The Guide - To Restock
The Guide - To Restock
The Guide - To Restock
Thanks for choosing the Overcome Experience! This document will guide you through the basics of installing the
Overcome ROM & Kernel onto the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (P7500/P7510). One of the aims of this guide is to
provide the latest information with regards to the installation of the ROM/Kernel, and act as the standard
reference to the recommended installation process for all users, especially when it comes to troubleshooting.
Don't say you weren't warned!
Updating/Upgrading instead of a Full Install:
If youre just planning to update, heres what you do: )
If you have the P7500, Grab the file from this link:
If you have the P7510, Grab the file from this link:
Copy the zip file to your internal storage. Then, reboot into CWM recovery, and choose the install menu,
then select choose zip from internal storage and look for the appropriate zip file. Install.
Do be prepared for a long first boot after that, as the system would need some time rebuilding the cache and the
dalvik cache. Itll return to the normal, speedy boot times after that and theres no need to flash the kernel or
CWM separately, as the updater and the full ROM would always contain the latest kernel and CWM recovery
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Preppin The System
Basically if youve never installed a custom ROM before itll be best to look at the preparatory steps below:
You must have the proper drivers installed. Your best bet, if youre coming from the stock ROM, is to install
the latest version of Samsung Kies and connect it at least once so the drivers can be properly detected and
installed on your computer.
Backin Up Yer Data & Apps
Now would be the best time for you to back up your precious data. As the installation process will wipe
your Tab clean together with the data youve accumulated (like your bookmarks, games scores,
etc.), so a backup of your data would certainly be in your best interest.
The following free tools would be best to help you back-up your essential data. (Again, these tools would
require that your Tab be rooted, so if you havent rooted your tab, please do so):
Titanium Backup ? root (by Titanium Track): Titanium Backup is a godsend when it comes to
backing up the third party apps (to save you the headache of going to the market, searching and
downloading them again) as well as the data youve accumulated with your data (for apps like 3G
Watchdog, game saves on games like Angry Birds (you know you like those feathered critters! J ust
admit it To use: Once youve installed it, fire it up and let it load. If this is your first time firing it
up, there might be a request for you to allow it to be granted root rights please allow it. Now press
the Menu key and select Batch Titanium Backup might take a while here calculating some
scenarios, but it should provide you with a page headlined in blue called Batch Backup/Restore
ALL. Press the RUN button next to the option Backup all user apps. Next youre presented with
a page headlined in blue called Backup all user apps. Now you can just press the Run the batch
operation button to backup all the user apps youve got installed in your Tab, or you can choose and
select only the apps you want to back up (Once youve chosen the apps you want to backup, hit the
Run the batch operation button to start the backup operations.) This is entirely your call.Let it run
until finish. Once the batch back operation is done, and now this is very important:Look for the
folder called TitaniumBackup. Copy it to somewhere safe: like your PC! Youre done backing up
your apps with Titanium Backup.
File Manager HD: This is a great file manager. It allows you to easily connect to your network shares,
it can see/edit the hidden folders that the stock Samsung My files file manager cant see. Use it to
back up the relevant folders as required. For example, games like those produced by Glu, keep their
game assets and other stuff in a folder called glu, Aldiko Reader keeps its book database in a folder
called eBooks while the popular Bible app by YouVersion keeps its assets and offline bible database
in a hidden folder (which My Files cant see) called .youversion (notice the dot?) Like the other
important folders above, you might want to back up these folders to a safe location. I use ES File
Explorer to make a copy of these folders to my External SD card. You can also copy it them to your
PC via your USB connection.
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Once youve downloaded the files above and backed-up your data to a safe place, youre set to go. So,
lets start the installation
Getting The Overcome Files
Please download the following files:
If you have the P7500, Grab the file from this link:
If you have the P7510, Grab the file from this link:
Grab the ClockworkMod_Recovery_v5.5.0.4_P75xx.tarfile from this link:
Install the Recovery:
1. Put your Tab into whats call the Download mode. You can do this, by shutting/powering down your Tab.
Once shut/powered down, hold down the Volume Down button (the one next to Power) and the Power button
together until you get the following image appearing on your Tabs screen:
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2) Press the Volume Down key to bring the flashing cursor to the Android robot as in the above image and then
click the Volume Up key. You will then enter Download Mode as in the following picture:
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(thanks @edan1979!)
3. Fire up the Odin3 v1.85.exe application. Now connect your Tab to the computer with the USB cable that
comes with your Tab, You should get the screen below appearing. (Its alright if the COM#is not similar, as long
as you get the Yellow box as below.)
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4. In the PDA section, select the Overcome CWM tar file that you just downloaded.
5. Now click on the big Start button, and let the Odin tool run its magic. It should take only a few seconds. Once
its done, youll get the screen below. Make sure you let it run fully, uninterrupted until you get the green
Pass! box like in the screen below!
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6. Once youve seen the green PASS! notification like the one in the screen above, where theres no failed
notification, which means its successful! By now, if you look at the Tab, it would have rebooted itself. Please let
it boot completely.
