Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of the Elder Brethren Rose Cross. Founded by Pope John XXII of Avignon (france) in 1317. Brethren fled persecution 2 and death on the burning stake, found themselves in England for a while, but soon returned to France. The story of the rose cross is one of the crowning glories of the Western imagination.
Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of the Elder Brethren Rose Cross. Founded by Pope John XXII of Avignon (france) in 1317. Brethren fled persecution 2 and death on the burning stake, found themselves in England for a while, but soon returned to France. The story of the rose cross is one of the crowning glories of the Western imagination.
Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of the Elder Brethren Rose Cross. Founded by Pope John XXII of Avignon (france) in 1317. Brethren fled persecution 2 and death on the burning stake, found themselves in England for a while, but soon returned to France. The story of the rose cross is one of the crowning glories of the Western imagination.
Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of the Elder Brethren Rose Cross. Founded by Pope John XXII of Avignon (france) in 1317. Brethren fled persecution 2 and death on the burning stake, found themselves in England for a while, but soon returned to France. The story of the rose cross is one of the crowning glories of the Western imagination.
Founded by Pope John XXII of Avignon (France) in 1317
Philippus-Laurentius, Grand Master (1975-)
Bibliography O.S.F.A.RC With this, I am happy to present to the historians, and interested reader my latest work called the Rose Cross Chronicles in five EBooks for the facility of downloading. It is a knights templar historical account, the story of the Sovereign Order of the Elder Brethren Rose Cross, translation from the French, Ordre Souverain des Frres Ans Rose Croix, name kept safe through a Trade Mark in France and Europe, and as far as it may reach. Thanks to Roger Caro (Pierre Phoebus), the 58 th and last Imperator, my work has here been made possible. At the time, the years 70 there was no computers available in mass, and Internet was not yet born. With his group of 33 adepts, all contributed to the research work in National Libraries and Museums, but he was the skilled writer. Two French historical books were now available, the first called Legenda, and the other about the Kings and Princes of Cyprus up to the Family Roux de Lusignan. For the last book, his work was a little easier as books where already available about the subject. From now on, the most enigmatic and enduring secrets were now more or less revealed, of a group knights and alchemists, escaped knights from persecution 2
and death on the burning stake. They were at first placed under the protection of Pope John XXII of Avignon, protecting them, himself being an hidden alchemist. But, the group of brethren became very rapidly independent and fled from Avignon, finding themselves in England for a while, but soon returning to France. The story of the Grail is one of the crowning glories of the Western imagination. No one can say precisely from where, or even when, the idea emerged. Indeed, it seems to have always been present, hidden in the deepest recesses of the human mind, continuing to exact a powerful fascination over all who come in contact with it. Nor is this surprising, since it deals with so many themes that are as important today as they have been, even in the superstitious mind as the recovered blood of Christ kept in a relic in Bruges (Belgium), or the nails of Christ on the cross kept in relics in several churches, etc. For me and many others, the story of the Grail, is the story of the knights templar who worked as servants or slaves among learned Muslims of the time where they were taught great skills as alchemy. After some time, they returned to Europe with their Eastern wisdom (knowledge), but they had to impart their knowledge in all secrecy. At the time the Pope and Catholicism, Christianity as a whole did not tolerate scientific research work, as it would have interfered with Christian Dogmas of the Council of Nicaea. Here you have the five volumes which you can download from Scribd and Internet Archives as hereunder. Be sure you download them here, and not from other publishers, making you pay for it. It is a free download, with the wish that it may reach the historians, our Sovereign Order kept secret ever since 1317. Beware of those groups claiming themselves to be representatives of our Order, or even being a newly elected Imperator. Pierre Phoebus was the 58 th . and last Imperator. At the moment we are not even 33 adepts, but there is absolutely no haste. We want an elite Order, not filled with members only aiming grading and diplomas. Between ourselves, we are keeping O.S.F.A.R.C alive and that is quite sufficient at the moment. Let us always be on our watch for intruders, and I wont say more here. Here are shown the five book with their links: