Seek Social Justice Guide: Lesson 1
Seek Social Justice Guide: Lesson 1
Seek Social Justice Guide: Lesson 1
Lead Writer
Ryan Messmore
Jennifer A. Marshall, Diane Mannina, Anna Speckhard, Rachel Sheffield, Collette Caprara, Christine Kim
Daniel Olasky
©2009 The Heritage Foundation
Printed in USA
Seek Social Justice: Transforming Lives in Need
half of
the underlying causes of, and the most effective solutions
Almost to, the ills that tarnish human dignity and hinder flourishing.
the students
The problems are complex—why do devastation and disad-
vantage spring up in the midst of a society marked by such
abundance? The solutions are challenging—what hopes can
in America’s major urban we have for ex-prisoners when the odds predict that soon
Using This Guide
This written guide contains six lessons corresponding to six videos, available on the
accompanying DVD or online at
Lesson One Rethinking Social Justice: Getting to the Root of the Problem
Lesson Two Cultivating Justice from the Ground Up: Marriage, Family, and
Lesson Three Serving the Whole Person: Churches and Ministries
Lesson Four Restoring Dignity and Purpose: The Importance of Work
Lesson Five Maintaining the Social Conditions for Justice: The Role of
Lesson Six Breaking Ground: What You Can Do To Seek Social Justice
Begin each lesson by reading aloud the section entitled “Before You
Press Play.” This brief section will introduce the topic of the lesson and
alert you to certain things to look for when viewing the video. You do
not need to write down answers to these questions—they are simply
intended to guide your viewing.
After viewing the video, return to the study guide and start the “Read
and Discuss” section of the appropriate lesson. The written text builds
on and refers to the stories and principles presented in the video
lessons. One or more people can read the text and questions aloud,
or each group member can read the text silently before discussing the
questions together.
“Read On” offers a list of suggested resources for further reading. This
list can also be found at, along with additional
facts about each lesson topic and bonus footage featuring experts from
Seek Social Justice.
Lesson One: Rethinking Social Justice
Lesson One
Rethinking Social Justice:
Getting to the Root of the Problem
If you haven’t
done so already, please take time to read the “Before You Begin”
section on page one of this guide.
Relational Justice
(see DVD or watch online at
AnRead and Discuss
important goal of this first lesson is to develop a solid understanding of
social justice. The following lessons will build on the relational approach to
the concept proposed in this lesson.
Seek Social Justice: Transforming Lives in Need
Just as doctors must understand the basics of good health in order to diagnose
illnesses, we need to understand what makes up a just society in order to under-
stand the nature of social breakdown. In either case, failing to understand both the
problem and the goal can lead to further harm.
In the video, Marvin Olasky observes that social justice is often understood
to mean the equal distribution of income. According to that approach,
what is the presumed problem, and what is the presumed goal?
Lesson One: Rethinking Social Justice
Amy Sherman suggests that this view of multi-faceted relationships as
central to human flourishing resonates with biblical teaching. Choose one
of the following Scripture passages and identify what kinds of relation-
ships (spiritual, familial, communal, material, internal) are mentioned: The
Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4); The Ten Commandments
(Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-21); The Sermon on the Mount
(Matthew 5-7).
Robin, the nurse who provides volunteer health counseling at the apart-
ment complex, says that helping residents build relationships of trust with
people like health care providers is one way to assist them in moving out
of poverty. Why do you think that is the case?
Some needs arise because of natural disasters or the harmful actions of others—
dramatic external forces that can turn life upside-down. Some needs come from
Seek Social Justice: Transforming Lives in Need
the conditions—in the family, community, school district, etc.—in which people
are born and raised. And some needs stem from a person’s own bad habits,
poor choices, and irresponsible actions. These can have far-reaching effects in
a person’s life. Drug and alcohol addictions, for instance, prevent many people
from being able to hold down a job, save money, form a healthy marriage, and
stay on the right side of the law. All of these causes can strain or rupture the
basic relationships that people need to flourish.
This brokenness can have significant consequences on the health of not only
an individual but an entire society. Where we see social breakdown, we’re likely to
find that foundational relationships are missing or dysfunctional.
What do the following verses say about the various causes of economic
poverty? Proverbs 10:4, 13:18, 19:15, 21:5.
“Social justice is the Marvin Olasky says that social justice is the sum of millions of acts of rela-
tional justice. What do you think he means by acts of relational justice?
sum of millions of acts
of relational justice.”
–Dr. Marvin Olasky,
WORLD Magazine
Lesson One: Rethinking Social Justice
Theresa Boyd about the approach of her ministry that works with former
female prisoners. Why do you think this approach rather than material
support is the priority?
Have you or has someone close to you suffered in ways that may not be
material in nature, but are every bit as painful and crippling?
Seek Social Justice: Transforming Lives in Need
Thriving depends on healthy relationships, so the roots of poverty and social
breakdown typically can be found in absent or broken relationships. The problems
of poverty and social breakdown are multi-dimensional and usually include
material, interpersonal, and moral/spiritual needs.
Complex problems usually call for solutions that are relational and tailored
to the specific person in need. Preventing and overcoming social breakdown
depends on people and institutions exercising proper responsibility and relating
appropriately to each other. We’ll take a closer look at some of the most important
relationships and institutions in the following lessons.
Social justice doesn’t come about primarily through protests, pickets, and
public marches or by imposing new programs from the top down. A relational
approach means that social justice is best cultivated from the ground up.
How might it change your perspective and involvement with your church or
community to see restored relationships as the foundation of social justice?
Lesson One: Rethinking Social Justice
Read On
To explore the root of the problem further, check out the following resources.
Visit for hyperlinks to these and other resources.
Proverbs 14:21, 31
Prosperity and Poverty: The Compassionate Use of Resources in a World
of Scarcity, E. Calvin Beisner
The Problem of Poverty, Abraham Kuyper
The Tragedy of American Compassion, Marvin Olasky
“Defining Social Justice,” Michael Novak (First Things Dec. 2000)
“Name That Idea: Try a Little Social Justice,” Marvin Olasky (WORLD July
26, 2008)
“Understanding and Reducing Poverty in America,” Robert Rector,
The Heritage Foundation
When Chuck Colson and Amy Sherman refer to “shalom,” what do they mean?
Shalom is a Hebrew word usually translated as “peace” or “well-being” (see Jeremiah
29:7) which conveys a sense of full or complete harmony of the foundational
relationships of life.
Who is Robin and what does she do at the Mercury Courts housing development?
Robin Jewett is an instructor in the physician’s assistant program at Trevecca Nazarene
University. At Mercury Courts she helps residents live a healthier lifestyle and get
established with a primary health provider they trust.
Seek Social Justice: Transforming Lives in Need