Acrylic Acid Production
Acrylic Acid Production
Acrylic Acid Production[04/10/2014 10:06:53]
Acrylic Acid Production
via the Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Propylene
CENG 403 Project 1: Reactor Design
Group Four:
Christine Laskowski, Project Leader
Matthew Hayenga
Miguel Castillo
October 12, 1998
Abstract | Introduction | Proposed Design | Cost Analysis | Conclusions | References
Acrylic acid is a commonly used, yet extremely valuable, chemical intermediate used to produce polymers,
textiles, and numerous other industrial and consumer products. Because of the lucrative market for this
product, this design project focuses on the optimization of an acrylic acid plant. Due to the simplicity of
the initial design of the plant, this optimization involved more investigation of native reaction kinetic
characteristics rather than extra pieces of equipment. By lowering the reaction temperature from 310 C to
190 C the three reactions in competition allow the desired product to have its highest conversion (94%
versus the original 69%), thereby generating much higher process revenue. To aid in this aggressive
cooling effort, a molten salt stream similar to the original specifications should be satisfactory in forming
nearly isothermal conditions inside the reactor. Beyond this, it has been determined that the last 5 meters
of the reactor do not produce enough acrylic acid to overcome the operating and capital costs involved.
Therefore, by decreasing the reactor length by 50% and lowering the temperature, this optimized process
has the capability of increasing its revenue by 37% over the older design a truly competitive alternative
to the current design.
Acrylic acid is a commonly used chemical intermediate, which because of its widespread uses, is a
valuable chemical commodity. Because of this fact, this design project invests the optimization of an
acrylic acid plant, to see if such a plant could be a profitable undertaking.
The most widely accepted process for making acrylic acid is the vapor phase oxidation of propylene. This
is normally done as a standard process involving two reactors in series, utilizing two separate catalysts. In
this arrangement, the first reactor converts the propylene to acrolein while the second reactor completes
the conversion from acrolein to acrylic acid. Instead of utilizing this common method for production, this
design project specifies a one-reactor system using a molten salt heat transfer medium in order to relieve
the system of the heat of reaction produced. When implemented properly, the parabolic temperature
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distribution should result in approximately 90% conversion of propylene.
Under a simplified arrangement, the reaction to optimize is the conversion of propylene to acrylic acid
through the use of a catalyzed reaction, given by:
+ 1.5 O
+ H
O (1)
There are, however, a couple of competing reactions involved:
+ 2.5 O
+ CO
+ H
O (2)
+ 4.5 O
3 CO
+ 3 H
O (3)
The first competing reaction produces a sellable commodity, acetic acid, while the second only produces
purge gases. Fortunately, kinetics are favorable for the desired product, acrylic acid, and the secondary
product, acetic acid.
Even though the industry standard process involves two series reactors with separate catalysts, the system
can be modeled as a single reactor with one catalyst as stated earlier. This allows for an easier solution,
but could produce artificially low cost numbers. Also, because of time constraints, only the reactor portion
of the plant was studied in depth, leaving the quenching and separations for a later investigation. Here,
again, there will be some minor costing assumptions because the full duty on equipment downstream
cannot be determined.
Following are some more introductory topics to acquaint one with other considerations built into this
As previously mentioned the reactions we are considering take place over a single stage
catalyst. While not in use on an industrial scale, such a catalyst for this process does exist.
While specifics are not widely published, the catalyst consists of polyvalent metal oxides. In
particular, molybdenum as a component and tellurium as an aid to product selectivity can be
utilized. However, due to activity loss at a higher rate in tellurium, this in not feasible in large-
scale production.
More common is the use of two separate catalysts, one to propel each of the oxidation steps:
from propylene to acrolein and from acrolein to acrylic acid. Based on one article, these
catalysts can last in upwards of 3 years, making them highly effective for plant use. In
particular, the oxidation of propylene activates over a mixture of metallic oxides. These
include Mn
, V
, and MoO
ground together and then calcinated at high temperatures.
In the true process, there are two reactors in series, each with their own type of catalyst.
Design of the reactors themselves is heavily dictated by the requirement for the removal of the
heat of reaction. Due to this, the reactors consist of many small diameter tubes carrying a heat
transfer medium (usually molten salt) surrounded by the reacting gas phase.
