Dil Hi Dil Mein - A Love Story
Dil Hi Dil Mein - A Love Story
Dil Hi Dil Mein - A Love Story
8+,T 9
:ook at you 'ou are so handsome, good personality, 'ou have a
perfect o#ce, car, home.. what else does a women want you
are a perfect desirous to be husband why will any girl say no to
you6 *ave you ever liked any girl have you proposed any girl66
That$s the whole problem na ma.. !m so perfect.. wont ! need a
perfect partner66 - saying so he winked at her (nce ! fnd her !
promise ! will not make any delay - fnishing his breakfast he
ran to pick up his car keys
7ye &ad... see you in the evening - he said rushing to the door.
*is dad ;ust lowered the newspaper peeped out for a sec nodded
to himself and thrust his head back to the newspaper
0hy don$t you say something to him.. he has reached
marriageable age now
&on$t you know6 *e wants to do only love marriage-
7ut.. ! don$t see any progress ! think he is fooling us, we should
start seeing profles for him and ask him to choose from a few
selected ones-
<uaisha these things are not to be hurried if he marries for
our sake he will not keep the girl happy nor will he be happy, but
if he marries for his happiness he will always take care for her
happiness.. give him some time, all good things take time and so
is this= so you calm down and stop bothering him- saying this he
again thrust himself back in the newspaper
'ou both father and son will never listen to me - she murmured
to herself as she picked up the empty cup of tea and moved to
Neil waited for ,ikhil watching the movements around while he
listened to his ipod sing +ndekhi.. an;ani si.. pagli si deewani
si.. ;ane who kaisi hoge re.. - !t was drizzling outside, + hot cup of
co2ee with drizzle... wow%% *e e>claimed to himself as the
temptation rose in him. *e wanted ,ikhil to arrive eagerly to have
the co2ee. 0hile surfng for him in every other face around, his
eyes stopped at a pair of eyes, They were... looking sad... such a
nice day and so much pain in the eyes, Neil was bound to think.
*e kept looking at them tears were .owing from them and
somewhere Neil did not like that. *e was mesmerized by the
eyes, he kept looking at them, at the tears as if they wanted to
tell something to him.
sorry 7uddy.. - ,ikhil$s hand on his shoulder brought Neil back
to senses.. ! thought you would have got bored.. but here ! fnd
you have found a source of entertainment huh6 - ,ikhil said
giving a casual look at the girls$ ne>t table whom Neil was starring
at, without his own knowledge.
huh.. what666 - Neil gave a puzzled look to ,ikhil, /ome on let$s
have co2ee and then discuss- Neil tried to neglect those eyes and
make himself comfortable.
0hile having /o2ee once in a while he looked at the other table,
the other girl was trying to console her but she was not even
listening. <he cried her heart out. ,ikhil could sense the
discomfort within Neil and he said.. why are you so worried it
might ;ust be another breakup yaar... these girls.. you know na..
how they are she will cry for some time for now and ne>t
moment she will fnd someone else you leave it.. let$s plan our
trip tomorrow -
Neil ;ust nodded and they discussed their ?(+ trip that they had
planned for almost a month and fnally the day had arrived,
everything was sorted out, the transport, the stay and the
vacation. !t was after a long time they were going on a vacation
and Neil wanted to make it all perfect. ,ikhil was his cousin, they
both had planned a family get together but they wanted it to be
memorable and refreshing. 7oth being of same age shared all
secrets with each other and were like more than brothers, they
were best friends, reachable for the other any time of the day,
they knew each other very well. +fter the whole plan discussion,
out of the bloom Neil said to ,ikhil 'ou know why it rained
today6- To which ,ikhil signaled he had no clue. because
she cried she is in pain even the ?ods cannot she her pain, so
even they cried.-
0hat666 /ame the only response from awestruck ,ikhil
8art @
1inally, the day had arrived, today unlike everyday
Neil got up early and was the frst person to get ready. *e was so
e>cited about the trip, both families were going to be together
after a long time. Every time they would decide something or the
other thing would make it stand cancel. This time everyone had
managed to make it, maybe it was because they had planned it
way ahead. Neil made sure to pack all the needful things= he
called ,ikhil to make sure they were on their way. ,ikhil and all
other gathered on time to Neil$s place. Everyone was e>cited.
They had booked a 9A seater= after settling the entire luggage
they started their ;ourney. Talks of here and there, feeling the cool
morning breeze they sang songs. *alf of them went to sleep as
they had got up early in the morning. +fter a while they halted in
a restaurant for breakfast, after reflling themselves with food and
energy everyone was set for future ;ourney. The drive was
comfortable on N* 9B. <inging, sleeping, playing &um shell arts,
+ntakshari, chatting, playing cards there was so much to do, so
many option while travelling that the time felt short. 1inally they
reached the destination. !t was late evening when they reached
?oa, they all decided to have dinner and go to bed so that they
can do sightseeing early morning ne>t day.
Ne>t day early morning they all had breakfast and took a travel
guide from the hotel. There were discrepancies in views, some
wanted to go to beach while some wanted to visit museum frst.
+fter much of shouting, arguments, and convincing it was fnally
decided that ,ikhil and Neil will decide where they will visit frst
as they were whole planner of this trip and they both agreed for a
beach frst so the plan was frst go to beach en;oy it till the sun
gets hot then come back have lunch and then move to some
historic spots, again in the evening visit some other beach, have
dinner and back to hotel.
+s per the plan they came to Anjuna Beach at evening CDEE,
after having some snacks and en;oying. They played sand
volleyball. +fter that no one could control the temptation to play
with the water.. +ll guys entered in the sea, started playing
volleyball there the <un was about to set now.. the sky was
flled with vibrant colors
+ll aunties went to Anjuna Flea Market to do some good
shopping at cheap prices Neil was travelling along the shore
watching the sun, ,ikhil called him to play with them but he ;ust
signaled will ;oin after some time and he continued walking. *e
deeply was involved in his thinking walking along the shore= he
stopped in the middle for some time looked at the setting sun.
,ikhil came running towards him from the other side, got hold of
Neil. 0here are you buddy66 :ook where are you going.. !$m
calling you since past 9A min, are you in this world6 Neil !$m
talking to you
Neil looked down the sea water was already touching his waist
and he was unaware. *e was puzzled how he reached here6 *e
was walking along the shore. *e looked with puzzled eyes and
5uestion mark on his face towards ,ikhil.
0hat66 !$m supposed to get the answer in return not 5uestions,
<aid ,ikhil dragging him back to the shore. +re you out of your
senses6 0atch your way from now not the sun. Neil.... !$m
talking to you. +re you listening to me6 *e shouted at him when
he realized Neil is not even listening to his advice.
:ook at this setting sun isn$t it depressing
&epressing666 <unsets are always good to watch Neil they
give you hope of a new tomorrow they tell you now the sun is
going to rest and it$s time for you to rest. 0hat$s wrong with you6
/an$t you see the same sadness in this environment as it was that
0hich day Neil6
The day when she cried6
Neil... don$t tell me you still think of her6 0hy can$t you ;ust
ignore that incident6
/an$t you see ! try to, but ! cannot bro. <he keeps coming in my
mind again and again. *er eyes ! cannot let them o2 my mind.
The pain, which they had in them... *er silence spoke everything.
Neil you are gone mad. There is so much pain and sadness in this
7ut ! want to know only about those eyes. 0hy they were sad.
0hy they had tears. 0hat is causing pain to them6 ,ikhil ! want
to know. 0hat has happened to her6 ! want to know.
(hh hooo Neil why are you so bothered6 7y any chance you
know her6
No. ! saw her for the frst time in the cafF that day.
(k. (nce we reach 3umbai we will fnd her ok6 Now can we en;oy
our trip.
! don$t want to spoil your fun ,ikhil... 'ou know na since how long !
have been waiting and planning for this trip6 7ut these eyes... !
feel as if !$m connected to them. ! want to know why they are in
pain. 0hat is it that ! feel within me6 0hy is it that ! feel her
*mm .. are you falling in love6 :ove at frst sight6
:ove666 ! think love is a happy feeling right6 /an love be pain6
7uddy there is pain, happiness, sadness, ;oy, everything in love.
+ll are shades of love
(hh is it 7aba ,ikhil
'es Gatsa, says ,ikhil acting like a baba raising hand to bless Neil.
!ts late now, everyone might be searching for us. :et$s move.
0hen they reach, everyone starts asking 5uestions to them where
they were6 0ere they safe6 They were worried for them and.
The 9E days trip comes to an end and it$s time to return to home.
Every day on their trip Neil and ,ikhil found ways how to track
her. 7ut they knew nothing about her. They had only seen her
once in //&.
They plan to visit //& daily. !f she is a regular visitor they can
surely get hold of her contact details at least. 0ith this hope they
start visiting //& daily. 8art time ;ob for both of them for several
days, all their e2orts seemed to be going in vain, 3eanwhile they
meet a sketch artist, Neil gets an idea and he gets her sketch
done from him from the description he remembered. ,ikhil
wonders what will that help but does not 5uestion. *e takes the
sketch to the //& person, asks him if the girl visits the cafF daily6
The cafF person says no. <he had visited him some 9A days back.
*ow are you so sure that she did not visit within these 9A days6
<ir, she was here with her friend. That day, while her friend was
paying their bill, she looked very upset and her friend was
consoling her. !n their hurry she paid the bill and left her wallet
here itself. Thinking she will come back to collect it ! kept it with
me. 7ut till today no one came to collect it.
Hmmmmmm e>claimed both of them and they took the wallet
from him to have a look. They searched the wallet to get some
information= it had lots of visiting cards.
3an.. look at this these are all very famous personalities man
how come she has all these cards6 <he knows them all
personally6 <he might also be someone famous Neil.
+nyways !$m not interested in her. !$m interested in fnding her
friend she was with that day, said Neil, without looking at ,ikhil
searching through the wallet.
<o much cash and she didn$t come to collect the wallet. ,ikhil
!$m telling you her friend was in some big trouble. <omething,
more to worry about, than a lost wallet with so many credit cards
and cash.
)mm yes... you are right 7ut, if we can get her contact
details saying so he looked at the pan card he found in it. Neil !
found out her name.
0hat666 0hat is it where did you fnd it6
!t$s +vani. *ere, look this is her 8an card.
7ut how can we contact her ;ust with her name
7uddy have faith 0e found out her name we will also get her
contact and we will also fnd her friend <aid ,ikhil patting on
Neil$s shoulder.
9. ,eturn of +vani 0ho is this +vani$s friend6
@. *ow will Neil reach +vani$s 1riend6 0ill he fnd her6
H. 0hy was +vani$s friend crying that day6
C. !s Neil falling in love with her6
I keep readingI
8art H
Neil and ,ikhil were happy that their search yielded some results. Now they had a
name and a face. They both hurriedly went to Neil$s home. &irectly they went to his
room and Neil started the computer. ,ikhil was a bit confused as to what Neil
wanted to do but he didn$t think 5uestioning at that time would have given him any
Neil sensed the curiosity, !$m going to search for her on (rkut%% !$m damn sure ! will
fnd her there.-
(hh yes%% 0e can search her on facebook also.
! think (rkut will be better option cause 17 is famous more in the younger
generation and from the wallet ! think she is a social person and in contact with
most famous industrialist and all something within me is telling me that we will fnd
her on orkut, 8lus now we have her name and a photo id to to make it easy-
<aying this he typed +vani in the search bo>. HEEE results came up.
Type complete name Neil that will result in less number
+fter he typed the complete name, it resulted in @EEE results.
(hh.. man is this such a common name6 ! never heard this name.. there are @EEE
girls with this name and surname6 Now what this way we will spend the whole
month fnding her..
1ilter on place.. add flter for 3umbai, <he stays here na..
(hh yeah.. good idea and he added flter on 3umbai, !ndia it resulted in AE
That$s better they both said together.
Now check the ones with profle pic.
Neil started surfng each profle, some had profle pics, some were blank and some
were useless profle pic.
0hy the hell people put baby$s and hero heroine as their profle pic Neil$s voice
was turning into a bit frustrated as one by one the profles were being re;ected.
*ey... wait Neil look at this pic ,ikhil pointed out to a picture in someone$s
8rofle in the friends list.
!sn$t she the same girl the girl who was crying that day6
7ingo... yes ,ikhil she is 7ut, should we contact her directly6 <he will not respond
right. Tanvi huh6 ! think we can fnd +vani in her profle.
They started surfng her profle and found +vani in it. They both were delighted and
immediately they searched her mail !d. Neil mailed her in details.
*i +vani,
This is Neil, ! know this is a bit strange but ! had seen you in //& the other day with
your friend. ! found your mail id from social networking site. The reason why !$m
writing this mail is that you forgot your wallet in //& which is now with me. <o if
you could let me know where ! can return it to you ! would return it to you. 'ou can
contact me any time on my cell.
Neil sent the mail to +vani and waited for her reply. *e was more delighted to know
that he had found the other girl. *e surfed through her profle daily actually he
studied her profle. *e knew every details that was put on her profle, the school she
studied, college she went. Tanvi nice name he said to himself as he tried to get
more information, but he had already visited her profle so many times that there
was nothing unknown left for (rkut to display.
*ey.. Neil how are you6 &id +vani reply6
No yaar !$m waiting for her reply. <hould ! drop a reminder mail to her6
No That will look as if you are more interested in returning her wallet than she in
colleting it.
7ut that is true... if she would have cared she would have came the ne>t day to //&
and en5uired. ! want to return this wallet to her ask her everything about Tanvi..
'ou know what ,ikhil (ne thing is very strange
*er location was mentioned as Trivandrum and not 3umbai what was she doing
here then6
0hat a silly 5uestion man... she might be here on a holiday.
0hy will someone be so sad if he is on a holiday6
(k ! give up... you think too far you contact +vani and ask why Tanvi was so sad
that day
'es ! will but she is not calling na ! keep my cell full charged in hope that she will
call me.
*ave you checked your mails6 3ight be she replied6
'es.. ! checked it day before yesterday and there was not mail from her..
&ude there are C" hrs in a day and a mail takes @ min to appear in your inbo>. 'ou
might have ;ust missed her mail.. check again.. check in front of me..
+s if some miracle is going to happen in front of you ha ha... he teased ,ikhil as
he opened his gmail.
<ee ! said na no new mails.. Neil said disappointed pointing to his lappy..
open your trash folder did you check there
*ow will it go there66 Luestioned Neil. 4ust check it once.. asseted ,ikhil
(3? did you see that66 <he had replied let$s see what she is saying. Neil
opened the mail and for frst @ min he ;ust mumbled. ,ikhil got nothing what he was
saying. *e signaled him to stop and he started reading the mail which read,
*i Neil,
That is a very kind gesture from you. ! could not get time, so my reply got delayed.
!$m very thankful to you for the e2ort you put in to get to me to return my wallet.
/an we meet at //&, same place around A p.m. for a co2ee tomorrow6 :et me
know if this is fne with you. 'ou can call me and confrm.
Tomorrow A pm.. Neil.. it means today A pm.. darling its already H call her now..
and tell her you are coming to //&
(hh yes.. you are right.. he picked up his cell.. whats the number.. he dialed the
number from his cell.
*ello... came a sweet voice from the other side.
*elloo can ! speak to +vani, this is Neil
(hh ya hi Neil this is +vani speaking, so you coming today to //& right6
! ;ust saw your mail, yes !$m coming. ! called you to confrm about the same
(k fne then see you there then.
beep .. beeppp.. The phone got disconnected There was a di2erent sense of
achievement on Neil$s face. 7oth ,ikhil and Neil started preparing for the meet. *ow
can he ask in a subtle way about Tanvi and why she was crying and where is she
now. They both discussed what will be a better approach. Neil was very e>cited to
meet her and ,ikhil ;oined him in his happiness.
8art C
+nd.. the moment arrived it was time to meet +vani. Neil and ,ikhil were there in
//& N hr before. Neil ;ust recalled the last time when he was there. !t was a
pleasant day and it was drizzling slightly. 7ut the pleasantness of atmosphere had
vanished as soon as he saw the sadness on Tanvi. Tanvi and +vani similar sounding
words.. he thought to himself don$t there friend confuse between the two6
Neil was lost in his thought when ,ikhil came with two iceOcream cones in his hands.
They en;oyed the iceOcream, in meantime +vani was there. They saw her coming,
Neil waved to her, so that she can recognize him. They formally introduced each
other and then ordered a co2ee. Neil was ;ust looking for a chance to strike the
discussion, while sipping from his cold co2ee he said, 0hy didn$t you en5uire here
for your wallet-
0ith some discomfort in her voice she said, To tell you frankly, till the time ! saw
your mail ! was not aware that ! have lost my wallet. These few days were very
hectic in my life and had no time for myself. !t was after ! read your mail ! realized
my wallet was lost. Thanks to you ! have my wallet back.-
(hh ! hope ! did not disturb your schedule.
(hh no no my friend was here from Trivandrum, hecticness of my schedule was
nothing as compared to what she went through. ! ;ust hope she overcomes fast.
0hat happened to your friend6 4ust out of concern
)mm ! don$t think we can discuss, nor do ! want to cause it will again bring back
the bitter memories which ! had to fght with myself to come out with.
The trio talked for a while and left. Neil went home and since had nothing to do he
went online. There were many friends online. *e got busy chatting with his friends.
<omewhere in Trivandrum.
