R, Fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-Style: Semantics
R, Fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-Style: Semantics
R, Fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-Style: Semantics
R, fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-style
* **
Eunsuk Yang
AbstractThis paper deals with Kripke-style semantics for FR, a fuzzy
version of R of Relevance. For this, first, we introduce FR, define the
corresponding algebraic structures FR-algebras, and give algebraic
completeness results for it. We next introduce an algebraic Kripke-style
semantics for FR, and connect it with algebraic semantics. We furthermore
show that such semantics does not work for R.
Key WordsKripke-style semantics, Algebraic semantics, Many-valued
logic, Fuzzy logic, R, FR.
* :2012.04.01 :2012.05.20 :2012.05.29
** This paper was supported by research funds of Chonbuk National University
in 2012. I must thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments.
Eunsuk Yang
1. Introduction
It is well known that many relevance logicians have had
difficulties in providing binary relational Kripke-style semantics,
i.e., semantics with binary accessibility relations, for relevance
logics (see e.g. [3, 4]). To the best of my knowledge, any
satisfactory such semantics for R has not yet been introduced. In
this paper we show that such semantics can be provided for a
fuzzy version of the system R of Relevance, although not R
Actually, this is a free continuation of the paper [11]. In it the
author provided algebraic Kripke-style semantics for Uninorm
logic UL. Here we introduce algebraic Kripke-style semantics for
FR, a fuzzy version of R.
For this, first, in Section 2 we
introduce FR, define the corresponding algebraic structures
FR-algebras, and give algebraic completeness results for it. In
Section 3 we introduce an algebraic Kripke-style semantics for
FR, and connect them with algebraic semantics. We furthermore
show that this semantics does not work for R (see Example 3.9).
For convenience, we shall adopt the notation and terminology
similar to those in [5, 7, 8, 10], and assume familiarity with
them (together with the results found in them).
2. The logic FR and its algebraic semantics
We base FR on a countable propositional language with
To see why algebraic Kripke-style semantics are interesting, see [12].
R, fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-style Semantics
formulas FOR built inductively as usual from a set of
propositional variables VAR, binary connectives , &, , ,
and constants f, t, with defined connectives:
df1. := f
df2. := ( ) ( ).
We moreover define
:= t. For the remainder we shall
follow the customary notation and terminology. We use the axiom
systems to provide a consequence relation.
We start with the following axiomatization of FR.
Definition 2.1 FR consists of the following axiom schemes and
A1. (self-implication, SI)
A2. ( ) , ( ) (-elimination, -E)
A3. (() ()) (()) (-introduction, -I)
A4. ( ), ( ) (-introduction, -I)
A5. (() ()) (()) (-elimination, -E)
A6. (())(()()) (-distributivity,
A7. ( & ) ( & ) (&-commutativity, &-C)
A8. ( & t) (push and pop, PP)
Note that while is the extensional conjunction connective, & is the
intensional conjunction one.
A6, indeed, is redundant in FR. But we introduce this in order to show that
R is the FR omitting A13. Note that the system omitting both A6 and A13
is not R (cf see [1, 2, 4]).
Eunsuk Yang
A9. ( ) (( ) ( )) (suffixing, SF)
A10. ( ( )) (( & ) ) (residuation, RE)
A11. ( & ) (contraction, CR)
A12. (double negation elimination, DNE)
A13. ( )
( )
(t-prelinearity, PL
, (modus ponens, mp)
, (adjunction, adj).
A13 is the axiom scheme for linearity, and logics being
complete w.r.t. linearly ordered (corresponding) algebras are said
to be fuzzy logics (see e.g. [3]).
Note that the system R is the FR omitting A13. Note also that
in R (and so FR), can be defined as ( & )
(df3), and & as ( ) (df4).
Proposition 2.2 FR proves:
(1) ( & ( & )) (( & ) & ) (&-associativity, AS)
(2) ( ) ( & )
(3) ( & ( )) (( & ) ( & ))
(4) ( ( )) (( ) ( ))
(5) (( ( )) ( )) ( ).
Proof: The proof for (1) to (3) is easy, just noting that in
order to prove (3) we need A13 (cf. see [1]). We prove (4) and
For the proof of (4), first note that in R, we can easily prove
( ( )) ( ( )) and ( (
R, fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-style Semantics
)) (( & ( )) f). Then, using (3), we
can prove (( & ( )) f) (( & ) (
& )), and using de Morgan laws, we get (( & )
( & )) ( & ) ( & ). Hence, by df3,
we obtain ( ( )) (( ) ( )), as
For the proof of (5), first note that in R, we can easily prove
(( ) ( )) ( ) using (2). Then, since ((
) ( )) ( ), we can obtain ((( )
( )) (( ) ( ))) ( ). Thus,
using A6, we get (( ) (( ) ( ))) (
). Hence, using (4), we can obtain that (( ( ))
( )) ( ), as wished.