The molten salt stream most commonly used consists of 50% KNO
, 43% NaNO
, and 7%
. Heat transfer fluids will be further discussed later.
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Since acrylic acid is extremely reactive, special attention has to be paid to its handling and
use. The specified storage temperature range is between 59 and 77 F at atmospheric pressure.
Also, because of its flammability, only spark resistant tools should be operated in its presence.
Corrosion is also a concern while using acrylic acid, and any process using acrylic acid should
use the recommended materials for vessels and piping (see Appendix). If, by chance, these
guidelines are not followed, the acrylic acid could go through polymerization, releasing a large
amount of heat.
End Uses:
Acrylic acids chemical nature makes it a highly desirable component in a polymer system.
Besides polymer applications, the molecule also follows the characteristics of both a
carboxylic acid and acrylate ester, making it suitable for chemical intermediates as well. The
largest application for acrylic acid is in the industrial coatings area. And, because it is miscible
with water, alcohols, and ethers, the wetting ability can be enhanced based on the specific
An area of growth for acrylic acid is with acrylic acid homopolymers and acrylic acid/starch
grafts. These combinations provide a high rate of absorption, perfect for use in hygiene
products. Other minor uses include viscosity modifiers for rubber lattices and adhesives,
detergents, fiber sizing, and soil conditioners.
Proposed Design
Using the simulation package Aspen, an analysis of the acrylic acid process was performed. Before
modeling the salt stream coolant system of the reactor, this project focused mainly on establishing realistic
bounds of operation. This involved modeling both isothermal and adiabatic reactor cases.
For the isothermal case, several different temperatures were used in order to establish any trends in the
reaction rates. From isothermal plug flow temperature runs the following graph was obtained:
Figure 1
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The temperature range was chosen based on the inlet stream being close to 190 C and the upper bound for
the reaction being listed in papers at 400 C. Clearly from this graph, the production of acetic acid is
better at lower temperatures.
Next, for the adiabatic case, the following table provides an overview of the inlet and product stream:
Table 1
Adiabatic Case, Normal Plug Flow Reactor
Stream 1 2 3 6
Temperature (C) 25.0 159.0 25.0 1327.0
Pressure (bar) 1.0 6.0 11.5 3.5
Molar Flow (kmol/hr) 1362.9 992.3 127.0 2491.6
O2 280.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
N2 1056.7 0.0 0.0 1056.7
H2O 25.3 992.3 0.0 1202.3
CO2 0.0 0.0 0.0 156.5
C3H6 0.0 0.0 127.0 44.0
C2H4O2 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9
C3H4O2 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.2
By comparing the results of the adiabatic case and isothermal case where the reactor is at 310 C, our run
including the molten salt coolant can be expected to have an outlet molar flow of acrylic acid between 28
and 100 kmol/hr.
Next in the simulation procedure was to design and implement the molten salt stream into the acrylic acid
process. This was a relatively difficult task with Aspen and required minor variations of the same steps in
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order for it to accept the data correctly. The PFD for this process looks like the following:
Figure 2
This uses a countercurrent coolant stream varying in temperature from 200 C at the exit of the reactor to
250 C at the entrance of the reactor. For the first run, the molten salt was placed into the tube system. The
following data table describes the stream information:
Table 2
Molten Salt Coolant Case
Stream 1 2 3 6
Temperature (C) 25.0 159.0 25.0 310.3
Pressure (bar) 1.0 6.0 11.5 3.5
Molar Flow (kmol/hr) 1362.9 992.3 127.0 2492.3
O2 280.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
N2 1056.7 0.0 0.0 1056.7
H2O 25.3 992.3 0.0 1202.5
CO2 0.0 0..0 0.0 157.2
C3H6 0.0 0.0 127.0 44.4
C2H4O2 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9
C3H4O2 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.7
As one can see, this does not fall within the bounds found in the earlier analysis. So even though the salt
stream temperatures around the pump and heat exchanger are correct (see Appendix) based on the author's
data, this does not provide the proper conversions. Further investigation finds that the temperature profile
for this reactor is far from normal and reaches temperatures that are unacceptable for the process
Figure 3
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The peak temperature reaches almost 1200 C, which allows for the unfavorable reaction (3) to dominate
while the desired product conversion suffers. This version of the molten salt stream simulation and others
fail to fall within the bounds of reason, but fortunately from data already seen, one can find a more
elegant way to optimize this process.