Tanvi was busy checking her mails. <he was online because /hirag would be online
every <unday around K pm. <he was online to chat with him. *e loved to chat
instead of a call. /hirag was studying in 7angalore 3ilitary <chool. *e wanted to be
in Navy ;ust like his father and serve the nation. Though Tanvi was against this
decision to send him to boarding school 3adhav was very adamant to send him
because these schools make the child$s life disciplined and discipline was very
important in one$s life. *e believed and he embedded it in /hirag and he willingly
accepted the decision to go to the boarding school from his Gth std. Every <unday
he used to be online and chat with his parents. 0hen they insisted him to come
home he would say, though his home is near his friends home is not and he wants
to be with his friends to support them= <ince they were all from distant places they
could go home only during their summer vacations and so did /hirag. Tanvi
protested for some time but 3adhav would ;ust assure her to look at the fellowship
5uality he is developing. *e will be a true soldier, he would acclaim and Tanvi had to
go silent. <he had now accepted that she will see her son only in vacations and
have to chat to him, because he wants to be in touch with latest technologies. /hat
was more Tech business than a call. 0hat a funda... these young generations she
thought to herself while she was waiting for /hirag to come online. 4ust then a pop
up popped up in her window.
*ey 3om... how are you66
/hinnu are you ok6 0hy are you late today6
3om my friend was not well so had gone to get some medicine for him from the
medical center.
(hh .. hmm. *ow is he feeling now6 'ou are all right6
'es mom... now he is doing fne and don$t worry about me !$m doing all well got
math$s papers today got 9EEP9EE.
/ongrats beta... keep it up, !$m proud of you.
0hen are you repairing the webcam6 !t has been three months ! did not see you.
8lease repair it fast.
!$m not able to get any time beta and ! will have to fnd some service station nearby,
where ! can take it for repair.
! think ! will have to repair it when ! come home the ne>t time.
'a.. hmm may be... now !$m too old to work na.
.. They chatted for 9 N hr Tanvi was content to know every detail of what was
going on in his life. *e was really developing into a big responsible man= she could
feel it. 0hen she fnished chatting with him she was about to logo2 when again a
window pooped up which said *i !$m (mkar
Tanvi was about the close the chat and shutdown her machine but on second
thought she thought this might be rude he might be /hirag$s friend and he needs
to talk to someone. <o she replied *i.
*i Tanvi !$m so glad to see you replied.. ..
Tanvi was shocked to see a kid calling her by name
/an we be friends6
*ello... do ! know you6 ! think !$m mistaken. !$m not interested and please don$t
bother me further and waste your and my time
:isten !$m ;ust asking for friendship, what$s wrong in it. 8eople make so many
friends on net.
7ut !$m not amongst them ok you try for friendship with someone else.
(k ! promise we will be net friends ! will never ask you to share your photo nor will
! share with you mine. 'ou will not know how ! look nor will !. 0e will be in touch only
through this messenger. &oesn$t the idea e>cite you6 ! will never ask you where you
live where you come from. !sn$t it e>citing to have a friend in some corner of the
world6 4ust to know that someone is there to talk to, to share your secrets to share
your happiness and sorrow6
Tanvi was thinking she did like the idea, having an unknown friend in some
unknown corner. <omeone you know e>ists, how he looks how he talks you don$t
know but know he is there ;ust like ?od... you don$t know how he looks, how is his
voice, where he lives but you believe and you know he is there. 'ou can talk to him
anything out of your heart cause you know no one will come to know. 'ou can share
deep secrets with him. Tanvi liked it she was about say yes to him but she was
scared it might involve risk. 7ut after all she needed to take risks life was a risk. !f
she wouldn$t have agreed to talk to 3adhav that day, her life would not have had so
much of his love. There was risk that time and this time too she thought of taking
up the risk. +t this point of life she desperately needed someone to talk to, to share
her pain, and who else can be better than an unknown new friend she decided to
take this friendship proposal forward. 3oreover she agreed for it because, at one
point of time she had thought talking on a wrong number is also not legal but that
one wrong number had turned her life. !t was destiny, may be this friendship is also
destiny. <he was lost in her thoughts when a ping brought her back to present...
+re you there6 (k are you taking time to decide6
*i 1riendship is fne with me. 7ut this is a deal= you and ! will only be in contact
through this messenger. No phone calls no video chats nothing. (nly we will be
there for each other through this messenger. &one6
&eal done <o.. where are u from66
DQ DQ DQ DQ go to hell. !$m logging o2
(k.. chill. *ahaha.. was ;ust kidding ! remember the deal.. you seem to be very
short tempered6
No !$m not. !t$s stupid things that people do that raises my temper.
(hh so you agree you are
! said !$m not
+nd the war continued.
9st chat and that too started with a heated discussion. 1or the frst time in these
three months Tanvi was not sad but was angry. <he was angry with this new friend
the way he ignited anger within her. <he was thinking about him and the chat when
her cell beeped, !t was +vani, she picked it up.
*ellooo sweetheart my dear... how are you doing was missing you a lot so
thought of calling you. *ope you are not busy66
*mmm there was still anger in her tone, +vani sensed it and en5uired Tanvi
told her what happened today in the chat and she was all agitated +vani tried to
rela> her, divert her mind and so she started en5uiring about /hirag, if she talked
with him and what was going on in his life. (n hearing he scored a 9EEP9EE +vani
too felt happy. They both talked and talked and for the frst time in these three
months +vani saw a di2erent feeling in Tanvi$s voice other than sadness. <he was
happy for the change she thought may be the stranger friend had ignited anger
within her and that was the reason she forgot the sadness. That was a good sign,
she assured herself as she kept thinking to herself after she fnished the call.
+tharva also felt nice hearing that Tanvi was coming back to life. +vani prayed for a
new beginning in Tanvi$s life and slept.
8art A
No one would have thought that the friendship that started with an argument would
gel two people so well. !$m talking about (m and Tanvi. 'es Tanvi was now
comfortable calling (mkar as (m and let him call herself Tannu, Tana, Tannaa,
whatever he felt calling her. (m was mischievous and he would always have
something une>pected stored for Tanvi. They knew each other$s every detail other
than where they live and how they look. (mkar was an architect and was working
for a 3N/, the company name was not disclosed because he was afraid someday
Tanvi might come to shot him dead for his deadly 8;$s moreover it was also against
the deal. No identifcation to be disclosed%% Tanvi told him she was working for a
3N/. Now they could tell what the other had on his mind even before the other
knew. Tanvi en;oyed talking to (m and while she talked to him she totally forgot her
pain. <he would be in a di2erent world. <he felt a lot of support. Though she was not
yet that comfortable to tell (m what pain she su2ered but she was sure she will one
day be able to tell him everything that was in her heart. !t was not easy but she
knew as time grows their friendship will grow and she will be able to tell him.
!n 3umbai
Neil and ,ikhil get a bit busy in their schedule. 7ut Tanvi is always at back of Neil$s
mind. *e keeps in touch with +vani so that he can get some info about Tanvi from
(ne day Neil decides to go to TG3 to fnd Tanvi, though initially he had planned not
to tell anyone about this but ,ikhil comes to know about his intentions. ,ikhil had
by now known that Neil is in love with Tanvi, because whenever he used to meet
Neil earlier he was so full of life there were various topics and discussions they used
to have, but now.. 0henever they talked they talked about Tanvi, what she likes,
what are her favorites and all everything that Neil gathered from that stupid (rkut.
*e used to chirp when the topic was Tanvi else he will not even talk. <o knowing the
fact ,ikhil did not ob;ect. Neil never accepted that he was in love with Tanvi he ;ust
felt that he cared for her. There was something that bonded them.
,ikhil gave him a brilliant idea
Neil why don$t you tell this to +vani.
+G+N!66 1or what66 <he will not like it no way !$m going to tell this to her..
<tupid.. listen to me frst
Tell her you are going to TG3 on a business tour
Ne>t she will handle you don$t need to tell her anything else..
7ut what will that help..
'ou ;ust do what ! say.. listen to your big bro once dear..
*uh66 (k but if some mess is created due to this.. ! will kill you and ! will not think
at that time that you are my elder brother
'a.. ok you may do as you like..
Neil picked up the phone signaling to ,ikhil and reminding him to remember his
promise .he dilled the number
*elloo came +vanis reply from other side
*ey +vani guess who is there
*i Neil.. how are you doing.. tell me something special today 66 en5uired +vani
)mm yes
0ow 0hat..is it66
!$m going out of town for a few days... thought ! would ;ust inform you saying this
he looked at ,ikhil, he signaled thumbs up to him .
(hh great going on vacation or something6
No.. having a business tour. Need to visit TG3 so maybe ! will be going there for a
week or so.. 4ust wanted to inform you ! will not be available in 3umbai and he
hmm haa. E>claimed +vani.. .+hhh she thought for a moment and then said, can
you do me a favor6
!t will not be free of cost madam
(hh hooo is it.. so what are the charges
)mm depends let me frst see how imp the favor is and he giggled again. ,ikhil
saw his plan working.
!f you remember ! have a friend in TG3= Tanvi, so could you be a delivery boy for
(hhh such simple thing ok done..
(hh really66 Thank you so much.
0hen are you leaving6
0hen do you want me to leave6
0hat666 +vani said
(k... when can you give me your delivery parcel.. ! may leave in ne>t @ days..
(hh that$s cool enough time for me to prepare. /an we meet tomorrow same
place at A6
(k then done lets meet tomorrow A.
(k... bye
Neil disconnected the phone and ;umped with ;oy he hugged ,ikhil so tightly that
he could not breathe..
(k.. now are u planning to kill me66 ?et away he pushed Neil and took some
heavy breaths. ..
(hh man u are genius ! will not have to fnd Tanvi now.. ! will have her address
from +vani..
Not only that you can introduce yourself to Tanvi as friend of +vani and you can say
you came to meet her as she wished to give her that parcel !t won$t show that you
were so desperate to meet her.
(hh what an idea sir ;ee he was again going to hug him but he dropped the idea
seeing ,ikhil move backwards.. they both did a hiO fve and ,ikhil left.
Ne>t day, Neil and ,ikhil visit //&, Neil keeps looking here and there to search
+vani he is a bit nervous.
<top shaking your leg what$s the matter6 0hy are you so nervous6
Nervous66 No.. ! think !$m e>cited by the idea that !$m ;ust 9 day away from meeting
*mm ok ! will ;ust be back saying ,ikhil left the place.
Neil saw the //& logo+ lot can happen over a co2ee and he wondered
seriously, a co2ee that day had done so much to him. !f he had not been that day in
//& he would have not seen Tanvi.. and.. he won$t be sitting here waiting for +vani..
he smiled to himself on that thought and ;ust then +vani caught him
'ou know what they call people who laugh alone6
Neil blushed at that and tried changing the topic
7ut +vani was not going to leave him (k an incident ;ust .ashed in my mind and
so ! was smiling admitted Neil.
*mm ok may be it is an embarrassing moment... so you didn$t tell me... anyways,
here you go can you please give this to Tanvi. <he said handing a packet to him
<ure why not but there is a problem how will ! recognize your friend and ! don$t
have her contact
! will give you that... have some patience. <aying she pulled out a notepad from her
purse and wrote down the address and ph number on it. ! will inform her .. no ! will
not let this be a surprise for her what do you say6
! love surprises.. so ! will be in favor to give a surprise.. but ! hope she will get a
pleasant surprise after seeing me as her surprise.. Neil teased +vani.
,ikhil ;oined them they had small talk for a while and then they left.
Neil was now over;oyed to see a ray of hope to meet Tanvi and be friend with her,
he wanted to talk to her. *e was ready to leave by the frst .ight.
Neil keeps her address carefully and feeds the phone number in his mobile in case
he loses the paper at least he will have the number.
That was a di2erent day for Neil, he was close to accomplishing his task he was
about to solve the mystery, he was going to meet Tanvi and talk to her, the feeling
was so nice, the imagination of it brought such happiness in him, what would reality
do. *e was e>cited. *e could not think for himself. ,ikhil was there with him and
helped him out to pack his bag.
Neil ! think you should buy something for her. 'ou are going to meet her for the frst
)mm .. yes but do you think she will accept gift from a stranger..
'a.. that is true but you should give her something that will remind her of you.
0hat about a bou5uet and a card6
'a that looks fne for a gift from a to be friend.. and he winked..
! will buy that there itself. 0e will get the card, bou5uet ! will get in TG3 it will not
remain freash na
(k.. come let$s get the card saying they both left to get the card
+fter coming home with the card, Neil was so flled with emotions he wanted to
write so much on the card, but he knew though he knows her so well she doesn$t
even know him. <o he ;ust wrote two words
1or Tanvi,
Reep <miling-
0aiting to be your friend.
8artO K
!n the two hours .ight, every sec Neil felt closer to Tanvi, he realized this was something
he had never e>perienced... !s he falling in love with Tanvi6 *e had no answer, but he
was e>periencing a strange kind of happiness with everything related to Tanvi. *e was
in a di2erent world... his heart was singing...
S++; unse pekli mula5uat hogi.. phir hoga kya kya pata kya khabar... S
the two hours ;ourney felt like @ min, he did not even realize he has reached= +fter
completing the e>it formalities at airport, he started to search for a ta>i. 1or Neil it was
lucky that locals there did understand English and *indi. +fter all Rerala is the most
literate state of !ndia... he was thankful for that. 0ith ease he was able to understand
that the address was far. *e frst thought to purchase a bou5uet, instructing the driver
to frst take him to a .ower shop he hired a ta>i. The driver stopped for him at a .ower
shop, Neil was very confused as to what he should buy. 7ut he decided on a bunch of
tuberose. *e was e>cited as the ;ourney started. *e picked up a magazine kept in the
car. Though it was not a recent one nor were they standard magazine which he usually
read or of his interest but to have a control on the e>citement he faced he had to divert
his mind from thinking about Tanvi. <o he started surfng the magazine. To his surprise
he found Tanvi in the magazine too, now this was too much... he asked himself to calm
down and started talking to himself that it is ;ust his perception and in the magazine it is
not Tanvi. The driver thought he was talking to him, he en5uired to him
!Tm gone mad my friend... ! think !Tm in love.. ! see her everywhere... do you see any
picture of Tanvi here no na.. ! see...!Tm gone mad... and he started laughing to himself
without bothering to hear the drivers answer.
7ut saab... this is Tanvi 3adam, everyone here knows here. <he is a prominent
personality here.
0hat666 Neil was in a shock.... *e kept silent for a while and then he picked up the
magazine again. *e read the article... he was again over;oyed he got some more info
about Tanvi to read about. *e got into reading mode the article was about women today.
!t had TanviTs interview on how she keeps work life balance. Neil read every line of the
interview with great interest he felt as if he was interviewing her and she was answering
his 5uestions. 1rom all her answers her simplicity was re.ecting. <uddenly one 5uestion
bolt down Neil...
S&o you think being in same business as your husband makes you understand him
S'es, it does help ! know what the business is about and how demanding it can
sometimes get. +s ! e>pect him to understand at times ! too know times when ! need to
be understanding. 'ou e>actly know the phase he is going through and you also know
he needs only your support not your advice to come out of this.... S
The words were becoming blurred... +s tears started flling his eyes... the page went
blank or his mind went blank. Everything was meaningless. *e was not able to think...
*e 5uestioned again and again to himself.... <he is married66 *ow can this be true....
+nd he again used to go in trauma...
*e took his face in cup of his hands and knew nothing what to do. *e ;ust consoled
himself that this is a dream and this cannot be true. *e tried calling ,ikhil... he dialed
his number, but he again disconnected. *ow will ! e>plain him6 (hhh ?od... where are
you leading me6 0hy is this happening to me6
7y the time he recovered, and collected his heart and brain back he had reached TanviTs
place. *e walked towards the gate, slowly, very slowly as if there was no energy in him.
Neil who was full of energy some time before, now energy was less as if the 5uestion
had sucked all his energy in understanding itTs answer and complications related it. *is
love was dead before it bloomed. *e 5uestioned himself... why am ! sad on knowing
this6 <he is my friend. ! care for her and ! should be happy there are other people too
who are there to care for her. <o what if she is married6 *e reached the gate.. there he
saw the words that were carved on the stone S:ook into my eyes... you will see what
you mean to me.... S he found it a bit strange to have such an ordinary stone with these
kind of words carved on the main entrance of oneTs home, that too of such prominent
personality, he en5uired about it to the watchman.
S<ir, these were carved by 3adhav sir for Tanvi madam when he had returned back, ;ust
before their marriage. The stone carries a lot of importance to both of them so it was
embedded in this main entrance wall as symbol of their love.S
*e carved it with his hands6 (r he got it carved6
That is the specialty sir... he carved it himself. (hh ... Neil was bit awestruck... someone
could take that pain ;ust to e>press their love6 *is thinking was obstructed by 5uestion
from the gate keeper
S0hom do you want to meet sir6 S
)mm Taaanvi 3adam.... +hh... no.. +ctually ! wanted to give this to her. *e pushed the
parcel, card and the bou5uet towards him. 0ithout listening to anything further he left.
This time he took faster steps. *e took a ta>i and went straight to airport= he took an
immediate .ight to 3umbai. (n the way his brain was a chaos, all sort of 5uestions
came to his mind.
0hy why... did +vani never mention that Tanvi was married6 To which his heart
you should have thought they are best friends... +vani is married... so why couldnTt her
friend also have been married6 That was your mistake.
That never came to mind... but... why is this hurting me so much6
7ecause, you started loving her...
