This document is a letter from missionaries David and Beverly Bayless updating supporters on their work in Brazil before returning to the US on furlough. It discusses improvements in the churches they serve, including increased attendance and new converts. It also mentions that a new experienced evangelist has joined to work with one of the churches. Additionally, the letter provides details on the missionaries' plans to visit supporting churches in the US during their furlough and return to Brazil in August. New missionaries Stan and Donna Wohlenhaus will assist with work during the Baylesses' absence.
This document is a letter from missionaries David and Beverly Bayless updating supporters on their work in Brazil before returning to the US on furlough. It discusses improvements in the churches they serve, including increased attendance and new converts. It also mentions that a new experienced evangelist has joined to work with one of the churches. Additionally, the letter provides details on the missionaries' plans to visit supporting churches in the US during their furlough and return to Brazil in August. New missionaries Stan and Donna Wohlenhaus will assist with work during the Baylesses' absence.
This document is a letter from missionaries David and Beverly Bayless updating supporters on their work in Brazil before returning to the US on furlough. It discusses improvements in the churches they serve, including increased attendance and new converts. It also mentions that a new experienced evangelist has joined to work with one of the churches. Additionally, the letter provides details on the missionaries' plans to visit supporting churches in the US during their furlough and return to Brazil in August. New missionaries Stan and Donna Wohlenhaus will assist with work during the Baylesses' absence.
This document is a letter from missionaries David and Beverly Bayless updating supporters on their work in Brazil before returning to the US on furlough. It discusses improvements in the churches they serve, including increased attendance and new converts. It also mentions that a new experienced evangelist has joined to work with one of the churches. Additionally, the letter provides details on the missionaries' plans to visit supporting churches in the US during their furlough and return to Brazil in August. New missionaries Stan and Donna Wohlenhaus will assist with work during the Baylesses' absence.
SPONSORED BY RIDQECREST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO CAIXA POSTAL, 926 belem, para, brasil September, 1963 FORWARDING AGENT J FRED BAYLESS 2010 E. 15TH ST PUEBLO, COLORADO Dear Christian Friends: As the end of four years in Brazil approaches for us, we see things in the work of tne churches here in a much better situation than they have been since we arrived. Our initiation was rough, but we are seeing a lot of progress now, resulting from several improvements made with God's help and direction, we believe. The Agulha church, with which we work in Icoaraci, was about to fall victim recently to the plot of a former preacher and his brother, a member, to ruin or divide the church. We heard of it before it was accomplished, warned the members, none of whom then sided with the two. They were expelled and the church remained with eight members. Now we have a house full at all night services, and increasing morning attendance. The average attendance is about thirty-five. Seven persons have made confession of faith in Christ, and should be baptized the first of this month, nearly doubling the membership. An experienced evangelist has arrived to work with the Agulha church. His previous work in the Belem area Was with the church in Marambaia, which prospered greatly under his leadership. His arrival will free us for more Work with the Outeiro Road church, also in Icoaraci, where We live. The Outeiro Road church has had a steady increase in attendance, but no conversions for a few months. We have hardly dedicated any time at all to this church, which was in a much stronger condition than the Agulha church. Now we are hoping for a good growth there too. The church has about thirty-five members, with attendance averaging about forty. Our plan of work in the churches is mainly visitation, studying a series of lessons for six weeks in succession with a family or a person at a set hour each week. These lessons show why we believe the Bible is from God, what is in the Bible, why we believe Jesus is God's Son, what the church is according to the New Testament, and other lessons about the church. The studies have had very good results in conversions and in strengthening of members. At the end of August, classes for the men of the chur^es_in the Belem area were begun, with sixteen men attending from four churches." Classes are being taught in Acts, Christian Doctrine, and Survey of New Testament books. These will last for twelve weeks, to be followed later by others. We expect the men to be able to develop into leaders faster and better through the classes. Our furlough time will begin the first of December. The Lord willing, we plan to fly to the U. S. then, and "hope to visit all or nearly all of our friends and supporters. Write to our forwarding agent about speaking appointments. We want to visit all of you. Yours in Christ, David and Beverly ^ V,' Christ For The Amazon Valley SPONSORED BY RIDGECREST CHRISTIAN CHURCH SSOD EASTERN AVENUE, B. E. ALBUQUEROUE, NEW MEXICO MR. & MRS. DAVID M. BAYLESS CAIXA POBTAI. 