Biology-04 - Improvement in Food Resources
Biology-04 - Improvement in Food Resources
Biology-04 - Improvement in Food Resources
Class IX
Chapter: Improvement in Food Production
Topic to be assessed: Improvement in Food Resources from Plants
and Animals
Expected learning outcomes:
A Case Study
The Farmer (The student who is the group leader is THE FARMER)
Farmer’s family - 4 members (Group leader will decide the composition of his family)
Labourers on the farm – 5 (Farmer and family will allocate work to the labourers in
the farm)
Common features of the farm:
Area: 4 acres, Animals- Cows, Poultry birds, honey bee or fish (any one)
The Teacher will divide the class into three or four groups depending on the size of the
class. The students will divide duties in the farm and make a case study. Teacher shall also
give them one problem each and the group has to find a way to deal with that problem.
two cows suffering from foot and mouth disease,
low yield of crop in the field,
decreased egg laying capacity of birds,
demand for more fertilizer is proving to be too expensive
Low yield of fish
The Final presentation of the Case Study shall include the following:
Has the group been able to address the problem and suggest a solution
Yes, absolutely Sufficiently Scope for No, the group has Not done
addressed improvement is not been able to
there address the issue
4 3 2 1 -
Active participant Sufficiently active Not very active Low level of Not participated
4 3 2 1 -
Marks for the group (5)
Remedial Measures:
• If the distribution of duties is not done properly, the teacher shall site
examples of groups that have been able to do it efficiently during 'Class
• If a group has not addressed the problem given to them and suggest a
solution, the teacher shall give an assignment to the group based on the
topics / problems.