This document provides an introduction and overview of using Excel spreadsheets. It discusses the layout of a spreadsheet including rows, columns, and cells. It describes some key features of Excel like automatic calculations, sorting data, and displaying information in graphs or charts. The document then provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform common spreadsheet tasks like entering data, editing cell contents, selecting ranges of cells, inserting and deleting rows/columns, and changing row and column sizes. The goal is to help users understand the basics of working with and navigating an Excel spreadsheet.
This document provides an introduction and overview of using Excel spreadsheets. It discusses the layout of a spreadsheet including rows, columns, and cells. It describes some key features of Excel like automatic calculations, sorting data, and displaying information in graphs or charts. The document then provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform common spreadsheet tasks like entering data, editing cell contents, selecting ranges of cells, inserting and deleting rows/columns, and changing row and column sizes. The goal is to help users understand the basics of working with and navigating an Excel spreadsheet.
This document provides an introduction and overview of using Excel spreadsheets. It discusses the layout of a spreadsheet including rows, columns, and cells. It describes some key features of Excel like automatic calculations, sorting data, and displaying information in graphs or charts. The document then provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform common spreadsheet tasks like entering data, editing cell contents, selecting ranges of cells, inserting and deleting rows/columns, and changing row and column sizes. The goal is to help users understand the basics of working with and navigating an Excel spreadsheet.
This document provides an introduction and overview of using Excel spreadsheets. It discusses the layout of a spreadsheet including rows, columns, and cells. It describes some key features of Excel like automatic calculations, sorting data, and displaying information in graphs or charts. The document then provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform common spreadsheet tasks like entering data, editing cell contents, selecting ranges of cells, inserting and deleting rows/columns, and changing row and column sizes. The goal is to help users understand the basics of working with and navigating an Excel spreadsheet.
The key takeaways are that Excel is a spreadsheet application used to store and manipulate data through formulas and functions. A spreadsheet consists of a grid of rows and columns that make up individual cells where data can be entered, including numbers, text, formulas and more. Common features of spreadsheets include automatic calculations, sorting of data, and presentation of information through graphs and charts.
A spreadsheet is an electronic table composed of rows and columns that store text and numbers. Excel is a spreadsheet application designed to help users create professional quality spreadsheets. Key features of Excel include automatic calculations, sorting of data, presentation of information through graphs and charts, and dynamic linking between cells and spreadsheets.
The components that make up the layout of a spreadsheet are rows, columns, and cells. Rows extend horizontally and are numbered. Columns extend vertically and are labeled with letters. Where a row and column intersect is a cell, identified by its cell address like E4. A cell can contain numeric values, text, formulas, dates or times.
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A spreadsheet is an electronic table composed of rows and columns that store text and numbers. Excel is a spreadsheet application package designed to help you create and use professional quality spreadsheets. The outstanding feature of a spreadsheet package is the effective way in which calculations are done. Excel makes it easy to manipulate numbers, by performing calculations, sorting data and presenting information in the form of graphs. Some of the special features available when using Excel are: Results are calculated automatically when using formulas and functions Results are recalculated automatically when data entries are changed Data can be displayed as graphs or charts Data can be sorted in ascending or descending order Modern spreadsheet packages offer functions with dynamic linking powers. Cells from one spreadsheet can be linked to that of another. This means that if data is altered in one spreadsheet it will automatically be updated in any other linked spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are mainly used in situations where calculations are required, as opposed to word processing where documents should merely be typed.
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Learning Outcomes 1: To understand the layout of a Spreadsheet Document Note: A spreadsheet document looks different from a word processing document. You have to understand the layout to be able to use the spreadsheet effectively.
The spreadsheet screen consists of rows and columns that form a grid of cells Rows extend horizontally across the screen and are numbered 1,2,3 etc Columns extend vertically across the screen and are A,B,C, etc Each position where a row and column intersects is called a cell. Each cell is identified by a cell address, e.g. the cell address E4 indicates the cell where column E crosses row 4. The information the cell contains is called the contents of the cell and can be any of the following: o Numeric values (any number); o Text (any combination of letters or special characters); o Formulas and/or functions (used for calculations) o Dates or times The following is an example of a spreadsheet: A B C D E 1 MYMONEY 2 BUDGET 1st Term 2006 3 Description Jan Feb March Total 4 Snacks 50 60 70 180 5 Movies 60 60 60 180 6 Travel 20 30 35 85 7 TOTAL 130 150 165 245
In this example: Row 1&2 contain the heading for the document Row 3 contains the headings for each of columns Row 4,5 and 6 contain the data for the individual budget items
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Row 7 contain the totals of each column The cells B4,C4 and D4 contain the amounts budgeted for snacks for the months January, February and March Cell E5 contains the total expenses budgeted for movies for the period January- March. NB: A Spreadsheet is also called a workbook. A workbook can consist of a number of different worksheets, i.e. like different pages in a book.
