Turkish Civil Code

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Taksim, Sraselviler Caddesi No. 66
AYLA HAN Kat 3, Daire 7
stanbul Trkiye
Translations of Turkish Legislation
Traductions de la Lgislation Turque
T.C. Mevzuat Tercmeleri

(Official Gazette No. 24607, dated 08.12.20019

Civil Code

Law N. 4721, dated 7/12/2002 Date Of Acceptance : 22.11.2001

Text uptated Law No. 4963, dated 6/8/2003 published in official Gazette No.
25192 dated 7/8/2003



A. General
1. Capacity of using rights
ARTICLE 8- Every person is entitled to a vested right.
Accordingly, all the persons are equal in using rights and fulfilling obligations within the legal

II. Capacity to act
1. Scope
ARTICLE 9-The person having capacity to act may possess any right by his/her own will
and may undertake any obligation thereof.

2. Conditions
a. In general terms
ARTICLE 10- Every mature person possessing distinguishing power and not in the state of
disability is deemed to possess full legal capacity.

b. Lawful age
ARTICLE 11- According to the Law, the age of majority is eighteen (full).
A person becomes sui juris by marriage.

c. Recognition of full age
ARTICLE 12- Infant completing the age of fifteen may become adult by his/her own will or
under parents consent subject to court decision.
d. Distinguishing power

ARTICLE 13- According to this Law, every person who is not minor, or mentally defective
or suffering from mental illness, or intoxicated, or beyond self-control by similar reasons, is
deemed to possess distinguishing power.

III. Physical incapacitiness
1. In general
ARTICLE 14- Infants and persons who are in a state of disability or lack of distinguishing
power are regarded non sui juris.

2. Lack of distinguishing power
ARTICLE 15- Provided that the cases specifically indicated in the Law are being reserved,
any act by a person lack of distinguishing power may not lead to legal consequences.

3. Infants and disabled persons with distinguishing power
ARTICLE 16- Infants and disabled persons with distinguishing power may not undertake
any obligation by their own will unless they receive the consent of their legal representatives.
Such consent is not necessary for uncovered earnings and use of rights strictly bound to that

Infants and disabled persons with distinguishing power are deemed responsible from a tort
arising out of a wrongful act.

IV. Kinship
1. Kinship by blood
ARTICLE 17- Degree of kinship by blood becomes evident with the number of the births
that establish relationship between the members of the family.
Those descended from one another constitute antecedent-descendent relationship, whereas
those descending from a common root constitute collateral line.

2. Affinity relationship
Where a spouse establishes relation with the blood relatives of the other spouse, this is
deemed affinity relationship as they are descending from the same species and have the same
degree of relationship.

Affinity relationship may not be abandoned by dissolution of marriage.

V. Settlement place
1. Definition
ARTICLE 19- Settlement place is the place where a person intends to live permanently.
A person may not have more than one settlement place at the same time.
This principle may not applicable for the commercial and industrial corporations.

2. Change of settlement place and residence
ARTICLE 20- Change of settlement place may only be realised unless a new one is
Where a person has an unknown settlement place or not yet provided a settlement place in
Turkey even though he/she leaves the previous settlement place in abroad, then the current
residence of that person is regarded as his/her settlement place.

3. Legal settlement place
ARTICLE 21-The settlement place of a child under guardianship is the place where his/her
mother and father lives; in cases there is no common settlement place for the mother and
father, then the settlement place of the child is accepted as the place where he/she is kept
under legal custody by a mother or father. Otherwise, the residence of the child is regarded as
his/her settlement place.

The settlement place of the persons under guardianship is the place of probation authority
which they are being registered.

4. Attendance in institutions
ARTICLE 22- Where a person stays in a place for education purposes or moves to a health
institution to receive medical treatment or care or any other place under a punishment, is not
required to indicate a new settlement place.

B. Protection of personality
I. Against waiver and extreme restrictions
ARTICLE 23- No person may waive his/her rights and capacity to act freely even if it is in
the least degree.
Neither a person may waive his/her freedom nor any one may impose restrictions on a person
contrary to the laws and ethics.

