floating point HDL items can be formatted as analog in the Wave window.
ModelSim then plots the item value on the screen as shown above for a_analog,
b_analog, and sum_analog. Compare the first b_analog item (formatted as analog) with
the same item at the bottom of the display (formatted as literal).
Pixels =
These two text boxes can only be used with HDL items formatted as analog. They let you
customize the Wave window display to make it easier to use. In the first text box, you
specify an offset value that will be added to the item value before it is displayed. Use the
second text box to set a scaling factor.
Literal formatting
If you choose Literal formatting, you can also specify the radix of the HDL item:
symbolic (useful for enumerated types)
Wave window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 69
See vector in the illustration for an example of symbolic.
Logic Formatting
Choose Logic to format a HDL item display in logic representation (1, 0, X, etc.).
Zooming the Wave window
You can change the amount of time shown in the waveform display windowpane of the Wave
window with the mouse or with menu commands.
Zoom in on an area of the display by holding down the <right mouse button> and dragging
through the area of the display you want expanded.
You can also use these Zoom menu bar commands:
Redraws the display to show the entire simulation from time 0 to the current simulation
In 2X
Zooms in by a factor of two, increasing the resolution and decreasing the visible range
horizontally, cropping the view on the right. The starting time is held static.
Out 2X
Zooms out by a factor of two, decreasing the resolution and increasing the visible range
horizontally, extending the view on the right. The starting time is held static.
Restores the display to where it was before the last zoom command.
Brings up a pop-up menu that allows you to enter the beginning and ending times for a
range of time units to be displayed.
Wave window
70 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Another method of zooming is with the function keys:
For additional ModelSim shortcuts see: "Keyboard shortcuts" (p76)
Using the Wave window cursors
You can add or remove cursors with Cursor > Add | Remove menu command. Up to five
cursors can be present at the same time. Cursors are displayed with a time box showing the
precise simulation time at the bottom. When you have more than one cursor, each time box
appears in a separate track at the bottom of the display.
When the Wave window is first drawn, there is one cursor in it at time zero. Clicking anywhere
in the waveform display brings that cursor to the mouse location.
Key Action
<F4> full zoom
<F5> zoom in
<F6> zoom out
<F7> last zoom
Wave window
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 71
When you add a cursor, it is drawn in the middle of the display. Once you have more than one
cursor, ModelSim adds a delta measurement showing the time difference between the two
cursor positions. The selected cursor is drawn as a solid line; all other cursors are drawn with
dotted lines.
If you click in the waveform display, the cursor closest to the mouse position is selected and
then moved to the mouse position. Another way to position multiple cursors is to use the mouse
in the time box tracks at the bottom of the display. Clicking anywhere in a track selects that
cursor and brings it to the mouse position.
The cursors are designed to snap to the closest HDL item edge to the left. You can control the
snap distance from the dialog box available with the Options > Waveform Options command.
Writing a PostScript file
The Wave windows menu bar command, File > Write PostScript File, saves a history of all
the HDL items in the Wave window. The item names appear to the left of the waveforms in the
Customizing ModelSim windows
72 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Use the Waveform Postscript dialog box to change paper size and orientation, or scale the
output to meet your needs. Note that the Margin, Scale, or Number of Pages specifications are
interactive. If you change one of these, tab to or click in another box to see the updated specs.
The PostScript file includes a file named that is included with ModelSim. The file is
included in the PostScript output from the waveform display and it sets the default fonts,
spacing, and print header and footer. If you want to change any of the PostScript defaults you
can do it by making changes in this file. Note that you should copy the file before making your
changes so that you can save the original.
Saving the Wave window configuration
If you choose File > Save Configuration , you will get a dialog box which lets you save your
Wave window configuration for use in a future simulation. This generates a macro file that
contains wave commands to rebuild the waveform as it currently appears.
Customizing ModelSim windows
All ModelSim windows can be moved and sized with Microsoft Windows commands and
procedures. The Window menu combines typical Microsoft Windows commands with
commands for customizing ModelSim windows. This section details the Colors and Fonts
menu selections.
Customizing ModelSim windows
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 73
Changing window colors
The Window > Colors menu bar command returns the Color dialog box.
In the color dialog box, you can specify a color for each type of object in each of the ModelSim
windows. For example, in the illustration, the Wave window is selected. And in that window,
you can set the color of objects like the background, the cursors, text, etc. The dialog box also
contains a miniature version of the ModelSim window which will be updated as you make your
color selections.
Make these selections to change window colors:
Each of the ModelSim windows is available in this drop-down list box.
All the objects for the selected window are shown in this list box.
Basic Colors:
Use the palette to set the color for the selected object.
Changing window fonts
The Window > Fonts menu bar command brings up the Font dialog box.
Customizing ModelSim windows
74 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
In the Font dialog box, first you select the ModelSim windows in which you want to change
fonts. The Transcript, Source, and List windows can be selected separately. The other six
windows (Signals, Variables, Process, Structure, Dataflow and Wave) are grouped. Once
youve chosen the windows, you can specify fonts with the typical list boxes. Note that
monospaced fonts are best for the Source and List windows.
Saving your window settings
The Window > Settings menu bar command brings up the Save Settings dialog box.
Use the Save sizes on exit check box to save your ModelSim window sizes and positions. Then
after starting a simulation, the Window > Restore All menu bar command will change the
window icons back the way you left them when you last used ModelSim.
Customizing ModelSim windows
Getting Started with ModelSim PE ModelSim PE Graphic Interface - 75
Depending on the task you were performing with ModelSim, you might have different window
sizes, positions, fonts, and colors with each modelsim.ini project file you define. If you want
ModelSim to change its window settings to match a new project file, use the check boxes in
Reload with New Project File.
Keyboard shortcuts
76 - ModelSim PE Graphic Interface Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Keyboard shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts are available in ModelSim PE:
Several keyboard shortcuts exist for the Transcript window only. See "Transcript window
keyboard actions" (p33) for more information.
Key Action
<Page Up> scroll up one screen
<Page Down> scroll down one screen
<Ctrl><left arrow> scroll left one screen
<Ctrl><right arrow> scroll right one screen
<Ctrl><Home> move to beginning of window
<Ctrl><End> move to end of window
<Ctrl><up arrow> scroll up one line
<Ctrl><down arrow> scroll down one line
<Shift><left arrow> scroll left one column
<Shift><right arrow> scroll right one column
<F4> full zoom (Wave window only)
<F5> zoom in (Wave window only)
<F6> zoom out (Wave window only)
<F7> last zoom (Wave window only)
<F9> run simulation
<F10> continue simulation
<F11> single-step
<F12> single-step over function call
<Ctrl> C break (interrupt simulation run or macro execution)
<Esc> cancels a dialog box
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 77
4 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE
Chapter contents
After you complete the "Tutorial setup" (p78),
choose the lessons appropriate for your simulator version:
PLUS, and VHDL lessons
Basic VHDL simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Debugging a VHDL design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
PLUS, and VLOG lesson
Basic Verilog simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
PLUS lesson
Mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
PLUS, VHDL, and VLOG practice
Learning more about ModelSims windows. . . . . . . . . . 127
We assume that you are familiar with the use of the Microsoft Windows operating system. If
this is not the case, we recommend that you work through the tutorials provided with Microsoft
Windows before using ModelSim.
We also assume that you have a working knowledge of HDL design. Although ModelSim is an
excellent tool to use while learning HDL concepts and practices, this guide is not written to
support that goal.
Additional details for VHDL, Verilog, and mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation can be found in
the ModelSim PE/PLUS Reference Manual. See "Where to find our documentation" (p15).
Tutorial setup
78 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Tutorial setup
Before we turn you loose with ModelSim, lets set up your application windows and save their
settings so that if you are interrupted and restart, you will find the windows like you left them.
