This rubric evaluates student essays based on five criteria: required elements, grammar, attractiveness, presentation, and participation. For each criterion, the rubric provides descriptors to assess performance as outstanding, very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or poor, with associated point values ranging from 0 to 8. The total possible score is 40 points.
This rubric evaluates student essays based on five criteria: required elements, grammar, attractiveness, presentation, and participation. For each criterion, the rubric provides descriptors to assess performance as outstanding, very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or poor, with associated point values ranging from 0 to 8. The total possible score is 40 points.
This rubric evaluates student essays based on five criteria: required elements, grammar, attractiveness, presentation, and participation. For each criterion, the rubric provides descriptors to assess performance as outstanding, very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or poor, with associated point values ranging from 0 to 8. The total possible score is 40 points.
This rubric evaluates student essays based on five criteria: required elements, grammar, attractiveness, presentation, and participation. For each criterion, the rubric provides descriptors to assess performance as outstanding, very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or poor, with associated point values ranging from 0 to 8. The total possible score is 40 points.
Criteria Outstanding 8 Very Satisfactory 6 Satisfactory 4 Unsatisfactory 2 Poor 0 Score Required Elements The essay includes all required elements as well as additional information. All required elements are included on the essay. Only few required elements are missing on the essay. Several required elements are missing on the essay. All the required elements are missing on the essay. Grammar There are no grammatical mistakes on the essay. There are 1 to 3 grammatical mistakes on the essay. There are 4 grammatical mistakes on the essay. There are 5 grammatical mistakes on the essay. There are more than 5 grammatical mistakes on the essay. Attractiveness The essay is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The essay is really attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness The essay is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. The essay is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. The essay is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Presentation The presenter has prepared and rehearsed his/her presentation . He/She speaks clearly and smoothly in an engaging way. The presenter has prepared and rehearsed his/her presentation . He/She speaks clearly. The presenter is somewhat prepared, but he/she should have spent more time rehearsing. He/She delivers the presentation but he/she sometimes forgets what he/she is The presenter has not prepared at all. He/she has not rehearsed his/her presentation. He/She often forgets what he/she is doing and loses the audiences attention. The presenter has not prepared at all. He/she has not finished his /her presentation and loses the audiences attention Comments and Suggestions doing or loses the audiences attention Participation Students not only share their viewpoints and information, but also allow and encourage other students to do so at the same time. Students strive to build community within the group. Students not only share their viewpoints and information, but also allow and encourage other students to do so at the same time. Students do not allow other students to share, or does not value the others' viewpoints/ information. Students listen actively to others but do not share their viewpoint or information. Students make no attempt to participate at all. TOTAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_______/40