Note that R does not prove (5) in Proposition 2.2 (see [5]).
In FR, f can be defined as t. A theory over FR is a set T
of formulas. A proof in a theory T over FR is a sequence of
formulas whose each member is either an axiom of FR or a
member of T or follows from some preceding members of the
sequence using the two rules in Definition 2.1. T , more
exactly T
, means that is provable in T w.r.t. FR, i.e.,
there is a FR-proof of in T. The relevant deduction theorem
) for FR is as follows:
Proposition 2.3 ([7]) Let T be a theory, and , formulas.
) T {} iff T
Eunsuk Yang
For convenience, , , , and are used
ambiguously as propositional connectives and as algebraic
operators, but context should make their meaning clear.
The algebraic counterpart of FR is the class of FR-algebras.
Let x
:= x t. They are defined as follows.
Definition 2.4 (i) A pointed commutative residuated distributive
lattice is a structure A = (A, t, f, , , *, ) such that:
(I) (A, , ) is a distributive lattice.
(II) (A, *, t) is a commutative monoid.
(III) y xz iff x * y z, for all x, y, z A
(ii) (Dunn-algebras, [1, 2]) A Dunn-algebra is a pointed
commutative residuated distributive lattice satisfying:
(IV) x x * x (contraction).
(V) (x f) f x (double negation elimination).
(iii) (FR-algebras) A FR-algebra is a Dunn-algebra satisfying:
(VI) t (x y)
(y x)
Note that the class of Dunn-algebras characterizes the system
R. Note also that Dunn-algebras are also called De Morgan
Additional (unary) negation and (binary) equivalence operations
are defined as in Section 2.1: x := x f and x y := (x
y) (y x).
The class of all FR-algebras is a variety which will be denoted
by FR.
R, fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-style Semantics
FR-algebra is said to be linearly ordered if the ordering of its
algebra is linear, i.e., x y or y x (equivalently, x y =
x or x y = y) for each pair x, y.
Definition 2.5 (Evaluation) Let A be an algebra. An
A-evaluation is a function v : FOR A satisfying: v( ) =
v() v(), v( ) = v() v(), v( ) = v()
v(), v( & ) = v() * v(), v(f) = f, (and hence v(~) =
~v() and v(t) = t).
Definition 2.6 Let A be a FR-algebra, T a theory, a formula,
and K a class of FR-algebras.
(i) (Tautology) is a t-tautology in A, briefly an A-tautology
(or A-valid), if v() t for each A-evaluation v.
(ii) (Model) An A-evaluation v is an A-model of T if v() t
for each T. By Mod(T, A), we denote the class of A-models
of T.
(iii) (Semantic consequence) is a semantic consequence of T
w.r.t. K, denoting by T
, if Mod(T, A) = Mod(T {},
A) for each A K.
Definition 2.7 (FR-algebra) Let A, T, and be as in Definition
2.6. A is a FR-algebra iff whenever is FR-provable in T (i.e.
), it is a semantic consequence of T w.r.t. the set {A}
(i.e. T
), A a FR-algebra. By MOD
(FR), we denote the
class of (linearly ordered) FR-algebras. Finally, we write T
in place of T
Eunsuk Yang
Note that since each condition for the FR-algebra has a form
of equation or can be defined in equation (exercise), it can be
ensured that the class of all FR-algebras is a variety.
We first show that classes of provably equivalent formulas
form a FR-algebra. Let T be a fixed theory over FR. For each
formula , let []
be the set of all formulas such that T
(formulas T-provably equivalent to ). A
is the set of
all the classes []
. We define that []
= [ ]
* []
= [ & ]
, []
= [ ]
, []
= [ ]
, t = [t]
, and
= [f]
. By A
, we denote
this algebra.
Proposition 2.8 For T a theory over FR, A
is a FR-algebra.
Proof: Note that A1 to A6 ensure that and satisfy (I) in
Definition 2.4; that A7, A8, and AS ensure that & satisfies (II);
that A10 ensures that (III) holds; and that A11, A12, and A13
ensure that (IV), (V), and (VI), respectively, hold. It is obvious
that []
iff T
( ) iff T
Finally recall that A
is a FR-algebra iff T
implies T
, and observe that for in T, since T
t , it
follows that [t]
. Thus it is a FR-algebra.
We next note that the nomenclature of the prelinearity condition
is explained by the subdirect representation theorem below.
Proposition 2.9 (Cf. [10]) Each FR-algebra is a subdirect
R, fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-style Semantics
product of linearly ordered FR-algebras.
