Sony DSR-1P

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Digital Videocassette Recorder

DVCAMDigital Innovation
D igitization is opening up new avenues to success in m any business areas. N ow here is this m ore true
than in professional video production, w here evolving digital technology is bringing proven advances
in im age quality and equipm ent versatility as w ell as reducing operating costs.
D VC AM w as born in 1996 as an extension of the consum er D V form at, w ith w hich it is com patible.
W ith its superb picture quality, excellent editing capabilities and m ultigeneration perform ance, D VC AM
is the perfect choice of form at in the highly com petitive w orld of professional video.
The D SR-1P is a dockable recorder for a cam corder, offering outstanding perform ance in the acquisition
process. W hen the D SR-1P is com bined w ith a Sony D XC -D 30P or D XC -D 30W SP D igital
C am era, it becom es the D SR-130P D igital C am corder, providing a totally digital signal
path and perfect C lipLink operation. For com plete versatility, the D SR-1P
incorporates both a Pro 50-pin analogue and a Pro 76-pin digital interface,
this dual interface enabling connection to both analogue and digital
cam eras. The D SR-1P features a dual-size cassette m echanism that accepts
both m ini and standard size cassette tapes w ithout any special adaptor - a
first in the history of dockable recorders. W ith its superb perform ance and
operating flexibility, the D SR-1P m eets all the requirem ents of video professionals.
DVCAMDigital Innovation
DVCAM Rec ording Format
For the Next Generation
The D SR -1P provides superb picture quality, m ulti-
generation capability and production flexibility from its use
of the new D VC A M digital recording form at - specifically
developed by Sony for professionals in the digital era.
Playback Compatibility with the
Consumer DV Format
The D VC A M form at has been developed as an extended
digital recording form at for video professionals and is
based on the D V form at. H ow ever, it m aintains playback
com patibility w ith the consum er D V recording form at and
has the unprecedented advantage that both standard and
m ini cassettes can be used in the sam e m achine. B y using
an increased track pitch, the D VC A M form at gives higher
reliability for professional editing.
The DVCAM Component Digital
Recording Format
The D VC A M form at uses 8-bit com ponent recording w ith
a 5:1 com pression ratio and sam pling at the rate of 4:2:0 to
provide superior picture quality and m ulti-generation
The D VC A M em ploys an intra fram e com pression schem e
w hich is ideal for editing applications. B ased on D C T
(D iscrete C osine Transform ) techniques, each fram e
consists of 12 tracks. Each track has ITI (Insert and Track
Inform ation), A udio, Video, and sub code areas. The ITI,
w hich is a reference signal for a precise tracking, and tim e
codes on the Sub C ode area assure highly accurate
editing perform ance.
This technique provides m uch greater operational flexibility,
for exam ple by m inim izing dubbing lim itations to allow
m ore efficient and com plex m ulti-layering.
High Quality Digital Audio and
Audio Mode Selection
The D SR -1P provides tw o selectable audio channel
m odes, 48kH z m ode and 32kH z m ode.
In order to ensure superb audio perform ance w ith a w ide
dynam ic range and an excellent signal-to-noise ratio, PC M
(Pulse C ode M odulation) digital stereo recording is used for
both m odes; 16-bit quantization and a 48kH z sam pling
frequency in the tw o-channel m ode, 12-bit and 32kH z
sam pling in the four channel m ode (only C H -1/C H -2).
Excellent Performance from Professional
To gain the m axim um perform ance from high density
digital recording, new A dvanced M etal Evaporated
cassette tapes are used for D VC A M . These give superior
quality to D VC A M recording by achieving an R F video
output w hich is +4.5dB higher com pared to that of H i-8
m etal evaporated tape. H igher durability is also ensured
for professional editing applications by enhancing
protection w ith a D LC (D iam ond Like C arbon) coating.
Each cassette has a built-in 16kbit IC m em ory w hich stores
data to enhance editing efficiency. D VC A M cassettes are
available in tw o sizes; the D VC A M Standard cassette
provides a m axim um recording tim e of 184 m inutes and a
D VC A M M ini cassette up to 40 m inutes.
