Datamining ch8

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sport Height Weight

basketball 72 162
gymnastics 54 66
track 63 106
basketball 78 204
Chapter 8: Clustering
In previous chapters we have been developing classification systems. In these systems we
train a classifier on a set of labelled examples.
After we train the classier, we can use it to label new examples.
This person looks like a basketball player. That one a gymnast.
That person is unlikely to get diabetes in 3 years.
and so on. In other words, the classier selects a label from a set of labels it
acquired during the training phaseit knows the possible labels.

the label (class) we are learning to predict
This task is called clustering. The system divides a set of instances into clusters or groups
based on some measure of similarity. There are two main types of clustering algorithms.
k-means clustering
For one type, we tell the algorithm how many clusters to make. Please cluster these 1,000
people into 5 groups. Please classify these web pages into 15 groups. These methods go by
the name of k-means clustering algorithms and we will discuss those a bit later in the
hierarchical clustering
For the other approach we dont specify how many clusters to make. Instead the algorithm
starts with each instance in its own cluster. At each iteration of the algorithm it combines the
two most similar clusters into one. It repeatedly does this until there is only one cluster. This
But what happens if I dont
know the possible labels?
Suppose I want a system
that discovers the possible groups.
For example, I have 1,000
people, each one represented by
20 attributes and I want a system
to cluster the people into groups.
is called hierarchical clustering and its name makes sense. The result of running the
algorithm is that we have one cluster, which consists of two sub-clusters. Each of those two
sub-clusters in turn, consist of 2 sub-sub clusters and so on.
Initially, each item is in its own cluster
We join the 2 closest clusters into one cluster
Then we repeat...
We join the 2 closest clusters into one cluster
Then we repeat...
We join the 2 closest clusters into one cluster
Then we repeat...
We join the 2 closest clusters into one cluster
We stop when there is only one cluster!
Again, at each iteration of the algorithm we join the two closest clusters. And to determine
the closest clusters we use a distance formula. But we have some choices in how we
compute the distance between two clusters, which leads to different clustering methods.
Consider the three clusters (A, B, and C) illustrated below each containing two members.
Which pair of clusters should we join? Cluster A with B, or cluster C with B?
Single-linkage clustering
In single-linkage clustering we define the distance between two clusters as the shortest
distance between any member of one cluster to any member of the other. With this
definition, the distance between Cluster A and Cluster B is the distance between A1 and B1,
since that is shorter than the distances between A1 and B2, A2 and B1, and A2 and B2. With
single-linkage clustering, Cluster A is closer to Cluster B than C is to B, so we would combine
A and B into a new cluster.
Complete-linkage clustering
In complete-linkage clustering we define the distance between two clusters as the greatest
distance between any member of one cluster to any member of the other. With this
definition, the distance between Cluster A and Cluster B is the distance between A2 and B2.
With complete-linkage clustering, Cluster C is closer to Cluster B than A is to B, so we would
combine B and C into a new cluster.
Average-linkage clustering
In average-linkage clustering we define the distance between two clusters as the average
distance between any member of one cluster to any member of the other. In the diagram
above, it appears that the average distance between Clusters C and B would be less than the
average between A and B and we would combine B and C into a new cluster.
B2 C1
Good idea! Lets practice by clustering dog breeds based on height and weight!
Hey! Lets work through
an example of single-linkage
Border Collie
Boston Terrier
Brittany Spaniel
German Shepherd
Golden Retriever
Great Dane
Water Dog
Standard Poodle
Yorkshire Terrier
Psst! I think we are forgetting something.
Isnt there something we should do before
computing distance?
change those numbers to Modified
Standard Scores
height weight
Border Collie
Boston Terrier
-0.7213 -0.873
Brittany Spaniel -0.3607 -0.4365
1.2623 2.03704
-2.1639 -1.2222
German Shepherd 0.9016 0.81481
Golden Retriever 0.541 0.58201
Great Dane
2.16393 3.20106
Water Dog
Standard Poodle -0.1803 0.43651
Yorkshire Terrier -2.525 -1.25132
Modified Standard Scores
Next we are going to compute the
Euclidean distance between
-3.00 -2.25 -1.50 -0.75 0 0.75 1.50 2.25 3.00
Based on
this chart, which
two breeds do
you think are the
Euclidean Distances (a few of the shortest distances are highlighted):
Border Collie
1.024 0.463 2.521 2.417 1.317 0.907 3.985 0.232 0.609 2.756
Boston Terrier
0.566 3.522 1.484 2.342 1.926 4.992 1.255 1.417 1.843
Brittany Spaniel
2.959 1.967 1.777 1.360 4.428 0.695 0.891 2.312
4.729 1.274 1.624 1.472 2.307 2.155 5.015
3.681 3.251 6.188 2.644 2.586 0.362
German Shphrd
0.429 2.700 1.088 1.146 4.001
Golden Retriever
3.081 0.685 0.736 3,572
Great Dane
3.766 3.625 6.466
Portuguese WD
0.566 2.980
Standard Poodle
Great Dane
German Shepherd
Golden Retriever
Portuguese WD
Border Collie
St. Poodle
Brittany Spaniel
Boston Terrier
Chihuahua Yorkshire
The algorithm.
Step 1.
Initially, each breed is in its own cluster. We find the two closest clusters and combine them
into one cluster. From the table on the preceding page we see that the closest clusters are the
Border Collie and the Portuguese Water Dog (distance of 0.232) so we combine them.
Border Collie