Theorem 2.10 (Strong completeness) Let T be a theory, and
a formula. T
iff T
iff T
Proof: (i) T
iff T
. The left-to-right direction
follows from definition. The right-to-left direction is as follows:
from Proposition 2.8, we obtain A
MOD(FR), and for
-evaluation v defined as v() = []
, it holds that v
Mod(T, A
). Thus, since from T
we obtain that []
= v
() t, T
t . Then, since T
t, by (mp) T
, as required.
(ii) T
iff T
. It follows from Proposition 2.9.
3. Kripke-style semantics for FR
Here we consider algebraic Kripke-style semantics for FR.
Definition 3.1 (Algebraic Kripke frame) An algebraic Kripke
frame is a structure X = (X, t, f, , , ) such that (X, t, f,
, , ) is a linearly ordered residuated pointed commutative
monoid. The elements of X are called nodes.
Definition 3.2 (FR frame) A FR frame is an algebraic Kripke
frame, where x = (x f) f, and is contractive, i.e., x
x * x.
Eunsuk Yang
An evaluation or forcing on an algebraic Kripke frame is a
relation between nodes and propositional variables, and
arbitrary formulas subject to the conditions below: for every
propositional variable p,
(AHC) if x p and y x, then y p; and
for arbitrary formulas,
(t) x t iff x t;
(f) x f iff x f;
() x = iff x and x ;
() x iff x or x ;
(&) x & iff there are y, z X such that y ,
z , and x y z;
() x iff for all y X, if y , then x y
Definition 3.3 (i) (Algebraic Kripke model) An algebraic
Kripke model is a pair (X, ), where X is an algebraic Kripke
frame and is a forcing on X.
(ii) (FR model) A FR model is a pair (X, ), where X is a
FR frame and is a forcing on X.
Definition 3.4 (Cf. [9]) Given an algebraic Kripke model (X,
), a node x of X and a formula , we say that x forces to
express x . We say that is true in (X, ) if t , and
R, fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-style Semantics
that is valid in the frame X (expressed by X models ) if
is true in (X, ) for every forcing on X.
For soundness and completeness for FR, let
be the
theoremhood of in FR. First we note the following lemma.
Lemma 3.5 (Hereditary Lemma, HL) Let X be an algebraic
Kripke frame. For any sentence and for all nodes x, y X,
if x and y x, then y .
Proof: Easy.
Proposition 3.6 (Soundness) If
, then is valid in
every FR frame.
Proof: We prove the validity of A11 as an example: it suffices
to show that if x , then x & . Assume x .
Then, since x x x, using (&), we can obtain x & ,
as required.
The proof for the other cases is left to the interested reader.
By a chain, we mean a linearly ordered algebra. The next
proposition connects algebraic Kripke semantics and algebraic
semantics for FR (cf. see [9]).
Proposition 3.7 (i) The {t, f, , , } reduct of a
FR-chain A is a FR frame.
Eunsuk Yang
(ii) Let X = (X, t, f, , , ) be a FR frame. Then the
structure A = (X, t, f, max, min, , ) is a FR-algebra (where
max and min are meant w.r.t. ).
(iii) Let X be the {t, f, , , } reduct of a FR-chain A,
and let v be an evaluation in A. Let for every atomic formula p
and for every x A, x p iff x v(p). Then (X, ) is a
FR model, and for every formula and for every x A, we
obtain that: x iff x v().
Proof: The proof for (i) and (ii) is easy. For the proof of (iii),
see Proposition 3.8 in [10].
Theorem 3.8 (Strong completeness) FR is strongly complete
w.r.t. the class of all FR-frames.
Proof: It follows from Proposition 3.7 and Theorem 2.10.
Let an R frame X be an FR frame on a partially ordered
monoid in place of a linearly ordered monoid, let an evaluation
or forcing on an R frame be the same as that on a FR
frame, and let (X, ) be an R model. Then, at first glance, (X,
) seems to be a model for R. But actually it is not. The
following example verifies it.
Example 3.9 An R model (X, ) validates Proposition 2.2 (5),
i.e., t (( ( )) ( )) ( ).
R, fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-style Semantics
Proof: By () and (), we assume x ( ( ) and
x , and show x . For this last, we further
assume y and show x * y . By the suppositions and
(), we have x * y , therefore x * y or x * y
by (). Let x * y . Then, since x , by
() we obtain x * (x * y) , therefore (x * x) * y by
the associativity of *. Then, since x x * x, using Lemma 3.5,
we get x * y .
This sentence is not a theorem of R but a theorem of FR.
Thus this model is not for R.
4. Concluding remark
We investigated algebraic Kripke-style semantics for FR, a
fuzzy version of R. We proved soundness and completeness
theorems. But we did not provide algebraic Kripke-style semantics
for R. This is an open problem left in this paper.
Eunsuk Yang
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Department of Philosophy, Chonbuk National University
R, fuzzy R, and Algebraic Kripke-style Semantics
. FR
. FR
R .
: R, FR, () , ,