!s it6 +nd why didnTt you tell this to me earlier6
0hat would you have done6 0ould you have back out6 0ould you listen to me6 &idnTt
,ikhil tell this to you 9EE times6
'es, he did but ! thought he was teasing me...
.... *e reached home in a disturbed state of mind. *e went to his room, *is head was
aching. *e needed a sound sleep. 7ut his mind was so disturbed= he went and had a
bath. !t was evening and the sun was about to set. *e watched the setting sun as
though it was the last sunset of his life. 7irds returning to their home, fnding solace and
peace of mind at home after the days hard work... why couldnTt his heart fnd peace at
home after reaching home6
*is mom came to his room, she watched him being silent. Neil had never been so silent
he was always full of energy full of life he will always be doing something or the other
and if nothing he always had his headphones on... *is mom called him out, he did not
response... he did not hear her even without his headphones= he was lost. <he went
near him and slowly she moved her hand through his hair... Neil came back to his
senses by her touch, he looked at her and tried to smile though his heart felt like crying.
*e could guess all the 5uestions that her silence was asking him but he had no answers,
he did not know what to do. *is mom hugged him and ;ust patted encouragingly softly
on his back. +fter some time she asked him what happened6 !s everything all right6
Neil tried to hide his tears= she pulled him away and tried looking at him. 3a... Neil
could not say anything else and he burst out in tears.... <he didnTt ask any 5uestion to
him again. <he did get a hint about what the matter was... she knew it was his broken
heart that needed to be mended... <he took him to bed... asked him to sleep in her lap...
she slowly patted his head, sometimes moved her hand through his hair, wiped his
tears. Neil fell asleep after some time. :ater, after some time she called ,ikhil,
<uaisha aunty you donTt worry, ! will handle it.
7eta... he is not telling me anything. !Tm very worried. *e went to TG3 and he told me
he is going for a week or so and he returned today itself. *e has never cried this way in
front of me, not even when he was a kid.
! understand your concern aunty, ! will come there.
!tTs late today, and he is asleep ! donTt think it will be a good idea to wake him and
torture him, ask the 5uestions he doesnTt want to answer. 'ou come tomorrow morning.
(k +unty. <till if you want me to come there now ! will come, you can talk to me. ! have
no idea what has happened, he didnTt tell me either anything. ! got to know all this from
No.. beta.. you come tomorrow morning.
Ne>t &ay...
*i Neil... ,ikhil said chirpily to put some energy in Neil.
*i.. Neil said weakly.
0hat has happened to you6 :ook at your eyes looks like you have not slept since ages6
3an... you are talking about sleep, ! donTt feel like living anymore..
0hat happened... will ! get to know something6 Neil told him the complete story. ,ikhil
was also disturbed about the fact.
*ow can she be married ,ikhil6
,ikhil could not control his laughter even in that disturbed state, as he heard the
5uestion and he burst out.
'ou are laughing6 *ell ,ikhil.. !Tm burning here dying every sec and you are laughing6
! mean... that is such a silly 5uestion Neil.. <he got married thatTs why she is married..
come on... after all you are ;ust friends... that does not matter to you right6 ,ikhil said in
a teasing tone trying to guess NeilTs reaction.
)mm.. no.. ahh.. ! think ! was.. ! mean ! had started liking her...
:iking6 (r you mean loving6
,ikhil... that is same.. ya.. ! was falling in love with her... !Tm in love with her.... 3y love
story has ended even before it started.
(k now... look Neil, ! agree it is di#cult to forget oneTs frst love but in this case nothing
is in your hands. 0hy not ;ust forget all this. 1orget that you someday had seen some
one in //&. 1orget that you had ever bothered so much to know about someone. 1orget
everything that is related to Tanvi. 'ou will fnd it hard to accept but let me tell you...
even +mir Rhan had to accept SN(S from H girls. /an you imagine6 :ife is not always fair
brother. ! know you will say ! donTt understand what you are going through6 7ut ! do... !
do understand, ! do care for you and ! do love you. ! donTt want you to reach a state of
mind thinking about all this every time from where you will not return to normal. ! have
seen you how deeply you have been thinking for her all these days. ! know how
passionate you were about meeting her. ! know and ! feel it as you do. 7ut we have to
come out of this ok6
! understand you ,iks, ! do get what you say, the more ! try to get myself out of this the
more !Tm getting into this6 ! think the more about this.
(k, ! will suggest you one thing. /oncentrate on our business now. +s time passes, !
guarantee you, you will forget all this. 'ou will come out of this. (ur company needs you
the most at this time. 'ou have neglected it for a long time now. 1rom tomorrow !Tm
going to hand over another department to you. !f you want you can have rest for a
couple of days. &o you want to go to somewhere peaceful66
0hen there is no peace at heart which place will be peaceful6
(k... fne Neil take your time. 7ut remember this is not the end. 0e are here for you. !f
you need any help let me know. !Tm ;ust a call away. Neil nodded to ,ikhil as he left him
alone to cope with the situation.
+ few days pass, Neil ;oins back his business, he tries his best to get out of all this, to
come out of the shock. *e tries to divert his mind. *e concentrates on work, his
business gets more importance, ,ikhil also gets him more involved in work. 0ith more
and more e2ort from Neil and support from his family and friends Neil becomes
successful= with passing days, Neil starts regular routine again. *e forgets everything
about Tanvi and is again back to old Neil who is full of life and energy. (ne day his cell
rings. *e answers it..
*i Neil... +vani here how are you6 1orgot this old friend of yours6 Neil talks to her
normally but somewhere in the back of his mind picture of Tanvi starts building up.
Tanvi and 3adhav go for shopping this time not for Tanvi but for her 3om as they were
celebrating her AEth birthday. Tanvi wanted to get her very special gift, they both had
scratched their head for at least a week but could not get to a conclusion, fnally Tanvi
concluded to get a saree for her as sarees were her passion. 3adhav agreed with her
and so they decided to go to a mall to select saree for her. They started early morning
to avoid rush hours. 7oth were e>cited they were out to spend time together after a
long time. They both loved spending time with each other but due to work
commitments they could not fnd time these days to be together. They surfed many
shops but Tanvi liked design in one saree, pattern of the other, color of some other,
te>ture of some other, poor 3adhav was all confused and would only nod to whatever
she said. !t was evening now and still they were searching for better options.
0hat kind of saree you are looking for mam, said the shopkeeper a little irritated after
showing Tanvi n sarees out of which she liked none.
! want something elegant, something di2erent, something that everyone can like...
something eye catchy, something one can fall in love with in frst sight... something...
<he looked at 3adhav who was looking at her amused....
0hat happened... she asked him in a frustrated tone moving the bundle of sarees in
front her.
Tannu.. whatever you have asked for... and he paused.... +s if he was thinking...
*mm.. ... yes... tell me..
+ctually ! donTt think you will get it here.
Tanvi rolled her eyes in disbelief... 0hy didnTt you tell this to me before66
0e are wasting time... you know where ! can fnd such saree... come on lets go there
0ait... ! said you cannot fnd it here... nor anywhere...
0hy... cause its already taken by somebody...
! havenTt demanded anything out of the word...
7ut there is only one such piece in this world who is elegant, simple yet di2erent with
whom anyone can fall in love ... and... ! have it so you cannot have it..
Tanvi was confused for a min and then when she got what 3adhav wanted to convey
she blushed realizing he was referring that something to her... she hit him on his
shoulder and asked the shopkeeper to show them something unusual and giggled
naughtily as she looked at 3adhav, who was still busy lost in her.
*ow is this one6
8erfect... this suits your personality lets buy this..
3adds... we are here to buy saree for 3om.... Not for me.. ok...
7ut ! donTt think this saree will suit your 3om...
Tanvi went silent, as if something happened within her. <he got up and started walking
out of the shop, somewhere deep down she was sad... 3adhav kept wondering what
happened6 0hat was it that went wrong, he 5uestioned Tanvi 9EE times what
happened. 7ut he got only one answer every time, silence. *e took her to nearby hotel
to have some snacks, they were tired, and since morning they were roaming from shop
to shop. *e though she is tired. They both settled themselves. !nstead of asking her the
same 5uestion 3adhav thought of letting this go, if at all it was important Tanvi would
tell him. <o he changed topic, he could feel the sadness in TanviTs eyes. 1inally he too
decided to be silent.
/o2ee sir... said the waiter serving them cold co2ee and left.
'ou know 3addy, ! always tried that you never feel the pain of an orphan again in your
life with me beside you. 7ut all my tries are in vain. 'ou still consider yourself as an
0hy will ! consider myself (rphan when you are in my life <hona...66 ! have a wife a
child !Tm a family man.
(rphan is person who does not have parents%% ! thought with me in your life you have
also found parents, you will fnd the love you have never found in my parents= you will
see the love for a son in their eyes. 7ut you still consider yourself as orphan= you still
donTt see the love they give you. 'ou consider them as your in laws and not as your
parents% +nd she burst into tears.
! consider them as my parents Tannu... who told this to you..
'ou.. you told this to me... ! heard it with my ears... she said sobbing
0hat are you talking about and from where is this topic coming. ! do not understand a
bit out of this.
'ou said... you said.. it... you said.. This saree wonTt suit '(), mom... what was the
need to add 'our if you do consider her your 3om. +ll my e2ort to reduce your pain of
an orphan has gone in vain.
(hhh.. come on Tannu.. you are taking this too seriously.. it ;ust might have carried out
of me... ! never meant it like that... &o you think ! never cared for them6 ! never cherish
their love.
'ou said it and ! heard it.. thatTs enough evidence
'es, you are right, ! donTt consider them my parents, ! held them higher than parents
they are ?od to me. They agreed for our marriage even after witnessing the pain that !
caused you, though it was unknowingly but ! caused pain not for days, weeks or months
but for B years... They saw how you brought up /hirag for this time, they believed in
me... when ! came back... they believed in my love.. knowing the fact that ! was the only
person who caused pain, hurt, betray to their only daughter, whatTs wrong then if ! donTt
treat them as my 8arents but they are ?od for me.
Tanvi was silent. Though she knew she could not argue with 3adhav she was still upset
and didnTt want to be convinced, whatever argument 3adhav would give. <o fnally
3adhav gave up. They silently walked to the parking. Their driver brought the car. Tanvi
sat on the back seat while 3adhav took the seat ne>t to the driver. *e knew Tanvi was
upset with him and wonTt like him seating ne>t to her. There was silence in the car. The
driver could sense the tension from the silence, usually they will always be seating
together ne>t to each other holding hands and chatting. Tanvi was such a chatterbo>
that she always had topic to talk with 3adhav and he would ;ust listen to her
appreciating her. 7ut now this silence was hurting to him. Even he was not used to them
like this. *e put some song on /& and the player started playing SRab tak chup baithe
aab toh kuch hai bolna... .... (hh dholna.... S
3adhav was surprised at such an apt song playing in the background... he looked at the
driver and he winked at him. *e looked at Tanvi and she was still fuming so he turned
the player o2 and again got comfortable in his seat and started staring at the
windshield. There was silence again. Everyone could hear the silence in background of
the dark night. The streets were glowing in the night lamp lights, 3adhav was
screaming in the silence begging Tanvi to talk. +ll of a sudden one could hear loud noise
generated due to sudden application of break. + truck was coming from opposite
direction which had its right head light malfunction, only left headlight was on giving a
false vision of it being a two wheeler in the darkness and moving on the e>treme right
side of the road. (nly when 3adhavTs car approached a very close distance could the
driver make out it to be a four wheeler Truck and to avoid accident he applied brakes
with his all his power but the car went and bumped on the truck. The impact was very
high due to the bulky truck and 3adhav was severely in;ured. Tanvi being on the back
seat was not in;ured severely= she immediately moved out of the car and dragged
3adhav out. 7ut she could not move far ahead. 3adhav wanted to say something to
her. *e was drenched in blood, There was severe head in;ury and blood was .owing
continuously, *is heart was racing faster.. he tried to gather all his courage.. Tanvi sat
down on the road, she took 3adhav in her lap, moved her hand over his hair and with
tears in her eyes she consoled him.
S!Tm here <hona... donTt worry.. ! have called the ambulance.. they will reach here... S
STannu... S he paused, 3adhav gathered all his might and said in breaking tone.. S! love
you... S and with these words he took his last breath.
No +mbulance no doctors were needed to declare him dead, Tanvi felt a thunder strike,
3adhav was lying dead in her arms... <he was dead too... only di2erence was her heart
was beating but her mind did not respond. <he sat like that for another @E min when an
ambulance came and they tried to move the body... Tanvi hugged 3adhav tightly... she
wonTt allow anyone to touch him. <he then let her tears out, she cried her heart out.
No... 3addy... you cannot leave me... nooooo.... she shouted out... ! will never fght with
you, !t will always be your way... plz.. open your eyes... 3addy... ! love you... come
back... <he hugged him even tighter and cried... she screamed...
The whole of Trivandrum might have heard her cry. The nurses and ward boys with force
moved Tanvi away and they carried the body to the stretcher. Tanvi watched silently,
she was left alone. <he could not believe 3adhav left her. <he was no more than a
lifeless statue without 3adhav, there was no life left.
Tanvi got up screaming from her bed... again a nightmare. These days it was a very
common thing for her to get this killing nightmare. 1rom three months she was getting
this dreadful nightmare daily. Nightmares... they usually end when one wakes up, opens
his eyes. 7ut this nightmare Tanvi had to live every second of her life. !t was bitter truth
of her life... 3adhav had left her alone, he broke his promise that they will be living
together till the end. *e left Tanvi alone to face the world... to feel, to live... to breathe...
she could do nothing of these without 3adhav.
Tanvi wanted to live that day again... she wanted to change things that went wrong that
day... she didnTt wanted to get upset with 3adhav, she didnTt wanted to go shopping
now.. <he wanted to hug him one more time, get lost in those deep blue eyes again. 1all
over in love with him again. /aress his hair again, feel his touch again.
:ast time he had disappeared, he came back after B years but this time he left her
forever. *ow could this be ;ustice6 Tanvi crave for his attention, love, care. <he loved it
when he watched her every move when she entered the room. 0hen he waited for her
to come home for supper, when he called her again and again to check if she was doing
good. <he deserved him. <he deserved time to be spent with him. Time was running
and Tanvi didnTt even realize it, she was still at the road ;unction with 3adhav in her lap
and his head in her arms. <he was still hearing the three magic words that 3adhav
said... she was living feeling his heart beat for her the last time. STannu... ! love you... S
the words lingered in her ears. <he would spend days alone in the house... which was
once sweet home... H months were gone... there was no 3adhav with her, or he is6 !n
the form of air that she breaths... supporting her... teaching her to live6
+vani came back from 3umbai to be with her at this hour of need. <he took her care like
a mother, cried with her like a friend, shared with her like a sister. 3adhav had always
been close to nature. 3adhav would always ;oke seriously... there will be no one who will
do my rituals... my mother will accept me in the end... +fter doing his last rituals by
/hirag, Tanvi took the ashes to 3umbai... she knew, he loved <ea... Everyone thinks his
soul will be free if his ashes are .own in ?anga. 7ut for 3adhav it was the +rabian <ea
that would set him free. *is mother would accept him. Tanvi went with +vani to 3umbai
to set 3adhav free, free from these worldly pleasures, free from all promises that she
took from him , free to unite with ?od... to unite with his mother. +fter staying with
+vani for a couple of days she came back, life does not stop for anyone, 3adhav went
but now she had to live for /hirag, <he had to educate him and transform him into a
Navy o#cer and make 3adhavTs dream come true. That was the only motto of her life.
/hirag, the love that 3adhav left behind him for her to cherish, make him bloom in this
world. Teach him%% +vani did call her daily to know how she was doing or rather to check
that she was alive. Tanvi missed 3adhav, they were made for each other, if ?od had to
separate them why did he bring him back to her life after seven years6 <he had already
gone through all this pain once and now again6 This time she was so sure he will not
return, because this time he didnTt betray her but life betrayed him. <he would feel him
dying in her arms, she is helpless canTt do anything, the whole moment she would live
again and whole sadness would grip her. 0hen she would go to sleep in wee hours of
night she wonTt know, she would be lost in the world where she was with 3adhav that
was the time when everything was perfect. *e loved her so much, she loved him so
much, and their family was complete. Their business was set what else could they ask
for to ?od, there was peace in their life and may be that was the reason why this
happened6 ?od wanted them to cry%% +sk something to him66 There was still nothing
Tanvi could ask for to ?od, if there would have been a remote chance of 3adhavTs
survival, if he would have been admitted to hospital, she would have begged and cried
to ?od to spare his life but he died instantly on the spot, there was nothing that she
could do for him. Tanvi thought and thought over that dreadful day again and so the
memories wonTt fade. <he thought herself guilty for the fght she had with 3adhav that
Tanvi was asleep on the couch. The soft breeze that was .owing swayed her hair. +
hand moved her hair= the pair of eyes watched her sleep, love peeping from the eyes.