Tape Direction
Sub Code
ITI: Insert and Track Information

(1/4 inch)
<Cassette memory>
User-Convenient Operation
as a Doc kable Camc order
The ClipLink System
C lipLink is a com prehensive supervisory system w hich logs
all the shooting data necessary for the w hole of the digital
production process - from acquisition to editing.
W hen the D SR -1P is com bined w ith the D XC -D 30P D igital
C am era to form the D SR -130P D VC A M D igital C am corder,
tw o kinds of useful inform ation are autom atically generated
during shooting - inform ation w hich dram atically reduces the
w ork required for later editing. The first is Index Picture
w hich is a digitally m iniaturized picture of the video im age at
each M A R K IN point. These Index Pictures are recorded on
the D VC A M tape. U p to 198 Index Pictures can be recorded
onto a cassette tape w hen using a professional D VC A M tape
or up to 45 Index Pictures can be recorded in the case of a
consum er D V cassette. The second type of inform ation is
C lipLink Log D ata, w hich is a reference data for editing, such
as reel num bers, scene num bers, take num bers, tim e code
of M A R K IN /M A R K O U T and C ue points. This C lipLink Log
D ata is stored in the cassette by a m em ory IC incorporated
into all Sony D VC A M and D V cassettes.
B oth kinds of inform ation, Index Picture and C lipLink Log
D ata, are very effectively utilized in the C lipLink system .
The C lipLink Log D ata can be instantly uploaded to the Sony
EditStations from the D VC A M VTR s, so that a selection of
usable video clips can be easily m ade by just glancing at the
G U I (G raphical U ser Interface) screen of the EditStation.
The C lipLink system , in com bination w ith Sonys new digital
products such as the D XC -D 30P D igital C am era, D SR -85P
D igital Videocassette R ecorder, and the ES-7 EditStation,
provide a rem arkable im provem ent in productivity and
operating efficiency throughout the program m e production
The C lipLink system functions even w hen the D SR -1P is
com bined w ith analogue com ponent cam eras, allow ing
storage of the Index Pictures at R EC IN points onto the tape
and the tim e codes into the cassette m em ory. Even w hen
the cassette tape loaded into another D SR -1P, continuous
recording is still available.
Camera Setup Data File System
(Camera Data Recording)
W hen a D SR -1P is connected to a D XC -D 30P D igital
C am era, the cam era setup file data set for a specific
shooting condition can be recorded directly onto the video
auxiliary area of the D VC A M tape via the Pro 76-pin D igital
connector. The stored set-up data can then be copied
onto other D VC A M tapes so that a specific cam era set-up
can be copied to m any other cam eras.
This system m akes it easy to set up several cam eras to a
uniform condition sim ply by using duplicated tapes.
Dual Interface Mechanism Gives
Choice of Dockable Cameras
The D SR -1P has both Pro 76-pin D igital and Pro 50-pin
connectors w hich allow direct connection w ith several
alternative Sony digital and analogue cam eras: D XC -D 30P,
D XC -637P, D XC -537A P, D XC -327A P and D XC -327B P.
This excellent flexibility, w hich allow s a cam corder to be
configured for a variety of different applications, is
achieved by a new ly developed dual interface m echanism ,
w hich incorporates both analogue Pro 50-pin and Pro 76-
pin D igital interfaces w ith a unique seesaw construction.
The Pro 76-pin D igital interface gives closer com m unication
betw een a digital cam era and the VTR in operations such
as the C lipLink system ,
C am era setup data
recording on tapes and
tim e code display on
the view finder in
playback m ode. In
addition, the new
design of the
connectors offers
enhanced interface
Perfect Camcorder Operation with
the DSR-130P
W hen connected to a D XC -D 30P D igital C am era to form
a D SR -130P D VC A M cam corder, the D SR -1P operates at
its optim um perform ance. Since both video and audio
signals are printed in the digital dom ain, w orking w ith the
D SR -130P D igital C am corder has the great advantage that
the video and audio quality of the program m e m aterial can
be m aintained right through the production process - from
acquisition to program m e distribution.
