Shipping and Logistics Problems at Tuticorin

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Tuticorin is also known as "Pearl City". It is a commercial sea port serves the inland cities of
Southern India. It is also one of the major seaports in India with its history dating back to the
th century !.". Tuticorin is traditionally known for its pearl# fishing and shipbuilding
industries. Thoothukudi became the centre of the Indian Independence $ovement in the early
%&th century# with many patriotic leaders and freedom fighters.
View of the Dutch ort Tuticorin! in "#$%
Port of Tuticorin during the $adras Presidency. The major harbour of Tuticorin is well
known as a pearl diving and fishing centre. Tuticorin# one of the oldest seaports in the world#
was the seaport of the Pandyan kingdom after 'orkai near Palayakayal. It was later taken
over by the Portuguese in ()*+# captured by the "utch in ()+# and ceded to the ,ritish in
(+%). The lighthouse built in (+*% marked the beginning of the history of harbour
development in the city. Tuticorin was established as a $unicipality in (+ with -oche
.ictoria as its first chairman. It attained the status of Corporation on !ugust )# %&&+ after (*%
Tuticorin has been a centre for maritime trade and pearl fishery for more than a century. Its
natural harbour with a rich hinterland# facilitated development of the port. Tuticorin was
declared as a minor anchorage port in (++. In (/&# ..0. Chidambaram Pillai launched the
first swadeshi ship S.S. 1aelia in ,ritish India from Tuticorin Port. !fter Independence# the
minor Port of Tuticorin witnessed a flourishing trade and handled a variety of cargo.
To cope with the increasing trade through Tuticorin# the 1overnment of India sanctioned the
construction of an all2weather Port at Tuticorin. 0n (( 3uly (/4*# the newly2constructed
Thoothukudi port was declared to be the tenth major port in India Second only to 35 Port
6$umbai7 in si8e. Thoothukudi is an artificial port9:;. This is the third international port in
Tamil 5adu and its second all2weather port.9*; The port is also helping increase the tourism
in the region. ! new ferry has been commenced between Tuticorin and Colombo.
Tuticorin is also known to produce some of the best sailors and marine officers of the world.
Sailors from Tuticorin are highly regarded by all crewing companies.9citation needed;
Tuticorin is one of the very few ports of India where $echanised Sailing .essels are
operated. These vessels are operated at the 0ld Port which is termed by the port authorities as
<one ,. 5=' logistics India >td is one of the leading logistics company in Tuticorin.
Tuticorin Port is an natural deep2sea harbour formed with rubble mound type parallel
breakwaters projecting into the sea for about * kilometres.
The harbour basin e?tends to about *&& hectares of protected water area and is served by an
approach channel of %*&& metres length and (+: metres width.
Tuticorin Port boasts of / Cargo ,erths# ( Shallow @ater ,erth# ( Passenger 3etty# ( 0il 3etty
and % Coal 3etties in Tuticorin Port.
@orks are being carried out to increase the depth of the canal and basin to handle vessels of
up to (%.+m draft.
The present capacity of the Tuticorin Port is %&.)) million tonnes.
Shiin& in Tuticorin
Shipping companies in Tuticorin offers specifications of containers# linking with air freight
consultancy# consolidation of cargo# custom brokerage# door to door domestic multimodal
transport# order handling# product handling sea cargo# warehouse services# online booking.
Consolidation of Cargo includes aggregation and consolidation of cargo at its CAS facilities
at various locations in India# offering cargo consolidation services for various supermarket
chains from Burope# CS! and other countries. Customs ,rokerage 6C.D.!7 services includes
linking various customs stations in India and abroad as a licensed customs broker.
Cnder the e?pert guidance of a team of e?perienced professionals the shipping companies
offer advice to customers on customs tariff# import and e?port regulation and other related
"oor to "oor Cargo services includes logistic management meeting customers reFuirements
with e?pertise and e?perienced services to both local and International customers.
0rder handling E processing includes computeri8ed inventory control according to AIA0
procedure and computeri8ed "aily confirmation of arrived E shipped orders.