The hand slowly caressed her hair, then moved over her forehead, to her eyes, nose,
cheeks, then lips, they stopped at the lips, moved a fnger on her lips as the eyes
watched her sleep, 9 round .. @ round... H round... and fourth time a kiss was placed on
her lips... she slowly opened her eyes.... !t was 3adhav. The room was full of fragrance
of red rose and tuberoses, 3adhav was still sitting on the .oor watching her sleep on
the couch, and he waited for her reaction. Tanvi kissed his fnger back, looked around,
there were a bunch of tuberoses, a red rose and a card on the table in front of the
couch. 3adhav took the bunch of tuberose in his hand and as she got up gave it to her
and hugged her, moving her hair aside from her neck he kissed her neck and softly
whispered in her ears... S*appy 7irthday honey... S, Tanvi slowly turned towards him and
looked in his eyes, they were so full of love full of life, she gave him a Thank you look ,
hugged him back and taking his hand o2 her waist she took it in her hand= kissing it
passionately she said, S! love you...S and she hugged him even tighter. 3adhav wiped
her eyes and said... birthday girls are not supposed to cry. *e searched his pocket and
took out a small bo>, he held it in front of her, Tanvi tore the wrapping paper and
opened the bo>, a sweet diamond ring shined out of the bo>, + small message dropped
out of the bo> which read S+ small diamond for &iamond of my life... S + tear rolled from
her eyes, she was gripped by emotions when 3adhav took her hand in his and slid the
ring in her left ring fnger. Now it looks more beautiful, he said as he kissed her fnger.
Now, real beauty is added to it she said and kissed back the ring on her fnger. 3adhav
took her hand in his and they danced on the rhythm their heart was singing, Tanvi
en;oyed every moment that she spent with him .0hile dancing, 3adhav saw the card
and he pointed it out to Tanvi. Tanvi understood that he wants her to read it... she went
to the table and she read the card, she was deeply involved in reading it. 0hen she
reached the end, it read...
'ouTre... forever friend.
<he loved the friendship their relationship shared. 3adhav was her best friend and her
forever love. <he looked up from the card, full of amusement e>pecting 3adhav to read
her eyes. 7ut... 3adhav was not around... she searched here and there looked around,
he was not there, <he panicked and she got restless it was havoc in her mind and
suddenly she woke up... so it was a dream, she thought to herself. <he was still pleased,
she was with him though it was in her dreams, and she wanted to be with him always.
+fter a long time she got a pleasant dream. <he told herself not to be sad that it was a
dream, she was happy that 3adhav cared for her even now... *e bothered to come to
her dreams and give her those pleasing moments, surprise her and fll her life with love.
<he loved herself more when she used to get this thought that he loves her. <he would
feel like living. Though 3adhav was not there she could feel his touch in the breeze, she
could hear his whispers, their giggles that once flled the room. The memories of their
past time were with her. <he knew wherever he was he was watching her and he wonTt
like to see a tear in her eyes. !t pained him, she decided... (n this birthday of mine !
promise you 3adhav ! wonTt cry, ! wonTt cry for you are not there in my life... 7ut you
will always be a part of heart and !Tm happy for every moment that ! lived with you. !
lived those moments and now ! will cherish those moments... !Tm strong 3adhav, though
life betrayed you, ! will not. ! will live%% for you, for /hirag and for everyone who wants
me in their life. :ost in her thoughts she looked out of the window. To her surprise, she
found a card and a bunch of tuberose on a table it was accompanied with a parcel too....
<he took the tuberose in her hand, they smelled so fresh ;ust like the one she had in her
dream, and the room was full of freshness from their fragrance. +s she was lost in the
fragrance, her eyes caught hold of the parcel she opened the bo>... there was another
bo> in it, she opened the other bo>... there was a series of bo>.. she opened all and in a
tiny bo> she found a ring... she thought to herself was it the same she saw in her
dream6 +nd her heart wanted to answer yes. <he was feeling as if 3adhav was around...
he has this surprise for her. <he looked at the card which was also a similar card... <he
wanted to believe it was 3adhav who has sent this to her, her heart wanted to see him
again, with shaking hands she opened the card it was a nice card full of sentiments, she
read it completely the end it read...
0aiting to be your friend....
TanviTs heart skipped a bit... <he wanted to believe 3adhav was back in her life. 7ut she
knew it was not possible. 7ut whoever sent her this card, gift and .owers it made her
feel nice= she felt as if she relived the moments she lived in her dreams. <he was happy%
*appy because 3adhav was doing this for her.. she knew he was there watching over
her taking care of her.
*er cell ringed... Tuzh mein ,ab dikhta hai... yara main kya karu...
*ello... <he said chirpily
*appy birthday sweetheart... +vani said with a more happy tone seeing her happy after
such a long time... <o birthday girl is in a good mood it seems today huh66
'es... Tannu... !Tm so happy today ! canTt tell you what happened.... 'ou know 3adhav
came.... <he was so e>cited to tell everything that happened to her since today
morning%% .... +nd you know... ! lived my dream in reality... 3adhav is still with me
+vuu... Tanvi was happy and that made +vani happy... <he was pleased, happy, e>ited to
hear that, see her live life, take everything in a positive note. They talked and talked a
lot that day as if there was so much left to talk. Though +vani called Tanvi daily today
was di2erent it was Tanvi who was spontaneously talking and +vani ;ust happy to listen
to her. +fter the call was over, +vani thought for a while, ! understand how the ring
reached there... ! sent it with Neil, but how did the card and .owers reach there6 <he
was thinking to herself, ! sent the parcel with Neil, then why didnTt Tannu realize that !
sent the parcel and not 3adhav. <he was very confused. <he thought of calling Neil and
get things clarifed instead of worrying on them.... it was a long time they talked...
<he dialed NeilTs number, she could hear the phone ringing on the other side... she
started getting impatient... fnally someone answered on the other side...
*i Neil... +vani here how are you6 1orgot this old friend of yours6
*ey +vani... how are you6
!Tm not doing well...
0hy6 0hat happened66
3y friend didnTt call me after coming back from TG3 when did you come back6
... uhhh ! came back in a couple of days... my work got over sooner than e>pected
(k... ! want to talk to you are you busy6
No not at all tell me
4ust a 5uestion, you gave the parcel ! gave to you to Tannu right6 'es ! did.
'ou mean you handed it to Tannu6
No.. Neil paused for a min, actually ! was busy with work and was getting late for my
.ight so ! handed your parcel and a bou5uet to the watchman.
+nd a card too6
+hhh yes...a card too... what happened6 Tanvi didnTt like me sending her the card and
(hh Neil you are so sweet you donTt know what you have done to my friend... ! ;ust canTt
talk on phone lets meet up... same place today Apm and the call got disconnected.
Neil did not know what was happening but whatever it was he felt good after a long
Neil meets +vani at //& at decided time. The thought that he did something good for
Tanvi makes him feel good. +vani arrives there and she is so happy with Neil she hugs
him and she says, Neil, !Tm so grateful to you= you cannot imagine what you have done
for someone you donTt even know. 'ou remember Tanvi ... actually today is her 7Tday
and that is why ! had sent that ring with you. That ring was ordered by 3adhav when he
came here for a business tour and he had asked me to send it to him when the ring gets
ready, but after that, that dreadful incident happened and ! completely forgot about the
ring. *e had ordered that ring for Tanvi. <o ! thought ! would send it to her with you so
that it reaches there on her 7Tday.
9 sec... what dreadful situation6
Neil, H months before, the time when ! lost my wallet in //&, Tanvi was here to perform
last rituals of 3adhav.
0haaat66 0hat are you saying66 3adhav666 *er husband66 Neil was in shock. *e
could not believe what he heard. 0hat has he done he gave .owers to a widow6 +nd
what is +vani saying66 0hy is she happy6 <he should be angry on what he did6 *is
mind asked all sort of 5uestions, he knew he could fnd answers only in +vaniTs
description. *e listened...
Tanvi and 3adhav are like they were born for each other, a true couple. Tanvi had faced
many adverse situations, even 3adhav but they fnally got married... u know... how they
met... because of a wrong number... she laughed...
+vani told Neil complete story of Tanvi and 3adhav, she was so lost in the story the
happiness of the time while telling everything to Neil that he could witness their love.
... 7ut then that dreadful thing happened... that day.... +vani cried... while she told him
the events that happened that day...*e died in her arms Neil... can you imagine what
Tanvi might have gone through6 +vani cried.. Neil was confused.. sad6 disappointed6 he
didnTt know what he should do... gather himself from the shock frst or to put +vani at
ease. This was all of a sudden something that came which he had not even thought of.
*e somehow consoled +vani.
7ut.. Neil you know Tanvi was happy today.... +vani said sobbing, and the reason for her
happiness is you Neil...
Neil was a bit confused. *ow can he be a source of happiness66 *e didnTt even meet
Tanvi was so happy to see that bunch of tuberose and the card you wonTt believe. 0ho
told you to buy those tuberose6
+ctually, ! donTt know why but ! thought roses wonTt be appropriate for a frst time.
<o...+vani broke his sentence in middle,
3adhav gifted her bunch of tuberose with a red rose and card= Every birthday this was a
f>ed gift for Tanvi and she would get some other surprise. ! donTt know if you will
believe this but even this bday, 3adhavTs gift reached Tanvi, ! had sent the ring that
3adhav had ordered for her and you sent those tuberose and card. Tanvi feels 3adhav
is around her, watching her and caring for her. ! canTt thank you for what you have done.
! heard her laugh after so many days. Tanvi was back to life.
Neil was silent.
0hat happened6 0hy are you so serious6
+vani... Neil thought this was the time he should tell everything to +vani, see please
listen to whatever ! say with patience. *e told her the complete story about how he was
eager to know what has happened to Tanvi, why he contacted +vani, how he studied
TanviTs profle and why he went to TG3 and how he came back heartbroken from TG3. !
know +vani, this is hard for you to grasp but ! didnTt knew that time that she was
married. ! think since she came here with you to perform last rituals, ! saw her then, !
saw the pain she carried, she had no sign of a bride... no sindhur, no mangalsutra, no
bangles you tell, how would ! have known that she is married and she has ;ust gone
through such a big shock. ! saw pain in her eyes and it hurt me. ! donTt know why it
hurts me so much to see her in pain. Today when u said that she is happy, she believes
3adhav is around her !Tm feeling good that at least ! did some good to someone. 8lease
donTt get angry with me. ! didnTt know that ! was falling for her. 0hen in TG3 ! got upset
over knowing the fact that she is married. 0hen ,ikhil asked me 5uestions. ! knew.. it
had happened and the most devastating thing was, even before it bloomed it withered,
may be you may not believe me but ! want to help her come out of this. ! want to help
you make her live her life again. &o tell me if you think ! can be of any help.
+vani was silent thinking over what Neil ;ust said. Neil this is all a shock for me, ! will
have to think over all this. ! will need some time. <aying she left the table.
Neil sat there for some more time watching the sun set% *e didnTt know if the love that
he believed had set in his life will ever rise again. +fter spending time alone he decided
to talk to ,ikhil. *e went to his place.
,ikhil was playing video game, full engrossed. Neil went there and sat for some time
silently, ,ikhil didnTt even notice him coming when he fnished his game he got up for a
break and was taken aback to fnd Neil in his room.
0hat are you doing here6 0hen did you come6 0hy didnTt you tell me6
Neil was silent.
Neil... are you listening6 !Tm talking to you.
,ikhil.... Neil could not continue... he tried to control his tears but he knew he could cry
only in front of ,ikhil so he let them go....
(hh my.... 0hat happened66 0hy are you crying6 !s everything all right6 Neil tell me
something, !Tm not ?od to know what happened without you telling it to me.. 3an.. this
is disturbing me.. are you going to tell me something6
,iks... +vani had called me today
(hh... why66 Everything is ok6 Tanvi... is she doing well66 <peak up Neil... your pauses
are killing me..
'es.. it was related to Tanvi..
! knew it... go ahead.... Neil told him all his current fndings and his discussion with
+vani. +fter fnishing he looked at ,ikhil...
,ikhil was awestruck.... *e could not utter a word. ,ikhil thought to himself... !s life
playing games with my brother6 *e ;ust got out of the trauma... if ! allow him to fall over
again in love and if Tanvi does not accept his love... he will surely not come out of it...
how will uncle and aunty react to this66 There is a ray of hope that Neil has seen....
,iks... say something... Neil broke the silence. ! still love her ,iks... do you think ! can
have her in my life6
,ikhil was not in a state to answer. *e wanted to analyze things frst, have a clear
picture. Then guide Neil what to do. *e could not risk his brotherTs life. *e took +vaniTs
number from Neil.
:ook Neil, ! cannot say a yes or a no right now. ! hope you understand. ! think all of us
need to think on this... take some time and think on a solution which can solve problem.
! really donTt want to say anything right now.! know you love her. No one can forget
oneTs frst love but with this there are many ifs and buts an dwe need to take care of it.
To solve one problem we cannot add other problems. *ave you thought what panic it
will create to uncle and aunty6 <o we need to look it this from all angels from
everyoneTs perspective. 0hich will need time, ok6
*mm ok... ! understand... but ! will wait for your answer. Neil left home for supper.
*e took his bike, was on his way but something strikes and he left his bike at ,ikhilTs
place, *e thought of taking a walk. *is mind was full of 5uestions and there were no
answers. *e wanted to go somewhere... he put his earphones and started walking, it
was late ... around J pm still 3umbai was crowded, there was tra#c. 7ut for Neil only
thing that was playing in background of the thoughts was Shaye.. mera dil... churake le
gaye.... /hurane wala mera 5uatil... S on his !pod. +s if nothing else e>isted. *e didnTt
knew when he reached the sea shore there was less public at the shore as it was dark,
most of them were on the chat and bhel stalls. Neil raised his ;eans a bit so that it
doesnTt get wait... he stood there still, feeling the breeze... listening the loud waves...
trying to fnd out what they wanted to say.. they will talk to me too.. wonTt they as they
talked and guided to 3adhav he thought to himself. 3adhav... what a personality he
thought.. B years he waited to fnd his love. *e believed in her so much... *e loved her
so much. ! love Tanvi 3adhav, now that you are gone ! want to take care of her, ! want
to see to it that nothing hurts her, ! want to be there for her, support her, have my
shoulder for her, will you like that. !f ! have understood you correctly, you cannot see
her cry, in pain... me too. ! promise ! will keep her happy may be not like what you did,
but ! will do my best. ! know you can listen to me.. you are here with your mother. !Tm
confused= ! donTt know what to do. ! love her so much, and ! know ! cannot hide that
from you. ! want to add that remaining red rose in her life. &o you give the permission to
me... the atmosphere turned wild... he could sense something happening. ! know you
are possessive about her.... The waves slow down. !t is not a great idea to handle oneTs
love to someone else, but.. think... she will remember you and cry and cry, you are not
there now to wipe her tear who will wipe her tears, whose ;okes she will laugh at6 0ith
whom will she cry6 1or whom will she live6 &onTt you think that itTs her right to live6
*avenTt you seen SRal ho na ho... S <harukh Rhan arranges love for his love.. so that she
is taken care of even after he is gone6 1unny na... you might think is this guy really
serious6 7ut !Tm serious. ! cannot see her cry, in pain. ! can do anything for her. !f you
want a proof.. ! can die for her, and he started walking.. the waves got stronger....
3aking it impossible for him to move ahead... ! know 3adhav you loved her..
ahh....sorry.. you love her. ! know your whole story... ! salute you... your love and ! want
to help you in keeping your love happy= because ! love her too. ! donTt know if Tanvi will
accept me in her life but ! can support her at least as a friend right6 + friend sent by
3adhav6 ! know it was you who made me decide on the right .owers... same way be
with me... that is what ! want. The sea went calm... Neil bent down... and he lied down
on the shore.... :istening to the waves, the waves gently came and touched his face...
then his whole body... as if they were caressing him... Neil loved it... he found it peaceful
there, under the moonlight he felt rela>ed, cool breeze .owing over, waves touching
him now and then and in background lucky ali U ramya singing Skyu chalti hai pawan...
kyu zhume hai gagan... S 0ith new hope he went home, the streets of 3umbai were
silent for a change.
Neil that day went to sleep with peace. *e was contented. 0hatever happens ne>t he
knew he has to support Tanvi. 3adhav was with him. That day for the frst time he saw
her in his dreams.
8art 9E
,ikhil calls +vani, after discussing about Neil and convincing +vani that it will be good
for Tanvi= ,ikhil gets a confrmation for support from +vani.
,ikhil calls Neil to let him know his decision, Neil too impatiently waited for his call.
*i Neil, how are doing6 *ope you had good sleep6
)mm yes ! think.
(k.. listen ! have some good news for you... ! talked to +vani about you and Tanvi. <he
was not sure what to do earlier but ! have convinced her that you want to be TanviTs
support at this time of need and she said she will talk to +tharv +bout this.
Now how is +tharv going to help in this6
+fter 3adhav, +tharva is looking into the business as Tanvi is not doing great these
days. <he said she will talk to him, somehow she will manage to introduce you to her.
Now take your chance and prove it to her that you can support her. 7ut donTt hurt her
by any chance and donTt let me down.
! will never let you down ,iks .... Thanks... but what about 3om and &ad6
(ye.. <hekhchilli... frst get and convince Tanvi...
(ops.. yes.. ! will... and he disconnected the call..
Neil gets lost in his thoughts how he can convert this one chance he has got.
+t +vaniTs place in the evening. ..
+tharva comes home from o#ce. +fter he gets fresh and ready for dinner, +vani tells
him everything about Neil and tells him that she wants him to help Neil. +tharva agrees
and tells that he will do something, let him think what he can do. They talk about some
solutions some other topics.
+fter having dinner
+vani.. ! will call Tannu.. and tell her about Neil and also about you... he dials her
No.. +tharva.. she will... no.. donTt tell her about me... she will kill me... +tahrva.. +vani
tries to snatch the phone from +tharva and disconnect the phone and talk to him but as
Tanvi picks up the call before she can answer +tharva starts speaking... +vani has to sit
silently there and listen to +tharva.