Cassette Tape
Digital Camcorder
Time Code
0 0 : 0 1 : 0 1
0 0 : 0 5 : 2 3
0 0 : 1 8 : 2 1
Time Code
0 0 : 0 5 : 2 2
0 0 : 1 8 : 2 0
0 0 : 2 4 : 1 3
<Pro 76-pin Digital> <Pro 50-pin>
Unique Design
Compact and Lightweight Construction
Sony innovation in m echanical and electronic design,
such as the use of a m agnesium diecast body and the
developm ent of a very com pact drum m echanism , m akes
the D SR -1P rem arkably sm all and lightw eight yet durable in
use; W eighing in at just 2.85kg (6 lb 4 oz) com plete w ith
N P-1B B attery, it m eans that w hen the D SR -1P is
configured w ith a D XC -D 30P cam era, it form s a cam corder
of rem arkable ergonom ic design that has an operating
w eight of only around 7.3kg (16 lb 1 oz).
Low Power Consumption
W ith a low pow er consum ption totaling only 24.8W , one
fully charged Sony N P-1B battery gives continuous
operation for approxim ately 60 m inutes w hen operating in
the D SR -130P configuration.
Dual Cassette Mechanism
The D SR -1P accepts both D VC A M M ini cassette tapes
and D VC A M Standard cassette tapes w ithout any adaptor.
This is a Sony first in the history of the dockable recorder or
cam corder, and it enables the D SR -1P to have a m axim um
recording tim e of 184 m inutes. It also m eans that the
D SR -1P can accom m odate a w ide selection of cassette
tapes, either the D VC A M M ini cassettes or the D VC A M
Versatile Comprehensive
Built-in Features
Record Review Function
B y sim ply pressing the R ec R eview button w hile in the R ec
pause m ode or in the Stop m ode, the D SR -1P plays back tw o
seconds of the last scene and stops at the end of the previous
recording. The R ec R eview tim e can also be extended up to a
m axim um of approxim ately 10 seconds, if the R ec R eview
button is pressed for longer than tw o seconds.
Frame Accurate Back Space Editing
A utom atic back space editing w ith instant start provides
sequential recording, w ithout picture breakup at the
transition points. The tim e code regeneration function, w hen
used w ith the R ec R eview function, enables the D SR -1P to
record continuous tim e code at any editing point.
Viewfinder Playback Capability
The D SR -1P provides the view finder playback function for
field verification. In playback or R ec R eview m ode, the
recorded lum inance signal can be m onitored on the
view finder, w hile audio playback is available via an
earphone or the built-in loudspeaker.
Built-in EBU Time Code Generator and
The D SR -1P includes a built-in tim e code generator and
reader w hich conform s to the EB U standard. U sers bits
are also available. B oth the tim e code and the users bits
are recorded in the sub code area w hich can be read at
any playback speed. Tim e code lock to either external
tim e code or another D SR -1P is available for m ulti-cam era
operation. Furtherm ore, the D SR -1P has both tim e code
preset and regeneration capabilities.
Time Base Stabilizer
The D SR -1P is equipped w ith a built-in tim e base
stabilizer w hich provides stable pictures w ithout any
additional equipm ent.
Easy, Full Colour Picture Playback in the
The D SR -1P provides a full colour picture playback
capability w ithout any playback adaptor, w hich is a great
advantage for field verification of the recording and perm its
direct m icrow ave transm ission.
Interchangeable Battery Cases
In addition to the supplied battery case for one N P-1B ,
the D SR -1P can accept various batteries to extend its
operating tim e. The D C -520, w hen attached to the supplied
battery case, allow s the D SR -1P to house tw o N P-1B
batteries. B P-L60A Lithium B attery can be also attached to
the back of the D SR -1P.
Easy Integration with Anton/Bauer

Versatile Signal Interfaces
The D SR -1P is equipped w ith versatile signal interfaces
such as S-video and com posite outputs. For audio
interfaces, an earphone output, unbalanced phono output
and balanced XLR -type audio inputs are provided.
DC Out Connector for Wireless Microphone
+48V Powering for External Microphone
Built-in Loudspeaker
User Friendly Operation
VTR Full Function Control
Eject, R ew ind, Play, Fast Forw ard, and Stop function
buttons are located on the top of the unit and are covered
w ith a lid to prevent accidental access. D uring R ec m ode,
all function buttons are autom atically inhibited. The R ec
m ode can also be activated w ith the trigger buttons on the
front of the cam era or on the zoom lens grip.