Following the isothermal runs in Figure 1, it is obvious that operating temperatures between 180 and 200
C are the most selective for the desired reaction. This is relatively convenient since the feed stream
temperature is usually between 180-190 C so no other heating or cooling source is necessary to bring
the reactants to the reactor temperature. Then, the difficulty comes with how to provide an isothermal
reactor without spending an exorbitant amount on the coolant stream. Luckily, because of the decreased
reactor temperature, the calculated reactor duty is roughly 79 GJ /hour. Versus the provided molten stream
output of 83.4 GJ /hour, we see that it is both plausible and cost effective to operate close to isothermal
conditions in this temperature range. This increase in conversion to acrylic acid lowers the conversion
with the side reactions, which release the majority of the heat. So, not only is the more desired product
created, but the safety concerns regarding runaway reactions and cooling duty are also lessened. Stream
information for this is provided below:
Table 3
Isothermal Case at 194 C
Stream 1 2 3 4 6
Temperature (C) 25.0 159.0 25.0 182.8 194.0
Pressure (bar) 1.0 6.0 11.5 5.0 4.3
Molar Flow (kmol/hr) 1362.9 992.3 127.0 2482.2 2421.9
O2 280.9 0.0 0.0 280.9 78.2
N2 1056.7 0.0 0.0 1056.7 1056.7
H2O 25.3 992.3 0.0 1017.6 1150.7
CO2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.6
C3H6 0.0 0.0 127.0 127.0 0.2
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C2H4O2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.2
C3H4O2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 120.5
One of the main concerns in an exothermic reaction with the possibility of an explosive run-away scenario
is heat transfer inside the system. For the above analysis and optimization the requirement of as close to
isothermal as possible has been placed on the coolant system. And, as found, the heat duty on such a
system is 79 GJ /hour, which is feasible since the base case had a coolant requirement of 83.4 GJ /hour.
Inside the coolant loop, the coolant medium itself requires some consideration. The table below lists some
common heat transfer mediums:
Table 4
Fluid Valid Temperatures ( C) Valid Pressures (psig)
Steam 90-590 0-4500
Dowtherm A 230-400 0-145
Dowtherm E 150-260 0-72
Oil 0-320 0
Molten Salts 140-540 0
Air 0-1100 0-100
From this we can see that Dowtherm A, Dowtherm E, and oil are all somewhat lacking either they do
not extend low enough for the reaction temperature, or they vaporize at temperatures that could exist
inside the reactor (i.e. hot spots). Air has by far the best temperature range, however its heat transfer
coefficient is low as compared with steam or molten salt. Molten salt has the best heat transfer rate, but its
corrosive effects and danger of leakage into the system are not attractive features. Steam, while not having
as high a heat transfer rate, does have the advantage that if it leaks into the system, there would be no
costly cleanup, since steam acts as a thermal buffer in the feed stream to begin with. Further study into
these issues might be of considerable help, but at the current time, since the molten salt stream has the best
heat transfer parameters, it is the recommended option.
Now, working with the lower reaction temperature as the base case, some other improvements to the
process design followed. Varying the stream pressures and composition did not significantly change the
acrylic acid output. Of course, changing the propylene feed will greatly increase the reaction rates, but due
to safety considerations, this was not adjusted. The largest alteration we found in respect to the feed
streams was that the compressed air could be brought in at 4 bar instead of 5 bar without lowering the
reaction rates. However, this does not truly affect the cost enough to make up for the lack of adaptation to
later process improvements. In conclusion, since any improvements variations in feed composition and
pressure would provide would be small, and the data available on the source stream for the steam and
propylene is limited, these changes cannot be justified. But, in the future these can be treated as handles on
the process.
Figure 4
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Finally, with the lower temperatures in mind, the reactor dimensions were investigated in order to
determine if any adjustments could be made. First, in changing the diameter of the reactor, and
considering duty changes, it was found that the diameter could be decreased from 3.6 m to 3 m without
affecting either the acrylic acid output or heat duty. As seen in the figure above, this curve reaches a very
distinct plateau at 3 m reactor diameter. However, because there is not a large difference in the diameters,
and the heat transfer tubes would have to undergo more significant changes, leaving the diameter at the
given length of 3.6 m is acceptable. Also, because we are trying to achieve an isothermal reactor, more of
the reactor must consist of the heat transfer tubes than in the provided system. By allowing the diameter to
remain at 3.6 meters, the "unnecessary" 20% can be used for heat transfer tubing.