Inventory reporting includes collection# credit management# handling of all customs
formalities. Product handling includes receipt and storage of all inbound materials# either
component parts# partial assemblies or finished products# final assembly# handling# packing
and similar services needed to prepare your products for customer distribution of products to
customers anywhere in India or other markets beyond# in the most efficient and economical
way. The shipping companies also offers worldwide forwarding# either by sea or air. 5.0CC
network all over the world# with reliable agents
In Sea Transport larges brokerage companies offer sea cargo booking because of large
volumes Shipping companies are able to provide most competitive frieght rates to world wide
destinations with globally reputed liners. @hether it is normal bo?es or special flatracks# open
tops# *)G eFuipments# they provide it all at most competitive frieghts.
In warehousing# e?pertise in Fuality inspection of the cargo is offered. $odern facility fully
protected with electronic alarm system and fire2fighting eFuipment are also provided by
shipping companies here. .ery few minutes of travelling from Tuticorin Port Trust is needed
to major container terminals. Plain floor space or modern racks to accommodate cargo in the
best possible way is also offered.
De'e(o)ent of Lo&i*tic* +t Tuticorin
Arom glass to granite# they move everything# smartly and Fuickly# over long distances# in and
out of the shipGs hold. They do everything a ship may need at its port of call. 1iving logistical
support is a tricky# mostly invisible operation few dare to take on.
! small Tuticorin company# the PSTS 1roup# is now an emerging leader in docks and
warehouses across the east coast because a young man# P.S.T.S. Thiraviaratnam# foresaw the
need for professional management of shipping logistics as long ago as in (/*&s. he family
traded mainly in sugar in 'arachi# Indonesia and $umbai. @hen the patriarch died in (/:(#
Thiraviaratnam was just a young boy. Dowever# by (/:/# Thiraviaratnam began managing
the familyGs business and started a service company named after the familyGs forefathers# the
PSTS 1roup# with just a few thousand rupees capital. Dis first clients were three shipping
companies $ohammedi Steamship Co >td# !peejay >ines and 1ill !min H Co. >td# lentil
merchants# sugar traders whose %#&&& tonners stopped at mid2sea and their goods were
transferred to (#&&&2tonne boats and brought to the Fuayside.
Today# the -s.+)&2million PSTS 1roup provides support to three large ports# Tuticorin#
Chennai and .ishakhapatnam# still guided by Thiraviaratnam. @ith his own efforts alongwith
government support he could emerge as a leading shipping company.
The development of Tuticorin port and the on2going Sethu channel project are worthy
accomplishment securing an outer harbour for Tuticorin that will accommodate large vessels.
The objective is to provide husbandry services that advises on berth availability# cargo
readiness# navigational restrictions# track and provide updates on cargo movement and inputs
on economic and political climate of the region to ensure a Fuick turn around time for a ship.
PSTSG stevedoring services take care of licensing# e?pertise in loading and unloading cargo#
bulk# break bulk or container and it also helps with custom clearance. PSTS provided
solutions in %&& to the movement of IndiaGs first Aloat 1lass 6:#&&& $T7 shipment from the
St 1obainGs glass factory in Sriperumbudur to Chennai port in the heart of the city# destined
for Turkey.
The same company handled the largest shipment of granite 6:*#)//$T7 from any single port
in %&&%# setting a record and also loaded +#:+ $T of granite on a single day in %&&.
It moves heavy eFuipment like turbines as well as tea. In (/+&s2/&s# the company employed
several hundred local women to pack tea in % gm to %)& gm packages destined for the Soviet
Cnion. PSTS is also the sole agent for importing potash.
Infrastructure like holding areas# railway sidings# huge load forks and skilled manpower are a
must. It also needs innovation like boat2bags and using grabs for mid2sea operations that
PSTS introduced. PSTS has a tie2up with Central @arehousing Corp. because of the ongoing
world wide trade at Tuticorin.
To study about the facilities available at Tuticorin for berthing and loading.
To study about the infrastructural facilities for area of storage# protection available for
storage and the duration of storage.
To study about the labour problems involved in logistics at Tuticorin Port.
To study about the demurrage# wastage and packing of goods at the Port.
