Blood Bank III D. Joe Chaffin, MD Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Blood Components and Component Therapy I. General A. Basic concept of component therapy 1. More efficient use of products by giving a patient what he needs and avoiding what he doesnt need. 2. Made possible by advent of plastic bags around 1950. 3. Single unit may be made into numerous components (see figure below representing classical US method).
B. Anticoagulant/preservative solutions 1. Allows blood to be stored for extended periods without drastic effects on most metabolic and therapeutic qualities 2. Red cell storage defined by demonstrating 75% survival of transfused cells at 24 hours after transfusion (FDA) 3. Historic anticoagulant/preservatives a. Citrate-phosphate-dextrose (CPD) and citrate- phosphate-dextrose-dextrose (CP2D) 1) Allow 21 days of RBC/whole blood storage b. Citrate-phosphate-dextrose-adenine (CPDA-1) 1) Very similar to CPD but with 17.3 mg of adenine (no adenine in CPD) 2) Allows 35 days of RBC/Whole Blood storage c. Acid Citrate Dextrose (ACD): used for apheresis PLTs 4. Additive solutions (Adenine Saline additives) a. Increases shelf life of RBCs to 42 days b. Most common types 1) AS-1 (Adsol) 2) AS-3 (Nutricel) 3) AS-5 (Optisol) c. Specifics vary, but all add more dextrose and adenine to increase blood shelf life. d. AS-1 and AS-5 contain mannitol for RBC preservation Pathology Review Course page 2 Blood Bank III P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) 5. Preparation of additive solution RBCs: a. RBCs with additive solution process: 1) Blood collected in CPD or CP2D (NOT CPDA-1), spun, then mixed with 110 mL additive solution for 500 mL collections (100 mL for 450 mL bags) 2) This gives a product with more volume and less plasma (HCT usually 55-65%) 6. Know storage details for various products (Table 1) Table 1: Storage Details for Various Blood Products Product Storage Product Storage RBCs / Whole blood 35 days (CPDA-1) 42 days (Additives) 1-6 C Granu- locytes 24 hours; 20-24 C (no agitation) Fresh Frozen Plasma 1 year; 18 C OR 7 years, 65 C; 24 hours at 1-6 C after thaw Frozen RBCs 10 years; 65 C; 24 hours after thaw Washed RBCs 24 hours; 1-6 C CRYO 1 year at 18 C 6 hours at 20-24 C after thaw (4 hours if pooled) Platelets 5 days; 20-24 C (gentle agitation); 4 hours if pooled C. Quality control of blood products 1. Blood is a controlled product that is tightly regulated by the FDA (with more regulations from AABB & CAP). 2. Very specific, detailed requirements acceptability Table 2: Quality Control for Blood Products (US) Product QC Product QC RBCs HCT < 80% (all), > 50 g HGB in 95% (apheresis RBCs) Apheresis platelets 3.0 x 10 11 and pH 6.2 in 90% RBCs leukoreduced 5 x 10 6 WBCs in 95%, retain 85% of RBCs Apheresis platelets leukoreduced Above + < 5.0 x 10 6
residual WBCs in 95% Platelets (PC) 5.5 x 10 10 and pH 6.2 in 90% CRYO Factor VIII 80 IU (all) Fibrinogen 150 mg (all) Platelets (PC) leukoreduced 5.5 x 10 10 in 75%, pH 6.2 in 90%, AND < 8.3 x 10 5 WBCs in 95% Granulocyte concentrate 1.0 x 10 10 in 75% II. Blood and Components A. Blood components 1. Red blood cells/additive solution red blood cells 2. Platelets a. Whole blood-derived platelets (WBD-PLTs) b. Apheresis-derived platelets (AD-PLTs) 3. Modified RBCs and platelets a. Leukocyte reduced products The Osler I nstitute P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) Blood Bank III page 3 b. Irradiated products c. Frozen products d. Washed products 4. Plasma and derivatives a. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) b. FFP alternatives (including FP24) c. Cryoprecipitate (antihemophilic factor) d. Factor concentrates e. Other plasma derivatives 5. Miscellaneous products a. Granulocyte concentrate b. DDAVP c. Recombinant activated factor VII (NovoSeven) B. Whole blood 1. The original blood product! 2. Minimal availability in most blood banks today 3. Specifics:
4. Potential indications: a. Massive blood loss (30-40% or more of blood volume) 1) Trauma/emergency transfusions most commonly 2) Use may lead to less exposure by providing coag factors (and maybe a few functional platelets), as well as volume 3) Whole blood must be ABO identical due to plasma; tougher to use in emergencies. b. Exchange transfusions in neonates (more often reconstituted from separate RBCs and FFP) c. Autologous transfusions 5. Contraindications: a. Anything where something more specific to the patients needs would be better. 6. Storage Time and Conditions a. Length depends on anticoagulant/preservative used b. 1-6 o C. C. Red blood cells (with and without additives) 1. The most commonly used blood component 2. Prepared by centrifugation and removal of most of plasma layer of whole blood, or by apheresis collection. a. May be transfused without modification after preparation or may use additive solution Pathology Review Course page 4 Blood Bank III P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) 3. Specifics:
4. Requirements: a. HCT < 80% for all RBCs (easy with AS-RBCs) b. Apheresis RBCs: 95% must have >50 g HGB or 150 mL of RBCs 5. Indications a. Need for increased oxygen-carrying capacity 1) Deciding if RBC transfusion is indicated a) Balance risks of anemia vs. risks of transfusion b) Hemoglobin level alone is a very inaccurate indicator of the need for transfusion c) Anemia compensation (HGB dissociation curve shift to right, inc. cardiac output, dec. blood viscosity, inc. respirations, etc.) is robust d) Cardiac factors, O 2 demand often overlooked e) Measuring mixed venous saturation (S vO2 ) and comparing to arterial levels (S aO2 ) gives an estimate of current oxygen use Example: 25% extraction (S aO2 100%, S vO2 75%) is normal; extraction may go up to 75% or more when necessary (exercise, etc) Heart muscle has little reserve; extracts close to 75% normally Overall oxygen extraction ratio of 0.5 (50%) or more at rest is deemed critical. f) All factors (including blood volume, heart function, ability to increase cardiac output, and O 2 requirements) should be addressed when considering transfusion. Due to compensation (including increased blood volume), chronic anemia is less likely to need transfusion (and may be dangerous!) 2) Situations that may require red cell transfusion: a) Acute hemorrhage (over 30% of blood volume acutely) b) Hemolysis c) Marrow failure b. Exchange transfusions 1) Sickle cell patients (esp. crisis or presurgery) 2) Hemolytic disease of the newborn/fetus (HDFN)
The Osler I nstitute P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) Blood Bank III page 5 c. Thresholds 1) Using a universal threshold like HGB 10 g/dL, HCT 30% is outdated, silly, and bad practice 2) All specialties have published recommendations that agree with statement above 3) General guidelines: If HGB < 6 g/dL, transfusion usually needed If HGB >10 g/dL, transfusion rarely needed If HGB is between 6 and 10, clinical judgment, assessment of situation, etc, is required 4) Based on published studies: It is reasonable to withhold transfusion in orthopedic or ICU patients (non-acute MI) until HGB is below 7-8 g/dL It is reasonable to transfuse to higher threshold after acute MI (9-10 g/dL HGB) It is reasonable to assess need for further transfusion after each unit given 6. Contraindications a. Acute hemorrhage < 20% of blood volume 1) Crystalloids are adequate in most of these cases b. Chronic nutritional anemias (folate, B 12 , iron) 7. Expected effect (per unit) a. HCT increases 3%, HGB 1 g/dL (without acute bleeding or hemolysis) b. Effect can be measured 15 minutes after transfusion 8. ABO compatibility a. ABO type of transfused RBCs must be compatible with recipient plasma ABO antibodies b. Always protect the transfused cells! (See chart)
9. Storage and shipping a. Same as for whole blood if CPD, CPDA-1 used b. 42 days at 1-6 C if additive solutions used c. Shipping temperature 1-10 C 10. Compatible fluids a. Normal saline (0.9%, not 0.45%) b. ABO compatible plasma c. 5% albumin d. Normosol-R pH 7.4 and Plasma-Lyte 148 and -A d. Red cells should not contact lactated Ringers (LR), D5W, 0.45% NS, antibiotics/other drugs, or TPN 1) Hypotonic solutions - red cells swell and burst; hypertonic solutions - red cell shrinkage. Pathology Review Course page 6 Blood Bank III P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) 2) LR has enough calcium to counteract the citrate anticoagulant in blood (LR has 3 mEq Ca 2+ /L) 11. Red cell types (most covered in other parts of handout) a. Red Blood Cells, Low Volume 1) Prepared from whole blood collection 66-90% of the target volume (for 500 mL bags, 333-449 mL) 2) RBCs may still be used, but not plasma b. Red Blood Cells, Adenine Saline Added c. Red Blood Cells, Leukocyte-reduced d. Red Blood Cells, Frozen e. Red Blood Cells, Deglycerolized, and Red Blood Cells, Washed f. Red Blood Cells, Irradiated g. Red Blood Cells, Apheresis (often double products) h. Red Blood Cells, Rejuvenated (not currently available) 1) RBCs may be rejuvenated up to 3 days after expiration in CPD or CPDA-1, or up to the expiration date in AS-1 with Rejuvesol. 2) Restores ATP, 2,3-DPG levels to near-normal levels 3) Rejuvenated product is often frozen (up to 10 years for CPD, CPDA-1 RBCs; up to 3 years for AS-1) 4) Thawed (or immediately transfused) product must be washed, then transfused within 24 hours. D. Platelets (See Oct 2010 podcast) 1. Whole blood-derived platelets (platelet concentrate, random platelets, WBD-PLTs) a. Prepared via centrifugation (soft spin then hard spin in the US) from a single whole blood unit.