The, extraction, vaccination and transfer of biological substances of human origin is subject to
the written consent of the concerned body. However, no claim may be raised against a person
who undertakes to give biological substance persuading him to fulfil his/her obligations; also,
no claim may be raised for compensation of physical and moral damages.

II Against assault
1. Basic principle
ARTICLE 24-The person subject to assault on his/her personal rights may claim protection
from the judge against the individuals who made the assault.

Each assault against personal rights is considered contrary to the laws unless the assent of the
person whose personal right is damaged is based on any one of the reasons related to private
or public interest and use of authorisation conferred upon by the laws.

2. Lawsuits
ARTICLE 25-The claimant may demand from the judge to take an action for prevention of
assault, elimination of such threat and determination of unlawful consequences of the assault
even though it is discontinued.

In addition to such action, the claimant may also request publication or notification of the
recovery or the judgment to the third parties.

Right of the claimant to demand compensation for physical and moral damages and to request
the transfer of gains incurred from unlawful assault in his favour under the provisions
stipulating performance of business without requirement of proxy, is hereby reserved.

Claim for compensation of moral damages may not be transferred unless it is accepted by the
counterparty; also, it may not be transferred to the heirs by way inheritance unless it is
expressly declared by the testator.

The claimant may file an action in the probate court at his/her locality or at the settlement
place of the defendant for the protection of his/her rights.

III. Rights pertaining possession of a name
1. Designation of a name
ARTICLE 26-The person who is subject to confusion in use of name may litigate in the
competent court for establishment of his/her respective rights.

A person subject to unjust use of his/her name may claim discontinuation of such act; where
the person is in default due to use of the name unjustifiably, then he/she may demand
recovery his/her tangible losses as well as indemnification of moral damages which ever the
case may require.

2. Change of name
ARTICLE 27-Change of name may only be claimed from the judge.
Any change made in the name is registered in the birth record and announced officially.
Change of name does not result with change in the status of a person.

The person suffering damage due to change of name may litigate within one year as of the
date of notification of this fact claiming abrogation of the judgement given for change of

C. Beginning and ending of personality
I. Birth and death
ARTICLE 28- Personality begins at the very moment the child is full born and ends by death.
The child possesses the right of capacity at the very moment he/she enters mothers womb (as
foetus) provided that he/she is born alive.

II. Proof of being alive and death
1.Burden of proof
ARTICLE 29-A person should prove that he/she is alive for use of any right. Where a person
states that he/she is alive at any time or during the death of any other person, then he/she must
present a proof for such statement.

If the case involves more than one person and where it is not possible to prove which one of
the persons has died before or after, then all of them are regarded being died at the same time.

2. Means of proof
a. In general
ARTICLE 30- Birth and death is proved by registrations in the birth record.
If there happens to be no registration in the birth record, or if it is understood that the records
available in the birth registration office are not correct, then the real fact is proved by all kinds
of evidence.

b. Presumption of death
ARTICLE 31- If a person disappears under the circumstances where there is a definite
indication of a death even if the body is not found, then he/she is regarded as deceased.

III. Decision for absence
1. In general
ARTICLE 32-Where a person disappears under risk of death, or there is a presumption about
death of a person who does not appear for a long time, the court may declare this person
absent upon claim of the persons having vested interest in such death.

The court located at the last settlement place of the person in Turkey; if he/she is never settled
in Turkey, then the court at the place where the birth record is kept; or in case of non-
existence of such registration, the court at the registration place of the mother or father is
accepted as the competent court.
2. Trial procedure
ARTICLE 33-In order to assert judgment for absence, at least one year should pass as of the
presumed death, or expiry of five years period is required as of the date of last indication is
received about the existence of that person.

The court calls for the persons who have relation with the person subject to assertion through
properly made announcement in order to gather information within a certain time.

This period is at least six months as of the date of first announcement.

3. Dismissal of claim
ARTICLE 34- The claim for absence is dismissed if a person subject to judgment for absence
appears before the expiry of announcement period, or one hears from him during the said
period, or information is received about the date of his death.

