Waste Water Treatment
Waste Water Treatment
Waste Water Treatment
Because some
of this water becomes contaminated, it requires treatment before discharge (Figure 37-1).
Improvements in determining the effects of industrial waste discharges have led to the
adoption of stringent environmental laws, which define the degree of treatment necessary to
protect water quality. Discharge permits, issued under the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES), regulate the amount of pollutants that an industry can return to
the water source. The permitted quantities are designed to ensure that other users of the
water will have a source that meets their needs, whether these needs are for municipal water
supply, industrial or agricultural uses, or fishing and recreation. Consideration is given to the
feasibility of removing a pollutant, as well as the natural assimilative capacity of the receiving
stream. This assimilative capacity varies with the type and amount of pollutant.
Wastewater treatment plants are designed to convert liquid wastes into an acceptable final
effluent and to dispose of solids removed or generated during the process. In most cases,
treatment is required for both suspended and dissolved contaminants. Special processes are
required for the removal of certain pollutants, such as phosphorus or heavy metals.
Wastewater can be recycled for reuse in plant processes to reduce disposal requirements
(Figure 37-2). This practice also reduces water consumption.
Organic Compounds
The amount of organic material that can be discharged safely is defined by the effect of the
material on the dissolved oxygen level in the water. Organisms in the water use the organic
matter as a food source. In a biochemical reaction, dissolved oxygen is consumed as the end
products of water and carbon dioxide are formed. Atmospheric oxygen can replenish the
dissolved oxygen supply, but only at a slow rate. When the organic load causes oxygen
consumption to exceed this resupply, the dissolved oxygen level drops, leading to the death of
fish and other aquatic life. Under extreme conditions, when the dissolved oxygen
concentration reaches zero, the water may turn black and produce foul odors, such as the
"rotten egg" smell of hydrogen sulfide. Organic compounds are normally measured as
chemical oxygen demand (COD) or biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential to the growth of plants and other organisms. However,
nitrogen compounds can have the same effect on a water source as carbon-containing organic
compounds. Certain organisms use nitrogen as a food source and consume oxygen.
Phosphorus is a concern because of algae blooms that occur in surface waters due to its
presence. During the day, algae produce oxygen through photosynthesis, but at night they
consume oxygen.
Solids discharged with a waste stream may settle immediately at the discharge point or may
remain suspended in the water. Settled solids cover the bottom-dwelling organisms, causing
disruptions in population and building a reservoir of oxygen-consuming materials. Suspended
solids increase the turbidity of the water, thereby inhibiting light transmittance. Deprived of a
light source, photosynthetic organisms die. Some solids can coat fish gills and cause
Acids and Alkalies
The natural buffering system of a water source is exhausted by the discharge of acids and
alkalies. Aquatic life is affected by the wide swings in pH as well as the destruction of
bicarbonate alkalinity levels.
Certain metals are toxic and affect industrial, agricultural, and municipal users of the water
source. Metals can cause product quality problems for industrial users. Large quantities of
discharged salts necessitate expensive removal by downstream industries using the receiving
stream for boiler makeup water.
Various physical methods may be used for the removal of wastewater contaminants that are
insoluble in water, such as suspended solids, oil, and grease. Ordinarily, water-soluble
contaminants are chemically converted to an insoluble form to allow removal by physical
methods. Essentially, biological waste treatment is this conversion of soluble contaminants to
insoluble forms.
Gravity Separation
Most waste treatment systems employ a gravity separation step for suspended particle or oil
The settling rate of a particle is defined in terms of "free" versus "hindered" settling. A free
settling particle's motion is not affected by that of other particles, the vessel's walls, or
turbulent currents. A particle has a hindered settling rate if there is any interference from
these effects.
The free settling of a discrete particle in a rising fluid can be described as the resolution of
several forces-gravity, the drag exerted on the particle, and the buoyant force as described by
Archimedes' principle. The particle's velocity increases until it reaches a terminal velocity as
determined by these forces. The terminal velocity is then:
v = velocity, ft/sec
g = gravitation constant, ft/sec
= mass of the particle, lb
= density of the particle, lb/ft
= density of the fluid, lb/ft
= cross sectional area of the particle ex-posed to the direction of motion, ft
= drag coefficient, a function of particle geometry
Gravity settling is employed primarily for removal of inorganic suspended solids, such as grit
and sand. Therefore, in the approximation of the drag coefficient, it is assumed that particles
are spherical. Further, if a Reynolds number of less than 2.0 is assumed, the settling velocity of
a discrete particle can be described by Stokes' settling equation:
V =
- r
= particle diameter, ft
= fluid viscosity, lb/ft-sec
The terminal velocity of a particle in the "free" settling zone is a function of its diameter, the
density difference between the particle and the fluid, and the fluid viscosity.