In this setup you will learn how to start the application, and save your window settings.
Step 1.
Start by invoking ModelSim: Double-click the ModelSim icon. The ModelSim application
window will come up with the Transcript window showing. Maximize the ModelSim
application window to fill your screen.
Step 2.
If you cannot see the tool bar or the status bar, use the Window > Tool Bar and Window >
Status Bar menu sequences to make them visible.
Step 3.
Use the Window > Settings menu sequence and check all of the boxes indicated in the Save
Settings dialog box shown below. Now whenever you exit ModelSim, your window settings
will be saved.
Click OK. You can now exit, or continue on to "Basic VHDL simulation" (p79).
In the exercises, just type whats shown in this guide and then use the <RETURN> or
<ENTER> key to complete the line.
Also, if you are using the PDF version of Getting Started you can copy the command text from
the PDF file and paste it onto ModelSims command line.
Basic VHDL simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 79
Basic VHDL simulation
The goals for the first lesson are:
create a library
create a new project file
compile a VHDL file
start the simulator
use the RUN command
list some signals
use the waveform display
force the value of a signal
single-step through a simulation run
set a breakpoint
save the listing from the List window to a file
quit the simulator
Step 1.
For this exercise you need to change directories to locate the tutorial files. To do this, pull down
the File menu and select Directory.
This brings up the Change Directory To dialog box. You can navigate among the directories
and view their contents in the files scroll box. The directory your looking for, \examples, is
located within the directory that contains modelsim.exe, the ModelSim executable.
Step 2.
Double-click on the examples entry in the directories list box to move within the \examples
directory. Click OK.
Basic VHDL simulation
80 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
If you click Cancel, the dialog box is closed and you remain in the same working directory as
before. You must click the OK button to actually change to a different directory.
Using the File > Directory menu command is the same as entering the cd (change directory)
command at the ModelSim prompt in the Transcript window. In fact, the following command
is echoed in the Transcript window:
cd C:\modelsim\examples
Step 3.
Before you can compile a VHDL source file, you need to create a design library to hold the
compilation results. Pull down the Library menu and select New. This brings up a dialog box
that prompts you to enter the name of the new VHDL library.
Enter the name work and click Create.
The command is echoed in the Transcript window:
vlib work
Basic VHDL simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 81
This creates a VHDL library named work under the current directory. Even though this
command creates a DOS directory called work, it is important to realize that it is more than just
a directory. You must use only the Library > New option or a vlib ModelSim command to
create a new ModelSim library. Do not use the DOS mkdir command or Microsoft Windows
to create the directory!
If this tutorial has already been run on your system, a message will report that the work
subdirectory already exists in the current directory. You can ignore the message and proceed.
Step 4.
Now you need to create a new project file in your current working directory. This project file
will remember things about your environment (such as window sizes and positions, etc.), so
that next time you work in this directory, ModelSim will automatically reload your
environment for you. To create a new project, select Project > New. Type in modelsim.ini,
which is the name ModelSim expects to find when you come back to this project later.
A project file will already exist if someone has done this exercise before. Again, ModelSim will
just give you a message that you can safely ignore.
Step 5.
Pull down the Project menu again and notice that the file /examples/modelsim.ini is checked,
indicating that ModelSim is using that project file. If you wanted, you could change back to the
original project file by simply selecting it from the menu, which would move the check mark
to it - but dont do that.
Basic VHDL simulation
82 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Step 6.
Next, compile the VHDL source file named counter.vhd. To do this, pull down the File menu
and select Compile VHDL.
This brings up the Compile VHDL Source dialog box. For now, click Done.
Step 7.
Press the VCOM button on the tool bar. The same dialog box appears. Now select the VHDL
source file for the counter, named counter.vhd, and then click Compile.
When you click Compile, the VHDL compiler is invoked and generates the messages shown
below unless it encounters errors.
During compilation, the ModelSim prompt is not displayed. You will know that the compiler
is finished when the ModelSim prompt returns to the Transcript window command line.
Basic VHDL simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 83
Step 8.
After the VHDL source file is compiled, close the dialog box by selecting Done. Now start the
simulator by pulling down the File menu and selecting Simulate.
This brings up the Simulate a Design dialog box, where you select the library and the top-level
design unit to simulate. You can also select the simulation time resolution. But select Cancel
for now.
See "The Simulate a Design dialog box" (p28) for more detail about this dialog box.
Step 9.
Click on the VSIM button in the tool bar. This time select the entity named counter to be
simulated. When you select the entity name, the names of any associated architectures are
displayed in the scrollbox at the bottom of the dialog. The counter only has one architecture,
which is named only. Click OK to accept the settings.
The remaining ModelSim windows are now available for viewing within the original
application window.
Step 10.
Use the View > All menu sequence to open all of the ModelSim windows. If you are the first
person to use this tutorial, the windows will cascade. The windows may be in some other
Basic VHDL simulation
84 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
arrangement if the tutorial has already been used. For now, select Window > Tile Vertically.
The order of the windows might be different on your screen, but you should be able to see all
nine as in the illustration.
Note that the Transcript window has echoed view * for your window command.
Step 11.
At this point, lets put signals in both the List and the Wave windows. Type:
list *
and then:
wave *
Basic VHDL simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 85
Notice that no matter which ModelSim window is active, anything you type is automatically
entered on the Transcript window command line.
The commands you typed made signals appear in the List and Wave windows. If you desired
to, you could list or view only specified signals by entering the signal names after the command
instead of the asterisk. (When you do that, separate the names with spaces.)
Step 12.
An alternative would be to use the menu bar. If you use the Signals menu, you will see several
Step 13.
Before we go on, lets customize the window positions and sizes. Select Window > Tile
Vertically. Make the Transcript, Source, and Structure windows about equal size across the top
tier. Then put the Process, Signals, Dataflow, and Variables windows in the second row. Now
if you make the List and Wave windows twice as big, you will be using the entire screen again
- probably something like the illustration.
Basic VHDL simulation
86 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Step 14.
Use the Window > Settings menu sequence to be sure all your changes will be saved. Make
sure these boxes are checked: Sizes, Colors, Fonts and Save sizes on exit.
Step 15.
Now lets apply some stimulus to the clock input of our circuit. Type:
force clk 1 50, 0 100 -repeat 100
Basic VHDL simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 87
This force command means:
Force clk to the value 1 at 50 ns (nanoseconds) after the current time,
then to 0 100 ns from now, and
repeat this cycle every 100 ns.
Step 16.
Select RUN on the tool bar. This causes the simulation run for the default simulation length,
which is 100 ns. (The default simulation run length can be modified with Options >
Simulation Options from the menu bar.)
Other ways of entering a run command include typing it in the Transcript window, or selecting
an option from the Run menu: Run <default_run_length>, Run Forever, Step, Step Over,
Cont or Break. See "ModelSim menu bar" (p24) for more information about run options.
Step 17.
Next type:
run 500
Now that you have run the simulation for 600 nanoseconds, look at the status bar at the bottom
of the ModelSim application window. It should look something like this illustration.
Step 18.
If your status bar is different, it is because the status bar changes with the active window. Click
in another ModelSim window and examine the status bar again.
Step 19.
Lets get back to running the simulator.
You can run the simulator for a long time by entering a large number of time units. You can
also make the simulator run to a specific time with a command like this:
Basic VHDL simulation
88 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
run @ <timestep>
Use the run command with @ to run to time 5000:
run @5000
Step 20.
To see the effect of the break feature, you are now going to start a long simulation run and then
click the BREAK button during the run to stop the simulator. On the menu bar, select Run >
Run Forever. (The run -a command produces the same effect.)
