Bykov v. Russia

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Bykov v.

Article 5 par. 3
A. General principles
According to the courts settled case law, the presumption under Article 5 is in favor of release. Until conviction, he must be
presumed innocent, and the purpose of the provision under consideration is essentially to require his provision under
consideration is essentially to require his provisional release once his continuing detention eases to be reasonable (54).
Continued detention therefore can be justified in a given case only if there are sufficient indications of a genuine requirement
of a public interest which, notwithstanding the presumption of innocence outweighs the rule of respect for individual liberty
laid down in Article 5 of the convention (55).
It responsibility falls in the first place to the national judicial authorities to ensure that, in a given case, the pre-trial detention
of an accused person does not exceed a reasonable time. To this end they must, paying due regard to the principle of the
presumption of innocence, examine all the facts arguing for or against the existence of the abovementioned demand of public
interest justifying a departure from the rule of Article 5 and must set them out in their decisions on the applications for release.
The persistence of reasonable suspicion that the person accused has committed an offence is a condition sine qua non for the
lawfulness of the continued detention, but with the lapse of time this no longer suffices and the court must then establish
whether there are other grounds given by the judicial authorities continued to justify the deprivation of liberty. The court
reiterates that the burden of proof in these matters should not be reversed by making it incumbent on the detained person to
demonstrate the existence of reasons warranting his release. (57)
B. Present Case
The courts repeatedly refused the applicants release on the grounds of the gravity of the charges and the likelihood of his
fleeing, obstructing the course of justice and exerting pressure on witnesses. However, the judicial decisions did not go any
further than listing these grounds, omitting to substantiate them with relevant and sufficient reasons. The Court also notes that
with the passing of time the courts reasoning did not evolve to reflect the developing situation and to verify whether these
grounds remained valid at the advanced stage of the proceedings (58).
As to the governments arguments that the circumstances of the case and the applicants personality were self-evident for the
purpose of justifying his pre-trial decisions, the Court does not consider that this in itself absolved the courts from the
obligation to set out reasons for coming to this conclusion, in particular in the decisions taken at later stages (59).
Article 8
It is clear that the domestic authorities did not interpret the Operational Search Activities Act as requiring prior judicial
authorization in the circumstances of the case at hand, since the case was found not to involve the applicants home or the
use of wire or mail services within the meaning of section 8 of the Act. The measure was considered to be an investigative step
within the domain of the investigating authorities own discretion (68).
The national authorities took the view that there existed no statutory system in Russian law regulating the interception or
recording or private communications through a radio-transmitting device. The government argued that the existing regulations
on telephone tapping were not applicable to radio-transmitting devices and could not be extended to them by analogy. Thus,
the government considered that the use of technology not listed in section 8 of the Operational Search Act for the interception
was not subject to the formal requirements imposed by the Act (70).
The applicant enjoyed very few, if any, safeguards in the procedure by which the interception of his conversation with V. was
ordered and implemented. In particular, the legal discretion of the authorities to order the interception was not subject to any
conditions and the scope and the manner of its exercise were not defined; no other specific safeguards were provided for (73).
It follows that in the absence of specific and detailed regulations, the use of this surveillance technique as part of an operative
experiment was not accompanied by adequate safeguards against various possible abuses. Accordingly, its use was open to
arbitrariness and was inconsistent with the requirement of lawfulness (74). Accordingly there has been a violation of Article 8
Article 6
A. General Principles
The court observes that in certain cases it found the use of covert listening devices to be in breach of Article 8 since recourse to
such devices lacked a legal basis in domestic law and the interferences with those applicants right to respect for their private
life were not in accordance with the law. Nonetheless, the admission in evidence of information obtained thereby did not in the
circumstances of the cases conflict with the requirements of fairness guaranteed by Article 6 par.1 (84).
In examining whether a procedure has extinguished the very essence of the privilege against self-incrimination, the court must
examine the nature and the degree of the compulsion, the existence of any relevant safeguards in the procedures and the use
to which any material so obtained is put (85).
B. Present Case
The applicant put forward two arguments as to the material obtained through the operative experiment. Firstly he argued
that the evidence obtained from the covert operation was unreliable and upon to a different interpretation from that given by
the domestic courts. Secondly he alleged that the use of such evidence ran counter to the privilege against self-incrimination
and his right to remain silent (88).
I. Unreliable evidence
As regards the first point, the Court reiterates that where the reliability of the evidence is in dispute the existence of fair
procedures to examine the admissibility of the evidence takes on an even greater importance. In the present case, the applicant
was able to challenge the covert operation, and every piece of evidence obtained thereby (88).
The court further observes that the impugned recording, together with the physical evidence obtained through the covert
operation, was not the only evidence relied on by the domestic court as the basis for the applicants conviction (89).
Finally V.s incriminating statements were corroborated by circumstantial evidence, in particular numerous witness testimonies
confirming the existence of a conflict of interests between the applicant and S (90).
Nothing has been shown to support the conclusion that the applicants defence rights were not properly complied with in
respect of the evidence adduced or that its evaluation by the domestic courts was arbitrary (91).
II. Breach of the privilege against self-incrimination
The Court notes that in the present case the applicant had not been under any pressure to receive V. at his guest house, to
speak to him, or to make any specific comments on the matter raised by V. The applicant was not detained on remand but was
at liberty on his own premises attended by security and other personnel. The nature of his relations with V., (subordination of
the latter to the applicant) did not impose any particular form of behavior on him. He was willing to continue the conversation
started by V. because its subject matter was of personal interest to him. Thus the court is not convinced that obtaining of the
evidence was tainted with the element of coercion or oppression (95).
The Court also attaches weight to the fact that in making their assessment the domestic courts did not directly rely on the
recording of the applicants conversation with V., or its transcript, and did not seek to interpret specific statements made by the
applicant during the conversation. Moreover, at the trial the recording was not treated as a plain confession or an admission of
knowledge capable of lying at the core of a finding of guilt; it played a limited role in a complex body of evidence assessed by
the court.
The court finds that the proceedings in the applicants case, considered as a whole, were not contrary to the requirements of a
fair trial (97). It follows that there has been no violation of Article 6 par. 1 of the convention (98).

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