Installin The Overcome ROM
1. Now to install the ROM. We would now like to put the Tab into whats call the Recovery mode. You can do
this, by shutting/powering down your Tab. Once shut/powered down, Hold down the Volume Down (near Power)
button and the Power button together until it powers up and shows the following screen:
Press the Volume Down key to bring the flashing cursor to the white box as in the above image and then click the
Volume Up key to select. You will then enter Recovery mode which looks like the following screen:
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2. Now navigate to install menu, select/confirm and youll be presented with a few choices. If youve followed
the instructions exactly as written, the installer file should be in your Internal Storage, so navigate to choose zip
from internal storage with data wipe, select/confirm and look for the appropriate zip file, which should be at
the bottom, and select. A confirmation page should appear. Confirm, and let the installation begin! This should
take a minute or so, until it welcomes you to The Overcome Experience!
3. Now thats done, navigate to +++++Go Back+++++, select/confirm and youll be back to the main CWM
screen. Now navigate to the reboot menu and select reboot system and confirm and wait for the system to
Now would be a good time for me to quote alterbridge86 again:
Be patient!Congratulations! Youve now installed a clean/full version of the Honeycomb-powered Overcome 10.1
Series ROM!
Restorin Dem Data
Now that youve got your shiny new Overcome 10.1 Series powered Tab up and running the way you want it, its
time to restore your data! If youve followed my instructions on backing up your data, heres how you restore your
First, copy back the important folders like TitaniumBackup and the other folders that youve backed-up into
your Internal Storage.
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For Titanium Backup: Once youve got it downloaded, fire it up, and let it load. Once its loaded, and
asked you for root rights, hit the Menu key, and select the Batch key. You should be back in the page
headlined in blue called Batch Backup/Restore ALL where we first backed up our apps. Now look for
the first blue RUN button, which should say Restore missing apps with data. Now hit the Run the
batch operation button at the top and away you go
Now heres a hint: If youre using the free version of the Titanium Backup, its going to get a bit painful
here, as youll have to confirm each app installation individually. Ive usually got about 250+apps
backed-up each time I flash a new ROM. To save yourself some unnecessary pain, just go get the Pro
Version of the Titanium Backup app. Its less than 6 bucks!
Congrats! Now go have fun...
Cheers for now if youve got any opinions, criticism (good or bad) about the guide or anything you feel should
be included, please submit them on the forum. Please, though, do NOT send me specific questions about the
ROM or your individual issues on email, as we get plenty of emails every day, as well as the fact that we strongly
feel that by posting your issues on the board, and having people answer it, it might help others as well.
Re-Stocking Yer System
So you want to return to stock for whatever reason? These are the steps you follow to return your device to
COMPLETE stock state.
Don't be lazy... just do it!
Please download the following files:
If you have the P7500, you should download the file :
If you have the P7510, you should download the file :
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The Installation:
1. Extract the file into a folder of your choice.
2. Now put your Tab into whats call the Download mode. You can do this, by shutting/powering down your Tab.
Once shut/powered down, hold down the Volume Down button (the one next to Power) and the Power button
together until you get the following image appearing on your Tabs screen:
Press the Volume Down key to bring the flashing cursor to the Android robot as in the above image and then
click the Volume Up key. You will then enter Download Mode as in the following picture:
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(thanks @edan1979!)
3. Now go to the folder where youve extracted the to. Open the Odin3_v1.85 folder
and fire up the Odin3 v1.85.exe application. Now connect your Tab to the computer with the USB cable that
comes with your Tab, You should get the screen below appearing. (Its alright if the COM#is not similar, as long
as you get the Yellow box as below.)
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4. Now click on the PIT button, and a file selection window should open. Look for the following file
android_fastboot_emmc_full_p4_16G_32G.pit in the extracted folder (under KME ODIN) and select it. Next
click the PDA button, and select the P7510XABKME_P7510UEKME_HOME.tar file. (If P7500, select the
P7500OXAKI1_P7500XXKI1_P7500XXKI1_HOME.tar.md5 file)
You should get the following screen when youre done, so pay attention to the Option selections:
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5. Now click on the big Start button, and let the Odin tool run its magic. It should take a few minutes. Once its
done, youll get the screen below. Make sure you let it run fully, uninterrupted until you get the green
Pass! box like in the screen below!
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6. Once youve seen the green PASS! notification like the one in the screen above, where theres no failed
notification, which means its successful! By now, if you look at the Tab, it would have rebooted itself. It should be
rebooting into the stock Samsung ROM. Please let it boot completely.
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(Don t worry if you see this, its part of the process.
When you reach this stage, use the Volume Up and Volume Down buttons to select Wipe Data/Factory Reset
and hit enter by pressing the Power button. Once the wiping is complete (you will see the progress text), reboot
your device
Once its done booting up, you should get your Tab in a new, factory-fresh KME (or KI1 for P7500) Honeycomb
3.1 condition, together with the necessary setup screens.
You now have a completely stock rom installed on your Galaxy Tab 10.1.
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