Step 21.
To stop the simulator while it is running, click the BREAK button. This updates the Source
window; an arrow will be pointing to the next VHDL statement to be executed.
Your window wont look like the illustration above. Your simulation will probably stop at a
different point.
Step 22.
If your Source window is hard to read because the standard tabs are too big for the window size,
change the tabs with the Options > Simulation Options menu sequence. Select the Misc tab
in the Simulation Options dialog box, then change the Tab Width to 2 characters, leaving the
other options unchanged. Click OK, then Yes, to save your changes.
Basic VHDL simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 89
Step 23.
Next, set a breakpoint on line 35, which has a call to the VHDL function named increment. To
do this, move the pointer to the Source window and find line 35. Use the vertical scroll bar if
Double-click on line 35 to set the breakpoint. You will see a dot next to the line number when
the breakpoint is set. A breakpoint can be toggled on and off by double-clicking on the line.
Step 24.
Select CONT (continue) on the tool bar to resume the run that you interrupted. When the
simulator hits the breakpoint, it is indicated by highlighting in the Source window and by a
message in the Transcript window.
Basic VHDL simulation
90 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Step 25.
Examine the current value of the signal count by entering the command:
examine count
You can also see this information in the Signals window.
Step 26.
You can find out what kind of variable or signal count is by using the ModelSim command
describe. To see this, enter:
describe count
The system should report (in the Transcript window) that count is an 8-bit array of an
enumerated type:
Step 27.
Click OVER (for Step Over) in the tool bar to step over this instruction. If you had clicked
STEP instead, the simulation would have entered the increment function called in line 35.
Step 28.
Re-examine the value of count and notice that its value has not changed. Even though the signal
count has been assigned a new value, the counter has not yet been incremented. This is because
a signal assignment does not take effect until after any specified propagation delays (specified
using an after clause in its VHDL signal assignment statement).
Step 29.
Again, select CONT to resume the run.
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Step 30.
On your own, try setting and deleting breakpoints at different points in the counter.vhd source
file, and using the STEP and OVER buttons until you feel comfortable with these commands.
Step 31.
When you are ready, you can record the simulation values by writing the contents of the
ModelSim List window to a file (CAUTION, this is optional, this could be a huge file). To do
this, enter the following command in the Transcript window:
write list counter.lst
Alternately you can activate the List window (by clicking anywhere in it) and then choose File
> Save Listing. The listing will resemble the illustration below.
ns delta count clk reset
0 +0 00000000 0 0
50 +0 00000000 1 0
55 +0 00000001 1 0
100 +0 00000001 0 0
150 +0 00000001 1 0
155 +0 00000010 1 0
62555 +0 01110010 1 0
62600 +0 01110010 0 0
62650 +0 01110010 1 0
62655 +0 00000000 1 0
62700 +0 00000000 0 0
62750 +0 00000000 1 0
Step 32.
Now quit the simulator. You can type exit, or you can choose File > Exit ModelSim with the
Transcript window active. ModelSim then returns a dialog box.
Basic VHDL simulation
92 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
At this point you can confirm the action with the Yes button. If you want to skip the dialog box,
enter the command:
exit -force
Debugging a VHDL design
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 93
Debugging a VHDL design
The goals for this lesson are:
use a VHDL testbench (a testbench is a VHDL architecture that instantiates the VHDL
design units to be tested, provides simulation stimuli, and checks the results)
map a logical library name to an actual library
change the default run length
recognize assertion messages in the command window
change the assertion break level
restart the simulation run using the restart command
change the value of a variable
use a strobe to trigger lines in the ModelSim List window
list signals in different radixes in the List window
Step 1.
Restart ModelSim if necessary, then change to the tutorial file directory by pulling down the
File menu and selecting Directory.
This brings up the Change Directory To dialog box. Double-click the subdirectory examples
and click OK.
Step 2.
To create the new library, pull down the Library menu and select New. This brings up a dialog
box asking you the name of library you want to create.
Step 3.
Enter the name lib2 and click Create. This creates a new library directory under the current
working directory. In the ModelSim window, you will see the following command echoed:
vlib lib2
Debugging a VHDL design
94 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
If this tutorial has already been run on your system, a message will report that the lib2
subdirectory already exists in the current directory. You can ignore the message and proceed.
Step 4.
The next step is to set your work library to be the lib2 library you just created. In the last
tutorial, you created a work library called work, but now you will map the work library to lib2.
The old work library is still there, but it will not be referenced by ModelSim if a logical
mapping for work exists.
Step 5.
Now pull down the Library menu and select Mapping. A dialog box like the one shown below
will appear.
Step 6.
Now click on the New button. This brings up another dialog box where you can type in the
desired mapping.
Debugging a VHDL design
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 95
In this case, type in work for the library name and lib2 for the directory name. This tells
ModelSim that whenever it sees a reference to the work library, use the lib2 library instead.
Click on OK to accept the new library mapping.
Step 7.
None of the changes you've made to the library mapping take effect until you click on OK in
the Library Mapping dialog box. This way you can add, edit, and delete mappings as much as
you like and then discard the changes by clicking Cancel. Go ahead and click OK now.
Step 8.
Next, compile the design units for this tutorial:
You can do this four different ways. One, by selecting Compile VHDL from the File menu and
compiling the source files one-by-one using the Compile VHDL Source dialog box. Two, you
could access the same dialog box with the VCOM button on the tool bar. Three, you can enter
the following sequence of commands at the ModelSim prompt:
vcom gates.vhd
vcom adder.vhd
vcom testadd.vhd
Debugging a VHDL design
96 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
And four, you could compile multiple files using a single vcom command, as in the following
vcom gates.vhd adder.vhd testadd.vhd
Lets use the tool bar and the Compile VHDL Source dialogue box. Press the VCOM button
on the tool bar.
Step 9.
Once you have the Compile VHDL Source dialog box on the screen, note the Compile More
check box.
When Compile More is checked, the dialog box stays open until you click on Done. If the box
is unchecked, each time you compile, the dialog box is closed. This is handy on smaller screens
because then you can see the compiler messages in the Transcript window.
Check Compile More now.
Now compile the source files. Note that the order you do this is important because testadd.vhd
uses adder.vhd and adder.vhd in turn uses gates.vhd, so compile them in this order:
When youre finished, click Done.
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Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 97
Step 10.
You can confirm that these design units have been compiled into the library by pulling down
the Library menu and selecting Contents. This brings up a dialog box that displays the names
of all the design units in the library.
Step 11.
Scroll through the list of configurations and entities to see what has been compiled into the
work library. Choose an entity and click on it, and all of its architectures will be shown in the
lower list box. When you are done, click Done to close the window.
Step 12.
Now start the simulator by pulling down the File menu and selecting Simulate (or use the
VSIM tool bar button). However you choose to invoke the simulator, the Simulate a Design
dialog box is displayed.
Debugging a VHDL design
98 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Step 13.
Select the Design tab and perform the following steps:
make sure that the simulator resolution is ns
look in the design unit scrollbox and select the configuration named
test_adder_structural (because this design unit is a configuration, no architectures are
displayed in the architecture scrollbox at the bottom of the dialog)
click OK to accept the settings
Now open the other eight ModelSim windows with the View > All menu sequence. The
windows will appear in the sizes and positions in which we left them in the previous lesson.
Well first use the Source and Structure windows to examine the design.
Step 14.
Double-click in the title bar of the Structure window to maximize it. ModelSim automatically
generates this view from your VHDL code. Click on the minus sign in the box for
testbench(adder8) at the top level.
Now you can explore the design by collapsing and expanding the levels of hierarchy shown in
the window. A level of hierarchy is created by each component instantiation, generate
statement, block statement, and package.