Comprehensive LCD Display
A n 8-digit LC D display provides an extensive range of
critical inform ation about the VTR operation. In addition to
tim e data (including Tim e C ode, counter and U ser B it data),
rem aining tape quantity and battery capacity, the C lipLink
operation status is also displayed. A digital audio m eter
allow s precise adjustm ent of the audio recording level.
Menu Selection
Various VTR m enus such as cum ulative hours (head drum
operating hours, tape transport operation hours, total
operation hours), C lipLink O n/O ff m ode, selection of audio
m ode, A nton/B auer Logic Series

D igital battery capacity

indication settings and stand-by period setting can be
show n on the LC D display for easy access to the various
m enus.
Reliable and Servic eable
Built-In Self-Diagnostics and
Hours Meter
Should an error be detected, an error m essage w ill be
displayed w hich w ill identify the problem area. In this w ay,
dow n-tim e can be m inim ized.
Furtherm ore, an hours m eter is provided to indicate the
elapsed tim e of tim e-critical operations such as
accum ulated drum rotation tim e. It can easily be displayed
on the LC D display via m enu selection.
<W R R -855A >
*A B TA -801 is required
w hen the W R R -855A is
attached to the D SR -1P
* W R R -855A /810A can not be used in
som e areas.
<B P-L60A > <B P-L90A >
*C am era adaptor is optional.
D SR -1P is directly connected to the cam eras.
D igital Video C am era
C olour Video C am era
R echargeable N iC d B attery
R echargeable Lithium -ion
B attery
B attery A daptor for
B P-L60A /L90A
B attery C ase for N P-1B
B attery C harger for four
N P-1B batteries
B attery C harger for four
B P-L90A and four N P-1B
W ireless M icrophone
R eceiver
* *
DVCAM Digital
Camc order
Main Features
Excellent Design
D irectly connected via the Pro 76-pin D igital connector
C om pact and lightw eight
Low pow er consum ption
Innovative Digital Signal Processing
TruEye processing for faithful colour reproduction w ith a
w ide dynam ic range
Superb picture quality (850TV line horizontal resolution)
Skin D etail w ith auto skin tone detection
B lack H alofree C lean D etail
R eal Tim e Self D iagnostics
H igh stability and uniform ity
Low sm ear level of -125dB , equivalent to FIT C C D s
H igh sensitivity of F11.0 (at 2000 lx, 3200K )
H igh signal-to-noise ratio of 61dB
ClipLink System for Efficient Video Production
Sophisticated Camera Setup Management
C onvenient View finder m enu
C am era Setup File System to m anage setup files
SetupN avi to store and transplant a cam era setup file
using a D VC A M cassette tape.
SetupLog system to store operational condition of
cam era onto a D VC A M tape.
Operational Convenience
Tim e code superim posed in playback
Freeze M ix Function to fram e the subject in the sam e
position as in the previous shot, w hich is superim posed
on the view finder screen as a still im age.
Edit Search button and A udio C H -1 Level C ontrol are
located on the D XC -D 30 for easy access by the operator.
