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This CHATTEL MORTGAGE made and executed by GUADALUPE NUEVO !i"i#in$ $% "e&a" a&e 'id$' 'ith (esidence and #$st)$%%ice add(ess at N$* + Maa"ind$& St* Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte he(eina%te( ca""ed the MORT,A,OR in %a-$( $% MEANDRED ZOBEL DE AYALA !i"i#in$ $% "e&a" a&e sin&"e 'ith (esidence and #$st) $%%ice add(ess at N$* + A("e&ui St(eet .uia#$ Mani"a he(eina%te( ca""ed the MORT,A,EE 'itnesseth: That the MORT,A,OR d$es he(eby c$n-ey by 'ay $% chatte" m$(t&a&ee unt$ the MORT,A,EE the %$""$'in& desc(ibed #e(s$na" #($#e(ty situated and $(dina(i"y /e#t at N$* + Maa"ind$& St* Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte and #(esent"y in the #$ssessi$n $% the MORT,A,OR t$ 'it: B(and : Sa(a' M$t$(s Ma/e : O'ne()ty#e 0ee#ney M$t$( Numbe( : K1RA+P12312+ Se(ia" Numbe(45hassis Numbe( : R6A1A+7189:13;113 P"ate Numbe( : KRA 2<= That this 5HATTEL MORT,A,E is &i-en as secu(ity %$( the #ayment t$ the MORT,A,EE $% a ce(tain #($miss$(y n$te dated ++ th >ecembe( 3223 %$( the sum $% FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS (P 50,000.00), 'ith inte(est at the (ate $% SIX (6%) !" #!$%&' !" ($$&' acc$(din& t$ the te(ms the(e$% and in the '$(ds and %i&u(es %$""$'in&: Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte Phi"i##ines >ecembe( ++ 3223 6 ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O #($mise t$ #ay the sum $% !6!TY THO?SAN> PESOS @P72222*22A t$ M6N>RE> BOBEL >E AYALA $n $( be%$(e the 3< th $% A#(i" 3221 at the (ate $% S68 PER5ENT?M @=CA PER ANN?M* That the c$nditi$n $% this 5HATTEL MORT,A,E is such that i% the said MORT,A,OR he( hei(s execut$(s $( administ(at$(s sha"" 'e"" and t(u"y #e(%$(m the %u"" $b"i&ati$n ab$-e stated acc$(din& t$ the te(ms the(e$% then this 5HATTEL MORT,A,E sha"" be nu"" and -$idD $the('ise it sha"" (emain in %u"" %$(ce and e%%ect and sha"" be en%$(ceab"e in the manne( #($-ided by "a'* 6N W6TNESS WHEREO! the MORT,A,OR has he(eunt$ set he( hand this 3<th day $% Ma(ch 3221 in Mani"a Phi"i##ines* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O Si&ned in the #(esence $%: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AFenith O* 9i$Gan Mi"d(ed 0$y P* .ue AC)NO*L EDGEMENT REP?BL65 O! THE PH6L6PP6NES NAT6ONAL 5AP6TAL RE,6ON H SS 56TY O! MAN6LA BE!ORE ME this 3<th day $% Ma(ch 3221 in the 5ity $% Mani"a Nati$na" 5a#ita" Re&i$n Phi"i##ines #e(s$na""y a##ea(ed ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O 'ith Residence 5e(ti%icate N$* +3++3222 issued at Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte $n 0anua(y + 3221 and B*6*R* T6N N$* +31);7=) I:< and MEAN>RE> BOBEL >E AYALA 'ith Residence 5e(ti%icate N$* <I723+; issued at N$* + A("e&ui St(eet .uia#$ Mani"a $n 0anua(y + 3221 /n$'n t$ me t$ be the same #e(s$ns 'h$ executed the %$(e&$in& inst(ument and ac/n$'"ed&ed t$ me that the same is thei( -$"unta(y act and deed* This inst(ument c$nsistin& $% t'$ @3A #a&es inc"udin& the #a&e $n 'hich this ac/n$'"ed&ment is '(itten has been si&ned $n the "e%t ma(&in $% each and e-e(y #a&e the(e$% by ,uada"u#e Nue-$ Meand(ed B$be" >e Aya" a and thei( 'itnesses and sea"ed 'ith my n$ta(ia" sea"* 6N W6TNESS WHEREO! 