This document provides an overview of MIPS instructions. It discusses the motivation for learning about a processor's instruction set. It outlines the basic arithmetic, logic, and control flow instructions. It describes how the MIPS processor uses registers to store and manipulate data, and how memory is accessed using load and store instructions. Method calls are supported through jump and link instructions, and a stack can be used to save return addresses and pass parameters.
This document provides an overview of MIPS instructions. It discusses the motivation for learning about a processor's instruction set. It outlines the basic arithmetic, logic, and control flow instructions. It describes how the MIPS processor uses registers to store and manipulate data, and how memory is accessed using load and store instructions. Method calls are supported through jump and link instructions, and a stack can be used to save return addresses and pass parameters.
This document provides an overview of MIPS instructions. It discusses the motivation for learning about a processor's instruction set. It outlines the basic arithmetic, logic, and control flow instructions. It describes how the MIPS processor uses registers to store and manipulate data, and how memory is accessed using load and store instructions. Method calls are supported through jump and link instructions, and a stack can be used to save return addresses and pass parameters.
This document provides an overview of MIPS instructions. It discusses the motivation for learning about a processor's instruction set. It outlines the basic arithmetic, logic, and control flow instructions. It describes how the MIPS processor uses registers to store and manipulate data, and how memory is accessed using load and store instructions. Method calls are supported through jump and link instructions, and a stack can be used to save return addresses and pass parameters.
! Motivation Learn how a processors native language looks like Discover the most important software-hardware interface Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 2 Outline ! Instruction set ! Basic arithmetic & logic instructions ! Processor registers ! Getting data from the memory ! Control-flow instructions ! Method calls Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 3 Processor instructions ! Instruction set (IS): collection of all machine instructions recognized by a particular processor ! The instruction set abstracts away the hardware details from the programmer The same way as an object hides its implementation details from its users ! Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): a generic processor implementation that recognizes a particular IS Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 4 RISC CISC machines ! There are many ways of defining the hardware-software interface defined by the instruction set Depends on how much work the hardware is allowed to do ! RISC=Reduced Instruction Set Computer CISC=Complex Instruction Set Computer ! High-level language (HLL): a=b+10 Assembly language: RISC: CISC: lw r4,0(r2) # r4=memory[r2+0] add r5,r4,10 # r5=r4+10 sw r5,0(r3) # memory[r3+0]=r5 ADDW3 (R5),(R2),10 Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 5 Assembly language ! Instructions are represented internally as binary numbers Very hard to make out which instruction is which ! Assembly language: symbolic representation of machine instructions ! We use the MIPS IS, typical of a RISC processor Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 6 Arithmetic & logical operations ! Data processing instructions look like: operation destination var, 1 st operand, 2 nd operand add a,b,c a = b+c sub a,b,c a = bc ! Bit-wise logical instructions: and, or, xor ! Shift instructions: sll a,b,shamt a = b << shamt srl a,b,shamt a = b >> shamt, logical shift Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 7 Registers ! IS places restrictions on instruction operands ! RISC processors operate on registers only ! Registers are internal storage locations holding program variables ! Size of register equals the machines word ! There is a relatively small number of registers present; MIPS has 32 Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 8 MIPS general-purpose registers ! Generally, any register available for any use ! Conventions exist for enabling code portability ! Java variables held in registers $s0 $s7 ! Temporary variables: $t0 $t9 ! Register 0 ($zero) is hardwired to 0 ! Other registers with special roles ! Program Counter (PC) holds address of next instruction to be executed Not one of the general purpose registers Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 9 Immediate operands ! MIPS has instructions with one constant (immediate) operand, e.g. addi r1,r2,n # r1=r2+n addi $s0,$zero,n # $s0=n ($s0 15-0 =n; $s0 31-16 =0) lui $s1,n1 # $s1 15-0 =0; $s1 31-16 =n1 ori $s1,$s1,n2 # $s1 15-0 =n2; $s1 31-16 =n1 ! Load a (small) constant into a register: ! Assembler pseudo-instruction li reg,constant Translated into 1 instruction for immediates < 16bits and to more instructions for more complicated cases e.g. for a 32-bit immediate Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 10 Getting at the data ! Java: ! MIPS: ($s2 points to base of myObj) Class MyClass { int var1,var2; }