The equipment employed for gravity separation for waste treatment is normally either a
rectangular basin with moving bottom scrapers for solids removal or a circular tank with a
rotating bottom scraper. Rectangular tanks are normally sized to decrease horizontal fluid
velocity to approximately 1 ft/min. Their lengths are three to five times their width, and their
depths are 3-8 ft.
Circular clarifiers (see Figure 37-3) are ordinarily sized according to surface area, because
velocity must be reduced below the design particle's terminal velocity. The typical design
provides a rise rate of 600-800 gpd/ft
When wastewater contains appreciable amounts of hydrocarbons, removal of these
contaminants becomes a problem. Oil is commonly lower in density than water; therefore, if it
is not emulsified, it can be floated in a separate removal stage or in a dual-purpose vessel that
allows sedimentation of solids. For example, the refining industry uses a rectangular clarifier
with a surface skimmer for oil and a bottom rake for solids as standard equipment. This design,
specified by the American Petroleum Institute, is designated as an API separator. The basic
principles govern-ing the separation of oil from water by gravity differential are also expressed
by Stokes' Law.
Air Flotation
Where the density differential is not sufficient to separate oil and oil-wetted solids, air
flotation may be used to enhance oil removal. In this method, air bubbles are attached to the
contaminant particles, and thus the apparent density difference between the particles is
Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a method of introducing air to a side stream or recycle stream at
elevated pressures in order to create a supersaturated stream. When this stream is introduced
into the waste stream, the pressure is reduced to atmospheric, and the air is released as small
bubbles. These bubbles attach to contaminants in the waste, decreasing their effective density
and aiding in their separation.
The most important operational parameters for contaminant removal by dissolved air flotation
air pressure
recycle or slip stream flow rate
influent total suspended solids (TSS) including oil and grease
bubble size
Air pressure, recycle, and influent TSS are normally related in an air-to-solids (A/S) ratio
expressed as:
A/S =
K = a constant, approximately 1.3
= the solubility of air at standard conditions, mL/L
f = air dissolved/Sa, usually 0.5-0.8
P = operating pressure, atm
R = recycle rate, gpm
SS = influent suspended solids, mg/L
Q = wastewater flow, gpm
The A/S ratio is most important in determining effluent TSS. Recycle flow and pressure can be
varied to maintain an optimal A/S ratio. Typical values are 0.02-0.06.
In a DAF system, the supersaturated stream may be the entire influent, a slip stream, fresh
water, or a recycle stream. Recycle streams are most common, because pressurization of a
high- solids stream through a pump stabilizes and disperses oil and oil-wetted solids.
As in gravity settling, air flotation units are designed for a surface loading rate that is a function
of the waste flow and rise velocity of the contaminants floated by air bubbles. The retention
time is a function of tank depth.
DAF units can be rectangular in design but are usually circular, resembling a primary clarifier or
thickener. They are often single-stage units.
Induced air flotation (IAF) is another method of decreasing particle density by attaching air
bubbles to the particles; however, the method of generating the air bubbles differs. A
mechanical action is employed to create the air bubbles and their contact with the waste
contaminants. The most common methods use high-speed agitators or recycle a slip stream
through venturi nozzles to entrain air into the wastewater.
In contrast to DAF units, IAF units are usually rectangular and incorporate four or more air
flotation stages in series. The retention time per stage is significantly less than in DAF circular
As in gravity settling, the diameter of the particle plays an important role in separation.
Polyelectrolytes may be used to increase effective particle diameters. Polymers are also used
to destabilize oil-water emulsions, thereby allowing the free oil to be separated from the
water. Polymers do this by charge neutralization, which destabilizes an oil globule surface and
allows it to contact other oil globules and air bubbles. Emulsion breakers, surfactants, or
surface-active agents are also used in air flotation to destabilize emulsions and increase the
effectiveness of the air bubbles.
Filtration is employed in waste treatment wherever suspended solids must be removed. In
practice, filtration is most often used to polish wastewater following treatment. In primary
waste treatment, filters are often employed to remove oil and suspended solids prior to
biological treatment. More commonly, filters are used following biological treatment, prior to
final discharge or reuse.
Filters used for waste treatment may be designed with single-, dual-, or multimedia and may
be of the pressure or gravity type.
pH Adjustment-Chemical Precipitation
Often, industrial wastewaters contain high concentrations of metals, many of which are
soluble at a low pH.
Adjustment of pH precipitates these metals as metal oxides or metal hydroxides. The pH must
be carefully controlled to minimize the solubility of the contaminant. As shown in Figure 37-4,
some compounds, such as zinc, are amphoteric and redissolve at a high pH. Chemicals used for
pH adjustment include lime, sodium hydroxide, and soda ash.
Chemical precipitation of soluble ions often occurs as the result of pH adjustment.
Contaminants are removed either by chemical reaction leading to precipitation or by
adsorption of ions on an already formed precipitate.