Debugging a VHDL design
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 99
The plus sign means other levels exist below it. The minus sign is used on fully-expanded
items. An empty box has no lower levels.
Step 15.
When you finish exploring, return the Structure window to its original size by clicking on the
restore button (the one in the upper right - with small overlapping windows).
Step 16.
Now click on a name (as opposed to a box) in the Structure window. Note that as you click on
parts of the design in the Structure window, both the Source and Signals windows change to
show the correct source file contents and the signals in it.
Step 17.
Select testbench(adder8) in the Structure window by clicking on the name before going on.
Step 18.
Put signals in the List and Wave windows by typing:
list *
wave *
Step 19.
Change the default simulation run length; choose Options > Simulation Options.
Debugging a VHDL design
100 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
On the VSIM tab, change the Default Run Length to 1000. Do not change the other settings
for now.
Click OK, then Yes, to accept the new settings.
Step 20.
Next, you will run the simulator. Click RUN on the ModelSim tool bar.
A message in the Transcript window will notify you that there was an assertion error.
Let's find out what's wrong. Perform the following steps to track down what caused the
assertion message.
Step 21.
Select Options > Simulation Options.
Debugging a VHDL design
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 101
Step 22.
Under the Assertions tab, change the selection for Break on Assertion to Error and click OK,
then Yes. This will cause the simulator to stop at the VHDL statement after the assertion is
Step 23.
To restart the simulation, pull down the File menu and select Restart.
For now, leave all the options as they are and select OK.
Debugging a VHDL design
102 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Step 24.
Next, click RUN on the tool bar. Notice that the arrow in the Source window is pointing to the
statement after the assertion.
Step 25.
The assertion occurred because the signal sum does not equal vector.sum, which is derived
from the sum field in test_patterns. The sum of the inputs a, b, and cin should be equal to the
output sum. The error is in the test vectors.
Step 26.
To correct this error, you need to restart the simulation and modify the initial value of the test
vectors. But before you restart, determine which element of the test_patterns array needs to be
From the assertion error message, you can see that the expected pattern was wrong: 0101 plus
0001 plus 1 (the carry) should be 0111, not 1000.
Step 27.
Now look at the test_patterns array with the Variables window. Use the plus boxes to expand
the elements and find the element that has the sum field value of 00001000. It is the sixth line
in the list, so you can refer to that element as test_patterns(6), and the sum field of that can be
referred to as test_patterns(6).sum.
Debugging a VHDL design
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 103
Step 28.
Select Restart from the File menu. Restart resets the values to those that were set when you
first entered the simulator. Click OK.
Step 29.
Now we can change the value of the sum record; type:
change test_patterns(6).sum 00000111
Note that this is a temporary edit, you must use your text editor to permanently change the
source code.
Step 30.
Select RUN on the tool bar. At this point, the simulation will run without any errors.
Step 31.
Your next action will be to add a, b, and sum to the List window and specify that their values
are to be displayed using the decimal radix. To do this, enter the following command:
list -decimal a b sum
Now you should have a List window with contents like the illustration.
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104 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Note that since you used the list -decimal command, the a, b, and sum signals appear twice in
the List window, once in binary and then again in decimal format.
Step 32.
This brings you to the end of this lesson. Feel free to experiment further with the menu system
if you wish. (You may also want keep this simulation running for the following keyboard and
mouse practice session.) When you are ready to end the simulation session, quit ModelSim
without saving data by selecting Exit ModelSim from the File menu.
You can also do this by typing the following command (the same as exit -force) :
exit -f
Basic Verilog simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 105
Basic Verilog simulation
The goals for this lesson are:
compile a Verilog design
examine the hierarchy of the design
list signals in the design
change list attributes
set a breakpoint
Step 1.
First, you need to change directory to the folder where the tutorial files are located. To do this,
pull down the File menu and select Directory.
This brings up the Change Directory To dialog box with which you can browse the file system
of your PC and choose directories via the directories list scrollbox.
Notice the dialog box may not default to the directory where ModelSim is installed. You may
need to browse to locate the ModelSim install directory and the tutorial files. The tutorial folder
is called examples and should be in the same directory as modelsim.exe, the ModelSim
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106 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Step 2.
Move inside the examples folder by double-clicking the examples entry in the directories list
box. Click OK
If you click Cancel, the dialog box is closed and you remain in the working directory you were
in before. You must click OK to actually change to a new directory.
Using the File > Directory menu command is the same as entering the change directory (cd)
command at the ModelSim prompt in the Transcript window. In fact, notice how your change
directory dialog box actions were echoed in the Transcript window:
cd C:\modelsim\examples
Step 3.
Pull down the Library menu and select New. This brings up a dialog box where you can enter
the name of your new library.
Before you can compile a Verilog design, you need to create a library to store the compilation
results. If you are only familiar with interpreted Verilog simulators such as Cadence Verilog
XL this will be a new idea for you. Because ModelSim is a compiled Verilog, it requires a target
design library for the compilation. ModelSim can compile both VHDL and Verilog code into
the same library if desired.
Enter the name work and click Create.
Notice how the command is echoed in the Transcript window:
vlib work
This creates a design library named work in the current working directory. Even though this
appears to be a DOS directory, it is in fact much more. You must use only the Library > New
option (or a vlib ModelSim command) to create a new ModelSim library. Do not use the DOS
mkdir (or an equivalent Microsoft Windows operation) to create a design library directory!
Basic Verilog simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 107
If this tutorial has already been run on your system, or youve just completed Lesson 1, a
message will report that the work subdirectory already exists in the current directory. You may
safely ignore this message and proceed.
Step 4.
Next you need to create a new project file in your current working directory. This project file
will be used by ModelSim to remember your environment settings (such as window sizes and
positions, etc.) so the next time you work from this directory ModelSim can reload the
environment for you.
To create a new project file, select Project > New. Type in modelsim.ini, which is the name
ModelSim expects to find when you return to this project later.
A project file may already exist in the current directory if someone has previously run this
tutorial. Again, ModelSim may give you a warning message to that effect, which you can safely
Step 5.
Pull down the Project menu again and notice that the file examples/modelsim.ini is checked,
indicating it is currently in use by ModelSim. If you wanted, you could change back to the
previous project file by simply selecting it from the menu. This would move the check mark -
but don't do that now.
Next, you need to compile the Verilog design.
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108 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
The example design we'll be using consists of two Verilog source files, each containing a
unique module. The file counter.v contains a module called counter that implements a simple
8-bit binary up-counter. The other file (tcounter.v) is a testbench module (test_counter) used to
verify counter. Under simulation you will see that these two files are configured hierarchically
with a single instance (instance name dut) of module counter instantiated by the testbench.
You'll get a chance to look at the structure of this code later.
For now, you need to compile both files into your work design library. There are two ways to
compile design units with ModelSims graphic interface: from the menu bar, or from the tool
bar. Well look at both options.
Step 6.
Pull down the File menu and select Compile Verilog.
This brings up the Compile Verilog Source dialog box. Notice this dialog box lists all files in
the current directory with a .v suffix which is a useful convention for naming Verilog source
files. You could select a file here and click Compile but don't do that just yet. Instead click
Step 7.
Click the VLOG menu button.
The same Compile Verilog Source dialog box appears. Notice in the compile dialog box a
selector box called Compile More, select it now. When this is selected, the dialog box remains
active after you click Compile so you can compile more than one source file.
Basic Verilog simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 109
Now select any Verilog source file and click Compile.
When you click Compile, VLOG (the Verilog compiler) is invoked and should generate output
messages similar to these:
Notice that the order in which you compile the two Verilog modules is not important. This may
again seem strange to Verilog XL users who understand the possible problems of interface
checking between design units, or compiler directive inheritance. ModelSim defers such checks
until the design is loaded by VSIM (the HDL simulator), so it doesn't matter if you choose to
compile counter.v before or after tcounter.v.