*i Tannu... +tharva signals +vani that keep calm everything will be fne.
*ey... +tharv how are you doing6 TanviTs voice sounded better than usual which gave
courage to +tharva to bring up the topic of discussion.
! had some ma;or concern so ! called you.
0hat happened6 Everything all right6 TanviTs voice gets tensed.
+ctually yes and actually no.
)mm66 +tharva could sense the confusion in TanviTs tone.
Tannu, as you know !Tm looking after the business these days... <o there are times !
have to be in TG3 for business re5uirements, *ere +vani needs me. <he needed to be
hospitalized today.
0hy6 <he is ok6 ! talked to her today morning she sounded normal what happened all of
a sudden. Tanvi panicked.
+ctually she wanted to tell this to you for 5uite some time now but since you were not in
a good state of mind she avoided telling you.. <he...
+vani snatched the phone from +tharva and Tanvi could hear some giggles in the
*i Tannu.. +vani said with a grin
+re you all right +vani, +tharva was saying you were hospitalized66 0hat happened...
+ree.. nothing serious.. u know yaar how caring +tharva is... he takes small things
seriously.. !Tm listening to you like normal after long time and ! think ! should tell you,
else if ! keep it to me for a longer time you will for sure kill me. +ctually... +vani took a
long pause.... !Tm e>pecting, today ;ust had a little pain which initially ! thought was
serious but then ! was normal but +tharva was not listening to me and he took me to
hospital. Even the doc told what ! knew.. there was nothing to worry...
+vani... (3?... 0hat a great news... Tanvi was happy for her... so when is the due
<till C.A months to go... grinned +vani.. she was more happy to see that Tanvi was not
upset that she didnTt tell her.
+tharva again comes back on line... *mm.. so Tannu.. you see +vani needs me here and
so !Tm sending one my friend to TG3, who will help you with the business deals. *e is
very good friend of mine and has agreed to help me out in this situation. *is name is
Neil. !f you donTt have any problem ! will ask him to ;oin you in short while. 0hat do you
say6 This is ;ust a temporary ad;ustment.
*mm ... Tanvi thinks for a while and says give me some time... ahh.. na.. ok.. fne. 'ou
believe in him, he is your good friend, so why do ! need to think6 you can send him . 4ust
let me know when he will be arriving, ! will arrange for his stay here in the 5uarters.
)mm.. ! think the 5uarters are full... ! will arrange for him in some room... will see. 4ust
let me know when he is coming
(hh sure... +tharva was happy to see Tanvi agreeing for this deal...
+fter fnishing the call. +vani hugs +tharva and tells him she loves him and that he is the
cutest person she has ever met...
(hh.. madam is very good mood... ;ust because Tanvi didnTt get crazy at you6
*mm... +ctually it has never been that ! have not told her anything... we shared every
single thing about each other today, this is such a proud moment for me, ! want to tell
her, share with her but ! was afraid ! would hurt her. *ow can ! be happy when she is in
such pain6
(k.. donTt think about all this much now.. it is not good for you and for our +ngel...
Thanks +tharva..
Things are never so complicated as we think they are... ;ust a talk and everything can
be solved.. so you donTt worry... 1or all complications... 3ain hoo na... and he winks at
her... +vani giggles and hugs him and kisses him on cheek. (ne doubt... 'ou said that
Neil is a good friend and all... and he will look in the whole business.. you have any idea
what have you committed66 !f by any chance it happens that he cannot handle the
business then66
<weetheart... ! told na... 3ain hoo na... and he again winks..
+thrva... !Tm all puzzled... whatTs gonna happen..
(2 hoo you ;ust take care of yourself and our +ngel... for everything else .. 3ain hoo
'ou better get out that <harukh from yourself else you are dead.. +vani said hitting
+tharva with the pillow...
(k... ! believe in you%% should ! call Neil and tell him the good news6
(hh my.. now you want to tell the whole world the good news..66
+vani again hits him with the pillow and says... good news that he will soon meet Tanvi...
u ..... before she could complete her sentence or hit +tharva again, +tharva kisses her
lips in agreement.
+vani calls Neil...
*ey Neil.. sorry... ! know itTs too late but can ! talk to you for A min6
*i +vani... anytime for you. Tell me.
*mm.. +ctually ! ;ust wanted to tell... umm... ahhh
(k... if the background music is over can we move ahead6
*mmm .... )hhhhh +vani sighs.... +tharva.. takes the phone in his hands and answers to
Neil further..
<he is gone mad my friend... actually we called to tell you that... you can get ready to
reach TG3...
0hat...666 Neil could not believe what he ;ust heard... you mean Tanvi agreed to meet
me.. but how66
+ree bhai...he moves his hand over his head in <harukh style and says... 3ain hoo na...
+nd a pillow hits +tharva on his back... ! have managed it.. ! told Tanvi you will be
looking the business for some time for me. 4ust one clarifcation.. ! have committed it..
but.. &o you have any idea about business6
*eloo... !Tm an 37+.. ! have my own business... you donTt worry.. ! will handle it... and if !
cannot... waise bhi.. T)3 ho na... and he giggles... both giggle...
Neil thinks to himself...he was smiling after such a long time.... 1inally he has got that
chance he thinks to himself. Tannu.. nahi.. Tanvi... aree nahi yaar... yaar.. ha5 banta hai
mera... Tanuuuu main aa raha hoo... and he ;umps in air from his bed... Then again back
to his bed... till he goes to sleep dreaming himself to be in TG3 with Tanvi...
8art 99
!n TG3, Though Tanvi does not show it to +vani, Tanvi knew somewhere she was hurt
that +vani did not tell her such a big thing. <he thought over it and she convinced her
that it was only because of her that +vani could not share such big news of her life to
her. 0as she behaving awkward6 <he was not normal6 *as she created space between
their relations6 Tanvi never wanted to lose a best friend she found in +vani, she could
not a2ord to lose her after losing 3adhav. 0hy could not +vani feel at ease to tell me, !
have to change my behavior, 3adhav will also not like me like this. *e is watching me.
<he thought over +vani for 5uite a while and she realized, she had hardly en5uired her
about her life in these months. +vani called her daily, asked her everything that she did
from dawn to dusk but Tanvi had never en5uired about +vani, so how will +vani tell her
on her own. ! was sad, she tried to bring happiness to me but ! never came out of my
shell. ! cannot blame her. <he is right at her place she thought over and over again.. +m
! getting selfsh6 ! no more care for people around me6 ! have lost 3adhav but the way
!Tm behaving ! will lose other important people in my life, whom ! do love and care for. !
donTt want to lose them. ! donTt want to again repent on what ! did after losing them. !
still have it in my hand. ! will change this. ! will change my attitude towards all this. <he
thought of calling +vani, later she thought ! will call her here for her delivery or else !
will go there. The thought of they both being together again made her feel good. <he
thought about all the fun they both had in their college and how childish they would
behave. *ow +vani was scared of everything and Tanvi would support her. Now my
friend needs me the most.. <he wondered how time .ew. They were holding their
mothers hands and watching this world yesterday and today it was time to hold their
childTs hand and show him the world. Tanvi was lost in her thoughts when her laptop
*i.... !t was (m... she was happy... but then she suddenly got angry and started scolding
0here were you6 ! wanted to talk to you6 ! didnTt see you online. +fter such a long time6
(k... hold on.. ! knew u will blast on me like this. +ctually had to go out of town on a
pro;ect and for some while... . Tanvi interrupted him,
*elloo... we talk on chat... and wherever you go.. you have internet facility. 'ou could
have easily contacted me..
<o.. you are not going to let me fnish6 :isten to me frst.... ! had gone to a small village
for a pro;ect and it was not developed to have internet facility. ! returned today and frst
thing !Tm doing is getting in touch with you.
*mm so.. where did you go..
)mm.. not in our contract right66 Teased (m..
*mm... (..R... sighed Tanvi.
7ut ! can tell you this... ! have got a big pro;ect. !tTs like modernizing the village.
/onstructing big buildings there like they are in 3umbai..
(hh hoo... so u gonna make a village a metro...
'es... any doubt66 'ou will get to know about it soon...
.... +fter chatting, complaining for a while they both go oVine. Tanvi thinks about (m for
a while and then goes to sleep.
Ne>t day Neil .ied to TG3, *is ;oy knows no bounds... this time he was going to see
Tanvi for real... *e reaches the house, again his eyes catch glimpse of the words carved
S:ook into my eyes.. you will see... S this time he has respect towards it, he knows the
pain it carried with it. +s he is lost in feeling the love 3adhav had for Tanvi... the
watchman calls him and tells that madam has called him. Neil gathers his luggage and
he goes in the direction shown by the watchman. +s he enters the hall, *e sees Tanvi
waiting for him ...
Tanvi was wearing a light blue color saree which had nice embroidery and she was
engrossed reading newspaper, saree they always make woman look elegant he thought
to himself.. he stood there silently, admiring her beauty, though he could not see her
face completely due to the newspaper, he could only see her hair that were falling on
her eyes. *e was so eager to see her face, he tilted his head in every angle to get a
glimpse, while he tried all ways, Tanvi realized he was in room and she lowered her
newspaper, she saw him in weird position and she broke in laughter. Neil felt a little
embarrassed on his stupid act but he was happy to see her smile....
S'ou look beautiful when you smileS he said.
Tanvi realized that it was not good to laugh at her guest... Sohh.. !m sorry% Neil... right 66
actually ! could not stop... ! had not anticipated seeing you like that... S
(hh thatTs perfectly all right.. ! was ;ust too curious to see you.. so... u see.. he said
rubbing his hair...
*mm ok... No problem... hi... this is Tanvi%% Tanvi said anticipating a handshake.
(hhh !Tm Neil, Neil said dropping bag from his hand to free it for the most awaited
! have arranged for your stay in the guest room, we donTt have company 5uarters free
right now. ! will arrange for it soon.
(hh thatTs ok... No problem at all. Neil thinks what better thing than getting to stay in
her home, closer to her. *e gives his luggage to the keeper and follows him. !ts evening
time... Neil goes to his room and freshen ups. The sky looked amazing in twilight. ,ed,
orange, yellow color shades that spread all over the sky and birds chirping around the
trees happy as Neil was to return back to their destination. *e thought of Tanvi all the
time. 0hat she might be doing and every time her smiling face would come in front of
him... he thought how stupid was his frst impression. 7ut later he convinced himself
that what more that she smiled on seeing him, his mere presence brought the lost smile
back to her. Neil felt tired, maybe he was very e>cited about the meet and so felt tired,
*e had a cup of co2ee, the co2ee made all his tiredness vanish in a sec. + cup of co2ee
can do miracles he thought. 7y the time he arranged his wardrobe and got settled down
he got a call for dinner from one of the houses keeping guys. )mmm... one more chance
to face Tanvi.. Neil thought to himself... *e was so eager to see her.
+t the dinner table, Tanvi was waiting for her new guest while she had chat with /hirag.
*i Tanvi.
*ey... hi... <he said putting aside her laptop.
'ou can carry on. !tTs ok.
No... ! fnished it, was having a small chat and thatTs done.
<o how are you fnding TG36 1irst time to TG3
)mm yes...+ctually loved the people here, very positive gesture. The atmosphere is also
good. 0ork...! will need to start that and tell about it.
*mm... we never discuss work at home, especially at dining table.
(hh wow... great... ! too believe we should spend some 5uality time with our family. +nd
what better than having dinner together.
They both e>changed smiles and had their food. They talked about di2erent topics. *ow
+tharva and Neil know each other, where he did his 37+ and what he was doing in
3umbai... +fter fnishing &inner they go for a walk. The moon had ;ust started appearing
out from the clouds. There was dim light on the streets. 1or Neil it was new.. +t J 83
there was no one on the streets.
!n 3umbai... you will never fnd streets these empty. They are always crowded. 7e A +m
in morning or 99 83... always people will be in hurry to go somewhere.
! liked this area itTs so calm here. !tTs away from the crowd.
..... they kept talking till midnight. !n her company how time ticked Neil didnTt even
realize. They talked a lot. Tanvi was too eager to talk. +fter long time she had someone
to talk to. +fter some time they both realize itTs getting too late. <o they both wish
goodnight to each other and go to their respective rooms to sleep.
Neil is happy about his frst day with Tanvi, his frst meet, frst chat, and frst dinner. *e
keeps thinking about her, her face keeps .ashing and the way she tugged her hair at
back of her ear when the mild breeze that was blowing brought her hair on her eyes
creating discomfort for her. The way she smiled, the way she talked. *e went to sleep
thinking about her and hoping for a new tomorrow. Ne>t day Neil got up very late. *e
got ready and hurried, thinking Tanvi might be waiting for him and itTs not good to make
her wait. 0hen he reached downstairs, he could not fnd Tanvi anywhere. *e came to
know she left for o#ce. Neil reached o#ce= he got all related info from the related sta2
and started working sincerely. *e helped Tanvi in everything. Tanvi too tries hard to
forget her past and live in her present. 0hole day she spends time with Neil. +t home
they chat for a while and have dinner.
Every evening she talked to (m. <he tells him about Neil. Tanvi starts recovering herself
back from the tragedy. Neil and (m help her come out of it. <he looks after work. Now
she starts calling +vani on a regular basis en5uiring on how she is doing.
+vani... should ! tell you something.. ! have planned for a long holiday to 3umbai.. !Tm
going to be there for you...
0hat..66 seriously... ohh... !Tm so happy.. so when are you coming6
+ctually ! had thought ! will call you here.. but then ! changed my mind.. 3umbai has
better facilities than TG3 so ! thought ! will come there to help you. )mmm ..... maybe
after a couple of month or so.
0ow... Tannu... you made my day.. !Tm feeling so nice ;ust by hearing that we will be
together again.. after such a long time..
&ays pass... Neil is comfortable now in handling all business deals and clients. *e takes
care of most of the things. Tanvi starts depending on him for every little thing
professionally as well as personally. <he gets used to him. They leave for o#ce together
and come together. <he gets comfortable with Neil. Neil leaves no chance to bring
happiness to her and make her smile.
1inally.. Neil, (m and +vani... feel they are successful in making Tanvi forget her past
and live for her present...
8art 9@
!t was a <unday, <unday morning but a lazy morning. The atmosphere was slight chill as
it had rained last night. <omehow Neil managed, it took lot of e2ort and self motivation
for him to get out of the cozy bed and get ready. 0hen he went downstairs, he saw
Tanvi was in kitchen preparing something. *e was surprised, from the time he had came
he never saw her in kitchen that too preparing something never... he went and had a
look at the newspaper, boring.. the same news everyday.. he thought to himself as he
put the paper back on the table, +s he was playing with the paper weight he thought
what he should do, it was such a lazy day and Tanvi was busy, he thought he will go and
help her... should he6 *e thought letTs not spoil what she is preparing. !Tm a very bad
cook. <o thinking he started walking towards the lawn. ,eddy chacha was watering the
plants and lawn. *e went to him to have some chat.
)mm can !.... he asked chacha if he could water the plants..
+ree nahi beta.... ,ehne do...
+ree layine chacha... main waise bhi bore ho raha hoo... kuch kam nahi hai karne...
baithe baithe alas chad raha hai... and he forcefully took the pipe from his hand.
waise.. kal hi toh barish huyi hia... aap pani kyu de rahe hai.
Ral ;yada barish nahi huyi na... aur in paudho ko bahot pani lagta hai.. dekho pani milte
hi kaise khil uthe.
*mm.... 'eh konsa ped hai66
.... Neil chatted with him asking information about plants and chatting on other topics...
+a; ye Tanvi madam ko kya ho gaya66 <ubah subah kitchen main dikhai de rahi hia6
+ree... +ap ko nahi malum... 7ade saab the tab memsab roz khana banati thi. <aab ko
kisi aur ke haath ka khana acha nahi lagta tha, who toh memsab ke bane khan ke
deewane the.
+cha... par main ;ab se aaya hu... maine toh kabhi nahi dekha...
*a.. who aa; kal unka kisi kam main dil nahi lagta... gumsum baithi rehti hia... bahut
pyaar tha duno main, saab ke chale ;ane ke baad toh memsab ;aise toot si gayi... pehle
ghar main baas hasne ki awa; gun;ti thi, aa; kal toh baas sannata rehta hai. 3adam toh
+tharva babu kam dekhte the tab kabhi o#ce bhi nahi gayi.. +ap aaye ho toh woh thoda
aap ke saath baat kar leti hia, hass leti hia, o#ce ;ane lagi hai, ;eene lagi hia wapas.
*mm... Neil said while he was in deep thinking, he looked towards the kitchen window.
Tanvi was standing there... he waved at her but she was lost in her thoughts. !t was a
similar <unday morning, lazy... or is it that <undays are always lazy6 <he was in kitchen
and 3adhav was in the lawn. *e loved taking care of plants. *e watered them daily.
Every day she would watch him take care of them while she cooked food, sprinkling
water, pesticide, pruning the plants, he handled everything. Tanvi would say... you can
be a good gardener. 'ou take it as a ;ob after you retire. To which 3adhav would say, it
is my hobby, ! will do it even when !Tm in business and would grin at her. That day he
was watering the plants. Tanvi looked through the window and was admiring him for his
simplicity. 3adhav looked at her and signaled her to come out. Tanvi said no... but
3adhav insisted and as soon as she came he changed the direction of the pipe, before
Tanvi could understand what was happening she was wet, water dripping from her... she
got furious and she started running behind 3adhav to take revenge... 3adhav was
running with pipe in hand and while running in between he would look back and shower
water on her.... +fter running for a while and when Tanvi realized she cannot catch hold
of him, she got tired and sat down.... 3adhav came to her seeing she is tired and he
hold the pipe right on her head... Tanvi sat there en;oying water...