4. Judgement
ARTICLE 35- The court may adjudicate for absence if no response is given to the
announcement and the rights thereof are used considering that the death of the absentee is

The judgment of absence becomes valid as of the date on which the loss of a person under
risk of death is proved to be true, or from the date of last indication is received about his


A. Status of a legal entity
ARTICLE 47-Group of persons organized to create a single body and independent property
groups constructed for special object, are defined as legal entity as per the provisions
contrasting its qualities, relations etc.

The groups comprising persons and properties of which the object is contrary to the laws and
ethics may not be entitled to possess the status of legal entity.

B. Capacity of using rights
ARTICLE 48-The legal entities are entitled to use all the rights vested upon and the capacity
to undertake all kinds of obligations other than the characteristics related to real persons such
as sex, age, kinship etc.

C. Capacity to act
1. Conditions
2. ARTICLE 49- Legal entities are regarded to have the capacity to act whenever they get
organized under the prevailing laws and as set out in incorporation documents.

II. Use of will
ARTICLE 50-The will of a legal entity is expressed through its organs.
The organs may put the legal entity under obligation by legal transactions and all other acts.
The organs of legal entity are also individually responsible from their defaults.

D. Domicile
ARTICLE 51-Unless otherwise is stated in the incorporation certificate, the domicile of the
legal entity is the place where the business is perfomed.
E. Dissolution of legal entity
I. Limited activity
ARTICLE 52- In case of dissolution of a legal entity, the capacity of the legal entity to act
continues during the course of liquidation, but in the limited manner, until the liquidation
process is finalised.

II. Liquidation of assets
ARTICLE 53 Unless otherwise is stated in the law and incorporation certificate, the
liquidation of the assets of a legal entity is executed according to the provisions relating to
official liquidation of assets.

III. Assignment of assets
ARTICLE 54 - Unless otherwise is provided by the law or incorporation certificate, or
contrary statement is made by the authorised bodies, the assets of legal entity are transferred
to the public association or corporation engaged in the same kind of activity or having the
same object.

Such assets are used only for the purpose they are assigned in the initial stage of incorporation
to the extent it is deemed appropriate.

The assets of legal entity subject to dissolution under court decision due to non-conformity
with the laws or ethics, in all circumstances are transferred to the relevant public association.

F. Reserved provisions
ARTICLE 55 - The provisions of the law relating to public legal entities and business
companies are hereby reserved.

A. Incorporation
ARTICLE 56- An association is defined as a society formed by unity of at least seven real
persons or legal entities* for realisation of a common object other than sharing of profit by
collecting information and performing studies for such purpose.
*/ Modified by Law No. 4963

No association may be formed for an object contrary to the laws and ethics.

II. Right to form an association
ARTICLE 57-Every person has the right to form an association without obtaining prior

The founders of association should possess the capacity to act.

III. By-laws
ARTICLE 58- Ever association should have by-laws.

It is necessary to indicate the title, object,*, income sources, membership conditions, organs
and organization as well as the list of provisional board of directors in the by-laws of the
*/ Deleted by law No: 5253 domicile, founders

By-laws of the association may not contain provisions contrary to the laws.
The provisions of the relevant law are applicable in the matters that are not expressly stated in
the by-laws.

IV. State of being a legal entity
1. Initial stage
ARTICLE 59-The associations are regarded as legal entity from the very moment they
present declaration of incorporation, by-laws and other documents required for incorporation
to the highest administrative authority at the locality of their domicile.

The content of incorporation declaration and the documents required for registration are set
out in the regulations.

2. Examination
ARTICLE 60-The correctness of the file comprising incorporation declaration, required
documents and by-laws of the association is examined by the highest administrative authority
within sixty days.

In case of determination of contraries to the laws in the incorporation declaration, by-laws and
incorrect information the status of the founders, or negligences in the presented documents;
the founders are requested to recover such negligences or complete the file. If it is failed to
recover the contraries to the law, or recover the negligences within thirty days as of
notification date; the highest administrative authority informs the Public Prosecution Office
about necessity for filing an action in the competent court of first instance for the abolition of
association. The Public Prosecutor may claim from the court to give judgment for the
suspension of activities of the said association.

In case the incorporation declaration, by-laws and information about the status of the founders
are found to be accurate and complete, or the negligences or contraries to the law are
recovered within the specified period; then his fact is notified to the association in writing and
the association is registered in the log reserved for associations.

