AFCONS Insight July 2014
AFCONS Insight July 2014
AFCONS Insight July 2014
Practising Business HR
Project from IHI Corp
Project from IRCON Intl Ltd
JURP earns top spot
Making Headlines
From VC & MD`s Desk
2 | VOLUME NO. 04 | ISSUE 3 | July 2014
Te Human Resource (HR) team has always played a key
role whenever we have thought of any growth plans. It has
provided us with the support and has created the plat-
form to continuously innovate across all facets of business.
Despite EPC business being in doldrums globally, we have
managed to survive the onslaught due to geographic diver-
sifcation. And this wouldnt have been possible without the
strategic support of HR.
AFCONS has defned Employee Wellness and Engagement
as a key driver for success. We are pioneering Whole Well-
ness Model and Total Satisfaction Model. Te objective
of these initiatives is to help employees adopt and sustain
behavioural practices that enhance life quality and physical
well being while enhancing personal efectiveness.
We embody the qualities of a learning organisation through
diverse trainings to develop the functional and sof skills
of employees. To maintain a diverse team there has to be
a culture of trust. I congratulate the HR team for creating
conducive environments for learning and business.
S Paramasivan, Sandeep Desai,
Bhakti Prasad, Krishnakumari C,
Bivabasu Kumar
16, Shah Industrial Estate,
Veera Desai Road, Azadnagar,
Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 053,
Maharashtra, India.
Tel No: +91-22-67191000
Fax: +91-22-2673 0047/ 2673 0026
CIN No: U45200MH1976PLC019335
Labour Commissioner, Grand
Bassa County, RL. Liberia has
awarded an Appreciation Cer-
ticate for the record of 100%
safe work without "Lost Time
Injury"(LTI) on June 05, 2014
ArcelorMittal has awarded an
Appreciation Certicate for achiev-
ing 0.5 million safe man hours
without LTI on May
12, 2014
MSRDC has awarded an
Appreciation Letter for achieving
0.7 million safe man hours on May
09, 2014
SP JUHI has issued an
Appreciation Certicate for suc-
cessfully achieving "2.5 million
safe man hours without any LTA"
on the Jammu-Udhampur Highway
Project on April 24, 2014
Growth is
without HR
K Subrahmanian
3 | VOLUME NO. 04 | ISSUE 3 | July 2014 WWW.AFCONS.COM
Special Story: Business HR
Business HR
Over the past decade, Human Resource at AFCONS has played
a prominent role in organisation building that has helped the
companys businesses grow in size. There is hardly another
discipline that has evolved so quickly with new strategies to
shape the organisation and full its business goals and its
needs, writes Bivabasu Kumar
efning Human Resource (HR) can
be an intricate task chiefy due to
the myriad roles HR plays within an
organisation, but that it acts as an
engine that provides the thrust and motion for
any activity is a reality.
Top managements usually rely on HR for their
skills in linking people and numbers to diagnose
weak points and strengths in the organisation,
look into personnel benefts, compensation,
labour relations, fnd the right ft for any spe-
cialised activity and search for talent. Tis is the
transactional role of HR. Today, the scope for HR
in infrastructure industry has broadened and the
emerging need is to be a strategic business part-
ner. HR is now a part of every key decision within
the organisation and a measuring unit for all
productivity-related activities inside and outside
of an organisation.
At AFCONS, however, Business HR started a
decade ago.
In 2003, there were 180 people in the man-
agement category. Even though Marine was our
competency area, we had to build talent for future
growth. Tere are few who would take up the
challenge to join an organisation to build a new
business line. Starting a new business is like build-
ing a house from scratch. Despite several teething
problems, we successfully built new business units
like Hydro & Underground and Oil & Gas and
delivered some key projects. HR had to under-
stand the new business dynamics, their needs and
risk mitigation. So, as the business has evolved,
we have evolved and aligned ourselves as strategic
partner to drive the organization to higher levels,
recalls Ms Bhakti Prasad, Executive Vice
President, HR.
When AFCONS began operations in 1959, it
chiefy concentrated on onshore and ofshore ma-
rine jobs. But over time, it diversifed its business
into newer areas and works in full EPC capac-
ity today across verticals. Te organisation has
fve business units (Marine & Industrial, Surface
Transport, Rail & Metro, Oil & Gas, Hydro & Un-
derground) and each division has its own diverse
Talent management is, therefore, a veritable
When we talk of talent management we need
to ensure a right ft for the profle. It is since the
90s that the defnition of HR in construction in-
dustry has evolved beyond P&A. Te rush for civil
engineers started afer the Mumbai-Pune Express-
way project. Only in the last two decades with
foreign investment being allowed in infrastructure
industry, has the need for specialised people been
so prominent, she explains.
