6 Phases of Trade Union Movement in India
6 Phases of Trade Union Movement in India
6 Phases of Trade Union Movement in India
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6 Phases of Trade Union Movement in
by Smriti Chand Trade Unions
The six phases of trade union movement in India are as follows: A. Pre-
1918 Phase B. 1918-1924 Phase C. 1925-1934 Phase D. 1935-1938 Phase
E. 1939-1946 Phase F. 1947 and Since.
Trade unionism is a world-wide movement. The evolution and growth of
trade unionism has been sine qua non with growth in industrialisation.
Accordingly, the evolution of trade unionism in India is traced back
towards the latter half of the nineteenth century.
The origin and development of trade union movement in India may well
be studied under distinct phases with their distinguishing features from
A historical account of the various phases of trade union
movement in India is presented now:
A. Pre-1918 Phase:
The setting up of textiles and jute mills and laying of the railways since
1850 payed the way for that emergence of industrial activity and, in turn,
labour movement in India. Some researchers have traced the origin of
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labour movement in India dated back to 1860. However, most of the
writers on the subject trace the history of labour movement in India since
The first labour agitation, under the guidance and leadership of Mr. S. S.
Bengalee, a social reformist and philanthropist, started in Bombay in
1875 to protect against the appalling conditions of workers in factories,
especially those of women and children and appealed to the authorities
to introduce legislation for the amelioration of their working conditions.
As a result, the first Factory Commission was appointed in Bombay in the
year 1875 and the first Factories Act was passed in 1881. Mr. N. M.
Lokhande may be said to be the founder of organised labour movement
in India who founded the first trade union in the country, namely, the
Bombay Mill Hands Association (1890).
This was followed by a series of associations such as the Amalgamated
Society of Railway Servants in India (1897), The Printers Union of
Calcutta (1905), The Madras and Calcutta Postal Union (1907), and the
Kamgar Hitwardhak Sabha (1910). All these unions aimed at promoting
welfare facilities for workers and spreading literacy among them.
The broad features of the labour movement during the pre-
1918 phase may be subsumed as:
(i) The movement was led mostly by the social reformers and
philanthropists and not by the workers.
(ii) There was, in fact, no trade union in existence in the true sense.
(iii) The labour movement was for the workers rather than by the
(iv) The movement was confined to the revolt against the conditions of
child labour and women workers working in various industries under
appalling conditions.
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B. 1918-1924 Phase:
The phase 1918-1924 is considered as the era of formation of modem
trade unionism in the country. The trade union movement got
momentum just after the close of the World War I. The post war
economic and political conditions contributed to the new awakening of
class consciousness among the workers. This led to the formation of
trade unions in the truly modem sense of the term.
As a result, Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association (1917), led by
Shrimati Ansuyaben Sarabhai; the Madras Labour Union (1918), led by
B. P. Wadia; Indian Seamens Union, Calcutta Clerks Union; and All
India Postal and RMS Association were formed.
The various factors that influenced the growth of trade union
movement in India during this phase may be briefly catalogued
as follows:
1. The wretched conditions of workers on account of spiralling prices of
essential commodities during the post-World-War I led workers to form
trade unions to improve their bargaining power and, in turn, living
2. The political scenario characterized by the home-rule movement and
the martial law in Punjab made the politicians to recognize the workers
movement as an asset to their cause. At the same time, workers also
needed able guidance and leadership from the politicians to settle their
grievances with the employers.
3. The Russian Revolution also swayed the labour movement in India
showing a new social order to the common man in the country.
4. The setting up of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in 1919
also gave a big fillip to the labour movement in India. India becoming a
founder-member of the ILO required deputing delegates to the ILO. Mr.
N. M. Joshi for the first time was deputed as the representative from
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India to International Labour Conferences and Sessions. It ignited
workers anxiety to organize. As a result, the All India Trade Union
Congress (AITUC) was formed in 1920. By 1924, the trade union
movement in India proliferated to the extent of 167 trade unions with a
quarter million members.
This period in the history of trade union movement has been described
as the Early Trade Union Period.
C. 1925-1934 Phase:
With increasing hardships of workers, the signs of militant tendencies
and revolutionary approach in trade unionism got expression into violent
strikes since 1924. The communists gained influence in L trade union
movement during this period. They split the Trade Union Congress twice
with their widening differences with the left-wing unionists.