3. Announcement of by-laws
*/Appealed by Law No: 5253 By-laws of the association are announced in one of the local
newspapers within fifteen days as of the written notification to the association.

4. First general assembly meeting
ARTICLE 62-The associations are liable to convene the first general assembly meeting and
to structure the required organs according to the last paragraph of Article 60 within six
*/Modified by Law No: 5253

B. Membership
I. Granting of membership
1. Rules
ARTICLE 63-Neither person may be forced to become a member of an association nor an
association may be forced to accept members.

2. Conditions
ARTICLE 64-Every real person and legal entities* possessing the capacity to act, has the
right to apply for membership in an association.
*/ Modified by Law No. 4963

*The board of directors passes its decision about the written application made for membership
at most within thirty days and the result is notified to the applicant in writing. The member
whose application is accepted is registered in the book kept for this purpose.
Deleted by Law No: 5253 Unless otherwise is stated in the by-laws

II. Termination of membership
1. Automatically
ARTICLE 65-The membership of a person automatically terminates if he/she later on loses
the qualifications required by the law or by-laws of the association.

2. Discharge from association
ARTICLE 66- No person may be forced to continue its membership in the association. Every
member has the right to leave the association provided that he/she presents a written
notification *.
*/Deleted by Law No: 4963/33 before six months.

3. Discharge reasons
ARTICLE 67-The reasons for discharge from the association may be indicated in the by-

If the reasons for discharge are clearly indicated in the by-laws; no objection may be made to
such decision asserting that these reasons may not be accepted as justifiable.

If the reasons of discharge are not clearly indicated in the by-laws; a member may only be
discharge on justified grounds. An objection may be made to this discharge decision stating
that it is not based on justified grounds.

III. Scope
1. Right of members
a. Equal rights
ARTICLE 68-It is a basic principle to grant equal rights to the members of an association.
The association may neither make discrimination among their members in respect of
language, race, colour, sex, religion, sect, lineage, society and class nor may adopt any
behaviour deteriorating the balance between the members.

Every member has the right to participate in the activities and administration of the

The member who voluntarily leaves the association or discharged on justified grounds may
not have the right to raise a claim for producing advantage from the assets of the association.

b. Voting right
ARTICLE 69- Every member entitled to a voting right in the general assembly; the member
is obliged to use his/her vote personally.

Honourable members may not have voting right.

2. Liabilities of the members
a. Payment of fees
ARTICLE 70- Fees payable by the members are indicated in the by-laws. If there is no such
adaptation in the by-laws, then the members may make contribution to the association on
equal terms for the realisation of its purpose and fulfilment of compulsary obligations. Any
member voluntarily leaves the association or discharged on justified grounds, is liable to pay
the fee corresponding to the period of his/her membership.

The honourable member is not liable to pay membership fee.

b. Other liabilities
ARTICLE 71-The members are liable to act in compliance with the rules established by the
association and to show loyalty to the same.

Every member is liable to perform activities in conformity with the object of the association
and especially should abstain from adopting behaviours that will avoid and hinder the
operation of the association.

C. Organs
I. In general
ARTICLES 72- The statutory organs of the association are the general assembly, board of
directors and auditors board.

The associations may construct others besides the statutory organs. However, these organs
may not be assigned with the functions, authorization and responsibilities conferred to
statutory organs.

II. General Assembly
1. Features and formation
ARTICLE 73-General assembly is the highest authorisation organ of the association; it
comprises members registered in the association.

2. Meetings
a. Ordinary meetings
ARTICLE 74- The general assembly meetings are held at times indicated in the by-laws of
the association upon call of the board of directors.

The ordinary general assembly meetings should be held at least once in every three* years.
*/Modified by law No: 5253 two

b. Extra-ordinary meetings
ARTICLE 75- The general assembly may be called for extra-ordinary meeting by the board
of directors whenever deemed necessary by the board of directors or auditors board, or
written request of one fifth of the members.
Where no call is made by the board of directors for convening the general assembly meeting,
the judge of common court assigns three members to call for general assembly meeting upon
application of one of the members.

c. Decisions passed without convening a meet or without making a call
ARTICLE 76- The resolutions passed with written approval of all the members without
coming together for a meeting and the decisions reached through summon of members
without adopting the statutory procedure that requires written call for convening the meeting,
are regarded valid.

