A Day in The Life of Alex Sander
A Day in The Life of Alex Sander
A Day in The Life of Alex Sander
By Group O1
Problem Statement:-
To channel Alexs skills, competence and transform him to become a positive leader.
Pestc analysis
Political: Not Applicable.
Economical: The European markets were entering the skin and beauty care segment. They had
acquired started acquiring large shares and continued to develop towards its full potential as
compared to the American brands that were already available in the market.
Social: Not required
Technological: The European markets had started to use better technology to create various
chemical compounds to make better products well suited for the skin. Also they were able to get
better test results that resulted in less failure.
Cultural: The extensive growth opportunities in the market made a difference in the work
Landon Care Products
Successful rebranding of two
existing national skin care products
Existing market share in the US
An Avant Garde skin care product
rebranded as Nourish had become
stale in the Western Europe market
Recent acquisition by Avant Garde,
a multibillion-dollar European
beauty company
Target market for Nourish included
active American women in their 20s
and 30s who had enough
purchasing power and tendency to
splurge on skin care products
Large investments of $25 million
had be allocated to beat a competing
product to market
Alex Sander
Strong academic qualifications with
degrees from well-known
institutions such as MIT and
Entrepreneurial skills
Committed to his job
Micro manager , unable to delegate
and motivate other
Hostile and Blunt which is perceived
as arrogance
Does not believe in work life
Lack of tact in making remarks
Socially entertaining
Confident, undaunted by challenges
implying low EQ
As a young manager in a
responsible position , has a long
career ahead of him
Switching jobs because they do not
meet his need for control could
reflect badly in his resume
Inability to handle criticism could
affect improvement and hence affect
his success in any company
Introducing 360 feedback for the first time.
A stale skin care product needs to be marketed as Nourish in US market.
Alexs management style (importance to performance based approach).
Alex is an overachiever and with academic qualification from top university coupled with
his entrepreneurial skills gives him an independent streak.
Critical Factors:
After acquisition of Landon by Avante Garde, there was a constant pressure to deliver
results as Avante Garde sees Landon as their ticket to market share in USA.
Alexs Management style: Alex is extremely talented and productive, which makes him a
critical asset to the company. He expects the same commitment from every employee, if
not he is arrogant and thinks that the employees are not dedicated.
Avante Garde after taking over Landon introduced a new 360 feedback system, which
the employees were not familiar with and the requisite training was not given.
Alex as a person is a lone ranger, means he likes to take work upon him and doesnt
mentor the team members. He expects the same level of commitment from them as he
does if not he shouts at them and is often critical on assessment of others.
Alex has been assigned a critical job of turning a stale Avante Garde skin care product
primarily marketed in Western Europe and launch in USA as Nourish. The assignment is
highly demanding and Alex is not able to keep his emotions in check because of constant
work pressure.
Alexs negative temper affects his work environment causing nervousness and distress
among coworkers.
Alternative Recommendations
1. Alex should be given the freedom to build and mentor his own team
In a large place like Landon, Alex Sander was uncomfortable in working with a team
which did not follow the culture of the company. He wanted a team that was ready to
work on extra hours and be flexible with a variety of work. He was comfortable with
people who had a deeper vision and broad strategic way of thinking.
2. Alex should be made to attend leadership classes
Alex was very short tempered and lacked patience. If he was made to attend some
leadership classes he would learn some leadership skills which will allow him to take up
better roles in the company. He would meet the thinking process of other employees
therefore creating a less stressful environment. He can also be assigned with a mentor so
that he can develop people skills.
3. Alex should be moved to another position within the same company
Due to the improper behavior depicted by Alex, he should be demoted to being a regular
employee. This way he will be doing his work on his own. Though this may make him
unhappy but it will make other employees less frustrated of him.
4. Alex should leave the company
Alex should become the owner of his own start up where he could manage his work the
way he likes. This way he can create a work culture suited to his way of working.
5. Workshops on performance review for all employees so that they take more seriously the 360
valuation and its strength. This will hopefully see a work satisfaction that comes through
appraisal and he will be able to develop his potential of becoming a well-rounded leader over
Plan of Action
The solution to go about resolving the situation is an amalgamation of recommendation one and
two. If the company hopes to retain Alex Sandler as an effective leader in the future, it should
mould him to befit that position. At the same time in order to prevent Alex from leaving the
company in the short term the following steps could be taken
Give Alex to choose the management track and hence the autonomy to hand pick and
choose his team members. This way he would ensure that he chooses members he is
compatible with.
Assign him new members to be mentored, this will over a period of time improve his
ability to deal with different kinds of people.
Enroll him in a program that trains in leadership skills. Along with that the company
could make it their policy to ensure members vying for top positions to choose a program
that helps in stress management.
Improve the 360 degree performance system, to give feedback on a regular basis and not
simply at the end of the year so that improvement is a constant process.