Material Evaluation Form - Drawing From AAAS "Curriculum Materials Analysis Procedure"

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Material evaluation form

Drawing from AAAS Curriculum Materials Analysis Procedure

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Category %& Providing a Sense of Pur'ose for Students
A Does the material convey an overall sense of purpose
and direction that is motivating to students and aimed
at the learning goals?
B Does the material convey to the students a purpose
for each lesson or activity (aimed at the learning
goals) and relate it to other lessons or activities?
C Does the material involve students in a sequence of
activities that takes the students perspectives into
account and systematically builds toard
understanding of the learning goals?
Category %%& (uilding on Student %deas
A Does the material specify and address the prerequisite
knoledge and!or skills that are necessary for
understanding the learning goals?
B Does the teachers guide alert teachers to commonly
held student ideas (both troublesome and helpful) that
are relevant to the learning goals and described in the
learning research literature?
C Does the material include questions and!or tasks to
help teachers identify hat their students think about
familiar situations and!or phenomena related to the
learning goals before these goals are introduced?
D Does the material assist teachers in e"plicitly
addressing students ideas relevant to the learning
Category %%%& )ngaging Students wit# *eal +orld ),am'les-P#enomena
A Does the material provide multiple and varied real
orld e"amples!phenomena to support the learning
B Does the material provide an appropriate balance of
firsthand and vicarious e"periences ith real orld
e"amples! phenomena that are e"plicitly linked to the
learning goals?
Category %.& Develo'ing and /sing Mat#ematical or Scientific %deas
A Does the material suggest ays to use evidence to
help students develop a sense of the validity of the
learning goals?
B Does the material introduce terms and procedures in
the conte"t of e"periences ith real orld
e"amples!phenomena and use them to communicate
effectively about the learning goals?
C Does the material include accurate and
comprehensible representations of the learning goals?
D Does the material e"plicitly make appropriate
connections among individual instances of a single
learning goal and beteen specific learning goals?
# Does the material demonstrate skills and the use of
knoledge related to the learning goals?
$ Does the material provide questions and!or tasks in a
variety of situations for students to practice using
knoledge or skills related to the learning goals?
Category .& Promoting Student 0#in1ing a2out ),'eriences and 3nowledge
A Does the material routinely include suggestions for
having each student e"press% clarify% &ustify% interpret%
and represent his!her ideas about the learning goals
and for having students get feedback?
B Does the material include questions and!or tasks that
guide student interpretation and reasoning about
e"periences ith real orld e"amples!phenomena%
representations% and!or readings related to the
learning goals?
C Does the material suggest ays to have students
check and reflect on their on progress folloing
instruction related to the learning goals?
Category .%& Assessing Student Progress
A Assuming a content match beteen the curriculum
material and the learning goals% are questions and!or
tasks included that assess student achievement of the
learning goals?
B Does the material include assessment questions
and!or tasks that require students to sho% use% apply%
e"plain% or otherise demonstrate their understanding
of the knoledge and!or skills specified in the
learning goals?
C Are the questions and!or tasks likely to be effective in
assessing the knoledge and!or skills specified in the
learning goals?
D 's guidance consistently provided to teachers for
using assessment results to choose among or modify
activities to address the learning goals?
Category .%%& )n#ancing t#e Learning )nvironment for Students
A Does the material help teachers improve their
understanding of the science% mathematics% and
technology concepts needed for teaching the
B Does the material help to create a classroom
environment that elcomes student curiosity% reards
creativity% encourages a spirit of healthy questioning%
and avoids dogmatism?
C Does the material help to create a classroom
community that encourages high e"pectations for all
students% enables all students to e"perience success%
and provides all different kinds of students ith a
feeling of belonging in the classroom?

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