The resolutions passed by this way may not take the place of an ordinary general assembly.

3. Call for meeting
ARTICLE 77-The general assembly is called for a meeting by the board of directors at least
fifteen days before the meeting date. The date, hour, place and agenda of the meeting is
*/Deleted by Law No: 5253 in a local newspaper and at the same time notified to the
members in writing

The procedure for the call and the issues relating to postponement of the meeting are set out in
the regulations.

4. Place and quorum of the meeting
ARTICLE 78-Unless otherwise stated in the by-laws, the general assembly meetings are held
in the head office of the association.

The general assembly convenes with absolute majority of the members having the right to
participate in the meeting; in cases where the meeting is held for amendment of by-laws or
dissolution of association, the quorum is reached with the participation of two third of the
members. Where the meeting is postponed due to failure in providing the quorum, a second
meeting is held without requirement of majority. However, the number of members
participating in this meeting may not be less than the double of absulate number of members
comprising the board of directors and the auditors board.

The general assembly meeting may not be postponed more than once.

5. Convening the meeting
ARTICLE 79-After the opening of the general assembly meeting, one chairman and
sufficient number of vice chairmen and a reporter is nominated for the chairing of the

Only the subjects in the agenda are discussed in the general assembly meeting. However, it is
compulsory to include the other issues that are presented in writing by at least one tenth of the
members in the agenda.

(Repealed by Law No: 5253, The attendance of the commissary of the Ministry in the
general assembly meetings is required. However, absence of the commissary may not
prevent convening of the meeting.)

6. Duties and powers of the general assembly
ARTICLE 80-The general assembly is the authority that passes the final resolution for
acceptance of membership and discharge of members from the association; the association
designates the required organs and performs the duties that are not conferred to any other
organ of the association.

The general assembly supervises the other organs of the association and is entitled to dismiss
them from office at any time on justified grounds.

7. Resolutions of general assembly
a. Qualified Majority
ARTICLE 81- The general assembly passes its resolutions with the absolute majority of the
members attending the meeting. It is provided that, the resolutions relating to the amendment
of by-laws and dissolution of the association may only be passed with the two-thirds majority
of the members attending the meeting.

b. Deprivation of voting right
ARTICLE 82-No member is entitled to use his/her voting rights in any discussion bearing
legal action or dispute between the association and himself, his spouse, antecedents and

Added by Law No.4963/34, The provisions of above subsection are also applicable for the
persons who are to vote on behalf of a legal entity.

c. Cancellation of resolution
ARTICLE 83-Each member who is present in the meeting but does not take part in the
resolutions passed by the general assembly contrary to the laws and by-laws of the
association, may file a petition to the competent court requesting cancellation of the resolution
within one month as of the date of resolution; for those who is not present in the meeting, this
period is accepted as one month upon acknowledgment of such resolution and in all
circumstances, the application period is limited to three months as of the date of resolution.

No suit may be brought in to obtain judgment against the resolutions of other organs unless
the internal auditing mechanism fails to perform its functions.

The cases where the resolutions of general assembly are regarded null and void on legal
grounds are hereby reserved.

III. The Board of Directors
1. Formation
ARTICLE 84-The board of directors comprises members of which the numbers are indicated
in the by-laws of the association. It is always provided that such number of members may not
be less than five principal and five alternative members.

Where the number of members in the board of directors becomes less than one half of the
total number of the directors due to vacancies from time to time; the general assembly is
called for a meeting by the board of directors or auditors board within one month. If no call is
made, then the judge of common court may assign three members to make the call upon
request of any one of the members.

2. Functions
ARTICLE 85- The board of directors is the authorised organ of the association assigned to
administer and represent the association; it performs the duties undertaken in conformity with
the relevant legislation and by-laws of the association.

The representation power may be delegated to one of the members or to a third person by the
board of directors.