b. May be pooled at blood center or transfusion service c. Specifics
d. Traditional dose 1) 1 unit per 10 Kg body weight a) Typically given six bags at a time in adults The Osler I nstitute P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) Blood Bank III page 7 2) 10-15 mL/Kg in neonates 2. Apheresis platelets (single donor, AD-PLTs) a. Made from one donor via apheresis procedure 1) Apheresis = removing whole blood from body, taking what you want, then returning the rest. 2) Roughly 85% of platelets transfused in the US 3) Double or triple products can come from 1 donor (each must have > 3.0 x 10 11 PLTs) b. Specifics:
c. Why choose AD-PLTs over WBD-PLTs? 1) Limiting exposure a) For infectious disease transmission 1 exposure vs. at least six for PC decreases risk of viral transmission Also decreases risk of bacterial contamination b) For HLA immunization? Fewer donor exposures = less immunization? No! Risk more dependent on exposure to donor WBCs (not number of donors) TRAP study: NEJM. 1997;337, No. 26, 1861-9. 2) Platelet refractoriness (see BB Practical) a) Lack of response to platelet transfusion (immune and nonimmune causes) b) May be used as HLA-matched or crossmatched doses for immune refractoriness. 3. Indications for platelet transfusion: a. Thrombocytopenia 1) Transfusions may be prophylactic or therapeutic 2) Prophylactic a) Data supports a prophylactic threshold of <5,000 (but most use 10K). b) 20K threshold if patient has risk factors i) Fever, sepsis, bleeding, thrombocytopathy c) 50K if about to have major surgery 3) Therapeutic a) 50K if bleeding b) 100K reasonable for patients with intracranial and pulmonary hemorrhage 4) Controversy in LP, liver biopsy, endoscopy a) Many use 50K or 100K prophylactic threshold b) Not proven; count not predictive of bleeding c) Outcome is operator-skill dependent! Pathology Review Course page 8 Blood Bank III P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) b. Thrombocytopathy 1) Prophylactic transfusions not indicated 2) Therapeutic indications: a) Congenital defects with bleeding b) Drugs (Plavix, ASA most common) Increased bleeding in emergency surgical patients, especially cardiac surgery c) External agents Cardiac bypass ECMO d) Metabolic effects (e.g., chronic renal failure) PLTs are not first-line defense! (dialysis, DDAVP, Cryo, conjugated estrogens, etc). 4. Contraindications to platelet transfusion a. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) 1) ADAMTS13 enzyme deficiency most common leading to large vWF multimers and subsequent platelet microthrombi 2) More platelets could lead to more thrombi 3) May be overblown fear; many use PLTs in life- threatening situations without problems. 4) Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) similar to TTP without neurologic symptoms b. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, type II 1) Antibody vs. heparin/platelet factor 4 complex 2) These patients are at great risk for thrombosis, and platelets should be avoided if possible c. Immune/idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (relative) 1) Doesnt help count, and patients dont usually bleed 2) Use only if significant bleeding occurs d. Post-transfusion Purpura (PTP); see BB IV 1) Uncommon antibody vs. transfused PLTs 2) Most transfused PLTs will be antigen-positive 5. General comments about platelets a. Dose 1) WBD-PLTs 1 bag/10 Kg weight (4-6 bags/dose traditional) 2) AD-PLTs 1 bag/dose (assuming 3.0 x 10 11 count) 3) Recent study: No outcome diff. with < 3.0 x 10 11
4) Neonates: 10-15 mL/Kg (may be concentrated) b. Expected effect 1) Generally, if one hour post-count increases by >20,000-30,000, response is adequate (eyeball) 2) CCI has value in determining adequacy of response, even if count doesnt increase much (see BB Prac.) 3) One-hour post-transfusion count is standard. c. Storage and shipping 1) 5 days at 20-24 C (with gentle agitation) The Osler I nstitute P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) Blood Bank III page 9 2) Shipping range as close as possible to 20-24 C 3) < 24 hours without agitation during shipping 4) 4 hours after transfusion service pooling (open system; pre-pooled PLTS have normal shelf life) d. ABO and RhD 1) PLTs do not require pretransfusion crossmatches, and ABO-incompatible platelets commonly given. 