6 ha-e he(eunt$ set my hand the day yea( and #"ace ab$-e '(itten* A%%+. A",-$ B(""-!$%./ NOTARY P?BL65 ?NT6L >E5EMBER 1+ 3221 PTR J 2712+<=7 +42343223)MLA 6BP J 23+3+<I< +4O343223 R$"" $% Att$(neys J 73;:272 N$t* Re&* N$* I:<D Pa&e +3D B$$/ 31D Se(ies $% 3221 AFFI DAVI T OF GOOD FAI TH WE the unde(si&ned MORT,A,OR and MORT,A,EE se-e(a""y s'ea( that the %$(e&$in& chatte" m$(t&a&e is made and executed %$( the #u(#$se $% secu(in& the $b"i&ati$n s#eci%ied the(ein and %$( n$ $the( #u(#$se and that the same is a Gust and -a"id $b"i&ati$n and $ne n$t ente(ed %$( the #u(#$se $% %(aud* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O MEAN>RE> BOBEL >E AYALA 0 URAT S?BS5R6BE> and s'$(n be%$(e me in the city $% Mani"a this 3<th day $% Ma(ch 3221 by ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O 'ith Residence 5e(ti%icate N$* +3++3222 issued at Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte $n 0anua(y + 3221 and MEAN>RE> BOBEL >E AYALA 'ith Residence 5e(ti%icate N$* <I723+; issued at N$* + A("e&ui St(eet .uia#$ Mani"a $n 0anua(y + 3221* A%%+. A",-$ B(""-!$%./ NOTARY P?BL65 ?NT6L >E5EMBER 1+ 3221 PTR J 2712+<=7 +42343223)MLA 6BP J 23+3+<I< +4O343223 R$"" $% Att$(neys J 73;:272 N$t* Re&* N$* I:<D Pa&e +3D B$$/ Se(ies $% 3221 DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 6 GUDALUPE NUEVO !i"i#in$ $% "e&a" a&e 'id$' and 'ith (esidence and #$st)$%%ice add(ess at + Maa"ind$& St(eet Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte he(eina%te( ca""ed the SELLER is the t(ue $'ne( $% $ne m$t$( -ehic"e desc(ibed as %$""$'s: B(and : Sa(a' M$t$(s Ma/e : O'ne()ty#e 0ee#ney M$t$( Numbe( : K1RA+P12312+ Se(ia" Numbe(45hassis Numbe( : R6A1A+7189:13;113 P"ate Numbe( : KRA 2<= That %$( and in c$nside(ati$n $% the sum $% !6!TY THO?SAN> PESOS @P72 222*22A Phi"i##ine cu((ency (ecei-ed %($m MEANDRED ZOBEL DE AYALA !i"i#in$ $% "e&a" a&e sin&"e 'ith (esidence and #$st)$%%ice add(ess at N$* + A("e&ui St(eet .uia#$ Mani"a ,?>AL?PE N?E9O by these #(esents he(eby se""s t(ans%e(s and c$n-eys unt$ MEAN>RE> BOBEL >E AYALA he( hei(s and assi&ns ab$-e)desc(ibed m$t$( -ehic"e %(ee %($m "iens and encumb(ances* 6N W6TNESS WHEREO! the SELLER has he(eunt$ set he( hand this 3<th day $% Ma(ch 3221 in Mani"a Phi"i##ines* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O SELLER Si&ned in the #(esence $%: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AFenith O* 9i$Gan Mi"d(ed 0$y P* .ue AC)NO*L EDGEMENT REP?BL65 O! THE PH6L6PP6NES NAT6ONAL 5AP6TAL RE,6ON H SS 56TY O! MAN6LA BE!ORE ME this 3<th day $% Ma(ch 3221 in the 5ity $% Mani"a Nati$na" 5a#ita" Re&i$n Phi"i##ines #e(s$na""y a##ea(ed ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O 'ith Residence 5e(ti%icate N$* +3++3222 issued at Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte $n 0anua(y + 3221 and B*6*R* T6N N$* +31);7=) I:< /n$'n