Follow-Up Care: For Anoscopy/Hemorrhoidal Banding

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Follow-up Care for Anoscopy/Hemorrhoidal Banding

75 Sylvania Dr. | Beavercreek, OH 45440 | ph (937)320-5050 or (800)341-5055 |

1. The procedure places a small rubber band over one hemorrhoid each session. There are usually
3 banding sessions required at 2 week intervals with a nal check-up a few weeks later.
2. The procedure you have had is relatively painless since the banding of the area involved does not
have nerve endings and there is no pain sensation. The rubber band cuts off the blood supply to the
hemorrhoid the band may fall off as soon as 48 hours after the banding (the band may occasionally be
seen in the toilet bowl following a bowel movement). You may notice a feeling of fullness in the lower
bowel passage which should respond adequately to plain Tylenol or Motrin.
3. Following the banding, rest at home that evening and resume full activity the next day. A sitz bath
(soaking in a warm tub) or bidet is useful for cleansing the area after every bowel movement until the
area heals. This is especially helpful if you have had a minor surgical procedure such as removing an
anal tag in addition to the banding procedure.
4. To avoid constipation, take two tablespoons of natural wheat bran, natural oat bran, ax, Beneber or
any over the counter ber supplement with 7-8 glasses of water.
5. Unless you have been prescribed anorectal medication, do not put anything inside your rectum for two
weeks: No suppositories, enemas, ngers or other devices.
6. Occasionally, you may have more bleeding than usual after the banding procedure. This is often from
the untreated hemorrhoids rather than the treated one. Dont be concerned if there is a tablespoon or so
of blood. If there is more blood than this, lie at with your bottom higher than your head and apply an
ice pack to the area. If the bleeding does not stop within a half an hour and you feel faint, call our ofce
at (937)320-5050 or go to the emergency room.
7. Problems are not common. However, if there is a substantial amount of bleeding, severe pain, chills,
fever or difculty passing urine (very rare) or other problems, you should call us at (937)320-5050 or
report to the nearest Emergency Department.
8. Do not stay seated for more than 2-3 hours. Tighten your buttock muscles 10-15 times every two hours
and take 10-15 deep breaths every 1-2 hours.
9. If you are traveling out of the country or by airplane take your ber supplement with you along with
plenty of water. Do not drink alcohol on the ight as this tends to cause dehydration. Walk about every
hour for a few minutes.
10. Do not spend more than a few minutes on the toilet bearing down if you cannot empty your bowel;
instead re-visit the toilet at a later time.

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