IV. Auditors board
ARTICLE 86- The Auditors board
The auditors board comprises members of which the numbers are indicated in the by-laws of
the association. Provided that such number of Auditors board members may not be less than
three principal and three alternative members.

The auditors board performs the auditing duty according to the principles and procedures set
out in the by-laws of the association; the results of the auditing are submitted to the board of
directors and general assembly in a report.

D. Dissolution
I. Dissolution Ipso Facto
ARTICLE 87-Dissolution ipso facto may occur under the following circumstances;

1) If the objects of the association are not realised, or it becomes impossible to reach
the goals and objects of the association, or in the event of expiry of lawful period;
2) If it is failed to convene the general assembly meeting within the lawful period and
one of the legal organs of the association is not constituted;
3) If the association is declared insolvent;
4) If the board of directors is not elected during the period specified in the by-laws;
5) If it is failed to convene the general assembly meeting repeatedly two times;

Any concerned person may request verification of dissolution ipso facto from the judge of the
common court.

II. Dissolution under resolution of the general assembly
ARTICLE 88-The association may be dissolved at any time under the resolution of the
general assembly.

III. Dissolution by Court
ARTICLE 89- If the objects of the association are not compatible with the legislation and
ethics, the court may give judgement for the dissolution of the association upon request of the
Public Prosecutor or any other concerned person. The court takes all the necessary measures
during the proceeding of the case, including suspension of activity.

E. Activities of the association
I. In general
ARTICLE 90-The associations carry out their activities according to the working procedures
and in compliance with the objects set out in the by-laws of the association.

The provisions of private law possessing features of public law relating to restrictions or
activities subject to permission are hereby reserved.
Judgement for suspension of operation may be given by the court upon request of the Public
Prosecutor in case of determination of any activity contrary to the restrictions and limitations
imposed for the operation of the association.

II. International operations
1. Freedom of operation
ARTICLE 91-The associations may operate and cooperate in international arena and open
branches in abroad and become members of foreign associations and organizations to achieve
the objects set out in the by-laws.

*/Deleted by Law No: 4778/34 Where it is deemed fruitful to establish cooperation in
international arena; the associations incorporated in Turkey may become a member of the
associations or corporations in abroad by obtaining the consent of the Ministers Council.

2. Foreign associations
ARTICLE 92- To establish cooperation in international arena; **the foreign associations
may operate, open branches, incorporate high-level organizations with the permission of
Ministry of Interior and consultation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs*.
*/Deleted by Law No: 4778/35 and may participate in the same with the intention of
deriving mutual interest in cultural, economical and technical fields
**/Deleted by Law No: 5253 Where it is deemed fruitful

III-Right of foreigners to incorporate an association
ARTICLE 93-The real persons of foreign origin who possess the right for settlement in
Turkey may incorporate association or become a member of the existing associations*.
*/Deleted By Law No: 5253 provided that it is realised on mutual basis

This requirement is not seek for the honourable membership.

F. Formation of organizations by the associations
I. Opening of branches
1. Formation
ARTICLE 94-The associations may open branches in any place deemed necessary. The
board of founders comprising at least three persons and authorised by the board of directors
for this purpose submit the incorporation declaration and other documents required for
opening of a branch to the highest administrative authority of the location.

(Repealed subsection by Law No. 4963/34: The founders of the branch are required to be
domiciled at the location of the branch for a period of at least six years.)

The content of the declaration for opening of a branch and other required information is set
out in the regulations.

2. Legal organs of the branch and applicable provisions
ARTICLE 95-Each branch must constitute a general assembly, board of directors, auditors
board, or appoint an auditor.

The provisions of this Law are applicable for the duties and authorisations of these organs, as
well as other issues relating to the branch organization.

II. Formation of higher organizations
1. Federations
ARTICLE 96-The federations are formed by combination of at least five associations that
join by establishing membership for the realisation of the same object adopted during

Every federation has an ordinance.

The federation is regarded in the status of a legal entity upon submission of the incorporation
declaration, by-laws and other required documents to the highest administrative authority of
the location.

2. Confederations
ARTICLE 97-The confederations are formed by combination of at least three federations that
join by establishing membership for the realisation of the same object.

Every confederation has an ordinance.