Select the next Verilog file and click Compile.
During compilation, the ModelSim prompt is not displayed. When the compiler finishes the
prompt returns. When all files have been compiled, click Done.
Now that the design files have been compiled, you are ready to simulate. Before you move on
however, it is interesting to pull down the Library > Contents menu. This shows the a list of
the current contents of the active library (work in this case). You should see the two modules
of this design: counter, and test_counter. One option available to you here is to delete one or
more of the design modules from the library - but don't do that now. Instead click Done.
Step 8.
Now lets start the simulation. You can either pull down the File menu and select Simulate, or
click the menu button labeled VSIM.
Basic Verilog simulation
110 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Either action brings up the Simulate a Design dialog box. This dialog box has four tabs to select
simulation options: Design, VHDL, Verilog, and SDF.
At this point, you can accept the defaults in each case. Click the Design tab, make sure work
is the targeted library and select the top-most module in the design test_counter. If you choose
to simulate only the counter module you will have a very short and uneventful simulation run
since test_counter contains the clock generator and other stimulus necessary for counter to run.
See "The Simulate a Design dialog box" (p28) more information on the Simulate a Design
dialog box.
Step 9.
Click OK to invoke the simulator.
The remaining ModelSim windows are now available for viewing within the original
application window.
Use the View > All menu sequence to open all of the ModelSim windows. If you are the first
person to use this tutorial, the windows will cascade. The windows may be in some other
arrangement if the tutorial has already been used. In any case, make the Window > Tile
Vertically menu selection. This should arrange the nine windows similar to the following
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Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 111
The order of the windows may be different on your machine but you should see all nine. See
"ModelSim PE Graphic Interface" (p21) for a detailed description of each window.
Although you have invoked the simulator, and runtime checking of the code has occurred, the
simulation is halted at time zero waiting for your command.
Step 10.
Click inside the Structure window.
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112 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Notice how this window describes the hierarchical structure of the design. In the illustration the
Structure window shows three hierarchical levels: test_counter, counter and the function called
You can navigate within the hierarchy by clicking on a line within the window.
Step 11.
Click on FUNCTION increment and notice how other VSIM windows are automatically
updated as appropriate.
Specifically, the Source window displays the Verilog code at whichever hierarchical level you
selected in the Structure window. Using the Structure window in this way is analogous to
scoping commands in interpreted Verilogs. For now, make sure the test_counter module is
showing in the Source window by clicking on the top line in the Structure window.
Step 12.
Before we run the simulation, let's put some signals in the List and Wave windows. You can
do this either by typing a command, or using the pull down menus. Let's do one of each. First,
wave *
This causes the Wave window to display the signals clk, rst and count. The * is a wildcard and
here it means all signals at the current hierarchical level. (Typing wave -r * would have
displayed all signals throughout the design hierarchy.) In a moment, when you run the
simulation you will see the Wave window update with signal values.
Step 13.
Secondly, pull down Signals > Add to List > Signals in Design.
Basic Verilog simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 113
This causes the List window to display the signals clk, rst and count as well as the current
simulation time. (The same effect could be achieved by typing list -r * .)
If you desired, you could invoke these commands to display individual signals by specifying
the signal names instead of the * wildcard or by selecting Signals > Add to List > Selected
Signals from the pulldown menus.
Notice that whenever you type a command in ModelSim it appears in the Transcript window.
This is true regardless of which window you have currently active.
Step 14.
At this point why not take a moment to customize your window positions and sizes. Try to
dedicate the most screen-space to the Transcript, Wave, Source and List windows.
As you become familiar with the ModelSim environment you will find yourself using some
windows more than others. You can easily make more room for yourself in the application
window by minimizing some of the ModelSim windows you dont currently need.
Step 15.
When you are happy with your work, pull down Window > Settings to be sure your changes
will be saved into the modelsim.ini file. Make your selections as in this illustration.
Step 16.
Click RUN on the toolbar.
This causes the simulation to run for the default simulation length, 100ns. (The default
simulation run length can be changed with Options > Simulation Options from
the menu bar.)
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114 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Instead of clicking the RUN button you could also type the run command.
To try it now, type:
run 500
Now the simulation has run for a total of 600ns (the default 100ns plus the 500 you just asked
for). See the status bar at the bottom of the ModelSim window. It should show something like
this illustration.
If your status bar is different it is because the status bar changes depending upon the active
ModelSim window. Try selecting a different window and look at the status bar again.
Step 17.
The last command you typed (run 500) caused the simulation to advance for 500ns. You can
also advance simulation to a specific time. Type:
run @ 3000
This advances the simulation to time 3000ns. Note that the simulation actually ran for
2400ns (3000 - 600). Also note that the Transcript window echoes the results specified in the
test_counter module; the time echoed is not intended to match the time shown on the ModelSim
status bar.
Step 18.
If you wish, you can also use the run command to simply run, with no predetermined stop time.
Pull down Run > Run Forever from the menu.
Step 19.
You may stop the simulator while it is running by a simple click. Do so now by clicking the
BREAK button on the toolbar.
This halts the simulation and updates the Source window, which now features a > (greater-than
sign) next to the line of source code about to be executed. See the illustration.
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Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 115
Your windows won't look exactly like the illustration because your simulation very likely
stopped at a different point. Also, we are showing only two windows in this illustration.
Next we'll take a brief look at some interactive debug features of the ModelSim environment.
To start with, let's see what we can do about the way the List window presents its data.
Step 20.
In the List window select the signal named count.
From the List window menu bar, pull down Options > Signal Options and select a display
radix of Decimal. Click DONE. This causes the List window output to change; the count signal
is now listed in decimal rather than the default binary.
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116 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Step 21.
ModelSim includes an extensive breakpoint feature. Make sure the second line (dut:counter) in
the Structure window is selected, then set a breakpoint at line 30 in the Source window. To set
the breakpoint, simply move the cursor to the Source window and scroll the window to display
line 30, and double-click on line 30.
You will see a dot appear next to the line number. This indicates that a breakpoint has been set
for that line. Double-clicking line 30 once more would remove the breakpoint - but dont do
that now.
Basic Verilog simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 117
Step 22.
Select CONT from the toolbar to resume execution of the simulation. When the simulation hits
the breakpoint, it stops running, highlights the Source window and issues a message in the
Transcript window.
Step 23.
Typically when a breakpoint is reached you will be interested in one or more signal values.
There are a few ways to determine this. You can:
look at the values shown in the Signals window, or
examine the current value of the signal count by typing:
examine count
Perhaps more usefully, you can ask ModelSim to automatically issue the examine command
when the breakpoint is reached.
Basic Verilog simulation
118 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Step 24.
Pull down Options > Edit Breakpoints from the main menu bar.
This brings up the Breakpoints dialog box. This dialog box should look like the illustration.
Notice that the breakpoint we entered is displayed. Highlight the breakpoint for line 30 by
clicking on it. Now click the Modify button in this dialog box. The Command field becomes
active and you can type into it:
examine count
This command will be executed every time the breakpoint on line 30 is reached.
Click Done, answer Yes to the new dialog box that asks you to confirm your action, and click
Done once more to close the Breakpoints dialog box.
Step 25.
Select CONT from the toolbar.
When the breakpoint on line 30 is triggered, the simulator stops running as before but now you
can see output from the automatic examine count command in the Transcript window.
Basic Verilog simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 119
Step 26.
Click OVER on the toolbar.
This causes the simulator to step over the function call on line 30. The STEP button on the
toolbar would have single-stepped the simulator, including each line of the increment function.
Step 27.