t$ me t$ be the same #e(s$n 'h$ executed the %$(e&$in& inst(ument and that she ac/n$'"ed&ed t$ me that the same is he( %(ee and -$"unta(y act and deed* This inst(ument c$nsistin& $% ONE @+A #a&e inc"udes the #a&e $n 'hich this ac/n$'"ed&ement is '(itten has been si&ned $n the "e%t ma(&in $% each and e-e(y #a&e the(e$% by ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O and he( 'itnesses and sea"ed 'ith my n$ta(ia" sea"* 6N W6TNESS WHEREO! 6 ha-e he(eunt$ set my hand the day yea( and #"ace ab$-e '(itten* A%%+. A",-$ B(""-!$%./ NOTARY P?BL65 ?NT6L >E5EMBER 1+ 3221 PTR J 2712+<=7 +42343223)MLA 6BP J 23+3+<I< +4O343223 R$"" $% Att$(neys J 73;:272 N$t* Re&* N$* I:<D Pa&e +3D B$$/ 31D Se(ies $% 3221 DEED OF SALE UNDER PACTO DE RETRO KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This DEED OF SALE WITH PACTO DE RETRO made and executed by and bet'een: GUDALUPE NUEVO !i"i#in$ $% "e&a" a&e 'id$' 'ith (esidence and #$st)$%%ice add(ess at + Maa"ind$& St(eet Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte he(eina%te( ca""ed the SELLER and MEANDRED ZOBEL DE AYALA !i"i#in$ $% "e&a" a&e sin&"e 'ith (esidence and #$st)$%%ice add(ess at N$* + A("e&ui St(eet .uia#$ Mani"a he(eina%te( ca""ed the B?YER )W 6 T N E S S E T H) That the SELLER is the abs$"ute $'ne( $% a ce(tain #a(ce" $% "and 'ith a"" the bui"din&s and im#($-ements the(e$n situated in + Maa"ind$& St(eet Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte and m$(e #a(ticu"a("y desc(ibed as %$""$'s t$ 'it: A parcel of land described on plan Psu-36331 and LRC Rec No. 16019, situated in te !unicipalit" of !aasin, Pro#ince of $outern Le"te. %ounded on te N&., pts. 3 to ' b" Road Lot 3, on te $&., pts ' to 1 b" Lot 19( on te $)., pts 1 to * b" lot 1+, and on te N)., pts * to 3 b" Lot 1,, all of te subdi#ision plan -- --- containin. an are of /)0 12N3R&3 $45/&&N 6*167 $82AR& !&/&R$, (ore or less9: he( tit"e the(et$ bein& e-idenced by T"($/1!" C!"%-1-#(%! .1 T-%2! N.. 345656 issued by the Re&iste( $% >eeds $% Maasin S$uthe(n LeyteD That the SELLER %$( and in c$nside(ati$n $% the sum $% FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P 500,000) Phi"i##ine cu((ency t$ he( in hand #aid and (ecei#t 'he(e$% is he(eby ac/n$'"ed&ed d$es he(eby SELL TRANS!ER and 5ON9EY unde( PA5TO >E RETRO unt$ the said B?YER he( hei(s and assi&ns the ab$-e)desc(ibed #($#e(ty 'ith a"" the bui"din&s and im#($-ements the(e$n %(ee %($m a"" "iens and encumb(ances 'hats$e-e(D That the SELLER in executin& this c$n-eyance he(eby (ese(-es the (i&ht t$ REP?R5HASE and the B?YER in acce#tin& the same he(eby $b"i&ates he(se"% t$ RESELL the #($#e(ty he(ein c$n-eyed 'ithin a #e(i$d $% %i-e @7A yea(s %($m and a%te( the date $% this inst(ument %$( the same #(ice $% !69E H?N>RE> THO?SAN> PESOS @P 722222A Phi"i##ine cu((ency: Provided however, that i% the SELLER sha"" %ai" t$ exe(cise he( (i&ht t$ (e#u(chase as he(ein &(anted 'ithin the #e(i$d sti#u"ated then this c$n-eyance sha"" bec$me abs$"ute and i((e-$cab"e 'ith$ut the necessity $% d(a'in& u# a ne' deed $% abs$"ute sa"e subGect t$ the (eKui(ements $% the "a' (e&a(din& c$ns$"idati$n $% $'ne(shi# $% (ea" #($#e(ty* 6N W6TNESS WHEREO! the #a(ties he(et$ ha-e he(eunt$ set thei( hands this 3< th day $% Ma(ch 3221 in Mani"a Phi"i##ines* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O MEAN>RE> BOBEL >E AYALA SELLER B?YER Si&ned in the #(esence $%: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AFenith O* 9i$Gan Mi"d(ed 0$y P* .ue AC)NO*LEDGEMENT REP?BL65 O! THE PH6L6PP6NES NAT6ONAL 5AP6TAL RE,6ON H SS 56TY O! MAN6LA BE!ORE ME this 3<th day $% Ma(ch 3221 in the 5ity $% Mani"a Nati$na" 5a#ita" Re&i$n Phi"i##ines #e(s$na""y a##ea(ed ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O 'ith Residence 5e(ti%icate N$* +3++3222 issued at Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte $n 0anua(y + 3221 and B*6*R* T6N N$* +31);7=)I:< and MEAN>RE> BOBEL >E AYALA 'ith Residence 5e(ti%icate N$* <I723+; issued at N$* + A("e&ui St(eet .uia#$ Mani"a $n 0anua(y + 3221 /n$'n t$ me t$ be the same #e(s$ns 'h$ executed the %$(e&$in& inst(ument and ac/n$'"ed&ed t$ me that the same is thei( -$"unta(y act and deed* This inst(ument c$nsistin& $% t'$ @3A #a&es inc"udin& the #a&e $n 'hich this ac/n$'"ed&ment is '(itten has been si&ned $n the "e%t ma(&in $% each and e-e(y #a&e the(e$% by ,uada"u#e Nue-$ Meand(ed B$be" >e Aya" a and thei( 'itnesses and sea"ed 'ith my n$ta(ia" sea"* 6N W6TNESS WHEREO! 6 ha-e he(eunt$ set my hand the day yea( and #"ace ab$-e '(itten* A%%+. A",-$ B(""-!$%./ NOTARY P?BL65 ?NT6L >E5EMBER 1+ 3221 PTR J 2712+<=7 +42343223)MLA 6BP J 23+3+<I< +4O343223 R$"" $% Att$(neys J 73;:272 N$t* Re&* N$* I:<D Pa&e +3D B$$/ 31D Se(ies $% 3221 TH6S PLEDGE AGREEMENT is dated Ma(ch 3< 3223 @this A7"!!'!$%A AMONG: @+A ,uada"u#e Nue-$ !i"i#in$ $% "e&a" a&e 'id$' and (esidin& at + Maa"ind$& St(eet Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte @the LP"ed&$(MA @3A Meand(ed B$be" de Aya"a !i"i#in$ $% "e&a" a&e sin&"e and (esidin& at + A("e&ui St(eet San Mi&ue" Mani"a @the LP"ed&eeMA *HEREAS: The P"ed&$( $'es the P"ed&ee by 'ay $% #($miss$(y n$te the am$unt $% One Hund(ed Th$usand Pes$s @P+22222*22A 'ith +3C c$m#$unded inte(est #e( annum #ayab"e $n >ecembe( 1+ 3223 and has $%%e(ed and a&(eed t$ secu(e the (e#ayment $% said "$an the inte(ests acc(uin& the(e$n the c$sts $% c$""ectin& the same the c$sts and cha(&es $% /ee#in& the #"ed&ed #($#e(ty and a"" $the( ex#enditu(es 'hich may be incu((ed in c$nnecti$n he(e'ith by means $% a &$$d and -a"id %i(st #"ed&e $% the Ge'e"(ies* NO*, THEREFORE in c$nside(ati$n $% the %$(e&$in& and %$( $the( &$$d and -a"uab"e c$nside(ati$n the (ecei#t and su%%iciency $% 'hich is he(eby ac/n$'"ed&ed the #a(ties he(eby a&(ee as %$""$'s: +* P"ed&$( he(eby #"ed&es assi&ns t(ans%e(s de"i-e(s sets $-e( and &(ants t$ the P"ed&ee as secu(ity %$( the time"y #ayment and discha(&e $% the "$an a c$ntinuin& secu(ity inte(est $% %i(st #(i$(ity in a"" $% such #"ed&$(Ns (i&ht tit"e and inte(est in and t$ the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies 'hich #"ed&$( $'ns* !