Terms of Reference For Nghep
Terms of Reference For Nghep
Terms of Reference For Nghep
1. About the Project:-
93 MW New Ganderbal HEP a multipurpose run of the river project on
Sind River is proposed with a Barrage 80 meters upstream of existing
Ganderbal HEP ,8 Kms long HRT and an overground powerhouse at
Ganderbal which is about 20 Kms from Srinagar. The Project in
addition to generating electric power is also proposed to provide
assured Irrigation benefits to a substantial command area in
Ganderbal District in addition to drinking water supply to a large part
of the Srinagar City being fed through Alsteng Filteration plant. Some
infrastructure works have been /are under execution in the Project
area. JKSPDC has updated the DPR of the Project (originally prepared
in 1992-93) In 2008.
2. Objective:-
JKSPDC proposes to execute the Project through EPC mode.
However, before inviting bids for the purpose, JKSPDC intends to
review/update the available DPR to have the present level estimated
cost, as well as reviewing the design layout etc. Towards meeting this
objective JKSPDC intends to hire the services of a Consultant. The
consultant shall also prepare the bidding documents and take
JKSPDC through the entire bidding process upto the selection of the
EPC Contractor.
3. Scope of Work/Terms of Reference:-
The Consultants task shall be as follows:
a) INFRASTRUCTURE: Detailed assessment of the Infrastructural works
already carried out near the project site and asses those that will be
needed for Project execution.
b) PROJECT LAYOUT:- Examine various alternative layouts of the
project before suggesting conclusions. The Consultant will rank the
alternatives techno-economically.
ToR for review of DPR and Bidding Process for NGHEP 07-1-2011
c) DOCUMENT REVIEW: Review the documents/data available, and
propose DPR level survey & investigations, which consultant considers
essential before inviting bids.
d) IRRIGATION BENEFITS: The Irrigation supplies provided through the
existing old Ganderbal HEP shall be maintained from the New Project
as well for which civil structures/regulatory device shall be designed to
cater to irrigation requirement. Provision for irrigation requirement shall
be based on the water requirement, cropping pattern and command
area to be provided by the Irrigation Department.
e) DRINKING WATER: The proposals shall also include design of
drinking water conductor system and regulatory structures for supply
of drinking water to the area being fed from Alsteng Plant based on
the requirement to be provided by the PHE Department.
f) The Consultant shall review and DPR in accordance with the
i. CEA / CWC norms,
ii. Applicable BIS standards
iii. Latest edition of Guidelines for Formulation of Project Reports
for Power Projects published by CEA,
iv. Latest edition of Guidelines for Preparation of Detailed Project
Report of Irrigation and Multipurpose Projects, Govt. of India,
Ministry of Irrigation published by CWC and
v. Latest edition of Guidelines for Preparation of Estimates for
River Valley Schemes published by CWC.
The basic layouts, parameters, specifications and other relevant
information to be given in the DPR shall be based on the Bureau of
Indian Standards or best International practices. The references of
such standards, practices shall be specified in the DPR. The DPR will
include all the details required as per CEA/CWC guidelines together
with appropriate appendices and drawings.
g) The DPR shall include design briefs, general project layout and
layout of each major structure, sufficient plans and cross-sections to
establish the magnitude and characteristics of works and their costs.
For E&M and Hydro Mechanical Works, the details in DPR shall include
the Design Briefs, calculations for preliminary dimensions, weights,
ToR for review of DPR and Bidding Process for NGHEP 07-1-2011
ratings and settings, single line diagrams indicating ratings of
equipments, sizes, Plans and Sections indicating their locations etc.
h) DESIGNS:-The Consultant shall prepare in sufficient detail, designs
of all structures required for the selected alternative. The
recommendation for proposed alternative shall be supported with
cost details and optimization studies. The Consultant shall establish
conclusively, that the suggested Project alternative and layout is
techno-economically the most feasible option in the timeframe
envisaged for the implementation.
i) POWER POTENTIAL STUDIES:-The consultant will carry out power
potential optimization studies to review the Capacity and unit
j) COST ESTIMATION:- The Consultant shall review cost estimates
based on the available data, which shall include a reasonable
breakdown by major items, i.e. access, site preparation, diversion
works and spillway, barrage and dykes, intake structure, power
channel/tunnel and cross drainage structures, fore bay / surge tank,
underground/Surface powerhouse, tail water conduit, turbine,
generators, mechanical and electrical equipment at powerhouse,
hydraulic gates and hoists, and projects permanent colony as per
relevant guidelines. The cost of R&R ,EMP etc. shall also be included in
the cost estimates. The cost estimates shall also include the projects
engineering and construction management expenses, the owners
overhead expenses, and an adequate allowance for physical
contingencies. The physical contingencies shall be determined on
the basis of risks involved in the construction of the different structures
and as per relevant guidelines. The cost estimates shall be broken
down into local and foreign currency components if required on the
basis of Indian/International practices. Import duties, taxes and
interest during construction shall be assessed and separately
indicated in the cost estimates. Prices for major civil works and for
permanent equipment shall be estimated on the basis of
Indian/International Practices, and supported with Rate Analysis as
per CWC Guidelines and/or documents showing current market
ToR for review of DPR and Bidding Process for NGHEP 07-1-2011
k) COST APPORTIONING:-Apportioning of Cost for irrigation, drinking
water and Power shall be worked out with justification and as per
relevant guidelines.
l) SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS:- Sensitivity analysis on tariff of energy
generated at the Project shall be performed taking into consideration
the provisions of J&K Electricity Act 2010, JKSERC/CERC guidelines,
and specially covering the material and labour costs, load growth,
foreign exchange variation, capital outlay, as well as operating costs
including change in depreciation rates, interest rate, return on equity
and O&M expenditure and discount rates. A Risk Matrix shall be
prepared and included in the DPR covering aspects like unplanned
delays in project implementation, R&R etc. and the environmental
protection aspects of the Project.
m) DATA REVIEW & VALIDATION: The Consultant shall review and
analyze the available hydro meteorological data, encompassing the
impact of upstream projects and perform the necessary work for up-
gradation of the hydrologic studies to establish the river flow series,
the design floods, the sediment inflow and deposition and other
hydrologic parameters for design work. The Consultant shall formulate
a suitable software model in which future data updating can be
made and used for forecasting daily/seasonal water discharges. This
should also encompass designing a flood forecasting and flood
warning system to give adequate time for taking up all the possible
precautionary measures in case of occurrence of heavy floods,
during the construction, and post Construction period.
n) CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: For construction materials, the
Consultant shall verify availability at locations indicated as well as
properties, characteristics and adequacy as indicated in the
available documents.
o) CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE:-A construction schedule using CPM
analysis and showing schedules for annual construction expenditures,
covering the entire construction period, shall be prepared. The
construction and installation program for each package shall be
developed on the basis of the detailed study of all activities involved
and of the construction techniques planned. These programs shall
take into consideration interference from other construction or
ToR for review of DPR and Bidding Process for NGHEP 07-1-2011
erection activities, access availability, anticipated Geological
conditions, normal construction efficiencies, meteorology and river
The construction and installation programs developed shall be made
in Prima Vera/Microsoft Projects which shall incorporate all
contracting activities, supplies, civil works and equipment erection in
such a way as to maintain appropriate sequence. All these programs
shall be computer based. Sufficient knowledge/hands on training shall
be provided to JKSPDC team of officials to use these programs.
p) FLOOD MODERATION: - Perform flood moderation study, which
besides other details shall include assessment of the cost of flood
q) R&R ISSUES:- A detailed assessment of submergence of property,
villages, roads, cultivation etc. and a suitable rehabilitation and
resettlement plan shall be provided in the DPR.
r) FINANCIAL MIX:- The DPR shall include detailed financial model
indicating the best financing mix.
a) The consultant shall finalize with JKSPDC, within 15 days from the
date of award of work, an activity wise detailed work plan for carrying
out the job. The DPR shall be submitted in 3 months from the letter of
award. The bidding process shall commence thereafter and shall be
completed in 4 months.
b) Consultant shall ensure that the DPR is bankable and complete
in all respects.
c) Initially the Bankable DPR in draft form shall be submitted to
JKSPDC in compact disk form and 3 Nos. hard copies. JKSPDC will
review the draft DPR and after incorporating JKSPDCs comments, the
Consultant shall submit 25 bound hard copies of the final DPR along
with two copies in CD/DVD form. If required by CEA/CWC, the
consultant shall provide additional hard copies.
ToR for review of DPR and Bidding Process for NGHEP 07-1-2011
d) The DPR shall be submitted by JKSPDC to CEA for Techno
Economic Clearance/ Concurrence and the Consultant shall provide
all assistance required to obtain required clearances/ approvals,
including drafting of replies to queries raised by GSI/CWC/CEA/Indus
Commission and doing and redoing any calculations as per their
directive and deputing experts during the discussions with GSI/CEA /
CWC/Indus Commission. The Consultant shall also submit a revised
DPR after CEA observations.
e) BIDDING DOCUMENT & PROCESS: The Consultant will also prepare
the bidding documents comprising of Request for Qualification&
Request for Proposal leading to award of EPC contract. The
consultant shall assist JKSPDC through the entire bidding process upto
the selection of the EPC contractor and award of contract.
Drafting/Preparation of Agreements documents for the purpose shall
be the responsibility of the Consultants.
5. KNOWLEDGE SHARING & TRANSFER: The Consultant shall also be
required to share and transfer all requisite information and knowledge
regarding the project execution and all technical features e.g. design
layout, design features, construction schedule etc with JKSPDC and
the Project Management & Supervision Consultant separately
engaged by JKSPDC.
6. COST OFFER:- The cost quoted should be all inclusive including taxes &
duties , out of pocket expenses, boarding and lodging etc. Service
tax may be indicated separately. The cost offer should separately
indicate the cost for DPR review /Updation and Bidding Process for
EPC Contract.
7. EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATES:-The Bidders shall enclose copies of work
orders in support of their experience in preparation/review of DPRs
and conducting bidding process for award of EPC contract.