Experiment by yourself for a while; setting and clearing breakpoints as well as STEPing and
OVERing function calls until you feel comfortable with the operation of these commands.
Step 28.
When you are ready, you can save the output of the VSIM List window if you like, by entering
the following command (CAUTION, this file could be large, so this step is optional):
write list counter.lst
You could, of course, accomplish the same task by using the pulldown menus File > Save
Step 29.
You can quit the simulator now by typing exit or by choosing the File > Exit ModelSim menu
bar sequence. You will be asked to confirm your decision to exit simulation by clicking the Yes
button in a dialog box.
Alternatively, if you want to skip the confirmation dialog box type:
exit -force
Mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation
120 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation
You must be using ModelSim PE/PLUS for this lesson.
Thanks to ModelSims single kernel simulator, the VHDL and Verilog simulation procedures
you learned in the previous lessons apply directly to mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation.
The goals for this lesson are:
compile multiple VHDL and Verilog files
simulate a mixed VHDL and Verilog design
list VHDL signals and Verilog nets and registers
view the design in the Structure window
view the HDL source code in the Source window
Step 1.
Restart ModelSim. Using the File > Directory menu sequence, and the Change Directory To:
dialog box, move to the \example\mixedHDL directory (within the install directory).
In the Transcript window, ModelSim echoes the cd command.
Step 2.
Before you can compile an HDL source file, you need to create a new work library. Type this
command in the Transcript window (or use the Library > New menu sequence):
vlib work
If this tutorial has already been run on your system, a message will report that the work
subdirectory already exists in the current directory. You can ignore the message and proceed.
Step 3.
Now you need to create a new project file in your current working directory. Select Project >
New and type in modelsim.ini.
Mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 121
A project file will already exist if someone has done this exercise before. Again, ModelSim will
just give you a message that you can safely ignore.
Step 4.
Now you can compile the Verilog files using the File > Compile_Verilog menu sequence.
ModelSim displays the Compile Verilog Source dialog box:
Compile cache.v, memory.v and proc.v in any order you choose. Note that a group of Verilog
files can be compiled in any order. In a mixed VHDL/Verilog design, however, the Verilog
files must be compiled before the VHDL files.
Step 5.
Depending on the design, the compile order of VHDL files can be very specific. In the case of
this lesson, the file top.vhd must be compiled last. Compile the VHDL files from the Transcript
window command line with this command:
vcom util.vhd set.vhd top.vhd
Step 6.
Begin simulation from the VSIM button on the tool bar. Invoke vsim with the name of the
top-level design (top) from the Simulate a Design dialog box:
Mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation
122 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Step 7. From the menu bar select the Window > Restore All option. Arrange the windows so the
List, Wave, Source and Structure windows are within view.
Step 8.
This time you will use the VSIM command line to add all of the HDL items in the region to the
List and Wave windows:
list *
wave *
Step 9.
The Structure window is hierarchical. Notice the mixture of VHDL and Verilog in the design.
VHDL levels are indicated by a square prefix in the Structure window, while Verilog levels
are indicated by a circle prefix. Try expanding (+) and contracting (-) the structure layers.
Youll find Verilog modules have been instantiated by VHDL architectures and VHDL by
Mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 123
Lets take another look at the design.
Step 10.
Click on the Verilog module, c: cache.
The source code for the Verilog module is now shown in the Source window. Scroll down to
line #25. Note the declaration of cache_set; this is a VHDL entity instantiated within the
Verilog file cache.v.
Mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation
124 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Step 11.
Click on the line "s0:cache_set(only)" in the Structure window.
The Source window now shows the VHDL code for the cache_set entity.
Mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 125
Step 12.
Try experimenting with some of the toolbar commands youve used in previous lessons: RUN,
BREAK, CONT, STEP and OVER. Note that in this design, clk is already driven, so you wont
need to use the force command.
Step 13.
Now lets get a Wave window view of the simulation; activate the Wave window.
When the Wave window is first drawn, there is one cursor in it at time zero. Clicking anywhere
in the waveform display brings that cursor to the mouse location.
Up to ten cursors can be present at the same time. Cursors are displayed with a time box
showing the precise simulation time at the bottom. When you have more than one cursor, each
time box appears in a separate track at the bottom of the display.
Step 14.
Try adding or removing cursors with the Cursor > Add | Remove command.
When you add a cursor, it is drawn in the middle of the display. Once you have more than one
cursor, VSIM adds a delta measurement showing the time difference between the two cursor
Mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation
126 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
positions. The selected cursor is drawn as a solid line; all other cursors are drawn with dotted
Step 15.
Click in the waveform display. Notice how the cursor closest to the mouse position is selected
and then moved to the mouse position.
Another way to position multiple cursors is to use the mouse in the time box tracks at the
bottom of the display. Clicking anywhere in a track selects that cursor and brings it to the
mouse position.
The cursors are designed to snap to the closest wave edge to the left on the waveform that the
mouse pointer is positioned over.
You can position a cursor without snapping by dragging in the area below the waveforms.
Step 16.
Experiment with using the cursors, scrolling, and zooming (see "Wave window mouse actions"
(p63) for Wave window shortcuts).
Step 17.
When youre done experimenting, quit the simulator by entering the command:
quit -f
Learning more about ModelSims windows
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 127
Learning more about ModelSims windows
The more you use ModelSim for your own purposes, the better you will understand how it
works; hence this unstructured practice session.
To begin your practice session simply start a simulation (you can use one of the previous lesson
simulations if you wish). Once youre simulating, select a practice subject from the references
below. When youre through practicing, end the simulation with one of the options youve
learned in a previous lesson.
Dataflow window practice
Tracing HDL items with the Dataflow window (p36)
Dataflow window mouse actions (p36)
List window practice
List window menu bar (p38)
List window mouse actions (p39)
Selecting HDL items to list (p40)
Selecting List window triggering options (p40)
Formatting a list (p41)
Editing a list (p43)
Process window practice
Process window mouse actions (p46)
Signals window practice
Signals window mouse actions (p48)
Selecting HDL item types to view (p48)
Forcing HDL item values (p49)
Adding HDL items to other windows (p51)
Learning more about ModelSims windows
128 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Source window practice
Selecting the source file (p53)
Editing breakpoints (p54)
Examining values at breakpoints (p54)
Customizing the Source window (p54)
Structure window practice
Structure window mouse actions (p58)
Variables window practice
Variables window mouse actions (p60)
Wave window practice
Wave window menu bar (p62)
Wave window mouse actions (p63)
Adding HDL items to the Wave window (p65)
Editing HDL items in the Wave window (p65)
Formatting the Wave window (p65)
Analog formatting (p68)
Literal formatting (p68)
Logic Formatting (p69)
Zooming the Wave window (p69)
Using the Wave window cursors (p70)
Keyboard practice
Keyboard shortcuts (p76)
Continuing with ModelSim PE
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE - 129
Continuing with ModelSim PE
More information on ModelSim commands, functions and techniques for use can be found in
the following locations:
The ModelSim PE/PLUS Reference Manual, and
the Tips and Techniques appendix of the ModelSim PE/PLUS Reference Manual.
130 - Tutorial: Using ModelSim PE Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Help, Updates, and Licensing - 131
A - Help, Updates, and Licensing
Technical Support for Mentor Graphics Customers
For customers who purchased from Mentor Graphics in North America, the support line
number is 800-547-4303. The web site is
For customers who purchased from Mentor Graphics outside of North America, please contact
your local support organization.