$( the #u(#$se $% #e(%ectin& the secu(ity $-e( the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies in acc$(dance 'ith a"" "e&a" (eKui(ements the P"ed&$( ha-in& the %(ee dis#$sa" the(e$% sha"" de"i-e( t$ the P"ed&ee: 1 set of Diao!d "ewe#ries #ade! i! $o#d worth O!e H%!dred Tho%sa!d Pesos @P"ed&ed Ge'e"(yA 3* The (i&hts $% the P"ed&ee a(e as %$""$'s: a* She has the (i&ht t$ (eimbu(sement $% the ex#enses %$( its #(ese(-ati$n* b* She has the (i&ht t$ b(in& acti$ns 'hich #e(tain t$ the $'ne( $% the thin& #"ed&ed in $(de( t$ (ec$-e( it %($m $( de%end it a&ainst thi(d #e(s$ns* c* She has the (i&ht t$ #$ssess and use the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies* d* She has the (i&ht t$ bid at the #ub"ic aucti$n and i% she is the $n"y bidde( she 'i"" be &i-en the (i&ht t$ a##($#(iate the thin& %$( %ai"u(e t$ se"" $n t'$ #ub"ic aucti$n sa"es* 1* The $b"i&ati$ns $% the P"ed&ee a(e as %$""$'s: a* She must ta/e ca(e $% the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies 'ith the di"i&ence $% a &$$d %athe( $% a %ami"y $the('ise she 'i"" be "iab"e %$( its "$ss $( dete(i$(ati$n* b* She must n$t de#$sit the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies t$ a thi(d #e(s$n 'ith$ut the c$nsent $% the #"ed&$(* c* She must in%$(m the #"ed&$( $n the e%%ect $% the aucti$n sa"eD 'hethe( the #($ceeds 'e(e en$u&h t$ c$-e( the #(inci#a" $b"i&ati$n* d* She has the duty t$ (etu(n the excess $% the #($ceeds %($m the aucti$n sa"e t$ the #"ed&$(* ;* The (i&hts $% the P"ed&$( a(e as %$""$'s: a* The $'ne(shi# $% the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies (emains 'ith the #"ed&$(* b* She has the (i&ht $% ch$ice as t$ 'hich $% the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies must be s$"d in a #ub"ic aucti$n* c* She has the (i&ht t$ bid at the #ub"ic aucti$n and 'i"" be &i-en #(e%e(ence $% buyin& the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies i% she is $ne $% the se-e(a" hi&hest bidde(s $%%e(in& the same te(ms* 7* 6t is the $b"i&ati$n $% the P"ed&$( 'h$ /n$'in& the %"a's $n the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies t$ ad-ise the P"ed&ee $% the same and she 'i"" be "iab"e t$ the "atte( %$( dama&es 'hich she may su%%e( by (eas$n the(e$%* =* The P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies can be a"ienated by the P"ed&$( 'ith the c$nsent $% the P"ed&ee subGect t$ the te(ms $% this #"ed&e* Such $'ne(shi# $% the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies 'i"" $n"y be t(ansmitted t$ the -endee as s$$n as the P"ed&ee c$nsents t$ such a"ienati$n but the "atte( sha"" c$ntinue in #$ssessi$n* I* When the P"ed&$( is unab"e t$ c$m#"y 'ith his $b"i&ati$n 'hen it bec$mes due and demandab"e the P"ed&ee has the (i&ht $% (etenti$n and the (i&ht t$ se"" the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies in a #ub"ic aucti$n c$m#"yin& 'ith A(tic"e 3++3 $% the Ne' 5i-i" 5$de* :* This a&(eement c$nstituted 'i"" be extin&uished u#$n