In contrast, reactor length provided a more drastic reduction in reactor size. Although the curve comparing
the acrylic acid out and reactor length does not have as strict of a leveling off effect as the diameter, one
can clearly see that after about 5 to 6 meters, the additional length does not pay for itself in product.
Figure 5
Therefore, the necessary deduction in reactor volume is made entirely in the length dimension in order to
avoid affect the fluidized bed and heat transfer tubes.
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Thus, by providing adequate cooling to keep the reaction temperature to roughly 190 C, the reactor length
decreases by 50% while still providing an increase in the conversion to acrylic acid from 69% to 94%.
Cost Analysis
As mentioned above, most of the optimization of this process results from innate properties of the system,
not radical design alterations. Therefore, when comparing costs of the process operations and capital costs,
the final numbers are not as striking as when the overall profit is viewed:
Table 5
Cost Book Process ($) Optimized Process ($)
Labor 246,000 246,000
Propylene Feed* 11,948,000 11,948,000
Cooling Water Electricity 107,000 101,000
Air Compressor Electricity 1,085,000 1,085,000
Salt Pump Electricity 16,000 14,000
Steam from Boiler 946,000 946,000
Total 14,348,000 14,340,000
*cost data from Turton, 1993
More savings is realized in the capital expenditures summarized below:
Table 6
Equipment Book Case ($) Optimized Case ($)
Reactor (R-301) 2,262,000 1,504,000
Air Compressor (C-301A/B) 33,000 33,000
Salt Pump (P-301A/B) 121,000 121,000
Salt Heat Exchanger (E-301) 62,000 62,000
Total Capital Cost 2,478,000 1,720,000
The above savings of 31% are due solely to the reduction in reactor size.
After the first year of production (assuming 8000 hrs/year of production time) the revenue will be based in
the sale of the two products, acrylic acid and acetic acid. Comparison of the revenue is provided below:
Table 7
Revenue Book Case ($) Optimized Case ($)
Acetic Acid* 2,113,000 1,051,000
Acrylic Acid* 79,490,000 109,901,000
Total 81,603,000 111,454,000
*cost data from Turton, 1993
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As seen above, this provides one with a 37% increase in revenue as compared with the books case,
resulting in a 45% increase in first year profits for this section of the plant (includes capital costs and first
year operations). However, since this only looks at the reactor portion of the process, true profit cannot be
calculated at this time. Also, there are assumed errors in such a cost study; here it is roughly +30% to
Conclusions and Recommendations
The original system has one feature in particular that is extremely desirable: simplicity. By adding
functionality to this simplicity, we believe this optimization scheme is the best for the overall process. By
applying the inherent features of the parallel reaction series, namely lowering the reactor temperature to
the neighborhood of 190 C, the selectivity is increased while the heat of reaction is decreased. In
summation, the following changes will be beneficial as well as profitable:
Lower the reactor temperature to roughly 190 C.
Provide nearly isothermal conditions with the existing molten salt stream design.
Reactor length can be decreased to 5 m versus the original 10 m.
These modifications result in lower capital costs as well as a much higher outlet stream of acrylic acid. In
addition, there are a couple other advantages to the lowering of reaction temperature that are a little
subtler. First, because the reactor outlet stream leaves at a lower temperature, the quenching area of the
plant (which directly follows the reactor), will experience much less load. Secondly, the catalyst will most
likely maintain is productivity longer than the normal 2-3 years. Finally, due to the volatile nature of some
of the components, the safety level is greater when the reaction temperature is lowered. These points, to
name just a few, will contribute additional savings to the process over the lifetime of the plant.
Armeniades, C.D. Personal Interview.
Celanese Chemical Company. Product Description for Acrylic Acid. 1998.
Celanese Chemical Company. Product Handling Guide for Acrylic Acid. 1998.
McKetta, J .J . and W.C. Cunningham. Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design.Ed. Vol. 1, 402-
428, 1976.
Turton, Richard et. al. Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes. New J ersey: Prentice Hall,
Turton, Richard. Email correspondence.
Ziolkowski, J acek and J anusz J anas. "Catalytic Properties of Defective Brannerite-Type Vanadates."
Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry. Academic Press, 1983.