Technical Support for Model Technology Customers
For customer who purchased from Model Technology, please contact Model Technology via
email: The telephone number for the support line is 503-641-1340 from
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time. Be sure to have your server hostID or hardware security
key serial number handy. You can also use our web site for technical support:
Technical Support for Other Channels
For customers who purchased ModelSim as part of a bundled product from an OEM or VAR,
support is available at the following:
Annapolis Microsystems
telephone: 410-841-2514
web site:
Exemplar Logic
telephone: 510-789-3333
web site:
Hewlett Packard EEsof
telephone: 1-800-HPEESOF (1-800-473-3763)
web site:
132 - Help, Updates, and Licensing Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Design Automation
telephone: 800-875-6590
web site:
telephone: 408-617-6000
web site:
Getting the latest version information
If you want the latest version information via email from Model Technology, make sure your
email address is current in our customer database. If you think it is not, send email to Make the subject line read "register email address". Put your hostID or
hardware security key number and your email address in the body of the message.
Getting the latest version
You can ftp the latest version of the software from the web site at Instructions
are there as well. A valid license file from either Model Technology or Mentor Graphics is
needed to uncompress the ModelSim EE files. A password from Model Technology is needed
to uncompress the ModelSim PE files. Contact if you are a current PE
customer and need a password.
ModelSim PE Licensing
Starting with 4.6, ModelSim PE products use a programmable hardware security key. The "key
code" for these devices consists of 20 hexadecimal digits, for example:
Embedded in the key code is: the serial number of the key (it is also printed on the third line on
the back of the key); the product purchased (VHDL, VLOG, or PLUS); the maintenance
ModelSim PE Licensing
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Help, Updates, and Licensing - 133
expiration date. The key code permits the use of any ModelSim PE software with a build date
on or before the maintenance expiration date.
PE Maintenance Renewals
When maintenance is renewed, Model Technology will send a new key code that incorporates
the new maintenance expiration date. If maintenance is not renewed, the key will still permit
the use of any version of the software built before the maintenance expired.
PE users should protect the key. It is the most valuable part of your purchase. Model
Technology will replace any defective key, but will not replace lost keys. Consider insuring the
key for the purchase price of the product.
Entering Your Permanent Authorization Code
Make this menu selection when you start ModelSim: Help > About ModelSim > Authorization.
(If your authorization has expired, ModelSim will prompt you with a dialog box.) Key in your
new code and click Apply; the authorization information changes to reflect the current type of
authorization and the new maintenance end date. Click Ok to complete the authorization.
When it is permanently programmed, your key will run all products of the correct type (VHDL,
VLOG, or PLUS) with build dates before your maintenance expiration date. When your
maintenance expires you can still run any product built up until that date. When you renew your
maintenance, you will receive a new authorization code that will extend the date.
ModelSim PE Licensing
134 - Help, Updates, and Licensing Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Getting help
The best thing is to email us a test case. Our email address is The next
best thing is to copy/print the following form, fill it out, and fax it to us at 503-526-5473.
Model Technology Fax Support Form
Your name:
Your company:
Your phone number:
Your FAX number:
Your email address:
ModelSim Version:
(Use the Help About dialog box with Windows; type vcom for workstations.)
Description of the problem (please include the exact wording of any error messages):
PC hardware security key serial number:
Host ID of licence server for workstations:
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Resources - 135
B - Resources
Appendix contents
Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Corporations & Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Applications of VHDL to Circuit Design
Randolph E. Harr and Alec G. Stanculescu, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive,
Assinippi Park, Norwell, Massachusetts 02061, USA. 1991.
Chip-Level Modeling with VHDL
James R. Armstrong, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, USA. 1988.
The Designers Guide to VHDL
Peter J. Ashenden, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 340 Pine Street, Sixth Floor, San
Francisco, California 94104-3205, USA. 1995. (ISBN: 1-55860-270-4)
A Guide to VHDL Syntax
Jayaram Bhasker, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, USA. 1995.
IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual
ANSI/IEEE Std 1076-1993. Published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Inc., 345 East 47th Street, New York, New York 10017-2394, USA. ISBN:1-55937-376-8,
June 1994. To purchase the standard, write IEEE Customer Service, Hoes Lane, Tiscataway NJ
08855-1331, or phone 800-678-4333 (908-562-5420 from outside the U.S.), 908-981-9667 fax.
136 - Resources Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk
Brent Welch, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, USA. 1995.
Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
John K. Ousterhout, published by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. (ISBN 0-201-
Verilog Language Reference Manual 2.0
Open Verilog International, 15466 Los Gatos Blvd., Suite 109-071, Los Gatos CA 95032
Phone: (408) 353-8899 , fax: (408) 353-8869 , email:, Contact: Lynn
VHDL, 2nd Edition
Douglas L. Perry, McGraw-Hill, Inc., Professional Publishing Group, 11 West 19th Street,
New York, New York 10011, USA. 1993.
VHDL: Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems
Zainalabedin Navabi, Northeastern University, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, College
Division, 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, 10020, USA. 1993.
VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies
Ben Cohen, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 1995. (ISBN: 0-7923-
VHDL: Hardware Description and Design
Roger Lipsett, Carl Schaefer, & Cary Ussery, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive,
Assinippi Park, Norwell, Massachusetts 02061, USA. 1989.
VHDL Primer
Jayaram Bhasker, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, USA. 1992.
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Resources - 137
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 345 East 47th Street, New York,
New York 10017-2394, USA. Fax:212-705-7453.
Open Verilog International
15466 Los Gatos Blvd., Suite 109-071, Los Gatos CA 95032
Phone: (408) 353-8899 , fax: (408) 353-8869 , email:, web: http:// Contact: Lynn Horobin The SDF mapping rules described in the Model
Development Specification are based on version 2.1 of OVI's Standard Delay Format
Specification. This document is available from Open Verilog International.
VHDL International
407 Chester Street, Menlo Park, CA 94025-3718, USA. Phone: 800-554-2550 or 415-329-
0578, fax: 415-324-3150. A consortium of VHDL tool vendors and users that exists to promote
the usage and standardization of VHDL. For information about VHDL International
membership and mailings, contact Conference Management Services.
VHDL International Users Forum
407 Chester Street, Menlo Park, CA 94025-3718, USA. Phone: 800-554-2550 or 415-329-
0578, fax: 415-324-3150. The users group within VHDL International. This group currently
holds meetings twice a year in the spring and fall, which are attended by several hundred
delegates. For information about VIUF meetings, membership, newsletters, and bulletin board
services, contact Conference Management Services.
Corporations & Consultants
138 - Resources Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Corporations & Consultants
Automata Publishing Company
1072 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, BLDG A107, San Jose CA 95129 USA. Phone: 800-8-
VIPER1 or 408-255-0705, fax 408-253-7916, email: PCI VHDL simulation
models. Contact: Mona Singh.
CAST Computer Aided Software Technologies, Inc.
24 White Birch Drive, Pomona NY 10970 USA. Phone: 914-354-4945, Fax: 914-354-0325;
email:, web:, VHDL services including model
development, FPGA and ASIC design kits, training, simulation consulting. Contact: Newton
Comit Systems Inc.
1250 Oakmead Parkway, Suite 210, Sunnyvale CA 94088 USA. Phone: 408-988-2988; fax:
408-988-2133; email: FPGA design, VHDL modeling for embedded
systems and related areas. Contact: Balachandran Sreekandath.
Daemon Modeling
834 SW Westwood Drive, Portland OR 97201 USA. Phone: 503-977-0554, email: Model development with emphasis on processor models.
Contact: Daemon Anastas.
DP Consulting
9015 NE 139th Street, Kirkland WA 98034 USA. Phone: 206-821-9124. Model development.
Contact: Richard Pado.
EDA Solutions Pty. Ltd.
Level 3, South Tower, 1-5 Railway Street Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia. Phone: 011 61 2
9413-4611, fax: 011 61 2 9413-4622, email: Provides VHDL training,
consulting services, and VHDL model development. Contact: Alain Legrand.