Portuguese WD
Step 2.
We find the two closest clusters and combine them into one cluster. From the table on the
preceding page we see that these are the Chihuahua and the Yorkshire Terrier (distance of
0.362) so we combine them.

Yorkshire T.
Border Collie

Portuguese WD
Step 3.
We repeat the process again. This time combining the German Shepherd and the Golden

Yorkshire T.
German Shphrd

Golden Retriever
Border Collie

Portuguese WD
Step 4.
We repeat the process yet again. From the table we see that the next closest pair is the Border
Collie and the Brittany Spaniel. The Border Collie is already in a cluster with the Portuguese
Water Dog which we created in Step 1. So in this step we are going to combine that cluster
with the Brittany Spaniel.

Yorkshire T.
German Shphrd

Golden Retriever
Border Collie

Portuguese WD

Brittany Spaniel
And we continue:

Yorkshire T.
German Shphrd

Golden Retriever
Border Collie

Portuguese WD

Brittany Spaniel

Boston Terrier

This type of diagram is called a
dendrogram. It is basically a tree
diagram that represents clusters.
s sharpen your pencil

Finish the clustering of the dog data!
To help you in this task, there is a sorted list of dog breed distances on this chapters webpage

Yorkshire T.
German Shphrd

Golden Retriever
Border Collie

Portuguese WD

Brittany Spaniel

Boston Terrier

s sharpen your pencil solution

Finish the clustering of the dog data!
To help you in this task, there is a sorted list of dog breed distances on this chapters webpage

Yorkshire T.
German Shphrd

Golden Retriever
Border Collie

Portuguese WD

Brittany Spaniel

Boston Terrier
Standard Poodle
Great Dane
coding a hierarchical clustering algorithm