Exercise 1 Consider the example given above. Write down the cell contents of each of the following cells: B3; C5; D6; and A7.
End of Practice
Learning Outcomes 2: To Activate Excel Note: To use the Excel programme, you must open (activate) the application. There is more than one way of doing it.
Click the - Start button - Select Programmes - Select Microsoft Excel OR Click on the Microsoft Icon on the desktop:
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Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet
The following screen will appear:
Learning Outcomes 3: To explore the excel screen Note: In order to create a spreadsheet it is necessary to become familiar with the Excel window and worksheet elements
You will find that working in Excel is in many ways similar to working in Word, even though there are some functions that are specific to working with spreadsheets. The following appear and work the same in both Word and Excel: The Menu Bar, Standard Tool Bar ,Title Bar, Formatting Tool Bar and Status Bar
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The following are unique to Excel: The Formula Bar displays the cell reference address and the contents of the cell :
Rows extend horizontally across the screen and are numbered 1,2,3 etc Columns extend vertically across the screen and are A,B,C, etc Each position where a row and column intersects is called a cell. Each cell is identified by a cell address, e.g. the cell address E4 indicates the cell where column E crosses row 4. An Active Cell is the framed cell See this picture for the above:
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A workbook consists of a number of Sheets (pages).To move from one sheet to the other, you click on the sheet tags at the bottom of the spreadsheet. You can name the sheets as you like. (To copy or rename a sheet, Right click on the sheet. Make your selection e.g. Select move or copy and tick create a copy. Select rename give it a new name.). Learning Outcomes 4: Working with Worksheets/Sheets
Note: An Excel workbook is like a notebook that can consist of different sheets. Sheets allow you to organise and categorise your work in a logical manner. A workbook is automatically created with three worksheets. You can add,delete,rename or copy worksheet
4.1 To insert a new sheet
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Right click on any Sheet - Tab: e.g. Sheet 1
4.2 To insert, Delete Rename, Move or Copy
Right click on the sheet tab you need, and select the command you need.
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Learning Outcomes 5: Entering Data into a Spreadsheet
Note: You can move from cell to cell using the Enter-key, Tab-key or any of the arrow keys. To enter: 1.4.1 Text-Type any alphabetical letter or the special character () in front of numbers. These will be left aligned in the cell and will not be used in any calculations. 1.4.2 Numbers-In the required cell type any digit .These are right aligned in the cells
1.4.3 Formulas and Functions start the formula with = or + Never: Use comma (,) for decimal. Use full stop (.). (e.g. 1.2333 not 1,2333) Type R in front of a number, this will be read as text. Format the cell to include currency Use a spacewhen typing values (e.g. 23678 not 23 678) Learning Outcomes 6: Editing (or changing) Cell Contents Note: You can edit(or change) the contents of a cell at any time 1.5.1 To correct a mistake whilst typing Use backspace 1.5.2 To replace the contents of a cell - click on the cell and type the new information 1.5.3 To change parts of the contents of a cell In the formula bar use backspace, delete and arrow keys to get the position you need to change. Type the required information. 1.5.4 To erase the contents of a cell in the required cell, click the Delete Key
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Learning Outcomes 7: Highlighting (Marking or Selecting a Range) Note: You can highlight a specific section of the cells in a spreadsheet. The highlighted section is called a range, and is named by referring to the top most left cell in the black and the bottom most right cell in the block To select a cell, click on the cell To select a block, click-and-drag it by clicking on the cell in the top most left corner, holding down the left mouse button, moving to the cell in the bottom most right corner and releasing the mouse button To select non-adjacent cells ( a selection consisting of more than one block of cells that are not connected), select the first block and then hold down the CTRL-key while you click to select other cells. To select a complete row, click on the row number To select a complete column, click on the column letter To select the entire workbook, click on the position between the first row and the first column. To cancel a selection, click anywhere outside the selection. Learning Outcomes 8: Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns Note: You can insert rows and columns or delete them
1.7.1 To insert rows or columns Place the cursor in any cell where the row or column is required Click on Insert Select Row or Column.