Biological Oxidation-Biochemical Reactions
One of the most common ways to convert soluble organic matter to insoluble matter is
through biological oxidation. Soluble organics metabolized by bacteria are converted to carbon
dioxide and bacterial floc, which can be settled from solution.
Various microorganisms feed on dissolved and suspended organic compounds. This natural
biodegradation can occur in streams and lakes. If the assimilative capacity of the stream is
surpassed, the reduced oxygen content can cause asphyxiation of fish and other higher life
forms. This natural ability of microorganisms to break down complex organics can be
harnessed to remove materials within the confines of the waste plant, making wastewater safe
for discharge.
The biodegradable contaminants in water are usually measured in terms of biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD). BOD is actually a measure of the oxygen consumed by microorganisms
as they assimilate organics.
Bacteria metabolize oxygen along with certain nutrients and trace metals to form cellular
matter, energy, carbon dioxide, water, and more bacteria. This process may be represented in
the form of a chemical reaction:
Food (organic Cellular matter
+ Microorganisms
+ Oxygen
+ Nutrients
+ Microorganisms
+ Carbon dioxide
+ Water
+ Energy
The purity of the water depends on minimizing the amount of "food" (organic compounds)
that remains after treatment. Therefore, biological waste treatment facilities are operated to
provide an environment that will maximize the health and metabolism of microorganisms. An
integral part of the biological process is the conversion of soluble organic material into
insoluble materials for subsequent removal (Figure 37-5). An overview of factors involved in
biological oxidation is given in Table 37-1.
Open Lagoon Biological Oxidation
Where organic loads are low and sufficient land area is available, open lagoons may be used
for biological treatment. Lagoons provide an ideal habitat for microorganisms. Natural
infiltration of oxygen is sufficient for biological oxidation if the organic loading is not too
high.However, mechanical aeration (Figure 37-6) is often used to increase the ability to handle
a higher loading.
Lagoons are nothing more than long-term retention basins. Ordinarily shallow in depth, they
depend on surface area, wind, and wave action for oxygen transfer from the atmosphere.
Depending on the influent BOD loading and oxygen transfer, lagoons may be aerobic or
anaerobic. Lagoons are used primarily for low BOD wastes or as polishing units after other
biological operations.
Aerated Lagoons. As BOD loading increases, naturally occurring surface oxygen transfer
becomes insufficient to sustain aerobic bacteria. It then becomes necessary to control the
environment artificially by supplying supplemental oxygen. Oxygen, as air, is introduced either
by mechanical agitators or by blowers and subsurface aerators. Because energy must be
expended, the efficiency of the oxygen transfer is a consideration. Therefore, although
unaerated lagoons are typically 3-5 ft deep, allowing large surface areas for natural transfer,
aerated lagoons are usually 10-15 ft deep in order to provide a longer, more difficult path for
oxygen to escape unconsumed. Aerated lagoons also operate with higher dissolved oxygen
Facultative Lagoons. Lagoons without mechanical aeration are usually populated by facultative
organisms. These organisms have the ability to survive with or without oxygen. A lagoon
designed specifically to be facultative is slightly deeper than an unaerated lagoon. Influent
suspended solids and solids created by the metabolism of the aerobic bacteria settle to the
bottom of the lagoon where they undergo further decomposition in an anaerobic
Activated Sludge Oxidation
According to the reaction presented previously, control of contaminant oxidation at high BOD
loadings requires a bacteria population that is equal to the level of food. This need is the basis
for the activated sludge process.
In the activated sludge process, reactants, food, and microorganisms are mixed in a controlled
environment to optimize BOD removal. The process incorporates the return of concentrated
microorganisms to the influent waste.
When bacteria are separated from wastewater leaving an aeration basin and reintroduced to
the influent, they continue to thrive. The recirculated bacteria continue to oxidize wastewater
contaminants, and if present in sufficient quantity, produce a relatively low BOD effluent
Because the activated sludge process incorporates the return of concentrated microorganisms,
it must include a process for microorganism concentration and removal. This process includes
an aeration stage and a sedimentation stage (Figure 37-7). Because suspended solids are
considered wastewater contaminants, the sedimentation stage accomplishes two functions:
concentration of bacteria and removal of solids.
The operating parameters that affect the performance of any activated sludge process are
BOD, microorganisms, dissolved oxygen, retention time, nutrient concentration, and the
external influences of temperature and pH. In order to understand the various activated sludge
designs, it is necessary to examine the relationship between available food and bacteria
If a seed culture of bacteria is introduced into a fixed amount of food, the conditions shown in
Figure 37-8 are created. Initially, excess food is present; therefore, the bacteria reproduce in a
geometric fashion. This is termed the "log growth phase." As the population increases and
food decreases, a plateau is reached in population. From the inflection point on the curve to
the plateau, population is increasing but at a decreasing rate. This is called the "declining
growth phase." Once the plateau is crossed, the bacteria are actively competing for the
remaining food. The bacteria begin to metabolize stored materials, and the population
decreases. This area of the curve is termed "endogenous respiration." Eventually, the bacteria
population and BOD are at a minimum.