For coding the
clusterer we can use a
priority queue!
Can you remind
me what a priority
queue is?
In a regular queue, the order in which you put the
items in the queue is the order you get the items out
of the queue...
(15, Moa)
(16, Suzuka)
(13, Yui)
(15, Moa)
(16, Suzuka)
(13, Yui)
Suppose I put tuples representing a persons age
and name into a queue. First the tuple for Moa is put
into the queue, then the one for Suzuka and then for
Yui. When I get an item from the queue, I first get the
tuple for Moa since that was the first one put in the
queue; then the one for Suzuka and then Yui!
In a priority queue each item put into the queue has an associated priority. The order in
which items are retrieved from the queue is based on this priority. Items with a higher
priority are retrieved before items with a lower one. In our example data, suppose the
younger a person is, the higher their priority.
Lets see how this works in Python
>>> from queue import PriorityQueue # load the PriorityQueue library
>>> singersQueue = PriorityQueue() # create a PriorityQueue called
# singersQueue
>>> singersQueue.put((16, 'Suzuka Nakamoto')) # put a few items in the queue
>>> singersQueue.put((15, 'Moa Kikuchi'))
>>> singersQueue.put((14, 'Yui Mizuno'))
(15, Moa)
(16, Suzuka)
(13, Yui)
We put the tuples into the queue in the same order
as before!
Priority Queue
(15, Moa)
(16, Suzuka)
(13, Yui)
The first item to be retrieved from the queue will be
Yui because she is youngest and thus has the highest
(16, Suzuka)
(15, M
(13, Yui)
Priority Queue
(16, Suzuka)
(15, M
(13, Yui)
>>> singersQueue.put((17, 'Ayaka Sasaki'))
>>> singersQueue.get() # The first item retrieved
(14, 'Yui Mizuno') # will be the youngest, Yui.
>>> singersQueue.get()
(15, 'Moa Kikuchi')
>>> singersQueue.get()
(16, 'Suzuka Nakamoto')
>>> singersQueue.get()
(17, 'Ayaka Sasaki')
For our task of building a hierarchical clusterer, we will put the clusters in a priority queue.
The priority will be the shortest distance to a clusters nearest neighbor. Using our dog breed
example, we will put the Border Collie in our queue recording that its nearest neighbor is the
Portuguese Water Dog at a distance of 0.232. We put similar entries into the queue for the
other breeds:
We will get the two entries with the shortest distance, make sure we have a matching pair. In
this case we get the entries for Border Collie and Portuguese Water Dog. Next, we join the
clusters into one cluster. In this case, we create a Border Collie - Portuguese Water Dog
cluster. And put that cluster on the queue:
Priority Queue
cluster: (Border Collie)
neighbor: Portuguese Water Dog
distance: 0.232
cluster: (Portuguese Water Dog)
neighbor: Border Collie
distance: 0.232
cluster: (Chihuahua)
neighbor: Yorkshire Terrier
distance: 0.362
etc. etc.
And repeat until there is only one cluster on the queue. The entries we will put on the queue
need to be slightly more complex than those used in this example. So lets look at this
example in more detail.
Reading the data from a file
The data will be in a CSV (comma separated values) file where the first column is the name of
the instance and the rest of the columns are the values of various attributes. The first line of
the file will be a header that describes these attributes:
The data in this file is read into a list called, not surprisingly, data. The list data saves the
information by column. Thus, data[0] is a list containing the breed names (data[0][0] is
the string Border Collie, data[0][1] is Boston Terrier and so on). data[1] is a list
Priority Queue
cluster: (Border Collie,
Portuguese Water Dog)
neighbor: Brittany Spaniel
distance: 0.463
cluster: (Chihuahua)
neighbor: Yorkshire Terrier
distance: 0.362
breed,height (inches),weight (pounds)
Border Collie,20,45
Boston Terrier,16,20
Brittany Spaniel,18,35
German Shepherd,25,78
Golden Retriever,23,70
Great Dane,32,160
Portuguese Water Dog,21,50
Standard Poodle,19,65
Yorkshire Terrier,6,7
containing the height values, and data[2] is the weight list. All the data except that in the
first column is converted into floats. For example, data[1][0] is the float 20.0 and
data[2][0] is the float 45. Once the data is read in, it is normalized. Throughout the
description of the algorithm I will use the term index to refer to the row number of the
instance (for example, Border Collie is index 0, Boston Terrier is index 1, and Yorkshire
Terrier is index 10).
Initializing the Priority Queue
At the start of the algorithm, we will put in the queue, entries for each breed. Lets consider
the entry for the Border Collie. First, we calculate the distance of the Border Collie to all other
breeds and put that information into a Python dictionary:
{1: ((0, 1), 1.0244), the distance between the Border Collie (index 0) and the Boston Terrier
(index 1), is 1.0244
2: ((0, 2), 0.463), the distance between the Border Collie the Brittany Spaniel is 0.463
10: ((0, 10), 2.756)} the Border Collie -- Yorkshire Terrier distance is 2.756
We will also keep track of the Border Collies nearest neighbor and the distance to that
nearest neighbor:
The problem of identical distances and what is with all those tuples.
You may have noticed that in the table on page 8-7, the distance between the Portuguese
Water Dog and the Standard Poodle and the distance between the Boston Terrier and the
Brittany Spaniel are the same0.566. If we retrieve items from the priority queue based on