1.5.5 To delete rows or columns Place the cursor in any cell in the row/column to be removed - Right click the mouse Select Delete Select either Entire Row or Entire Column as required Click on OK
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Learning Outcomes 9: Changing the height and width of rows and columns Note: You can change the width of columns and the height of rows
1.8.1 To set the column width by dragging and dropping Move the cursor to the column headers, i.e. between column A and B. The large mouse marker will change to a two way arrow Press the left mouse button down and click and drag the column border to the right to increase it, or to the left to decrease it. 1.8.2 To set the height or a row by dragging and dropping Move the cursor to the position between the two row indicators on the left of the screen, e.g. between row 1 and row 2 The large mouse marker will change to a two way arrow Press the left mouse button down and click-and-drag the row border downwards to increase it, or upwards to decrease it.
1.1 Practice Exercise 1.1 1. Key in the spreadsheet as it appears 2. Adapt the column widths where necessary 3. Save the document as BANKING. NAME QUESTION 3A
Banking Transactions
Jan Feb April 2004 2004 2004 Bank Charges Service Fees 20 30 50 ATM Charges 15 25 45 Stop Orders 10 20 40 Debit Orders 10 20 40
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Exercise 1.2 1. Retrieve the spreadsheet BANKING 2. Edit the spreadsheet as follows: 2.1 Change the question number to 3B 2.2 Banking Transactions must appear in bold capital letters 2.3 Bank Charges must appear in capital letters and it must be underlined 2.4 The column headings Jan and Feb must appear in full January and February 2.5 The column headings must change to Italic and it must be centered in the column 2.6 Insert a new column with heading March between February and April 2.7 Delete the row under Banking Transactions 3. Save the document as BANKING.
Learning Outcomes 10: Formatting Cell Contents
Note: Cell values can be displayed in different ways, e.g. Currency, Percentage, Dates, Times etc. Formatting can either be done global, in which case it is relevant to the entire spreadsheet, or it can be specified to be applied to a selected range.
Highlight the range to be formatted Click on Format Select Cells Click on Number - Select the Format Tab you need (e.g Number, Alignment etc).
1.2 Practice
Exercise 1.3 1. Create the following spreadsheet exactly as it appears below 2. Adjust the column width when necessary. Format the cells individually to display the different format for DATES and TIMES as indicated
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3. Save the documents as TIMETABLE and print the documents
QUESTION 3 NAME: EXAMINATION TIMETABLE DAY DATE TIME SUBJECT Monday 1 December 2004 09h00 Sesotho 1 st paper Monday 2004-12-01 11:00 Sesotho 2 nd paper Wednesday 3- Dec-04 9:00 AM English 1 st paper Wednesday December 3,2004 1:00 pm Maths 1 Thursday 12/04/04 9:00 Maths 2
Learning Outcomes 11: Understanding basic Functions and Formulas
Note: Calculations in Excel are done by using formulas and functions. They are typed in the cell where the result of the calculation must be dispalyed
11.1 Important terminology A formula/function always starts with a prefix, i.e a character that distinguishes it from ordinary text. The most commonly used prefixes are + and = Operators are used to indicate arithmetic calculations i.e. + addition _ subtraction * multiplication / division Cell addresses are letters and numbers that refer to a cells location in the spreadsheet i.e A9, B4 etc. A range of cells is a reference that indicates a continuous block of cells i.e A1:B20 indicates all the cells from cell A1 to Cell B20
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A constant is a fixed number used in calculations e.g interest rate 11.2 Functions and Formulas
Functions are predefined modules that are built into the spreadsheet and can be used to do calculations. Most functions consist of a prefix, function name and range. An example of a function is: = sum (B1:B7) meaning {add all entries between B1 and B7}
There is a wide variety of functions available. A function can be either created by typing it in or be selected by clicking on the Insert Function button and selecting the function needed.
Formulas are arithmetic expressions that consist of a prefix,operators, relevant cell addresses and/or constants. Formulas could also include functions. An example of a formula is: =C5+D3/5
NB: You are allowed to use brackets to ensure the correct sequence of calculations.
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e.g.: = ((C5+D3)/5*20) will add and then devide by 5 and multiply by 20 which will have a different answer to: = C5+D3/5*20
NB.: If you know the cell addresses, you can type in the formula of function without using the mouse to do selections.
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Learning Outcomes 12: Copying Functions and Formulas
Note: It often happens that the same formula/function is used repeatedly in a spreadsheet. Formulas and functions can be copied like any other cell, which means that it is not necessary to retype the formula/function at every position where it will be used. 12.1 Relative Cell references When formulas or functions are copied, the cell references are changed relative to their position i. In the following example the function used in cell B6 to calculate the total expenses for one month is :=sum(B3:B5). When this function is copied to cell D6, where you want it to work out the total expenses for another month, Excel automatically changes the function to: =sum(D3;D5).In this case you have used relative cell references, i.e. the cell references change as it is copied
To copy a function/formula down or across a range of cells: Click the cell that has the formula Go to the bottom right end of active cell Find a thin cross Click and drag it through the range
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IMPORTANT NOTES: The following error messages can appear in a cell to show that the function or formula could not be calculated.