According to Ms Prasad, Business HR is a
combination of three focus areas Strategic HR,
Leadership Building and Organisation Build-
ing apart from Operational HR. While Strategic
HR manifests in aligning HR with the changing
business strategy, like creating the blueprint and
setting up of a new business division, Leadership
Building is a continuous and onerous process for
the growth of the organisation.
Despite several
teething problems,
we successfully built
new business units
like Hydro & Under-
ground and Oil & Gas
and delivered some
key projects. HR had
to understand the
new business
dynamics, their needs
and risk mitigation...
Bhakti Prasad, EVP, HR
4 | VOLUME NO. 04 | ISSUE 3 | July 2014 WWW.AFCONS.COM
Special Story: Business HR
Leaders as a right match are not readily available
in the talent market. We have, therefore, created
a Leadership Building process to develop leaders
within the organisation. We have created a talent
development system for our employees to help them
improve their skills. Our Talent Management system
covers upgrading peoples functional and sof skills
aiming at a holistic professional development of em-
ployees. Tis ensures that we have a capable second-
level management always available, she explains.
One of the basic business acumen to help an or-
ganisation perform at its best is to care for its people.
AFCONS has always emphasised on a Total Satisfac-
tion Model and has made Whole Wellness a culture
across the organisation. Tis is leading to a gradual
cultural shif where Afconians are more responsible
for their actions, more understanding about their
peers, more inclined towards teamwork and showing
greater understanding of their own physical and
mental needs.
We understand the need to invest in employee
health and wellness. Tus, we have structured our
HR policies in a way that it fosters faith within
employees and creates a strong bonding with the
organisation. We ofer some benefts that are not an
industry norm in India, besides usual incentives, re-
wards and recognition. Tese are some steps towards
Organisation Building, she adds.
Today AFCONS is a transnational EPC player
with a dominant presence in Middle East and Africa.
With every new territory, the HR department has
to quickly adapt to new regulations, labour laws
and government rules. Manning people in diferent
geographies, managing manpower and creating a
healthy ofshore environment are not small chal-
lenges. AFCONS HR does it seamlessly and uses a
cutting-edge intranet system to communicate with
HR in AFCONS is grounded in practicality. From
employee satisfaction to business expansion, it leaves
a lasting and indelible impression.
We understand the
need to invest in
employee health and
wellness. Thus, we
have structured our
HR policies in a way
that it fosters faith
within employees
and creates a strong
bonding with the
Business HR
AFCONS has ve business units Marine & Industrial, Surface Transport, Rail & Metro, Oil
& Gas, Hydro & Underground & each division has its own independent requirements
5 | VOLUME NO. 04 | ISSUE 3 | July 2014 WWW.AFCONS.COM
Strategy Conclave
Strategy Conclave 2014
he conclave, on May 26 & 27 in Mumbai
this year, focussed on developing a strategy
towards becoming a successful $1 billion
company. As we move further towards our goal,
with 50% contribution from overseas, perform-
ing beyond industry benchmarks in India as
well as overseas will be integral to our success.
Te growth will be multi-dimensional. Focus
will continue on increasing the size and volume
of projects. Concurrently, diversifcation will be
required in deepening our presence in current
geographies, penetrating new countries (in Africa
and CIS) and segments (in Railway, Monorail, Oil
& Gas etc), while maintaining our focus on execu-
tion excellence across all areas of business. Also,
since 2009, AFCONS has been evolving into an
EPC organisation.
During the last strategy conclave, the two pillars
of Focus -- BD framework and Operational Excel-
lence framework were laid out, with identifcation
of key enablers required to deliver the strategy. We
have taken the initial steps, but still have a long
journey ahead. AFCONS is thus going through
a critical phase. We are evolving from being an
India-based international EPC to a truly interna-
tional EPC player, and the actions taken over the
next two to three years will determine our success.