distance there is a possibility that we will retrieve Standard Poodle and Boston Terrier and
join them in a cluster, which would be an error. To prevent this error we will use a tuple
containing the indices (based on the data list) of the two breeds that the distance
represents. For example, Portuguese Water Dog is entry 8 in our data and the Standard
closest distance: 0.232
nearest pair: (0, 8)
The closest neighbor to the Border Collie
(index 0) is the Portuguese Water Dog
(index 8) and vice versa.
Poodle is entry 9, so the tuple will be (8,9). This tuple is added to the nearest neighbor list.
The nearest neighbor for the poodle will be:
['Portuguese Water Dog', 0.566, (8,9)]
and the nearest neighbor for the Portuguese Water Dog will be:
['Standard Poodle', 0.566, (8,9)]
By using this tuple, when we retrieve items from the queue we can see if they are a matching
Another thing to consider about identical distances.
When I introduced Python Priority Queues a few pages ago, I inserted into the queue, tuples
representing the ages and names of Japanese Idol performers. These entries were retrieved
based on age. What happens if some of the entries have the same age (the same priority)?
Lets try:
>>> singersQueue.put((15,'Suzuka Nakamoto'))
>>> singersQueue.put((15,'Moa Kikuchi'))
>>> singersQueue.put((15, 'Yui Mizuno'))
>>> singersQueue.put((15, 'Avaka Sasaki'))
>>> singersQueue.put((12, 'Megumi Okada'))
>>> singersQueue.get()
(12, 'Megumi Okada')
>>> singersQueue.get()
(15, 'Avaka Sasaki')
>>> singersQueue.get()
(15, 'Moa Kikuchi')
>>> singersQueue.get()
(15, 'Suzuka Nakamoto')
>>> singersQueue.get()
(15, 'Yui Mizuno')
You can see that if the first items in the tuples match, Python uses the next item to break the
tie. In the case of all those 15 year olds, the entries are retrieved based on the next item, the
persons name. And since these are strings, they are ordered alphabetically. Thus the entry
for Avaka Sasaki is retrieved before Moa Kikuchi and Moa is retrieved before Suzuka, which
is retrieved before Yui.
In our case of hierarchical clustering, We use the distance between breeds as the primary
priority. To resolve ties we will use an index number. The first element we put on the queue
will have an index of 0, the second element an index of 1, the third , 2, and so on. Our
complete entry we add to the queue will be of the form:
(0.23170921460558744, 0,
[['Border Collie'],
['Portuguese Water Dog', 0.23170921460558744, (0, 8)],
{1: ((0, 1), 1.0244831578726061),
2: ((0, 2), 0.4634184292111748),
9: ((0, 9), 0.6093065384986165),
10: ((0, 10), 2.756155583828758)}])
We initialize the priority queue by placing on the queue, an entry like this for each breed.
Repeat the following until there is only one cluster.
We get two items from the queue, merge them into one cluster and put that entry on the
queue. In our dog breed example, we get the entry for Border Collie and the entry for
Portuguese Water Dog. We create the queue
['Border Collie', 'Portuguese Water Dog']
Next we compute the distance of this new cluster to all the other dog breeds except those in
the new cluster. We do this by merging the distance dictionaries of the two initial clusters in
the following way. Lets call the distance dictionary of the first item we get from the queue
distanceDict1, the distance dictionary of the second item we get from the queue
distanceDict2, and the distance dictionary we are constructing for the new cluster
distance to
nearest neighbor
distance to
nearest neighbor
current cluster
information about nearest
distances to all other breeds.
The tuple (0, 1) indicates that
this is the distance between
breed 0 (Border Collie) and
breed 1 (Boston Terrier)
key value in the Border Collie
Distance List
value in the Portuguese Water
Dog Distance List
value in the Distance List for the
new cluster
0 -
((0, 8), 0.2317092146055)
((0, 1), 1.02448315787260) ((1, 8), 1.25503395239308) ((0, 1), 1.02448315787260)
((0, 2), 0.46341842921117) ((2, 8), 0.69512764381676) (0, 2), 0.46341842921117)
((0, 3), 2.52128307411504) ((3, 8), 2.3065500082408) ((3, 8), 2.3065500082408)
((0, 4), 2.41700998092941) ((4, 8), 2.643745991701) ((0, 4), 2.41700998092941)
((0, 5), 1.31725590972761) ((5, 8), 1.088215707936) ((5, 8), 1.088215707936)
((0, 6), 0.90660838225252) ((6, 8), 0.684696194462) ((6, 8), 0.684696194462)
((0, 7), 3.98523295438990) ((7, 8), 3.765829069545) ((7, 8), 3.765829069545)
((0, 8), 0.23170921460558)
- -
((0, 9), 0.60930653849861) ((8, 9), 0.566225873458) ((8, 9), 0.566225873458)
((0, 10), 2.7561555838287) ((8, 10), 2.980333906137) ((0, 10), 2.7561555838287)
The complete entry that will be placed on the queue as a result of merging the Border Collie
and the Portuguese Water Dog will be
(0.4634184292111748, 11, [('Border Collie', 'Portuguese Water Dog'),
[2, 0.4634184292111748, (0, 2)],
{1: ((0, 1), 1.0244831578726061), 2: ((0, 2), 0.4634184292111748),
3: ((3, 8), 2.306550008240866), 4: ((0, 4), 2.4170099809294157),
5: ((5, 8), 1.0882157079364436), 6: ((6, 8), 0.6846961944627522),
7: ((7, 8), 3.7658290695451373), 9: ((8, 9), 0.5662258734585477),
10: ((0, 10), 2.756155583828758)}])
Initialize newDistanceDict to an empty dictionary
for each key, value pair in distanceDict1:
if there is an entry in distanceDict2 with that key:
if the distance for that entry in distanceDict1 is
shorter than that in distanceDict2:
place the distanceDict1 entry in newDistanceDict
place the distanceDict1 entry in newDistanceDict
s Code It