92e BELEM, PARA, BRAZIL October 28, 1963 rORWARDINO ASENT J FRED BAYLESS 2010 Eost 15th Street Pueblo, Colorado Dear Brother McGilvrey; Did I write you that our son, David, and his wife, Beverly, will be home on Furlough soon? If not, then you might like to have this as announcement in "Horizons", On November 8th they will have been in Brazil four years. Sometime in December they plan to come to the States on Furlough, They will be available to visit churches, conventions, and a limited number of Youth Camps during their Furlough. Since they plan to return to Brazil by about August 1, 1964, they can not visit many Camps, They are Already scheduled for Senior Week at El Porvenir Christian Camp, in New Mexico June 8-13. On January 19, 1964, they will visit their Sponsoring Church, Ridgecrest Christian Church, Albuquerque, N, M., to make a report of their four years on the field. While it will be necessary for them to visit supporting churches, they will have some dates open to visit other churches that might desire such a visit. All correspondence should be sent to Forwarding Agent, J Fred Bayless, 2010 East 15th Street, Pueblo, Colorado, 81001. We are announcing their Furlough as "January thru July, 1964", as they will not arrive in the States in time to do any visiting during December. Any part of this you desire to use will be deeply appreciated by all of us concerned. You may know this, but one important phase of David's work has been with the Para Bible Institute (formerly Belem Bible Seminary). He teaches Life of Christ, Acts of Apostles, Music, English and has helped with the building program. They come home at close of this school-year (early December). The new school-year begins about March 1st so they will miss only one semester of the Institute classes while in the States, as the 2nd semester begins early in August. While David and Beverly are on Furlough, new missionaries, Stan and Donna Wohleni^us will live in their house and help as they can with the work. Wohlenhauses plan to arrive in Belem on November 8. Most of their first year will be taken up with study of the Portuguese language and learning the ways of the people and the needs they can supply_ In Christian love, PS: Check in amount of $5^00 enclosed: $3 and December at $1,50 perlmonth, $2.00 i rr red Bayless pays rental on Projector for November a gift to the work. JFB David is also on the Program of Ozark Bible College Convention (in February), speaking on the subject "The Evangelistic Power Is Weakened By Lukewarmness." Christ For The Amazon Valley^^^ i ^oNsoNce av RIDOeCREST CHRISTIAN CHURCH SQO KAarCHN AVKNUE, . K. AkSUOUEMPUE, NEW MEXICO Dear Friends in Christ: MR. & MRS. DAVID M. BAYLESS CAIXA FOBTAL BSB BELEM, PARA, BRAZII. renwARDiNa APCNT J FRED BAYLESS 2010 EatI tSrtiSlrBBf Putblo, Colorodo November 6, 1963 Just four years ago today we arrived in Brazil, eager to enter into the work to which the Lord had called us in Brazil, It is difficult to say just how much we have accomplished in these four years but they have been years in which we have seen the Churches grow in numbers and in spirit? and we have helped start Para Bible Institute, (formerly called Belem Bible Seminary), where the Brazilian young people can obtain training that will help them serve the Lord and His Church, We are thankful that we have had these four years in Brazil. You friends have made this possible. In just a few weeks we will be starting our first Furlough, leaving here early in December, to be in the States for about eight months. Our plans are to return to Brazil about August 1, 1964, to be here for the opening of the second semester at the Para Bible Institute, where I teach several classes. Thus we will miss out on only one semester of the Institute due to our Furlough. It is with mixed feelings that we plan our'return to the States. Since we have not seen our families and friends for over four years, we eagerly anticipate such reunion. On the other hand, we dislike to leave the people with whom we have been working in the Churches, the Institute, and other phases of the work. We love the people of Brazil and after four years among them we see all the more their deep need of the preaching of the Gospel that brings them the knowledge of God and His Son Jesus the Christ, We are happy to know that sometime today Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wohlenhaus are due to Arrive, with their two children, to live in our house and see about things here, as they study the language and prepare for their work in the Churches, Institute, etc. We were in college with Stan and Donna, at Ozark Bible College, Joplin, Missouri so we know than and are assured of their devotion to the work. Please join us in fervent prayer for the total work of the Lord in Brazil, Financial needs continue during the Furlou^, both for Living Link and Service PHind. You friends have stood by us thru these years splendidly. We thank God for you! Some friends have had to discontinue their giving. Thus we must seek some others to take their place while we are on Furlough. We ask your continued gifts and prayers, as we pray His blessing upon you. If you would like for us to visit you, please write to our Forwarding Agent, He is now making up Itinerary for Furlough visits. We may not be able to visit everyone we would like to, but we will visit every Church and Friend that is is possible for us to visit. Faithfully yours in Christ, / We hope soon to see you on Furlough! Sorry picture did not turn out better; our first electronic stencil; wrong kind of picture. Thank:, for sending inf on to Bro Harrold. I'm sending him one of these. JFB 4<L