*mmm.. . ummm ...wow... it feels like !Tm under some water fall.... 0ow%%% .... <he
,eally666 3adhav said disappointed seeing she is en;oying his prank and he dropped
the pipe in disappointment. Tanvi immediately picked up the pipe and she directed it
towards 3adhav.. and fnally she was happy she achieved her target. &onTt mess with
me.. she said snapping fnger at 3adhav and then rubbed her nose. 3adhav ;ust
nodded and looked at her till her image went blurred. Tanvi was smiling to herself
standing at the window remembering 3adhav, when she saw Neil playing with some
children in the lawn. ... Neil she called him. Neil looked at her and waved to her, asked
her to come over and play with them. Tanvi waved a no... Neil came running to her,
holding her hand started running back to lawn but Tanvi refused, he again said... come...
and he dragged her to the lawn.... !n few minutes she was part of the group, ;umping
and waving hands with ;oy, she took water in her hand and sprinkled it over Neil... Neil
looked at her with wide open eyes and then he gave a look to her like he wanted to
say... donTt start a war... you may lose and Tanvi accepted the challenge.... They
5uarreled, they played, fought on silly things... in short they en;oyed... .
Neil... look what have you done to me... Tanvi said looking at her drenched dress... +nd
look what you have done to me said Neil pointing to his TOshirt which was fully drenched
in 3ud. <he looked at him and broke down laughing... Neil too ;oined her.... They felt like
they were back in their childhood days. +fter playing to their heartTs content they went
and changed, got fresh. Neil came down, Tanvi was still upstairs... he lingered here and
there watching the children still play in the lawn, Neil laughed to himself as he
recollected moments he spent with Tanvi some time back he looked back and Tanvi was
coming downstairs, <he looked nothing less than a fresh .ower, few drops of water were
still dripping from her half wet hair. <he was running down the stairs, ad;usting her
dupatta. Neil kept admiring her and didnTt realize she came and stood in front of him.
*e came back to his senses when Tanvi 5uestioned him 0hat66
!Tm feeling very hungry Neil said, patting his stomach lightly.
Tanvi smiled and started towards dining table. They both got settled down and as Neil
surfed the dishes that Tanvi had made... ohh wow... +nything special today6 'ou know...
! love dal 3akhani, what is this let me see he said as he opened the other pot,
ummm .... 0ow.. its smelling so good....
+re you going to eat something or your stomach gets full ;ust by the smell... Tanvi
5uestioned him.
(hh o2course !m going to.... *e said as he took everything in his plate.
0ow... Tannu... !Tm full.. but ! still want to have more. 'ou cook fantastic yaar. !f ! eat
food cooked by you daily, my mom will not recognize me when ! go back to 3umbai.
+nd he laughed on his own ;oke. 7y the way, how come you cooked today6
1elt like ! should cook for you today, so... ! cooked..
(hh my my.. ) felt :!RE cooking for 3E6 0ow.. that sounds so great...
(k.. now come down... ! like treating my guests.. ok66
*mmm ... Neil said showing little disappointment on his face. 7ut you made my &ay...
my <unday.... Neil grinned at her, now.. ! want to make your day. 3ovie tonight with me6
Neil didnTt even listen to what Tanvi had to answer and he got up to wash his hands.
No Neil, ! donTt want to... Tanvi didnTt want to go for the movie...
<hhhhhhhh... did ! say anything6 No.. ! will not eat food cooked by you... ! had risked my
life at that time u know... and that movie... promise.. itTs not made by me.. it wonTt be
bad at all.... 'ou felt like cooking food for you... you did... and now ! feel like treating you
with a movie... so why no... you only said you listen to your heart... you told me to
listen to my heart and now when my heart is saying to go for a movie with you, you are
saying no... very bad.. teacher... you are not practicing what you preach..
(R.. ok...%%% no need of a lecture ok.. ! will come for movie...
That day they both en;oy movie together, after the movie Neil asks Tanvi for a walk.
Tanvi likes late evening walks and agrees instantly. +fter walking for a while they sit on a
bench for some time. Tanvi feels rela> under the moon and she rests her head on NeilTs
shoulder. Neil is shocked to see this gesture from Tanvi. Tanvi tells him how moon had
always in.uenced her and that she likes moonlight. Neil thinks he is not with Tanvi he
daily is. <he was di2erent, was she the real Tanvi6 &id she like him6 0as she6 0as she
falling in love with him6 &id she like his company6 <hould he ask her6 <hould he tell her,
tell her he loves her6 Tell her he cannot live without her6 0hile he was lost in his
thinking... looking at Tanvi, memorizing how desperately he likes to see her smile, how
he wants to keep her happy for rest of the life they came home. !t was late then both
wished each other good night and turned to go to their rooms. Tanvi came back and
called out Neil softly as he turned back she said, Thank you kissing his cheek and left.
Neil stood there bluntly, blank not aware what happened and what he was supposed
to...he went to his room happy and he thought to himself.. <he likes me man... that was
the best day of his life... he wanted to tell her that he loved her and he will be there for
her till eternity. *e wanted to hug her, return back kiss to her. *e lost it... in her eyes.
*e wanted to sleep but sleep was far away from his eyes. 1inally he decided to call
,ikhil... he called him and told him everything that happened till date. ,ikhil encouraged
him to tell her about his feelings. *e also confrmed to him that she liked him and she
might even be loving him but he has to tell her frst. Neil decided that he has to tell
Tanvi about his feelings. Thinking how he should proceed, he went to sleep some time
8art 9H
Neil had taken care of everything very nicely and Tanvi didnTt have to bother about
anything. Neil was preparing from a few days for a presentation with a new client. *e
had put all his e2orts to make everything go perfect. This was an important deal for
him, for Tanvi, for their future. Today was the day, he had to convert this proposal into a
prospective client. 0hole day he was in o#ce having meetings with technical team
,support team, client, tiring day it was for him due to work and top of it the sun was
scorching. Even in the +/ cabin it created discomfort. Tanvi was not in o#ce. That might
also be one of the reasons. <he left o#ce early that day. 7ut Neil was focused he knew
what was his priority now.
!n the evening, there was power failure in the ma;or parts of the city, some transformer
was dow. Tanvi was alone at home. <he was getting restless as she had nothing to do, it
was a hot day, she thought she would have a bath. <he went to take a shower. Neil
came from o#ce= he was in hurry, he wanted to have TanviTs signature on some
important urgent paper. *e looked around for her but could not fnd her. *e waited for
her in the study, reading some books and magazines. 7ut later it started getting dark
making it impossible for him to read so he went to his room, he looked for candle but
could not fnd any in the room, so he started searching for some= he found his path with
the light that his mobile provided. (ne after other he looked in rooms at last in one
room, he found a candle a big one, he took the candle, he searched his pockets, he
found the liter and he lighted the candle, he didnTt smoke but he always carried the liter
it was gifted to him by ,ikhil. They both had same piece. Though that was not much
useful they both had liked it and so they both gifted one piece to each other. *e carried
it with him always.Now with the candle ! can fnd TanviTs room = itTs getting late ! need to
get her sign and then talk to the client, he was thinking to himself as he started towards
the room, he felt he was acting for the song S?um naam hai koi... 7adnam hai koi... kis
ko pata kon hai who... Swith the candle in his hand and his face half lit with the light
from it. *e stopped near TanviTs room, he saw a blurred fgure in the dark, he moved his
candle to see what was it, it was Tanvi, she was standing on the terrace, lost in her
thought and drying her hair with towel. <he was engrossed in her thinking, *e watched
her stand there for some time, and *e liked to capture every glimpse of her. *e went to
her, he did not want to disturb her but it was urgent, else he would have never broken
into her privacy.
STannu can you please sign these documents6S and he opened the fle, the papers
started .oating in the breeze... ohh no... how stupid of me... he said and started
running here and there to collect the papers.... <ee him run as if he was catching hen,
Tanvi burst into laughter... seeing her laugh.. Neil tried to e>plain her... they are very
important papers Tannu....and while e>plaining he too started laughing... they both
laughed for a while, The fle was gone for a toss and the wind had already blown o2 the
candle, in the dim moonlight, what Tanvi could see were NeilTs eyes... they were deep
blue as his name= she had never noticed it before. <he got lost in them, she could not
listen to what he was saying, and everything went blank for her nothing mattered. (nly
the blue eyes e>isted, she watched them move, look into her eyes, get lost in her eyes.
<he moved her hand to touch them, she could feel them, and she moved her hand from
his eyes into his hair. <he got lost in the softness of his hairs which were dancing in the
breeze. *er hand came down to cheeks, she felt his cleanly shaved skin, after caressing
his cheeks she moved ahead to his lips. Neil kissed her fngers passionately, he was still.
<he moved closer to him= Neil could smell her, feel her freshness. *e was lost in her
hair. *is heart was singing
S'eh hawayein... zulfo main teri... gum ho ;aye... chume nighaoo se chera tera... apni
panaho main tuzko bhare meri aarzoo ko pareshan kare... S he en;oyed her touch, he
wanted to feel her too, Tanvi took his hand to her waist, and put garland of her hands
around his neck, Neil felt like the world should stop here, he needed nothing more
now...they both were still but NeilTs heart was racing, ;umping with ;oy. !t was like fnding
a diamond all of a sudden when you least e>pect it. !t was getting cold outside now, Neil
didnTt wanted time to move. *e was so happy to be in her arms, to have her in his arms,
to feel her, to be close to her, all this was making no sense but still it was feeling so nice
to be out of sense. Tanvi tightened her embrace, she was feeling cold, Neil moved away
and tried removing his ;acket to give it to her but Tanvi did not accept it... ! want your
warmth... saying she again moved closer to him, Neil was perple>ed though he did not
understand why Tanvi was behaving like this. *e thought to himself not to think much
and ;ust to live the moments. *e hugged her back= he took her into his arms. Tanvi felt
comfortable in his cozy embrace, she wanted to go to sleep in his arms, rela>ed, in
<ay something Neil... otherwise ! will go to sleep.
Neil was still in shock, happy to have her in his arms. 0hat should ! say.. ! have got all
that ! desired for he said to himself. Tannu... he spoke softly
)mm ... said Tanvi rubbing her head against his shoulder and gesturing she is listening
There was long silence, Tanvi moved little away to see his face and 5uestion him what6
7ut it was too dark to see any e>pressions. <o... +re you going to speak6
Neil did not answer.. *e was silent.. he wanted to live all these moments and cherish
them for life. *e did not want to be disturbed. *e didnTt want to talk. *e wanted Tanvi to
understand his silence.
Neil... Tanvi said putting weight in her tone... are you listening6
*mm yes...
! want to tell you something...
*mmmm Neil tightened his embrace, and encouraged her to go on... .
! donTt know how ! should say this... but... ! have to let you know. 'ou know, ! had never
thought ! will tell this to anyone after 3adhav. Neil got an alarm signal in his mind as he
heard 3adhav. This is going to be something serious he thought and paid attention to
what Tanvi wanted to say.
Neil.... <he paused... ! donTt know how this has happened. ! want to say, ! want you to
know this. ! want ... she paused... the silence was killing Neil.. what was Tanvi going to
(k... she said and she loosened the hug moved away and said.. Neeilll... ! love you...
and she looked in his eyes, she wanted to see his reaction, but she could not see
anything she moved again closer to him hugged him and she didnTt want to hear any
answer from him. <he placed a kiss on him. *er eyes were too shy to make contact to
his. Neil was on cloud nine... <he loves me he thought to himself. *e took her face in
cup of his hands and ;ust admired her, Tanvi had closed her eyes. <he didnTt dare to look
at him. <he was breathing heavily, had di#culty in breathing6 Neil could hear her
breathe. *er face looked prettier in the moonlight or was it moonlight or the confession
that she loved him made her look prettier6 Neil was happy... there was no pain that he
could see, she was happy to be with him and he was happier to have her in his life. *e
was happy to fnd she loves him... but he had not yet confessed he too loves her.... *e
wanted to tell her, he loves her, he cares for her. *e wants to be with her and support
her. *e thought for a while. <he will understand ! love her. !Tm doing all this for her after
all. *e thought he will tell her someday later today he ;ust wanted to en;oy the moment
when Tanvi confessed her love to him. /herish it and put it in his memory trunk to live
there forever hereafter.
This is the end.. *appys endings...
(hhh .... No... no.. no... this is not the ending... <tory abhi baki hai mere dost... keep
reading... +ur kya aane wala hai.. aur kya hone wala hai... :ong weekend aa gaya hai...
keep guessing aur kya hoga aage.. ! would like to know your suggestions too as to what
should happen in the story ne>t..
8art 9C
*ey... what happened... Tanvi said softly seeing Neil... Neil66 <he called him out with her
voice increasing in pitch.
*aaa... came an answer from Neil, he started her, then looking at his hands, arms, there
was no ;acket in his arms. Though the candle he carried was blown o2. Tanvi was there
but not in his arms. *e was perple>ed. 0hat has happened6 *e tried to convince
himself something is wrong. This is not reality= the moments he lived some time back
was reality.
Neil.... !Tm talking to you... are you all right6 !s everything ok6 +re you not feeling well6 !
think you have stressed out yourself. /ome with me... she took his hand and she started
pulling him towards his room... Neil was reluctant.. /ome... she said stretching her
voice, fnding way in the dark she took him to his room.
Neil, you take some rest, she said making him lay on the bed, +s she put the blanket
over him her half wet hair felled on his face.
<ame fragrance... same touch... how can this happen...Neil thought to himself. ! was
dreaming6 +s soon as he realized this, he got up... Tannu ! have to go.. /lient is waiting,
and he got up to move, ! came to take your signature he said showing her the fle,
/andle... he tried to search for the candle= he dropped it somewhere in his
bewilderment. Tanvi went to close the window. Neil... !tTs late, and ! think you are tired
no need to over do. 4ust have rest, ! will call o#ce and tell client to close the deal
tomorrow ok6 <he said moving the curtains closer.
This is very important client Tannu. Neil wanted to escape from there, run his heart told
him. *e was scared what Tanvi will think about him she comes to know what all he was
dreaming about her.
! know... 7ut your health is more important. 4ust go to sleep, she came to him and again
made him sleep. Neil loved it. 4ust like his mother wonTt listen to any of his argument.
<he sat near him and patted his head. This way Neil could never sleep= his heart would
crave for one more pat every time. Tannu, he said from the blanket.
'ou still awake ! said, go to sleep.
Tanuu this is important.
! said no... nothing is more important to me right now than your health.
7ut ! want to talk to you about something. <omething related to me, related to us.
*mm666 ok., tell me what is it. Neil ;umped out of the bed like a kid, whose mom has
;ust agreed to let him go out and play cricket.
Tannuu... actually ! wanted to tell this to you from a long time but ! could not. Neil took
desperate pauses in between. *e thanked ?od, there was no electricity. +t least he was
saved from looking into her eyes. 7ut he had decided it was today he has to tell this to
her. Tannu... please listen to me carefully and please do not take any decision at this
moment. ! will wait. 8lease think over this and then let me know. Tannu, !t is like ! tried a
lot to avoid this situation but ! could not. ! didnTt want to put you in this deciding
situation either. ! know this will cause pain to you. 7ut... he paused again...
Neil.. what are you saying6 0hat has happened6 ! thought we were good friends and
you could talk to me about anything easily now. 7ut look at you, why are you so tensed6
'ou are... +re you in your senses6 'ou take rest we will talk tomorrow morning.
No... Tannu... !f ! wonTt tell this today ! wonTt be able to tell this any day. 8lease give me
your fve minutes.
*mm go ahead... let mw know what it is.
Tannu... actually ! wanted to tell that... ! came here to be your support to help you in
your work... but now ! have realized that things are di2erent. ! have fallen in love with
you. The way you smile, the way you treat me, the way ! think of you and you keep me
happy. Everything related to you brings happiness to me. 4ust you being a part f life
makes me happy. ! want to feel this happiness for rest of my life. ! want to see you smile
the rest of my life= ! want to make you smile for rest of my life. ! want to be the reason
behind your happiness. 8lease donTt say No to my love. *e paused, Tanvi was saying
nothing. 0as she even listening to him6 *e tried hard to guess her e>pressions. *e kept
silent... after a few long moments Tanvi spoke and Neil thought she took these long to
control her sobs.
Neil... ! donTt say that you can choose whom to love, love ;ust happens but you know
everything about me, still how can you do a mistake of loving me. ! have shared my love
of this life and had share of my love for this life and ! cannot think of loving anyone
other than 3adhav. *e is gone but when he died ! did love him. 3y heart was still full of
love for him. ! cannot erase him from my mind. ! cannot... and please understand this.
'ou see me living... that am, only for /hirag. !Tm trying to look like normal= but from
within !Tm shattered long back. ! donTt want to live but ! have to fulfll 3adhavTs dream= !
want to see /hirag as a Navy o#cer. 8lease Neil donTt ask me to think over this again. !
cannot. Even if ! think about this for a year ! will have the same answer for you. 3adhav
had flled my life with lot of love and loving moments that will be enough for me to live
my life further. <he went from his room.... and ... from his life6 Neil had not e>pected
this answer. *e had thought Tanvi likes him. <he will at least ask for some time, which
he was ready to give. 7ut she had straight away denied his proposal. *e was shattered.