2) RhD antigens are NOT present on platelets. a) Contaminating RBCs have D antigen (esp WBD PLTs) b) Risk of making anti-D is low without prophylaxis (3.8% in recent ten-year study) b) Consider Rh prophylaxis in premenopausal D- neg women (1 vial RhIG per 2-3 weeks; effective as long as anti-D is detectable) 3) Platelet ABO incompatibilities a) Major = platelet ABO antigens incompatible with recipient plasma (like A plts to O recip) Cleared from circulation faster; less effect b) Minor = donor ABO antibodies incompatible with recipient RBCs (like O plts to A recipient) A concern in children, neonates, and high- titer donors (reverse hemolytic reactions) c) ABO-identical is best, but not always practical e. Platelet sterility 1) AABB Standards requires centers to both limit and detect bacterial contamination of ALL platelets 2) Limiting contamination a) Careful skin preparation b) Discarding initial 20-30 cc of blood (done automatically with diversion pouches) c) Exclusive use of apheresis platelets 3) Detecting contamination a) Culture-based methods Require 24 hour wait before taking sample BacT/ALERT (bioMerieux, Inc) Enhanced Bacterial Detection System (eBDS) b) Pre-issue bacterial detection Verax PGD (Verax Biomedical); approved for leukoreduced AD-Platelets and pooled WBD-platelets BacTx (immunetics); approved for transfusion service-pooled WBD-platelets c) Old (no longer accepted) methods Gram stain, swirling, glucose checks E. Modifications to red cells and platelets 1. Leukocyte reduction (LR) a. Definitions (as of AABB Standards, 26 th ed.) 1) In US: 5 x 10 6 residual WBCs Pathology Review Course page 10 Blood Bank III P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) 2) In Europe: 1 x 10 6 residual WBCs 3) US rules a) 5 x 10 6 white cells in 95% of tested units defines leukocyte-reduced: RBCs, AD-PLTs, and whole blood b) 8.3 x 10 5 WBCs in 95% of tested units defines leukocyte-reduced: WBD-PLTs (NOTE: 8.3 x 10 5 x 6 = 5 x 10 6 ) c) Each must also retain at least 85% of original component and meet all other QC standards. b. Methods 1) Leukocyte reduction filters a) 99.99% of white cells (4 log reduction) 2) Apheresis collection devices a) Built-in leukoreduction methods. b) Methods vary by manufacturer. c. Universal LR is not mandated in the US, but vast majority of cellular components are leukoreduced d. Types 1) Prestorage leukocyte reduction a) Usually < 72 hours after draw (always <5 days). b) Inline filters at time of collection or post collection filters for red cells. c) Apheresis LR is prestorage by definition 2) Pretransfusion leukocyte reduction a) Immediately prior to transfusion (bedside) Least desirable Lack of available QC, poor training Many older studies done with this method b) Better done in transfusion service before issuing e. Established benefits: 1) Prevention of febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions a) Benign reactions, but mimic early hemolysis b) First type: WBCs secrete pyrogenic cytokines in bag before transfusion: Common with PLTs c) Second type: Pyrogenic cytokines secreted after transfusion. Seen more commonly with RBC transfusions Recipient antibodies against transfused WBC antigens or immune complexes of donor WBCs and coating antibodies binding to macrophages d) Prestorage LR prevents both types, pretransfusion only the second type 2) Prevention of HLA immunization a) HLA antibody formation requires HLA class I antigens be presented by transfused lymphocytes b) LR works well to prevent this interaction The Osler I nstitute P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) Blood Bank III page 11 c) Use for multiple transfusion recipients d) UV-B treatment also works; not available in US. 3) Prevention of CMV transmission a) Virus carried only in a small minority of donor WBCs (monocytes). b) Blood. 1995;86,3598-3603; The Bowden Study landmark LR study Filtered products equivalent to CMV seronegative in preventing seroconversion. Neither method is perfect; very early infection may escape testing and/or leukoreduction c) See BB Practical for further discussion f. Potential benefits: 1) Reduction of reperfusion injury post cardiac bypass (well-proven now) 2) Prevention of immunosuppressive effects of transfusion a) Controversial, not universally accepted b) Transfusion seems to immunosuppress recipient (transfusion-related immunomodulation or TRIM). Increased post-op infections,cancer recurrence, mortality in transfused patients c) Donor WBCs may be the cause, but studies since LR widespread has not proven effect 3) Reduction of bacterial/parasitic