Because activated sludge is a continuous, steady-state process, each plant operates at some
specific point on this curve, as determined by the oxidation time provided. The point of
operation determines the remaining bacteria population and BOD effluent.
Optimization of an activated sludge plant requires the integration of mechanical, operational,
and chemical approaches for the most practical overall program. Mechanical problems can
include excessive hydraulic loading, insufficient aeration, and short-circuiting. Operational
problems may include spills and shock loads, pH shocks, failure to maintain correct mixed
liquor concentration, and excessive sludge retention in the clarifier.
Various chemical treatment programs are described below. Table 37-2 presents a comparison
of various treatment schemes.
Sedimentation. Because activated sludge depends on microorganism recirculation,
sedimentation is a key stage. The settleability of the biomass is a crucial factor. As bacteria
multiply and generate colonies, they excrete natural biopolymers. These polymers and the
slime layer that encapsulates the bacteria influence the flocculation and settling characteristics
of bacteria colonies. It has been determined empirically that the natural settleability of
bacteria colonies is also a function of their position on the time chart represented in Figure 37-
8. Newly formed colonies in the log growth phase are relatively non-settleable. At the end of
the declining growth phase and the first part of the endogenous phase, natural flocculation is
at an optimum. As the endogenous phase continues, colonies break up and floc particles are
dispersed, decreasing the biomass settleability.
Although microbes are eventually able to break down most complex organics and can tolerate
very poor environments, they are very intolerant of sudden changes in pH, dissolved oxygen,
and the organic compounds that normally upset an activated sludge system. These upsets
normally result in poor BOD removal and excessive carryover of suspended solids (unsettled
microorganisms) in the final effluent.
Aeration. Aeration is a critical stage in the activated sludge process. Several methods of
aeration are used:
High Rate Aeration. High rate aeration operates in the log growth phase. Excess food is
provided, by recirculation, to the biomass population. Therefore, the effluent from this design
contains appreciable levels of BOD (i.e., the oxidation process is not carried to completion).
Further, the settling characteristics of the biomass produced are poor. High sludge return rates
are necessary to offset poor settling and to maintain the relatively high biomass population.
Poor settling increases the suspended solids content of the effluent. The relatively poor
effluent produced limits this design to facilities which need only pretreatment before
discharge to a municipal system. The advantage of high rate aeration is low capital investment
(i.e., smaller tanks and basins due to the short oxidation time).
Conventional Aeration. The most common activated sludge design used by municipalities and
industry operates in the endogenous phase, in order to produce an acceptable effluent in BOD
and TSS levels. Conventional aeration represents a "middle of the road" approach because its
capital and operating costs are higher than those of the high rate process, but lower than
those of the extended aeration plants. As shown in Figure 37-8, the conventional plant
operates in the area of the BOD curve where further oxidation time produces little reduction in
BOD. Natural flocculation is optimum, so the required sedimentation time for removal of
suspended solids from the effluent is minimized.
Extended Aeration. Extended aeration plants operate in the endogenous phase, but use longer
periods of oxidation to reduce effluent BOD levels. This necessitates higher capital and
operating costs (i.e., larger basins and more air). In conjunction with lower BOD, extended
aeration produces a relatively high suspended solids effluent when optimum natural settling
ranges are exceeded.
Extended aeration designs may be necessary to meet effluent BOD requirements when the
influent is relatively concentrated in BOD or the wastes are difficult to biodegrade. Because
extended aeration operates on the declining side of the biomass population curve, net
production of excess solids is minimized, as shown in Table 37-3. Therefore, savings in sludge
handling and disposal costs may offset the higher plant capital and operating costs required for
extended aeration.
Step Aeration/Tapered Aeration. In a plug flow basin, the head of the basin receives the waste
in its most concentrated form. Therefore, metabolism and oxygen demand are greatest at that
point. As the waste proceeds through the basin, the rate of oxygen uptake (respiration rate)
decreases, reflecting the advanced stage of oxidation.
Tapered aeration and step aeration reduce this inherent disadvantage. Tapered aeration
provides more oxygen at the head of the basin and slowly reduces oxygen supply to match
demand as the waste flows through the basin. This results in better control of the oxidation
process and reduced air costs.
Step aeration modifies the introduction of influent waste. The basin is divided into several
stages, and raw influent is introduced to each stage proportionately. All return microorganisms
(sludge) are introduced at the head of the basin. This design reduces aeration time to 3-5 hr,
while BOD removal efficiency is maintained. The shorter aeration time reduces capital
expenses because a smaller basin can be used. Operating costs are similar to those of a
conventional plant.
Contact Stabilization. Due to the highly efficient sorptive capabilities of activated biomass, the
time necessary for the biomass to "capture" the colloidal and soluble BOD is approximately 30
min to 1 hr. Oxidation of fresh food requires the normal aeration time of 4-8 hr. In the contact
stabilization design, relatively quick sorption time reduces aeration tank volume requirements.
