Opening in 2 Way Slab
Opening in 2 Way Slab
Opening in 2 Way Slab
f you took an advanced concrete design course, you
probably had a good introduction to the design of two-
way slabs. Although all multistory buildings require
multiple small slab penetrations for routing of plumbing,
fire protection piping, and ductwork between floors and
larger openings for stairwells and elevator shafts, your
course probably covered the topic of slab openings only
briefly (if at all).
For newly constructed slabs, the locations and sizes of
the required openings are usually determined in the early
stages of design and can be easily accommodated in the
majority of instances. However, you may also be asked to
modify an existing structure, where the analysis and
strengthening (if required) are typically more involved
than for similar openings in a new slab.
In this article, well give you some guidance on selecting
locations and sizes for openings in two-way slabs for
both new and existing structures. By carefully selecting
their locations, small openings can often be accommodated
without requiring strengthening. Youll probably run
across situations, however, where the opening requires
strengthening or the location of these openings is
dictated by concerns other than the strength of the
structure. For these cases, well also introduce some
methods for strengthening existing structures.
Although there are several different variations of two-
way slabs, they can be generally described as one or a
combination of three two-way systems: flat plates, flat
slabs, and two-way beam-supported slabs. The selection
of the most advantageous location for a floor opening
depends on the type of two-way slab youre designing
or evaluating.
The simplest type of two-way slab to construct is
known as a flat plate. These slabs are supported directly
by the columns and have a completely flat soffit. For live
loads of about 50 psf (2.5 kPa), column spacing typically
ranges from 15 to 25 ft (4.5 to 7.5 m) with minimum slab
thicknesses of 6 to 10 in. (150 to 250 mm).
For longer
spans, drop panels (thickened portions of the slab) are
added at the columns. This system is referred to as a
flat slab and has an economical span range of 25 to 30 ft
(7.5 to 9 m) with minimum slab thicknesses of 8.5 to 10 in.
(200 to 250 mm). Two-way beam-supported slabs have
beams spanning between columns in both directions that
act with the slab to support gravity loads.
For the purposes of design, two-way slab systems are
divided into column and middle strips in two perpendicular
directions. The column strip width on each side of the
column centerline is equal to 1/4 of the length of the
shorter span in the two perpendicular directions. The
middle strip is bounded by two column strips.
Section 13.4.1 of ACI 318-05
permits openings of any
size in any new slab system, provided you perform an
analysis that demonstrates both strength and serviceability
requirements are satisfied. As an alternative to detailed
analysis for slabs with openings, ACI 318-05 gives the
NOTE: The information presented in this article is NOT
applicable to prestressed OR post-tensioned slabs.
Floor Openings in
Two-Way Slabs
34 JULY 2006 / Concrete international
following guidelines for opening size
in different locations for flat plates
and flat slabs. These guidelines are
illustrated in Fig. 1 for slabs with l
n In the area common to intersecting
middle strips, openings of any size
are permitted (Section;
n In the area common to intersecting
column strips, the maximum
permitted opening size is 1/8 the
width of the column strip in either
span (Section; and
n In the area common to one column
strip and one middle strip, the
maximum permitted opening size
is limited such that only a maximum
of 1/4 of the slab reinforcement in
either strip may be interrupted
To apply this simplified approach,
ACI 318-05 requires that the total
amount of reinforcement calculated
for the panel without openings, in
both directions, must be maintained;
thus, half of the reinforcement
interrupted must be replaced on
each side of the opening.
In addition to flexural requirements,
the reduction in slab shear strength
must also be considered when the
opening is located anywhere within a
column strip of a flat slab or within
10 times the slab thickness from a
concentrated load or reaction area.
The effect of the slab opening is
evaluated by reducing the perimeter
of the critical section b
by a length
equal to the projection of the opening
enclosed by two lines extending from
the centroid of the column and
tangent to the opening, as shown in
Fig 2(a). For slabs with shearheads to
assist in transferring slab shear to
the column, the effect of the opening
is reduced, and b
is reduced by only
half the length enclosed by the
tangential lines, as shown in Fig. 2(b).
Small openings in existing slabs are
usually core-drilled to the required
diameter. Larger openings are cut
with a circular saw or a concrete
chain saw with plunge cutting
capabilities. Because a circular saw
makes a longer cut on the top of the
slab than on the bottom, small cores
drilled at the corners can be used to
help avoid over-cutting the opening
when a circular saw is used.
Cutting openings in existing slabs
should be approached with caution
and avoided if possible.
cutting an opening in an existing slab,
the effect on the structural integrity
of the slab must be analyzed. Its
advisable to analyze the slab for
excess capacity and possible moment
redistribution before making the final
decision on the sizes and locations of
the openings, but the following
guidelines taken from Reference 4
can assist you in making preliminary
decisions with the best chance to
avoid having to reinforce the slab.
Openings in existing flat
plates and flat slabs
Because the punching shear
capacity of the slab around the
columns typically governs the
thickness of flat plates, any openings
at the intersection of column strips
(Area 3 in Fig. 3) should be avoided
as much as possible. This is especially
critical near corner and edge columns
where the shear in the slab is
typically highest. If openings must be
made in Area 3, to install a drainage
pipe for example, the size of the
opening should be no larger than
12 in. (300 mm). Because they reduce
the critical section for resisting
punching shear (as explained in
Section 11.12.5 of ACI 318-05),
openings cut in this area should be
evaluated carefully. One possible
exception to this guideline is when
column capitals, commonly seen in
older structures, are present to
reduce shear stresses in the slab.