To enhance the e?isting facilities including modern technological innovations.
To provide suggestions for improvement of the logistics abilities.
To suggest to the government about the woes of e?porters# traders etc.
>ogistics is the study of procurement# storage# transportation and maintenance of goods of a
concern. ,y improving the logistics goods will be moved very fast and the maintenance will
be made prompt and the delivery of goods will be in the reFuired time. The storage of the
goods also will be at the optimum cost. .The scope of this study is stipulated to Tuticorin
shipping companies. The study is mainly concerned for the improvement of the logistics
facilities at the port trust.
It is necessary to e?plain the methodological steps involved in the present project work which
identifies and analy8es the shipping and logistics industry.
The present study is descriptive in nature. The study includes facts finding enFuiries on the
shipping and logistics industry at Tuticorin. The major purpose of descriptive research is the
description of state of affairs as it e?ists at present. Dere# the researcher has no control over
the variables and he can only report what has happened or what is happening. The study aims
at collecting the opinion of the respondents about the present scenario and understanding
about logistics and shipping.
The primary data for the study has been collected through a structured Fuestionnaire
administered on the respondents effectively. The researcher has also collected more
information about the topic from numerous journals# maga8ines# published project reports
and internet.
! Fuestionnaire is a list of Fuestion to be answered in a study. ! structured Fuestionnaire is
used in this study to collect opinion from the respondents regarding shipping and logistics
Types of Fuestions used areJ
(. 0pen ended Fuestions.
%. Closed ended Fuestions.
!fter the collection of data# it is necessary that these data are analy8ed. In the present study#
the researcher has used percentage analysis and chi sFuare analysis to analy8e the data
The sample si8e taken was (&&.
The sampling procedure adopted was simple random sampling.
(. $ention the name of your shipping company
%. Dow many cargos do you handle per dayK
:. Dow long have you been operating in this fieldK
*. "o you handle overseas companiesK
). If you are dealing in overseas companies# which countries are you dealing withK
. "o you have insurance facilitiesK
4. Dow many workers are working in your concernK
+. 5o. of skilled workers working
/. 5o. of unskilled workers
(&. 5o. of office staff
((. @hat are the problems faced by you with shipping and logistics
a. Areight handling b. B?cise "uty c. Insurance d. Timely delivery
(%. In case the goods are not delivered what problems do you faceK
(:. !re you availing loan from bankK
(*. $ention your satisfaction level towards cargo handling
Dighly satisfied Satisfied 5eutral "issatisfied Dighly dissatisfied
(). $ention your satisfaction level towards labour problems
Dighly satisfied Satisfied 5eutral "issatisfied Dighly dissatisfied
(. $ention your satisfaction level towards insurance
Dighly satisfied Satisfied 5eutral "issatisfied Dighly dissatisfied
(4. $ention your satisfaction level towards freight charges
Dighly satisfied Satisfied 5eutral "issatisfied Dighly dissatisfied
(+. $ention your satisfaction level towards demurrage
Dighly satisfied Satisfied 5eutral "issatisfied Dighly dissatisfied
(/. $ention your satisfaction level towards delivery problems
Dighly satisfied Satisfied 5eutral "issatisfied Dighly dissatisfied
%&. $ention your satisfaction level towards transport problems
Dighly satisfied Satisfied 5eutral "issatisfied Dighly dissatisfied
%(. $ention your satisfaction level towards 1ovt. procedures
Dighly satisfied Satisfied 5eutral "issatisfied Dighly dissatisfied
%%. $ention your satisfaction level towards 1ovt. officials
Dighly satisfied Satisfied 5eutral "issatisfied Dighly dissatisfied
%:. $ention your satisfaction level towards the bank operations
Dighly satisfied Satisfied 5eutral "issatisfied Dighly dissatisfied
%*. If the goods are not delivered properly what problems do you faceK
%). .olume of goods handled per day
%. 5o. of packages dealt per day
%4. @hat problems do you faced with brokersK
%+. !re you taking finance from outsideK
%/. If so# do you face problems with interest charged by financiersK
:&. If so upto what e?tentK
:(. !ny other suggestions to improve the freight handling and logistics

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