ERROR MESSAGE REASON SOLUTION ####### Column is not wide enough, or a negative date or time is used. 1. Increase the width of the column 2. apply a different number format #DIV/0! Division by zero or division by a cell with no value Change the divisor to a number other than zero or replace a blank cell with a value. #NUM! There is a problem with the number e.g. Trying to calculate a square root of a negative number. Or when you enter R1, 000, where the number 1000 is expected in the formula. Make sure the arguments used in the function are numbers #REF! The formulas refers to a cell which does not exist- happens when a cell is deleted 1. Change the formulas 2. Restore the cells on the worksheet by clicking Undo immediately after you delete or paste the cells. #VALUE! Occurs when the wrong type of argument or operand is used e.g. when trying to do calculations using a cell that contains text.
#NAME? Occurs when Microsoft Excel doesnt recognize text in a formula 1. Correct the spelling. Insert the correct function name into the formula by clicking Function on the Insert menu. 2. Enclose text in the formula in double quotation marks. 3. Make sure all range references in the formula use a colon(:) ; for example, SUM(A1;C10)
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Capturing Data and running month-end on the Excel Patient Register 1. Enter all the patient information from the data capturing tool NB: (Make sure all information is correct) 2. Enter information only in the cells that are specified for it, noting the format if specified) (e.g. if date is specified to be yyyy,mm,dd; do not enter dd;mm;yyyy) 3. Do not enter data where there are formulas, this will change your register and cause problems at the end. 4. Follow the following steps to run the month end/new month processes: a. Open the previous months patient register b. Go to HBC STATS sheet. Row # 32-(total to be carried forward to next month) and write down or copy all the numbers.
c. Enter the numbers carried forward in Row 4-HBC STATS Sheet of new month d. Save the document for the month you are working with (e.g.: Patients May 2010). e. Go to HBC STATS sheet .Enter the numbers you carried forward; into row #4 (totals carried forward from last month). f. In HBC REGISTER Sheet go to the STATUS column, filter
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all rows with exits. (RIP, NR, D and ND); and delete the rows NB: (Make sure you delete the whole row, not just parts of it). g. Unfilter NB:(Always remember to unfilter before going on to doing other things) h. Go to STATUS column again. Change all New patients from last month (N ) to old patients (O). NB:(Make sure you only have status=O) i. Go to HBC FORMULA SHEET to refresh the formulas. This will remove all rows with #REF and #VALUE. -Highlight the data in the whole 1 st row -find the thin cross in the last cells bottom right corner - double click on it or drag it to the last row of data NB:( this copies the formulas throughout the spreadsheet) j. Enter all new patient details.(STATUS=N) NB: Make sure you use the right codes (e.g. DIAGNOSIS: HIV=1;Black=B etc). k. Save your document l. Go to HBC STATS sheet, and make sure all the numbers highlighted in pink are the same. This means your register is balanced. NB: (DO NOT CHANGE THE NUMBERS MANUALY AND DELETE FORMULAS) 5. E-mail the patient register to the M&E officer, by the 25 of every month NB: DO NOT SEND A REGISTER THAT DOES NOT BALANCE.ASK M&E OFFICER FOR HELP IF YOUR NUMBERS DO NOT BALANCE.
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Common Errors on Patient Register and Solutions
ERROR SOLUTION Pink numbers do not balance Check what total does not balance with others, and correct. e.g if it is diagnosis(H18) , then check the diagnosis column in HBC Register FOR ANY ERRORS New patients row (Row 11) has zeroes or less numbers than expected a) Check that you have put N in Status column for all the new patients you entered. b) Make sure you have removed filters because all new patients will be entered at bottom rows that may not be having formulas c) Check that your formulas are refreshed cause deleted rows will interfere with the continuity. Pink Numbers for Total Patients(Row 12) does not balance with other pink numbers. a) Check your numbers carried forward from last month. b) Check that no extra patients that may be hidden at bottom far rows are being counted Total number of males/females in category or diagnosis does not equal in the overall patient total Check the Gender column. Make sure all genders are entered and there are no spaces before the letters. ( e.g. space F will not count) Entries after a certain row do not get counted Check that you have refreshed your formulas Nothing seems to be working that you are trying a) Phone your M&E officer and explain clearly what the problem is. b) Start with last months register or the last register that was working properly and start the new month process again.