The influent waste is mixed with return biomass in the initial aeration tank (or contact tank) for
30-90 min. The entire flow goes to sedimentation, where the biomass and its captured
organics are separated and returned to a reaeration tank. In the reaeration tank the wastes
undergo metabolism at a high biomass population. The system is designed to reduce tank
volume by containing the large majority of flow for a short period of time.
This process is not generally as efficient in BOD removal as the conventional plant process, due
to mixing limitations in the contact basin. Operating costs are equivalent. Due to the
unstabilized state of the biomass at sedimentation, flocculation is inferior. Suspended solids in
the effluent are problematic.
Because this design exposes only a portion of the active biomass to the raw effluent at a time,
it is less susceptible to feed variations and toxicants. For this reason it can be beneficial for
treatment of industrial wastes.
Pure Oxygen Sludge Processes. Oxygen supply and transfer often become limiting factors in
industrial waste treatment. As the name implies, pure oxygen activated sludge processes
supply oxygen (90-99% O2) to the biomass instead of air. The increased partial pressure
increases transfer rates and provides several advantages. Comparable or higher BOD removal
efficiencies are maintained at higher BOD influent loadings and shorter retention times.
Generally, aeration time is 2-3 hr. A further advantage is the production of lower net solids per
pound of BOD removed. Therefore, sludge disposal costs are reduced.
The units are usually enclosed. Normally, three or four concrete box stages in series are
provided for aeration. The raw wastewater, return biomass, and pure oxygen enter the first
stage. Wastewater passes from stage to stage in the underflow.
The atmosphere flows over the open surface of each stage to the last stage, from which it is
vented to control the oxygen content. Oxygen purity and the demand for oxygen decline
through the stages. Each stage contains a mechanical agitator for mixing and oxygen transfer.
By design, each stage is completely mixed. After aeration, the waste flows to a conventional
sedimentation stage. BOD and TSS removals are usually somewhat better than in a
conventional aeration system.
Chemical Treatment Programs. The following additives represent a variety of chemical
programs that may be used to address problems and improve system efficiency.
Essential Nutrients. Nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, may be added to ensure
complete digestion of organic contaminants.
Polymers. Polymer feeding improves the settling of suspended solids. Cationic polymers can
increase the settling rate of bacterial floc and improve capture of dispersed floc and cell
fragments. This more rapid concentration of solids minimizes the volume of recycle flow so
that the oxygen content of the sludge is not depleted. Further, the wasted sludge is usually
more concentrated and requires less treatment for eventual dewatering. Polymers may also be
used on a temporary basis to improve the removal of undesirable organisms, such as
filamentous bacteria or yeast infestations, that cause sludge bulking or carryover of floating
clumps of sludge.
Oxidizing Agents. Peroxide, chlorine, or other agents may be used for the selective oxidation
of troublesome filamentous bacteria.Antifoam Agents. Antifoam agents may be used to
control excessive foam.
Coagulants. In addition to antifoam agents, coagulants may be fed continuously to improve
efficiency, or to address particularly difficult conditions. They may also be used intermittently
to compensate for hydraulic peak loads or upset conditions.
Fixed Media Biological Oxidation
In contrast to activated sludge, in which the bio-mass is in a fluid state, fixed media oxidation
passes influent wastewater across a substructure laden with fixed biomass. The parameters for
healthy microorganisms remain the same, except the manner in which food and
microorganisms come into contact.
Fixed media designs allow a biological slime layer to grow on a substructure continually
exposed to raw wastewater. As the slime layer grows in thickness, oxygen transfer to the
innermost layers is impeded. Therefore, mixed media designs develop aerobic, facultative, and
anaerobic bacteria as a function of the thickness of the slime layer. Eventually, either because
of size and wastewater shear or the death of the microorganisms, some of the slime layer
sloughs off. In a continuous process, this constantly sloughing material is carried to a
sedimentation stage, where it is removed. There are no provisions to recycle the
microorganisms, because return sludge would plug the fixed media structure. In fact, media
plugging and lack of oxygen transfer are the primary difficulties encountered with fixed media
designs. Plugging problems can be alleviated by increased wastewater shear. This is normally
accomplished by recycling of a portion of the effluent wastewater.
Trickling Filters. Trickling filters are not really filters but a filter-like form of fixed media
oxidation. Wastewater is sprayed over a bed of stones, 3-5 in. in diameter. Bed depths range
from 5 to 7 ft. Because air contact is the sole means of oxygen transfer, microorganisms
become more oxygen deficient as depth increases.
Trickling filters can be classified by hydraulic loading as low-rate, high-rate, or roughing. Due to
inherent oxygen transfer difficulties, even low rate filters cannot achieve the BOD removal
possible in conventional activated sludge systems. Industrial trickling filters are usually
followed by an activated sludge unit. They may be used as a pretreatment step before
discharge to a municipal sewage system.