AFCONS leaders along with Group leadership,
discussed over two days the key components of
strategy and came up with action plans across all
three dimensions:
Business Development
Te focus segments & countries were identifed
for each BU
Within these segments, actions were identifed to
improve our probability of success in the focussed
Operational Excellence
While competing successfully against the best in
the world, we have to ensure that Operational Excel-
lence, fundamental to our competitiveness,
remains ingrained across all aspects of our
existence. Operational Excellence would result in
developing our capabilities to deliver on time, safely,
at a proft, and with stakeholders satisfaction.
Continuing on the journey started last year, in the
current year specifc actions with champions were
identifed across the four dimensions of excellence:
Organisation Building
As the organisation grows, we need capabilities
across levels to be strengthened to ensure our com-
mitment towards operational excellence is delivered.
Towards the same, actions have been identifed
which will ensure that capabilities are developed as
we grow.
LEADING THE WAY: (Top row, L to R) Mr SG Paretkar, Mr Rustom Batliwala, Mr Parag Bhargava , Mr
Darius Patel, Mr Sandeep Desai, Mr Budhaditya Bhattacharyya, Mr PR Rajendran, Mr Natarajan Baskaran,
Mr Klaus Muenz, Mr Puny Praya Boni, Mr CP Ramesh, Mr V Manivannan, Mr Minoo Lalvani, Mr Ashok
Darak, Mr Anant Kumar, Mr Mudit Sharma, Mr Satish Tengri, Ms Bhakti Prasad, Mr Arvind Sagar, Mr
Maitreya Yadav, Mr Hitesh Singh, Mr Abhijit Tailong, Mr N Selvaraj; (Bottom row, L to R) Mr P Jayaram, Mr
Shankar Krishnan, Mr Umesh Khanna, Mr R Giridhar, Mr ND Khurody, Mr R Mohan, Mr K Mahadevan, Mr K
Subrahmanian, Mr Shapoor P Mistry, Mr S Paramasivan, Mr NJ Jhaveri, Mr Pawan Parikh, Mr PK Johri, Mr
Kuppuswamy Iyer, Mr N Balaram, Mr Gokul Jawalikar, Mr Jai Mavani, Mr Akhil Kumar Gupta
As the organisation
grows, we need capa-
bilities across levels
to be strengthened to
ensure our commit-
ment towards opera-
tional excellence is
delivered. Towards
the same, actions
have been identied
which will ensure that
capabilities are devel-
oped as we grow
6 | VOLUME NO. 04 | ISSUE 3 | July 2014 WWW.AFCONS.COM
World Environment Day 2014
orld Environment Day was cel-
ebrated on June 05, at Afcons
ofce. Te HSE department
encouraged all employees to participate in
WED-2014 celebrations. Online quiz was
held to spread awareness on environment is-
sues. A short flm was screened at head ofce
highlighting the importance of solid waste seg-
regation. A frst of its kind PODCAST competi-
tion was convened across all sites and among
corporate staf. Podcasts were received from
across sites showcasing their initiatives for
environmental protection. Later, the winners
were awarded.
New Inductions
Avantsa Ramanujarao
has joined as Vice
President- Projects
at Ofce, BU-
Marine & Industrial.
He has an overall experience
of 31 years.
Shiva Kumar has joined as
Jt. General Man-
ager-Execution at
CC-29, DMRC Site.
He has an overall
experience of 24 years.
Subhash Chand Gangaraju
has joined as Jt.
General Manager-
Estimation &
Tendering at Head
Ofce. He has an overall
experience of 21 years.
Debashis Ray has joined as
Jt General Manag-
er-CPMG at Head
Ofce. He has an
overall experience
of 22 years.
June 17, 2014: Afcons
bags a project in Jammu
to construct a tunnel and
side adits at the Dhar-
gar-Baramulla New BG
Railway Line from IRCON
International Limited.
April 28, 2014: The Toka-
deh Railway Overbridge
constructed by AFCONS
for Arcelormittal-Liberia
was inaugurated by Mr
Bill Scotting, Executive
Vice President (Mines),
April 21, 2014: Afcons
bagged a project in
Dahej, Gujarat from
IHI Corporation of Civil
Works for Dahej Expan-
sion Phase IIIA-LNG
Storage Tanks.
April 17, 2014: First
successful segmental
launching was conducted
by Ground Supporting
System (GSS) at span
P516-P517 at RVNL
Project Kolkata.