Can you implement the algorithm presented above in Python?
To help you in this task, there is a Python file on the books website,
( that gives
you a starting point. You need to:
1. Finish the init method.
For each entry in the data:
1. compute the Euclidean Distance from that entry to all other entries and
create a Python Dictionary as described above.
2. Find the nearest neighbor
3. Place the info for this entry on the queue.
2. Write a cluster method. This method should repeatedly:
1. retrieve the top 2 entries on the queue
2. merge them
3. place the new cluster on the queue
until there is only one cluster on the queue.

s Code It - solution
from queue import PriorityQueue
import math
Example code for hierarchical clustering
def getMedian(alist):
"""get median value of list alist"""
tmp = list(alist)
alen = len(tmp)
if (alen % 2) == 1:
return tmp[alen // 2]
return (tmp[alen // 2] + tmp[(alen // 2) - 1]) / 2

def normalizeColumn(column):
"""Normalize column using Modified Standard Score"""
median = getMedian(column)
asd = sum([abs(x - median) for x in column]) / len(column)
result = [(x - median) / asd for x in column]
return result
class hClusterer:
""" this clusterer assumes that the first column of the data is a label
not used in the clustering. The other columns contain numeric data"""

def __init__(self, filename):
file = open(filename) = {}
self.counter = 0
self.queue = PriorityQueue()
lines = file.readlines()
This is only my solution and not
necessarily the best solution. You
might have come up with a better one!
header = lines[0].split(',')
self.cols = len(header) = [[] for i in range(len(header))]
for line in lines[1:]:
cells = line.split(',')
toggle = 0
for cell in range(self.cols):
if toggle == 0:[cell].append(cells[cell])
toggle = 1
# now normalize number columns (that is, skip the first column)
for i in range(1, self.cols):[i] = normalizeColumn([i])
### I have read in the data and normalized the
### columns. Now for each element i in the data, I am going to
### 1. compute the Euclidean Distance from element i to all the
### other elements. This data will be placed in neighbors,
### which is a Python dictionary. Let's say i = 1, and I am
### computing the distance to the neighbor j and let's say j
### is 2. The neighbors dictionary for i will look like
### {2: ((1,2), 1.23), 3: ((1, 3), 2.3)... }
### 2. find the closest neighbor
### 3. place the element on a priority queue, called simply queue,
### based on the distance to the nearest neighbor (and a counter
### used to break ties.
# now push distances on queue
rows = len([0])
for i in range(rows):
minDistance = 99999
nearestNeighbor = 0
neighbors = {}
for j in range(rows):
if i != j:
dist = self.distance(i, j)
if i < j:
pair = (i,j)
pair = (j,i)
neighbors[j] = (pair, dist)
if dist < minDistance:
minDistance = dist
nearestNeighbor = j
nearestNum = j
# create nearest Pair
if i < nearestNeighbor:
nearestPair = (i, nearestNeighbor)
nearestPair = (nearestNeighbor, i)