*e stood there clueless thinking what he should do. *e could think of nothing.. *e called
,ikhil and told him everything. ,ikhil consoled him and told him to have hope. <he will
accept his love. <ometime later... after Neil felt he thought on this for ages he went to
sleep. !n the morning he got up late. !t was a <unday. Neil took bath and tried to get
fresh, to look fresh. *e did not want to hurt Tanvi by that sad look on his face but his
eyes were swollen. &id he cry last night6 *e tried to wash his eyes, make them look
fresh but no change. 1inally he gave up and he went downstairs. There was all over
silence dominating. *e searched Tanvi. 7ut she had not yet dwelled there it seemed. *e
looked in her room through the thin slit that was available, since the door was not
closed properly. <he was sitting on her bed with laptop, working. Neil thought she is
back to work. !t didnTt even matter to her that she broke someoneTs heart that was so
full of love for her. That thought made him still more depressed. *e started getting all
negative feeling about himself. *e went to his room and sat there doing nothing.
There, Tanvi was waiting for /hirag to come online, and was trying to be as normal as
possible and not to show /hirag that she was upset. *er heart was crying but she had to
live, she had to talk. <he asked 3adhav again and again why he left her like this. <he
5uestioned ?od again and again the same 5uestions which she never got answers for.
(m was online. <he was in no mood of talking to him. <he was there only for /hirag.
<he waited= when /hirag came online he wanted to see his mom. 7ut Tanvi had the
golden reason, webcam was not working. <he was saved that /hirag could not see her
e>pressions. 0hile she talked with /hirag (m buzzed Tanvi. <he did not respond. *e
kept talking to her. +fter some time she told him she will talk to him later as she was
busy. Tanvi fnished talking to /hirag. <he still found (mTs window was twinkling. *e was
still online. <he did want to tell him everything that happened yesterday. 7ut she
thought she will talk to +vani frst. <he called +vani...
*i.. Tannu... +vani replied chirpily picking up her call.
*i +vani, how are you doing6 ..... she en5uired about her in general. +vani could sense
she was not all right. <till she replied to all her 5uestions as she thought Tanvi will tell
her what was wrong. 7ut then after some time when she realized she is not going to tell
she asked her.
Tannu... are you ok6 'ou voice is so low and you donTt seem to be well6 0hat is the
matter6 !s everything all right6
Tanvi broke down on hearing that 5uestion from +vani. <he told her everything that
happened last night. <he sobbed and cried to her hearts content.
Tanuu... ;ust rela>... ok... see, No need to think on all this. 'ou want me to talk to Neil6 !
will e>plain him. 7ut you frst stop thinking about all this and calm down ok6
! donTt want to hurt him you know. ! like him, we are good friends now. 0henever he is
around ! like it. ! feel my 3ads is around. ! forget the past, ! feel good to spend time with
him. 7ut ! donTt think ! love him. *ow can ! love someone else now6 <o what if 3adhav
is not there physically with me6 ! cannot love him... for that matter anyone.. +vani... but
! also donTt want to lose a friend in him. ! donTt know what is happening. Tanvi again
burst into tears.
(k... Tannu.. if you will listen to me... should ! say something here6 <ee... 3adhav has
gone and ! agree you loved him, ! have witnessed your love, ! have seen you, ! have
grown with you, ! know you very well, and ! also know that you will live life without NeilTs
support. 'ou donTt need any of us. 7ut Tannu... think about him, 'ou know he came to
TG3 only for you. *e was not sure that time that he loves you but he didnTt wanted to
see you in pain, so he took all this e2ort, +tharva arranged his trip to TG3 for you, he is
not looking into his business, which might be going in loss due to his absence but he is
looking into yours. *e values you more than that. *e came there only on one hope to
make you smile. *e knew no one there, no friends, no relatives, di2erent state, and
di2erent culture. 7ut he left all his comforts and took all the pain for you Tanvi. 'ou need
to think about him. ! donTt say answer him today itself. 7ut you need to think about this.
Think about /hirag. *e had not seen his 1ather for B years, and then now he is gone.
&onTt you think he deserves to get 1athers love6 Neil is ready to accept you with /hirag
in his life. &oesnTt that show how much he loves you6
+vani... what are you talking all this66 'ou knew he loves me66 'ou sent him over here
to e>press his love6 'ou and +tharva knew all this6 <till.... 0hat the hell are you saying
you know me6 'ou betrayed me. 'ou planned his trip here. This is coming like a shock to
me... how could you do this to me6
7ecause ! can see the love he has for you in his eyes. Tanvi... ;ust donTt go blind... !
know our moral values that we learn from childhood, our culture, our religion everything
that you are thinking about at this moment ! have thought over and after satisfying all
our mindTs 5ueries, we agreed to send Neil to TG3. !t was not a hasty decision. Tannu...
think, people donTt fnd true love in their life once... ?od.. has given you a second
chance, second chance to live, love and make a life Tannu... donTt waste this chance.
:ook at Neil... he is so innocent... he deserves to be loved.. he deserves your love
Tannu. /hirag deserves NeilTs love. 'ou donTt know but Neil had been visiting /hirag
5uite often. Even /hirag loves meeting him, spending time with him, think about your
parents... how happy they will be on your decision... donTt ;ust follow what your mind
says Tannu... follow your heart, 'ou said you like spending time with him. 'ou like him to
be with you. 0hy arenTt you agreeing that these feelings are an indication of a new
beginning, a new start, blooming of a new love6 0hy canTt one love again in his life6
0hy canTt one accept happiness if that is destined to be his6 0hy are you troubling
yourself6 0hy are you confning yourself that you cannot love someone else6 :ove only
multiplies Tannu... you cannot keep it to yourself= it has value only when you give it
someone. Neil really loves you a lot. 4ust keep 3adhav aside for a moment and think
only about Neil and you. &onTt you think you both deserve to be together6 ! think you
should think over all this.
'ou are gone mad +vani... ! canTt believe this you.. you are telling all this to me6 (ut of
this world.. you are telling this to me66
Tannu... listen to me.... Tanvi disconnected the call.
<he looked at her laptop... (m... was still online... she knew he understands her
completely he will guide her what to do... she answered his ping...
8art 9A
*i (m...<orry for replying late
)mm hmm... thatTs ok... so what is todayTs plan6 +nything special6
... +fter their general discussions Tanvi tells him everything that happened and how
disturbed she is because of all this. <he tells him how +vani betrayed her, she felt so
helpless and she is not in a mood to talk to him.
*mm... ok.. you donTt want me to give any suggestions on this right6 'ou ;ust wanted to
vent out your feelings. ! hope you are feeling good after doing that6
(m... 0hat would you have done if you were in my place6
(hh.. no... ! donTt want to be in your place... may be ! would like to be in NeilTs place...
you really have done some good to people that you are being loved by people so
much... look at me.. ! too love you...
(mm... plzz.. stop that... you know !Tm not in a mood to take those 84Ts
<ee that is your problem.. you took Neil seriously.. you are taking life seriously but you
never take me seriously...
(hh... is it6 ok... today ! will take you seriously.. tell me what you want to tell....
,eally66 4 but : cause this is no way going to help me.. this is going to be helping Neil..
but still may be if ! do good to you... some lady will love me... like Neil came to your
life.. =OW
(k... now enough of your bakwas.. ! donTt know why am ! even listening to you... !Tm
going.. if you are not going to get serious..
(k.. madam... frst of all... why are you taking your life so seriously6 :earn to live life
dear... life is not so serious and complicated, we make it. 4ust lead life as it comes..
someone loves you... you too fall in love with him. ?ive it a try... what is the harm in it6
+re you going to lose something6 <ee !Tm a guy and !Tm telling you, he has courage. *e
accepted that he loves you. *ave you thought what restrictions he might be having6
0ill his parents accept you6 7ut he accepted his love for you. 'ou need to live in reality.
'ou want to spend whole time with 3adhav6 Think before you give any decision. *e has
done so much ;ust to make all known fact of you saying No into a 'es... look at his e2ort.
! donTt want to say anything more here, yes.. !f ! would have been in your place.. ! would
have said 'es... ! would have given life a second chance, ! would have given Neil a
chance ! would have given myself a second chance. 0ho knows he might fll your life
with more beautiful moments than 3adhav.
!Tm not comparing anyone here. 0hy are you saying like this.
Even !Tm not comparing, ;ust want to tell you that may be your tomorrow, your future is
far more beautiful than what you have e>perienced or are e>pecting only if you take this
one chance. :ife gives us opportunities... to change our destiny and we have to
recognize them. !f we miss them we have to cry over losing them. :ove is the most
beautiful thing that can ever happen to someone. 0hy do you want to deny it 6 ok...
look... ! have to go now.. itTs your life your decision, but before you take any fnal
decision think about everyone. (k.. bye.. if you want to believe me.. ! will say... play this
gamble... take this chance.
7ut (m...
Tanu... ! really have to go... will talk to you later.. soon... till then you decide what you
wanna do.. ! will not be able to convince you any better than this. ! only have these
points to say. !f you want to argue then ! donTt have anything to say in my defense... am
! sounding like a lawyer6 (hh.. yes.. but !Tm an architect.... ! build buildings... but today !
want to build your life. Think Tannu.. and think in a positive way. ,isks are always there,
why did you agree to take risk of talking to me6 0hat if ! say ! love you6 wasnTt that a
potential risk6 *ahaha... caught you.. now u have no answer... chal... ! will talk to you
later. Need to go for now.. let me know when you are out of this, to be and not to be in
love syndrome.
Tanvi was about to log o2 when again a ping popped up...
+nd... ha donTt forget to smile dear... 9...@...H.. 4 ehhh .... 4
,eading that... it really brought a smile to her...
Tanvi thought over what +vani told her what (m told her. *ow could they both think
alike6 0hy she could not think like they think6 <he still loves 3adhav. *ow can she
accept NeilTs proposal. <he was confused with herself. <he thought about Neil. <he liked
him but she cannot love him. <he loves only 3adhav, she is still in love with 3adhav.
0hen 3adhav died it was not like she was out of love with him her heart still loved him,
cared for him. 'ou cannot ;ust ask your heart to stop loving someone ;ust because they
are dead.
Tannu... Neil interrupted her thoughts. !Tm sorry if ! have disturbed you. !ts afternoon
and you havenTt had lunch. ! donTt want to trouble you. <ee it was in my heart and ! let it
out to you. !f you donTt want to accept me itTs ok. 7ut please donTt punish like this to
yourself. ! know after last night, whenever you will see me it will hurt you. ! cannot hurt
you Tannu.. Not even in my dreams... ! know your answer will be a big No even after !
wait for a year... so.. !Tm leaving... you will not have to bear me. 7efore ! leave for one
last time can ! have lunch with you6 8lease6
Tanvi ;ust nodded and signaled him to move ahead and she will ;oin. Neil went
downstairs and waited for Tanvi. +fter some time she came to the dining table. They had
lunch together. Tannu... ! can still be your friend right6 (r have ! lost my right to be your
Neil, ! have no answers to your 5uestions. ! donTt know if ! want to talk to you. ! donTt
know if ! want to be friend to you. ! donTt know if ! want to love you. ! donTt know answer
to any of your 5uestions. 'es, you are a good friend of mine ! will try not to let last night
bring di2erences in our friendship.
Neil tried to give her an a#rmative look. *is heart ached. *e went upstairs after having
lunch and packed his entire luggage... !t was hard for him to leave the place, but it was
harder for him to see Tanvi in pain because of him. *e left by evening. 7efore he left, he
went to her room and on a piece of paper he wrote his phone number and mail id. !n
case you would like to be in touch, he said handing it to her.
!n the evening Tanvi was alone in the house. !t was a big house that 3adhav and she
had created. <he started feeling the emptiness of the house. :ight was getting dimmer,
she sat there in her roomTs terrace watching the sun set, the sky change its shades.
/hange is the only constant, she thought. <he was lost in her thoughts. <he went to
sleep in the chair some time later. &ays passed. Tanvi used to get upset on smallO small
things, she got irritated on little issues. <he wanted to show the world she can e>ist
independently, but internally she knew she was drained. Neil marked his presence
everyday in her mind in his absence, she remembered him every single day. <he
remembered him, she missed him, she recalled how he taught /hirag to catch fsh, how
they then tried to cook fsh when they were on outing with /hirag... Tanvi had never
cooked nonOveg at home, though 3adhav loved sea food, Tanvi was a pure vegetarian.
They would have it in restaurant. 3adhav would ask her to taste but she would always
deny. 0ith Neil, she learned to cook 1ish, Tanvi was living a new life with him. /hirag
was happy with him. <he thought to herself, !t was not that she didnTt like him, may be
if 3adhav would have not been there in her life she would have fallen in love with him.
<uddenly she realized, 3adhav was not there even now. <he realized the truth that
Tanvi and (m had already realized, she started thinking in the way they wanted her to
think but in between she would think when someone dies you cannot stop loving them.
<he was dwelling in between yes and no, she was in a confused state to do or not to do=
to accept the change, or to not. <he decided to go to 3umbai to be with +vani. <he
needed her, or was it that Tanvi needed her. 0hat mattered was they both had to be
together to support each other. <he went to 3umbai. 0hen she met +vani, +vani was
too glad to see her.
! thought you will not meet me. 'ou are angry with me. 7ut thank ?od you came. !
needed you so much to be with me. <o how does it feel to be back in 3umbai...
3umbai the place of my love... how will it feel6 ! feel at peace here. +vaniTs face glowed
when she heard Tanvi say that.
<o you fnally agreed to accept NeilTs love, !Tm so happy...
+vani ... who said that666 0ait.. when did ! say that..
'ou said na.. ;ust now.... 8lace of my love.. remember... Neil is from 3umbai...
(3?... ! was talking about 3adhav... *e was from 3umbai... Neil... yes.. he is too from
3umbai.. but.. you please donTt start this war in my head.. ! came here to fnd peace...
otherwise ! will leave.
(hh ok... no worries.. ! ;ust thought... ok.. letTs forget... lets discuss something else...
lets have dinner... come...she took Tanvi to dinner table... so... what do you want to
+fter having dinner, they both went to the chaupati, they both were together after long
time. They talked a lot... 0hole time Tanvi was talking about Neil. +vani realized it that
Tanvi loves him but is scared of accepting it because she is afraid of losing him like she
lost 3adhav. +vani decided to do something about it and again engages herself in talks.
Tannu... it feels so nice to have old friend with you... ! canTt tell you !Tm so happy to have
you back here.
! know. !Tm too feeling good to be back here. Tannu... want to tell you something... 'ou
know your friend (m...
*a.. what about him6 'ou know him6
7ut how6 'ou know him personally6
'es.. even you know him. (m is no one else than Neil.
8art 9K
+ctually, ! came to know this ;ust a few days back, +fter Neil came back to 3umbai, *e
was very upset. ! went to meet him and coincidently ! spotted him chatting with you as
(3. *e then told me that he made friendship with you with this name ;ust to release
some tension of yours. *e didnTt know that time that he will get a chance to meet you.
*e had searched for you through (rkut and got your mail id. *e ;ust wanted to be a
friend of yours when you need someone. Now... please donTt over react... ;ust because
this is happening in your life. *e did nothing wrong in it is what ! feel. *e wanted to be
your friend so he added you as a friend.
Tanvi said nothing.... <he was in a mild shock. <he could not digest the fact that Neil and
(m is same person... she talked nonstop to (m about Neil and about (m to Neil. <he
didnTt feel like cheated but what she felt was di2erent. <he thought over what she
actually felt, how she should react on this6 Neil is a fraud her mind said... but her heart
was accepting it. They left for home. Tanvi went to her room. <he kept thinking about
Neil... *e is di2erent she thought to herself. *e cares so much for me... ;ust because he
cannot see my pain. *e listened to me all time, guided me.. *e is nice... she thought
about the moments she spent with him as (m... he was near her all time.. at day time
he entertained her being Neil and when he was away he used to be near her in form of
(m... how can someone care for someone so much6 *ow bad of me, to refuse to accept
such a heartfelt love of his. *e was there for her always. Tanvi started accepting his
love. <he could see positives that she was restricting herself to see. <he could not sleep
that day.. she wanted to meet Neil then and there... she wanted to hear him, she
wanted to tell him. <he felt as if she wonTt survive with this fact reveled till ne>t day. <he
recollected, Neil had left the chit with his contact details... she searched for it... she
found it in her wallet. <he hastily dialed his number. !t was @ +.3. Neil was fast asleep.
*is mobile was ringing in high volume..
S0hen you love someone... you do anything... you deny the truth... believe in lieS
Neil... pick up the phone man... its disturbing my dream... ,ikhil shouted... after Neil
came back to make up his mood ,ikhil was staying with him...
Neil with half open eyes... took the mobile and answered... *elloo... and he yawned.
*i Neil... (hhh... ,ikhil..... Tanvi ... man.. ! can hear her... she is making me go wild... Neil
called out ,ikhil pulling his blanket on realizing Tanvi is on other side...
*mm... talk to her then... you will have good sleep.... +nd donTt disturb me... ! donTt like
people disturbing my dreams... he yelled at him and pulled the pillow over his head.
+hh... hi... blurred Neil... not sure what he should say.... /alling so late you alright6
*mm yes... +ctually.... 'ou left your number na... to contact if ! want to contact you... so
! thought of calling you. ! wanted to tell you something. <o how are you doing6
+hh.. yes.. !Tm doing good...
They talked about all things for some time... then... Neil could not control his an>iety..
