Julian Ratcliffe is a 20-year-old British and South African student currently studying Philosophy at University College London. He has a diverse educational and professional background, having moved from South Africa in 2009. He has many years of experience in research, administrative, and tutoring roles at prestigious institutions like the University of Oxford. His resume demonstrates strong skills in areas like research, writing, data analysis, and project management.
Julian Ratcliffe is a 20-year-old British and South African student currently studying Philosophy at University College London. He has a diverse educational and professional background, having moved from South Africa in 2009. He has many years of experience in research, administrative, and tutoring roles at prestigious institutions like the University of Oxford. His resume demonstrates strong skills in areas like research, writing, data analysis, and project management.
Julian Ratcliffe is a 20-year-old British and South African student currently studying Philosophy at University College London. He has a diverse educational and professional background, having moved from South Africa in 2009. He has many years of experience in research, administrative, and tutoring roles at prestigious institutions like the University of Oxford. His resume demonstrates strong skills in areas like research, writing, data analysis, and project management.
Julian Ratcliffe is a 20-year-old British and South African student currently studying Philosophy at University College London. He has a diverse educational and professional background, having moved from South Africa in 2009. He has many years of experience in research, administrative, and tutoring roles at prestigious institutions like the University of Oxford. His resume demonstrates strong skills in areas like research, writing, data analysis, and project management.
Prole I am a hard-working, motivated and self-initiating 20 year old student currently studying Philosophy at University College London. I work well under pressure and to deadlines, producing quality results. Unafraid to ask for advice and to try new methods, I am constantly searching for new experiences to learn from due to a natural inquisitiveness, balancing rational thought and creativity to apply to all tasks. Having moved from South Africa in 2009 and being born into a multicultural household, I have a diverse background, allowing me insights on a wide array of topics. Also, precisely because of this, I quickly form connecting relationships with a diverse range of people.
Skills I am procient in research roles and capable in administration. I have been brought up using Macintosh computers and am thus expert at using their applications and interface. I am also skilled with word processing, spreadsheet management and presentation creation. I was in the top Maths set at both GCSE and A Level and have substantial creative writing experience having written four pieces of prose in excess of 15,000 words.
Experience Research Assistant, Oxford Martin School, Oxford, June - August 2014 Continuing from my previous experience at the Oxford Martin School in 2012 (refer below), I was employed as a full-time temporary research assistant to a Ph.D student Chris Kutarna and to the Schools director Professor Ian Goldin. I was tasked with nding facts and statistics for a book to be published. This meant sourcing information from the enormous online databases of organisations such as the World Bank and the UN and tailoring the raw data in Excel for the purposes of the book. I also provided a fresh perspective on the argument in the book, leading to a number of revisions. I then summarised Prof. Goldins latest book, The Buttery Defect, for a Citigroup publication, stretching my critical discernment abilities as I judged the key content to include and how to explain complex economic and socio-political concepts as concisely as possible. I also wrote a description of the book for the London School of Economics EUROPP blog and prepared notes for a debate on human migration that Prof. Goldin was taking part in.
Market Researcher, Sad Business School, Oxford, June 2013 I worked at the Sad Business Schools Executive Education branch in Oxford compiling a comprehensive report on market conditions and competitor behaviour in executive education. I worked independently, primarily since my advisor was away for most of my time, allowing me to think for myself without a safety net to fall back on. This honed my critical skills as I learnt to discern relevant data from promotional noise, inadvertently learning about marketing techniques on both an institutional and personal level.
Maths Tutor, Oxford, March - April 2013 In the lead up to the 2013 exam period, I advertised myself as a maths tutor for GCSE students, designing my own leaets and tutoring Year 10 and 11 students. This allowed me to cultivate my communication skills to explain complicated mathematical concepts as simply as possible. I can now clearly convey many ideas simply, reducing them to their core features without detracting from their meanings.