the %u"%i""ment $% the #(inci#a" $b"i&ati$n and the P"ed&ed Ge'e"(ies must be (etu(ned t$ the P"ed&$(* IN *ITNESS *HEREOF the P"ed&ee and the P"ed&$( ha-e caused this A&(eement t$ be executed and de"i-e(ed as a deed as $% the day and yea( %i(st ab$-e '(itten* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ,uada"u#e Nue-$ Meand(ed B$be" de Aya"a P"ed&$( P"ed&ee Si&ned in the #(esence $%: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AFenith O* 9i$Gan Mi"d(ed 0$y P* .ue AC)NO*L EDGEMENT REP?BL65 O! THE PH6L6PP6NES NAT6ONAL 5AP6TAL RE,6ON H SS 56TY O! MAN6LA BE!ORE ME this 3<th day $% Ma(ch 3223 in the 5ity $% Mani"a Nati$na" 5a#ita" Re&i$n Phi"i##ines #e(s$na""y a##ea(ed ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O 'ith Residence 5e(ti%icate N$* +3++3222 issued at Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte $n 0anua(y + 3221 and B*6*R* T6N N$* +31);7=) I:< and MEAN>RE> BOBEL >E AYALA 'ith Residence 5e(ti%icate N$* <I723+; issued in Mani"a $n 0anua(y + 3221 /n$'n t$ me t$ be the same #e(s$ns 'h$ executed the %$(e&$in& inst(ument and ac/n$'"ed&ed t$ me that the same is thei( -$"unta(y act and deed* This inst(ument c$nsistin& $% t'$ @3A #a&es inc"udin& the #a&e $n 'hich this ac/n$'"ed&ment is '(itten has been si&ned $n the "e%t ma(&in $% each and e-e(y #a&e the(e$% by ,uada"u#e Nue-$ Meand(ed B$be" >e Aya" a and thei( 'itnesses and sea"ed 'ith my n$ta(ia" sea"* 6N W6TNESS WHEREO! 6 ha-e he(eunt$ set my hand the day yea( and #"ace ab$-e '(itten*
A%%+. A",-$ B(""-!$%./ NOTARY P?BL65 ?NT6L >E5EMBER 1+ 3221 PTR J 2712+<=7 +42343223)MLA 6BP J 23+3+<I< +4O343223 R$"" $% Att$(neys J 73;:272 N$t* Re&* N$* I;;D Pa&e +3D B$$/ 3+D Se(ies $% 3223 DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This DEED OF A&SOL'TE SALE made and ente(ed int$ by and bet'een: GUDALUPE NUEVO !i"i#in$ $% "e&a" a&e 'id$' 'ith (esidence and #$st)$%%ice add(ess at + Maa"ind$& St(eet Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte he(eina%te( ca""ed the SELLER and MEANDRED ZOBEL DE AYALA !i"i#in$ $% "e&a" a&e sin&"e 'ith (esidence and #$st)$%%ice add(ess at N$* + A("e&ui St(eet .uia#$ Mani"a he(eina%te( ca""ed the B?YER )W 6 T N E S S E T H) +* That the SELLER is the abs$"ute $'ne( $% a $ne @+A #a(ce" $% "and t$ðe( 'ith the bui"din&s and im#($-ements the(e$n "$cated at J+ Maa"ind$& St(eet Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte and m$(e #a(ticu"a("y desc(ibed as %$""$'s t$ 'it: A parcel of land described on plan Psu-36331 and LRC Rec No. 16019, situated in te !unicipalit" of !aasin, Pro#ince of $outern Le"te. %ounded on te N&., pts. 3 to ' b" Road Lot 3, on te $&., pts ' to 1 b" Lot 19( on te $)., pts 1 to * b" lot 1+, and on te N)., pts * to 3 b" Lot 1,, all of te subdi#ision plan -- --- containin. an are of /)0 12N3R&3 $45/&&N 6*167 $82AR& !&/&R$, (ore or less9: he( tit"e the(et$ bein& e-idenced by T"($/1!" C!"