Tannu... you said you wanted to tell something... what is it6
Neil... after you left ! tried to tell myself every moment that you are ;ust a friend of mine
and ! cannot love you. ! missed you, but ! told myself that ! missed a friend. ! donTt
know... if you fnd this as right now= +fter me giving you so much pain... she paused... !
have known your value in my life. ! have known what you did for me, how much you
care, love me.. and how much you took pain for me. ! know and have no doubt that you
love me... ! wanted to let you know that ! too feel the same for you.. ! too want to keep
you smiling all through the life, ! want to see you happy, ! want to be reason for your
happiness and ! want to wake up every morning in your arms. Neil was puzzled.. he was
;umping with ;oy.. he pinched himself... he did not want this to be another stupid dreams
of his... ouch... he shouted in pain caused by his pinch.
0hat happened.. nothing.. ;ust.. like that.. thought this to be a dream and ! pinched
Tanvi.. laughed... Neil felt so nice.. as if time would go still... Tannu.. if you promise to
keep smiling like this ! will keep pinching myself for whole life...
Neil... ! ;ust wanted to tell you that... she paused... she could not go ahead... NeilTs ears
were impatient to hear those words... he was murmuring to himself.. come on Tanvi...
speak up..
Neil... ! ;ust called to say... ! love you.... and she hung up....
Neil was on cloud nine... he hugged his pillow... he heard himself singing.. on the tune of
<tevie 0onder S! ;ust called to say ! love you, ! ;ust called to say how much ! care, ! ;ust
called to say ! love you +nd ! mean it from the bottom of my heart S
*e could not sleep her voice felt so refreshing. *e thought why did she disconnect6 *e
called her back... TanviTs cell was ringing... STuzh main rab dikhta hai yara main kya
karu... S it blinked, Neil on the screen... <he thought what he would talk, what he was
thinking about her, she was too curious to answer the call. +fter about A min she
answered the call. They talked for a while then Tanvi told Neil to go to sleep and they
will talk ne>t day. Ne>t &ay, Neil got up early, 0hen ,ikhil 5uestioned him, he replied...
who slept last night. That was a night to remember and he rubbed ,ikhilTs nose.
*ello... am ! going to understand anything that is going6
7ro... last night she called... and... she said those words to me... can you believe it. !
have had all the happiness of this world... Now ! donTt want anything....
Neil... what666 0hat did you say66 <he said she loves you... ohh wow... ;ust a minute are
you sure you were in your senses6
*ow can someone be out of sense at such a romantic moment tell me bro6 !t was
chilling night but ! could feel the warmth of her love. 3y eyes were ;ust not ready to
meet each other, and let me sleep. 0hole night ! saw her face in the moon that peeped
from the window and teased me. 0hoa.... !Tm in love... she loves me... it feels so good..
<he loves me... she loves me... Neil shouted and skated all around the house....
*is mom heard him.... <he stopped him and asked him... why are you so happy.. she
loves me mom.... <he loves me.... !Tm so happy.... (odley (odley ....yu hu.... (odley
oodley yu... *e again started skating around... &ad.... <he loves me... fnally you are
going to get your daughter in law 3om....
<o should we start preparing for your marriage... his mom asked him loudly.
&o whatever you want... aree na... let my love story have some romance before
marriage... aap log toh bacche ki ;aan leke rahoge...
ok... ok... will give you both some time, but when are you bringing her home6
Today itself... and he drove away on his skate board.
SRaise bataye kyu tu;h ko chahe yaara batana paye baatei dilo ki dekho ;o ...
baatein dilo ki dekho zubaan ki aankhen tu;he sam;haye tu .. ;ane.. na ...S
Tanvi was lost hearing to NeilTs caller tune...
*ello... came an impatient reply from other side.. Tannu.. ! want to meet you... now...
see you... where are you, ! will come there...
Neil... why did you pick so early.. ! didnTt fnish listening to the song completely...
(hh... no problem ! will sing it completely when we meet... 8lzzz where can we meet6
)mm.. how urgent do you want to see me...
(hh ! wish.. you were standing in front of me at this moment.. itTs that urgent...
(k... ?oodd... !Tm standing at your main entrance... come and open the door...
(hh.... 0ow.... 3an... what a surprise... he looked in the mirror.. ad;usted his hair and
went to open the door....
3om... . your daughter in law is here.. he called out his 3om opening the door... Tanvi
was with +vani= they have some discussions, general talk, +vani had to leave for o#ce.
Neil... ! hope you are free today... Tanvi will get bored... can you please entertain her...
she winked at him..
(hh, 4o hukum mere aaka... Neil said bending and giving her salam, They all burst into
laughter. Neil took Tanvi to his room, he showed her his collection of pictures of cars,
while Tanvi went through his collection she said.. !Tm waiting...
1or what6
'ou said.. you will sing for me.. and...
+ree that was ;ust a... No... now you have to sing...
7ut... Tannuuu ...
(k... fne... instead of singing the song... ;ust tell me what is not said in the song...
+www... Neil was perple>ed... he knew Tanvi was not going to leave him... ok... These
are not my words... but they e>press my state of mind and what ! want to tell you
e>actly... ! hope you like it...
Raise bataaoon main tumhe
3ere liye tum kaun ho, kaise bataaoonTum dhadkanon ka geet ho, 4eevan ka tum
sangeet ho
Tum zindagi tum bandage,Tum roshni tum taazgi Tum har khushi tum pyaar ho,Tum
preet ho manmeet ho +ankhon mein tum yaadon mein tum,<aanson mein tum aahon
mein tum Neendon mein tum khwaabon mein tum,Tum ho meri har baat mein Tum ho
mere din raat mein,Tum subaah mein tum shyaam mein Tum soch mein tum kaam mein
3ere liye paana bhi tum,3ere liye khona bhi tum 3ere liye hasna bhi tum,3ere liye rona
bhi tum +ur ;aagna sona bhi tum,4aaoon kahin dekhoon kahin Tum ho vahan, tum ho
vahin,Raise bataaoon main tumhe Tum bin to main kuch bhi nahin...
(k... ok... Enough... ! will burst like a balloon after listening to so much praise... Tanvi !
interrupted him.
Tannuu... ! love you more than words can e>press.. ! want you to be with you.
Tanvi could not look into his eyes she kept staring the .oor while he talked. Neil holding
her chin slowly lifted her face. <ay... na.. 'ou love me... ! want to see the words... hear
the words... feel them again....
Neil.... <he could say nothing and she hugged him... 'es ! do...
Neil and Tanvi spend time together while Tanvi is in 3umbai. Neil shows her around in
3umbai. +t back of her mind at every place she visits 3adhav comes across and time
she spent with him plays in front of her eyes.
I,eturn of 3adhavI
No... !Tm not Ekta Rapoor to give life to the dead... but 3adhav is going to return in this
story.. how... 66 Reep reading.. 4 .... :ast part of the story remaining....
8art 9B
&ays .y, Tanvi and Neil spend time together knowing things about each other that a
more than friend should know. &ays converted to months and it was time for +vani to be
hospitalized, after few hours which everyone felt like ages, +vani delivered a sweet baby
boy. XNo... this is not 3adhavTs punar;anam and all.. if you thinking it that way..... 44 Y
+fter a few months when +vani was back to normal, Tanvi returned to TG3, she was
happy, happy to be back at home. *appy that she had to stay there not for a long while
alone. <oon her life was going to change, they were able to convince NeilTs parents, her
parents for their marriage. The date was f>ed it was ;ust a month away. Tanvi was now
going to go back to 3umbai... she had to as Neil belonged to 3umbai. Taking decision
for re marriage was not easy for her but not that hard either, as there were no !nOlaws
who would resist and who needed to be convinced since 3adhav was orphan. 7ut after
this marriage she would have to live with Neil and his parents. They will need to sell out
all the property and business that was settled in TG3, Tanvi was sad on this part
because it was the company she set up on her won but now she would need to help Neil
in his business. +s change is the only constant and we have to accept change. !t was a
di2erent feeling. <he was going to be living with inO laws, she had some elders now
guiding her through what she needs to do, and she felt good about everything. *er new
life was about to bloom.
(ne day, Tanvi was surfng through NeilTs old photos... they were his childhood pics that
she brought with her. <he would keep looking at them while talking to him. 0hile she
took another round having a look at the pictures, Neil called her and ;ust to tease him
she asked him... &o you know why your name is Neil6
Neil was not sure why was that 5uestion fred and he could sense the mischievous tone
in TanviTs voice.. so he decided to let her answer the 5uestion on his behalf. )mm.. no..
why66 you only tell me.
7uddhu.. because.. she took a long pause... you have blue eyes... she said instantly
and then she suddenly went silent... after that she could not hear anything that Neil
talked about. +fter the phone was disconnected she again looked through all photos of
Neil... <he could not fnd in any of his photos his eyes to be 7lue, they were black. <he
got confused. <he could not answer the 5uestion that her mind asked her again and
again, how someoneTs eyes can change color. +s far as she had learned, eyes remain
same right from the birth to death. <he thought but could not answer. <he called
*i +vuu.. ! have some very urgent 5uestion to ask you.
'es dear tell me... +vani said answering her curiousness
*ave you notices NeilTs eyes color6
(hh my... Tannu... now this is a very important, no ! mean urgent 5uestion that you
need me to answer... are you on hot seat of R7/6 !s the 5uestionD what is your fancFe
eye color6 +nd you using lifeline of phone a friend6
+vani... !Tm very serious... tell me...
*mm ok... +vani said bringing seriousness in her tone... 0hat kind of lover you are
yaar... you donTt remember color of his eyes...ahh.. now ! know.. Neil asked you this
5uestion and you are in f>.. so you are asking me.
+vauuu.. please... this is serious..
)mm ok.. ! think its blue.. now may ! know... why is this 5uestion answer session being
played with me6
+vuu.. ! was looking at NeilTs childhood photos...
(hh yeah.. really thatTs cool...
7ut... you know... in all the photos... his eyes are black in color. !Tm very confused, how
come his eyes have changed color6
(hh my lady <herlock homes... <o whatTs the big deal in this6 *e might be using lens6
/ome on yaarr.. itTs in fashion these days...
No... *e doesnTt use lens +vani... !Tm getting very curious.. can you please...
(hh.. madam.. 9 min... if you are e>pecting ! will get an answer for you.. ! think you are
the best person to get the answer.. why donTt you directly ask him6
+vani.. please... ! donTt know why but !Tm not feeling like ! should ask Neil this 5uestion
directly.. you also donTt ask Neil... umm ahh ha... maybe you can ask ,ikhil6 8lease...
please please.. help me solve this 5uestion else ! wonTt be able to sleep...
(k.. ! will try and fnd out..
... +vani talked about it to ,ikhil... after listening to her 5uestion he was silent for a
while, and then he took a deep sigh...
!tTs a long story +vani... ahh it happened... might be some " months back= Neil had been
to 7angalore for a business conference. *e is a very adventure loving person he drove
to 7angalore and was going to drive back= while he had ;ust started his return ;ourney
his car broke down. !t was late night and he could not make any travel arrangements
and he had important meeting ne>t day in 3umbai so staying back was not an option,
so fnally he boarded a truck. *e was en;oying his ride talking with the truck driver, it
was late evening and darkness had taken double blanket, what ! mean, it was too dark
outside not even moon light as it was a new moon that day. +fter the topic of discussion
got e>hausted, Neil was happy to have his i8od working, he found something to spend
time= he was listening to his favorite track at high volume S<ometimes... ! wish ! could
turn back time.. impossible it may seem.. but ! wish ! could.. so bad... Luit playing
games with my heart... ! should have known from the start... S everything was going fne
but as destiny had decided the truck met with an accident. <ince Neil had his earphones
on he could not hear the screeching sound of brakes he only witnessed breaking of the
truck windshield and the broken pieces of glass entered NeilTs eyes in fraction of
second. *is cornea had ruptured badly. *e was admitted immediately to the
NET*,+&*+3+ eye hospital. <ince mine was the last dialed number in his cell ! was
called there, ! went there without informing his parents, after the initial frst aid and
diagnosis, the doctors found out the damage was deep and the cornea needed to be
replaced. !f this would have not happened Neil would not see... there were no chances
of healing, he could go blind for whole life. 0e needed immediate eye transplant= the
doctorTs confrmed us that as soon as they fnd a donor they will contact us. Neil was to
be in the hospital under supervision for one more day. !t was his luck or destiny what !
donTt know but same day there came another accident patient, that person died
instantly on the spot and he had donated his eyes it seems. Neil got a donor but there
still were complications, the tissue needed to match and all... but by ?ods grace
everything went right and Neil was able to see again after being there in hospital for
about a week. Now this is like his new eyes had a new color too... may be he needed to
see this world di2erently now, he was to get new vision= mentally6 <o they were blue
and so you see there is this di2erence..
+vani was taken aback... what hospital did you say6 Nethradhama right66
'es... The doctors there were very cooperative... They immediately operated Neil theer
was again risk of contamination but !Tm so happy everything went all right and he was
back to normal... you donTt know how ! spent that week in 7anglore. ! had not informed
uncle aunty. 0e narrated them everything after we came back to 3umbai.
+nd... how did Neil met with an accident6 0hose fault was it6 There was no police case6
+ctually there was no oneTs fault... after detail investigations it came to light that the
truck in which Neil had travelled had its right head light 3alfunction, which gave a false
impression to someone in dark it being a two wheeler and that was supposed to be the
main cause of the accident...
+vani could not take this anymore... she broke down.. as she realized what had
happened... she started crying... ,ikhil on other hand did not understand what the
matter was and why she is getting so much emotionally involved... he tried to console
her. +fter some time when +vani could control her sobs, she told ,ikhil why she was in
this uncontrollable state..
,ikhil... the man you are talking about.... 0ho met with accident the same day and was
brought to hospital as he had donated his eyes, he was no one else that 3adhav.
3adhav had met with an accident with a truck.... the truck whose light was
malfunctioning and in which Neil travelled. +fter ! got the terrible news, ! took the
immediate .ight to 7angalore= ! admitted him to the hospital you mentioned as Tanvi
was out of her senses= for some month or so she was like.. as if.. ! was wondering with a
dead body.
7ut... Tanvi and 3adhav stay in TG3 what were they doing in 7angalore6
Tanvi and 3adhav had been to 7angalore to shop for her 3otherTs AEth birthday. They
were returning to TG3. 0hat should ! call all this6 /oincidence6 (r &estiny6
'ou mean.. Neil has 3adhavTs eyes6 +vani ;ust shook her head in agreement.. ,ikhil
was also in shock now, (hh now ! see... did you get6 0hy Neil started behaving this
strangely6 *e could not see Tanvi in pain... The day he saw her in //&, it was ;ust after
his accident that we had planned for a trip to ?oa for a change and we were supposed
to met to plan the trip in //& when *e saw Tanvi there... *e ;ust could not stand the
sadness on TnaviTs face, he thought so much about her only after that one glance...
because... because... he paused... 3adhav could not see Tanvi in pain... he could not see
her cry, so NeilTs heart ached to see her sad...
(hhh... is it... +vani and ,ikhil were bolted down by this realization. +vani was afraid
how Tanvi will react to this. <he did not want to tell all this to her. <he was about to start
her new life... <he did not want her past to again hold back her. This new realization to
come in way of her new happiness, but she had to... she was ;ust gathering her
thoughts when her cell ringed...
S! ;ust want to tell you... all the things you are... and the things you mean to me... 'ou
the answer to my prayer... you are my angel... 3iracle... all ! need know... S
Tanvi... !tT s ! knew it...she thought to herself... she had no courage to answer her call...
but she had to face her someday...
... *elloo... +vani... answered her call.. Tanvi asked her the same 5uestion she feared to
answer. +vani told her what she got to know from ,ikhil... Tanvi went silent. <he sat
there in silence, recollecting all moments... <he realized the truth= she found answers to
her unanswered 5uestions. 0hy she felt 3adhav was with her all time when she was
with Neil. *ow she felt being watched by him when she was with Neil. <he thought over
it. <he was not sure what she felt, what was going on in her mind. <he was not sad...
she was not happy... what did she actually feel6 <he was blank, <he was satisfed... she
was happy to still have her 3adhav with her in form of Neil. <he was sad to have
separated from him. <he was happy with destiny. <he was happy she decided to give
life a second chance. <he started loving Neil even more now... she got the meaning of
the song carved on the stone at their main entrance... he really meant it... S:ook into
my eyes you will see what you mean to me... S she could really see his love in his eyes,
though they were with Neil. <he realized, everything in life happens for a reason,
everything has a destiny and everything happens as destined... *er heart sang...
S!Tm... not a perfect person as many things ! wish ! didnTt do... ! have to say this before !
go... ! ;ust want you to know... ! found a reason... + reason to start of new... the reason is
you... S
<he called +vani back to let her know she was fne... <he was not sad.. and her
decisions are same... +vani was happy to see her normal smiling.
.... 3adhav though left her... was with her... always... in form of Neil... she knew he
watched over her, cared for her and he kept his promise to always to be with her
throughout, to love her always, to give her happiness and keep her under his love.
1inally Tanvi married Neil and she helped him in his business. +vani and Tanvi were back
together. +ir of 3umbai again gets flled with love and friendship.
The stone that had the song carved Slook into my eyes you will see... S was brought to
3umbai and now it is placed at the entrance of their home. !t now had gained
importance for Neil too, Neil and Tanvi both cherishing it.
IIIIIII 7looming of an old :ove in new form IIIIIII