The federation is regarded in the status of a legal entity upon submission of the incorporation
statement, by-laws and other required documents to the highest administrative authority of the

3. Common provisions
ARTICLE 98-The associations are represented in the general assembly of the federations and
the federations in the general assembly of the confederations by at least three members to be
nominated. The representative members are selected by the general assembly of the relevant
associations and federations.

The provisions of this Law are applicable for the issues relating to the federations and

G. Income of the association
ARTICLE 99-The membership fees, profit gained from the activities of the association or
from its assets, contributions and donations constitute the income of the association.

H. Reserved provisions
ARTICLE 100-The special provisions relating to the associations formed to serve for public
interest and to those established under private laws, are hereby reserved.


A. Formation
1. Definition
ARTICLE 101-The foundations are the charity groups in the status of a legal entity formed
by real persons or legal entities dedicating their private property and rights for public use.

The entire property or all kinds of income received or to be received from the activities, or
economic values of any real person or legal entity may be endowed to a foundation.
There is no membership status in the foundations.

Formation of a foundation contrary to the characteristics of the Republic defined by the
Constitution, Constitutional rules, laws, ethics, national integrity and national interest, or with
the aim of supporting a distinctive race or community, is restricted.

II. Formation procedure
ARTICLE 102-The will for forming a foundation is expressed by issuance of an official deed
or title acquired after a deceased person.. The foundation is regarded in the status of a legal
entity when it is being registered in the records kept by the court of that location.

Realisation of transactions relating to formation of a foundation by an official deed through
the intermediary of a proxy may only be possible under presentation of an authorisation
certificate issued by a public notary and declaration of the properties and rights to be
dedicated to the foundation in this certificate.

Application to the court is made by the dedicator if a deed is constituted; if the dedication is
made under a title after a death, then the application is made ex officio upon notification of the
concerned persons, or the judge of common court who opens the testament, or by the General
Directorate of Foundation.

The court, to which the applications are made, is entitled to take ex officio all the necessary
measures for the protection of the property and rights.

III. Appeal and annulment
ARTICLE 103-An appeal may be made against the judgment given by the court by the
applicant or the General Directorate of Foundations within one month as of the date of

The General Directorate of Foundations and the concerned persons may file suit of nullity in
case of existence of any reason that may hinder the formation of a foundation.

IV. Registration and announcement
ARTICLE 104-Where a decision is given for the registration of a foundation, it is registered
in the records kept by the competent court at the location of the foundation; also, it is
registered in the central register of General Directorate of Foundations.

In the event that registration decision is given by another court, the documents required for
registration are transferred to the competent court at the location of the foundation to
complete the registration transaction.

Upon notification of the local court, the foundation having registered in the central register of
the General Directorate of Foundations is announced in the Official Gazette.

The registration and announcement is made according to the provisions of the by-laws.

V. Acquisition of property and rights and responsibilities
ARTICLE 105-The proprietorship of the dedicated property and the rights are transferred to
the foundation after it achieves the status of a legal entity.

The court which adjudicates for the registration of the foundation notifies the land register for
annotation of the dedicated property in the name of the foundation.

The responsibilities of the foundation formed under the title acquired after death in respect of
obligations of the inheritor are limited with the property and rights dedicated.

B. Foundation deed
I. Content
ARTICLE 106-The title, object, property and rights dedicated for this purpose, organization
and type of management, and domicile of the foundation are indicated in the foundation deed.

II. Negligence
ARTICLE 107-Where the object or the property and rights dedicated for this purpose are not
sufficiently indicated in the foundation deed, or in case of existence of other negligence in the
declarations; this fact may not constitute grounds for the rejection of the application made to
achieve the status of a legal entity.

Such negligence may either be recovered under the supervision of the competent court before
adjudication of registration or may be completed after the formation of the foundation by the
local court upon request of the auditing authority, also obtaining the opinion of the foundation
if there is chance to do so.

Unless otherwise is expressed by the dedicator, the property and rights dedicated to the
foundation under the title acquired after death and found to be insufficient to achieve the
object, are endowed to another foundation having similar object by the judge referring to the
opinion of the auditing authority.