EEC Consultants, Inc.
3243 Springwood Drive, Clearwater FL 34621 USA. Phone: 813-786-2929. VHDL models.
Contact: Kent Ulrich.
Corporations & Consultants
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Resources - 139
Hardi Electronics AB
Box 966, S220 09 Lund, Sweden. Phone: (46) 11-77-90; fax: (46) 13-15-99. Provides VHDL
training, consulting services, and product distribution. Contact: Lars-Eric Lundgren.
35 Avenue du Granier, 38240 Meylan, France. Phone: (33) 76-41-92-43. fax: (33) 76-41-92-
44. Provides VHDL training, consulting services, and product distribution. Contact: Francis
Logic Modeling
19500 NW Gibbs Drive, Beaverton OR 97006 USA. Phone: 503-690-6900, fax: 503-690-
6906. Provides modeling libraries.
Paolo Tabacco
Via Dei Berio 91, Rome Italy (00155). Phone: 39-6-22595-306; fax: 39-6-2280739; email: Designs for boards and ASICs using ModelSim and Exemplar CORE in
aerospace and commercials applications. Contact: Paolo Tabacco.
Papillon Research Corporation
52 Domino Drive, Concord MA 01742 USA. Phone: 508-371-9115; fax: 508-371-9175; email:; internet: Full product design
including ASIC, FPGA, synthesis and modeling, analog, EMI and mechanical engineering.
Contact: Dave Matthews.
Proxy Modeling
1580 Washington Blvd., Fremont CA 94539 USA. Phone: 510-440-VHDL. Provides modeling
and consulting. Contact Keith G. Irwin or Pam G. Rissmann.
Saros Technology Limited
St. Michaels House, 94 High Street, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 OBW, United Kingdom.
Phone: 011-44-1491-837787, fax: 011-44-1491-837477, email:, internet: Providers of ModelSim support in the UK. Developers of the VHDL
editor, Turbo Writer. Contact: Carey Sayer
Corporations & Consultants
140 - Resources Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Seva Technologies Inc.
200 Brown Road, Suite 103, Fremont, CA 94539 USA.
Phone: 510-249-9085, fax: 510-249-9082, email:
VHDL training, consulting services. Contact: Larry Saunders.
System Simulation Solutions
1100 NW Compton Drive, Beaverton, OR 97006, USA.
Phone: 503-690-1200. VHDL modeling services. Contact: James B. Morris.
Topdown Design Solutions
71 Spit Brook Road, Suite 301, Nashua, NH 03060, USA.
Phone: 603-888-8811, fax: 603-888-7694, email: VHDL training
courses and consulting services are also available. Contact: Art Pisani.
TM Associates Training Specialists
14420 S. Kelmsley Drive Oregon City, OR 97045, Phone: 503-656-4457, fax: 503-656-4775,
email: HDL training specialists. Contact: Tom Wille
TransGate Technologies
19310 Oak Street, Aloha OR 97007-4422 USA. Phone: 503-591-1232, email: Model development with emphasis on communications and application-
specific memories, ASIC/PLD design. Contact: Phillip Tomson.
VAutomation Inc.
20 Trafalgar Square, Suite 443, Nashua, NH 03063 USA. Phone: 603-882-2282; fax: 603-882-
1587; email:; internet: Sythesizable
HDL models. Contact: Eric Ryherd.
VHDL Technology Group
100 Broadhead Road, Suite 140, Bethlehem, PA 18017 USA.
Phone: 610-882-3130, fax: 610-882-3133, email: VHDL training and
consulting services. Contact: William D. Billowitch.
Widman Associates
70 Crestmont Drive, Oakland, CA 94619 USA. Phone: 510-482-3564,
fax 510-482-5339. Contact: Bob Widman.
Online resources
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Resources - 141
Willamettte HDL, Inc.
14314 SW Allen Blvd. Suite 625, Beaverton, OR 97005 USA. Phone: 503-590-8499,
fax 503-645-9728, email:, internet: Top-down design
methodologies for system, board, and ASIC design.
Online resources
newsnet news groups:
home pages:
web references:
Tcl/Tk man pages:
SunScript (Tcl information):
Open Verilog International:
142 - Resources Getting Started with ModelSim PE
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Index - 143
Adding signals or nets to windows 51
Application window 22
Authorization codes 19
entering your permanent code 20
Model Technology direct sales 19
Model Technology OEM sale 19
protect your investment 17
time-based code 17
updates 20
editing 54
examining values at 54
setting 52, 89
viewing 52
Change directory 79
Comment characters in VSIM commands 14
confirming compiled design units 97
Verilog designs 108
VHDL design unit ordering 95
VHDL designs 82
Continue (CONT) tool bar button 89
text and command syntax 14
cursors, see Wave window
Customizing ModelSim windows 72
Dataflow window 35
adding a process to 36, 46
adding a signal to 36, 48
mouse actions 36
tracing signals and nets 36
Debugging a VHDL design 127
Default simulation run length 99
describe ModelSim command 90
Design library, creating 80
Editing a list 43
Editing signals in the Wave window 65
Model Technologys email address 16
finding in VHDL design 102
viewing in Source window 102
examine ModelSim command 90
viewing source files 53
deposit 50
drive 50
freeze 50
repeat every time interval 50
second value 50
Force values 49
Formatting a list 41
Graphic interface 2176
HDL items
144 - Index Getting Started with ModelSim PE
defined 14
Home page
Model Technologys home-page URL 16
Initialization file, see Project file
Keyboard shortcuts 76
Library, creating 80
List window 37
change display radix 115
editing a list 43
formatting a list 41
mouse actions 39
restoring formats 44
save listing 91
saving the format of 43
status bar 38, 39
triggering options 40
Mapping the work library 94
Menu bar
in List window 38
in Wave window 62
ModelSim 24
menu bar 38
ModelSim commands
comments in commands 14
ModelSim menu bar 24
adding to windows 51
PostScript file
from waveform display 71
Process window 45
mouse actions 46
status bar 46
displaying values and pathnames of 59
Project file
creating new file 81
Quitting the simulator 91
specifying 41
Restoring a List window configuration 44
menu bar commands 87
Saving a List window configuration 43
Saving a listing 43
Saving ModelSim window settings 78
Saving the Wave window configuration 72
keyboard 76
adding to windows 51
forcing values 49
in the List and Wave windows 99
selecting which types to view 48
triggering listings for 42, 43
Signals window 47
mouse actions 48
status bar 47
saving results as a list 37
Getting Started with ModelSim PE Index - 145
changing default run length 99
error correction 102
mixed VHDL/Verilog 120
restart 101
Verilog 109
Source file
selecting 53
Source window 52
customizing 54
status bar 53
Status bar 87
Stimulus, apply to a design 86
Structure window 53, 56
mouse actions 58
status bar 58
System requirements 18
Tracing HDL items with the Dataflow window 36
Transcript window 32
keyboard actions 33
menu bar 24
status bar 32
Tutorial setup 78
Updating the List window 44
changing values during simulation 103
Variables window
mouse actions 60
status bar 60
viewing design in the Structure and Source windows
Verilog simulation 105
VHDL simulation 79
View Active Processes 45
View Processes In Region 45
Wave window 61
adding HDL items 65
analog formatting 68
cursors 70
cursors on workstation 125
formatting 65
literal formatting 68
logic formatting 69
menu bar 62
mouse actions 63
PostScript output 71
saving configuration 72
status bar 63
zooming 69
changing positions and sizes 85
colors 73
customizing 72
fonts 73
saving 72
saving configurations 74
Work library mapping 94
Writing a PostScript file 71
Zooming in the Wave window 69
146 - Index Getting Started with ModelSim PE