myObj = new MyClass( )
temp = myObj.var2 lw $t1,4($s2) # $t1=memory[4+$s2] offset of var2 within myObj $s2 4 8 2 30
no sign extension Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 12 Memory addressing ! Memory is byte addressable, but it is organised so that a word can be accessed directly ! Where can a word be stored? Anywhere (unaligned), or at an mult. 4 address (aligned)? ! Which is the address of a word? byte0 byte1 byte2 byte3 0 1 2 3 bit 0 bit 31 Big Endian word 4 4 5 6 7 byte3 byte2 byte1 byte0 3 2 1 0 bit 0 bit 31 Little Endian word 4 7 6 5 4 Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 13 Instruction formats ! Instruction representation composed of bit-fields ! Similar instructions have the same format ! MIPS instruction formats: R-format (add, sub, ) op 31 26 21 16 0 rs rt immediate op 31 26 21 16 11 6 0 rs rt rd shamt Main opcode 1st operand 2nd operand result shift sub-function opcode func result I-format (addi, lw, sw, ) 1st operand Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 14 MIPS instructions part 2 ! Last time: Data processing instructions: add, sub, and, ! Registers only and immediate types Data transfer instructions: lw, sw, lb, sb Instruction encoding ! Today: Control transfer instructions Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 15 Control transfers: If structures Java: MIPS: branch if equal: compare value in $s1 with value in $s2 and if equal then branch to instruction marked label if (i!=j) stmnt1 else stmnt2 stmnt3 beq $s1,$s2,label1 stmnt1 j label2 # skip stmnt2 label1: stmnt2 label2: stmnt3 if case else case follow through beq $s1,$s2,label Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 16 Control transfer instructions ! Conditional branches, I-format: In assembly code label is usually a string In machine code label is obtained from immediate value as: branch target = PC + 4 * offset ! Similarly: ! Unconditional jump, J-format: j label beq r1,r2,label bne r1,r2,label # if r1!=r2 go to label 4 31 26 21 16 0 r1 r2 offset 2 31 26 0 target Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 17 Loops in assembly language ! Java: ! MIPS: ! Java: ! MIPS: while (count!=0) stmnt loop: beq $s1,$zero,end # $s1 holds count stmnt j loop # branch back to loop end: while (flag1 && flag2) stmnt loop: beq $s1,$zero,end # $s1 holds flag1 beq $s2,$zero,end # $s2 holds flag2 stmnt j loop # branch back to loop end: Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 18 Comparisons ! Set if less than (R-format): set r1 to 1 if r2<r3, otherwise set r1 to 0 ! Java: ! MIPS example: assume that $s1 contains i and $s2 contains j while (i > j) stmnt loop: slt $t0,$s2,$s1 # $t0 = (i > j) beq $t0,$zero,end # true if i <= j stmnt j loop # jump back to loop end: slt r1,r2,r3 Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 19 Method calls ! Method calls are essential even for a small program ! Most processors provide support for method calls ! Java:
call to foo at line L1 call to foo at line L2 void foo() {
return; } where do we return to? Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 20 MIPS support for method calls ! Jumping into the method: jump and link: set $ra to PC+4 and set PC to label Another J-format instruction ! Returning: jump register: set PC to value in register r1 jal label jr r1 Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 21 Using a stack for method calls ! Nested calls ! must save return address to prevent overwriting. Solution: use a stack in memory ! to push a word: ! to pop a word: call A
call B
call C addi $sp,$sp,-4 # move sp down sw $ra,0($sp) # save r1 on top of stack sp (stack pointer) C B A lw $ra,0($sp) # fetch value from stack addi $sp,$sp,4 # move sp up Addr Inf2C (Computer Systems) - 2008-2009 22 Other uses of the stack ! Stack used to save callers registers, so that they can be used by the callee caller save or callee save convention ! Stack can also be used to pass and return parameters MIPS uses $a0 $a4 for the first 4 word-length parameters, and $v0, $v1 for return values return address (caller context) parameters
Chapter 02 Computer Organization and Design, Fifth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design) 5th Edition