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Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics

Applied Engineering Analytical & Numerical Methods I
MEM 501/591 - Fall 2010
HOMEWORK #2: Due Thursday, October 7

1. [30 points]
i) [10 points]
Are the following vectors linearly independent? Show in detail why.
a) (1, 1, u), (1,u,u), (1,1,1)
b) (S,4,7), (2,u,S), (8,2,S), (S,S,6)
c) (S,2,1), (u,u,u), (4,S,6)
d) (1,2,S,4), (2,S,4,S), (S,4,S,6), (4,S,6,7)
ii) [10 points]
Explain why:
a) Ronk(B
) = Ronk(AB) .
b) if A is not square, either its row vectors or its column vectors are linearly dependent.
iii) [10 points]
Given an mxn matrix A, an element in its column space has the form Ax for some x e R
. Let Ax and Aw represent any two
vectors. Explain why the following vectors are also in the column space of A:
a) The zero vector.
b) The vector Ax +Aw.
c) The vector c(Ax) where c is any scalar.

2. [40 points]
Using only the help of the fundamental subspaces and their properties, respond to the following questions:
i) [20 points]
What is the condition that c in Ax = c must obey so that a solution to this system exists, if
A = _
1 u 2
2 -1 u
1 1 6
Is the solution unique?
ii) [20 points]
Consider the linear system
A = [
1 2
1 2
= [

Does a solution exist?

3. [30 points]
Construct the following subroutines. Compare your code results with the ones you obtain by using built-in commands in MATLAB.
i) Find the maximum in value element in a vector
ii) Back substitution
iii) Forward substitution
Remark: Recall that you can only use essential built-in commands in MATLAB such as size, length, zeros, eye and for/if
statements. Any multiplication, needs to be in a component form(i.e. A( i , j ) *B( j ) ). Remember to comment important lines of
your code. Modify the following script to prepare your codes:

i) function [index,m]=maximum(b);

%" b" i s t he i nput vect or
%" i ndex" i s t he posi t i on of t he maxi mumi n val ue el ement i n vect or b
%" m" i s t he maci mumel ement i n vect or b

i ndex=1; %i . e. st ar t by assumi ng t he f i r st el ement i s t he maxi mum
m=b( i ndex) ; %Thi s i s t he maxi mum

i i ) function x=backsolve(U,b);

[ n n] =si ze( U) ; %Get t he di mensi ons of t he nxn t r i angul ar mat r i x " U"
x=zer os( n, 1) ; %Set t he sol ut i on vect or di mensi ons
x %Thi s i s t he sol ut i on vect or

i i i ) function x=forwardsolve(L,b);

[ n n] =si ze( L) ; %Get t he di mensi ons of t he nxn t r i angul ar mat r i x " L"
y=zer os( n, 1) ; %Set t he sol ut i on vect or di mensi ons
y %Thi s i s t he sol ut i on vect or

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