Service Attitude

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Service Attitude

This presentations covers following topics:

Learning Objectives

Description of "Attitude and Service "
Defining Service Attitude
The value of the attitude within the service
Type of attitudes
Standard Service Attitude
The emotions that arise from attitude
Our Intentions make evident our Attitudes
Team Attitude

To stress the value of the willingness, the disposition and the reaction each employee demonstrates
towards a client and the impact it has on the customers perception of the service.

At the end of this course, participant will be able to:

* Identify the main expressions the customer regards as "Attitudes" and its impact on the service we
* Highlight the human value that collaborators can bring along with their attitudes to improve the
customers perception of the service
* Understand that "service" is not only the product but also the mood and behavior every team
members shows to enrich the service experience

Attitude is a complex mental state that involves beliefs, feelings, values and dispositions to act.
Each individual has its own series of ideas, behaviors, values, feelings and aversions that allow them
to naturally react when facing some experiences, moods or inconveniences. That response may be
conscious or unconscious, may be evident or go unnoticed, but it always happens.

Service is an activity or useful work performed on behalf of another person that allows us to satisfy a

Combining the two components we highlight a very important detail for businesses: the natural
reaction that occurs during the interaction with customers and the impact of that behavior on the
service provided.
If Attitude refers to the natural reaction of a person to an external condition influenced by their
ideas, values and feelings, and Service is theactivity or useful work performed on behalf of another
person that allows us to satisfy a particular need, we can consider that the Service attitude is a well-
intended and spontaneous reaction of a collaborator to meet the needs of his/her customer.

It brings benefits to both sides: One due to the wellbeing of the service properly received (client) and
another because of the adequate preparation and encouragement to properly deliver the service
(team member)

So it's not just a matter of what we do but how we show our willingness and attitudes to serve.
When it comes to service, the attitude is transmitted by several intangible factors that play a very
important role when addressing the needs of a customer. These factors may account for as much as
85% of the success in customer service.
The complement of the customer is the level of knowledge, experience and resources that we have
to work on customer's request.

Some aspects that can highlight the attitude of service are :

Tone of Voice - demonstrates confidence, addressed aim and expressivity
Courtesy and Manners - kindness and good treatment at all times
Eye contact - important to focus on the person, avoid distractions
Correct Communication - complete and understandable messages that allow a good exchange of
Sincerity and naturalness - positive intentions by providing a spontaneous and in-right-mood support
Openness and patience with the understanding that serves different situations, convey control and
Empathy - to gauge customers feeling to provide more appropriate reactions
ProvideAdvice- is not just merely a solution but the wisdom to provide each customer with the best
Anticipation and Will - constant craving to help that allows you to take action without being told
Consistency - key to all services, every employee in all operations provides an attitude of attention
and caring.
Training and Practice - develops natural and other talents to provide a better level of care and

Being aware of the major effects of attitudes throughout the Service, allow collaborators align to the
focus of the service, not only as requirement but also as a personal and intentional contribution to
Part of the service level lies in the attitudes of employees and in the impact they produce. During an
interaction, each individual perceives those features as Relevant; so the result of appreciation and
service are unique and personal. Cultural, social, emotional concepts, academic preparation,
experience, and others, define the individual customer perception to rate the "level of service".

Main attitudes generated in a service interaction can be:

1. Candid.
Authentic and naturally expressed with genuine interest in providing help, and without expecting a
reciprocal beneficial action. There is only the spirit of providing care to customers. Such care and
services often provide value to people who receive and generate in them a sense of gratitude, which
establishes a positive bond.

Poor expressiveness aimed at generating complacency in clients. Actions that are partially
conditioned, or merely occur to comply with a procedure or because there is no way to refuse. Real
commitment is not perceived to cooperate or help, even though the client has achieved useful

3. Interested
These services convey sort of conditioned feelings to obtain something from their execution, and no
matter they generate help, their effect on clients do not cause a positive emotional impact. Those
services look expressively fake or even forced, when they cannot obtain something in return for the
help provided.

Customer service must display a homogeneous, constant attitude that all employees should similarly
adopt. Getting those standards requires three factors for it to become a consistent distinctive

- Empathy: Providing a better service it is not enough to know who the customers and their specific
needs are, we must also have the ability to Experience their feelings at the time they require our
services, so we grasp a better understanding of their problems and needs, and responses be more
perceptive and focused .
- Genuine Care: It is the way to go natural, spontaneous and correct, demonstrating courtesy and
sincerity when helping the client. Being unable to provide a friendly service without unfavorable
false gestures means being unable to offer responsible and courteous attention, resulting in a cold
and unconvincing service.
Training: Levels of empathy and genuine care become part of the natural expressiveness if they are
part of daily practice and preparation. There is no proper service without willingness and constant

We all can develop such capacity to help improve the service experience for customers.
Service attitudes produce emotions on clients that go right into their brain and reaffirm or decrease
their satisfaction about the attention and solution received.

We can generate positive emotions through our service to make the customers feel: Cared, Happy,
Pleased , Supported, Relaxed, Satisfied, Understood, Surprised, Valued , among others, as a result of
fulfilling their expectations.

In some other unfortunate occasions , our service can produce negative emotions and make the
customer feel : Frustrated, Angry, Unhappy, Bored, Stressed, Disappointed, Confused, Dissatisfied,
among others, since their perception of the service is very different from what they expected.

In both cases, the value of the service lies in the emotion the client retains in the end. Thus, Service
attitude is so important: " customers might not remember neither the name of the product, nor the
cost or the name of the person who assisted them, but they will never forget what the service all
together made them feel"
Attitudes can be perceived as Positive and Negative when our clients evaluate our service,
influenced by the emotions we made them feel. Those emotions originate from the willingness,
expressiveness, constant training and expertise our collaborators convey.

Some "positive service attitudes" our customers regard as qualities are:

Caring show interest in doing things right and proving we really care about their needs
Courteous- show kindness, respect, good treatment in every interaction
Thoughtful - correct mood to provide help and offer a benefit along with the service
Useful - generate a satisfactory solution to the customer's needs.
Honest - sincere behavior that conveys confidence to the clients about their needs.
Expert - show proficiency and knowledge to assist customer in a better manner
Comprehensive - grasp the situation and customer feelings to enable a better understanding to fulfill
their needs.

On the opposite side, negative perception in the service will make the customer remember
emotions such as:

Neglected - poor interest in what is being done to address the customer's needs.
Rude - unkindness and lack of finesse during customer interactions
Indifferent - no real conviction to help displayed, regardless the service outcome
Useless - Unable to provide proper help or resolve the need,
Dishonest unfair support provided or relevant situations hidden.
Ignorant - no signs of experience and expertise that lead to imprecise customer needs solutions
Apathetic- there is no signs of urgency or conviction when interacting with the client

A continuous and objective evaluation of our attitudes help us improve service delivery and
gradually include more details that enrich the clients experience (and emotions).

Genuine customer service starts with an individual commitment to keep a focused attitude of
service towards internal clients, performing that caring behavior as a group when providing services
to external customers.

We cannot provide an external beneficial service if our inner corporation does not develop a positive
emotional connection. The attitude of service is an integral part of our daily actions.

Serving adequately as a group is what the customer perceives, and remains a distinctive attitude;
thats our responsibility and commitment to convey excellence in service

Now we know that the service attitude starts at an individual level, influences the group
performance, and takes involvement and commitment to keep focused on customer to convey
sincere intention and expertise .
It is not easy to achieve an Attitude of Service to daily replicate it because it is not theoretical studies
but an activity of living and performing genuine manners on a daily basis, given that Service without
a caring Attitude is Arrogance.

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