C. Right of heirs and creditors to commence an action
ARTICLE 108- The right of heirs and creditors of the dedicator to commence an action are
hereby reserved pursuant to the provisions relating to dedication and acquisition of title after

D. Organization of the foundation
I. In general
ARTICLE 109-It is compulsory to constitute an administrative organ within the body of the
foundation. The dedicator may also indicate other organs in the foundation if he deems

II. Aid fund for employees and workers
ARTICLE 110-The directors of the foundation formed to render aid to the employees and
workers are obliged to provide necessary information about the organization, operation and
financial statute of the foundation to the individuals producing advantage from these supports.

The employees and workers endowing money to the foundation may participate in the
management at least in proportion with their contribution to the fund and select
representatives among themselves.

As the fund of the foundation will be created by the contributions of the employees and
workers, the portion corresponding to such payments will be regarded as receivable of the
foundation against the employer. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the required guarantee
conditions for this receivable.

In order to commence an action for producing advantage from the foundation, one either
should fulfil the obligations relating to the payments, or such right should have been vested
upon the claimant under the provision governing the foundation.

The amendments to be made in the provisions relating to participation of the employees and
workers in the management and to the conditions for receiving of compensations from the
from the fund are presented to the adjudication of the local court upon request of the
authorised organ, subject to the written opinion of auditing body as set out in the foundation

E. Auditing
ARTICLE 111-The foundations are audited by the General Directorate and higher
organizations in order to determine whether the requirements of the foundation deed are
fulfilled or not, the assets of the foundation are being used for the specified purpose and the
income of the foundation is spent reasonably. The auditing of the foundations by higher
organizations is subject to the provisions of the private law.

The auditing procedure, its consequences and participation share of all the foundations in the
auditing expenses payable to the General Directorate of Foundations are determined under by-
laws provided that it may not exceed five percent of the net profit of the foundation.

F. Change of management, object and properties
I. Change of management
ARTICLE 112-Where it is based on justifiable reasons, the court may change the
organization, management and operation of the foundation upon request of the authorised
organ or auditing body of the foundation subject to the written opinion of the other party.

Unless otherwise is provided in the foundation deed, the court, upon request of the auditing
body, may dismiss the directors from office with the reasons listed in the by-laws by
commencing a hearing and may select persons in replacement.

II. Change of object and properties
ARTICLE 113- Where the prevailing circumstances and conditions do not allow the
realisation of the object foreseen by the dedicator, then the court may change the object of the
foundation upon request of the authorised organ or auditing body of the foundation and
referring to the written opinion of the other party.

The same provision is applicable in abrogation or change of conditions and liabilities that
considerably hinder the realisation of the object.

Where there are justifiable reasons for replacement of the property and rights dedicated by
more satisfactory assets, or conversion of the same into cash, the court may give permission
for such changes upon request of the authorised organ or auditing body of the foundation
subject to the written opinion of the other party.

G. Annual report
ARTICLE 114-During the first quarter of each calendar year, a report containing information
about the assets and activities of the foundation for the previous year is submitted to the
auditing board by the administrative organ of the foundation and announcement of the current
status of the foundation is provided through appropriate means.

H- Suspension of activities
ARTICLE 115- Under the circumstances stipulated in the Constitution and according to the
principles set out in the legislation, the Ministry of Finance may suspend the activities of the
foundation until the judgement of the court is received referring to the pinion of the auditing
body. The judge is entitled to consider such claim and give judgement within the shortest

. Dissolution of foundation
ARTICLE 116-The foundation may dissolve ipso facto where the realisation of the object
becomes impossible and amendment of the object is out of question and the name of the
foundation is deleted from the official records upon obtaining court decision.

Where it is not possible to amend the object of the foundation revealed to carry out restricted
activities, or the object is determined to be contrary to the legislation; the foundation is
dissolved upon request of the auditing board or, the Public Prosecutor.

J. Other Provisions
ARTICLE 117- Provisions relating to adverse possession may not be applicable to the assets
of the foundations.

The provisions relating to performance of activities by the foundations in international arena
and formation of higher organizations may also be applicable to the foundation by way of

Special provisions relating to the foundations formed for public interest or under private laws
are hereby reserved.

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