%-1-#(%! .1 T-%2! N.. 345656 issued by the Re&iste( $% >eeds $% Maasin S$uthe(n LeyteD 3* That the SELLER %$( and in c$nside(ati$n $% the sum $% FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P 500,000), Phi"i##ine cu((ency t$ he( in hand #aid and (ecei#t 'he(e$% is he(eby ac/n$'"ed&ed d$es he(eby SELL TRANS!ER and 5ON9EY unt$ the said B?YER he( hei(s and assi&ns the ab$-e)desc(ibed #($#e(ty 'ith a"" the bui"din&s and im#($-ements the(e$n %(ee %($m a"" "iens and encumb(ances 'hats$e-e(D 1* That the sa"e t(ans%e( and c$n-eyance is subGect t$ the %$""$'in& te(ms and c$nditi$ns: 1*+* Sa"e sha"" be $n Las)is 'he(e)isM basisD 1*3* EGectment $% the #(esent $ccu#ants i% any sha"" be the (es#$nsibi"ity and at the ex#ense $% the B?YERD 1*1* Exce#t th$se %$( the yea(s 3222 t$ 3223 any un#aid (ea" estate taxes sha"" be %$( the acc$unt $% the B?YERD 1*;* 5$st $% d$cumentati$n and ex#enses %$( (e&ist(ati$n $% the sa"e inc"udin& c$st $% d$cumenta(y stam#s -a"ue added tax and t(ans%e( %ees sha"" be %$( the B?YERNs acc$unt* ;* That the manne( $% #ayments $% 'hich is he(ein be"$' #($-ided: aA the %i(st insta""ment in the sum $% P322222 t$ be #aid u#$n si&nin& and executi$n $% this c$nt(act bA the sec$nd insta""ment in the sum $% PI7222 t$ be #aid $n $( be%$(e the 3< th $% A#(i" 3221* cA the thi(d insta""ment in the sum $% P I7222 t$ be #aid $n $( be%$(e the 3< th $% May 3221* dA the %$u(th insta""ment in the sum $% P I7222 t$ be #aid $n $( be%$(e the 3< th $% 0une 3221* eA the %ina" insta""ment in the sum $% P I7222 t$ be #aid $n $( be%$(e the 3< th $% 0u"y 3221* 6n the e-ent that the B?YER %ai"s t$ ma/e #ayment $( #ayments as he(ein #($-ided $( %ai"s t$ #e(%$(m any $% the c$-enants $( a&(eements he(e$% this c$nt(act sha"" at the $#ti$n $% the SELLER be (escinded annu""ed and cance""ed* 6N W6TNESS WHEREO! the SELLER has he(eunt$ set he( hand this 3<th day $% Ma(ch 3221 in Mani"a Phi"i##ines* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O SELLER Si&ned in the #(esence $%: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AFenith O* 9i$Gan Mi"d(ed 0$y P* .ue AC)NO*LEDGEMENT REP?BL65 O! THE PH6L6PP6NES NAT6ONAL 5AP6TAL RE,6ON H SS 56TY O! MAN6LA BE!ORE ME this 3<th day $% Ma(ch 3221 in the 5ity $% Mani"a Nati$na" 5a#ita" Re&i$n Phi"i##ines #e(s$na""y a##ea(ed ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O 'ith Residence 5e(ti%icate N$* +3++3222 issued at Maasin S$uthe(n Leyte $n 0anua(y + 3221 and B*6*R* T6N N$* +31);7=)I:< /n$'n t$ me t$ be the same #e(s$n 'h$ executed the %$(e&$in& inst(ument and that she ac/n$'"ed&ed t$ me that the same is he( %(ee and -$"unta(y act and deed* This inst(ument c$nsistin& $% TWO @3A #a&es inc"udes the #a&e $n 'hich this ac/n$'"ed&ement is '(itten has been si&ned $n the "e%t ma(&in $% each and e-e(y #a&e the(e$% by ,?A>AL?PE N?E9O and he( 'itnesses and sea"ed 'ith my n$ta(ia" sea"* 6N W6TNESS WHEREO! 6 ha-e he(eunt$ set my hand the day yea( and #"ace ab$-e '(itten* A%%+. A",-$ B(""-!$%./ NOTARY P?BL65 ?NT6L >E5EMBER 1+ 3221 PTR J 2712+<=7 +42343223)MLA 6BP J 23+3+<I< +4O343223 R$"" $% Att$(neys J 73;:272 N$t* Re&* N$* I:<D Pa&e +3D B$$/ 31D Se(ies $% 3221