contamination a) Some studies suggest reduction in organisms like Yersinia or Leishmania with leukoreduction. b) Probably not reliable enough to depend on! 4) Reduction in the risk of prion disease a) One of the reasons for universal LR in Europe b) Current: Prion known to be in plasma, too c) Prion-specific filters developed g. Contraindications: 1) Prevention of transfusion-associated GVHD. a) Irradiation is only proven method (cases of TA- GVHD with leukoreduced blood reported) 2) Transfusion of granulocyte concentrate 3) Transfusion of previously frozen products (FFP, cryo, etc); most consider unnecessary 2. Washing a. 1-2 L of saline removes about 99% of plasma. b. Generally takes one to several hours (automated) c. Shelf life 1) Red cells: 24 hours post-wash 2) Platelets: 4 hours post-wash d. Why bother? 1) Removal of plasma proteins for hypersensitivity (RBCs and platelets) Pathology Review Course page 12 Blood Bank III P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) a) Classic example: IgA deficiency A few IgA deficient patients develop anti- IgA; exposure leads to anaphylaxis. Requires intense washing (3L or so) IgA-deficient donors are alternative b) Removal of unwanted antibodies ABO antibodies (neonatal transfusions) T-activation (polyagglutination) 2) Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAT, NAIT, FNAIT) a) Severe thrombocytopenia usually due to maternal anti-HPA-1A (80%); similar to HDFN in concept Exposure to antigen via pregnancy or transfusion, antibody formed IgG crosses placenta, attacks babys platelets 25% occur in 1 st pregnancy (rapid antibody formation) 10-30% get intracranial hemorrhage b) Maternal IVIG used before birth (+/- intrauterine platelet transfusion) c) Platelet choices: HPA-1A negative platelets given after birth Washed, irradiated maternal platelets may also be used (lack antigen and antibody) 3) Removal of unwanted electrolytes (RBCs/PLTs) a) Especially in neonatal transfusions b) Large-volume or irradiated products 3. Freezing a. Cryopreservative agents protect component while freezing and thawing 1) Most common: Glycerol at 40% concentration 2) Deglycerolization before transfusion = washing 3) DMSO for platelets, but recovery is very poor (1/3) b. Why bother? 1) Storage of rare, autologous, or O-negative units 2) Plasma hypersensitivities (as with washed) 3) Repeated febrile reactions (as with washed) c. Storage 1) Before freezing: a) CPD, CPDA-1, or CP2D: Maximum 6 day shelf life before glycerolization b) Additive solutions (AS-1, AS-3, AS-5): Up to full 42 day shelf life before glycerolization 2) Red Cells a) 10 years at 65 C (40% glycerol) b) 24 hours at 1-6 C after thawing/deglycerolizing 3) Platelets a) At least two years at -80 C (not FDA licensed) The Osler I nstitute P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) Blood Bank III page 13 4. Irradiation of cellular components (more in BB4) a. Irradiation dose deactivates T-lymphocytes b. Prevent transfusion-associated graft vs. host disease. c. Radiation dose 1) 2500 cGy (rad) dose required targeted to center of bag, with at least 1500 cGy in all parts of the bag d. Indications for irradiation (details in BB4) 1) Immunosuppression a) Congenital T-cell deficiencies (DiGeorges, SCID, Wiskott-Aldrich) b) Stem cell or marrow transplant recipients c) Patients taking chemo agents that attack T-cells (Fludarabine, other purine analogs) d) Aplastic anemia patients e) Patients with solid tumors getting intensive chemotherapy/radiation 2) Intrauterine transfusions, premature neonatal transfusions, and neonatal exchange transfusions 3) Hematologic malignancies (esp. Hodgkins) 4) Granulocyte transfusions 5) Receiving blood from a first-degree relative donor or receiving HLA-matched units e. Patients probably NOT at risk (but often get irradiated products anyway). 1) Solid organ transplant recipients 2) Term neonates 3) AIDS patients 4) Patients receiving previously frozen blood products (FFP, cryoprecipitate) f. Maximum storage: 28 days after irradiation or regular expiration date, whichever comes first 1) K+ triples and free hemoglobin increases in plasma, indicative of mild RBC membrane damage F. Plasma Group (See Mar 2010 Podcast) 1. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) a. Widely used but not well-studied prospectively b. Whole blood-derived (see earlier diagram) or from apheresis (AD-FFP can have much higher volume) c. Specifics for WBD-FFP:
d. General notes about coagulation and FFP transfusion 1) 30-40% of coag factors required for hemostasis. Pathology Review Course page 14 Blood Bank III P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) 2) Adequate factor levels dont necessarily give normal coag tests (mild elevations common) 3) Most FFP transfusions are given for elevated PT/INR levels (Factor VII most responsible) a) Factor VII in-vivo half-life is only about 4 hours b) The INR of FFP is roughly 1.5! 4) Prophylactic FFP use with mild lab elevations is usually a mistake, even before procedures a) No evidence of bleeding prevention or lab value correction when these patients are transfused 5) No universal threshold exists, but many use INR of 2.0 as indicator of serious factor deficiency e. Indications 1) Bleeding patients with coagulopathy due to multiple factor deficiencies a) Hepatic failure Decreased production of all hepatic factors (including pro- and anticoagulants) PT doesnt predict bleeding; avoid prophylaxis b) Dilution from massive transfusion c) Consumptive processes (DIC) 2) Bleeding patients requiring urgent reversal of vitamin K deficiency from warfarin effect a) Warfarin affects factors II, VII, IX, X b) IV or SQ vitamin K takes hours (between 6 and 12) to replenish these factors (oral. c) For non-bleeding patients, correct without FFP administration (hold dose and give vitamin K) d) In bleeding patients, Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC) may be better choice than FFP (but will still need FFP since US PCC preps have minimal FVII) e) In general, need at least 10-20 ml/Kg of FFP to attain hemostasis in these patients (usually more) f) Chest 2008;133:160S-198S; get this article! 3) Trauma transfusion a) Recent literature suggesting that trauma patients given plasma in close to 1:1 ratio with RBCs have better survival (first reported in military) b) Much current argument pro and con c) Many trauma centers have established trauma/massive transfusion protocols that attempt to make 1:1 ratio automatic d) Concerns about plasma transfusion complications (TRALI) and AB plasma wastage e) Not proven in randomized, prospective studies
The Osler I nstitute P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) Blood Bank III page 15 4) Dilutional coagulopathy a) Transfusion of multiple coag factor poor products (RBCs and crystalloids in massive transfusion) dilutes coag factors. b) Usually not apparent until after at least 10-15 or more units of RBCs (with accompanying fluid) in a 24 hour time span c) May be less of an issue with massive transfusion protocols and 1:1 ratios mentioned above 5) Transfusion or plasma exchange for TTP/HUS a) Acquired or congenital ADAMTS13 deficiency; large vWF multimers lead to platelet thrombi b) FFP has normal amounts of ADAMTS13 c) Plasma exchange standard treatment d) Treatment until PLT count is at least 100K with near-normal LDH 6) Other factor-specific coagulopathies without an available factor concentrate (V, X, XI in US) 7) C1-esterase inhibitor deficiency f. Contraindications: 1) Volume expansion a) Albumin, crystalloids are safer. 2) Heparin reversal a) Antithrombin, which potentiates heparin! b) Use protamine sulfate or just stop the heparin. 3) Factor deficiencies with available concentrates 4) Prophylactic or pre-procedure treatment of mild elevations of PT/PTT; see above 5) Nutrition, Wound healing, or well-being g. Preparation/storage 1) Pre-storage a) Separated and placed at -18 C within 8 hours b) NOTE: FFP does not have to be completely frozen at 8 hours, just in -18C environment 2) Pre-transfusion a) Stored at -18C up to 1 year (or -65C for 7 yrs) b) Thawed at 30-37C (water bath/approved device) c) Stored after thawing at 1-6 C for 24 hours FDA historically allowed 6 hours; now allows 24 hrs as specified in Circular of Info May extend beyond 24 hours per AABB (see thawed plasma below) g. Dosage 1) Commonly given two bags at a time in adults 2) 10-20 mL/Kg more appropriate (3-7 bags if 70 Kg) 3) 10-15 mL/Kg appropriate dose in neonates. h. Effect 1) Standard dose increases factor levels by about 20- 30% in a 70 Kg person. Pathology Review Course page 16 Blood Bank III P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) 2) Transient due to short half-lives (FVII) 3) Greatly elevated PT/PTT more affected than mild 4) Will not help if INR is <1.5-1.6! i. ABO and Rh 1) Donor antibodies compatible with recipient RBCs. 2) Give without regard to Rh.
