Topics For Assignment

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How Color Affects Communication

2. Audio and Visual Signals and Their Use in Communicating in Business and Industry
3. Non-Verbal Communications: Differences Between Cultures
4. Word Processing Equipment: Selection (Or Use)
5. Logical Fallacies and How to Avoid Them in Business Communications
6. Techniques for Improving Listening
7. How Annual Reports Communicate to Stockholders (Specific communication tools used)
8. Developing Effective Graphic Communications (Choose a specific type of graphic)
9. Business Writing as a Tool of Management Control
10. How to Have an Effective Conference or Meeting
11. The Origins of Interesting Words
12. Subliminal Communications in Business
13. Communication: The Effective Use of Audio-Visual Aids in Management Presentations
14. Unusual Sales Correspondence (Collect interesting communications and point out
unusual features. Can be used for other types--credit, etc.)
15. The Impact of the Computer on Communications in Business
16. Transactional Analysis: Its Use in Improving Communication in Business
17. Difficulties Most Often Encountered in Business Writing and How to Avoid Them
18. How Business Uses Multi-Media Presentations to Communicate with (any group)
19. Barriers to Effective Listening or Active Listening and the Improvement of Interpersonal
20. Basic Methods of Research in Business
21. Semantics: How the Meanings of Words Affect Our Business Lives
22. How to Write an Effective (type) Letter
23. The Gunning Fog Index or Other Readability Indexes
24. The Employment Interview: Making it Effective (From employee or employer view)
25. Writing Effective Resumes
26. The Scientific Approach to Problem Solving for Written Reports
27. Tips for Effective Oral Presentations
28. The Self-Concept and Writing Ability
29. How the Internet Aids Communication
30. Organizing Material for Effective Reports
31. How to Lead an Effective Discussion
32. Communication Networks in Organizations (or in a specific company)
33. Brainstorming as a Tool of Communications
34. Improving the Use of (punctuation, grammar, parts of speech, etc.)
35. Differences in Perception and Their Effect on Communications
36. The Semantic Differential as a Measure of Meaning
37. Inference vs. Facts: Their Confusion
38. Using Motivators in the Communication Process
39. How to Use E-Mail Effectively
40. Handwriting: The Need for Good Handwriting;
41. How Handwriting Communicates (Handwriting Analysis)
42. Choosing the Most Effective Communication Medium for Varying Situations
Unit i
How Color Affects Communication
44. The Office Grapevine and Management Communication

45. General Semantics and Errors in Communications
46. Barriers to Effective Business Communication and Ways to Overcome Them

47. The Relationship Between Communication Ability and Success in Business

48. The Impact of the Computer on Communications in Business

Communication Problems in (xyz) Company and Solutions
49. Cutting Costs in Communications
50. How Telecommunications Will Change Management Communications
51. The Importance of Feedback for Effective Communication

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