Openings in Area 2, located at the
intersection of column and middle
strips, are less critical than in Area 3,
and small openings having a width
less than 15% of the span length can
often be made in this area. The most
Fig. 1: Suggested opening sizes and locations in flat plates with l
(from Reference 3)
Concrete international / JULY 2006 35
favorable location for openings from a structural point of
view is often the intersection of two middle strips (Area 1).
This is also often the least favorable location from an
architectural point of view, however, because its the
most disruptive to the function of the space.
The guidelines for openings in flat slabs generally
follow the recommendations for flat plates, but the
chances of accommodating larger openings in Area 3 are
increased due to the lower shear stresses in the region
of the drop panels.
Openings in existing two-way
beam-supported slabs
For openings in two-way beam-supported slabs, the
situation is reversed because much of the shear is
transferred to the column through the beams. The total
width of openings in Area 3 (intersection of two column
strips) can often be up to 1/4 of the span, as long as the
beams are left intact. Openings in Area 2 can be more
problematic because they may intersect the portion of
the slab used as a T-beam. Although Area 1 is the least
desirable location, openings with maximum dimensions up
to 1/8 of the span can often be located at the intersection
of two middle strips.
When removing an entire panel of slab between beams,
its often an advantage to leave enough of an overhang to
allow development of reinforcing bars from adjacent
spans. In this case, the beams should be checked for
torsion because the balancing moments from the portion
of the slab that was removed will no longer be present.
Openings in new structures can often be accommodated
by the proper detailing of additional reinforcing steel in
Fig. 2: Reduction to perimeter of critical section b
for a flat plate or flat slab with openings in column strips or within a distance of
10 times the thickness of the slab from a column: (a) no shearheads; and (b) with shearheads (from Reference 3)
Fig. 3: Areas for slab openings (after Reference 4)
36 JULY 2006 / Concrete international
the slab or beams, beams spanning between columns
or other beams, or thickening of portions of the slab
around openings. When you determine that an existing
structure cant accommodate new openings without
strengthening, the situation becomes more complex;
however, there are several common strengthening
methods you can consider.
The selection of the most
appropriate method to use will depend on several
factors, such as the amount of strengthening required,
the location where strengthening is required, and
architectural requirements.
One of the most common methods for increasing
moment capacity is to add steel plates to the surface of a
slab, using either through-bolts or post-installed anchors.
The installation is fairly simple, but because plates and
through-bolts would interfere with flooring surfaces,
plates are normally installed on the bottom of the slab
using post-installed anchors. Also, because overlapping
of the plates is difficult, this method works best when
strengthening is required in only one direction.
A similar method is to use fiber-reinforced polymer or
steel-reinforced polymer strips to strengthen the slab.
The strips can be overlapped at the corners of the
opening, making strengthening in two directions simpler,
and does not interfere with the floor surface as much as
anchored steel plates. Their installation, however, requires
more highly skilled labor.
When there are existing concrete beams, steel beams
can be installed that span between the concrete beams.
Shims or nonshrink grout should be installed between the
top flange of the steel beam and the bottom of the slab to
ensure uniform bearing.
When shear strengthening is required around columns,
a common solution is to install steel or concrete collars
around the columns to increase the perimeter of the
critical section for punching shear.
Its important to remember that exposed reinforcing
systems may require fire protection. Systems that
incorporate epoxy adhesives must be carefully evaluated,
as they can lose strength rapidly at elevated temperatures.
For low levels of strengthening, the contribution of the
exposed reinforcing system to the strength of the slab
can be neglected, and the strength checked using
factored loads for fire conditions that are lower than
under normal temperatures. For higher levels of
strengthening, special coatings may be required to
achieve a specific fire rating.
Experience is one of the most valuable tools when
selecting opening locations and strengthening methods.
Your first few projects would be an excellent opportunity
to seek the advice of more experienced engineers in your
company. They may be able to show you what theyve
done on previous projects, provide you with typical
details, and give their thoughts on which locations and
strengthening methods would work best for your
particular situation.
1. An Engineers Guide to: Economical Concrete Floor Systems,
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, 2005, 6 pp.
2. ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete (ACI 318-05) and Commentary (318R-05), American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2005, 430 pp.
3. Notes on ACI 318-05 Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete with Design Applications, M.E. Kamara and B.G. Rabbat, eds.,
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, 2005, 1008 pp.
4. Newman, A., Structural Renovation of BuildingsMethods,
Details, and Design Examples, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2001,
pp. 239-246.
5. Alkhrdaji, T., and Thomas, J., Keys to Success: Structural
Repair and Strengthening Techniques for Concrete Facilities,
Structural Engineer, V. 5, No. 4, May 2004, pp. 24-27.
6. Alkhrdaji, T., Concrete Q&A: Design Considerations for Fire
Resistance of Structural Strengthening System, Structural Engineer,
July 2004, available at
Selected for reader interest by the editors.
ACI member Michael C. Mota is a Regional
Engineering Manager for the Portland
Cement Association (PCA), providing
technical assistance in all areas of building
design throughout the eastern U.S. He
received an MS in structural engineering
from the New Jersey Institute of Technology,
Newark, NJ, and practiced structural
engineering and construction management
for more than 5 years prior to joining PCA. He is a member of ACI
Committees 314, Simplified Design of Concrete Buildings; 375,
Performance-Based Design of Concrete Buildings for Wind Loads;
and 435, Deflection of Concrete Building Structures.
ACI member Mahmoud Kamara is a Senior
Structural Engineer at PCA. He is involved in
developing technical publications, coordinating
and conducting seminars, and assisting in
developing structural engineering software.
He serves on several ACI technical committees
and is a member of the American Society of
Civil Engineers. In 1992, he received the ACI
Structural Research Award.