The moderate section under the leadership of Mr. N. M. Joshi and Mr. V.
V. Giri seceded from the Congress and set up a separate organization
named the National Trade Unions Federation (NTUF).
Another split in AITUC took place in 1931 at its Calcutta session when the
extreme left wing under the leadership of Messrs S. V. Deshpande and B
T Randive broke away and formed a separate organization, namely, the
All India Red Trade Union Congress Two Years later, the National
Federation of Labour was formed to facilitate unity among all the left-
wing organizations of labour. As a result, the AITUF and NFL merged to
form the National Trade Union Federation (NTUF).
Another important feature of this period was the passing of two Acts,
namely, the Trade Unions Act 1926 and the Trade Disputes Act, 1929
which also gave a fillip to the growth of trade unionism in India. The
former Act provided for voluntary registration and conferred certain
rights and privileges upon registered unions in return for obligations.
The later Act provided for the settlement of trade unions. This phase of
the Indian labour movement may be described as The Period of Left
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Wing Trade Unionism.
D. 1935-1938 Phase:
The Indian National Congress was in power in seven provinces in 1937.
This injected unity in trade unions. As a result, the All India Red Trade
Union Congress itself with the AITUC in 1935. After three years in 1938,
the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) also affiliated with the
AITUC. Other factors that contributed to the revival of trade unions were
increasing awakening among the workers to their rights and change in
the managerial attitude towards trade unions.
In 1938, one of the most developments took place was the enactment of
the Bombay Industrial Disputes Act, 1938. An important provision of the
Act, inter alia, to accord compulsory recognition of unions by the
employers gave a big fillip to the growth of trade unionism in India.
E. 1939-1946 Phase:
Like World War I, the World War II also brought chaos in industrial
front of the country. Mass retrenchment witnessed during the post-
World War II led to the problem of unemployment .This compelled
workers to join unions to secure their jobs. This resulted in big spurt in
the membership of registered trade unions from 667 in 1939-40 to 1087
in 1945-46.
Somuchso workers in the registered trade unions witnessed a
phenomenal increase from 18,612 to 38,570 during the same period. The
AITUC again split in 1941 when Dr. Aftab Ali, President of the Seamen s
Association, Calcutta disaffiliated his union from the Congress and
formed a new organization known as the Indian Federation of Labour.
The year 1946 was also marked by two important enactments, namely,
the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 and the Bombay
Industrial Relations Act, 1946. Both the Acts, through their provisions,
contributed to strengthen the trade unionism in the country.
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F. 1947 and Since:
Proliferation of trade unions in the pattern of proliferation of political
parties has been a distinguishing feature in the trade union history of
India during the post-Independence period. In May 1947, the Indian
National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) was formed by the nationalists
and moderates and was controlled by the Congress Party. Since by then,
the AITUC is controlled by the Communists.
The Congress socialists who stayed in AITUC at the time of the formation
of INTUC subsequently formed the Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) in 1948
under the banner of the Praja Socialist Party. Subsequently, the HMS
was split up with a group of socialist and formed a separate association,
namely, Bhartiya Mazdoor Sabha (BMS) which is now an affiliate of the
Bhartiya Janata Party (B JP). Years after, the communist party split into
various fractions forming the United Trade Union Congress (UTUC) and
the Center of Indian Trade Unions (CITU).
Later again, a group disassociated itself from the UTUC and formed
another UTUCLenin Sarani. Of late, with the emergence of regional
parties since 1960, most of the regional parties have shown its inclination
to a trade union wing, thus, adding to the proliferation of trade unions in
the country. Thus, it is clear that the origin and growth of trade union
movement in India is riddled with fragmented politicization.
At present, there are 8 central trade union organisations. Of
these, four major federations with their national network are:
1. All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)
2. Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
3. Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS)
4. Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU)
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Table 26.2: gives some idea about the growth of the trade union
movement in India.
Table 26.2: Growth of the Trade Union Movement in India:
The membership scenario of the major central trade unions is borne out
by the following Table 26.3.
Table 26.3: Union Membership as on end March, 1994
It is clear from the Table 26.3 that the BMS which is an affiliate of the
Bhartiya Janata Party has secured the top position in terms, of
membership of 27.69 lakh accounting for 30.10% membership. INTUC,
CITU and HMS follow in that order in terms of their share in total
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