# put instance on priority queue
self.queue.put((minDistance, self.counter,
[[[0][i]], nearestPair, neighbors]))
self.counter += 1

def distance(self, i, j):
sumSquares = 0
for k in range(1, self.cols):
sumSquares += ([k][i] -[k][j])**2
return math.sqrt(sumSquares)

def cluster(self):
done = False
while not done:
topOne = self.queue.get()
nearestPair = topOne[2][1]
if not self.queue.empty():
nextOne = self.queue.get()
nearPair = nextOne[2][1]
tmp = []
## I have just popped two elements off the queue,
## topOne and nextOne. I need to check whether nextOne
## is topOne's nearest neighbor and vice versa.
## If not, I will pop another element off the queue
## until I find topOne's nearest neighbor. That is what
## this while loop does.
while nearPair != nearestPair:
tmp.append((nextOne[0], self.counter, nextOne[2]))
self.counter += 1
nextOne = self.queue.get()
nearPair = nextOne[2][1]
## this for loop pushes the elements I popped off in the
## above while loop.
for item in tmp:

if len(topOne[2][0]) == 1:
item1 = topOne[2][0][0]
item1 = topOne[2][0]
if len(nextOne[2][0]) == 1:
item2 = nextOne[2][0][0]
item2 = nextOne[2][0]
## curCluster is, perhaps obviously, the new cluster
## which combines cluster item1 with cluster item2.
curCluster = (item1, item2)
## Now I am doing two things. First, finding the nearest
## neighbor to this new cluster. Second, building a new
## neighbors list by merging the neighbors lists of item1
## and item2. If the distance between item1 and element 23
## is 2 and the distance betweeen item2 and element 23 is 4
## the distance between element 23 and the new cluster will
## be 2 (i.e., the shortest distance).
minDistance = 99999
nearestPair = ()
nearestNeighbor = ''
merged = {}
nNeighbors = nextOne[2][2]
for (key, value) in topOne[2][2].items():
if key in nNeighbors:
if nNeighbors[key][1] < value[1]:
dist = nNeighbors[key]
dist = value
if dist[1] < minDistance:
minDistance = dist[1]
nearestPair = dist[0]
nearestNeighbor = key
merged[key] = dist

if merged == {}:
return curCluster
self.queue.put( (minDistance, self.counter,
[curCluster, nearestPair, merged]))
self.counter += 1

def printDendrogram(T, sep=3):
"""Print dendrogram of a binary tree. Each tree node is represented by a
length-2 tuple. printDendrogram is written and provided by David Eppstein
2002. Accessed on 14 April 2014: """

def isPair(T):
return type(T) == tuple and len(T) == 2

def maxHeight(T):
if isPair(T):
h = max(maxHeight(T[0]), maxHeight(T[1]))
h = len(str(T))
return h + sep

activeLevels = {}
def traverse(T, h, isFirst):
if isPair(T):
traverse(T[0], h-sep, 1)
s = [' ']*(h-sep)
s = list(str(T))
s.append(' ')
while len(s) < h:

if (isFirst >= 0):
if isFirst:
activeLevels[h] = 1
del activeLevels[h]

A = list(activeLevels)
for L in A:
if len(s) < L:
while len(s) < L:
s.append(' ')
print (''.join(s))

if isPair(T):
traverse(T[1], h-sep, 0)
traverse(T, maxHeight(T), -1)
filename = '//Users/raz/Dropbox/guide/pg2dm-python/ch8/dogs.csv'
hg = hClusterer(filename)
cluster = hg.cluster()
When I run this code I get the following results:
Chihuahua -------------------------------+
Yorkshire Terrier -----------------------+ |
Great Dane ------------------------------+ |
Bullmastiff --------------------------+ |
German Shepherd ----------------+ |
|--+ |
Golden Retriever ---------------+ | |
Standard Poodle ----------------+ |
Boston Terrier --------------+ |
Brittany Spaniel ---------+ |
Border Collie ---------+ |
Portuguese Water Dog --+
which match the results we computed by hand. Thats encouraging.
s you try!