Biological Towers. Another form of fixed media filter uses synthetic materials in grid fashion as
a substructure for biological growth. The high porosity available with artificially designed
media alleviates the oxygen transfer problems of trickling filters and allows greater bed
depths. Bed depths of up to 20 ft with adequate oxygen allow longer contact and consequently
better BOD removal.
Biodiscs. Biodiscs are a recently developed form of fixed media oxidation. The media is fixed to
a rotating shaft that exposes the media alternately to food (wastewater) and oxygen
(atmosphere). Design parameters include speed of rotation, depth of the wastewater pool,
porosity of the synthetic media, and number of series and parallel stages. These units
circumvent the oxygen limitations of the trickling filter and therefore provide BOD removal
comparable to conventional activated sludge systems. Solids produced are easily settled in the
sedimentation stage, provi-ding acceptable TSS levels in the effluent. Little operational
attention is required.
Wastewater treatment is a concentration process in which waterborne contaminants are
removed from the larger wastewater stream and concentrated in a smaller side stream. The
side stream is too large to be disposed of directly, so further concentration processes are
required. These processes are called "solid waste handling" operations.
Sludge stabilization is a treatment technique applied to biological sludge to reduce its odor-
causing or toxic properties. This treatment often reduces the amount of solids as a side effect.
Anaerobic and aerobic digestion, lime treatment, chlorine oxidation, heat treatment, and
composting fall into this category.
Anaerobic Digestion. Anaerobic digestion takes place in an enclosed tank, as depicted in Figure
37-9. The biochemical reactions take place in the following phases:
Organics +
Volatile acids
Volatile acids + Methane formers Methane +
Carbon dioxide
Sludge solids are decreased due to the conversion of biomass to methane and carbon dioxide.
The methane can be recovered for its heating value.
Aerobic Digestion. Aerobic digestion is the separate aeration of sludge in an open tank.
Oxidation of biodegradable matter, including cell mass, occurs under these conditions. As in
anaerobic digestion, there is a decrease in sludge solids, and the sludge is well stabilized with
respect to odor formation. Capital costs are lower than those of anaerobic digestion, but
operating costs are higher, and there is no by-product methane production.
Lime Treatment. Stabilization by lime treatment does not result in a reduction of organic
matter. Addition of sufficient lime to maintain the pH of the sludge above 11.0 for 1-14 days is
considered sufficient to destroy most bacteria.
Composting. A natural digestion process, composting usually incorporates sludge material that
later will be applied to farmland. Sludge is combined with a bulking material, such as other
solid wastes or wood chips, and piled in windrows. Aeration is provided by periodic turning of
the sludge mass or by mechanical aerators. The energy produced by the decomposition
reaction can bring the waste temperature to 140-160F, destroying pathogenic bacteria. At the
end of the composting period, the bulking material is separated, and the stabilized sludge is
applied to land or sent to a landfill.
Sludge Conditioning
Typically, sludge from a final liquid-solids separation unit may contain from 1 to 5% total
suspended solids. Figure 37-10 shows the relationship between the volume of sludge to be
handled and the solids content in the sludge. Because of the cost savings associated with
handling smaller volumes of sludge, there is an economic incentive to remove additional
water. Dewatering equipment is designed to remove water in a much shorter time span than
nature would by gravity. Usually, an energy gradient is used to promote rapid drainage. This
requires frequent conditioning of the sludge prior to the dewatering step.
Conditioning is necessary due to the nature of the sludge particles. Both inorganic and organic
sludge consist of colloidal (less than 1 m), intermediate, and large particles (greater than 200
m). The large particles, or flocs, are usually compressible. Under an energy gradient, these
large flocs compress and prevent water from escaping. The small particles also participate in
this mechanism, plugging the pores of the sludge cake, as shown in Figure 37-11. The pressure
drop through the sludge cake, due to the decrease in porosity and pore sizing, exceeds
available energy, and dewatering ceases.
The purpose of sludge conditioning is to provide a rigid sludge structure of a porosity and pore
size sufficient to allow drainage. Biological sludges are conditioned with FeCl
, lime, and
synthetic cationic polymers, either separately or in combination. Heat conditioning and low-
pressure oxidation are also used for biological sludges. Inorganic sludges are conditioned with
, lime, and either cationic or anionic polymers.
Belt Filter Press. Belt filter presses have been used in Europe since the 1960's and in the
United States since the early 1970's. They were initially designed to dewater paper pulp and
were subsequently modified to dewater sewage sludge.
Belt filter presses are designed on the basis of a very simple concept. Sludge is sandwiched
between two tensioned porous belts and passed over and under rollers of various diameters.
