Application For Atlas Honda
Application For Atlas Honda
Application For Atlas Honda
E Electrical Engineering)
Respected Sir
! am Aneel Kumar "a#e done m$ %Bac"elor of Electrical Engineering ( BE )& from %ME'R()
*)!+ERS!T, -. E)/!)EER!)/ ()0 TE1')-2-/, J(MS'-R- (MUET)& in ,ear %2013
3it" %1
0i#ision&. ! am loo4ing for a c"allenging career 3"ic" demands t"e best of m$ professional
abilit$ in terms of tec"nical and anal$tical s4ill and "elps me in broadening and en"ancing m$ current
s4ill and 4no3ledge.
! "a#e done 5 mont"s interns"ip at /T6S 7otri and 5 mont"s interns"ip at J612 Jams"oro. (lso ! 3as
remains in#igilator at Britis" 1ouncil for 8 mont". ! "a#e good computer literac$. Moreo#er ! am
proficient in 3riting and spea4ing Englis". ! "a#e also pass 2ocal /RE (/(T) 3it" 98 score.
6lease consider me for t"e related post as trainee engineer.
Encl: 1+
Cell # +92-332-207233 Email! Aneel"umar10el3#$gmail%c&m
A''ress! 'ouse )o: 0:8; 1olon$ )o: 8 <(60( /.T.6.S Site (rea 7otri
0ist: Jams"oro Sind" 6a4istan.
To build up a career being a part of a d$namic organi=ation to enric" m$ qualities and capabilities. To get "and:
on:qualit$ e>ecuti#e understanding of professional performance tec"nological s4ills and enabling me to learn
t"e 4no3ledge of field.
B.E Electrical Engineering '.Sc 6re:Engineering Matriculation
5?8? @ 5?8A 5??B:5??C 5??D:5??B
M*ET Jams"oro B!SE '$derabad B!SE '$derabad
Me"ran *ni#ersit$ of Engineering E
Tec"nolog$ Jams"oro Sind" 6a4istan
/o#t: Muslim Science
1ollege '$derabad
<(60( Model Bo$s 'ig"
Sc"ool /.T.6.S 7otri.
BA.8CF 8st 0i#ision G?.DF 8st 0i#ision B9F 8st 0i#ision
June:Jul$ 5?85 June:Jul$ 5?8A
/as Turbine 6o3er Station (/T6S) 7otri Jams"oro 6o3er 1ompan$ 2imited (J612)
C)M1UTE( /K+22/!
)3erating /4stems! +er$ good 4no3ledge of 5in'&6s 71H7H,ista8 MS -ffice (<ord E>cel 6o3er 6oint)
)t9ers! !nternet suffering /ood 4no3ledge of computer.
)T0E( /K+22/!
!nterest to 3or4 at engineering (Electrical as 3ell as Electronics) side.
.inal $ear T"esis topic: 1ompressi#e stud$ of Solar E <ind Turbine E its Scenario in 6a4istan.
8) D??4+ /rid station ()T01) Jams"oro. 5) I-R2* 3ind farm 6a4istan (D; M<).
A) 8A5H884+ /rid Station Jasimabad ',0. ;) 6a4istan steel mill 7arac"i.
1E(/).A2 +.:)(MAT+).!
:at9er;s .ame: /ord"an 0as <en'er! Male
/urname Ma"es"3ari Marital Status: Single
-%)%B! 58 Jan 8CC5 -&micile! T"arpar4ar
C.+C .&! ;85?;:5?BG958:A .ati&nalit4! 6a4istan
Englis" *rdu Sind"i.
<ill be gi#en on request.