On the books website, there is a file containing nutritional
information about 77 breakfast cereals
Can you perform hierarchical clustering of this data?
Which cereal is most similar to Trix?
To Muesli Raisins & Almonds?
Breakfast Cereals
cereal name
calories per serving
protein (in grams)
fat (in grams)
sodium (in mg)
fiber (grams)
carbohydrates (grams)
sugars (grams)
potassium (mg)
vitamins (% of RDA)
This data set is from Carnegie Mellon University:
s you try - results

To run the clusterer on this dataset we only needed to change the filename from dogs.csv to
cereal.csv. Here is an abbreviated version of the results:
Mueslix Crispy Blend --------------------------------------------------------------------+
Muesli Raisins & Almonds -------------------------------------------------------------+ |
Muesli Peaches & Pecans --------------------------------------------------------------+

Lucky Charms ----------+
Fruity Pebbles --+ |
|--+ |
Trix ------------+ | |
Cocoa Puffs -----+ |
Count Chocula ---+

Trix, is most similar to Fruity Pebbles. (I recommend you confirm this by running out right now and
buying a box of each.) Perhaps not surprisingly, Muesli Raisins & Almonds is closest to Muesli
Peaches & Pecans.

-means clustering
With k-means clustering
we specify how many clusters to
make. This is the k. If we want to
make 2 groups k = 2, if we want
to make 100, k=100.
k-means clustering is
The Most Popular clustering
K-means is cool!
The algorithm is over 50
years old! It was first
proposed by Dr. Stuart Lloyd of
Bell Labs in 1957.
Here is what you need to
know about k-means
Here are some instances we
want to cluster into 3 groups (k=3).
Suppose they are dog breeds as
mentioned earlier and the dimensions
are height and weight.
Because k=3, we pick 3
random points as the initial
centroids of each cluster (initial
centroid means the initial center or
mean of the cluster).
Right then. Weve indicated
these initial centroids as red, green,
and blue circles.
Okay. Next, we are going to
assign each instance to the nearest
centroid. The points assigned to
each centroid are a cluster. So we
have created k initial clusters!!
Now, for each cluster, we
compute the mean (average) point
of that cluster. This will be our
updated centroid.
And repeat (assign each
instance to the centroid &
recompute centroids) until the
centroids dont move much or we
have reached some maximum number
of iterations.
The basic k-means algorithm is:
Lets go through an example. Consider the following points (x and y coordinates):
Say we want to cluster these into 2 groups.
step 1 of above algorithm: select k random instances to be initial centroids.
Suppose we randomly select (1, 4) as centroid 1 and (4, 2) as centroid 2.
step 3: assign each instance to the nearest centroid
To assign each instance to the nearest centroid we can use any of the distance measures we
have previously discussed. To keep things simple, for this example lets use Manhattan
1. select k random instances to be the
initial centroids
3. assign each instance to the nearest
centroid. (forming k clusters)
4. update centroids by computing mean
of each cluster
5. UNTIL centroids dont change (much).
(1, 2)
(1, 4)
(2, 2)
(2, 3)
(4, 2)
(4, 4)
(5, 1)
(5, 3)
Based on these distances we assign the points to the following clusters:
step 4: update centroids
We compute the new centroids by computing the mean of each cluster. The mean x
coordinate of cluster 1 is:
(1 + 1 + 2) / 3 = 4/3 = 1.33
and the mean y is
(2 + 4 + 3) / 3 = 9/3 = 3
So the new cluster 1 centroid is (1.33, 3).
The new centroid for cluster 2 is (4, 2.4)
point distance from centroid 1
(1, 4)
distance from centroid 2
(4, 2)
(1, 2) 2 3
(1,4) 0 5
(2, 2) 3 2
(2, 3) 2 3
(4, 2) 5 0
(4, 4) 3 2
(5, 1) 7 2
(5, 3) 5 2
(1, 2)
(1, 4)
(2, 3)
(2, 2)
(4, 2)
(4, 4)
(5, 1)
(5, 3)
step 5: until centroids dont change
The old centroids were (1, 4) and (4, 2) and the new ones are (1.33, 3) and (4, 2.4). The
centroids changed so we repeat.
step 3: assign each instance to the nearest centroid
Again we compute Manhattan Distance.
and based on these distances assign the points to clusters:
step 4: update centroids
We compute the new centroids by computing the mean of each cluster.
Cluster 1 centroid: (1.5, 2.75)
Cluster 2 centroid: (4.5, 2.5)
point distance from centroid 1
(1.33, 3)