At a constant belt tension, rollers of decreasing diameters exert increasing pressure on the
sludge, thus squeezing out water. Although many different designs of belt filter presses are
available, they all incorporate a polymer conditioning unit, a gravity drainage zone, a
compression (low-pressure) zone, and a shear (high-pressure) zone. Figure 37-12 shows these
zones in a simplified schematic of a belt filter press.
Polymer Conditioning Unit. Polymer conditioning can take place in a small tank, in a rotating
drum attached to the top of the press, or in the sludge line. Usually, the press manufacturer
supplies a polymer conditioning unit with the belt filter press.
Gravity Drainage Zone. The gravity drainage zone is a flat or slightly inclined belt, which is
unique to each press model. In this section, sludge is dewatered by the gravity drainage of free
water. The gravity drainage zone should increase the solids concentration of the sludge by 5-
10%. If the sludge does not drain well in this zone, the sludge can squeeze out from between
the belts or the belt mesh can become blinded. The effectiveness of the gravity drainage zone
is a function of sludge type, quality, and conditioning, along with the screen mesh and the
design of the drainage zone.
Compression (Low-Pressure) Area. The compression, or low-pressure, area is the point at
which the sludge is "sandwiched" between the upper and lower belts. A firm sludge cake is
formed in this zone in preparation for the shear forces encountered in the high-pressure zone.
Shear (High-Pressure) Zone. In the shear, or high-pressure, zone, forces are exerted on the
sludge by the movement of the upper and lower belts, relative to each other, as they go over
and under a series of rollers with decreasing diameters. Some manufacturers have an
independent high-pressure zone which uses belts or hydraulic cylinders to increase the
pressure on the sludge, producing a drier cake. A dry cake is particularly important for plants
that use incineration as the final disposal.
Dewatering belts are usually woven from monofilament polyester fibers. Various weave
combinations, air permeabilities, and particle retention capabilities are available. These
parameters greatly influence press performance.
Usually, cationic polymers are used for sludge conditioning. A two-polymer system is often
used on a belt filter press to improve cake release from the upper dewatering belt. The
polymer must be selected carefully to ensure optimum performance.
Odors are controlled by proper ventilation, by ensuring that the sludge does not turn septic,
and by the use of added chemicals, such as potassium permanganate or ferric sulfate, to
neutralize the odor-causing chemicals.
Screw Press. A recent development in sludge dewatering equipment, used primarily in the
pulp and paper industry, is the screw press. Screw presses are most effective for primary
sludges, producing cake solids of 50-55%, but are also appropriate for primary and secondary
blended sludges.
Sludge is conditioned and thickened prior to dewatering. The conditioned sludge enters one
end of the machine, as shown in Figure 37-13. A slowly rotating screw, analogous to a solid
bowl centrifuge, conveys and compresses the solids.
The screw has the same outer diameter and pitch for the entire length of the press. In some
models, the diameter of the screw shaft increases toward the discharge end of the screw press
to enhance dewatering. The compression ratio (the ratio of free space at the inlet to the space
at the discharge end of the screw) is selected according to the nature of the material to be
dewatered and the dewatering requirement. Dewatered cake is discharged as it is pressed
against the spring or hydraulically loaded cone mounted at the end of the screw press.
The drum of the screw press consists of a fine strainer screen, a thicker punched holding plate,
and a reinforcement rib.
Filtrate is collected in the collecting pan located under the screw press, and the cake is
transported to the next stage.
Vacuum Filters. Vacuum filtration uses various porous materials as filter media, including
cloth, steel mesh, and tightly wound coil springs. Under an applied vacuum, the porous
medium retains the solids, but allows water to pass through. The relative importance of cake
dryness, filtrate quality, and filter cake yield can vary from one system to another.
A decrease in drum speed allows more time for drying of the sludge to increase cake dryness.
However, this also decreases the filter cake yield, defined as pounds of dry solids per hour per
square foot of filter area. Polymers can help produce a drier cake without the problem of a
lower filter cake yield. Synthetic polymers improve cake dryness by agglomerating sludge
particles that may hinder the removal of water. This agglomeration also increases the solids
capture across the unit, which results in a higher-quality filtrate.
Centrifuges. Centrifugal force, 3500-6000 times the force of gravity, is used to increase the
sedimentation rate of solid sludge particles.
The most common centrifuge found in waste treatment dewatering applications is the
continuous bowl centrifuge (Figure 37-14). The two principal elements of a continuous solid
bowl centrifuge are the rotating bowl and the inner screw conveyor. The bowl acts as a settling
vessel; the solids settle due to centrifugal force from its rotating motion. The screw conveyor
picks up the solids and conveys them to the discharge port.
Often, operation of centrifugal dewatering equipment is a compromise between centrate
quality, cake dryness, and sludge throughput. For example, an increase in solids throughput
reduces clarification capacity, causing a decrease in solids capture. At the same time, the cake
is drier due to the elimination of fine particles that become entrained in the centrate. The
addition of polymers, with their ability to agglomerate fine particles, can result in increased
production rates without a loss in centrate quality.
