Algal infections on five carp are described and related to the known literature. The association of algae with piscine tissue can be either epizoophytic or parasitic. The following paper is an attempt to bring this peculiar biological association into focus.
Algal infections on five carp are described and related to the known literature. The association of algae with piscine tissue can be either epizoophytic or parasitic. The following paper is an attempt to bring this peculiar biological association into focus.
Algal infections on five carp are described and related to the known literature. The association of algae with piscine tissue can be either epizoophytic or parasitic. The following paper is an attempt to bring this peculiar biological association into focus.
Algal infections on five carp are described and related to the known literature. The association of algae with piscine tissue can be either epizoophytic or parasitic. The following paper is an attempt to bring this peculiar biological association into focus.
a recent record and review CLAYTON J. EDWARDS, Ohio Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. ; : Abstract. Algal infections on five carp are described and related to the known literature concerning algal-fish associations. The association of algae with piscine tissue can be either epizoophytic or parasitic. One could infer from the paucity of literature pertaining to the suhject, however, that such infections are rare. The following paper is an attempt to hring this peculiar biological association into focus. On 16 July 1975, during a routine fishery survey of the Olentangy River in Central Ohio, a male carp Cyprinus carpioL. with an extensive growth of a filamentous alga on the hone of its left operculum, was captured. The alga was identified hy C.E.Taft of the Ohio State University Botany Department as Cladophora sp. (Fig. 1). The fish ineasured 287 mm total length and weighed 340 g. During the period 7-8 May 1976, three additional carp were captured from the same river with similar infections of Gpizoophytic algae. The CZadop/zora sp. had pervaded the hone of the severely eroded ^ight operculum of a male carp measuring 325 mm and weighing 364 g. The Cladophora sP- had also pervaded the left operculum and dorsal region of the cranium of another male carp measuring 515 mm and weighing 1930 g. In addition, the cutaneous sides of three post cranial dorsal scales harhoured what appeared to he an epizoophytic C/iZoreZZasp. The third carp, also a male, measuring 573 mm and weighing 2610 g had ne cutaneous sides of nine post cranial dorsal scales pervaded with a corahination of epizoophytic CZarfqpAorasp. and Chlorellasp. On8 July 1976, a female carp measuring ^65 mm and weighing 4086 g was captured. The left opercular hone was pervaded with C'^adop/iom sp. (Fig. 2). With the exception of the 325 mm fish, the algae apparently had little detrimental effect on the fish as indicated hy results from linear least square regression analysis (Tahle 1). The poor condition of the 325 mm fish was prohably related to the serious- '^<3ss of the algal infection. Tsuda, Larson & Lujan (1972) in their investigations of the reefs off the Marianna Islands, listed Cladophora sp. as epizoophytic on the teeth of two species of parrot fish (Scaridae). In addition, they listed five species of Cyanophyta, two species of Phaeophyta and three species of Rhodophyta as teeth epizoophytes on 15 species of ^orresijoiidence: Dr. C. J. Edwards, Ohio Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit, 1735 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210, U.S.A. : ' ; : 0140-7775/78/0400-0175 S02.000 1978 Blackwell Scientific Publications ' ^ /' ' : ' ^ -^ ; ' ' ^^ \ '^ ' ' ^ ' ' ^ : 175 176 C.J.Edwards 'Aly^S' ' . : - ' - I Figure 1. Sample of Cladophora sp. from a carp operculum (x 75). , ? : : . . .... ^ ..^ :.. - 1 " . "., = Figure 2. A female carp 665 mm in length weighing 4086 g with opercular growth of Cladophora parrot fish. These authors suggested that in all cases the algae represented species merely invading another type of hard substratum and apparently were not detrimental to the infected fish. Vinyard (1953) reported Cladophora s^). as epizoophytic on black bass Micropterus salmoides (Ijacepede) and smallmouth buffalo Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque) in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma. In the black bass the infection was confined to and penetrated the forward portion of the maxillary bone, while in the smallmouth buffalo the opei' cular bone was the site of the infection. He suggested that prior to algal invasion oi the tissue there may have been the specimens, although no effect on the fish could be ascribed to the alga. : Algal infection of fish tissue 177 Table 1. Observed and predicted weights (total regression sample n = S35) from carp afflicted with epizoophytic Cladophora sp. and Chlorella sp. Length (mm) Observed 257 325 515 573 665 Weight Observed 340 364 1930 2610 4086 (g) Predicted 331 447 1848 2530 3920 % Difference + 2-6 -31-0 + 4-2 + 3-1 + 4-1 Significant No Yes No No No ^ / , In their seawater culture studies of Tilapia aurea (Steindachner), Miller & Ballan- (1974) noted an infection of the filamentous algae Enteromorpha lingulata and Giffordia mitchillae upon the opercular bone of some of their specimens. The alga E. lingulata was also found growing on the walls of the culture tanks. Suspecting that the handling ofthe specimens had caused damage to the opercular region, they ^echa.nically removed the opercular scales of two specimens hy knife scraping, while two additional specimens were abraded by rubbing