distance from centroid 2
(4, 2.4)
(1, 2) 1.33 3.4
(1, 4) 1.33 4.6
(2, 2) 1.67 2.4
(2, 3) 0.67 2.6
(4, 2) 3.67 0.4
(4, 4) 3.67 1.6
(5, 1) 5.67 2.4
(5, 3) 3.67 1.6
(1, 2)
(1, 4)
(2, 2)
(2, 3)
(4, 2)
(4, 4)
(5, 1)
(5, 3)
step 5: until centroids dont change
The centroids changed so we repeat.
step 3: assign each instance to the nearest centroid
Again we compute Manhattan Distance.
and based on these distances assign the points to clusters:
step 4: update centroids
We compute the new centroids by computing the mean of each cluster.
Cluster 1 centroid: (1.5, 2.75)
Cluster 2 centroid: (4.5, 2.5)
point distance from centroid 1
(1.5, 2.75)
distance from centroid 2
(4.5, 2.5)
(1, 2) 1.25 4.0
(1, 4) 1.75 5.0
(2, 2) 1.25 3.0
(2, 3) 0.75 3.0
(4, 2) 3.25 1.0
(4, 4) 3.75 2.0
(5, 1) 5.25 2.0
(5, 3) 3.75 1.0
(1, 2)
(1, 4)
(2, 2)
(2, 3)
(4, 2)
(4, 4)
(5, 1)
(5, 3)
step 5: until centroids dont change
The updated centroids are identical to the previous ones so the algorithm converged on a
solution and we can stop. The final clusters are
(1, 2)
(1, 4)
(2, 2)
(2, 3)
(4, 2)
(4, 4)
(5, 1)
(5, 3)
We stop when the centroids dont change. This is the same
condition as saying no point are shifting from one cluster to
another. This is what we mean when we say the algorithm
During the execution of the algorithm, the
centroids shift from their initial position to some
final position. The vast majority of this shift
occurs during the first few iterations. Often, the
centroids barely move during the final iterations.
This means that the k-means algorithm
produces good clusters early on and later
iterations are likely to produce only minor
Because of this behavior of the
algorithm, we can dramatically reduce its
execution time by relaxing our criteria of no
points are shifting from one cluster to
another to fewer than 1% of the points are
shifting from one cluster to another.
This is a common approach!
N K-means is simple!
For you computer science geeks:
K-means is an instance of the Expectation
Maximization (EM) Algorithm, which is an
iterative method that alternates between
two phases. We start with an initial
estimate of some parameter. In the K-
means case we start with an estimate of the
centroids. In the expectation (E) phase, we
use this estimate to place points into their
expected cluster. In the Maximization (M)
phase we use these expected values to
adjust the estimate of the centroids. If you
are interested in learning more about the
EM algorithm the wikipedia page http://
%E2%80%93maximization_algorithm is a
good place to start.
Hill Climbing
I would like to briefly interrupt our
discussion of K-means clustering to talk
about hill climbing algorithms. Suppose our
goal is to reach the peak of some mountain
and we come up with the following
This seems like a reasonable algorithm.
Consider using it with the mountain shown here !
You can see that regardless of where we are plopped
down on the mountain, we will reach the peak if we
follow the algorithm.
And if we think of this as a graph, we will reach the
peak value regardless of where we start on the graph.
Now lets consider using the algorithm with the graph on the following page
start at some random location on the mountain.
take a step in the direction that will take you higher.
UNTIL there is no direction that will take you higher.
Sometimes thing
Thus, this simple version of the hill-climbing algorithm is not guaranteed to reach the
optimal solution.
Here, things
dont work out as
expected. If we
start at A on the
We will reach the peak B but not reach the
highest peak D. Or, to put it another way, we reach the
local maximum, B, but not the global maximum, D.
The k-means clustering algorithm is like this. There is no guarantee
that it will find the optimal division of the data into clusters. Why?
The final clusters are heavily dependent on the selection of the
initial centroids.
Even so, the k-means algorithm generates decent clusters.
Because at the start of the algorithm we select an initial set of
centroids randomly, which is much like picking a random spot like point A
on the graph above. Then, based on this initial set, we optimize the
clusters finding the local optimum (similar to point B on the graph).
DRAFT from 14 July 2014 - further content forthcoming

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