Total Level C ontrol System (TLC S) for autom atic light
Intelligent A uto Iris w hich detects the lighting condition to
adjust the lens iris for optim um exposure
EZ Focus and EZ m ode allow quick cam era setup for
instant shooting
A uto Tracing W hite B alance (ATW ) function
M O N ITO R O U T (B N C ) function
Three position auto iris m ode - STD (Standard), B A C K L
(B ack Light), SPO T L (Spot Light)
Other Features
R EM O TE 10-pin (R S-232C ) to allow control from external
personal com puters
B lack stretch and com press function to adjust the
contrast in the black area
D ual Zebra function
Program m able G ain from a w ide selection; M aster G ain,
D PR (D ual Pixel R eadout) and H yper G ain
D ate and tim e superim position
B uilt-in 1kH z audio reference oscillator
A djustable shoulder pad
Q uick start, refined 600 TV line 1.5-inch C R T view finder
Enriched Selectable colour bars EB U 100% , EB U 75% ,
<W R R -810A >
A C A daptor (used w ith the
optional C C Q X-3 cable)
Pow er Supply C able for
C M A -8A C E
A C A daptor
1.5-inch M onochrom e
Electric View finder
Tripod A daptor
W RT-810A /830A
U H F W ireless M icrophone
C arrying C ase for D SR -130P
R ain C over
C am era A daptor for B VP
Series B roadcast C am eras
D igital Video C assette Tape
(M ini size)
D igital Video C assette Tape
(Standard size)
PDVM-32N/40N (M ini size)
(Standard size)
D igital Video C assette Tape
(N on IC tape)
Distributed by
Printed in Japan
1998 Sony Corporation
Spec ific ations
Pow er requirem ents D C 12V +5/-1V
Pow er consum ption 12W
O perating tem perature 0 ~ +40 C (32 to 104 F)
Storage tem perature -20 ~ +60 C (-4 to +140 F)
O perating hum idity Less than 85%
Storage hum idity Less than 90%
M ass 2.85K g (6 lb 4 oz)
(including B attery N P-1B )
D im ensions 118(W ) x 185(H ) x 210(D ) m m
(4 3/4 x 7 3/8 x 8 3/8 inches)
Tape speed 28.221m m /s
R ecording/Playback tim e Standard size : 184m in. w /PD V-184M E
M ini size : 40m in. w /PD VM -40M E
Fast forw ard/R ew ind tim e Standard size : A pprox. 12m in. w /PD V-184M E
M ini size : A pprox. 3m in. w /PD VM -40M E
C ontinuous recording tim e A pprox. 60m in. w /N P-1B
(D SR -1P + D XC -D 30P)
B and w idth
Lum inance 25H z~5.5M H z + 1.0/-2.0dB
5.75M H z + 0/-3.0dB (Typical m easurem ent)
C hrom inance 25H z~2.0M H z + 1.0/-2.0dB
S/N ratio M ore than 55dB
K -factor (K 2T, K PB ) Less than 2.0%
Y/C delay 0 30nsec.
Frequency response
2C H m ode (48kH z/16bit) 20H z ~ 20kH z +0.5/-1.0 dB
4C H m ode (32kH z/12bit) 20H z ~14.5kH z +0.5/-1.0 dB
D ynam ic range M ore than 80dB
D istortion (TH D + N ) Less than 0.08%
G EN LO C K VID EO IN (B N C ) 1.0Vp-p, 75
EXT A U D IO IN C H -1/2
(XLR 3-pin fem ale) -60dB u, 3k/+4dB u, 10k
TIM E C O D E IN (B N C ) 0.5Vp-p ~ 18Vp-p, 10k
VID EO O U T (B N C ) 1.0Vp-p, 75
S-VID EO (4-pin)
Y 1.0Vp-p, 75, sync negative
C 0.3Vp-p, 75
A U D IO O U T C H -1/2 (R C A PIN ) -10dB u , 47K
TIM E C O D E O U T (B N C ) 1.0Vp-p, 75
A N A LO G U E I/F Pro 50P
D IG ITA L I/F Pro 76P D igital
D C 12V (rear) XLR 4-pin m ale
D C O U T 4-pin
EA R PH O N E O U T Stereo M ini Jack
Shoulder strap (x1)
C onnector cap (x1)
Lithium battery (type C R 2032) (x1)
M 4 x 6 screw s (x2)
M 4 x 12 screw s (x2)
O perating instructions (x1)
C lipLink guide (x1)
* 0dB u = 0.775Vrm s
* D esign and specifications subject to change w ithout notice.
* Sonyand H yper H A D are registered tradem arks of Sony C orporation.
* D VC A M , EditStation, TruEye, SetupN avi, SetupLogand C lipLinkare tradem arks of
Sony C orporation.
* A nton/B auerand Logic Seriesare registered tradem arks of the A nton/B auer C orporation.
**The specifications of Video/A udio perform ancew ere m easured by playing back m aterial
on a D SR -85P (via analogue com ponent out) that had been recorded on the D SR -1P.

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