them with a cloth. The two scraped fish and one ofthe rubbed fish later exhibited opercular algal growths. Their results suggested that physical abrasion against the tank walls, or handling, may remove opercular skin and thus allow the algal infection to occur. In support of this suggestion, Hoffman (1967) noted the growth of CZadop/iorasp. on the operculum of I'ainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson held in concrete ponds. The specimens ^ere apparently unharmed as no discernable behavioural or growth anomalies were evident in the infected fish. Nigrelli, McLaughlin & Jakowska (1958) reported the presence of Stigeoclonium sp. within the nares of a kissing gourami Helostoma temmincki (Gnvier & Valencien- ^les) from the aquarium at the Bronx Zoo, New York City. They also isolated a uni- cellular alga (Chlorococcales) from the original specimen. This unicellular alga was successfully introduced into another specimen and caused an infection. The original fish had previously suffered from attacks of lernaeid copepods, especially near the dorsal region ofthe head, suggesting that the ulcerated areas left by the copepods have been points of entry for the algal zoospores. Hoffman, Prescott & Thompson (1965) reported the presence of Chlorella sp. the eye orbit of a bluegill Lepomis ?nacroc/zirus Rafinesque taken from a pond in West Virginia. Hoffman (persona! communication) also stated that the presence of ^ unicellular alga, originally reported (Hoffman, Bishop & Dunbar, 1960) as resem- bling Mucophilus cypriyii, was probably a Chlorella sp. This latter alga, found in the gill and skin epithelium, was identified as the pathogen in an extensive fish kill of swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Heckel and kissing goUrami at a fish farm in Florida. 178 C.J. Edwards Lucky (1970) has identified the alga Mucophilus cyprini as a pathogen which causes severe losses of carp in European countries. In North America, a parasitic dinoflagellate, Oodinium limnectum, was descrihed and named hy Jacohs (1946) as the pathogen causing suhstantiaL losses of fish in fresh water aquaria. It is my opinion thsA Mucophilus cyprini and Oodinium limnectum are at least congenerics. This judgment is hased on the presence of yellow chromoplasts, similar morphology and pathogenesis. Their similar morphology is especially apparent when comparing Lucky's Fig. 2 with Jacobs' Plate III-14 and Lucky's Fig. 3 with Jacobs' Plate II-ll. The results of this study suggest there are perhaps many algal species with the ability to invade fish tissue. Filamentous algae, generally preferring the harder substratum (i.e. teeth, scales, or bone) should presently be considered epizoophytic With regard to bone tissue, algal infection appears to be facilitated by superficial wounding. Indeed, the opercular epithelium of carp and other species of shallow water spawners could easily be injured during their vigorous spawning activities thus exposing the hard opercular bone as available substratum for algal penetration and growth. For the centrarchid species, male mouth fighting is the common practice. 1 have ohserved personally many centrarchids, especially those of the genus Lepomis, whose m.axillae were severely damaged. This exposed bone could provide algae with a suitable and exposed substratum. Unicellular forms found subepidermally or within epitheliartissue are usually described as parasitic, although epizoophytic types may also exist.^ : / ^ ' ; '^ ^ ^''; ^ " \ -\" - '' ^^ ^' ' ^ ^ ' ^, ^, ^ Algal infections of fish tissue are probably more common than the literature would seem to indicate. However, the responsibility of reporting such occurrences lies with fish biologists who must become more observant of this phenomenon so we might begin elucidating the mechanisms of infection and pathogenesis of infectious algae- Acknowledgments I wish to convey my sincere appreciation to Drs GL. Hoffman ofthe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Fish Farming Experimental Station, and Clarence E. Taft of the Department of Botany and Willard C. Myser of the Department of Zoology of the Ohio State University for their assistance with the preparation of this manuscript- This study was partially funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Contract Number 14-16-0008-738 and the Department of Zoology ofthe Ohio State Univer- sity, Columbus, Ohio 43210, U.S.A. References HOFFMAN G.L. (1967) Parasites of North Ameriean Freshwater Fishes. University of California Berkeley and Los Angeles. HOFFMAN G.L., BISHOP H. & DUNBAE C.E. (I960) Algalparasite in fish. Progressive Fish-Culturist 22, ^ " ' 1 8 0 . ' ^ ' ' ' ^ ' ' ' ^ ^'; ^ ' :. ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ ' ' , ^ , ^' '^ ^ - Algalinfection of fish tissue 179 HOFFMAN G.L., PRESCOTT G. W. & TITOMPSON C. E. (1965) Chlorella parasitic in bluegills. Progressive I^'ish-CuUurist 27, 175. JACOBS D.L. (1946) A new parasitic dinoflagellate from freshwater fish. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society Go, 1-17. LUCKY Z. (1970) Pathological changes with carp mucopMlosis. Acta Veterinaria Brno, Supplement 1, 39, 75-80. MILLER J. W. & BALLANTINE D.L. (1974) Opercular algal growth on the cichlid fish Tilapia aurea cultured in sea water. Aquaculture 4, 93-95. NIGRELLI R.F., MCLAUGHLIN J . J . A. & JAK OWSK A S. (1958) Histozoic algal growth in fish. Copeia, 331- 333. TSUDA R.A., LARSON W.K . & LUJAN R.J. (1972) Algal growth on heaks of live parrot fishes. Pacific Science 26, 20-23. RD W.C. (1953) Epizoophytic algae from mollusks, turtles, and fish in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 34, 63-65.