2. Plasma variants a. Plasma frozen within 24 hours of phlebotomy (FP24 or PF24) 1) Not frozen in 8 hours like FFP, but 24 hours 2) Factor V levels essentially equal to those in FFP, while factor VIII levels decline 20-25% vs. FFP 3) Stored and managed just like FFP (including thawed plasma conversion below) 4) Except for DIC patients, can be used identically to FFP (low FV and/or FVIII is uncommon) b. Thawed Plasma 1) FFP/FP24, once thawed, is only good for 24 hours 2) Thawed FFP/FP24 may be relabeled as Thawed Plasma and kept at 1-6 C for up to 5 days a) Process is outlined in Circular of Information but is not recognized by FDA 3) Indications are essentially identical to FFP, despite a decrease in FV and FVIII to ~50% by 5 days c. Plasma, cryoprecipitate reduced (cryo-reduced plasma, cryosupernatant) 1) Residual plasma that remains after cryoprecipitate harvested from FFP (see below). 2) Decreased levels of stuff that is in CRYO (FVIII, fibrinogen, vWF, FXIII) 3) Sole indication: TTP patients (due to less vWF), used in plasma exchanges if regular FFP doesnt work (literature shows mixed results on this). 4) Storage and transfusion just like FFP. d. Source plasma 1) Apheresis collection, usually paid donors 2) Used for manufacture, not transfusion 3) Licensed product e. Recovered plasma 1) Plasma from volunteer whole blood donation The Osler I nstitute P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) Blood Bank III page 17 2) Unused units of frozen plasma may be relabeled as recovered and sold for further manufacture (albumin, etc) under short supply agreement 3) Unlicensed product, source of revenue for blood centers f. Liquid plasma/plasma 1) Plasma separated from whole blood up to 5 days after expiration 2) Liquid plasma: stored at 1-6 C, not frozen a) Can be transfused up to 5 days after whole blood expiration date, but rarely used 3) Plasma: stored at -18 C or below; rarely used 3. Cryoprecipitate a. Also has seen increased use in recent years. b. Specifics:
c. QC Requirements: 1) > 80 IU FVIII per bag 2) > 150 mg fibrinogen per bag (easy! Most contain at least 250 mg) d. Indications 1) Fibrinogen deficiency (congenital or acquired) a) General threshold: 100 mg/dl for adequate hemostasis post-surgery. b) Calculation in BB Practical section c) Many use 10-20 bags per dose in adults, more if fibrinogen is less than 50 mg/dl. d) 10 bags deliver about 2500 mg of fibrinogen in about 150 ml of volume > 1 liter FFP needed for same amount! 2) Treatment of uremic thrombocytopathy a) Acquired adhesion defect (probably) which may respond to vWF supplementation b) Generally seen with creatinine levels > 3 mg/dL c) Second line of defense (after DDAVP, dialysis) d) Also: Conjug. estrogens, inc. HCT to ~30% e) Am J Med. 1994;96:168-79 describes treatment of uremic thrombocytopathy. 3) Factor XIII deficiency (if concentrate unavailable) 4) Topical glue a) Historically mixed with bovine thrombin and applied directly to raw surfaces b) Currently available fibrin sealants (treated, virus-free) have made this less common. Pathology Review Course page 18 Blood Bank III P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) 5) Treatment of von Willebrands disease a) Second-line therapy; should be used only if factor VIII concentrates are not available. Some factor VIII concentrates (e.g., Humate- P) contain vWF. b) Cryo may be used for severe forms. Dose 1 bag per 10 Kg body weight q 8 hr c) DDAVP can be used for milder forms. 6) Treatment of hemophilia A a) Use only if emergency and no factor VIII concentrate available. b) Calculation in BB Practical section for exams e. Manufacture 1) Made from a single unit of FFP. 2) Thaw FFP at 1-6 C, spin and remove liquid, re- freeze slushy precipitate within 24 hours. 3) Commonly pre-pooled (before storage) under sterile conditions at blood centers (variants: 4, 5, 8, 10 bags most common) f. Storage and preparation for transfusion 1) -18 C for 1 year 2) After thawing (at 30-37 C, like FFP), store up to 6 hours at 20-24 C (unlike FFP) a) Pre-pooled cryo units mentioned above have a 6 hour shelf life after thawing 3) If units are pooled without sterile docking equipment, transfuse within 4 hours. 4) No compatibility testing required 5) ABO-compatible is preferred by some, but paucity of anti-A/B makes it really not important 6) Can give without regard to Rh status g. Myths 1) Cryo is NOT just small volume FFP a) Common misconception b) Cant replace FFP in volume sensitive patients 2) There is NOT more fibrinogen in Cryo than in FFP a) Whats there is more concentrated 4. Factor concentrates (a few) a. Factor VIII concentrate 1) Used for moderate to severe hemophilia A 2) Virus inactivated or recombinant 3) Dosage: discussed in BB Practical 4) Target levels: as above 5) May contain vWF and be used in vWD. b. Factor IX concentrate 1) Used for hemophilia B 2) Virus inactivated or recombinant 3) NOT the same as Factor IX Complex Concentrate