Polymers are usually fed inside the bowl because shear forces may destroy flocs if they are
formed prior to entry. Also, large particles settle rapidly in the first stage of the bowl. Thus,
economical solids recovery can be achieved through internal feeding of polymers after the
large particles have settled.
Plate and Frame Press. A plate and frame filter press is a batch operation consisting of vertical
plates held in a frame. A filter cloth is mounted on both sides of each plate. Sludge pumped
into the unit is subjected to pressures of up to 25 psig as the plates are pressed together. As
the sludge fills the chamber between individual plates, the filtrate flow ceases, and the
dewatering cycle is completed. This cycle usually lasts from to 2 hr.
Because of the high pressures, blinding of the filter cloth by small sludge particles can occur. A
filter precoat (e.g., diatomaceous earth) can be used to prevent filter blinding. Proper chemical
conditioning of the sludge reduces or eliminates the need for precoat materials. At 5-10 psig,
polymers can produce a rigid floc and eliminate fine particles. At greater pressures, the
effectiveness of synthetic polymers is reduced; therefore, inorganic chemicals, such as ferric
chloride and lime, are often used instead of polymers.
Sludge Drying Beds. Sludge drying beds consist of a layer of sand over a gravel bed.
Underdrains spaced throughout the system collect the filtrate, which usually is returned to the
wastewater plant.
Water is drained from the sludge cake by gravity through the sand and gravel bed. This process
is complete within the first 2 days. All additional drying occurs by evaporation, which takes
from 2 to 6 weeks. For this reason, climatic conditions, such as frequency and rate of
precipitation, wind velocity, temperature, and relative humidity, play an important role in the
operation of sludge drying beds. Often, these beds are enclosed to aid in dewatering. Chemical
conditioning also reduces the time necessary to achieve the desired cake solids.
Sludge Disposal
Disposal of the sludge generated by wastewater treatment plants is dependent on government
regulations (such as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act), geographical location, and
sludge characteristics, among other things. Final disposal methods include reclamation, incin-
eration, land application, and landfill.
Reclamation. Because of costs associated with the disposal of wastewater sludge, each waste
stream should be evaluated for its reclamation potential. Energy value, mineral content, raw
material makeup, and by-product markets for each sludge should be evaluated. Examples
include burning of digester gas to run compressors, recalcination of lime sludge to recover
CaO, return of steel mill thickener sludge to the sinter plant, and marketing of by-product
metallic salts for wastewater treatment use.
Incineration.Biological sludge can be disposed of by incineration; the carbon, nitrogen, and
sulfur are removed as gaseous by-products, and the inorganic portion is removed as ash. Old
landfill sites are filling up and new ones are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain.
Therefore, waste reduction through incineration is becoming a favored disposal practice.
Several combustion methods are available, including hogged fuel boilers, wet air oxidation and
kiln, multiple hearth furnace, and fluidized bed combustion processes.
Sludge incineration is a two-step process involving drying and combustion. Incineration of
waste sludge usually requires auxiliary fuel to maintain temperature and evaporate the water
contained in the sludge. It is critically important to maintain a low and relatively constant
sludge moisture.
Land Application. Sludge produced from biological oxidation of industrial wastes can be used
for land application as a fertilizer or soil conditioner. A detailed analysis of the sludge is
important in order to evaluate toxic compound and heavy metal content, leachate quality, and
nitrogen concentration.
Soil, geology, and climate characteristics are all important considerations in determining the
suitability of land application, along with the type of crops to be grown on the sludge-amended
soil. Sludge application rates vary according to all of these factors.
Landfill. Landfill is the most common method of industrial wastewater treatment plant sludge
Care must be taken to avoid pollution of groundwater. The movement and consequent
recharge of groundwater is a slow process, so contamination that would be very small for a
stream or river can result in irreversible long-term pollution of the groundwater. Many states
require impermeable liners, defined as having a permeability of 10-7 cm/sec, in landfill
disposal sites. This requirement limits liners to a few natural clays and commercial plastic
liners. In addition to impermeable liners, leachate collection and treat-ment systems are
typically required for new and remediated landfills.
Steps can be taken to reduce leachate and leachate contamination. Decreasing the moisture in
the sludge removes water that would eventually be available as leachate. Proper consideration
of the hydraulics of the landfill site can capture more rainfall as runoff and eliminate ponding
and its contribution to leachate.
Many governmental regulations have been established in recent years for the protection of the
environment. The Clean Water Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act are
among the most significant.
Clean Water Act
The Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1972 established regulations for wastewater discharge,
provided funding for Publicly Owned Treatment Works (municipal waste treatment plants),
and authorized the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) to regulate and
establish wastewater discharge permits for industrial and municipal plants.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 provided regulations for
management of hazardous solid wastes, cleanup of hazardous waste sites, waste minimization,
underground storage, and groundwater monitoring.