News & Events
(1&2) Saplings being planted at sites (3)
HSE head Mr Ramakrishna Rao awards one of the
winners of the Quiz competition (4) Banner for
WED 2014 at HO
3 4
7 | VOLUME NO. 04 | ISSUE 3 | July 2014 WWW.AFCONS.COM
Where learning is a way of life
Stress Management Workshop at CMRL site
A one-day workshop was conducted by Mr
Ramasubramanian at Chennai Metro Project
site on April 17, 2014. Te objective of the
workshop was to help understand the concept of
stress, understand the causes & triggers of stress
in ones life. Tips for healthy diet & lifestyle to
beat stress were also shared with the participants.
Health awareness Programme - Protect
your Liver
Te programme was organised for employees
at CMRL Project site on World Liver Day on
April 19, 2014. It was conducted by Dr Anand
Ramamurty and Dr Rajeev R Sinha from Apollo
hospital, Chennai.
Health Awareness Programme - No Tobacco Day
Te programme was organised for employees
at CMRL Project site (Package 1 and 5) on
World No Tobacco Day. It was conducted by
Mrs Subhadra, Radio Oncologist from M/s
Apollo Hospital.
Anger Management & Confict Resolution at HO
A one-day workshop was conducted by Mr
Parvez Daruwala (External Faculty) at Afcons
HO on April 30, 2014. Te objective of the
workshop was to strengthen people-related
skills when dealing with conficts. Te pro-
gram prepared the attendees to understand
confict and develop ways to deal with confict
and anger management.
Powerful Wellbeing & Stress-Free Living at HO
Te workshop was conducted at Afcons
HO on May 30, 2014. Te objective of the
workshop was to help understand the concept
of stress, and powerful wellbeing to lead a bal-
anced and powerful life. It was conducted by
Ms Seema Dasgupta and Mr Hirak Mukherjee
(External faculty).
Workshop on Spirometry (Lung Function Test)
Te workshop was organised for HO em
ployees on June 11, 2014. Te test helps to
fnd out the lung capacity of each individual.
Te test is also a good indicator of the lung
condition for people who are exposed to dust,
cement and chemicals for a longer period of
time. Te Lung Function Test was conducted
for employees by Cipla Team, and lecture on
Asthma was conducted by Dr Prafulla Torat.
Te objective of the training was to
understand the impact of energy ef-
ciency and its benefts. Te programme
intends to defne the ideas of optimum
utilization of energy with maximum
productivity. Te training was carried
out at Butibori, CMRL, RVNL, Delhi,
Jammu & Udhampur sites.
Design for Non Design
Te training was planned to provide
an understanding on design aspects
of construction and adopt correct
practices at Jamnagar site on June 21,
2014. It was conducted by Mr Vivek
Abhyankar (HO-Design Dept).
Quantity Survey
Training was conducted by Mr Indra-
jit Banerjee at Chennai Metro site on
June 23 & 24. It created an under-
standing of the basics and methods
adopted in QS & billing for optimum
cost efectiveness.
HR Corner
Planning & Organising
A one-day workshop was conducted at Delhi site
on April 19, 2014. Te workshop was conducted
by Mr Mukesh Khetarpal. (External Faculty).
Problem Solving & Decision Making
A one-day workshop was organised at Jamna-
gar site on April 23, 2014. Te workshop was
to help employees understand the elements
and various tools to problem solving and deci-
sion making. Te workshop was conducted by
Mr Pabitra R Chakraborty (External Faculty).
Personal motivation & Interpersonal Skills
A one-day workshop was organised at Jamna-
gar site on June 7, 2014. It was conducted by
Mr. Preetish Shah (External Faculty).
Communication Skills
To sensitize participants on the basic rules of
persuasive communication, a one-day work-
shop on Communication Skills was organised
at Delhi site on June 25, 2014. It provided
insights on various communication processes
and informed about the tools of customer
engagement. Te workshop was facilitated by
Mr Amarjit Singh (External Faculty).
Communication Skills Workshop at Delhi site
Workshop on Spirometry at HO
Energy Management System at CMRL Pkg 01
8 | VOLUME NO. 04 | ISSUE 3 | July 2014 WWW.AFCONS.COM
Disclaimer: Afcons Insight is for private circulation only. The views and opinions expressed or implied herein are of the contributors and may not necessarily refect those of Afcons Infrastructure. Content from this publication
should not be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the consent of the editorial team.
awarded the Indian Roads and Highways Excellence Award for its outstanding contribution towards
development of Indian roads and highways. The award was recieved by Mr Ananta Kumar in New Delhi.