The Osler I nstitute P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) Blood Bank III page 19 c. Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC) 1) Or, Factor IX Complex Concentrate 2) Approved only for bleeding hemophilia B patients, but USED in warfarin overdose correction 3) Not activated as in the past; much less thrombosis 4) U.S. versions lack Factor VII, which limits utility 5. Albumin and plasma protein fraction a. Volume expanders b. Virus inactivated c. Ridiculously expensive! d. Differ only in composition 1) Albumin: 96% albumin, 4% globulins/others 2) PPF: 83% albumin, 17% globulins/others. G. Granulocyte concentrate 1. Increasing use due to use of donor stimulation 2. Effect not definitively proven (current large study) 3. Specifics:
3. Indications a. Consider in premature neonates with sepsis or infections, transplant patients with infections, patients with chronic granulomatous disease b. Aside from above, a clinical situation including: 1) Fever for 24-48 hours, 2) Proven bacterial or fungal infection 3) No response to antibiotic therapy 4) Neutropenia (<500/uL; <3000/uL in neonates) 5) Reversible bone marrow hypoplasia 5. Not currently indicated for: a. Prophylactic use b. Patients with no hope of marrow recovery 6. 1.0 x 10 10 is minimum yield (required in 75%), but many centers are stimulating volunteer donors with G-CSF (+/- steroids) for much greater yield; this is not FDA-approved 7. Cans and Cants! a. Can (and should) irradiate to prevent TA-GVHD. 1) Irradiation deactivates T-lymphs but not PMNs. b. Cant filter to prevent CMV transmission. 1) This seems obvious, doesnt it? 2) Use CMV-negative donors for CMV-safe 8. Storage conditions a. 24 hours from collection at 20-24 C, without agitation 9. Cautions a. Must be ABO, Rh, and crossmatch compatible Pathology Review Course page 20 Blood Bank III P}Chaffin (2/11/2013) b. Most are transfused before inf. disease testing is done; recently tested apheresis PLT donors commonly used H. DDAVP (Desmopressin) 1. Synthetic ADH used for treatment of diabetes insipidus. 2. Causes release of vWF from endothelial cells; functionally increases factor VIII, as well. 3. Potential indications: a. Uremic thrombocytopathy 1) 0.3-0.4 g/Kg IV x 1; repeat with caution 2) Should be considered before platelets or CRYO. b. Mild hemophilia A (>5% FVIII levels) and von Willebrands disease (type I) 1) 0.3 g/Kg IV x over 30 min (30 min before surgery); repeat with caution 4. Effect decreases with doses >q 48 hrs (tachyphylaxis) I. Recombinant activated factor VII (NovoSeven) 1. Non-human-plasma-derived product that is currently FDA-approved for use in: a. Hemophiliacs (A or B) with inhibitors (bleeding prevention and bleeding treatment) b. Patients with congenital factor VII deficiency (bleeding prevention and bleeding treatment) 2. Widespread off-label use has occurred, as NovoSeven gained traction as a magical hemostatic agent! 3. Estimated 1-2% risk of thrombosis is concerning a. JAMA. 2006;295:293-298 (OConnell, et al) article reported that most serious thromboembolic complications from NovoSeven followed off-label use. b. Thrombotic stroke, acute MI, and pulmonary emboli; NOTE that these were not definitely caused by NovoSeven, just associated with its use. 4. Off-label use may be most appropriate for: a. Treat/prevent surgical bleeding in trauma patients b. Reversal of anticoagulant therapy (warfarin and factor Xa inhibitors) c. Treat/prevent surgical bleeding in advanced liver failure patients. d. Perioperative blood loss prevention (after failed clotting factor replacement therapy) in cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, OB/GYN surgery, and urologic surgery 5. Many other off-label uses are being studied. 6. Not indicated for routine pre-procedure prophylaxis. 7. Typical doses: 20 to 40 mcg/Kg in non-emergencies, 41 to 90 mcg/Kg otherwise a. Roughly 2-hour half-life, repeat dose often