Research Assistant, Oxford Martin School, Oxford, June 2012 At the age of sixteen, I found a work placement as a research assistant for Professor Ian Goldin, the Schools director. I overhauled and updated a PowerPoint presentation for a talk on resource depletion and its relationship with international relations and economics. I changed the layout and photographs, updated its data and compiled new original graphs from more recent reports by the United Nations and World Bank. I also found new stock photos for the School and aided an academic researcher to source graphics for Professor Goldins upcoming book. I was also asked to give fresh insight on the Schools social networking capabilities as a younger member of the public. This group-orientated environment taught me professional interpersonal skills and a rigorous work ethic since my contributions were of greater signicance to others than previously experienced.
Trainee FOREX Trader, Knowledge to Action, London, June - July 2011 In the summer after GCSEs I worked for three weeks on a live trading oor. I commuted in from Oxford to London to learn how to trade foreign exchange, shares and commodities, taught by the organisations top traders. When I wasnt being mentored, I ran my own trades on a dummy account, nishing with a 3.5% prot on my original amount. I also researched specic currency pairs over long time periods, studied the behaviour of international markets and how to apply these behaviours to a strict trading methodology. This was my most independent work experience to date since I had to apply the basic principles I had learnt to the real world situation presented in the markets without any external input.
Ofce Helper, Manches LLP, Oxford, May 2010 Through a school work experience scheme, I found an administrative assistant job in the head ofce of Manches LLP solicitors. I carried out photocopying, ling and making marketing phone calls for the various sections of the law rm. I also organised the layout of a major project proposal in Adobe InDesign, and proof read it. I worked well unaided, but, as part of a team, also adapted to the dynamics of the graphic design department.
Other IGGY Junior Commissioner (International Gateway for Gifted Youth), University of Warwick In 2008, aged thirteen, I won an international competition to become one of twelve Warwick Junior Commissioners, conducting collaborative research on the topic of Education and Skills As a Human Right. From 2008 to 2009 we compiled our own research, then brought it together as a unied report. I introduced a concept of a new, holistic education system whereby all subjects work to aid the psychological growth of the individual student, inspired by the work of Ken Wilber. The experience was both intellectually and emotionally stimulating, setting me up for both individual and group projects in the future. I also received scholarships from the University of Warwick over the following three years to attend more IGGY residential courses in Warwick and Singapore, providing me with university level tuition from a very young age. The courses I attended included Solving Global Problems Using Mathematics (July 2008), Creative Writing (December 2008), Philosophical Problems In Law (August 2009) and Global Leaders (July 2010).
Interests and hobbies I have been a qualied scuba diver since the age of ten and have dived in Indonesia, the Red Sea and two aquarium shark exhibits in South Africa. I am an avid reader of ction and non-ction, especially 19th and 20th century European novels and essays. I passed ABRSM Grade 7 piano in 2012 but my passion for music reaches much further than the classical I have learnt to play, possessing a large music library of every genre. I have also taught myself how to cook and frequently host dinners for friends and family.
Nationality: British and South African Date of birth: 11 August 1994 Education University College London, BA, 2013 - 2016 Philosophy 1st Year: First Class Honours The Cherwell School Sixth Form, A2 Level, Oxford, 2013 Extended Project A, Mathematics A, Philosophy and Ethics A, Economics B The Cherwell School Sixth Form, AS Level, Oxford, 2012 Economics A, General Studies A, Mathematics A, Philosophy and Ethics A, History B Leckford Place School, GCSE, Oxford, 2011 Biology A*, Chemistry A*, English A*, English Literature A*, French A*, History A*, Mathematics A*, Music A*, Physics A* Cedar House School, Cape Town, 2008 - 2009 Scholarship for academic achievement. References Prof. Ian Goldin Director Oxford Martin School, Oxford Email: ian.goldin@oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk Phone: 01865 287430
Dr. Keith Ryan Deputy Head of Sixth Form The Cherwell School, Oxford Email: kryan@cherwell.oxon.sch.uk Phone: 01865 558719